3400 NULL PWJP How many neps would nepnep nep if nepnep could nep neps? 6320 NULL FukouDa >Mods can post Nep, but we can't 7180 NULL HeavenlyPond LIV 10200 NULL FukouDa ;__; 10650 NULL BoxDweller liv 10890 NULL CptCourage That is a Smug Nep 18350 NULL FukouDa KONG 22110 NULL MerkaST Ah yes, it works 24520 NULL CatFacts WAVE YOUR FLAG /bdog/ 26660 NULL polybius ROLLING STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR 28370 NULL BoxDweller ROLLING STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR 35210 NULL Denkocchi right on time 36380 NULL RoronaBest STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAART 39370 NULL UselessNepgear told you, I always deliver xieDesu 40640 NULL amis swedish efficiency has rubbed off on him 41420 NULL BoxDweller Duane 42890 NULL McMelanogaster ROLLING 43780 NULL BoxDweller rip Duane 44680 NULL zocram92 PogChamp PogChamp 46630 NULL PWJP COME ON AND SLAM 48650 NULL BeastSkinner WOOOOO 48900 NULL polybius COME ON AND SLAM 49370 NULL silvertear wait, what's going on? 51690 NULL Olecei COME ON AND SLAM 55100 NULL KapperZ WELCOME TO THE JAM 67040 NULL amis VGL fetus 69320 NULL Denkocchi fetus for a competition to get on a fetus team 72110 NULL Denkocchi :^) 82346 NULL polybius so this is the fetus of a fetus? 83916 NULL MaynRavun this is some advanced fetus shit 84646 NULL BoxDweller Ge-ge 93546 NULL RoronaBest Being /vg/ is suffering. 94016 NULL CatFacts RAISE YOUR /bdog/! 101316 NULL MaxPiston fetusception 102796 NULL Denkocchi :bdog: 107926 NULL silvertear so, this is the conception cup? 111436 NULL huehuehue That shit is buffering for me 120956 NULL amis bad dog? 126276 NULL FukouDa This is more like the "Can't get it up" Cup 127666 NULL Denkocchi I got wiki autism btw 130076 NULL ByteMouse OH let's gooo 137496 NULL Alguien WELLCOME TO THE JAM 148086 NULL amis good placement with the wiki link on the menu background 172176 NULL MaynRavun when will :vg: git gud? 179526 NULL Denkocchi this autumn 181956 NULL Denkocchi I hope 188626 NULL RamenRaisin never ever 189886 NULL zocram92 >/vg/ >gud 191036 NULL CloverFifz COME ON AND SLAM, AND WELCOME TO ISLAM 192156 NULL BoxDweller Is Black Desert that one Gook mmo? 194956 NULL Olecei NEVER EVER 200936 NULL RoronaBest I believe so 201746 NULL FukouDa They'll probably git gud before >/co/ 212456 NULL polybius
Pixelated furries 523690 NULL PWJP how horrifying 528700 NULL QDvg if you would like an explanation for these meme blenders, please Google 531320 NULL QDvg ;) 535230 NULL BasedSmugleaf Sense deprived anon you mean 535230 NULL Olecei kek 535680 NULL RamenRaisin no thanks 536980 NULL BasedSmugleaf :^] 539900 NULL BoxDweller rekt 544460 NULL HeavenlyPond Yui? 548190 NULL Virule 'SAVAGE 550010 NULL FukouDa YUNO 551090 NULL RoronaBest Look at all those furries 553730 NULL Gruyurg DOOM MUSIC 554870 NULL BasedSmugleaf Muh framerate 555310 NULL BoxDweller Getting a lot of lag 558290 NULL SIeix YIFF IN HECK 559480 NULL Gruyurg DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 559520 NULL anonyt rip frame rate 560430 NULL RamenRaisin SILKY SMOOTH 560620 NULL MaxPiston XI_______IX 562040 NULL PWJP These are some disorganized anthems 565330 NULL lwllw [frame dropping intensifies] 565520 NULL BoxDweller ;_;7 567270 NULL KapperZ SILKY 5 FPS 567290 NULL Gruyurg MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 595920 NULL polybius IT BEGINS 597360 NULL FukouDa >/jp/ 599740 NULL FukouDa ;__; 608030 NULL Olecei [Crowd Noises Intensifies] 620260 NULL PWJP NICE START 620450 NULL RoronaBest Silky smooth 628940 NULL HeavenlyPond so this is the power of 1.04 629980 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon Lovin 1.04 so far 630160 NULL MaynRavun REMOVE DOTS 630660 NULL Alguien [Nep talking in the crowd] 631180 NULL BoxDweller lel 631490 NULL FukouDa >Both the attacker and defender fail to get that cross 633270 NULL MaynRavun REMOVE 633520 NULL HeavenlyPond KEK 633570 NULL PWJP KEK 633570 NULL DescendingBears only 9 minutes late, better than actual 4CC 634270 NULL MaynRavun DOTS 634650 NULL indistrikable this is real football 636130 NULL huehuehue >/rlg/ 637710 NULL RoronaBest 1.04.... wow.... 640050 NULL MaynRavun DOOOOOOOOOTS 650100 NULL SIeix >FTL 652690 NULL SIeix >BoI 652910 NULL amis it's like A WHOLE NEW GAME 655380 NULL SIeix >Roguelikes 659310 NULL RamenRaisin >roguelites 666160 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >dat backheel 675270 NULL FukouDa >Playing games that aren't strategy 678860 NULL Laccal WE LIV? 687100 NULL zocram92 I hope we get the "goal celebration cutscene never engages" glitch : 690750 NULL BoxDweller KAPOW 691020 NULL SIeix KAPOW 691570 NULL anonyt wait FTL is considered roguelike now? 692110 NULL SirPainsalot >128 694390 NULL HeavenlyPond KAPOW 694400 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon KAPOW 694800 NULL CatFacts aaaaaaaa 694960 NULL PWJP KAPOW 695090 NULL RamenRaisin KAPOW 695350 NULL polybius >SIGMUND 696200 NULL KapperZ KAPOW 697470 NULL zocram92 KAPOW 699480 NULL HeavenlyPond kek 701200 NULL Alguien KAPOW 701210 NULL RoronaBest KAPOW 702800 NULL MaxPiston >lark 703800 NULL SmugRedMan KAPOW 707550 NULL SIeix SIGMUND WORST BOSS ENEMY 711020 NULL FukouDa KAPOW 715090 NULL MerkaST Not by /rlg/ as far as I know, anonyt 716670 NULL FukouDa More like Suck-mund 727620 NULL HeavenlyPond not a goal like 737670 NULL anonyt so it's just commentators being plebs 745710 NULL PWJP ResidentSleeper 758940 NULL BoxDweller sneks 761070 NULL anonyt GOLLS 761070 NULL PWJP >me 762500 NULL HeavenlyPond >what is defense 763920 NULL Alguien snek 764050 NULL RoronaBest Snek abuse 764620 NULL KapperZ GOAL OF CHAOS 765250 NULL anonyt SNEK ABUSE IS REAL 765500 NULL amis A GOAL 769760 NULL FukouDa >20 minutes in and we don't have 5 goals yet 769950 NULL MaxPiston SNEK ABUSE 772210 NULL PWJP Fucking snek abuse 775230 NULL polybius ALWAYS 777200 NULL polybius SNEK ABUSE 783770 NULL ShadowNiL this goalhorn is pretty jamming 786160 NULL BoxDweller Jesus that hair 787750 NULL Laccal do they really have furry porn on their boxheads? 797620 NULL FukouDa Is that hair on the goalie the wrong way around? 799840 NULL PWJP >this defense 800030 NULL Olecei rlg didn't have aesthetics 804430 NULL Olecei so they got memed on 814410 NULL QDvg "Noxico is a roguelike adventure game that takes a lot of inspiration fr 823790 NULL QDvg that's what the blender is. 824100 NULL RoronaBest Lmao 825640 NULL SirPainsalot WE WUZ PHARAOHS 831640 NULL PWJP That's all I needed to know 832410 NULL FukouDa KANGZ 847810 NULL BetRigtor silky smooth 849610 NULL QDvg stuttery 851310 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon COME ON /RLG/!!!! 855030 NULL SIeix F R A M E R A T E 857470 NULL BoxDweller I enjoy my games to be streamed at 53.693 Frames per second. anyth 859230 NULL FukouDa >128 viewers 860700 NULL QDvg nothin nep could do about it, it's something to do with the balls 862480 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks I enjoy my games to be streamed at 53.693 Frames per se 870930 NULL BetRigtor surely the sensible option is to skip the final cutscene so goals e 873910 NULL MerkaST inb4 the /rlg/ boxheads have a very high-poly ">lark" inside them tha 878590 NULL FukouDa That's exactly 127 more people than /p/ has fans 881840 NULL QDvg possibly 883870 NULL PWJP A SAVE?! 884100 NULL HeavenlyPond A SAVE? 886660 NULL polybius A SAVE 888060 NULL RoronaBest What? Nah that's too reasonable 892780 NULL PWJP B dawg 895890 NULL Laccal RIGGED 896360 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon SAVED 900140 NULL SirPainsalot >changes 900340 NULL Denkocchi BIG DOG 901530 NULL QDvg somebody on the aesthetics council wanted the replays for montage purpso 902130 NULL BoxDweller I-It was a fluke 904270 NULL SirPainsalot >when you're about to score 918490 NULL HeavenlyPond oh boi 920430 NULL myuer BANIC 922090 NULL Laccal this can only end well 923970 NULL PWJP >AOD conservative 925330 NULL kirbydamasta rigging :DDDDD 933590 NULL Mantis >PWJP 935780 NULL Mantis :~) 938810 NULL FukouDa What is Yui doing there? 940320 NULL BetRigtor /rlg/ is the first team i've ever seen on PES16 play longball well 948760 NULL Mantis kek 950300 NULL PWJP What? 954800 NULL Laccal what does 1.04 even change? 960450 NULL myuer because longball became better in 1.04 960650 NULL Mantis didn't /lit/ do langball wel? 961790 NULL BetRigtor 1.04 is just some minor AI changes iirc 964210 NULL SIeix Makes it easier to rig 965130 NULL BoxDweller KAPOW 966790 NULL zocram92 I enjoy my games to be streamed at 23.976 Frames per second. anythin 967200 NULL RoronaBest :^) 968090 NULL amis wasn't /trv/ longball? 969460 NULL PWJP wew 971170 NULL Olecei Cheeky as fuck 974510 NULL HeavenlyPond CRAWLING IN MY SKIN 975580 NULL polybius rip my accy (^: 975920 NULL RamenRaisin fucking hell 976030 NULL kirbydamasta wew 978300 NULL Denkocchi wew 978460 NULL BoxDweller CRAWL 982060 NULL amis CRAWLING FRAMES 983130 NULL Laccal yeah just let him try again 983550 NULL SmugRedMan CRAWL 984270 NULL SIeix CRAWLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING 985540 NULL FukouDa >This goalhorn 986880 NULL HeavenlyPond CRAWLING IN MY CRAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 988040 NULL lwllw just 990200 NULL BetRigtor /lit/ only ran longball sometimes and lost on it, /trv/ was just a 991340 NULL CloverFifz CRAWLING IN MY CRAWLLLLLLL 992830 NULL BetRigtor anyway 993090 NULL Karuna CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 993500 NULL BetRigtor CRAWL 993700 NULL zocram92 WAT 997300 NULL polybius CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLING IN MY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 998600 NULL BetRigtor I HATE THIS TEAM BUT CRAWLLLLL 1003450 NULL anonyt CRAWL 1004290 NULL RamenRaisin CRAAAAAAAAWL 1007340 NULL lwllw CRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL 1009960 NULL RoronaBest RIP the big dogs 1010630 NULL DescendingBears stellar defense and GK reaction time 1012040 NULL ShadowNiL CRAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWLL 1012370 NULL FukouDa CRAWL IS HOW I CRAWL 1015080 NULL SIeix CRAWL 1015730 NULL silvertear LOL THIS SONG 1017770 NULL Denkocchi most dangerous meme 1021540 NULL LawfulDickish 10/10 goalhorn 1028010 NULL lwllw THESE FRAMERATES WILL NOT CRAWWWWWWWWWWWL 1028530 NULL Olecei CRAWL 1047390 NULL BoxDweller TriHard 1052430 NULL KapperZ CRAWL 1054850 NULL Denkocchi THE FRAMES CRAAWWWWWWWWWL TO A STOP 1055840 NULL RamenRaisin stream crawling to a stop 1059870 NULL Denkocchi nice 1060070 NULL SmugRedMan INSECRAWWWWWWWL 1060820 NULL kirbydamasta CRAWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLL 1060820 NULL SIeix SO INSECRAWWWWL 1060940 NULL anonyt SO INSECRAWL 1063690 NULL zocram92 SO INSECRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWLLLLLLLL 1067390 NULL zocram92 top kek rkg 1067540 NULL BetRigtor crawl me up inside (can't crawl up) 1067760 NULL Virule top kek 1069220 NULL TonyTonitrus AWAY AWAY 1070560 NULL BoxDweller ded? 1072740 NULL BoxDweller no liv 1073070 NULL HeavenlyPond DED STREAM 1073150 NULL Resolink ded 1073350 NULL SIeix ded 1075020 NULL polybius slight ded 1075070 NULL HeavenlyPond o 1075100 NULL SIeix live 1076730 NULL zocram92 liv 1077090 NULL anonyt liv 1077450 NULL RamenRaisin liv? 1081710 NULL anonyt ded? 1085920 NULL Olecei Silky smooth 5fps 1086010 NULL anonyt liv 1086450 NULL Denkocchi liv 1088280 NULL KapperZ liv or ded 1092630 NULL Denkocchi works on my machine 1093020 NULL Safiiri ded 1095030 NULL huehuehue >PC master race 1096340 NULL huehuehue LMAO 1099800 NULL CloverFifz liv for me 1103440 NULL FukouDa PM'd you the fix :^) 1111210 NULL polybius fix your wifi (^: 1116290 NULL zocram92 I enjoy my games to be streamed at 23.976 Frames per second. anythin 1121260 NULL Denkocchi here's the fix: 1122470 NULL PWJP >this passing 1123550 NULL BoxDweller kek that pass 1125690 NULL polybius kek 1134420 NULL MerkaST @QDvg if someone really needs the replays it would make more sense to 1135230 NULL FukouDa Maybe there's a tiny Paval gnawing on Nep's cables? 1139620 NULL BeastSkinner grant us frames 1149330 NULL DescendingBears ... this is Superstar? 1150500 NULL KapperZ DYING 1162520 NULL Denkocchi this is 1.04 1163910 NULL Denkocchi :^) 1180370 NULL kirbydamasta what are these fucking passes 1185340 NULL FukouDa So this...Is the power of 1.04 1190590 NULL lwllw the power of 1.04 1195560 NULL CatFacts YES LADDDSSSS 1196040 NULL RamenRaisin woah 1196950 NULL RoronaBest What are these passes? 1198930 NULL PWJP YES 1200310 NULL HeavenlyPond TEETH 1201260 NULL polybius MOST 1202590 NULL PWJP I LOVE MAI WAIFU 1202890 NULL polybius DANGEROUS 1204940 NULL Alguien TEETH 1205630 NULL zocram92 bullshit tikitaka 1206570 NULL HeavenlyPond what the fug 1207860 NULL polybius TEETH 1210450 NULL BoxDweller LEL 1210570 NULL Olecei Kek 1213030 NULL BoxDweller THIS HORN 1214040 NULL SIeix MY WAIFU 1214660 NULL zocram92 WutFace WutFace WutFace 1215500 NULL MaxPiston MUH WAIFU 1216200 NULL Jerbak12 The fuck is this song kek 1216430 NULL QDvg alright then 1217120 NULL RamenRaisin MAI WAIFU 1217200 NULL KapperZ TOP KEK 1218160 NULL UselessNepgear MAI WAIFU 1218890 NULL FukouDa DAMN I LOVE MAI WAIFU 1220000 NULL polybius TriHard ! 1222930 NULL SIeix I L O V E MY WAIFU 1224560 NULL silvertear MUH WAIFU 1225330 NULL DongyKonga if this shitty korean mmo wins im gonna be pissed 1225910 NULL BoxDweller TriHard DAMN I LOVE MY WAIFU 1227790 NULL PWJP I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS 1231990 NULL CptCourage xieDesu 1245140 NULL SIeix TriHard DAM I LIKE YOUR WAIFU 1249430 NULL BoxDweller BOOBIES 1259140 NULL silvertear these goal horns are amazing 1259510 NULL FukouDa akromaSaber 1265470 NULL Brucelee41126 FRAMES 1266860 NULL MaxPiston >2hu 1272350 NULL Denkocchi akromaSaber when? 1276880 NULL Olecei TriHard 1286650 NULL FukouDa Was that player fucking squatting on the pitch, when the pass cam thr 1290240 NULL zocram92 rare injury time graphic 1290290 NULL MaxPiston SEIBAH? 1305910 NULL zocram92 N E G A T I V E S T A T 1314850 NULL RoronaBest This is the power of 1.04 1325760 NULL Denkocchi so this is spiral power huh.... 1339890 NULL polybius good pass m8 1346180 NULL FukouDa >Lowly commentator 1362350 NULL FukouDa >Implying commentators aren't part of the internal octagon 1363260 NULL Denkocchi this defense is wew 1374780 NULL CptCourage deIlluminati 1378050 NULL polybius kek 1387010 NULL QDvg >these passes 1392540 NULL Olecei Laang baal 1396720 NULL HeavenlyPond TEETH 1399190 NULL RamenRaisin TEETH 1402810 NULL polybius MOST 1403560 NULL MerkaST MOST 1403580 NULL Olecei TEETH 1404230 NULL Alguien TEETH! 1404390 NULL polybius DANGEROUS 1404570 NULL MaxPiston TEEF 1404880 NULL TWAIN MAKES IT TSUU 1404960 NULL Brucelee41126 WEW 1405540 NULL anonyt HABBENING 1406020 NULL McMelanogaster DANGEROUS 1406150 NULL polybius LEAD 1407210 NULL FukouDa THROUGHBALL CITY 1407520 NULL Denkocchi DANGEROUS 1409320 NULL HeavenlyPond MOST DANGEROUS LEAD 1410380 NULL Karuna TEEF 1410540 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon MOST DANGEROUS LEAD 1411340 NULL CatFacts MDL 1413610 NULL MaxPiston DAM I LUV MAI WAIFU 1414210 NULL BetRigtor wew 1415270 NULL BoxDweller TriHard DAMN I LOVE MAI WAIFU 1415500 NULL kirbydamasta MOST DANGEROUS MEME 1415500 NULL Jerbak12 HABBENING 1419600 NULL zocram92 >Korean MMOs comeback DansGame 1427310 NULL polybius PRESS TriHard IF YOU LOVE YOUR WAIFU 1430120 NULL SIeix KAWAII 1432470 NULL CptCourage TriHard 1436260 NULL Denkocchi when does /tosg/ play? :~) 1442160 NULL BoxDweller TriHard 1449130 NULL anonyt >two waifus 1449350 NULL BeastSkinner Trihard 1453760 NULL Olecei TriHard 1457030 NULL CptCourage >more than one waifu 1459770 NULL FukouDa TriHard 3DPD LEAVE TriHard 1462380 NULL Virule >more than 1 waifu 1462670 NULL BoxDweller >having more than one wa 1463630 NULL RamenRaisin disgusting tbh 1463720 NULL TWAIN are frames dropping for someone else too? 1464500 NULL BoxDweller DansGame 1468660 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon Gee Bill, TWO WAIFUS?!? 1469240 NULL MaxPiston >ruining your laifu 1470240 NULL MerkaST yes 1473960 NULL QDvg it's on nepgear's end 1477200 NULL amis this 2D chat DansGame 1479680 NULL QDvg nothin he can do about it as far as he knows 1480680 NULL HeavenlyPond kek 1484210 NULL Olecei wew 1485690 NULL DescendingBears my machine did the same thing with framerate on closeup repla 1493380 NULL QDvg probably 1494120 NULL myuer yup 1499850 NULL myuer he has a GTX460 1501300 NULL CatFacts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1506620 NULL anonyt holy shit 1508750 NULL BoxDweller wew lads 1508900 NULL HeavenlyPond PogChamp 1509080 NULL Olecei Holy shit 1510690 NULL polybius oh shit 1510800 NULL amis i have a GTX460 too 4Head 1512510 NULL CptCourage amis You can enjoy 3D and still have a waifu 1514140 NULL anonyt who has a 460? 1516570 NULL zocram92 WTF 1519250 NULL HeavenlyPond defenders blocking shit? 1520420 NULL Chanec >tfw you're dropping frames but it's because your internet is terible 1523730 NULL HeavenlyPond sing me up 1525280 NULL zocram92 >tfw 280x 1525280 NULL DescendingBears setting details to medium would probably harm blenders and st 1526070 NULL amis ye i have SEVERAL 3D waifus 1531470 NULL HeavenlyPond >3D 1535110 NULL Karuna >3D 1535760 NULL zocram92 >tfw no problem rendering anything but ROOM HEATER 1535930 NULL QDvg it would make the LODs not load 1536030 NULL FukouDa >Several 1538260 NULL FukouDa >3D 1540740 NULL FukouDa >Waifus 1542530 NULL BoxDweller Nothing about your posts doesn't disgust me 1542950 NULL Alguien >this passing 1544750 NULL HeavenlyPond lel 1544920 NULL QDvg it has to be on High to work 1547180 NULL amis triggered EleGiggle 1574680 NULL Denkocchi nice header 1576190 NULL CatFacts Sheeeeit 1582170 NULL HeavenlyPond NOT A GOAL LIKE 1591950 NULL Denkocchi RIP 1597860 NULL LawfulDickish Not a lead like 1601360 NULL Alguien so nep can say FTL scored then? :v) 1606170 NULL HeavenlyPond > 1606280 NULL zocram92 PogChamp PogChamp 1609930 NULL OreSennin what a shitfest 1611860 NULL DongyKonga cheeky tapper 1624000 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >that lone CB just playing him onside 1625710 NULL amis they talk about his one taps 1625770 NULL HeavenlyPond well, in 1.03, this would have happened every game, but in one h 1627030 NULL DescendingBears nope, it was Binding of Isaac 1629970 NULL HeavenlyPond :^) 1637200 NULL HeavenlyPond this is two so 1643450 NULL MaxPiston it doesn't make the LODs not load, it's just nobody bothers making 1651970 NULL polybius ^ 1660720 NULL QDvg the point is that it makes the blenders not work in Medium/Low 1660950 NULL MerkaST This is why Tony wanted polygon limits 1678320 NULL Denkocchi bee dog 1681230 NULL anonyt the legendary cuck? 1681250 NULL FukouDa >Limiting polygons 1693750 NULL FukouDa What are you, a gommie? 1698790 NULL QDvg half of these polygons are literally rectangles 1706650 NULL MerkaST (probably not actually, just Nepgears GPU being weak, but still) 1708070 NULL QDvg i don't think limiting them would've done anything in this situation 1715190 NULL DescendingBears except for that 90000000 polygon basketball of his? 1717070 NULL zocram92 It could also be the CPU 1720130 NULL QDvg oh, boy, speaking of which 1722080 NULL RamenRaisin >lark 1725520 NULL QDvg can't wait until the /ddg/ games 1727250 NULL myuer Inb4 Grigori makes nepgear crash 1727280 NULL zocram92 if he's dropping frames off OBS\XSplit 1731810 NULL FukouDa NANOHA 1738350 NULL QDvg yeah that fucking dragon head made MY game lag a little just looking at 1748610 NULL QDvg and i don't have that potato of a gpu/cpu 1753150 NULL Olecei >164 viewers 1754390 NULL myuer >>> 1754570 NULL Olecei Nice 1756260 NULL HeavenlyPond >>> 1756750 NULL Alguien >teeth 1758840 NULL McMelanogaster whiff 1759970 NULL Laccal >deed 1760020 NULL HeavenlyPond oops 1761240 NULL RamenRaisin liv cup 1763440 NULL Denkocchi nice 1766520 NULL myuer My r9 270 didn't lag just saying 1774540 NULL HeavenlyPond lel 1789810 NULL zocram92 >nVidia Fermi 1791620 NULL FukouDa Equalizing is overrated anyway :^) 1791690 NULL zocram92 >good, ever 1793130 NULL polybius PES is weird, I still get slowdowns at times and my PC is nowhere ne 1795270 NULL MerkaST The high-poly basketball was before he considered polygon limits 1804790 NULL HeavenlyPond ded 1805690 NULL Denkocchi nice optimization Konami 1806810 NULL HeavenlyPond o 1807770 NULL Resolink dead 1810610 NULL HeavenlyPond it froze 1817260 NULL zocram92 still going here 1819980 NULL anonyt ripip 1821840 NULL polybius liv 1822540 NULL Chanec 53.3336 frames per second 1824800 NULL anonyt liv 1826720 NULL Resolink S I L K Y S M O O T H 1834120 NULL MaxPiston PES 16 is optimized to run on pachinko machines 1840070 NULL polybius no 1842910 NULL polybius that's PES17 1862480 NULL RoronaBest Everyone pitch in money to get Nep a super computer 1863220 NULL FukouDa >They'll probably make Metal Gear pachinko soon 1865410 NULL MaxPiston 17 is pachinko exclusive 1867280 NULL MaxPiston 16 is a port 1868500 NULL MerkaST I really hope PES 17 doesn't have previous-gen graphics on PC 1869640 NULL anonyt pes16 is optimized to run on atari2600 1873820 NULL polybius well that makes sense 1882920 NULL zocram92 what if PES17 doesn't even come out on PC 1883310 NULL anonyt PS3 MerkaST 1887110 NULL Chanec I really hope PES17 does have previous-gen graphics 1888960 NULL HeavenlyPond ded 1890180 NULL RamenRaisin ogre 1891370 NULL lwllw PES17 is coming out on PC 1893330 NULL Chanec it's the only reason I can run it 1893490 NULL Cyclohexane konami will sue 1898020 NULL Denkocchi RIP 1898390 NULL UselessNepgear SMOrc 1898790 NULL polybius it's SMOrc 1900460 NULL anonyt PES17 is coming out on fucking PS3 1900700 NULL lwllw but it's being developed for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PS3 1902470 NULL Alguien SMOrc 1909210 NULL Brucelee41126 RiP 1910800 NULL Chanec if PES stops being made with HUE computers in mind I'm fucked 1912390 NULL zocram92 """DEVELOPED""" 1913260 NULL TWAIN >1.04 1928690 NULL zocram92 >roster update >development 1931390 NULL anonyt ok let's be honest a PES isn't developed so much as shat out 1942460 NULL MerkaST @anonyt I know but that doesn't technically mean the PC version will 1944100 NULL zocram92 also gg /rlg/ gj 1961710 NULL anonyt >devs expending any more effort than necessary 1970090 NULL anonyt >on a yearly update 1981820 NULL Karuna gg /rlg/ 1983770 NULL amis SMOrc WHAT IS GOALS. I THINKED 1.04 IS LESS GOALS SMOrc 1985260 NULL anonyt optimists, when will htey learn? 1997000 NULL MerkaST They did for the current-gen consoles, so PC shouldn't be that hard 2017910 NULL Karuna PogChamp 2018650 NULL HeavenlyPond W I D E F A C E 2021240 NULL Laccal >goal keeping 2023610 NULL CatFacts 90+4 PLS 2025900 NULL RoronaBest Nice 2027500 NULL HeavenlyPond WutFace 2028820 NULL Olecei KEK 2033460 NULL amis >7 goals Kreygasm 2034590 NULL HeavenlyPond these fucking goal horns 2035940 NULL Denkocchi pls 2037120 NULL Alguien is this /soc/-/m/? 2037650 NULL RamenRaisin this fucking horn 2039490 NULL Sham69 Dey khav a chanzz 2040760 NULL amis WutFace 2045410 NULL UselessNepgear is that nyanners? 2046210 NULL amis >nyanners 2046660 NULL zocram92 WutFace 2047520 NULL FukouDa Is that >Nyanners? 2047570 NULL Brucelee41126 wHY 2047710 NULL Cyclohexane haHAA 2049870 NULL MaxPiston >nyanners 2051140 NULL Mantis >nyanners 2052380 NULL MaxPiston DansGame 2052480 NULL Mantis drake.jpg 2053000 NULL silvertear what the fuck is this? 2054430 NULL polybius >nyanners 2054580 NULL Jerbak12 >Nyanners 2056510 NULL amis haHAA 2056550 NULL zocram92 DansGame 2057810 NULL Alguien >SJWnners 2058670 NULL Denkocchi >nyanners 2059830 NULL CloverFifz >Nyanners 2062470 NULL Mantis WutFace 2067440 NULL BoxDweller :stop music: 2068850 NULL Cyclohexane For once I'm actually glad the stream isn't loading for me 2071780 NULL zocram92 please eliminate this general 2088970 NULL RoronaBest 90+5 Inc 2099970 NULL HeavenlyPond >SIGMUND 2102240 NULL McMelanogaster WIDEMUND 2104500 NULL Olecei WIDEMUND 2105830 NULL FukouDa I will immediately terminate the /bdog/ people 2107410 NULL polybius CHOKEMUND 2114980 NULL amis shitmund 2122140 NULL FukouDa SUCKMUND 2129400 NULL amis fugmund 2134010 NULL Laccal 4 2136870 NULL polybius U 2137620 NULL Olecei 4U 2138180 NULL ShadowNiL 4 2139850 NULL ShadowNiL U 2140340 NULL Denkocchi 4 2143100 NULL BoxDweller u 2143690 NULL MerkaST >4 minutes 2144470 NULL BeastSkinner 4U 2145100 NULL ShadowNiL U U U U 2145330 NULL amis that added minutes display PogChamp 2145350 NULL MaxPiston dat added time UI 2145390 NULL Denkocchi >teef 2147790 NULL BoxDweller rekt 2150660 NULL Alguien 4minutes for U 2152030 NULL BetRigtor what a beautiful pass 2154100 NULL Olecei Ded 2154830 NULL Jerbak12 >Schalke 2157490 NULL TWAIN >>>>1.04 2157710 NULL Mantis CRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWLING 2159130 NULL RamenRaisin CRAAAAAAWLIN 2159320 NULL BoxDweller CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 2161300 NULL McMelanogaster CRAWWWWLl 2161800 NULL anonyt CRAAAWl 2163790 NULL KapperZ CRAWL 2165510 NULL HeavenlyPond CRAWWWWWL 2166490 NULL Karuna CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 2169050 NULL polybius CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 2169530 NULL Denkocchi one point oh four 2174920 NULL BetRigtor what are people 1.04ing for TWAIN. Nobody promised less goals or an 2177640 NULL Karuna gg 2182820 NULL Brucelee41126 CRAAAAAWWWWWWWL 2187800 NULL zocram92 CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2190030 NULL Jerbak12 CRAWLING IN MY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL 2192330 NULL FukouDa >Better play 2193580 NULL zocram92 CRAW 2201720 NULL FukouDa >With all those botched passes 2222320 NULL RoronaBest That's just /bdog/ 2223280 NULL TWAIN you'd think better play includes better defence 2229550 NULL BoxDweller ^ 2232970 NULL polybius I think those passes were due to formation/cards 2235460 NULL BetRigtor nah 2246850 NULL BetRigtor better play means better strikers too 2248450 NULL PWJP wew 2251210 NULL BetRigtor better keepers and better defenders 2252510 NULL amis Rigtor i'm almost sure one of your complaints was too many goals though 2255520 NULL BetRigtor strikers just choke more 2257580 NULL MaxPiston it's really not any better, just equally shit in slightly different 2258260 NULL amis so i assumed this would adress that 2260900 NULL DongyKonga thank god fuck Korean MMos 2264060 NULL Vaughan there's also the quality of the teams the managers make 2265980 NULL myuer >12(7) 2267910 NULL BetRigtor it was one of my complaints 2269490 NULL myuer the power of 1.04 2270740 NULL FukouDa I think we need more goals 2271040 NULL Vaughan lets be real here 2277270 NULL BetRigtor so was shit like kickoff abuse and momentum shifts etc which didn't 2278460 NULL zocram92 S H O T R A T I O F I X E D 2281410 NULL FukouDa I demand doubledigits for both teams 2283090 NULL BetRigtor will probably still happen and make me look retarde though :3c 2283400 NULL amis ok 2286040 NULL Resolink >1.04 has less goals 2291680 NULL Denkocchi >said no one 2293960 NULL BetRigtor ^ 2295450 NULL zocram92 Ever 2297380 NULL Laccal LMAOing at this PES 2297740 NULL amis is it possible to edit the 4 minute one into a '4U'? PogChamp 2313270 NULL TWAIN there's only so much you can fuck up as a manager @Vaughan 2328510 NULL Vaughan right but consider the quality 2336780 NULL TWAIN if i could have a decent performance as a greenhorn surely anyone can 2343260 NULL BetRigtor you'd think so but no 2349170 NULL Vaughan you'd think so but no 2355430 NULL ShadowNiL you'd think so but no 2360180 NULL FukouDa KONG 2365690 NULL Laccal you'd crawl so but crawl 2372530 NULL amis you'd think so but think 2376480 NULL polybius fug I want both of those teams to win DDDD: 2379650 NULL BoxDweller one would assume but on the contrary 2402220 NULL DrDtroit BUT FIRST 2417860 NULL Karuna jammin 2426620 NULL HeavenlyPond turn the horn up 2456071 NULL anonyt TJ "Henry" Yoshi is really depressing and naive 2493021 NULL Laccal >boxhead """aesthetics""" 2520191 NULL zocram92 ./xcg/ has a 90% chance to win :^) 2527321 NULL zocram92 Oh right 2532921 NULL zocram92 It's the /lit/ team 2540941 NULL FukouDa >PoS Orion IIC in purple 2542441 NULL FukouDa LEL 2568211 NULL Karuna >80 HP Sectopod 2569001 NULL Karuna kek 2603911 NULL Vaughan who is a /lit/ team? 2624841 NULL kirbydamasta >that /gerg/ offensive conditions 2641701 NULL anonyt >another 4-3-3 vs 4-2-1-3 2655841 NULL PWJP Actually /gerg/ is running some crazy-ass fluoid 2663731 NULL PWJP That puts them in a 3-5-2 2663811 NULL polybius 4-3-3 is the mustard race (^: 2669251 NULL anonyt holy shit 2672821 NULL zocram92 the kickoff looks like /m/ 2673561 NULL Denkocchi look at all these scrolling names 2676301 NULL zocram92 but neh 2682061 NULL PWJP w 2683261 NULL RamenRaisin gerg has like some snaking shit going on 2691601 NULL RamenRaisin it goes all over the place 2704091 NULL FukouDa Those conditions 2708131 NULL Olecei >These conditions 2711111 NULL PWJP If I was /greg/ I'd turn fluid off 2716471 NULL Denkocchi ^ 2723751 NULL RamenRaisin that's no fun 2724981 NULL Vaughan nah, memes fam 2725391 NULL Olecei Too bad he's not here 2726581 NULL Denkocchi but I'm not /greg/ 2727891 NULL Olecei Can't be helped. 2754281 NULL HeavenlyPond F L U I D B O I S 2761851 NULL zocram92 fluid is not a meme anymore 2762401 NULL PWJP ayy lmao 2768301 NULL BoxDweller aye lamoo 2768361 NULL zocram92 but only if you're brazilian 2769371 NULL TWAIN ayy lamo 2770951 NULL RoronaBest Eternal memes 2773041 NULL zocram92 ayy, lamo 2773221 NULL polybius ayy 2786391 NULL Karuna ayy lmao 2803031 NULL PWJP I'm haring some beeping 2807801 NULL PWJP *hearing 2808771 NULL LawfulDickish These are some good ass conditions 2822691 NULL kirbydamasta rng bois 2829571 NULL KingSpark the time is now 2829571 NULL kirbydamasta all skill 2832141 NULL TWAIN isn't one supposed to be using fluid only if he knows what the fuck he' 2842621 NULL PWJP Well, yes 2849171 NULL KingSpark WE /gerg/ BOYZ 2850491 NULL PWJP But it's not THAT hard 2855961 NULL zocram92 PAVAL's RigCam had some wonderful tearing going on 2862161 NULL zocram92 not sure what was up with that 2880101 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks what software do streamers usually use for the rigcam? 2883251 NULL HeavenlyPond >skype premium 2886521 NULL Chanec so why don't we go to newfoundland? 2886701 NULL RamenRaisin skype 2888251 NULL Olecei >skype 2888381 NULL polybius >skype premium 2890561 NULL BoxDweller Discord when? 2891341 NULL zocram92 Xsplit has a webcam mode 2891611 NULL KapperZ >skype premium 2899311 NULL Denkocchi >skype premium 2900601 NULL Vaughan discord never 2903811 NULL Catlegs >skype 2906011 NULL MerkaST Everyone click their "Check for updates" button 2906971 NULL HeavenlyPond oo 2907181 NULL zocram92 ORBITAL RIG 2907251 NULL Vaughan go away you shill 2910081 NULL FukouDa We don't go to Newfoundland because FUCKING CHRYSALIDS 2916111 NULL polybius when will we be free from the horrors of the rigcam? 2921521 NULL RamenRaisin Never Ever 2922671 NULL BoxDweller Oy vey they know 2924751 NULL Chanec the streamers use Unregistered Manycam 2 2937791 NULL MerkaST kek 2942911 NULL Purpulus >upgrade your skype experience 2951901 NULL CollieBro oy vey 2960521 NULL MerkaST Also, checking for updates is honestly the best idea 2963991 NULL Safiiri skype is a perfect program 2965291 NULL Denkocchi finland yes 2981531 NULL zocram92 inb4 Discord's screen sharing is VNC 2985551 NULL zocram92 2 FPS 256 colors 2990271 NULL Sham69 REALLY 3010741 NULL CollieBro BOOM 3017052 NULL ShadowNiL aesth etics 3022482 NULL Laccal skypenet 3033442 NULL HeavenlyPond wow 3033802 NULL Denkocchi >h 3037152 NULL Laccal LOUD CROWD 3037662 NULL ShadowNiL >h 3040622 NULL PWJP dayum 3054642 NULL BetRigtor good boxheads 3055852 NULL BoxDweller ;_;7 3057152 NULL polybius ;_;7 3057792 NULL BetRigtor i like the blue 3058972 NULL ShadowNiL ;_;7 3061442 NULL Denkocchi boxhead league 3061992 NULL 122aina What general is /xcg/ up against? 3062322 NULL PWJP ;_;7 3065792 NULL McMelanogaster Good luck, commander. 3066432 NULL CollieBro ;_;7 3067812 NULL HeavenlyPond SNEKS 3069612 NULL Alguien SNEKS 3075242 NULL CollieBro SNEK ABUSE 3077202 NULL Marqod Giant Extreme Robots, 122 3078542 NULL lwllw COUNCILMAN BEST XCOM 3081222 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks REACTOR ONLINE - SENSORS ONLINE - WEAPONS ONLINE - ALL 3082862 NULL 122aina Thanks fam 3086552 NULL UselessNepgear J E G A N 3091512 NULL Alguien gee /xcg/, how come Nep let you have two sneks? 3092982 NULL HeavenlyPond Duane 3093522 NULL RoronaBest Snek 3094612 NULL 122aina PC HISSY WILL SAVE THE DAY 3098802 NULL FukouDa Geara Doga > Jegan 3100102 NULL PWJP Jesus Christ this is old 3107732 NULL BoxDweller Duane 3113392 NULL Denkocchi Duane 3115962 NULL lwllw Jesta>* 3124802 NULL FukouDa >Liking the Jesta 3131062 NULL FukouDa Absolutely disgusting 3134432 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks Nep you should turn the crowd noise down a bit 3143842 NULL HeavenlyPond those floor windows Kreygasm 3148062 NULL Riukanojutsu >all dem grey mask 3149522 NULL BoxDweller wew 3151792 NULL FukouDa 99% CHANCE TO CHOKE 3156822 NULL zocram92 le cut inside man 3159122 NULL Catlegs >99% chance to choke 3159122 NULL KapperZ >99% 3160922 NULL Denkocchi >99% 3163062 NULL CollieBro QUALITY PITCH 3168472 NULL Mantis >99% chance to cut inside 3176712 NULL LawfulDickish roggled 3190232 NULL Denkocchi :ok: 3192012 NULL McMelanogaster interrogated 3192182 NULL Alguien Valhen'd 3197342 NULL BoxDweller SNEKS 3197762 NULL PWJP SNEK 3198092 NULL Alguien >that keeper 3198112 NULL HeavenlyPond SNEK ABUSE 3198232 NULL Mantis snek 3199692 NULL RamenRaisin SNEK 3201482 NULL McMelanogaster SNEK 3202322 NULL FukouDa >Keeper doesn't even do shit 3202722 NULL CollieBro SNEK ABOOOSE 3202902 NULL McMelanogaster ABUSE 3203262 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks That keeper didn't even try 3203692 NULL Catlegs SNEK 3203712 NULL Safiiri SNEK 3204422 NULL Olecei SNEK 3204922 NULL polybius SNEK 3206372 NULL MaxPiston SNEK ABUSE 3207722 NULL Denkocchi >keeper 3207722 NULL KapperZ SNEK ABUSE 3208072 NULL Ghostapo SNEK 3208552 NULL ShadowNiL SNEK 3209422 NULL BetRigtor Not like the keeper was getting on it anyway lel 3210702 NULL Denkocchi 1.04 3210792 NULL Sham69 Great goalkeeping 3212202 NULL Epiigoni SNEK 3212322 NULL zocram92 [POISONED] 3214412 NULL Denkocchi :^) 3220812 NULL QDvg i love it when they just watch 3220892 NULL Ghostapo 1.04 works guise 3224182 NULL zocram92 retard keepos are real 3232092 NULL Denkocchi ded? 3235412 NULL Sham69 Mesmerised by snek tits 3235492 NULL Denkocchi oh nvm 3235622 NULL Jerbak12 ^_^ :ok: 3238572 NULL Riukanojutsu BRAINDEAD GAME 3240302 NULL Denkocchi :ok: 3247552 NULL Denkocchi lmao 3258692 NULL CrackStuntman :ok: G A L O 3260032 NULL Riukanojutsu whats the keeper's name? 3266972 NULL BetRigtor probably JUST 3269532 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks :ok: :ok: 3271652 NULL CollieBro ... 3271832 NULL Riukanojutsu kek 3274952 NULL RoronaBest :ok: 3280902 NULL QDvg that replay wasn't too bad 3284602 NULL QDvg framerate wise 3294962 NULL Alguien >Haruko 3295172 NULL Virule Honestly 3299692 NULL PWJP That almost kekoff abuse 3300082 NULL CollieBro SPAGHETTI 3305212 NULL Virule Consideringf how far away the keeper was 3305472 NULL Riukanojutsu :ok: 3309072 NULL Virule he had no chance 3309792 NULL HeavenlyPond muh off sides 3329462 NULL ShadowNiL my sides are off in space, Pond 3330462 NULL DescendingBears maybe because this stadium has no blades of grass as separate 3335492 NULL Denkocchi when the goal just right u_u :ok: 3348002 NULL BetRigtor Virule just ignore the people who don't realise keepers don't go fo 3350592 NULL Jerbak12 :ok: ^_^ 3351012 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >harabec 3355122 NULL Riukanojutsu >keeper isnt LIGHTING REFLEX 3355682 NULL BetRigtor the average 4cc viewer doesn't watch football like 3356912 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks /gerg/ has a starsiege rep 3358262 NULL Riukanojutsu whats wong with yuo 3358832 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks ;_;7 3360312 NULL 122aina /gerg? more like /sperg/ amirite 3363672 NULL zocram92 I'd be fine with every game on the orbital rig 3365042 NULL PWJP Nice save 3369122 NULL CollieBro MENACE 3370082 NULL zocram92 if it's a low poly stadium 3370242 NULL Olecei Wew 3371172 NULL Denkocchi wew dat save 3375702 NULL RamenRaisin red keeper boys 3381242 NULL wewlad16 bretty gud 3384342 NULL PWJP >cheeky nutmeg attempt 3391992 NULL amis *whispers* 'choke' 3404252 NULL Riukanojutsu im new to this 4cc sup thing, can someone explain what the color 3409102 NULL polybius >99% 3410742 NULL Olecei >99% 3410892 NULL CollieBro S N E K 3411042 NULL HeavenlyPond >99% CHANCE 3411282 NULL BoxDweller 99% CHANCE TO CHOKE 3412072 NULL HeavenlyPond MISSES 3412432 NULL PWJP >99% 3412882 NULL FukouDa 99% CHANCE TO CHOKE 3412952 NULL McMelanogaster >99 3415852 NULL Denkocchi 99% 3416082 NULL wewlad16 >99% 3417182 NULL KapperZ >99% 3418002 NULL zocram92 HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP 3418432 NULL Karuna >99% 3419702 NULL lwllw >99% 3424712 NULL Safiiri >99% 3424862 NULL polybius some things never change 3425082 NULL zocram92 >99% 3425472 NULL BetRigtor riukanojutsu they're to do with player stamina. red means slowest d 3426632 NULL KingLear It's the player's condition, it affects their stamina. 3429642 NULL Ghostapo >99% 3430742 NULL PWJP Almost literally the same steup as the first goal 3431332 NULL Riukanojutsu 99% to JUST 3438822 NULL Riukanojutsu oic, and the arrows? 3441552 NULL MerkaST >amis 3442492 NULL MerkaST whispers 'choke' 3443932 NULL lwllw truly the XCOM experiences 3449402 NULL BetRigtor the coloured arrows *are* the condition. 3453952 NULL MaxPiston >meme arrows 3457112 NULL amis >MerkaST 3459452 NULL Alguien HARUKO! 3460432 NULL amis i know 3464832 NULL HeavenlyPond awoo 3465472 NULL PWJP AWOO 3465992 NULL zocram92 >that spaghetti 3466952 NULL Denkocchi cheeky 3467492 NULL BoxDweller Awoo~ 3467812 NULL Riukanojutsu but all the arows point in a different direction 3468212 NULL SirPainsalot AWOO 3469212 NULL polybius AWOO 3469222 NULL RamenRaisin AWOO 3469632 NULL CollieBro awoo~ 3470382 NULL Alguien AWOOO~ 3473282 NULL MaxPiston AWOO~ 3473732 NULL KapperZ AWOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~ 3474262 NULL zocram92 MACROSS PogChamp 3476572 NULL kirbydamasta AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3477262 NULL MaxPiston 2huMomiGlee 3478622 NULL Epiigoni awoo 3479352 NULL Safiiri AWOOOO 3480582 NULL amis
these defenders 3650932 NULL Denkocchi xcg pls 3651982 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks awoo~ 3652842 NULL HeavenlyPond AWOO 3653622 NULL zocram92 >/xcg/ choke 3654122 NULL polybius AWOO 3654692 NULL BoxDweller awoo~ 3654842 NULL huehuehue AWOOOOO 3655012 NULL RedAnt Awoo 3655552 NULL zocram92 AWOOOOOOOOOOO 3657362 NULL Epiigoni AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3657552 NULL CollieBro Awoo~ 3657582 NULL Catlegs Awoo 3658582 NULL DescendingBears 2huMomiGlee 3659352 NULL AlternativeRoo AWOOOOOOOO 3661012 NULL Jerbak12 kek 3661122 NULL zocram92 MA KU RO SU 3661152 NULL Alguien MA KU ROS 3661922 NULL Denkocchi 2huMomiGlee 3663282 NULL AlternativeRoo FrankerZ 3664322 NULL MaxPiston 2huMomiGlee 3666072 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon AWOOOOOOOO 3666462 NULL QDvg awoo~ 3666872 NULL zocram92 MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KU ROSUUUUUUU 3670702 NULL BetRigtor macros 3671122 NULL Epiigoni MA KU ROOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSS 3672762 NULL lwllw MACROSS 3674522 NULL KapperZ MAKUROOOOOOOS 3675182 NULL FukouDa 2huMomiGlee 3684602 NULL BetRigtor :vince2: 3693532 NULL Polizpolice xcom pls 3722932 NULL KapperZ MAKUROOOOS 3724292 NULL Riukanojutsu thats PES baby 3742932 NULL RoronaBest Xcom gonna come back 3754282 NULL Karuna PogChamp 3755802 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks AWOOOOOOOOO 3757552 NULL PWJP REVERSE KICKOFF ABUSE 3758042 NULL Riukanojutsu 99% chance to choe 3759052 NULL Epiigoni AWOOOOOOOOOOOO 3759712 NULL zocram92 Nice comeback Kappa 3760082 NULL KapperZ AWOOOOOOOOOOO 3761472 NULL Olecei Kek off abuse 3762292 NULL polybius AWOO abuse 3763842 NULL Denkocchi panic 3764392 NULL Alguien HARUKO~ AWOOO~ 2huMomiGlee 3770472 NULL RedAnt AWOOO 3772172 NULL Catlegs Awoo x2 3774812 NULL McMelanogaster Panic! 3774942 NULL Denkocchi 2huMomiGlee AWOOOOOOOO 3780052 NULL zocram92 MA KU RO SU 3780502 NULL RamenRaisin boxhead league 3783412 NULL FukouDa The power of giant robots 3784052 NULL BoxDweller Abwooose~ 3788722 NULL Catlegs MARK ROSS 3792242 NULL BoxDweller MARK ROSS 3795652 NULL Jerbak12 MAKUROSSSU 3796472 NULL Polizpolice pistols on goal tho 3798752 NULL lwllw the power of CULTURE 3801642 NULL Virule >/m/ won babby 3809892 NULL Epiigoni With the way this match is going, we are gonna be sick to death of t 3824982 NULL Virule /gerg/ confirmed vgl winner 3826672 NULL FukouDa >Ever getting sick of the Macross OP 3826922 NULL KapperZ MAKUROSO 3838602 NULL lwllw and here we have an uncultured Zentradi 3839522 NULL FukouDa How does it feel to have shit taste? 3841182 NULL zocram92 >getting sick of Macross' OP 3843492 NULL PWJP Doesn't work very well as a goalhorn 3845622 NULL BoxDweller banic :DDDD 3846822 NULL zocram92 >>>/out/ 3850702 NULL KingLear It's never too early to panic. 3850792 NULL KapperZ BANIC :DD 3852632 NULL HeavenlyPond >too early to panic 3856002 NULL BetRigtor Hard to see them coming back from this with the non medal striker b 3856492 NULL Riukanojutsu >I might get tired of this giant robot opening 3856512 NULL PWJP Anthem definitely works 3857922 NULL BetRigtor but they probably will 3857952 NULL amis hey BetRigtor, kekoff abuse :cima: 3858512 NULL Alguien maybe we can have other macross OPs after this one is finished 3858822 NULL Karuna >too early 3860172 NULL zocram92 >/a/ manager also has shit taste 3864742 NULL zocram92 no wonder 3869732 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks what's with this eggsdra dime display 3876922 NULL Denkocchi different game mode 3877492 NULL lwllw we should alternate it with my boyfriend is a pilot tbh 3877782 NULL BetRigtor it's VGL mode 3878642 NULL Riukanojutsu >cue keyboard sound 3880132 NULL zocram92 :^) 3882082 NULL PWJP I said it works much better as an anthem 3886972 NULL PWJP I like the song nigga 3920752 NULL FukouDa >Assault mechs 3924412 NULL FukouDa >Not for recon 3924442 NULL BoxDweller rip 3927172 NULL Olecei Rip 3928342 NULL FukouDa Steiner.jpg 3931062 NULL BoxDweller awoo 3932302 NULL Karuna f 3932852 NULL RamenRaisin ded 3932902 NULL polybius RIP /xcg/ 3933632 NULL zocram92 ALL MY ROOKIES ARE DEAD 3935812 NULL Polizpolice rip 3935982 NULL RedAnt AWOO 3936252 NULL QDvg awooooo 3936352 NULL Alguien >Not having a scout lance of 6 Atlas 3937102 NULL Riukanojutsu I have no idea what this general is for 3937102 NULL KapperZ AWOO ABUSE 3937842 NULL PWJP KEKOFF ABOOSE 3938112 NULL wewlad16 rip in ripperonis 3939432 NULL Denkocchi AWOOOOOTRICK 3940622 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >99% chance to 5spa1n 3943982 NULL zocram92 CAMPAIGN ABORTED 3945602 NULL Karuna MA KU ROSS 3950082 NULL amis who made the UI this VGL? 3952182 NULL Polizpolice everyone is panicking in our team 3960432 NULL Sham69 Can't savescum this time 3960622 NULL zocram92 It's PES' AFC cup i think 3961422 NULL HaganeNoTema MA KU ROSS 3965602 NULL BoxDweller WILL YOU LOVE ME TOMORROW? 3967292 NULL Riukanojutsu xcg is feeling the long war terror attack mission 3970592 NULL Laccal MI KE ROSS 3974242 NULL Riukanojutsu chrysalid flashback 3974312 NULL BetRigtor I wanna know what /xcg/'s defensive sliders are because they're all 3977152 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon Its the Asian Champions League 3984192 NULL amis who's Mark Ross? 3990792 NULL BoxDweller Bob's brother 3996922 NULL Jerbak12 Beat me to it 4000422 NULL Jerbak12 Fugg 4014142 NULL zocram92 Go 4-2-4 /xcg/ 4018232 NULL CrackStuntman Mark "Rolento is a respectable main" Ross 4018332 NULL zocram92 What could possibly go wrong 4024632 NULL BetRigtor >wide containment vs ultra narrow 4-3-3 with 1 compactness 4025972 NULL BetRigtor oh there we go 4031772 NULL 122aina Well, /xcg/ is losing control of the situation 4032952 NULL BetRigtor that explains a lot 4033922 NULL amis >1 compactness 4035782 NULL lwllw >mfw shitbox is beginning to die for me 4037512 NULL lwllw just 4038432 NULL amis low key throwing 4039862 NULL BetRigtor this preset change literally gifting them goals 4042362 NULL SirPainsalot >1 compactness 4043642 NULL wewlad16 quads in /xcg/ predict massive comeback 4050472 NULL wewlad16 quads don't lie, boys 4060932 NULL amis jk it works in some cases 4063492 NULL BoxDweller TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard 4064352 NULL amis i'm sure 4069202 NULL LawfulDickish After snaketits scored the team became too busy jerking it to f 4081582 NULL 122aina Lool, I made that post 4092062 NULL 122aina quads of hope lads 4094552 NULL FukouDa Atlas is for recon and defense 4097452 NULL wewlad16 ayyy 4098242 NULL FukouDa t.Steiner 4105982 NULL BoxDweller autism 4110192 NULL Laccal >meme likes 4115442 NULL zocram92 >not knowing a rougelike is a specific genre DansGame 4118852 NULL Karuna >steady 2fps 4123312 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >playing roguelikes 4126282 NULL Safiiri silky smooth 4126402 NULL Catlegs >not a roguelike 4126512 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >not roguelikelikelikelikes 4131552 NULL Epiigoni >roguelikes 4135402 NULL Riukanojutsu >roguelike is a real genre i swear 4139812 NULL FukouDa >Not strobe lights 4142182 NULL Denkocchi do you believe in comebacks 4143732 NULL Denkocchi :^) 4146922 NULL Jerbak12 *Tips fedora* 4151782 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks Is Crypt of the Necrodancer a roguelike :^) 4153822 NULL PWJP git gud nep 4173542 NULL Riukanojutsu tfw state of decay is the best roguelike there is and its not ev 4185642 NULL Riukanojutsu rlg will defend this 4190512 NULL FukouDa Catapult best mech 4196072 NULL Chanec thatès wrong though 4198832 NULL FukouDa Marauder close second 4200492 NULL Laccal GIII GUUU 4202792 NULL Karuna those passes 4205132 NULL Denkocchi gigu 4206552 NULL SandG is /aog/ up next? 4207472 NULL wewlad16 cardboard box best mech 4209852 NULL Chanec Crypt of the Necrodancer is the best ever roguelike 4209972 NULL BoxDweller BabyRage gii guu BabyRage 4211362 NULL Riukanojutsu yea aog is next 4215472 NULL Denkocchi next is /mggg/-/aog/ 4215632 NULL SandG fuck yes 4223142 NULL KapperZ >99% 4223832 NULL Riukanojutsu what is mggg even? 4228292 NULL Denkocchi monster girls 4229432 NULL FukouDa Does /mggg/ have the porn kits? 4229682 NULL BetRigtor monstergirl games 4230952 NULL wewlad16 >99% 4231272 NULL Karuna monster girls 4234782 NULL huehuehue Monster girls games general 4234872 NULL Riukanojutsu wew 4235212 NULL HaganeNoTema Monster Girls 4237462 NULL zocram92 mggg PogChamp PogChamp 4241242 NULL SandG wew are we going to get raped 4243442 NULL zocram92 many Rigbux were lost for this team 4249602 NULL Denkocchi depends 4254482 NULL Denkocchi what do you mean by rape? 4256952 NULL Riukanojutsu Greg will crush the monster waifus 4257912 NULL FukouDa LEL 4259382 NULL BoxDweller LEL 4259832 NULL lwllw >2 shots on goal 4260542 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >99% chance to hit 4260562 NULL RamenRaisin >99% 4262352 NULL wasad jej 4263302 NULL Kayblis hanny will rape 4264312 NULL PWJP >99% 4264532 NULL zocram92 >99% 4265092 NULL BetRigtor was that a save? 4265112 NULL SirPainsalot 1% 4266722 NULL Olecei >99% 4266742 NULL Denkocchi WEW 4266852 NULL SandG in all forms 4267712 NULL Alguien >99% 4270052 NULL FukouDa JUST LIKE REAL XCOM 4271032 NULL KapperZ >99% TO WIDE 4271662 NULL Riukanojutsu >99% 4272002 NULL Jerbak12 99% to tilt 4272732 NULL wewlad16 WEW 4273342 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >99% 4273682 NULL BluGay long live Gregory the mighty 4273972 NULL LawfulDickish >99% 4275992 NULL Kayblis >99% 4276032 NULL BetRigtor almost 4277632 NULL Catlegs >99(ninetynine) percent chance 4278402 NULL silvertear 1% chance to miss 4280772 NULL ElementFortyThree >99% chance to choke 4285952 NULL amis kirkAyy kirkLmao 4294372 NULL huehuehue !* 4298212 NULL BoxDweller AT LAST 4299232 NULL Jerbak12 >99% 4300832 NULL PWJP ABOUT TIME 4304112 NULL CollieBro 99% chance to lose 4304122 NULL amis 100% Kappa 4307972 NULL Polizpolice finally 4308742 NULL Riukanojutsu >99% 4311892 NULL Denkocchi kek 4313602 NULL BoxDweller WELCUM TO ERF 4313662 NULL Riukanojutsu sounds about right 4314862 NULL SirPainsalot nice dance 4317612 NULL Polizpolice thanks snaketits 4318542 NULL wewlad16 RNGESUS HAS NOT FORSAKEN US! 4319042 NULL Karuna 99% 4323322 NULL zocram92 >99% tries to hit six times, misses 4326752 NULL Alguien >sneks hugging 4328032 NULL zocram92 >finally does something 4329842 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks This goalhorn makes me think of RIP AND TEAR 4345162 NULL GregoryEdgeworth What is this? 4347672 NULL Riukanojutsu i have no idea how this goal horn relates to xcom 4355112 NULL amis ey yo Nep go to the player details at the end to see his REAL chance to 4355602 NULL Denkocchi vg meme footy 4362392 NULL GregoryEdgeworth Where am I? 4363672 NULL PWJP It's the XCOM opening 4364982 NULL FukouDa It's a metal remix of classic X-Com intro 4368552 NULL Jerbak12 ME ON THE LEFT 4371092 NULL Riukanojutsu oic 4371882 NULL Laccal > 4374952 NULL BluGay good loop 4379712 NULL Alguien >2 goals >goalhorn runs out 4380422 NULL RoronaBest Nice 4388772 NULL Riukanojutsu 99% chance to have a good loop 4398972 NULL BoxDweller plebs 4413872 NULL GregoryEdgeworth What happened? 4428982 NULL Jerbak12 Blyat 4432032 NULL FukouDa SALT PILLAR FORMATION 4443222 NULL RoronaBest Lel 4456892 NULL Denkocchi wew 4462432 NULL Riukanojutsu that defense save 4467032 NULL Riukanojutsu LIGHTING REFLEX 4473592 NULL BoxDweller >overhead clearences Kreygasm 4473742 NULL Denkocchi 9 views away from breaking viewership record 4477462 NULL wasad DED 4481422 NULL BoxDweller lel 4482962 NULL polybius EVERY TIME 4484152 NULL amis LOL 4485612 NULL PWJP Classic PES 4487522 NULL zocram92 Klappa Klappa Klappa 4488482 NULL CollieBro NICE KICK FAGGOT 4489172 NULL FukouDa PILOTING CHECK FAILED 4489652 NULL Alguien Klappa 4491592 NULL Polizpolice HAHAHHAA 4492572 NULL Karuna Klappa 4494742 NULL HeavenlyPond >TAKING THAT SHORT 4495092 NULL amis free kick, free kek 4496382 NULL RedAnt KEK 4497162 NULL HeavenlyPond COME ON 4499482 NULL zocram92 that was free kick free goal territory 4503222 NULL Denkocchi >haruko 4508082 NULL Riukanojutsu this /vg/ cup thing is pretty hype 4512612 NULL zocram92 and the AI decides to >>>>QUICK KICK IT 4514262 NULL zocram92 come on 4522472 NULL CollieBro >99% 4530032 NULL BoxDweller SNEKS 4535472 NULL HeavenlyPond MISSY HISSY 4535542 NULL CollieBro hissss 4536752 NULL wewlad16 >99% 4536962 NULL FukouDa ATLAS STRONK 4539832 NULL Denkocchi >99% 4540322 NULL Karuna SAVED 4556802 NULL CptCourage With Sneks, you get rekt 4558922 NULL FukouDa >That ded captain 4561692 NULL Riukanojutsu beaglerush is out os stamina 4562792 NULL GregoryEdgeworth What is this? 4563152 NULL Riukanojutsu PANIC 4566532 NULL CptCourage REMOVE AYY 4570362 NULL zocram92 Not REEEEg'd 4581512 NULL BluGay We're up next greg 4588472 NULL HeavenlyPond awoo 4594852 NULL Karuna awew 4595352 NULL GregoryEdgeworth Oh... 4603402 NULL Denkocchi awew 4606452 NULL Riukanojutsu Yea our game is next 4607192 NULL polybius EMERGENCY EVAC 4610172 NULL zocram92 EMERGENCY EVAC NEEDED 4611922 NULL BoxDweller kirkAyy kirkLmao 4614692 NULL HeavenlyPond EMERGENCY EVAC 4617642 NULL wewlad16 PUT PATSY IN 4622882 NULL Denkocchi kirkAyy kirkLmao 4625172 NULL LawfulDickish who /aog/ here 4628512 NULL Riukanojutsu ayy 4630742 NULL zocram92 yes please 4632452 NULL zocram92 Quattro refs 4634452 NULL polybius I CAME HERE TO OFFSIDE YOU 4635122 NULL GregoryEdgeworth Where are we? 4637202 NULL Riukanojutsu Just doc my shit up fam 4643072 NULL RoronaBest kirkAyy kirk Lmao 4647302 NULL RoronaBest Shit 4652482 NULL zocram92 kirkAyy kirkLmao 4654172 NULL amis >kirk Lmao kirkLmao 4660102 NULL NotManticore >/xcg/ finishing 4669712 NULL BoxDweller we have what 4678332 NULL PWJP >intraigan 4695322 NULL Polizpolice fucking pauses 4702942 NULL GregoryEdgeworth If I can get a word in myself, I did not see the gunfire as 4708472 NULL SandG a o g s o o n 4713342 NULL GregoryEdgeworth I’d like to make public statement that we checked the gun. I 4720212 NULL bananko12 kek 4720462 NULL wewlad16 kek 4722692 NULL GregoryEdgeworth This was not an accident on our part. This was indeed a murd 4731182 NULL BoxDweller >211 4733022 NULL BoxDweller Check em 4735402 NULL ElementFortyThree GREG STOP 4740132 NULL kirbydamasta fucking greg 4748242 NULL Denkocchi greg pls 4751562 NULL PWJP >Greg 4755962 NULL GregoryEdgeworth The people clapped. The people cheered! The peopled listened 4762182 NULL zocram92 S H A D O W M A N A G I N G 4764312 NULL Riukanojutsu Greg pls 4768342 NULL NotManticore >Gregg 4773132 NULL Karuna >greg 4778512 NULL Laccal SEVEN 4780602 NULL ElementFortyThree friendly reminder that the gloves had holes so the gun must 4780822 NULL CptCourage >Edgeworth 4783572 NULL CptCourage >Edge 4785842 NULL BluGay our captian ladies and gentlemen 4789422 NULL Karuna >edge 4791012 NULL metagross01 YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME 4792322 NULL Karuna >worth anything 4797742 NULL Riukanojutsu Detective can you look for prints inside the gloves 4805692 NULL Polizpolice can xcom lose already 4808072 NULL metagross01 >Edgeworth looks even gayer on the Ace Attorney anime 4809432 NULL wewlad16 no u 4818042 NULL HeavenlyPond bitch, edgeworth is fabulous 4822052 NULL RoronaBest Xcom needs to make it 4-3 first 4824242 NULL Riukanojutsu >talking shit about miles 4833162 NULL zocram92 ResidentSleeper 4833992 NULL BluGay also can you cover everything in luminol, even yourself 4833992 NULL RedAnt Who is that? Mitsurugi? 4837342 NULL HeavenlyPond ResidentSleeper 4842792 NULL NotManticore ResidentSleeper 4843842 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks residentSleeper 4846662 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks < 4849062 NULL polybius ResidentSleeper 4849142 NULL Polizpolice ResidentSleeper 4860192 NULL MaxPiston ResidentSleeper 4862482 NULL NotManticore >Pro Evo Menus 4863372 NULL BoxDweller ResidentSleeper 4865572 NULL RamenRaisin kick the fucking ball already 4865832 NULL PWJP >covering yourself in luminol 4869392 NULL Denkocchi love these menus 4871182 NULL polybius Pro Evolution Rigging 4874852 NULL Polizpolice nice 2-4 can we go the next match 4876632 NULL metagross01 OH SHIT 4876842 NULL RamenRaisin WEW 4877672 NULL PWJP WEW 4878182 NULL HeavenlyPond Pro Evolution Sleeper 4880392 NULL Sham69 BOOSITIN 4880642 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks WEW 4881042 NULL zocram92 WEW LAD 4881352 NULL polybius HABBENIN? :DDDD 4882172 NULL Laccal RIGGED 4882452 NULL Denkocchi WEW 4883822 NULL KingLear SAVE US BEAGLE 4883932 NULL Olecei Kek off 4884192 NULL CollieBro COMEBACK 4886002 NULL Lazyturd BEAGLE 4886752 NULL Riukanojutsu BEAGLERUSH FINDS A WAY 4886922 NULL wasad roggled 4889122 NULL wewlad16 W E W L A D 4889122 NULL MaxPiston BEAGLE 4889432 NULL Lazyturd DO IT BEAGLE 4889582 NULL lwllw QUADS NEVER LIE 4889892 NULL zocram92 Unpause abuse WutFace 4891962 NULL NotManticore TACTICAL JEANS 4893312 NULL ElementFortyThree GOMEBAG???? :DDDDDDDD 4898692 NULL Denkocchi PAUSE ABUSE 4899312 NULL HaganeNoTema W E W 4904142 NULL KingLear YOU AUSSIE AYY LMAO LOOKING BEAUTY 4916322 NULL wewlad16 BORN TO SHITPOST 4923412 NULL Lazyturd THEY AYYS THOUGHT THEY HAD THE WIN 4924492 NULL Denkocchi kirkAyy kirkLmao 4930592 NULL Lazyturd BUT IT WAS JUST A CHEEKY OVERWATCH BAIT 4931922 NULL zocram92 kirkAyy kirkLmao 4932192 NULL Polizpolice that was rng manipulation 4939302 NULL RoronaBest kirkAyy kirkLmao 4942182 NULL zocram92 >>>/agdq/ 4943062 NULL Virule PSYCH 4946622 NULL Virule THATS THE WRONG LEAD 4953882 NULL wewlad16 kek 4971232 NULL HeavenlyPond do they have the "thing" 4978722 NULL Denkocchi do they have "that" 4980632 NULL polybius 4 4985992 NULL Olecei U 4986742 NULL RoronaBest 4 4988362 NULL Anzai 4 4988582 NULL amis U 4993892 NULL wewlad16 UUUU 4995272 NULL metagross01 That Added Minutes window looks pretty cool 4997332 NULL Sham69 99% CHANCE TO COMEBACK 5006492 NULL BoxDweller wew 5006542 NULL Lazyturd MISS 5010652 NULL polybius MISS 5011872 NULL Laccal >/xcg/ 5016292 NULL Karuna INTRIGUING 5017022 NULL Polizpolice CHOKE 5023922 NULL metagross01 GG 5023932 NULL BoxDweller Oh you save now 5029532 NULL Laccal 90++++++ 5030602 NULL Sham69 AWOOOOOOOO 5032012 NULL ElementFortyThree nice desu 5032732 NULL Denkocchi RIP 5034692 NULL amis gg 5035212 NULL polybius GO BACK TO SAVESCUMMING 5036212 NULL BoxDweller Nice tiddies 5036402 NULL Karuna 99% CHANCE 5037912 NULL wewlad16 gg 5046482 NULL anonyt IS IRONMAN TOO HARD FOR YOU? 5050382 NULL amis not quite 99% chance to hit 5052662 NULL zocram92 >tfw my Ironman campaign is fucked 5055212 NULL FukouDa >/gerg/ has a MubRub representative 5060222 NULL anonyt WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO SAVESCUMMING? 5065592 NULL wewlad16 no u 5070642 NULL GregoryEdgeworth It's over now... 5074772 NULL Polizpolice those xcom ratings 5075992 NULL HeavenlyPond who /aog/ here 5079042 NULL Denkocchi 2huMomiGlee 5087152 NULL amis LIVIN' IN 5087522 NULL GregoryEdgeworth /aog/! 5094302 NULL zocram92 >99% 5098992 NULL Denkocchi >66% 5100912 NULL lwllw >66% 5102632 NULL HeavenlyPond >33% chance to score 5105702 NULL amis >66% 5108612 NULL huehuehue Can we check the blood for fingerprints? 5117262 NULL Sham69 peesyheesy 5124422 NULL BluGay DeBeste reasoning now? 5172625 NULL zocram92 PogChamp PogChamp 5175485 NULL SandG y e s 5177315 NULL SandG a o g 5178765 NULL MaxPiston MOAR SNEKTITS 5180595 NULL GregoryEdgeworth YES 5180945 NULL CollieBro /mggg/ REPRESENT 5181805 NULL metagross01 >A CLOCK? 5185185 NULL Sham69 Wait a minute there's an Ace Attorney Online what the fuck 5185635 NULL PWJP LEWD 5185825 NULL anonyt wait ace attorney online is a thing? 5185925 NULL Epiigoni This is gonna be fun. 5186945 NULL SirPainsalot TIMELINES 5188865 NULL dantesfag Who rooting for /aog/ here? 5191105 NULL Karuna SNEKTITS N E K T I T S 5195215 NULL CollieBro haha time for lewd 5195375 NULL PWJP I like both teams tbh 5196075 NULL GregoryEdgeworth /aog/! /aog/! 5202385 NULL kirbydamasta i have a theory 5202845 NULL BluGay >GREG LEAD US TO THE PROMISED LAND 5204245 NULL Epiigoni I'm going for aog because I like to think I've got some dignity 5206915 NULL FukouDa >Not the lewd kits 5217395 NULL CollieBro >watching the vgl 5220665 NULL CollieBro >dignity 5220665 NULL Alguien pew pew 5220975 NULL Karuna >having dignity >while watching vgl 5222135 NULL BoxDweller >tfw most monstergirls are too much monster and not enough girl 5224865 NULL Kayblis >no porno 5227065 NULL Olecei >watching vgl 5227875 NULL CollieBro you make funny jokes epiigoni 5229545 NULL Olecei >dignity 5232255 NULL SirPainsalot RED G R E G 5234555 NULL metagross01 >3-5-1-1 5235305 NULL BoxDweller Jesus Christ 5237805 NULL Karuna boxdweller weak 5238805 NULL anonyt >tfw most monstergirls are too much girl and not enough monster 5240075 NULL kirbydamasta >RED GREG 5241415 NULL CollieBro COUNTER!! 5241595 NULL kirbydamasta OH FUG 5242215 NULL huehuehue >blue blue ruby 5244425 NULL Polizpolice RED GREG 5246675 NULL polybius of fug 5251215 NULL anonyt CLOACAS 5251655 NULL HeavenlyPond >red GREG 5253505 NULL HeavenlyPond OH BOI 5254555 NULL TWAIN >that formation 5261515 NULL metagross01 >/mggg/'s formation 5263145 NULL BoxDweller awoo 5265895 NULL wasad awew 5266675 NULL polybius AWOOOOOOOOO 5266915 NULL anonyt AWOO 5267735 NULL Karuna AWOOOO 5267755 NULL CollieBro awoo~ 5268285 NULL Epiigoni AWOO 5271725 NULL Safiiri AWOO 5271845 NULL zocram92 AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5272105 NULL Alguien AWOOO~ 5272325 NULL QDvg NO AWOO 5272845 NULL metagross01 AWOO~ 5272855 NULL amis DON'T AWOO 5276935 NULL HaganeNoTema AWOOOO 5278665 NULL dantesfag AWOO~ 5283565 NULL BoxDweller hola 5287185 NULL OreSennin stfu spanyards 5287715 NULL sebastian-debeste May Debeste team win. 5289975 NULL Marqod Clan Wolf reporting in, I see. 5291055 NULL OreSennin English only 5294985 NULL CollieBro AMAZING TACTICS 5296145 NULL BluGay I hope fucking *blocks it* doesn't drop it again 5296555 NULL Laccal SPIGS :DD:D:D 5297255 NULL CptCourage >the future primary language of the USA 5297695 NULL Alguien got fined 500 for awoo~, please dont awoo~ 5300705 NULL anonyt what the hell is mggg setup? 5302565 NULL kirbydamasta >THIS FORMATION 5302565 NULL metagross01 >3-5-1-1 5302645 NULL CatFacts :fist_bump: 5303145 NULL BluGay WOO 5304625 NULL McMelanogaster >red Greg\ 5305205 NULL PWJP >possession long 5309035 NULL HeavenlyPond LONG BALL 5309355 NULL CptCourage :^) 5311635 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon The hell is this? 5313785 NULL anonyt THREE FIVE ONE ONE 5314875 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon This 5316355 NULL Kayblis kek 5317785 NULL huehuehue >implying we don't investigate rapes 5318275 NULL zocram92 oh shit mggg what the hell is going on there 5318395 NULL CollieBro POSSESSION 5319665 NULL CollieBro LONG 5320965 NULL BluGay JOKES ON YOU FAGGOT, WE DO RAPE CASES TOO 5321035 NULL CollieBro BALL 5322795 NULL SirPainsalot OH GOD LONG BALL POSSESSION 5323505 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THIS IS A TEAM I CAN RELATE TOO 5328665 NULL GregoryEdgeworth No one can beat the goalkeeper *blocks it* 5329125 NULL metagross01 These are some next level formations 5341745 NULL zocram92 >possession short ResidentSleeper 5349225 NULL WeAreLawyer >*block it* 5349505 NULL amis why do you think "possession" gets shortened to "POS" EleGiggle 5353305 NULL WeAreLawyer >Wont block anything 5358935 NULL FukouDa WEW LAD 5364525 NULL PWJP What's this normal-looking /mggg/ formation 5366025 NULL zocram92 >diamond 4-4-2 on possession short ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper R 5366855 NULL anonyt CLOACA 5378005 NULL Alguien >POS=Piece of shit >SHT=Shit 5382595 NULL RamenRaisin BORING formation 5385185 NULL amis whoa 5391075 NULL BoxDweller >lower case names 5398755 NULL BoxDweller For what purpose? 5407685 NULL FukouDa M GEE GEE GEE 5413025 NULL RedAnt >Not using the greatest capitalist formation of them all 5415035 NULL polybius CHI-PA-PA 5416645 NULL RedAnt Fuck off reds 5417925 NULL Laccal BABY BABY 5421235 NULL PWJP CHI~PA~PA 5421685 NULL CptCourage G G G G Baby Baby Baby 5427705 NULL CptCourage Fuck /g/ 5431025 NULL PWJP Great job, Payne 5432785 NULL amis faceyP faceyA faceyP faceyA 5441335 NULL HeavenlyPond WE GIVE UP 5441585 NULL BluGay DONT REMOVE AUSTIN, FUCK 5443475 NULL CollieBro CHI-PA-PA! 5445205 NULL BoxDweller AWSON OF A BITCH 5447615 NULL HeavenlyPond >REMOVING AUSTIN 5460445 NULL anonyt oh boy yet another 4-3-1-2 5461675 NULL amis >BENCHING VINCE 5464085 NULL polybius SNEK 5466345 NULL BluGay thanks lupa 5468475 NULL myuer >REMOVING AUSTIN 5469025 NULL CollieBro just a prank bro 5469635 NULL myuer REALLY 5472305 NULL Denkocchi tfw mgggggggggggg is gonna win 5478235 NULL anonyt CLOACAS 5480635 NULL RamenRaisin SNAKE? 5481125 NULL amis NO ONE PUTS VINCE ON THE BENCH :achoo: 5481325 NULL polybius THE SNEK LEAGUE 5484295 NULL Karuna SNAKE 5484895 NULL CollieBro SNEK 5485205 NULL QDvg cloackas~ 5486995 NULL wewlad16 SNAKE? 5487475 NULL wasad S N E K 5490115 NULL Karuna SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE 5492185 NULL Alguien SNEK 5498415 NULL GregoryEdgeworth THANKS LUPA! 5498445 NULL anonyt SNEK LEAGUE 5501145 NULL BoxDweller /vs/ - Video Snakes 5502315 NULL Denkocchi Miia a shit 5502535 NULL BluGay I HEARD THAT, HYPE SONG 5503585 NULL CGBSpender YOu like lamias? 5503605 NULL Epiigoni Good taste 5507225 NULL PWJP KITSUNE MASTER RACE 5510945 NULL Karuna >lamias >good taste 5513055 NULL CGBSpender i have a literally onahole JUST FOR YOU 5513095 NULL HeavenlyPond >LAMIA FAGS 5516755 NULL HeavenlyPond REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5517045 NULL amis it's not "quest" anymore apparently 5517495 NULL lwllw I've had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking board 5519445 NULL CollieBro where the FUCK is Alice in this roster 5520635 NULL anonyt /vsl/ - Video Snake League 5522025 NULL CGBSpender it's a siren but whatever 5522265 NULL HaganeNoTema gentlemans tier taste right here lads 5524335 NULL wasad who /fluffytail/ here 5527015 NULL Kayblis alice a shit 5529105 NULL Kayblis a shit 5542545 NULL anonyt BOOO 5542835 NULL PWJP I /fluffytail/ here 5542835 NULL Alguien /bear/ vs /sneks/ when? 5546255 NULL amis spiders WutFace 5546735 NULL BoxDweller >wanting spiders 5550535 NULL BoxDweller Straya pls go 5551005 NULL anonyt BRING BACK SPIDERGIRLS 5552115 NULL Karuna >not wanting spiders 5554835 NULL CollieBro I actually want a snek team 5560025 NULL BluGay >he doesn't jerk it exclusively to earwig girls 5561095 NULL KingLear >schedule 5561395 NULL Safiiri spidergirls best girls 5563955 NULL Kayblis spider girls a best 5566095 NULL anonyt Snekteam for final boss 5566185 NULL BluGay bruh 5567355 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >There are people in this chat who do not like spiders 5568505 NULL huehuehue Take your time bro :^) 5574525 NULL Kayblis Atlach Nacha master race 5574695 NULL kirbydamasta benulty 5576075 NULL NotManticore SDA is a sider. 5577625 NULL anonyt absolutely disgusting 5579025 NULL NotManticore *spier 5580135 NULL CollieBro spiders is high tier taste desu 5583365 NULL NotManticore FFS keyboard 5584655 NULL NotManticore Spider. 5589015 NULL anonyt DRIDERS TOP TIER 5593475 NULL FukouDa SDA is a pider, do not believe his lies 5595925 NULL ElementFortyThree >blue ruby in blue condition 5598675 NULL ElementFortyThree like clockwork 5598905 NULL GregoryEdgeworth DON'T REMOVE INCOMPETENCE 5599955 NULL BluGay ALL CAPS ALL DAY 5600435 NULL FukouDa *spider 5601305 NULL RedAnt Real spiders are cuter 5602865 NULL CollieBro SDA is a spiker 5603295 NULL FukouDa FUG 5603615 NULL polybius FUG, SBIDERS :DDDDD 5603665 NULL myuer >verdict fags 5607175 NULL Denkocchi Suu > Papi > Miia > Rachnea > horse > mermaid 5609905 NULL Denkocchi 2bh 5615015 NULL amis fudge 5616475 NULL RedAnt this tbh 5618475 NULL CollieBro fudge 5618555 NULL BoxDweller fudge 5620025 NULL BasedSmugleaf sweating_rigbux 5621005 NULL anonyt >mermaid being worst 5621135 NULL Jerbak12 fadge 5622875 NULL Alguien fudge 5623245 NULL anonyt what 5624715 NULL FukouDa >No Polt in the ranking 5626855 NULL CollieBro press F to fudge 5629305 NULL NotManticore fudggge :D 5630245 NULL wasad F 5630285 NULL zocram92 >it's all fudged up 5633975 NULL Alguien dameet 5636015 NULL Jerbak12 f 5636755 NULL RoronaBest Fudge 5637325 NULL PWJP Good taste 5640175 NULL zocram92 JAY PEEEEEEE 5640975 NULL amis didn't know /s/ had one 5641205 NULL BluGay >tfw we never made a courtroom stadium 5643315 NULL zocram92 JAY PEEEEEEEEEEEEe 5650895 NULL DescendingBears there is nothing saqual about pile of ooze 5652465 NULL CollieBro IT'S TIME 5656935 NULL GregoryEdgeworth Courtroom stadium when? 5664265 NULL anonyt as soon as you make it 5664875 NULL PWJP SYAMEIMARU 5666145 NULL Denkocchi jay pee 5668405 NULL FukouDa WEW 5670365 NULL BoxDweller L-Lewd 5672305 NULL Chanec gay 5673181 NULL amis or spurdo. do monster girls have benises? 5674451 NULL polybius LEWD 5676121 NULL Denkocchi LEL 5678121 NULL zocram92 >no kit 3 5678371 NULL RamenRaisin FORBIDDEN 5680401 NULL FukouDa >Jack 5682381 NULL zocram92 NEP PLEASE 5684281 NULL metagross01 >Jack 5684741 NULL BoxDweller kappaDisco 5685411 NULL Chanec >forboden 5687011 NULL Kayblis forbidden love 5687431 NULL HeavenlyPond NEP BALL 5687901 NULL RedAnt Christian streaming website 5690561 NULL Karuna 4biden 5695381 NULL BluGay HERE WE GO FUCKBOYS 5698431 NULL Jerbak12 for Biden 5700021 NULL PWJP ILLIAS 5700611 NULL NotManticore >I really like Men - Jack about Forbidden Love, 2016 5703771 NULL anonyt ILIAS DID NOTHING WRONG 5704251 NULL BetRigtor b o x h e a d l e a g u e 5704251 NULL FukouDa kappaDisco OutbackJack kappaDisco 5709881 NULL polybius ILLIAS DID EVERYTHING WRONG 5710521 NULL HeavenlyPond BLOCKS IT 5710561 NULL Gruyurg IT'S TIME 5711221 NULL sebastian-debeste Forbidden love is debeste kind of love. 5712471 NULL ElementFortyThree great job, payne. 5714071 NULL Kayblis ILIAS WAS RIGHT 5717311 NULL BluGay HAH, WHAT A SHITTY ANTHEM 5720931 NULL PWJP HOLE INSPECTION DAY 5722311 NULL SandG the court is now in session 5727721 NULL Karuna PogChamp 5727761 NULL amis WARMUP 5728671 NULL lwllw whose anthem is this 5728771 NULL metagross01 >Apollo blender 5729841 NULL BluGay POLLY 5735651 NULL polybius CHORDS OF STEEL 5737671 NULL McMelanogaster verdict pls 5737731 NULL huehuehue >asspollo 5737781 NULL Denkocchi Apollo and the posters 5742021 NULL GregoryEdgeworth This is not /aog/'s anthem... 5745871 NULL BluGay YES 5748011 NULL CollieBro LEWD BLENDERS 5748241 NULL Gruyurg G 5749151 NULL Gruyurg R 5750541 NULL BoxDweller ;_;7 5752361 NULL Gruyurg E 5753501 NULL myuer GREAT 5753881 NULL metagross01 Gyakuten Winner for /aog/ anthem when? 5754221 NULL Gruyurg G 5754891 NULL myuer ATTORNEY 5756371 NULL SandG G R E G 5759951 NULL myuer G R E G 5768261 NULL BluGay I JUST WANTED TO MAKE BATMAN DAMNIT 5770831 NULL anonyt WE ARE LAWYER 5771181 NULL GregoryEdgeworth *adjusts coat* 5774051 NULL GregoryEdgeworth *adjusts tie* 5774251 NULL OlgaOrly >GREG 5774271 NULL WeAreLawyer >no Gyakuten Winner as an anthem 5774791 NULL SandG TAKE US INTO THE PROMISED LAND GREG 5776381 NULL GregoryEdgeworth *adjusts coat* 5777041 NULL FukouDa Those blenders 5777671 NULL ElementFortyThree WAIT A MINUTE THAT CARD 5778951 NULL GregoryEdgeworth *adjusts tie* 5779031 NULL lwllw Gyakuten Winner for goalhorn pls 5779611 NULL BoxDweller Smugbol 5785811 NULL CptCourage >dat ball 5786321 NULL SandG >that ball 5790191 NULL Jerbak12 >2hu 5791511 NULL CptCourage SHUT UP MIMSYYYYY 5791641 NULL CollieBro we should have this game on twitch :^) 5799961 NULL metagross01 >twithc 5804661 NULL metagross01 >twitch* 5806601 NULL FukouDa >Twatch 5812631 NULL anonyt but there is no /pol/ in this match 5814601 NULL amis >titch 5816351 NULL Electroshock3383 What did I miss 5822341 NULL Denkocchi >ygo card 5822751 NULL Kayblis everything 5824891 NULL Electroshock3383 took a biochem partial 5825241 NULL CptCourage >/xcg/ 5825621 NULL Denkocchi dng abuse? 5826001 NULL BluGay DO IT POLLY 5826111 NULL DoctorPavel G R E G 5831541 NULL DescendingBears don't you know that nipples are more offending than nazis? 5835201 NULL anonyt I mean I guess Illias did nothing wrong counts as kind of /pol/ 5836701 NULL polybius DAT CHOKE 5837581 NULL BluGay FUCK 5841601 NULL CollieBro COUNTER!! 5841981 NULL Karuna SAVED 5842291 NULL BoxDweller Noice 5843431 NULL metagross01 Please /aog/ manager, put Gyakuten Winner for the next match. 5843911 NULL Denkocchi >greg 5844481 NULL PWJP >Greg 5844961 NULL myuer THAT CARD 5845271 NULL FukouDa You missed /gerg/ being giant robots 5851291 NULL Electroshock3383 fug 5851451 NULL Alguien wait a moment, that card 5867491 NULL anonyt poor payne 5868051 NULL ElementFortyThree great job, payne 5869531 NULL BluGay payne is a fucking savage 5870551 NULL lwllw Kristoph a shit 5872891 NULL amis PAYNE? 5874861 NULL Denkocchi good job, payne 5878491 NULL HeavenlyPond TELL ME ABOUT PAYNE 5882591 NULL anonyt YOU'RE A BIG LAWYER 5885391 NULL Electroshock3383 U U U U 5886191 NULL amis i was actually quoting Max Payne 5893131 NULL BoxDweller ded 5894431 NULL huehuehue >greg 5894921 NULL BluGay polly with the fancy feet 5897401 NULL Denkocchi >Greg 5898511 NULL zocram92 D E D 5899231 NULL PWJP DED 5899951 NULL RamenRaisin TAKE HIM TO COURT 5900581 NULL NotManticore Lethal tackle. 5900881 NULL FukouDa IT'S PAYNE! 5901381 NULL HeavenlyPond DED 5901491 NULL anonyt max payne isn't as memetastic 5901521 NULL McMelanogaster MOIDA 5902041 NULL dantesfag rekt 5902221 NULL CollieBro So... this is the power... of meme formations. 5905421 NULL BluGay GREG NO 5905931 NULL Kayblis kek 5906481 NULL Karuna NEE NAW 5908001 NULL Virule battery 5908051 NULL kirbydamasta PENALTY 5909091 NULL PWJP SNEK TITS 5909121 NULL Electroshock3383 >GREG 5911541 NULL polybius >Greg 5912351 NULL FukouDa >Greg 5913991 NULL NotManticore >Greg 5914951 NULL dantesfag >greg 5915171 NULL myuer >GREG 5915591 NULL Gruyurg >GREG 5916991 NULL BluGay >GREG 5917001 NULL RoronaBest >GREG 5917281 NULL CollieBro >gerg 5917841 NULL ElementFortyThree >REG 5918621 NULL Catlegs >greg 5919921 NULL QDvg >greg 5920041 NULL PWJP >GREG 5923581 NULL lwllw >greg 5923931 NULL GregoryEdgeworth >Me 5926701 NULL NotManticore >Apollo 5928081 NULL Karuna >greg 5930301 NULL myuer WE ARE LAWYER ! 5930901 NULL PWJP WE ARE CHOKE 5930931 NULL huehuehue >greg "i have a theory" edgeworth 5934311 NULL polybius WE ARE GOAL 5934361 NULL dantesfag GOAL 5935061 NULL metagross01 >defense 5936381 NULL ElementFortyThree WE ARE GOAL 5936381 NULL GregoryEdgeworth YES 5937911 NULL BoxDweller WE ARE SCORERS 5938101 NULL GregoryEdgeworth WE ARE LAWYER 5938661 NULL CollieBro WHAT 5938991 NULL anonyt WE ARE GOAL 5939481 NULL HeavenlyPond WE ARE LAWYER 5940011 NULL zocram92 DansGame DansGame 5940471 NULL SirPainsalot WE ARE LAWYER 5940481 NULL Prozach WE ARE GOAL 5941061 NULL Olecei WE ARE LAWYER 5941081 NULL RamenRaisin WE ARE GOAL 5941321 NULL Mobaloba WE ARE GOAL 5942121 NULL myuer WE ARE GOAL 5942491 NULL Denkocchi WE ARE SCORE 5943061 NULL PWJP WE ARE GOAL 5944551 NULL Karuna PogChamp 5946021 NULL BluGay WE ARE LAWYER 5946111 NULL ElementFortyThree FREE TO PURSUE OUR DESTINY 5946301 NULL Epiigoni WE ARE GOAL 5946591 NULL SandG W E A R E 5947921 NULL dantesfag WE ARE LAWYER 5948251 NULL kirbydamasta WE ARE LAWYER 5948301 NULL DoctorPavel WE ARE LAWYER 5948361 NULL PWJP NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS 5949651 NULL Electroshock3383 WE ARE SCORING 5952171 NULL RedAnt IGI ARI 5954111 NULL Safiiri WE ARE SCORE 5954151 NULL HaganeNoTema WE ARE LAWEYER 5955581 NULL AlternativeRoo OBJECTION! 5956651 NULL BluGay NO MAN OR GOD 5958431 NULL SandG WELL MEMED MY RIEND 5958521 NULL WeAreLawyer WE ARE ME! 5961461 NULL BluGay ONLY LAWYER 5965241 NULL amis >we 5967781 NULL polybius AND NOW I'M REMINDED THAT THIS GAME ISN'T TRANSLATED 5968261 NULL RoronaBest Hey isn't this an anime? :^) 5968471 NULL Prozach HEAVEN OR HELL LET'S ROCK 5968891 NULL polybius FUG 5970241 NULL GregoryEdgeworth FROGPOLLO DOES IT AGAIN 5972121 NULL Electroshock3383 >we 5985391 NULL metagross01 Ace Attorney is a game that was made into an anime this Spring. 5987481 NULL dantesfag AYA NO 5987791 NULL NotManticore >that defender >this AI 5987791 NULL zocram92 >1.04 defense 5989661 NULL CollieBro FUCK YOU GNOME 6024271 NULL lwllw hey wait a minute 6025121 NULL QDvg by the way, Apollo's head is supposed to be on WE ARE LAWYER, not Asspul 6029841 NULL lwllw why isn't blue badger the goalhorn 6032091 NULL AlternativeRoo TRIGGERED 6034351 NULL Electroshock3383 >spats 6036771 NULL lwllw that would be funny 6036771 NULL BluGay THANKS LUPA 6039231 NULL CollieBro >spats 6040511 NULL myuer >not knowing Asspollo 6040781 NULL amis spazz 6045821 NULL huehuehue >lupacuck 6046181 NULL NotManticore >ILIAS 6048651 NULL MaxPiston P U R E 6054661 NULL Electroshock3383 horoLewd 6056971 NULL RoronaBest Shoo shoo, monster girls 6059281 NULL zocram92 WutFace 6065131 NULL CptCourage cirLewd 6080101 NULL dantesfag WE ARE LAWYER 6083091 NULL CollieBro >we 6084621 NULL Electroshock3383 DED 6085571 NULL wasad MOIDA 6086961 NULL BoxDweller ded 6087961 NULL NotManticore >APOLLO 6088151 NULL zocram92 DED 6088661 NULL HeavenlyPond THAT CARD! 6089261 NULL MaxPiston MURDER 6090491 NULL FukouDa WE ARE MURDER 6090701 NULL HaganeNoTema DED 6091011 NULL Denkocchi WEW 6091491 NULL dantesfag REKT 6092081 NULL huehuehue PENALIZED 6092131 NULL metagross01 VEREDICT: GUILTY 6092221 NULL McMelanogaster SOMEONE CALL HOMICIDE 6092641 NULL HeavenlyPond NO CARD 6092941 NULL Prozach WAIT A MINUTE 6093141 NULL dantesfag DED 6094241 NULL Mobaloba DED 6094271 NULL RedAnt RIP 6095221 NULL CrackStuntman WE ARE GIVEAWAY 6095621 NULL ElementFortyThree WE ARE MURDER 6095871 NULL RamenRaisin DED 6097101 NULL Epiigoni MURDER 6097111 NULL Electroshock3383 DED BUT NO CARD 6097641 NULL Prozach THAT CARD 6097911 NULL MaxPiston NOT GUILTY 6098291 NULL CollieBro DED 6100031 NULL SirPainsalot WAIT AMINUTE 6100551 NULL myuer THAT CARD 6103401 NULL SandG WAIT A MINUTE THAT CARD 6103811 NULL CollieBro SHE'S TAPPING OUT 6104511 NULL Electroshock3383 NO CARDS ALLOWED 6104951 NULL ElementFortyThree WAIT A MINUTE THAT CARD 6105201 NULL zocram92 NO CARD BORS REPENT 6106021 NULL amis WAIT A MINUTE, THAT DEATH 6108611 NULL huehuehue BENALDY :DDDDDDDDDDD 6108931 NULL CatFacts MIGHT AS WELL GIVE A PENALTY 6109831 NULL Denkocchi >placeholder 6113161 NULL KingLear NOT GUILTY 6113981 NULL polybius RAPED BY YUGIOH CARDS SCENE WHEN? 6115171 NULL metagross01 >ero1.ogg 6120391 NULL BluGay >already have one 6125241 NULL RoronaBest Ded 6127041 NULL HaganeNoTema Bullshit 6127171 NULL CollieBro >ero1.ogg starts playing 6127981 NULL BluGay that's it, verdict pls 6145321 NULL HeavenlyPond >30 minutes only 1 goal 6147731 NULL HeavenlyPond ResidentSleeper 6149291 NULL Electroshock3383 back from treatment already 6156781 NULL PWJP >asspulls 6157111 NULL RoronaBest Just a scratch 6157511 NULL Electroshock3383 did he put on a bandaid? 6160851 NULL FukouDa Fakin' it, clearly 6169861 NULL zocram92 P O S S E S S I O N G A...ResidentSleeper 6177221 NULL CollieBro mggggggg doesn't have offence 6177521 NULL Electroshock3383 noonaSleep 6177831 NULL BoxDweller ResidentSleeper 6185001 NULL Us3rmane REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6186441 NULL Denkocchi noonaSleep 6187331 NULL BluGay GREG 6187331 NULL Us3rmane Hello 6192641 NULL BluGay fuck 6193481 NULL PWJP >Greg 6196071 NULL Denkocchi >Greg 6199481 NULL myuer >Asspollo 6200511 NULL zocram92 Bonjour 6206001 NULL Virule Can I sue someone for boring me to death? 6206221 NULL amis tell him to open the hitbox stream 6209931 NULL Us3rmane :^) 6213421 NULL CrackStuntman GREAT JOB PAYNE 6218251 NULL BluGay >civil cases 6219581 NULL metagross01 >PAYNE 6238991 NULL CollieBro /mggg/'s midfield needs to be more spread out 6239971 NULL OlgaOrly Wait a minute, is this a civil case? 6240271 NULL Chanec GOD 6244981 NULL HeavenlyPond >BLOCKS IT 6245891 NULL PWJP PUREST 6246631 NULL CatFacts ayy 6246811 NULL metagross01 A GOAL PogChamp 6247091 NULL ElementFortyThree IT BEGINS 6248291 NULL BackgroundPony PogChamp 6249581 NULL zocram92 PogChamp 6250871 NULL Electroshock3383 A GOAL 6251121 NULL Us3rmane PUREST DICK 6251381 NULL dantesfag pogchamp 6252031 NULL BoxDweller PURE GOAL-LOVING MAIDEN 6252191 NULL huehuehue *don't blocks it* 6252441 NULL CollieBro l-lewd 6254481 NULL MaxPiston P U R E 6255111 NULL HaganeNoTema LEWD 6255271 NULL SmugRedMan PURE 6255501 NULL FukouDa ANIME PUSSY 6255591 NULL Us3rmane PogChamp 6257301 NULL BoxDweller L-Lewd 6258181 NULL Electroshock3383 TriHard 6258331 NULL wasad so pure 6259081 NULL Denkocchi lmao 6259551 NULL metagross01 P/u/RE 6259841 NULL HaganeNoTema PURE SHIT 6261211 NULL zocram92 >tfw no kit 3 6261211 NULL RamenRaisin ANIME PU$$Y 6261361 NULL PWJP ANIME PU$$Y 6261691 NULL Kayblis too pure 6261741 NULL polybius ANIME PUSSY 6261861 NULL Mobaloba ANIME PUSSY 6262701 NULL anonyt ANIMAY PUSS 6264631 NULL Virule LEWD 6265141 NULL BoxDweller ANIME PUSSY 6265181 NULL Catlegs EAT YOUR HAMBURGERS APOLLO 6265391 NULL dantesfag ANIME PUSSY 6265791 NULL Karuna PENETRATED THEIR DEFENSE 6267161 NULL ElementFortyThree ANIME PU$$Y 6268661 NULL Us3rmane PRESS A TO HAVE AN ANIME PUSSY 6269141 NULL Epiigoni Anime pussy 6269561 NULL Karuna PogChamp 6270091 NULL metagross01 ANIME PUSSY 6270461 NULL peptobislawl >not touch fluffy tail 6270671 NULL zocram92 ANIME PUSSY 6272641 NULL FukouDa TriHard ANIME PUSSY TriHard 6274531 NULL Polizpolice \u\ strong 6276121 NULL RedAnt ANIME PUSSY 6276831 NULL Olecei TriHard 6280381 NULL Denkocchi TriHard 6283231 NULL Electroshock3383 TriHard TriHard 6283751 NULL PWJP Every 6285281 NULL PWJP Fucking 6285391 NULL Mobaloba TriHard 6286821 NULL PWJP Time 6291861 NULL Electroshock3383 >Ash 6292631 NULL amis TriHard 6292901 NULL ShadowNiL tRIhARD 6293981 NULL polybius TriHard 6295761 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >touch fuffy tail 6297421 NULL RamenRaisin TriHard ANIME PU$$Y TriHard 6297961 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks >kek asscorp 6298901 NULL Karuna good job payne 6301741 NULL ElementFortyThree >fucking misty 6305041 NULL huehuehue >IRELEVAND. BENALDY FOR THE DEFENS BLEAZ :DDDDDDDD 6305671 NULL metagross01 :a: :n: :i: :m: :e: :p: :u: :s: :s: :y: 6308311 NULL Virule Animeme pussy 6310721 NULL amis is this Trihex singing 6312831 NULL HaganeNoTema ANIME PUSSY 6320281 NULL metagross01 TriHard ANIME PUSSY TriHard 6323361 NULL BoxDweller lel that kick 6336481 NULL Denkocchi 1 6341271 NULL Alguien >you can spell anime with weeb boards 6342291 NULL Alguien woah 6352971 NULL Amygdala anime is immoral 6358641 NULL Denkocchi inb4 >/n/ >weeb 6359611 NULL Electroshock3383 >1(1) 1 goal 6359671 NULL RamenRaisin >/n/ >weeb board 6360251 NULL PWJP THAT'S A FUCKING NIPPLE 6360351 NULL RedAnt semen slurping match 6360961 NULL NotManticore >1(1) 6363001 NULL ElementFortyThree >1(1) 6364021 NULL RoronaBest Efficient 6367231 NULL zocram92 >1 1(1) WutFace 6367601 NULL Olecei ITS A FUCKING NIPPLE 6368351 NULL metagross01 DOUBLE DUBS 6373891 NULL Kayblis only 2 saves? 6375161 NULL BoxDweller wew 6376881 NULL Polizpolice monster girls confirmed efficient 6378471 NULL HeavenlyPond OH FUG 6379031 NULL Electroshock3383 is this SDA? 6379781 NULL HeavenlyPond PRESET 3 6380151 NULL CollieBro you can spell sports with shit boards :^) 6382331 NULL amis dat gap 6383771 NULL HaganeNoTema A FUCKING NIPPLE 6384091 NULL zocram92 WutFace 6385661 NULL CatFacts MEME TACTICS 6388091 NULL ElementFortyThree YES PRESET 3 6389571 NULL zocram92 2-3-5 INCOMING 6392121 NULL zocram92 HOLY SHIT 6396851 NULL Denkocchi oh no 6396861 NULL FukouDa >You can spell shitposting with boards 6401931 NULL MaxPiston HEAP OF TROUBLE 6405221 NULL Vaughan no, he's putting fluid on 6409201 NULL metagross01 3-5-1-1 please 6410281 NULL Vaughan it's not as meme 6411111 NULL CollieBro >tactics start working 6414931 NULL CollieBro >BETTER CHANGE THEM 6415841 NULL ShadowNiL [MUFFLED PES MUSIC IN THE DISTANCE] 6429031 NULL ShadowNiL Anybody else hear that in halftime? 6432931 NULL CollieBro yeah 6439011 NULL RamenRaisin yes everyone 6448071 NULL Denkocchi all me 6448741 NULL zocram92 I also understand what the stadium PA is saying 6456061 NULL BluGay POLLY 6456461 NULL ShadowNiL Does anyone else think PES music is good? 6471951 NULL PWJP BLOCKS IT 6477511 NULL ElementFortyThree *BLOCKS IT* 6479081 NULL Us3rmane The music we hear at half-time is good 6483091 NULL McMelanogaster great job, payne 6496751 NULL Alguien woah, he won somehting 6500991 NULL CollieBro >heading it 6505821 NULL CollieBro for what purpose 6506691 NULL Electroshock3383 >bantz 6507341 NULL CrackStuntman WE ARE LAWYER *dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun* 6508471 NULL HeavenlyPond >bantz 6508581 NULL FukouDa Walks it out 6509501 NULL wasad jej 6509701 NULL BluGay shit 6510731 NULL PWJP >shang 6511031 NULL MaxPiston >bantz 6512121 NULL metagross01 >bantz 6512431 NULL Denkocchi >bantz 6512561 NULL NotManticore >bantz 6514361 NULL BoxDweller Weak bantz m800 6514991 NULL amis this is shit banter 6515961 NULL zocram92 >bantz 6516221 NULL ElementFortyThree >bantz 6521841 NULL Virule rekt himself 6524921 NULL dantesfag WE ARE GOAL 6526851 NULL Electroshock3383 >WE 6526881 NULL HeavenlyPond WE ARE LAWYER 6526881 NULL wasad WE ARE GOAL 6527861 NULL Electroshock3383 ARE 6528421 NULL BluGay DIRTY 6528631 NULL PWJP WE ARE GOAL 6528991 NULL BoxDweller WE ARE SCORER 6529141 NULL MaxPiston WE 6529741 NULL HeavenlyPond WE ARE GOLA 6530051 NULL CollieBro >we 6530071 NULL amis we are brace 6530091 NULL ElementFortyThree WE ARE GOAL 6530151 NULL Electroshock3383 LAWYER 6530331 NULL MaxPiston WUZ 6530741 NULL huehuehue WE ARE LAWYER 6532911 NULL MaxPiston LAWYERZ 6533001 NULL Olecei WE ARE LAWYER 6533801 NULL Epiigoni WE ARE GOAL 6533891 NULL WeAreLawyer WE ARE LAWYER 6534271 NULL zocram92 ;_; 6534341 NULL MaxPiston N 6534461 NULL metagross01 WE ARE GOAL 6534501 NULL Alguien WE ARE GOAL 6535761 NULL MaxPiston SHIET 6536531 NULL Denkocchi WE ARE GOAL 6537211 NULL BoxDweller we 6537211 NULL ElementFortyThree FREE TO CHOOSE OUR OWN PATH 6538641 NULL Policenaut WE ARE GOAL 6539621 NULL DoctorPavel WE ARE GOAL 6540121 NULL RamenRaisin WE ARE LAWYER 6545161 NULL HeavenlyPond WE ARE LAGGING 6545911 NULL HaganeNoTema WE ARE LAWYER 6547181 NULL Electroshock3383 FREEZE FRAME 6548251 NULL metagross01 ZA WARUDO 6548691 NULL anonyt WE ARE SCORE 6550621 NULL CollieBro WE ARE FROZEN 6552541 NULL amis WE ARE SLIDESHOW 6552621 NULL BluGay WE ALWAYS HAVE THE FATES IN OUT HAND 6554531 NULL QDvg RECORD SCRATCH 6557221 NULL QDvg FREEZE FRAME 6561551 NULL Safiiri WE ARE SILKY SMOOTH 6565771 NULL QDvg YEAH THAT'S US, LAWYER 6567571 NULL metagross01 >No Gyakuten Winner >No Cornered 6570731 NULL UselessNepgear 60 neps per second :^) 6571091 NULL CollieBro Now you're probably wondering how I scored that goal 6579371 NULL polybius THAT'S A LOT OF NEPS 6579611 NULL BluGay >froggy is our ringer 6583511 NULL BluGay i love it 6593101 NULL metagross01 >Red Greg >Does nothing 6597401 NULL Denkocchi >Greg 6599251 NULL NotManticore >Greg 6603591 NULL Electroshock3383 Will interspecies marriage gets repealed? 6603961 NULL RoronaBest >Greg 6604921 NULL dantesfag >Greg 6609401 NULL WeAreLawyer >greg 6612911 NULL Us3rmane gerg< 6618901 NULL Denkocchi gerg won 6620861 NULL Denkocchi :^) 6625141 NULL NotManticore >PAYNE 6625441 NULL FukouDa >Interspecies marriage 6629101 NULL PWJP Great job, Payne 6631881 NULL ElementFortyThree activate inner greg when 6632581 NULL ElementFortyThree tbh 6639221 NULL FukouDa >Sullying your glorious human heritage 6656181 NULL Electroshock3383 oh yeah it's heresy according to the imperium 6659341 NULL Electroshock3383 oops 6661591 NULL Karuna HERESY 6670671 NULL FukouDa You know what that means 6673761 NULL Electroshock3383 fug 6680381 NULL metagross01 TriHard SIX TriHard NIGGAS TriHard FORWARD TriHard 6692781 NULL Sham69 Is this commentator the guy from MeatHoles? 6693931 NULL NotManticore Ilias did nothing. 6700891 NULL Electroshock3383 All I need to do is to hide in the eye of terror 6705581 NULL FukouDa Either Inquisition or penal legion sent off to some Chaos-infested sh 6712141 NULL FukouDa >Hide in the Eye of Terror 6714581 NULL ShadowNiL @metagross01 Trihard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard there 6718531 NULL ShadowNiL FUG 6727071 NULL Denkocchi TriHard 6731771 NULL Electroshock3383 TriHard 6731861 NULL ShadowNiL thanks denko 6735091 NULL metagross01 TriHard 6749321 NULL RoronaBest Triad 6754921 NULL metagross01 Press C to Chi-Pa-Pa 6778151 NULL Electroshock3383 >Illias 6784081 NULL Sham69 m8 6785221 NULL Denkocchi nice 6788541 NULL dantesfag WE ARE GOAL 6790491 NULL Electroshock3383 WHAT AN ASSPULL 6790601 NULL HeavenlyPond ASS GOALS 6792541 NULL FukouDa Noice 6792751 NULL wasad fucking asspulls 6793241 NULL dantesfag ASS GOAL 6794081 NULL BluGay POOLY 6794761 NULL NotManticore ASSPULL 6795591 NULL metagross01 ASSPULLS 6795831 NULL SirPainsalot ASSPULLS 6796071 NULL MaxPiston ASS GOAL 6796111 NULL CatFacts HOT ASS 6797271 NULL McMelanogaster ASS GOAL 6797361 NULL FukouDa WEW 6797831 NULL PWJP ASSPOOL 6797961 NULL QDvg what an asspull 6798181 NULL Electroshock3383 ninaBooty 6798491 NULL RamenRaisin ASSPULLS 6798701 NULL dantesfag ASSGOALS 6798901 NULL myuer ASSPULL 6799351 NULL BluGay *POLLY 6800101 NULL huehuehue >ASS 6800941 NULL kirbydamasta ASSPULL 6801071 NULL Karuna ASSGOAL 6801151 NULL SirPainsalot DAT ASS 6802301 NULL wasad muh dick 6803221 NULL UselessNepgear WOOP WOOP 6803321 NULL PWJP KEK 6804071 NULL Denkocchi ASSPULLS OUTTA NO WHERE 6804771 NULL SandG HOT FRESH ASSPULLS 6806901 NULL Electroshock3383 DED CELEBRATION THO 6807611 NULL metagross01 >Apollo dancing for Trucy 6808081 NULL CatFacts HNG 6808511 NULL myuer kek 6808511 NULL Epiigoni That is an ass 6809941 NULL NotManticore >Apollo booty 6810041 NULL Electroshock3383 DAT* 6815311 NULL ElementFortyThree [PRESENTS ASSPULL] 6816481 NULL SirPainsalot ASSPOLLO 6824451 NULL Electroshock3383 PogChamp ninaBooty 6828241 NULL amis IT'S FROM THE CRACK 6829231 NULL BluGay which track is debeste reasoing again? 6838931 NULL Denkocchi PogChamp ninabooty 6843551 NULL WeAreLawyer >Apollo pass to Apollo 6845281 NULL Denkocchi fug caps 6845441 NULL CatFacts ASSS 6851511 NULL dukesilver4 ninaBooty 6851771 NULL dantesfag ASS 6853761 NULL CatFacts What a firm butt 6855201 NULL Electroshock3383 TIDDIES 6856161 NULL huehuehue >ASS >PULLS 6856561 NULL RedAnt Nice Ass 6858471 NULL NotManticore [slow motion Apollo ass] 6858921 NULL Electroshock3383 ASS N TIDDIES 6858971 NULL Amygdala what a succulent ass 6860431 NULL RoronaBest APOLLO TO APOLLO 6863431 NULL QDvg FREEZE FRAME 6872441 NULL metagross01 DIO, stop stopping time. 6875311 NULL McMelanogaster ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass 6890141 NULL Denkocchi oh hi Miia 6894001 NULL HeavenlyPond OH FUG 6894231 NULL CrackStuntman MEMES 6894691 NULL metagross01 >3-5-1-1 6895581 NULL HeavenlyPond THE HEXAGON 6896201 NULL FukouDa LEL 6897591 NULL PWJP YES 6898721 NULL NotManticore TIME FOR MEMES 6899121 NULL RamenRaisin SUPER HEXAGON 6899601 NULL Electroshock3383 YES 6900231 NULL kirbydamasta MEME STRATS 6901651 NULL metagross01 H E X A G O N 6902011 NULL zocram92 THREE 6902761 NULL Denkocchi MEMES 6902781 NULL zocram92 SIX 6903891 NULL ShadowNiL SUPER HEXAGON 6905861 NULL zocram92 FUN 6909451 NULL dantesfag SUPER HEXAGON ACTIVATE 6911691 NULL BetRigtor the rigbux are saf 6915801 NULL RoronaBest Inb4 3-3 6916981 NULL Epiigoni NEW RECORD 6919051 NULL BluGay FUCKING HEXAGONS 6921891 NULL toyanon 6 (SIX) NIGGAS MID 6930501 NULL CrackStuntman just make it an octagon so we can tell you to STOP.PNG 6945101 NULL Alguien i through this was /mggg/, not /civ5/ 6968921 NULL OlgaOrly civ 5 when? 6970381 NULL BluGay AUSTIN WHEN 6977381 NULL Electroshock3383 there's a nep mod in civ5 6977531 NULL amis OCTAGON 6988061 NULL DoctorPavel I JUST FINISHED RESEARCHING THE MANHATTAN PROJECT 6993761 NULL ShadowNiL SUPER HEXAGON IS GO 6994361 NULL ShadowNiL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjUPVKEN9tI 7010881 NULL HeavenlyPond SUB IN AUSTIN 7018881 NULL Resolink what is this 7029171 NULL RamenRaisin memes 7029571 NULL HeavenlyPond the hexagon 7029981 NULL Denkocchi super hexagon 7060891 NULL HeavenlyPond IT'S ME 7061061 NULL PWJP IT'S ME 7061281 NULL huehuehue aog has the supperior memes mggg has no chance to win 7062011 NULL HeavenlyPond AUSTIN 7064661 NULL amis IT'S ME AUSTIN 7065781 NULL Policenaut EVEN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY BOUGHT IT 7067841 NULL ElementFortyThree IT'S ME, AUSTIN 7067921 NULL MaxPiston IT WAS ME THE WHOLE TIME AUSTIN 7068081 NULL Prozach AW SUNUVABITCH 7069431 NULL metagross01 AUSTIN 7069451 NULL Karuna AWSON OF A BITCH 7070981 NULL Mobaloba IT'S ME AUSTIN 7071041 NULL BluGay EVEN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY BOUGHT IT 7072271 NULL Virule AW SONUVABITCH 7073591 NULL NotManticore Just sub in Austin mang. 7131781 NULL NotManticore ResidentSleeper 7139441 NULL dantesfag >GREG 7139891 NULL BluGay GREG 7142531 NULL Karuna GRED 7147281 NULL huehuehue >greg 7148051 NULL HeavenlyPond >GREG 7148921 NULL PWJP >Greg 7149601 NULL MaxPiston >greg 7150521 NULL metagross01 >greg 7153321 NULL myuer >GREG 7157971 NULL Olecei >Greg 7162681 NULL wasad WIDE 7163211 NULL Karuna CHOKE 7164531 NULL Polizpolice red greg is still a meme 7164701 NULL PWJP WIDE 7166941 NULL Electroshock3383 >ero1.ogg 7167101 NULL MaxPiston ero.wide 7170661 NULL Safiiri W I D E 7170731 NULL wasad WIDE1.ogg 7176181 NULL huehuehue Greg is a meme in general 7177101 NULL Denkocchi lick 7178601 NULL Electroshock3383 >flac 7181181 NULL SirPainsalot WE GIVE UP 7182691 NULL amis
tfw STELLAAAAAA will never score 7506747 NULL Virule I really hope Stella scores 7509337 NULL amis why is it POTTIS and not POOTIS 7510457 NULL HaganeNoTema EVIL CAT A SHIT 7515647 NULL dantesfag STELLAAAAAA will score, but wound himself in the process 7518927 NULL FukouDa That /tf2g/ formation 7519407 NULL HaganeNoTema RETARD CAT A BEST 7519887 NULL dantesfag screencap this 7523107 NULL Electroshock3383 intentional type I think 7525797 NULL Virule MY NIGGA 7526657 NULL Electroshock3383 typo* 7529037 NULL Us3rmane POND STOP MEMEING 7536207 NULL JeanneAlter Regend will score 3 goals at once? 7538517 NULL Karuna KOUHAI WILL SAIVE US 7546377 NULL amis >pointing sniper is feeling down EleGiggle 7547107 NULL Plumiel Matthew best girl 7549917 NULL lwllw REGEND OF THE SAMURAI 7550437 NULL BoxDweller :X 7551907 NULL HaganeNoTema MELVIN A SHIT 7553177 NULL scarfdyedshadow Matthew best girl \=w=/ 7561837 NULL Saiten FERRY-CHAAAAAN 7564717 NULL SmugRedMan >7.5 7566257 NULL SmugRedMan kek 7566267 NULL Kirarin remember to collect your login bonuses senpai 7570537 NULL Karuna i love you 7571237 NULL Electroshock3383 I remembered being a DR spy 7576717 NULL Electroshock3383 it's the only watch I'm gud at 7579617 NULL metagross01 >possesion game 7582247 NULL Feirry SAITEEEEEEEEEN-KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN 7582617 NULL McMelanogaster >DR spy 7583197 NULL HaganeNoTema GOLD 7583707 NULL FukouDa Demonman best class 7588407 NULL Electroshock3383 I know I know 7592087 NULL Plumiel RIP matthew 7592537 NULL AboveWorldLevel Gilshitters will never be 7605977 NULL Plumiel Gil is 7.5 7608577 NULL Plumiel 7 point 5 7609517 NULL ElementFortyThree friendly reminder that /tf2g/ has meme kits 7609787 NULL Karuna Rather than being "high spec", he could be called "completely overpowe 7610647 NULL Plumiel ahahahaha 7619077 NULL DagYouAzido HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 7619857 NULL BoxDweller heheheheh 7620907 NULL RedAnt >Gold 7622237 NULL RedAnt >not Gold 7623107 NULL FukouDa They fucked up the aesthetics? 7625347 NULL metagross01 TWO (2) SABER'S 7628417 NULL BoxDweller Aw fuck 7628497 NULL PWJP OH GOD NO 7629517 NULL Epiigoni Achilles speedblitzes Gilgamesh 7629757 NULL Laccal *shakes pom poms* 7630657 NULL wasad *shakes pom-poms* 7633617 NULL amis DansGame 7635147 NULL FukouDa >Fluff 7636757 NULL zocram92 *shakes pom-poms* 7638437 NULL dukesilver4 Meme kits, but top tier logo 7638837 NULL Olecei >Fluff 7639077 NULL Denkocchi akromaSaber 7640297 NULL McMelanogaster *shakes pim-pims* 7643867 NULL BasedSmugleaf Time to mute haha 7644257 NULL Electroshock3383 akromaSaber 7646507 NULL amis why are you enabling him 7646947 NULL BoxDweller Literally *teleports behind you*: the voice 7649067 NULL indistrikable wew lads 7649097 NULL HaganeNoTema HERE WE GO 7650857 NULL Safiiri *shakes pom-poms* 7652097 NULL anonyt oh jesus now fluff is commentating 7652117 NULL MaxPiston shakes pom-pms 7656587 NULL Karuna wew 7657737 NULL Safiiri I believe in /fgog/! 7660597 NULL SpookmasterBones >Give her the pom-pom 7660757 NULL Electroshock3383 +1 on *teleports behind u* voice 7661637 NULL BetRigtor I'm always constantly afraid that if I say something bad about poun 7662507 NULL Olecei I may just skip; this match tbh 7664407 NULL Karuna LIZ THREAD 7665327 NULL CptKalmar oh boy 7672577 NULL Us3rmane SPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 7673347 NULL Virule Who is that goblin on commentary? 7673487 NULL anonyt skipping match fuck you fluff 7674737 NULL Epiigoni Xth for best Archer 7679247 NULL McMelanogaster >Overwatch 2007 general 7680807 NULL Polizpolice smug oldman? 7680977 NULL McMelanogaster love it 7684227 NULL ElementFortyThree >overwatch 2007 general 7685127 NULL FukouDa KEK 7687347 NULL Alguien spah sapping my goal 7688027 NULL dantesfag KIMI TO 7691307 NULL Plumiel HUE 7695907 NULL ElementFortyThree >that fake /wg/ kit 7696887 NULL Electroshock3383 DUN 7699527 NULL DagYouAzido >Peter 7703597 NULL Laccal PEEDER 7703867 NULL PWJP pLEASE SHUT UP 7705187 NULL Mobaloba Nothin' personnel kid 7708747 NULL FukouDa >That fucking DUN 7712807 NULL BoxDweller :stop stream: 7712867 NULL FukouDa Right on time 7715450 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks What did we do Nep 7716770 NULL Plumiel My favorite overwatch is pyro 7723050 NULL anonyt !StopFluff 7723370 NULL Electroshock3383 >PMB 7724320 NULL BoxDweller kek 7726460 NULL Us3rmane >PMB 7729200 NULL wasad >PMB 7729610 NULL metagross01 >PMB 7733610 NULL MaxPiston CuckMeBro 7733860 NULL PWJP >PMB 7735640 NULL Alguien >PMB 7737830 NULL dantesfag smug red 7739920 NULL Feirry SMUG 7740440 NULL HaganeNoTema SMUG RED MAN 7740760 NULL bananko12 LET'S GO /fgog/ LET'S GO 7741110 NULL DagYouAzido >lines 7741740 NULL Nobbu smug red 7743340 NULL Epiigoni Those models are 10/10 7743340 NULL polybius NO GOALS, OFFSIDES ONLY, FINAL PESTINATION 7743740 NULL ZealStar that smug is god like 7747480 NULL wasad breddy gud blenders 7748490 NULL metagross01 That Archer blender 7749180 NULL FukouDa SHIRO IS THE RED MAN 7749790 NULL PWJP SHIROU IS DA RED MAN 7751640 NULL amis DOGGO 7752650 NULL HaganeNoTema STELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 7753030 NULL Karuna SMUG 7753360 NULL dantesfag WE /fgog/ NOW 7755250 NULL Electroshock3383 >SILKIE 7756510 NULL MaxPiston i'm gar for archer 7757510 NULL SirPainsalot hey guys 7757760 NULL amis nice doggo 7762030 NULL McMelanogaster oh lord 7763620 NULL PWJP >this anthem 7765920 NULL Denkocchi akromaSaber akromaSaber 7766500 NULL Kaynezz >3 RED MEN 7767530 NULL Saiten GIL 7770640 NULL amis what is this 7771500 NULL RamenRaisin this guy sounds like the commentator 7771580 NULL AboveWorldLevel 7.5 7771890 NULL MaxPiston so much >/trash/ 7774130 NULL Feirry SUMANAI 7774500 NULL SmugRedMan UNRIVALED 7776490 NULL Us3rmane BOOM BOOM 7777030 NULL Nobbu What the fuck is this 7779290 NULL BoxDweller BOOM BOOM QUEEN 7779420 NULL JeanneAlter regend 7780460 NULL Kaynezz REGEND 7780890 NULL McMelanogaster bum bum queen 7781460 NULL Epiigoni UMROVLED 7781770 NULL AlternativeRoo Patrician? 7785310 NULL dantesfag IT'S TIME 7785630 NULL FukouDa >That feel when you can spoil two anime with SHIRO IS THE RED MAN 7787190 NULL PWJP (puke) 7789880 NULL Epiigoni FGOG 7790610 NULL HaganeNoTema IT'S TIME LADS 7790680 NULL ZealStar t u n e 7791190 NULL metagross01 Garcher was probably the worst /a/ gold ever. Hell, even fucking 7793540 NULL Electroshock3383 :x 7794290 NULL Nobbu LOADING 7794380 NULL Laccal /mu/ as all hell 7795890 NULL Karuna FGO 7796320 NULL Plumiel lobby music! 7797640 NULL dantesfag >tfw two garcher 7797960 NULL WaifuNameHere fuck fgo tbh 7798280 NULL DoctorPavel OUR BOY : X 7798900 NULL SmugRedMan LOADING 7800020 NULL Safiiri YOU WILL NEVER ROLL YOU'RE WAIFU 7804060 NULL tche CONNECTING 7805000 NULL JeanneAlter Loading... 7805940 NULL Feirry FOU-KUN 7806020 NULL BoxDweller >not an EMIYA mix 7806600 NULL Plumiel IBARAKI NEVER 7807090 NULL Karuna CONNECTING... 7808170 NULL Polizpolice lobby music ResidentSleeper 7808570 NULL dantesfag Loading... 7808890 NULL wasad should have had a better anthem tbh 7813990 NULL Gruyurg SEIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 7815090 NULL PWJP YOROKOBE 7815400 NULL Karuna Li ShuWHEN 7815570 NULL Plumiel DW: connecting people 7816150 NULL Alguien Alteregos when 7816960 NULL QDvg >that gaben heavy 7816990 NULL FukouDa >Not all the Emiya mixes at once 7818730 NULL scarfdyedshadow YOROKOBE 7819220 NULL amis wait which one was the TF2 anthem 7820720 NULL Electroshock3383 >D20 ball 7822780 NULL metagross01 akromaSaber IT'S TIME akromaSaber 7824780 NULL Electroshock3383 noice 7827220 NULL amis i don't go to tf2g 4Head 7840340 NULL FukouDa The first one was /tf2g/ 7840770 NULL anonyt FLUFF HAS BEEN REMOVED 7843010 NULL Karuna He was born with numerous abilities and aptitudes that take him beyond 7843750 NULL FukouDa Apparently 7845440 NULL JeanneAlter UNRIVALED 7848640 NULL Denkocchi akromaSaber IT IS TIME akromaSaber 7848830 NULL HaganeNoTema REGEND 7851370 NULL dantesfag REGEND 7854090 NULL Nobbu REGEND 7854100 NULL Epiigoni REGEND 7855400 NULL BoxDweller REGEND 7855920 NULL Us3rmane REGEND 7857380 NULL Karuna REGEND 7860060 NULL ZealStar REGEND 7864210 NULL Karuna SUMANAI 7865770 NULL BoxDweller >Assassin gets shafted in every route 7867320 NULL BoxDweller Why live? 7869730 NULL dantesfag >7.5 7870390 NULL amis isn't it POO TIS 7870880 NULL dantesfag KEK 7870970 NULL HaganeNoTema SMUG 7871210 NULL SmugRedMan STRONGEST 7871230 NULL JeanneAlter too smug 7873530 NULL bananko12 >gil playing defense 7875070 NULL Electroshock3383 REGEND 7876080 NULL dantesfag REGEND 7876090 NULL BoxDweller YES 7876150 NULL JeanneAlter REGEND 7876480 NULL Karuna REGEND 7877120 NULL Saiten REGEND 7877630 NULL Policenaut REGEND 7878170 NULL HaganeNoTema REGEND 7878570 NULL SmugRedMan REGEND 7878630 NULL MaxPiston REGEND 7878990 NULL Karuna OF 7879120 NULL ZealStar FUCK 7879480 NULL wasad REGEND 7879680 NULL Karuna THE 7879740 NULL RamenRaisin REGEND 7880050 NULL DagYouAzido REGEND 7880380 NULL dantesfag REGEND OF THE SAMURAI 7880680 NULL AboveWorldLevel REGEND 7880900 NULL Karuna SAMURAI 7880980 NULL PWJP REGEND 7881090 NULL polybius REGEND 7881230 NULL Plumiel REEEEEGEN 7881230 NULL JeanneAlter TSUBAME GAESHI 7881840 NULL Laccal SAVIOUR OF VGL 7882610 NULL Safiiri REGEND 7882940 NULL yirawk REGEND 7883000 NULL Feirry REGEEEEEEEEEEEEND 7883740 NULL Olecei REGEND 7883970 NULL FuckSaberfaces REGENED 7884650 NULL metagross01 REGEND 7885270 NULL TheBlackestBaron REGEND 7885870 NULL Electroshock3383 evoJapan 7886080 NULL FuckSaberfaces THE FUCKING REGEND 7886250 NULL Us3rmane REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEND REGEN 7887250 NULL ZealStar REGEND 7887620 NULL Denkocchi pottis 7891090 NULL Nobbu BASED 7891220 NULL HaganeNoTema tsubame gaeshi 7891280 NULL PWJP KIKEN: TSUBAME GAESHI 7891810 NULL DescendingBears FUCKING REGEND 7892980 NULL Kaynezz TSUBAME GAESH 7894620 NULL metagross01 akromaSaber A GOAL akromaSaber 7899970 NULL Karuna This goal 7900230 NULL CatFacts Oh boy. 7901060 NULL Plumiel what is a football but a round swallow 7901270 NULL RedAnt SUPERIOR JAPANESE LEGENDS 7904650 NULL Polizpolice Can't avoid it 7907750 NULL Karuna This goalThis goalThis goalThis goalThis goalThis goalThis goalThis go 7909030 NULL Denkocchi akromaSaber REGEND akromaSaber 7909040 NULL Us3rmane >Mumble 7912690 NULL Us3rmane Not using Discord 7912710 NULL Laccal THREE STRIKES 7917570 NULL metagross01 >mumble 7917600 NULL ZealStar TSUBAME GENSHIN STRONG 7920570 NULL HaganeNoTema hayai!!! 7920640 NULL scarfdyedshadow REGEND 7921970 NULL bananko12 TSUBAME GOALSHI 7928160 NULL FukouDa >Assassin isn't the keeper with that gate attached to his blender 7933170 NULL FukouDa Missed opportunity 7935530 NULL HaganeNoTema STELAAAAAAAAAAAA 7937350 NULL BoxDweller Superior Japanese washing poles 7938480 NULL HaganeNoTema oh wait 7942010 NULL PWJP >that keeper 7943150 NULL BoxDweller Folded over a ththousand times 7947830 NULL Gruyurg YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE REGEND'S POWER IN FO 7963480 NULL Kaynezz BEST 1* 7968410 NULL JeanneAlter sumanai 7969250 NULL Feirry SUMANAI 7971440 NULL Laccal the general itself is new 7972060 NULL HaganeNoTema SU MA NAI 7973080 NULL WaifuNameHere sumanai 7973330 NULL SmugRedMan sumanai 7974170 NULL wasad >sumanai 7975130 NULL Nobbu SUMANAI 7975590 NULL Laccal the GAME is new 7975920 NULL dantesfag sumanai 7976050 NULL Karuna SMOOTH 2 FPS 7978180 NULL Plumiel sumanai being useless 7978490 NULL Safiiri >sumanai 7981390 NULL FuckSaberfaces sumanai 7982710 NULL Us3rmane SUMANAI 7985880 NULL HaganeNoTema 7.5 7987150 NULL anonyt REMOVE FLUFF 7987250 NULL Epiigoni SUMAINA 7998810 NULL BoxDweller DARK SOULS UGH 8001520 NULL Laccal UGH 8003350 NULL Electroshock3383 >git gud will never git gud 8006880 NULL Epiigoni UNRIVALED vs ARTORIAS 8013220 NULL JeanneAlter STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8013700 NULL SmugRedMan STELLAAAA 8014040 NULL Karuna STELLLA 8014110 NULL Feirry STELLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8014590 NULL Plumiel OH NO MATTHEW 8014780 NULL McMelanogaster ;_;7 8016020 NULL Mobaloba rip /ssbg/ ;_;7 8017560 NULL polybius
Saber 8338250 NULL JeanneAlter BALMUNG 8339900 NULL PWJP Nep 8340410 NULL amis DansGame 8341040 NULL Alguien >F2Pfag 8341390 NULL PWJP pls 8344310 NULL Laccal DAMN 8344320 NULL dantesfag >f2p 8344380 NULL Kaynezz >f2p 8347160 NULL Feirry SUMANAI 8347180 NULL Denkocchi >f2p 8347670 NULL lwllw >F2Pfag 8347810 NULL Olecei Talk about the game : ^) 8350990 NULL FuckSaberfaces goddamit 8352030 NULL Us3rmane >F2P 8352150 NULL Electroshock3383 I joined after it went f2p too 8353590 NULL indistrikable >got a steam 8355390 NULL ShadowNiL >F2P 8356660 NULL BoxDweller Hasn't TF2 been f2p longer than it wasn't? 8356810 NULL SmugRedMan FUCKING SUMANAI 8356840 NULL lwllw same tbh 8357530 NULL FluttershyAlwaysWorks Talk about the game t b q h 8361090 NULL DagYouAzido >F2P 8363340 NULL PWJP Nice blog Kappa 8363810 NULL JeanneAlter god DAMMIT siegfried 8364940 NULL ShadowNiL P L E B 8366200 NULL Electroshock3383 back it 2011 8368090 NULL Karuna He was born with numerous abilities and aptitudes that take him beyond 8370400 NULL Electroshock3383 in* 8375700 NULL CrackStuntman D E L E T E F L U F F 8377360 NULL ShadowNiL STELLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8378980 NULL Denkocchi uninstall fluff 8379830 NULL anonyt REMOVE FLUFF 8382060 NULL ShadowNiL -marlon brando 8383750 NULL Laccal this tiki taka, why does it work 8384160 NULL Epiigoni STELLA 8388430 NULL Feirry STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8388690 NULL Us3rmane STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8390080 NULL amis remove fluff 8390120 NULL Olecei Underage b& 8395420 NULL HaganeNoTema SUMANAI 8397040 NULL ShadowNiL t. A Streetcar Named Desire 8397780 NULL JeanneAlter Servant shuffle 8400820 NULL Electroshock3383 >UNDERAGEB& 8400880 NULL Shadowborg BAN THIS MAN 8405190 NULL FukouDa I first gave TF2 a try after it went F2P, it just didn't seem worth t 8406140 NULL Laccal I AM """"18"""" 8410360 NULL FukouDa t.Jew 8416360 NULL PWJP >18 8424080 NULL Denkocchi """"18"""" 8424380 NULL MaxPiston ding dong bannu 8428850 NULL frozen- mukkosel 8429480 NULL CrackStuntman Fluff """""18""""" Yoshi 8434150 NULL RamenRaisin nep never let this guy on mic again 8435750 NULL Karuna CHOKE 8436940 NULL Us3rmane WIDE 8437670 NULL Polizpolice I missed semen slurping matches like this 8438010 NULL Electroshock3383 Is Fluff just turned 18 or something? 8439150 NULL Kaynezz >mfw i sold my unusual for a few keys 8440500 NULL Shadowborg kek 8441620 NULL Us3rmane :W ide 8441690 NULL JeanneAlter :X 8444470 NULL wasad kek 8444740 NULL Laccal :^) 8444740 NULL Tengrichan >banned 8445770 NULL Denkocchi :W 8446810 NULL BoxDweller :X 8448330 NULL SirPainsalot :X 8448850 NULL Us3rmane :x 8450070 NULL ShadowNiL >3 0 0 8450310 NULL FukouDa :X 8452430 NULL PWJP WIDE 8453950 NULL Karuna :x 8455540 NULL Alguien :x 8457210 NULL FukouDa >303 8457310 NULL Denkocchi :X 8458460 NULL McMelanogaster :x 8459420 NULL anonyt >fluff is totally 18 guys 8460190 NULL ShadowNiL :x 8460300 NULL DagYouAzido :X 8460710 NULL Electroshock3383 : X 8465570 NULL frozen- :x 8466930 NULL Us3rmane >Overwatch 8467080 NULL Safiiri :x 8467620 NULL CuriousAnon :x 8472870 NULL JeanneAlter Lord Chaldeas! 8476380 NULL PWJP REJOICE 8495670 NULL Laccal OFF BY TWO 8499550 NULL McMelanogaster ?! 8500780 NULL HaganeNoTema REMOVE DRAGONDICK 8501050 NULL anonyt REMOVE BABBY 8502420 NULL DoctorPavel UNDERAGE 8502570 NULL DoctorPavel BAN 8503500 NULL Electroshock3383 fug I am old 8504230 NULL JeanneAlter Burn Sumanai 8504390 NULL Denkocchi pls ban 8506530 NULL Karuna ''''''''''''''18''''''''''''''''' 8509320 NULL Us3rmane BAN 8509830 NULL Nobbu Nobu IN 8509840 NULL Us3rmane MODS MODS MODS 8511550 NULL Electroshock3383 I feel old now 8513880 NULL JeanneAlter bring in Rad Vlad 8514150 NULL DoctorPavel MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS 8514380 NULL Denkocchi ur ruining my stream experience 8514590 NULL BoxDweller Pretty sure you can still be banned for being a raging faggot 8515590 NULL MelvinTheJetfag LIZ THREAD 8515630 NULL HaganeNoTema MODS MODS MODS 8515900 NULL Olecei Literally peter tier tbh 8516880 NULL FreddyTheCactus >geel 8516900 NULL Karuna LIZ THREAD 8521320 NULL SmugRedMan feed sumanai to unrivaled 8522630 NULL HaganeNoTema FUCK OFF MELVIN 8524130 NULL IsItWitty UMU 8524870 NULL owlspeak pointing snipter will carry 8528680 NULL JeanneAlter remove Sumanai, bring Rad Vlad 8529040 NULL Karuna 7.5 8531420 NULL anonyt Master "18" Fluff is really depressing and naive 8533600 NULL BetRigtor http://i.imgur.com/teJ83YP.png 8534940 NULL SirPainsalot >9 hp scout 8535560 NULL lwllw to be honest I don't hear anything weird 8536690 NULL Laccal LIZ SUB 8538200 NULL Nobbu >cat 8539490 NULL Karuna LIZ THREAD 8541350 NULL SmugRedMan REMOVE SUMANAI 8544840 NULL Karuna AIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8545350 NULL FukouDa >That feel when I recently had trouble remembering my own age 8547510 NULL dantesfag LIZ GAME 8548590 NULL amis