750 NULL bersl2 Even I have standards and would never fug a skeltal 2210 NULL Lazyturd ASDAHUIOH)AGA)G 8070 NULL DagYouAzido AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9600 NULL Kitfig >VLC/wsg/ 10210 NULL plebonite YOU SPOOPED THE SHIT OUTTA ME 11260 NULL Vae-00 THOROUGHLY SPOOKED 13090 NULL doubleuletter lmao viewer count dropping 13230 NULL jenseitz i have to admit i'm getting a real boner here 15160 NULL plebonite >:05 15160 NULL KaijinZero OH THANK GOD 19800 NULL Lazyturd DOYES GIVE A TRIGGER WARNING FOR FUCKS SAKE 20036 NULL Lazyturd also ripip viewers 22696 NULL DagYouAzido PIKACHU 28536 NULL Doyes oh god those viewers 40536 NULL Suule In b4 Duane is shit 40546 NULL the4chancup liv 43216 NULL Onewayroadx okay here we go 45026 NULL jenseitz whats the over under on when we finish today? 46966 NULL BoxDweller 40 to 120 real quick 47526 NULL KaijinZero >exciting 48336 NULL Vae-00 H E R E W E G O 51796 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 WEW only 5 minutes late 51926 NULL plebonite :duane: when 52206 NULL Chanec AGDQ killed viewers 55236 NULL Kitfig ./wsg/ and /i/ and both good boards. 56286 NULL Riggedy I'm listening 57416 NULL TWAIN liv 63529 NULL KaijinZero you know what? 65989 NULL KaijinZero why not? 71589 NULL Vae-00 4CC > AGDQ 80979 NULL Suule > AGDQ 81759 NULL Giddythefuckup oh right that started 82009 NULL Vae-00 This is the superior autismfest. 85839 NULL Giddythefuckup >TransGDQ 87039 NULL BoxDweller crack open a bear 87079 NULL Kitfig ALCOHOL ON STREAM 88639 NULL Doyes man fuck Awesome Games Done Quick 90429 NULL Kitfig MODS BAN 91379 NULL Giddythefuckup PRETTY LADY IN THE BACK 92959 NULL Suule After the Jax and Daxter ban, fuck them 93649 NULL Doyes whens Shitty Games Done Slow 95979 NULL KaijinZero i could learn to color commentate 112769 NULL Megabeastage It's easy, as long as you disregard all criticism ;) 120579 NULL KaijinZero wow 124419 NULL KaijinZero i already do that 124769 NULL doubleuletter this anthe is comfy 129829 NULL trya :ok: u_u :pistol: 134519 NULL Kitfig I'M FROM BARCELONA 135579 NULL bersl2 These kits tho 139399 NULL Kitfig WOOF. WOOF. WOOF. 140649 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 i'm willing to overcome my glorious Autism on a later game 146299 NULL jenseitz is this FPS due to better computers or better PES? 146969 NULL KaijinZero AH NO 147869 NULL KaijinZero GOD 148489 NULL plebonite D A D R O C K 150919 NULL KaijinZero THE MEMORIES 152289 NULL DagYouAzido DADROCK 154689 NULL Vae-00 WEW 154989 NULL KaijinZero EGGMAN DANCING 156989 NULL Kitfig YOU BETTER START FROM THE START 169149 NULL KaijinZero FAT EGGMAN DANCING 176769 NULL KaijinZero GET THE FUCKING BRAIN BLEACH MOM 178949 NULL TWAIN deIlluminati 180219 NULL Kitfig MULTI-TRACK LISTENING 199609 NULL MegaRingstar hello cunts 204519 NULL bersl2 >SDA 209819 NULL DagYouAzido Hi SDA! 210329 NULL BetRigtor it is TIME my dudes 217419 NULL Kitfig sda get in haxball cunt 218319 NULL Megabeastage haha no it isn't 222249 NULL bersl2 >reports of CB goals 225279 NULL BetRigtor yes it is MB it IS TIME 225479 NULL Suule > Professional commentating 230929 NULL bersl2 OF COURSE SDA THINKS 17 LOOKS GOOD 236409 NULL KaijinZero so how do you get in to color commentate? 242209 NULL BoxDweller DED 246769 NULL Vae-00 RIP 247059 NULL Megabeastage message Ved on IRC or skype 258889 NULL Doyes [typing intnensifies] 259939 NULL Riggedy send dickpics to Ved 260179 NULL jenseitz we need this kind of excitement in play calling in winter 260949 NULL Megabeastage >taka taka 261349 NULL zocram92 CLICK CLACK 263169 NULL trya @KaijinZero you send a photo of your benis :DDD to /merit/ 271199 NULL Rellem I somehow was wondering why nothing happened until I realized I was st 273589 NULL Doyes >Dooger 274679 NULL Kitfig >dooga leya 274949 NULL BoxDweller Duane 278289 NULL Suule DUANE! 279239 NULL Wijnruit Duane 279739 NULL the4chancup :Duane: 279789 NULL DagYouAzido DUANE 279809 NULL BetRigtor step 1 to commentary dont be banned :^) 283179 NULL trya DUANE! 283799 NULL vedfx contact SDA over skype at daniel._.obradovic 284169 NULL Kitfig DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT 284299 NULL Thaciscokidd DUANE 285509 NULL bersl2 :duane: 288389 NULL trya vinejoelDuane 289809 NULL BetRigtor d u a n r 291439 NULL Suule DUANE IT 291929 NULL BetRigtor fuck 292439 NULL Doyes
not going to make it 1090849 NULL tfwdaburrs ebinEbin 1099739 NULL bersl2 They need MOAH EHNEGY 1100229 NULL TWAIN get with the times 1104049 NULL TWAIN it's trixiEbin 1104249 NULL BoxDweller DED 1104899 NULL Alycornanon Also, why the fuck am I green? 1105239 NULL plebonite IT'S OGRE 1107559 NULL Vae-00 DEAD 1107559 NULL Alycornanon There we go. 1112959 NULL RDSk minervaeDerp 1119359 NULL BoxDweller gg no re 1123449 NULL Suule 3-1 1127849 NULL TYBGYCFMB gg /wsg/ 1131389 NULL DagYouAzido :gg: 1131469 NULL WEBMarshmallow :^) 1133049 NULL TWAIN deIlluminati 1134169 NULL trya DELET 1138139 NULL bersl2 Still no more than 1 goal for the losing side 1144739 NULL lichking399 >FOOTBALL 1146319 NULL BoxDweller >2(1) 1146719 NULL TYBGYCFMB <|:^) 1148829 NULL bersl2 MrDestructoid 1149799 NULL wolfman090 DELET /WSG/ 1150269 NULL plebonite gee 1151659 NULL Suule > That pass completion 1154629 NULL tfwdaburrs DEBETE :DDDDD ebinEbin 1158869 NULL TYBGYCFMB GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY 1158919 NULL RDSk SELET WORK 1165389 NULL Silvex >m-muh possession 1172649 NULL Suule 7.0 1173819 NULL trya >muh pass completion 1196999 NULL Alycornanon WHICH WORK WOULD YOU LIKE TO SELECT? 1201079 NULL Alycornanon >SAFE 1203259 NULL TWAIN Match Ends 1204179 NULL Alycornanon >NOT SAFE 1205829 NULL bersl2 JUST 1247929 NULL Silvex EVERYONE'S WATCHING 1260179 NULL plebonite >tfw everyone is watching foreveralonehappy 1263109 NULL RDSk LEL next xD 1275879 NULL Silvex EVERYBODY IS WORKING FOR THE WEEKEND 1278979 NULL Suule Benuldies 1279809 NULL amis you lied to me this is 17 1292879 NULL Silvex >chibi gundams 1293739 NULL Onewayroadx pls don't sing along. 1302359 NULL plebonite >he didn't stay in 2016 1309709 NULL RDSk >amis >saiyng the truth >2017 1310909 NULL trya >2016 1314249 NULL MegaRingstar CURRENT YEAR 1317279 NULL trya Wow, I can't fucking wait for /m/ to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those a ar 1319389 NULL LeppoBOI >/m/ will win 1331799 NULL Onewayroadx are you sure 1345989 NULL amis i retired precisely so i don't have to know shit 1349389 NULL V2givaldur e will win 1358609 NULL Onewayroadx do you bet on it 1365569 NULL RDSk Wow, I can't fucking wait for LEL xD to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those a 1367849 NULL V2givaldur are you sure about that? 1383559 NULL Megabeastage I'll bet 3 rigbux on it 1384709 NULL Onewayroadx no 1396019 NULL Megabeastage *fake rigbux 1398149 NULL Onewayroadx done 1401399 NULL doubleuletter I'm not gay but I'm rooting for /m/anly men 1414809 NULL Megabeastage wait, what did I bet? 1418859 NULL Onewayroadx well you won't find any here 1421439 NULL lichking399 Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o not 1424989 NULL amis >literally no one updated title/game since i did in Autumn :DDD 1427329 NULL RDSk >not gay in 2017 1449129 NULL DagYouAzido This channel should definitely update its description 1454319 NULL Onewayroadx >not transgender in 2017 1457639 NULL lichking399 THE CHAMPIONS 1461219 NULL DagYouAzido It still says current tournament is Summer 2016 1467139 NULL RDSk The 2016 4chan Summer Cup will be the twentieth official 4chan Cup tourn 1468109 NULL LeppoBOI >2017 >not being demi queer 1468229 NULL plebonite NO! DON'T KILL 2016 1469229 NULL chkrr00k THE CHAMPIONS 1473759 NULL amis oh those bits i can't change 1477899 NULL bersl2 Making people mad? In the current year? 1478569 NULL TWAIN DIE BESTEN 1480609 NULL Onewayroadx what do you expict form 4cc 1484199 NULL TWAIN LES GRANDES EQUIPES 1485389 NULL TYBGYCFMB HI KAIJIN 1488659 NULL RDSk >STRAYA 1490979 NULL TWAIN DA CHAAAAMPIOOOOOOOONS 1496579 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Hi @Marqod hi @KaijinZero 1501559 NULL Suule Tify as Bors 1502979 NULL BoxDweller tify as Boris 1503449 NULL MegaRingstar MERCI TWINGO 1505329 NULL Opoch rude 1507589 NULL KaijinZero hello mates 1508649 NULL NuclearFissionRobot why are these gametips so long? 1514819 NULL amis hey Ved update the panels, it's not like you're doing anything else rn 1515379 NULL bersl2 Because they're still fucked 1516259 NULL TWAIN >tifying as boris 1537009 NULL trya i have a feeling this match will be lewd and rewd, with many cards 1544539 NULL Madhate wtf am i missing something 1546409 NULL Madhate what are they playing 1551499 NULL lichking399 GO USC TROJANS 1553419 NULL Thaciscokidd Ah excellen is back 1555659 NULL metagross01 >No TTGL OP as joint anthem 1557559 NULL MegaRingstar megasXLR kawaii shit 1561519 NULL unity Wow, I can't fucking wait for /m/ to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those a a 1570619 NULL KingSpark ;-;7 1571519 NULL RDSk there are no weebs in 2017, Trump is making anime real 1617999 NULL Anzai Yoko! 1622419 NULL BoxDweller lel 1623139 NULL Onewayroadx no trump is making equestria real 1627229 NULL DagYouAzido Field goal, 3 points 1627759 NULL trya yoko diddies :DDD trixiEbin 1628989 NULL Silvex LE KEK OFF 1635839 NULL Mobaloba >Yoko stadium 1637209 NULL bersl2 Look, we talked about this on Friday 1637919 NULL Mobaloba noice 1642629 NULL bersl2 Trump will make both of them real 1650339 NULL bersl2 There is no need to fight 1651939 NULL ButchermanBert Northern hemisphere for animoos, southern hemisphere for horse 1653969 NULL fa-tg-uyfan I need enf goal horn 1657609 NULL DagYouAzido So, it's not based off TMNT? 1658239 NULL Onewayroadx can we really have both 1659179 NULL RDSk No, Hillary was going to make Equestria real. 1676449 NULL ButchermanBert Yeah, Equestria in Africa 1686279 NULL ButchermanBert Seriously, real place, check it out 1686609 NULL IcyHawtBalls GET >>>/out/ 1688179 NULL TSparx Should've voted for Vermin Supreme, he would give everyone a pony. 1690119 NULL Chanec WOA - HOAAA! 1690809 NULL TYBGYCFMB HERESY 1693689 NULL Silvex >alteisen 1700319 NULL trya praise rngeesus BibleThump <3 quinJesus 1700769 NULL Alycornanon DELETE THAT MAN. 1702559 NULL Alycornanon HERETIC! 1706069 NULL OldManSou HERESY 1706669 NULL bersl2 And for that, we're going to get an ultra-slurper 1714029 NULL bersl2 Thanks FGT 1717089 NULL BoxDweller This is a cute pitch 1719759 NULL metagross01 >dat Yoko stadium 1723049 NULL TYBGYCFMB kek 1724759 NULL BoxDweller mods = gods 1725039 NULL bersl2 #rekt 1725849 NULL Suule > Sou 1728939 NULL Alycornanon DRIVE ME CLOSER<, I WISH TO EXECUTE HIM WITH MY BOLTER! DEUS VULT 1732949 NULL Suule Please Sou win against /co/ 1737119 NULL wolfman090 >playing rouge-likes 1743349 NULL lichking399 Looks like Yoko is ALL OVER THE PITCH 1744319 NULL RDSk Sou <3 1747849 NULL Suule Save /f/ from being a total disappointment 1756559 NULL ButchermanBert >tfw still not fnished FTL 1765569 NULL Suule FTL is a shitty roguelike 1775849 NULL Suule You pretty much need a checklist to stand a chance 1785539 NULL Suule It's a fun game until the last sector though 1788479 NULL Onewayroadx Hey FTL is decnt 1794719 NULL fa-tg-uyfan Are they like rogues from WoW. 1795989 NULL RDSk FTL is fag 1804919 NULL lichking399 LEL 1806859 NULL MegaRingstar The poster below is a Hillary supporter 1812549 NULL Onewayroadx nol 1816469 NULL lichking399 Football Manager 2017 is the best roguelike 1816979 NULL Silvex GODMARS 1820379 NULL DagYouAzido WELL? 1821439 NULL trya PogChamp SAVE 1826329 NULL jenseitz that delay 1827899 NULL plebonite The poster below knows about Bane 1828339 NULL Shadowborg GOATMARS 1830259 NULL Alycornanon Remember that Yoko Littner is highly effective against Giant Robo 1834669 NULL LeppoBOI FM17 > PES 17 1842069 NULL ButchermanBert WHAT THE HELL ZAKU 1842979 NULL Alycornanon Both pilots -and- the mechs themselves. 1846619 NULL BoxDweller YOKO 1848869 NULL Silvex YOKO 1850699 NULL Alycornanon SEE WHAT I MEAN 1851579 NULL Anzai Y O K O 1851619 NULL trya Y O K O 1851669 NULL Wijnruit YOKO 1854699 NULL RDSk OH BABY 1855079 NULL ButchermanBert Goaruu 1855309 NULL Alycornanon YOKO SNIPES IT OUT. 1856999 NULL Silvex >the shitty of /m/ 1857019 NULL plebonite GROOVIN MAGIC 1857439 NULL trya <3 1858669 NULL Onewayroadx That's it 1859229 NULL Suule > THE FALLING COLONY OF /m/ 1860949 NULL doubleuletter GROOVIN MAGIC 1861389 NULL DagYouAzido GROOVIN MAGIC 1863479 NULL Mobaloba YOKO 1863719 NULL TYBGYCFMB GROOOOOOOVIN 1868279 NULL trya ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░██░░███░░░██░░░██░░█░░░█░█░░░█░ ░█░░░░█ 1871019 NULL jenseitz BEST TITTIES, POST LEWD YOKO 1877739 NULL doubleuletter e has best taste in music holy shit 1877949 NULL fa-tg-uyfan And...its a goal? Its a goal. 1884519 NULL amis i only have yoko matsugane 1890639 NULL LeppoBOI YOU GOT BEAT BY /E/ 1893029 NULL BoxDweller But /e/'s anthem is shit 1894759 NULL ButchermanBert Yoko does have a bit of an edge, being the whole field and all 1909129 NULL BoxDweller NOICE 1909229 NULL Anzai wew 1910799 NULL GTL God I just like when a player is also featured in the stadium 1910859 NULL RDSk ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░██░░███░░░██░░░██░░█░░░█░█░░░█░ █░░░░█░░ 1911889 NULL Silvex YOKO BRACE 1911999 NULL Alguien YOKO 1912129 NULL DagYouAzido KEKOFF ABUSE 1912649 NULL TYBGYCFMB YOU CANT STOP HER 1912829 NULL trya Y O K O X 2 1913209 NULL Vae-00 KEKOFF ABUSE 1914139 NULL BoxDweller ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░██░░███░░░██░░░██░░█░░░█░█░░░█░ ░ 1914369 NULL Goldomen MOST DANGEROUS LEAD 1914959 NULL ButchermanBert WHAT THE FUCK 1915189 NULL Silvex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/m/ 1915709 NULL metagross01 Y O K O 1915769 NULL Thaciscokidd holy fuck 1916429 NULL bersl2 REVERSE KEKOFF 1917029 NULL Vae-00 WEW 1917039 NULL doubleuletter G R O O V I N M A G I C 1917039 NULL Suule > THE DROPPED COLONY OF /m/ 1918749 NULL amis ResidentSleeper 1919129 NULL HeavenlyPond >/m/ 1919409 NULL jenseitz YOKO ABUSE 1921319 NULL Silvex TOP KEK 1922349 NULL DagYouAzido FAST BRACE 1923749 NULL Alycornanon This Drops the Colony. 1925519 NULL LeppoBOI KICK OFF ABUSE 1925799 NULL tfwdaburrs KEK 1926269 NULL Goldomen >Losing to team that lost to /y/ 1926719 NULL Mobaloba OH FUG 1927359 NULL ButchermanBert NERF SNIPER 1928139 NULL wolfman090 >kekoff aboose 1933259 NULL unity >the citystate of /m/ 1935859 NULL ButchermanBert NERF SNIPER NOW 1937219 NULL jenseitz THIS DOES NOT DROP 1941569 NULL jenseitz [drops] 1951169 NULL trya nice intervention Kappa 1951439 NULL tfwdaburrs >/m/ won the title >can't beat these weebs 1952529 NULL tfwdaburrs huh 1954619 NULL Silvex Hatrick when, lads? 1954659 NULL MegaRingstar https://media.riffsy.com/images/b6cd41c3ddfcf322bc334819d7abc791 1959309 NULL RDSk I'm teeling yall, lel is gonna sweep the winter cup 1960229 NULL tfwdaburrs really maksu u think 1963099 NULL DagYouAzido How long was that time between goals? 1966059 NULL metagross01 Stadium abuse? 1970539 NULL Goldomen Turns out /m/ is worst weeb team 1974059 NULL BoxDweller >/m/ 1974539 NULL RDSk 0\ 1987729 NULL lichking399 >trequartista 1990279 NULL doubleuletter Is this proof that cute girls are better than manly men? 1995209 NULL Alycornanon WOW, I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR YOKO TO KILL ALL OUR PILOTS, AGAIN. 1996319 NULL BoxDweller Yes 2002989 NULL Silvex GODMARS 2007439 NULL ButchermanBert Oooh 2007829 NULL Suule The /m/issed chances of /m/ 2008939 NULL Goldomen >ENF 2009579 NULL RDSk @doubleuletter yes, but /c/ is not playing 2015489 NULL trya wew that defense 2015619 NULL 0677h2esd Actually /m/ were the second best team last cup. 2026239 NULL trya it's like yoko has a free pass 2027669 NULL 0677h2esd most assists and most saves 2029219 NULL Goldomen what last cup? 2034389 NULL 0677h2esd last elite 2034999 NULL RDSk it was actually /o/'s year 2036239 NULL Goldomen Winter? 2042659 NULL MegaRingstar Merci 2045069 NULL bersl2 OH U GUIZE 2051629 NULL jenseitz u mean when they got >raped at 90+++? 2060339 NULL Alycornanon Well, they're trying not to let Yoko kiss any of their pilots... 2063369 NULL Goldomen All I remember /fit/ being the latest elite champs 2065499 NULL BoxDweller wew lad 2069449 NULL LeppoBOI If /mlp/ wins again can we assume its all rigged 2070289 NULL bersl2 Bouncing tits? 2070509 NULL Onewayroadx https://i.imgur.com/wgGpkro.gif 2082529 NULL Sleelan >implying it's not all rigged 2084379 NULL RDSk Pone wins lul 2084689 NULL Alguien no no, i am sure /o/ won the last elite cup, it was /o/ year after al 2094769 NULL Goldomen I'm sure they did /o/ 2100709 NULL jenseitz no they lost 2101969 NULL cemedygeld >/m/ 2103219 NULL jenseitz 5-2 2103929 NULL Sleelan >0(0) 2104879 NULL TWAIN >0(0) 2105439 NULL HeavenlyPond >0(0) 2105559 NULL doubleuletter >no shots 2106509 NULL jenseitz don't you remember? 2113569 NULL AnonymousGoat Top shots 2114639 NULL BoxDweller >0(0) ResidentSleeper 2115389 NULL Giddythefuckup MANE event :^) 2119539 NULL UpdateGuy No it was /o/'s year 2119829 NULL Wijnruit >0(0) 2121659 NULL Goldomen i think you have a bad memory 2122859 NULL RDSk >muh puseshn 2123009 NULL bersl2 weeb /sp/ 2123209 NULL TYBGYCFMB WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2124749 NULL plebonite most dangerous lead 2129499 NULL Goldomen Since it was /o/'s year 2137529 NULL BoxDweller Well memed 2145089 NULL Alycornanon I came here to weak-header at you 2146809 NULL bersl2 TOGETHER FOREVER IS STILL REAL TO ME 2152599 NULL Onewayroadx https://imgur.com/gallery/wgGpkro 2152679 NULL PuffyVolvo 2017 is /o/'s year also 2158239 NULL Goldomen >Choko 2161999 NULL 0677h2esd Now /o/ is #1 in ranking 2162259 NULL Onewayroadx hmmm how dose this work 2166679 NULL jenseitz >SDA 2166989 NULL RDSk TOGETHER FORNEVER EVER 2167749 NULL Silvex >this delayed SDA 2168809 NULL HeavenlyPond >SDA on a 10 second delay 2169979 NULL UpdateGuy Every year is /o/'s year 2186639 NULL plebonite IT'S /o/'s YEAR BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2199569 NULL UpdateGuy It's like the zodiac but there's only 1 sign 2202559 NULL bersl2 >operating heavy machinery >being distracted by grills 2205789 NULL freefugot yoko has slutty titts 2210849 NULL bersl2 SHIT /m/ GET IT TOGETHER 2216659 NULL Goldomen reminder of /a/'s sacrifice that lead to every weeb team going to el 2220759 NULL RDSk if 2016 was /o/'s year, baby!,whose year is 2017 2223279 NULL Goldomen and /y/ does not count 2237539 NULL MegaRingstar MERCI TWINGO 2239839 NULL UpdateGuy 2017 is also /o/'s year 2240869 NULL trya it's /co/'s year, baby, WOOOOOOOOOO 2247599 NULL bersl2 2017 will be /y/'s year, because Gold Defender will work 2251919 NULL plebonite Excuse me lady, but you are standing on the middle of the stadium w 2257789 NULL metagross01 >Gold Defender 2258869 NULL DagYouAzido We need a Weeabowl 3, an ACTUAL Weeabowl 2269299 NULL bersl2 OK, I can't actually say that with a straight face 2273429 NULL DagYouAzido A regular cup format instead of straight knockout this time! 2276939 NULL RDSk But muh tits are biuncing EVERYWHERE 2294139 NULL UpdateGuy Char is distracted 2301259 NULL GTL 2017 is going to be /pol/'s year 2303499 NULL Silvex >that crossfield ball 2304749 NULL ButchermanBert If only they made some kind of bra specifically for wearing wh 2304919 NULL Silvex muh dick 2308039 NULL Onewayroadx fucking hitbox why are you so shit 2308379 NULL Thaciscokidd Char is only distracted by little girls 2309729 NULL Goldomen Lelouch will make /a/ great again 2317329 NULL Silvex ^ this 2321119 NULL 0677h2esd But do 77 strikers work? I don't think so with the improved defense 2325229 NULL metagross01 ^ 2336329 NULL BoxDweller > 2339469 NULL Goldomen < 2340899 NULL doubleuletter v 2340899 NULL LeppoBOI >2017 >not being /pol/s year 2340999 NULL ButchermanBert Using Geass on the goalie is still cheating 2343679 NULL Goldomen Klappa 2348619 NULL bersl2 Γ 2359319 NULL admiralmeru holy fuck /m/ 2361039 NULL Silvex >subs at 78' 2363149 NULL trya ./pol/ will run out of meme magic this year 2365959 NULL metagross01 >superman 2366809 NULL DagYouAzido 79' 2367429 NULL RDSk < 2367809 NULL TWAIN >supernab 2368159 NULL tfwdaburrs LAZY FUCK 2369539 NULL plebonite who /lazy fuck/ here 2375279 NULL BoxDweller mm :ok: u_u 2375509 NULL trya \ S / 2378799 NULL Silvex LAZY FUCK 2379079 NULL DagYouAzido Why does Iron Giant have the Superman emblem? 2383329 NULL bersl2 LIFELONG /lazy fuck/ FAN 2385229 NULL metagross01 LIFELONG /lazyfuck/ HERE 2387199 NULL admiralmeru wow /m/ i knew you were shit but holy FUCK 2387699 NULL doubleuletter did you even watch the movie 2391509 NULL Kurozu because Iron Giant is the best Superman movie 2392789 NULL DagYouAzido No problem, SDA! 2394919 NULL admiralmeru what the hell even is this 2401879 NULL admiralmeru YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/! 2405909 NULL BoxDweller ded 2407989 NULL trya DELET 2412419 NULL ButchermanBert F 2412499 NULL RDSk ded 2415239 NULL BoxDweller lel 2415839 NULL Silvex >shin 2416749 NULL FukouDa >Wear Kamen Rider kits 2418419 NULL FukouDa >Lose 2419069 NULL metagross01 >Getting beat by the team that lost to /y/ 2426989 NULL 0677h2esd OK this shit formation explains it 2428959 NULL Suule > YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/ 2436239 NULL BackgroundPony ACTIVATE IT 2437789 NULL FukouDa This confirms that Karate Bugmen aren't /m/ 2446339 NULL RDSk >it's JUST /e/! 2450679 NULL zocram92 Rinko is a CB 2450709 NULL BoxDweller >rinko 2453309 NULL trya W I D E 2453469 NULL zocram92 who is now on attack 2456099 NULL Silvex YOU GOT BEAT BY LEL 2463559 NULL zocram92 because of S U P E R M E N T A L I T Y 2464679 NULL Suule > JUST 2467219 NULL ButchermanBert Oooh 2471039 NULL metagross01 YOU GOT SCORED BY YOKO AND YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/ 2486149 NULL doubleuletter pilots dying left and right 2495349 NULL metagross01 They're trying to kiss Yoko 2500969 NULL zocram92 literally a 2-4-4 right now 2505059 NULL Suule >2-0 2505439 NULL RDSk Next match is M/a/GA vs. #StillWith/h/er 2506559 NULL metagross01 2-0 2507749 NULL freefugot yoko a shit 2507849 NULL Silvex Lads 2508119 NULL admiralmeru YOU GOT BEAT BY LEL 2509049 NULL xxMako YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/ 2510979 NULL tfwdaburrs >/m/ 2511689 NULL Silvex How do we fix /m/? 2514669 NULL Suule YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/ 2515639 NULL BoxDweller >/m/ 2516299 NULL Goldomen YOU GOT BEAT BY /e/ 2516779 NULL admiralmeru >/m/ 2520459 NULL metagross01 YOU GOT B/e/AT BY /e/ 2521949 NULL Onewayroadx man 2522039 NULL ButchermanBert Should have chosen V3 2523619 NULL trya lel 2524999 NULL Goldomen It's /a/ time now 2527559 NULL Goldomen Get hyp 2527779 NULL metagross01 >Next Match is Asuka vs Rei 2530539 NULL plebonite lel 2533569 NULL Silvex Just fuck /m/y shit up fam! 2535399 NULL DagYouAzido That /m/ player applauding /e/'s performance 2535739 NULL Deltadutch so this year will the colony drop? 2536189 NULL xxMako Dear /m/, YOU'RE FUCKING SHIT 2543699 NULL freefugot is it 2013 again? 2543819 NULL Suule > Ved 2546179 NULL Suule > Early 2546299 NULL admiralmeru YOU GOT BEAT BY LEL 2551739 NULL freefugot when /a/ was gr8 2552739 NULL Suule WHAT IS THIS MEME MAGIC 2553199 NULL Alycornanon >VED EARLY 2554349 NULL Goldomen I can't wait for /m/ to lose... AGAIN 2556809 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Ved was on time yesterday 2557639 NULL tfwdaburrs >VED 2564429 NULL NuclearFissionRobot and is early today 2566179 NULL doubleuletter weeabowl best bowl 2567569 NULL TWAIN >we're ahead of time 2568369 NULL Alycornanon WHAT IS THIS?! 2571609 NULL tfwdaburrs >weebowl 2584329 NULL RDSk M/a/GA or #StillWith/h/er? 2592159 NULL metagross01 M/a/GA 2593359 NULL Goldomen M/a/GA 2595799 NULL FukouDa >/fit/ vs /sp/ 2599209 NULL ButchermanBert M/a/GA 2618619 NULL Goldomen >negative stats 2623119 NULL plebonite I BELIEVE THAT SHE WILL WIN, I BELIEVE THAT SHE WILL WIN, I BELIEVE 2623739 NULL ButchermanBert >implying it's still firnedly when you get cleats to the nuts 2637199 NULL Sleelan It's time for the new permafetus team :^) 2639139 NULL wolfman090 this cup went down when /mlp/ won 2645409 NULL DagYouAzido What was Yoko's rating? 2651259 NULL doubleuletter 7.0 i think 2662639 NULL DagYouAzido Okay then 2664203 NULL xxMako 7.0 2664833 NULL Opoch I did go downhill from there. Can't get any better afterall :^) 2685263 NULL BoxDweller [silence] 2690093 NULL doubleuletter [rigging] 2690313 NULL wolfman090 welcome to hell dois 2691093 NULL bersl2 >solid 7.0 2700513 NULL wolfman090 [internal rigging\ 2717353 NULL IcyHawtBalls You dropped you square bracket. Here you go. ] 2739763 NULL Opoch forgot your r bud 2740223 NULL metagross01 >(YOU) 2743433 NULL BoxDweller (You) 2743503 NULL DagYouAzido >(YOU) 2744783 NULL Laccal I am sorry, but did /a/ already lose? 2748123 NULL metagross01 Hey, where's our saviour Lelouch? 2753693 NULL FukouDa (You) 2755433 NULL DagYouAzido @vedfx You can use Sad Panda stadium 2763543 NULL IcyHawtBalls Oh, so I did. Thank for you the r 2770453 NULL TWAIN (You) 2787243 NULL metagross01 Use Sad Panda 2794473 NULL Onewayroadx let's pray for /a/ shell we, it's the least we can do. 2801973 NULL metagross01 LELOUCH 2808183 NULL BoxDweller >Accel the captain 2811573 NULL vedfx gotcha, thanks 2811673 NULL metagross01 >EVER 2817733 NULL TWAIN early ved repent 2822263 NULL DagYouAzido Np 2823873 NULL Onewayroadx they sufferd enough 2824153 NULL ButchermanBert Megumin? This will be a blast 2826003 NULL AnonymousGoat I ove that pitch 2833023 NULL doubleuletter megumeme 2835583 NULL metagross01 >Bort starting 2837063 NULL metagross01 Oh god 2848063 NULL BoxDweller Reminder that Bert did nothing wrong 2850103 NULL ButchermanBert Better than Lalatina 2869233 NULL bersl2 Bert was a good boy; he dindu nuffin wrong 2873843 NULL Onewayroadx even thouge he did everything wrong 2893633 NULL ButchermanBert Not everything, just most things 2912373 NULL Rellem >keeper captain 2915043 NULL drmchsr0 Bert did everything wrong 2916283 NULL wolfman090 not everything, he just did nothing right 2916363 NULL Rellem is that okay? 2919253 NULL bersl2 And this is why you still suck, /a/. Have you not learned the lesson o 2920653 NULL bersl2 ? 2925863 NULL NotManticore Rellem it's legal. 2932693 NULL FukouDa At least Bort didn't have to live through what AoT is now 2933213 NULL NotManticore Might be a mistake though, or not. 2933783 NULL drmchsr0 piece of shit died to ARMIN 2936903 NULL wolfman090 >(you) 2937983 NULL Rellem pretty sure I have not seen that ever 2947743 NULL drmchsr0 AFTER MURDERING ARMIN 2949083 NULL Onewayroadx misseing missing every chance he got yeah that's everything 2950263 NULL NotManticore One way or another it's legal. 2956973 NULL BoxDweller >he's still reading SnK 2957053 NULL FukouDa But >/co/ turned to permafetus after they sacked The Flush 2994553 NULL drmchsr0 HE DIED TO A DEAD MAN 3001873 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Schoing SDA 3002133 NULL bersl2 >Australian Internet 3007083 NULL NuclearFissionRobot echoing 3007743 NULL Silvex LELOUCH 3009273 NULL Kitfig Okay, who wants /wsg/ OC. 3012083 NULL JohnHayabusa Hello 3013283 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Echoing SDA 3015243 NULL fa-tg-uyfan >remove 3016523 NULL JohnHayabusa >(you) 3019543 NULL Kitfig I said ten minutes and it ended up being like twenty 3020683 NULL Onewayroadx it's hard man 3026263 NULL Kitfig But here you go http://is.4chan.org/wsg/1483898045715.webm 3026893 NULL KaijinZero skype everybody 3028833 NULL metagross01 Aren't /a/'s aesthetics the new ones but the lineup is the old on 3037253 NULL Kitfig Enjoy shitty quality 3044953 NULL IcyHawtBalls Did you upgrade your skype experience yet? 3047603 NULL Megabeastage >champions league anthem 3052313 NULL Megabeastage >with a fetus team 3054973 NULL Megabeastage lmao 3058363 NULL Giddythefuckup >SMUG >ANIME >FACE 3058843 NULL Giddythefuckup hue 3060383 NULL ButchermanBert Onore Dick/a/do 3077423 NULL IcyHawtBalls Is this still test cup? 3085473 NULL metagross01 These are friendlies. 3089853 NULL BoxDweller Hello? 3093573 NULL Clerish >Aren't /a/'s aesthetics the new ones but the lineup is the old one? 3094533 NULL Clerish Yes 3094883 NULL lichking399 H _ E _ L _ L _ O 3096243 NULL doubleuletter Mating Press fucking lol 3098273 NULL lichking399 WHO PHONECALL HERE 3100553 NULL JohnHayabusa Who /a/ here? 3103403 NULL IcyHawtBalls This is winter friendlies? 3110393 NULL BoxDweller ye 3114543 NULL ButchermanBert Friendly like a polarbear to the face 3122173 NULL IcyHawtBalls No bully? 3124823 NULL JohnHayabusa Anyone has watched that /u/rara anime? 3128733 NULL BoxDweller Me nigga 3136063 NULL FukouDa MrDestructoid 3154133 NULL bersl2 MOSHI MOSHI 3159483 NULL DagYouAzido Fugg 3164363 NULL bersl2 FUG DESU 3181093 NULL Chanec #BringBackMe 3186163 NULL FukouDa :clap: 3194453 NULL OldManSou WHO WAS PHONE? 3195103 NULL FukouDa >Involve SDA 3199243 NULL FukouDa >Something breaks 3202923 NULL FukouDa EVERY TIME 3203233 NULL metagross01 >spanish flea 3206313 NULL BoxDweller lel 3207113 NULL bersl2 lel 3207163 NULL DagYouAzido ResidentSleeper 3208153 NULL SilentCook kek 3208663 NULL tfwdaburrs lyl 3208893 NULL NotManticore Appropriate. 3210283 NULL silvertear lol 3210903 NULL LordNigelFarage lel 3214013 NULL Chanec lal 3216283 NULL TWAIN oh we're actually waiting to stop being ahead of time? 3216883 NULL BoxDweller lul 3218703 NULL metagross01 lel 3220063 NULL TWAIN interesting 3224063 NULL KaijinZero uh...techinical difficulties guys 3225983 NULL Kitfig >/wsr/'s wait until Spring.avi 3229163 NULL bersl2 MrDestructoid intensifies 3231303 NULL Marqod Well, gotta get that delay in somehow... 3231933 NULL TYBGYCFMB ses 3232343 NULL LordNigelFarage lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel 3235463 NULL Smudgey Robot noises intensify 3243583 NULL MegaRingstar Anime was a mistake 3248013 NULL bersl2 >/y/ 3252543 NULL FukouDa Robot SDA Repent 3258403 NULL Mobaloba >4CC ahead of schedule 3266623 NULL Mobaloba am i in hell? 3269853 NULL Kitfig Technical Difficulties haxball anyone 3269923 NULL metagross01 KEK 3270173 NULL TWAIN kek 3270303 NULL bersl2 hue 3271483 NULL FukouDa Yes 3276113 NULL plebonite YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHERE TO STAND 3279673 NULL Onewayroadx tch 3280313 NULL FukouDa Set it up, Kit 3285783 NULL Gortef Deghnigal Diffigulties trixiEbin 3290553 NULL Chanec literally #BringBackChance 3295093 NULL SilentCook Make the Bors smol 3297163 NULL LordNigelFarage trollface XD 3297583 NULL Chanec this is not hard to do, folks 3299513 NULL metagross01 smol bors 3300013 NULL Onewayroadx oh well shows over kids go home 3300263 NULL Chanec literally onejob 3301253 NULL KaijinZero we can 3303623 NULL the4chancup ...@ 3304693 NULL bersl2 >SDA 3305933 NULL BoxDweller No I'm deaf 3309303 NULL NotManticore >SDA 3313163 NULL metagross01 >SDA and >Ved together 3313393 NULL FukouDa ADS< 3314563 NULL Kitfig http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~22b7effaceb7f21bc7df257eb686b78229401f 3317533 NULL metagross01 This is gonna be fun 3317983 NULL TWAIN ...@ 3319393 NULL LordNigelFarage TOP LEL XDDDDDDDDDD trollface 3321993 NULL Marqod This is good fun. 3323103 NULL hufje ...@ 3324853 NULL Opoch I leave for two minutes and what happens? 3328743 NULL Sleelan Sitting in the tree, R I G G I N G 3330713 NULL ButchermanBert And it went so well yesterday 3332953 NULL LordNigelFarage ...@ 3340463 NULL plebonite BRAVO 4CC :clap: 3342083 NULL NotManticore ...@ 3346893 NULL AnonymousGoat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1YmS_VDvMY 3348013 NULL BoxDweller FrankerZ 3350353 NULL JohnHayabusa (You) is a great girl 3351203 NULL metagross01 FrankerZ 3353593 NULL Sleelan >>>/adv/ 3354103 NULL NotManticore Ved add more bling. 3355163 NULL TWAIN RalpherZ 3356533 NULL DagYouAzido FrankerZ 3356783 NULL TYBGYCFMB ...@ 3358563 NULL ayy10 ...@ 3358723 NULL MilSurpAnon :clap: 3360203 NULL FukouDa >Advice Dog 3360823 NULL JohnHayabusa But Yohane is best Aqours 3363073 NULL the4chancup ...@ 3364933 NULL TWAIN hello 3370633 NULL Onewayroadx :clap: 3370803 NULL Gortef ... 3375413 NULL metagross01 Yohane/DIA/Mari best Aqours 3375673 NULL JohnHayabusa ..@ 3375703 NULL FukouDa It's like I'm back in 2008 or something 3379833 NULL Kitfig http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~22b7effaceb7f21bc7df257eb686b78229401f 3382823 NULL DagYouAzido My personal favorite Aqours is Kanan... what is wrong with me? 3385423 NULL doubleuletter where the fuck do you get these lmao 3389733 NULL KaijinZero google 3392353 NULL KaijinZero where else? 3395783 NULL MegaRingstar https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RDl1YmS_VDvMY& 3396333 NULL metagross01 Suicide? 3396563 NULL DonRavioli Copy that 3397033 NULL Onewayroadx get this shit off the screen 3398213 NULL TYBGYCFMB C O P Y T H A T 3401143 NULL AnonymousGoat ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ 3403233 NULL FukouDa COPY THAT 3403233 NULL JohnHayabusa Pls 3404253 NULL TWAIN COVER (YOU) 3405863 NULL Marqod >Australian commentary management 3407123 NULL plebonite ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ 3407763 NULL xxMako what the hell is going on? 3411893 NULL NotManticore Just add more of these. 3411933 NULL o3Yen :clap: 3412173 NULL TYBGYCFMB ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ 3416233 NULL lAlexl7l WOAH HEY GUYS 3418713 NULL the4chancup filling time because we're early 3419623 NULL BoxDweller Kappa test Kappa 3420293 NULL the4chancup believe it or not 3420553 NULL Vilip ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫ 3420843 NULL doubleuletter ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ 3422233 NULL SirWinn why did it bug out? 3425453 NULL Mobaloba COPY THAT 3426233 NULL Sleelan Ved you having a giggle there? 3431463 NULL metagross01 ElEgIGGLE 3432363 NULL the4chancup so ved's just havvin a giggle 3434383 NULL Marqod Currently commentary issues, Boris. 3435703 NULL lAlexl7l >you got it 3440193 NULL TWAIN but we're late now 3440233 NULL SirWinn ty 3445053 NULL KaijinZero we gettin it 3445333 NULL indistrikable now this is the 4cc i know and love 3445703 NULL Opoch NOW LATE 3446803 NULL MegaRingstar ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ coalburners ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ 3447683 NULL tfwdaburrs 1 bing late 3449013 NULL Onewayroadx oh for god's sake 3449113 NULL ayy10 THAT 3449443 NULL CaptSausage wut is happening? 3450453 NULL Marqod It's >Skype being >Skype 3451143 NULL NotManticore >de lay 3453453 NULL DagYouAzido Mwee? 3458723 NULL KaijinZero *we're not gettin it please send help* 3460213 NULL Opoch >18:02 3463203 NULL ButchermanBert Time for muffins 3463343 NULL plebonite ʇɐɥʇ ʎdoɔ 3465133 NULL TYBGYCFMB THE SKYPE EXPERIENCE 3466893 NULL KaijinZero *discord get potato cam already 3466983 NULL NotManticore Ved add Daily Dose 3468143 NULL NotManticore :^) 3468693 NULL bersl2 Are you sure it's not >Ausfailian Internet 3469623 NULL lAlexl7l PRESS S TO SNED HELP 3469873 NULL bersl2 ? 3471033 NULL Chanec SDA literally cannot use skypes most basic function 3474783 NULL Chanec making a phone call 3480953 NULL SirWinn hope by the next elite we get discord rigg screen 3481043 NULL DagYouAzido >music starting to fade out 3481533 NULL Onewayroadx somebody call the 4cc police 3482333 NULL lockhe4rt sned help 3483103 NULL admiralmeru i am a smol chillun and wat is this 3488553 NULL DagYouAzido No, wait 3493853 NULL plebonite IS THIS A COUP? 3495973 NULL doubleuletter are abbos raping him? are the emus attacking his internet? 3497863 NULL DonRavioli We need... more memes 3501433 NULL BoxDweller Kappa test two Kappa 3502723 NULL KaijinZero the fuckiing loli looking at all thememes 3503723 NULL MegaRingstar THE GAME 3507123 NULL FukouDa THE EMUS ARE BACK 3507253 NULL metagross01 >/sp/ 3508093 NULL TWAIN dem stars 3510833 NULL SilentCook >/sp/ 3511363 NULL Silvex Fuck off Ved 3512653 NULL o3Yen >/sp/ 3512913 NULL admiralmeru >/sp/ 3513193 NULL Silvex 3 stars oon 3514123 NULL plebonite TRIGGERED 3514803 NULL Silvex *soon 3516023 NULL FukouDa >/sp/ 3516783 NULL lockhe4rt >/sp/ 3518813 NULL KaijinZero >/sp/ 3519173 NULL metagross01 >9 stars 3519863 NULL Kitfig tfw your only haxball opponent left 3520313 NULL Mobaloba THE EMUS AND BACK FOR ROUND TWO 3523393 NULL MegaRingstar THE GAEM 3523433 NULL JohnHayabusa >/sp/ 3524303 NULL Chanec http://puu.sh/tfy3y/a6f3db6654.jpg 3526993 NULL Chanec SDA.png 3528033 NULL bersl2 SHOTS FIRED 3528823 NULL OldManSou ITS COMING HOME LADS 3528823 NULL IcyHawtBalls ResidentSleeper 3529553 NULL lockhe4rt that SNOOP DICK 3529683 NULL Kitfig probably because he was hungarian and I was winning 7-0 3530913 NULL metagross01 DUSTY 3534313 NULL DonRavioli FREE DUSTY 3534483 NULL admiralmeru #freedusty 3535833 NULL FukouDa DUSTY 3540043 NULL DagYouAzido FREE DUSTY 3541203 NULL Kitfig PUT /Y/ KITS ON THE SCREEN 3541473 NULL Suule > ON TIME 3542083 NULL kekfag Fucking newfag mods deleting the threads 3543243 NULL lockhe4rt FREE DUSTY 3545663 NULL KaijinZero #free Dusty 3546573 NULL carlosolrac20 I like this better 3546873 NULL TYBGYCFMB FREE mY NIGGA DUSTY HE DINDU NUFFIN 3548273 NULL admiralmeru FREE DUSTY 3556513 NULL lAlexl7l PRESS F TO FREE DUSTY 3558483 NULL Onewayroadx at what meme level are we now? 3559123 NULL LordNigelFarage F 3559713 NULL admiralmeru F 3561333 NULL TYBGYCFMB F 3561883 NULL metagross01 MAGOS DEL TIEMPO 3563473 NULL Chanec #ahead of schedule 3564083 NULL lockhe4rt f 3564463 NULL plebonite MAGO DEL TIEMPO?! 3566883 NULL Boomvb F 3568593 NULL lAlexl7l MAGO DEL TIEMPO 3569333 NULL tfwdaburrs F 3571193 NULL JohnHayabusa F 3571513 NULL bersl2 MEMECON 3 3574063 NULL tfwdaburrs FUG 3574063 NULL admiralmeru BENIS 3575223 NULL doubleuletter ebin 3575903 NULL plebonite :DDDDDDDDD 3576273 NULL SilentCook BENIS 3577063 NULL metagross01 BENIS trixiEbin 3577433 NULL Suule BENIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 3578033 NULL bersl2 BENIS 3578223 NULL Kitfig fg XD 3578223 NULL DonRavioli BENIS :DDDDDDDDD 3578273 NULL Sleelan How many memes are you on right now ved? 3579643 NULL admiralmeru BENIS :DDDDDDD 3580183 NULL kekfag fugg :DD 3580223 NULL DagYouAzido BENIS 3581093 NULL lockhe4rt :DDDD 3584063 NULL wasad ebinEbin :DDDDDDDDDDDD 3585123 NULL tfwdaburrs :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 3585653 NULL AnonymousGoat EBIN 3585883 NULL TWAIN trixiEbin 3586033 NULL LordNigelFarage BENIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDD 3586853 NULL Suule XDDDDDDDDD 3587893 NULL SilentCook ebinEbin :DDD 3590803 NULL plebonite FUG I'M UBSIDE DOWN :DDD 3591043 NULL lockhe4rt FUGG 3593533 NULL LordNigelFarage EBIN 3594543 NULL metagross01 MY SIDES 3595073 NULL Vilip BENIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 3596243 NULL Marqod