7400 NULL lazyturd Oh we got a new pes? 9470 NULL cptcourage >yfw pes 15 was on sale yesterday 10630 NULL teletack who's on the cover? 14150 NULL amisnaru it was confirmed days ago 14650 NULL drborisg well PES16 was announced too 15780 NULL amisnaru but ye 23730 NULL drborisg so we're fine 26330 NULL hellsheth >IS THIS LIVE? 27640 NULL moulesfritz when do we switch to FIFA for the tits 36780 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 49940 NULL cptcourage MEANWHILE AT THE LEGION OF DOOM 54540 NULL boxdwellercr >switch to feefur >/u/ can be girls 74840 NULL boxdwellercr Would watch 85700 NULL lazyturd Could we get models in feefur? 89350 NULL mcmelanogaster female teams in PES when 96970 NULL lazyturd Like, blender models and all that 101580 NULL basedsmugleaf No 104230 NULL cptcourage >spintires on sale 105000 NULL boxdwellercr Whenever Konami decides to be progressive 105990 NULL hellsheth >le toucans will arrive? 107030 NULL boxdwellercr SO never 109680 NULL quetzadrake aw yeah, them kerbal blenders 109890 NULL aislinn2 >Among other things, PES 2016 will deliver an "advanced collision sy 129760 NULL buildthewall HOT 134510 NULL sillius2 sounds like spagooter 145490 NULL cptcourage ayyyy 146300 NULL lazyturd EVEN MORE ACCURATE MOIDA? 150170 NULL teletack advanced spagooter 155900 NULL mantisofprey DrBorisGayy lmao 156080 NULL hellsheth Cardstone when 156750 NULL boxdwellercr >trying to download Wolfenstein >398.8 KB/s peak 163560 NULL boxdwellercr Suffering 169290 NULL cptcourage BionicBunion 170920 NULL dark_mandy Hi Dusty 171100 NULL cyclo6xane BionicBunion 171910 NULL indrickboreale BionicBunion 173300 NULL boxdwellercr meow 175160 NULL lazyturd >400kbs 177300 NULL aislinn2 show us! 177860 NULL lazyturd Oh god 181940 NULL lazyturd That must be suffering 185410 NULL quetzadrake #FreeDusty 186840 NULL cptcourage Dustycam when? 196620 NULL slartybarty LETS GO KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 197850 NULL boxdwellercr I usually get 1.2 MB/s 201040 NULL mcmelanogaster MAY CATHERINE THE GREAT'S BREASTS BLESS US ALL IN THIS MATCH 205650 NULL maynravun WHO /KSPG/ HERE 207890 NULL cptcourage >civ4 211170 NULL slartybarty I /KSPG? 214880 NULL cptcourage >catherine's boobs 215740 NULL lazyturd >4x 221030 NULL cptcourage DansGame 222960 NULL mcmelanogaster fuck. 223730 NULL aislinn2 Further still, PES 2016 includes new goal celebration controls, and 236280 NULL jjjdanny Shaka does what Shaka does 238450 NULL teletack there's actual rain now in pes? 238610 NULL quetzadrake /kspg/ actually is tied for longest losing streak and longest wi 241920 NULL lazyturd Why the fuck is marbozir in cifv4xg? 255650 NULL boxdwellercr I imagine weather would just be kept off, assuming you cantoggle 257000 NULL lazyturd Is he a anon or something 258100 NULL anonymous_goat VAMOS /CIV4XG/ 269130 NULL teletack fuck no, we need dynamic weather in cups 275050 NULL polybius321 I want to be an astrounaut 282780 NULL jjjdanny >not knowing marbozir 286880 NULL lazyturd Destructive anal is catherine i presume 295260 NULL lazyturd I know who marbozir is ya, dummy 304340 NULL cptcourage >catherine >literally mulp 307470 NULL lazyturd I just didnt know he had a connection with civ4xg 310860 NULL aislinn2 @Teletack If they switch to PES 2016, people will start practicing v 328170 NULL boxdwellercr >snow in Winter >heat waves in Summer 329720 NULL boxdwellercr Fund it 339620 NULL cptcourage Qatar Simulator? 342450 NULL maynravun >even more options to rig it 344090 NULL cptcourage :^) 349180 NULL teletack and there is no rules prohibiting voodoo in the wiki aislinn2. what' 359250 NULL aislinn2 mexico v ned all over again. cooling breaks everytime 374980 NULL boxdwellercr >mfw Qatar and Russia might lose the world cup Kappa 390330 NULL cptcourage >mfw PogChamp 399420 NULL smugokabe we can only hope 409630 NULL cyclo6xane >soon with games 410760 NULL quetzadrake that's a shiny kerbal 413830 NULL cyclo6xane nice legacy 414650 NULL teletack 4u 415170 NULL cptcourage 4u 416190 NULL ltalguien VIta games: Soon games on PC 438270 NULL cptcourage jeff is best gerbal 443260 NULL lazyturd Foothockey was fun 463610 NULL boxdwellercr Is Castle Crashers a good port? I liked it on 360 485500 NULL stoneyducky not sure 486960 NULL boxdwellercr "No String" - DrBorisG 490110 NULL stoneyducky I would assume its good 492700 NULL billybob4038 oh god 495360 NULL polybius321 my sides 497140 NULL mcmelanogaster CC is alright 498150 NULL dark_mandy hahaha 510480 NULL gazparu holy 514630 NULL cptcourage >spurdo 515390 NULL teletack none of them have the buzzcut 517360 NULL cecil_xix Our Father 517900 NULL quetzadrake amazing 521520 NULL boxdwellercr Glorious 144p textures 523340 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 523890 NULL jjjdanny BABA YETU 526990 NULL anonymous_goat ;_;7 528730 NULL cecil_xix Reminder that this song won a Grammy. 530140 NULL capitanplanet42 BEST ANTHEM 530450 NULL quetzadrake ;_;7 531840 NULL indrickboreale ;_;7 532110 NULL lazyturd SPURDO KERBAL 532220 NULL cecil_xix It's that good. 536030 NULL mcmelanogaster ;_;7 536250 NULL lazyturd BEST KERBAL 538410 NULL maynravun they probably took those textures straight out of KSP itself 543700 NULL aislinn2 Yetu 547540 NULL hellsheth ;_;7 551090 NULL lazyturd ;__;7 551360 NULL s0cialcommunist ;_;7 557600 NULL ltalguien they look to high quality to be made by mexicans 557980 NULL boxdwellercr Who's the qt on the pitch 561600 NULL billybob4038 >no Feel So Moon 564820 NULL cptcourage >diplomacy 565740 NULL amisnaru 4 3 2 1 571760 NULL boxdwellercr >Space Brothers 573480 NULL boxdwellercr My nigga 580580 NULL s0cialcommunist kek 580720 NULL uramaget1 >not the german version 584350 NULL aislinn2 what are those 584710 NULL uramaget1 YOU HAD ONE JOB 585260 NULL polybius321 OY VEY 587640 NULL quetzadrake >Space Jews 589230 NULL smugokabe oy vey 590790 NULL hellsheth OY VEY 593140 NULL s0cialcommunist Oy Vah 593210 NULL mantisofprey Feel So Moon is the victory anthem 595120 NULL jjjdanny >teeth ou the chest 595230 NULL amisnaru or original version 611900 NULL uramaget1 the german version is even worse 617060 NULL cptcourage I've never seen a pitch so qt before 621020 NULL s0cialcommunist >germans being worse at something 637650 NULL uramaget1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoW4Vw4XGAs 641230 NULL capitanplanet42 CHOKE JEWS 643170 NULL boxdwellercr >Spacve Jews 644940 NULL hellsheth >space chokes 648460 NULL ltalguien >tfw Master of Orion remake 648820 NULL cyclo6xane THE CHEWS DID THIS 653750 NULL quetzadrake >trusting jews >ever 657180 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw no comfy food to enjoy the game 659480 NULL s0cialcommunist FeelsBadMan 670570 NULL aislinn2 does pasta count? 672160 NULL lazyturd SPACE BENIS 676820 NULL lazyturd :DDD 681250 NULL capitanplanet42 SHAKA YOU EXCEL IN THE EARLY GAME 683060 NULL s0cialcommunist :DDD 698550 NULL cptcourage "Sid Meier can put it in" DrBorisG on his raging fanboysim 699110 NULL boxdwellercr >being a Jew >being in space 704890 NULL cptcourage ism* 719280 NULL ltalguien >not being a space jew >not owning the gold planet 724990 NULL uramaget1 >earning space shekel > blaming asteroids for dinosaur holocaust 734090 NULL s0cialcommunist "Abusing my cats is one of the most favorite things my viewer 736920 NULL s0cialcommunist #FreeDusty 747110 NULL uramaget1 while we all know that the jews killed the dinosaurs 755620 NULL k3nsh1n1589 this pitch is fucking shit... 756020 NULL uramaget1 ;_; 781690 NULL lazyturd ResidentSleeper 782510 NULL basedsmugleaf Yeah it looks jpg/10 784170 NULL capitanplanet42 >this passing 790700 NULL basedsmugleaf I think it's Nep's system settings 791870 NULL cptcourage you're just mad they didn't pick your waifu for this pitch 793770 NULL s0cialcommunist now is not the time for slurping lazyturd 797040 NULL s0cialcommunist that comes later 810360 NULL uramaget1 >the majority of vgl teams has blenders now 821580 NULL moulesfritz /kspg/ should have the star map as a stadium 824310 NULL basedsmugleaf All VGL teams have blenders 824490 NULL capitanplanet42 ERA PENAL 824990 NULL lazyturd Holy shit that artifacting on that pic 826990 NULL boxdwellercr MOIDA 828810 NULL quetzadrake murderball 829100 NULL hellsheth DED 832080 NULL uramaget1 >by some luck, most summer cup team will have blenders as well inst 836340 NULL s0cialcommunist MOIDA 840430 NULL uramaget1 a great world we live in 841930 NULL k3nsh1n1589 not really, it's bad to see on the light parts 842830 NULL aislinn2 her long hair is beautiful 850250 NULL k3nsh1n1589 also, >Morumbi 851550 NULL polybius321 Uramaget1 and we have LODs now 860820 NULL basedsmugleaf THANK YOU BASED BLENDERANON 861010 NULL uramaget1 thats even better 861020 NULL polybius321 glorious times 868730 NULL uramaget1 >kirby LOD 872220 NULL k3nsh1n1589 a HUE statium made for the gayest team in Hueland... 876950 NULL uramaget1 my body is already ready 886680 NULL s0cialcommunist ResidentSleeper 889630 NULL cyclo6xane ResidentSleeper 891630 NULL descendingbears >Yukkuri LOD 891800 NULL boxdwellercr ResidentSleeper 892460 NULL polybius321 ANODA SHOA 892920 NULL sunbroomer OY VEY 893870 NULL lazyturd ResidentSleeper 894380 NULL hellsheth SPACE CHOKES 894440 NULL capitanplanet42 MUH HEART 894720 NULL quetzadrake ResidentSleeper 895900 NULL cecil_xix ResidentSleeper 896630 NULL uramaget1 WITH JEWS YOU LOOSE 899630 NULL mcmelanogaster ResidentSleeper 904180 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION has brought his Vuvuzela. type BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 904190 NULL aislinn2 dem hairs 911950 NULL boxdwellercr BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 915800 NULL hellsheth ResidentSleeper CANT WAKE UP 921630 NULL s0cialcommunist BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 927360 NULL adbcb ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ResidentSleeper 927530 NULL moulesfritz zzzp 932030 NULL boxdwellercr ResidentSleeper SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEE 938980 NULL s0cialcommunist Moida 943060 NULL boxdwellercr DED 944270 NULL lazyturd MOIDA 944690 NULL capitanplanet42 MOIDA 945390 NULL hellsheth DED 948180 NULL adbcb moidah 956040 NULL s0cialcommunist OVER THE LINE 958680 NULL s0cialcommunist RESIDENTSLEEPER 961770 NULL hellsheth WHERE ARE TOUCANS? 964360 NULL capitanplanet42 ResidentSleeper 964790 NULL quetzadrake ResidentSleeper 967500 NULL indrickboreale ResidentSleeper 967550 NULL polybius321 SAVE ME 971260 NULL s0cialcommunist Boris 975840 NULL s0cialcommunist you don't slurp it literally 976090 NULL funisallowedhere what a game 976130 NULL lazyturd WAKE ME UP 977040 NULL hellsheth ResidentSleeper WAKE ME UP 977130 NULL capitanplanet42 4 shots total 982610 NULL aislinn2 Is that slurping noises? 984410 NULL cptcourage >seh-men 987280 NULL ltalguien ResidentSleeper 988320 NULL s0cialcommunist >mfw this is actually PES14 997140 NULL boxdwellercr ACTION Press ResidentSleeper if this semen slurping sport isn't 1009520 NULL cptcourage ResidentSleeper 1012720 NULL s0cialcommunist nice pass 1028410 NULL tiael1 ResidentSleeper 1044070 NULL uramaget1 [muffled ResidentSleeper in the distance] 1052370 NULL hellsheth ResidentSleeper CANT WAKE UP 1063560 NULL landorojamal RONALDO x3 1072790 NULL quetzadrake ResidentSleeper 1086260 NULL s0cialcommunist AYYY 1086560 NULL capitanplanet42 YES 1089790 NULL capitanplanet42 BEAUTIFUL 1089900 NULL smugokabe NOICE 1090130 NULL lazyturd OH DAMN 1090330 NULL anonymous_goat GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLl 1090480 NULL uramaget1 finally 1090810 NULL boxdwellercr OH MY GOD 1092080 NULL cecil_xix BASED SID 1092770 NULL polybius321 and the rocket just exploded 1094390 NULL quetzadrake W E W L A D 1095610 NULL dark_mandy WHOA 1097250 NULL mcmelanogaster WONDERFUL 1097820 NULL boxdwellercr WHAT A GOAL 1099080 NULL funisallowedhere STATUS: WOKEN 1100950 NULL indrickboreale BEAUTIFUL! 1103650 NULL cyclo6xane THE RIDE NEVER ENDS FOR /kspg/ 1106190 NULL jjjdanny BEST ANTHEM 1108810 NULL polybius321 ;_; 1113460 NULL s0cialcommunist HIIIIYAH!!!! 1115240 NULL jjjdanny BEST GOAL HORN 1120180 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 1122110 NULL cptcourage SLEEP STATUS: NOT 1123940 NULL mcmelanogaster PEDRO WAR THEME YES 1128790 NULL s0cialcommunist Sid goes to war 1136670 NULL ltalguien OSfrog kerbals on suicide watch 1153410 NULL aislinn2 RNG ball 1158840 NULL boxdwellercr Shiet, that was some ball up 1159040 NULL s0cialcommunist the GK face says it all 1161460 NULL amisnaru his face 1168430 NULL electroshock3383 FUG I missed wrasslin 1173040 NULL polybius321 his smile and optimism: gone 1173160 NULL amisnaru WutFace 1191780 NULL s0cialcommunist Cities: Skyline is on sale. 1197780 NULL boxdwellercr How much 1207930 NULL s0cialcommunist $20.09 1216400 NULL quetzadrake MURDER 1218790 NULL cyclo6xane muh blender abuse 1219070 NULL boxdwellercr >US Pounds 1220330 NULL boxdwellercr pls 1236480 NULL s0cialcommunist im not a britbong 1242630 NULL s0cialcommunist do your own conversion 1264910 NULL boxdwellercr >33% 1271090 NULL boxdwellercr I'll wait for a bigger drop 1293910 NULL s0cialcommunist oh shit 1297690 NULL s0cialcommunist Broforce is on sale too 1308320 NULL s0cialcommunist $10 1333160 NULL lazyturd Endless legend 1338870 NULL lazyturd The mages are masochists 1349790 NULL jjjdanny PLAY IT FOR COMFY 1355980 NULL polybius321 ^ 1357190 NULL boxdwellercr l-lewd 1396220 NULL boxdwellercr Is Watch_Dogs even worth is 60% off 1401760 NULL lazyturd No 1407730 NULL boxdwellercr Didn't think so 1409570 NULL ltalguien oh broforce on sale? thats good, needs more players 1424720 NULL electroshock3383 Is it still glitchy? 1427690 NULL pwjp Is credit card payment not working for anyone else on Steam? 1438710 NULL capitanplanet42 its a barbarian 1443470 NULL s0cialcommunist >not getting it for free 1446200 NULL capitanplanet42 they're eratic 1450390 NULL polybius321 MOIDA 1472080 NULL cecil_xix Who is that semen demon on the pitch? 1474950 NULL capitanplanet42 GAH 1491540 NULL cptcourage your mom 1508020 NULL s0cialcommunist its Rorona 1521800 NULL moulesfritz haha 1527060 NULL polybius321 >kerbals in charge of divegrass 1530030 NULL pwjp NO BULLY 1533770 NULL moulesfritz it's funny because it's a 4ccg meme 1539290 NULL s0cialcommunist SID SID SID SID SID 1541170 NULL boxdwellercr NOICE 1541590 NULL electroshock3383 SID 1543150 NULL capitanplanet42 SID 1543530 NULL anonymous_goat GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl 1545890 NULL jjjdanny SID 1545960 NULL boxdwellercr S I D 1547060 NULL mcmelanogaster SID 1547330 NULL hellsheth SID BEST SID 1547550 NULL indrickboreale GOAL!!!!! 1550890 NULL pwjp >/kspg/ 1551920 NULL capitanplanet42 #REKT 1552300 NULL s0cialcommunist SID 1554940 NULL s0cialcommunist I 1556750 NULL s0cialcommunist D 1559370 NULL amisnaru SYCHO SID 1566660 NULL billybob4038 #pray4kspg 1577110 NULL boxdwellercr >those *** arms 1622850 NULL ltalguien wait, if in Xcom2. Xcom is terrorist, doesn't mean barbarian xcom s 1639020 NULL jjjdanny Yes 1645000 NULL maynravun dunno, but ISIScom will be loadsafun 1658050 NULL s0cialcommunist >90 minute changes down 2-0 1660450 NULL electroshock3383 Rookie suicide bombers when? 1675000 NULL pwjp :0 1687930 NULL boxdwellercr \ BionicBunion / 1693700 NULL maynravun if modding supposrt will be as good as firaxis promises, then it'll 1701220 NULL mcmelanogaster New explosive vest support equipment 1730160 NULL quetzadrake ripip kspg 1733100 NULL capitanplanet42 GIMME DA BABA 1734950 NULL polybius321 >2(0) 1748930 NULL jjjdanny NEGATIVE STAT 1749130 NULL s0cialcommunist >8.5 1752410 NULL electroshock3383 8.5 1755290 NULL hellsheth >NEGATIVE 1755300 NULL indrickboreale Not a single shot of /kspg/ in the second half 1755450 NULL capitanplanet42 8.5 WOOO 1756220 NULL polybius321 >PES 1757990 NULL cyclo6xane 8.5 1759040 NULL quetzadrake wow 1759640 NULL dark_mandy 8.5 1759760 NULL mcmelanogaster wut 8.5 1759890 NULL jjjdanny >8.5 1762890 NULL boxdwellercr Woah 1768260 NULL boxdwellercr Sid Meier stronk 1775910 NULL backgroundpone how the hell did he get an 8.5 1779910 NULL s0cialcommunist Sid Meier playing on chieftain difficulty 1796120 NULL hellsheth TOO STRONK 1797750 NULL capitanplanet42 Sid though really was the offense 1798260 NULL jjjdanny >69 1803700 NULL boxdwellercr Democracy 3 is 75% off, maybe I can finally create a /pol/ state 1808810 NULL lazyturd >copyrighted music in background 1810670 NULL capitanplanet42 the only way the got the ball forward was him dribbling it up 1846960 NULL jjjdanny >create /pol/ state 1848630 NULL electroshock3383 Speaking of /pol/, I keep forgetting that I have Tropico 4 i 1851080 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 1851950 NULL jjjdanny Keep us posted 1852340 NULL s0cialcommunist ;_;7 1854360 NULL electroshock3383 Also ;_;7 1856550 NULL rayzapper EVERYONE 1860360 NULL pwjp ;_;7 1860420 NULL electroshock3383 ;_;7 1867850 NULL axolotlhooves EVERYONE 1869850 NULL farragoshy ;_;7 thanks for the win Sid 1878970 NULL pwjp SAKURAAAAAAAAAAAAI 1881050 NULL electroshock3383 This song is beautiful 1881180 NULL lazyturd SAKURAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1887110 NULL amisnaru BABA YETU 1898240 NULL ltalguien >Ryu in smash SAKURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI 1906920 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HER ༼ ºل 1913490 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ º 1921600 NULL electroshock3383 >Boss of this gym 1927390 NULL pwjp FUCK YOU 1940990 NULL electroshock3383 FUCK YOU LEATHERHEAD 1942890 NULL funisallowedhere why is >bors not on /hsg/ 1950500 NULL snowmanne OUR BOY HAS ARRIVED 2034840 NULL boxdwellercr Quick, do I have time to make a bag of popcorn 2051308 NULL lazyturd go for it 2073898 NULL moulesfritz #BORISOUT 2081928 NULL cptcourage bye bors ;_;7 2094478 NULL moulesfritz #SOMEOTHERGUYIN 2116958 NULL stoneyducky HAX MONEY 2122678 NULL cptcourage #KREGG4COMMENTARY 2141678 NULL cptcourage Basesd Marqod 2152568 NULL cptcourage SMOrc 7 2162278 NULL drborisg ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ 2193188 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ º 2213978 NULL snowmanne That fox scares me 2218678 NULL panda_effect hsg is shit 2222658 NULL uramaget1 dis gonna be gud 2222998 NULL electroshock3383 dat fox 2232768 NULL neptur TORYAH 2233048 NULL s0cialcommunist 2234008 NULL cptcourage furries are supposed to scare you 2238888 NULL snowmanne /co/'s /hsg/ is best 2239668 NULL cptcourage unf 2253511 NULL s0cialcommunist idk who to root for 2260491 NULL panda_effect ssbg is the only right answer 2260861 NULL boxdwellercr Aw yeah I made it 2265721 NULL polybius321 SELF AWARE AS FUCK 2268101 NULL farragoshy Self-aware 2273981 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ º 2283931 NULL panda_effect >that card 2288631 NULL panda_effect my sides 2289741 NULL hiraga11 based kel thuzad 2295941 NULL descendingbears >literally fox only 2302091 NULL snowmanne ;_;7 2302231 NULL lazyturd NO ITEMS 2309321 NULL electroshock3383 FINAL DESTINATION 2315101 NULL panda_effect SAKURAI 2315971 NULL k3nsh1n1589 >Melee theme... 2321721 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ º 2327551 NULL electroshock3383 That manlet fox 2328161 NULL capitanplanet42 dis fox 2328341 NULL pwjp Based Nobuo 2329281 NULL drborisg ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ 2332831 NULL jjjdanny >foxlet 2333101 NULL boxdwellercr >not the Melee menu theme 2333961 NULL s0cialcommunist "im Ready" 2334921 NULL quetzadrake >foxlet 2335431 NULL panda_effect manlet fox is leffen 2337581 NULL funisallowedhere this is the start of a bad fanfiction 2348791 NULL axolotlhooves I'M READY 2348991 NULL panda_effect >boss of this gym 2353691 NULL cptcourage HELLO HELLO HELLO 2353871 NULL boxdwellercr Job's Done :) 2362161 NULL maxpiston CHUGGA CHUGGA 2365291 NULL axolotlhooves NIGGA YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN' ME 2372581 NULL pwjp CHUGGA CHUGGA 2377361 NULL axolotlhooves HOT HOT HOT 2384041 NULL s0cialcommunist >streaming in 30fps 2388551 NULL panda_effect ITS A FIGHTING GAME 2397091 NULL boxdwellercr >not 53.693fps 2404851 NULL electroshock3383 DED 2407551 NULL quetzadrake MURDER 2407571 NULL snowmanne FUCKING SLIPPPING 2416171 NULL quetzadrake TRIPPING IS A GOOD MECHANIC 2417441 NULL jjjdanny >Mr balanced 2419031 NULL sunbroomer MUH WAVEDASHING 2420391 NULL panda_effect MELEE HELPED US BE OFFENSIVE 2424531 NULL maxpiston NO JOHNS 2429491 NULL pwjp >not Falco 2430131 NULL funisallowedhere >kirby 2431531 NULL jjjdanny >Kirby 2432491 NULL panda_effect SMASH 4 FORMATION NOW 2437801 NULL lazyturd Marth was my jam 2438371 NULL s0cialcommunist I like my games to be streamed at 53.693 FPS. Anything less t 2450361 NULL boxdwellercr >tfw don't understand SSB memes 2455331 NULL toy_anon smash mains? who /samus/ here 2466471 NULL mantisofprey i /ness/ here 2469731 NULL k3nsh1n1589 WHO /KING D3/ HERE? 2470071 NULL panda_effect smash in sm4sh? 2472101 NULL panda_effect poor soul 2476121 NULL snowmanne /pika/ 2477791 NULL lazyturd /marth/ hiar 2479161 NULL farragoshy I /mewtwo/ here :^) 2480651 NULL quetzadrake /ike/ here Kappa 2483101 NULL panda_effect who /roy/ 2483861 NULL sunbroomer /tipthescales/ 2484931 NULL descendingbears forever alone /mrgameandwatch/ 2494541 NULL amatosk I /roy/ here 2496711 NULL hiraga11 I want Roy to burn me 2498981 NULL panda_effect why is that card so good 2506501 NULL jjjdanny MOIDA 2508011 NULL electroshock3383 >tfw never had a nintendo console since the NES 2510081 NULL drborisg because you have to pay for all of naxx to get it 2510881 NULL electroshock3383 ;_; 2513611 NULL tiael1 ERA PENAL 2523871 NULL panda_effect NO 2540141 NULL hiraga11 more like hackurai 2540551 NULL quetzadrake SAKUWIIIIIDE 2541931 NULL snowmanne SAKUWIDE 2542311 NULL panda_effect >not sure how popular melee tournaments are 2547761 NULL s0cialcommunist i keep thinking nepgear is tenko 2551981 NULL s0cialcommunist even though i know its not true 2556231 NULL s0cialcommunist ;_; 2560711 NULL quetzadrake racist 2561131 NULL maxpiston >paying for hearthstone 2564011 NULL maxpiston shiggy diggy 2564011 NULL funisallowedhere he's not as drunk or angry as tenk 2582071 NULL boxdwellercr >CHOKURAAAAAAAAAI 2582251 NULL panda_effect SOCCERGUY 2587261 NULL hiraga11 >Soccerguy 2590481 NULL panda_effect kek 2594891 NULL farragoshy Confusing a spaniard and a german 2596351 NULL drborisg >sludge belcher in the net 2600131 NULL drborisg PERFECT 2616201 NULL panda_effect I cant believe scarflard isnt the main keeper 2621361 NULL axolotlhooves EXCUSE ME 2624141 NULL k3nsh1n1589 RED Sludge Belchior 2626831 NULL axolotlhooves ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE GET IN HERE ༼ º 2633451 NULL roronabest Who vitagen here 2640701 NULL snowmanne MAMALAY 2640981 NULL hiraga11 Friendly reminder that ZeRo can never be beaten in a tournament sett 2642241 NULL s0cialcommunist rorona pls 2643451 NULL roronabest ;_; 2645011 NULL drborisg Tubbs feel... funny 2645111 NULL s0cialcommunist theres a game going on 2647151 NULL quetzadrake tiki taka 2648361 NULL axolotlhooves Rorona pls 2661381 NULL normlperson pls win 2666421 NULL panda_effect kekmoa the last man 2670471 NULL rakkyy >scarflard not main keeper 2670791 NULL k3nsh1n1589 Rorona, keep your LEGACY platform out of the Ninty matches 2673421 NULL rakkyy why even live 2681691 NULL panda_effect dude fucking circlejerk 2689141 NULL panda_effect scarflard shoulda been main 2693641 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw no dog hyp 2706051 NULL funisallowedhere >not playing pokeball only matches 2708421 NULL neptur l-cancel that ball 2708761 NULL ltalguien FALCON PASS 2711961 NULL panda_effect LEGGO 2720651 NULL hiraga11 why are these foxes not shining 2721661 NULL drborisg 5-4 AND SUMMONS ANOTHER TAUNT ON DEATH 2722001 NULL axolotlhooves EXCUSE ME! 2722461 NULL rakkyy >items at all 2723301 NULL hiraga11 is this smash 4 2723551 NULL drborisg TOTALLY FAIR 2727641 NULL quetzadrake ResidentSleeper 2731681 NULL snowmanne ResidentSleeper 2732061 NULL axolotlhooves Bors he's 3-5 2732441 NULL s0cialcommunist ResidentSleeper 2735131 NULL lazyturd 3-5* 2735241 NULL pwjp ResidentSleeper 2736541 NULL uramaget1 [YIFFING INTENSIFIES] 2739291 NULL electroshock3383 ResidentSleeper 2740281 NULL amisnaru >98% 2741661 NULL k3nsh1n1589 3-5 bors... 2742141 NULL rakkyy why even give scarflard his scarf if he won't be main keeper 2756361 NULL axolotlhooves He dies to skill command and then Leper Gnome 2758031 NULL lazyturd >pretty decent 2759141 NULL roronabest Nothing wrong with a cool title like LEGACY c: 2759311 NULL axolotlhooves or owls 2760161 NULL descendingbears this stadium has unfair defensive positions, should be tourne 2762391 NULL boxdwellercr TAZDINGO 2764561 NULL boxdwellercr YEHEHES 2772111 NULL axolotlhooves JAHAHAHA, MAN 2799691 NULL axolotlhooves HAVE A DRINK 2800631 NULL funisallowedhere DED 2804721 NULL s0cialcommunist >literally slurping semen 2805391 NULL quetzadrake FIND AN OPENING ALREADY YOU CUCKS 2807691 NULL electroshock3383 RIG JUICE 2807881 NULL panda_effect >walkoffs being legal 2810181 NULL boxdwellercr [muffled slurping in the distance] 2812931 NULL uramaget1 le defensive tiki taka faec 2813881 NULL amatosk This is totally Smash 4. They just run around, play defensively for a 2814041 NULL basedsmugleaf INJURY 2821631 NULL drborisg THIS IS HOW MELEE IS ACTUALLY PLAYED 2823561 NULL vidango Who /ssbg/ here? 2825021 NULL panda_effect this is the competitive gameplay SAKURAI envisioned 2829741 NULL maxpiston ResidentSleeper 2829931 NULL drborisg JUST SPAM FOX LASERS AND DANCE AROUND FOR 5 MINUTES 2829961 NULL s0cialcommunist we tiki taka now 2829971 NULL amatosk Corin pls 2831341 NULL hiraga11 >being part of the circlejerk 2838981 NULL rakkyy >not circlejerking 2844581 NULL normlperson Am I watching Smash 4? :~) 2854201 NULL maynravun ResidentSleeper 2855511 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION has started the Tiki Taka stratagy. Press ResidentSle 2858651 NULL uramaget1 EVERYONE; CHOKE HERE 2859861 NULL lazyturd aww it was flamestriked 2860581 NULL panda_effect [sweating intensifies] 2862421 NULL ltalguien holy shit, a shot 2862991 NULL amatosk ResidentSleeper 2865041 NULL boxdwellercr ResidentSleeper 2866771 NULL capitanplanet42 dangerous passing by ssbg 2870021 NULL electroshock3383 ResidentSleeper 2871171 NULL pwjp ResidentSleeper 2873171 NULL vidango ResidentSleeper 2894061 NULL uramaget1 i just want to hear one of the goalhorns ;_; 2898181 NULL vidango Why does our team suck 2901831 NULL panda_effect [sweating continues] 2907181 NULL s0cialcommunist Woah that was a dangerous pass. it almost went into the net 2912331 NULL roronabest Wait until the next game ;_; 2912381 NULL panda_effect we got this corin 2915641 NULL panda_effect we counter attack 2916381 NULL drborisg the mana curve on their deck was weak at 4 and 5 2917711 NULL panda_effect like shield grabs 2918521 NULL ltalguien NO GOALS, NO HORNS, RESIDENTSLEEPER ONLY, THE ARCADIUM 2929491 NULL drborisg ssbg will run out of control cards eventually 2933711 NULL funisallowedhere ResidentSleeper 2935941 NULL neptur This is what happens when anyone but m2k plays Fox 2936941 NULL s0cialcommunist i doubt it 2937591 NULL vidango It's ok, ZeRo cannot lose in a tournament setting 2940011 NULL vidango It's a guaranteed win 2941151 NULL uramaget1 fucking tourneyfags ruining everything fun as usual 2944911 NULL rakkyy >all the bench is indifferent or doesn't want to play 2948851 NULL rakkyy this RNG 2949481 NULL normlperson a draw is not a loss :~) 2951191 NULL panda_effect RESPECTABLE MAIN YES 2951371 NULL farragoshy SSBG is clearly the beatdown in this matchup bors 2956071 NULL rakkyy this is why items are banned 2961981 NULL amatosk >Tr4sh 2966031 NULL s0cialcommunist >the trash :^) 2977271 NULL panda_effect INTELLECTUAL BOYS 2980061 NULL uramaget1 arent cards technically items? 2993401 NULL panda_effect >many in attack 2995941 NULL panda_effect yolo 3001401 NULL vidango T h e I n t e l l e c t u a l 3010011 NULL bacon_dick TURN YOUR FUCKING MICROPHONES UP HOLY SHIT 3014451 NULL s0cialcommunist >not doing the PES 15 equivalent of 4-20s 3015701 NULL hiraga11 >nnid wozzler 3028021 NULL s0cialcommunist @bacon_dick, he sounds fine for me 3029191 NULL farragoshy What even is the PES 15 equivalent of 420s 3033621 NULL boxdwellercr S E V E N N I G G A S 3038601 NULL k3nsh1n1589 n-not a bad call for /ssbg/... 3039051 NULL drborisg no you're fine 3042231 NULL farragoshy You're fine 3042461 NULL uramaget1 >What even is the PES 15 equivalent of 420s 3048701 NULL uramaget1 autopilot :^) 3052551 NULL basedsmugleaf >paying for emotes 3066371 NULL rakkyy circlejerk is strong 3066441 NULL panda_effect based circlekerl 3069641 NULL panda_effect nvm 3070001 NULL hiraga11 thanks circlejerk 3074281 NULL panda_effect he cant into pass 3075031 NULL quetzadrake 420s is... i dunno, making yourself hyper-aggressive? 3079461 NULL tunamerchant2 >yfw an autopilot team wins vgl eague 3084491 NULL vidango God damn it 3085111 NULL rakkyy FUCK YOU CIRCLEJERK 3086011 NULL s0cialcommunist who would win: a Team of Seagulls, or a team of Foxes 3086501 NULL bacon_dick >SMASH 3086871 NULL basedsmugleaf I'm just getting the point out to the whole chat 3087421 NULL quetzadrake just do the complete opposite of what you were doing before 3088271 NULL panda_effect FUCK 3088331 NULL hiraga11 fucking circlejerk 3088441 NULL uramaget1 THANK YOU BASED KT 3088621 NULL pwjp WOKE UP 3088981 NULL s0cialcommunist OH SHIT 3089631 NULL maynravun fucking finally 3090361 NULL neptur sick wavedash 3090821 NULL s0cialcommunist WHAT A PASS 3096771 NULL tunamerchant2 >the sm4sh of smash 3096831 NULL boxdwellercr WE FINALLYMEET 3097451 NULL funisallowedhere >KEL'THUZAD 3098141 NULL amatosk PogChamp 3098341 NULL electroshock3383 WE FINALLY MEET 3099371 NULL s0cialcommunist Passed into the net 3099651 NULL axolotlhooves I'M KEL'-THU KEL' THUZAD 3100231 NULL masteroffluff Wooo!!! 3101441 NULL maxpiston FINALLY 3102001 NULL axolotlhooves WE FINALLY MEET 3104781 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 3105081 NULL boxdwellercr THERE WILL BE NO ESCAPE 3107651 NULL roronabest Oh man everyone thought ssbg would win 3108231 NULL boxdwellercr BE FREE MY MINIONS 3109751 NULL axolotlhooves BE FREE MY MINIONS 3110551 NULL s0cialcommunist SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc 3121641 NULL roronabest Everyone also thought vitagen would win 3122771 NULL maxpiston I'M KEL'THUZAD 3128731 NULL boxdwellercr >RIGGING 3130511 NULL boxdwellercr Confirmed 3130561 NULL rakkyy to be fair, no one on the team wants to play 3131151 NULL roronabest x__x 3131591 NULL axolotlhooves I'M KEL'THU-FREAKING-ZAD 3134251 NULL panda_effect rigged 3134411 NULL farragoshy Everyone can't be wrong more than once 3135501 NULL tunamerchant2 SMOrc 3139251 NULL rayzapper SMSkull SMSkull SMSkull SMSkull SMSkull SMSkull SMSkull 3141731 NULL pwjp FOR SCIENCE 3142421 NULL rakkyy exactly how ssbg should be 3144101 NULL axolotlhooves FOR SCIENCE 3148731 NULL normlperson ,/ssbg/ will still win 3148731 NULL s0cialcommunist FOR SCIENCE 3151461 NULL normlperson watch 3159861 NULL panda_effect ITS ONLY A GOAL SSBG 3160691 NULL uramaget1 >tfw no EVERYONE GET IN HERE goalhorn today 3162131 NULL s0cialcommunist >1-0 3163751 NULL panda_effect 2-1 lets go 3163761 NULL amatosk That was breddy gud 3164691 NULL tunamerchant2 >start losing >tr4sh in 3165091 NULL s0cialcommunist >its orge 3166821 NULL vidango I hope we score at least ONE goal 3167491 NULL tunamerchant2 lel 3179811 NULL hiraga11 It's ok guys 3182861 NULL panda_effect WHY CANT WE GET THE BALL 3184481 NULL panda_effect YOU CUCKS 3188701 NULL hiraga11 ZeRo can't lose in a tournament setting 3192961 NULL drborisg I would have made HELLO HELLO HELLO another keeper, but it's funny n 3200201 NULL rakkyy ZeRo isn't in, cuckaga 3201621 NULL tunamerchant2 they are gonna run out of time Hiraga 3203161 NULL vidango Why can't we hold on to the ball for more than 2 seconds 3210011 NULL hiraga11 wait what 3214681 NULL panda_effect why do we suck this much 3218931 NULL s0cialcommunist >foxes in charge of attacking 3220671 NULL rakkyy he is benched 3221211 NULL tunamerchant2 oh nvm misread 3228731 NULL s0cialcommunist Seagulls > Foxes 3232281 NULL tunamerchant2 just woke up sorry m8 3232931 NULL hiraga11 oh it's ok 3234611 NULL hiraga11 we got kekmoa 3236801 NULL panda_effect STOP BACK PASSING REEE 3239281 NULL vidango Why do we have a player named after one of the worst moves in the gam 3241561 NULL s0cialcommunist OSfrog 3244201 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc 3246521 NULL vidango OSfrog 3250461 NULL hiraga11 OSfrog 3252871 NULL hagamablabla Is this the Summer Cup 3253461 NULL hiraga11 I approve of this 3254471 NULL vidango YES 3255511 NULL farragoshy NO ITEMS 3256401 NULL electroshock3383 FOX 3256861 NULL masteroffluff WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 3257411 NULL uramaget1 FFFFFF 3257801 NULL panda_effect YO 3257851 NULL cyclo6xane FINAL DESTINATION 3258411 NULL pwjp LEL 3258431 NULL s0cialcommunist OH MAN 3258821 NULL rakkyy thanks Fox 3258871 NULL farragoshy FINAL DESTINATION 3259751 NULL panda_effect YOOOOO 3261271 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 3261341 NULL electroshock3383 HOLY SHIT 3263251 NULL tunamerchant2 [SHINING INTENSIFIES] 3263601 NULL bacon_dick THAT'S NOT FALCO 3264561 NULL normlperson CLUTCH 3265021 NULL axolotlhooves FOX ONLY 3265471 NULL dark_mandy WHOA 3266551 NULL rayzapper NO FUN ALLOWED 3267011 NULL quetzadrake FOX ONLY 3268511 NULL farragoshy HAPPY FEET 3271231 NULL roronabest ohhhh 3272481 NULL s0cialcommunist AYYYY LMAO AIIGHT 3272901 NULL quetzadrake also a sakurai 3274761 NULL sunbroomer >smash 4 music 3275411 NULL axolotlhooves NO MORE KEL'THUZAD 3277201 NULL uramaget1 DAT AINT FALCO 3280271 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 3282621 NULL farragoshy Those huge mouths 3284101 NULL vidango Who picked this as the goal horn this isn't even the best FD track in 3284101 NULL panda_effect CLUTCH 3286401 NULL electroshock3383 What a cheeky 90+ 3295381 NULL k3nsh1n1589 WOMBO COMBO 3304091 NULL s0cialcommunist MOM GET THE CAMERA 3304591 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah! 3309301 NULL panda_effect yeah this should have been the sakurai ride song 3314711 NULL s0cialcommunist My dick is literally diamonds from that goal 3318831 NULL vidango That's the one for when Sakurai wins 3321831 NULL s0cialcommunist Unf 3323501 NULL panda_effect ooh 3325301 NULL vidango They should have used Melee Menu V2 3339231 NULL panda_effect >lifting their arms for offside 3341951 NULL panda_effect *** 3344801 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 3346211 NULL rakkyy you should have suggested a better song 3346981 NULL uramaget1 >not using this as /ssbg/ goalhorn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 3350141 NULL s0cialcommunist great goal 3359731 NULL s0cialcommunist B R A V O 3366361 NULL tunamerchant2 >parking the bus 3374791 NULL panda_effect SMASH 4 TIME 3387741 NULL tunamerchant2 lel 3388591 NULL panda_effect epic 3393531 NULL rakkyy at least we didn't lose 3395421 NULL masteroffluff Woo, yeah! 3401061 NULL masteroffluff *claps pom-poms* 3427861 NULL panda_effect kek 3455231 NULL boxdwellercr I NEED YOUR LOVE 3458989 NULL panda_effect >project meme got subbed for tr4sh and we tied 3459979 NULL roronabest Oh gosh here we go 3469339 NULL tunamerchant2 well time for high impact sexual violent divegrass 3478109 NULL vidango It's because unofficial mods have no place in the general OSfrog 3479959 NULL neptur fuggg:DDDDD 3483819 NULL tunamerchant2 >all those spurdos 3486519 NULL rakkyy I guess cuckonoe was right 3491899 NULL tunamerchant2 10/10 breddy gud:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 3508619 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw no female models for PES 3523159 NULL farragoshy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY /vitagen/ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 3528579 NULL s0cialcommunist no 3529569 NULL roronabest Oh gosh is that Totori? lel 3537359 NULL rakkyy >vita 3541379 NULL uramaget1 >fully player model blenders 3549899 NULL uramaget1 oh boy, if only 3550529 NULL rakkyy not even Sony recognizes it 3554939 NULL s0cialcommunist >the city of /vitagen 3565069 NULL boxdwellercr >2015 >owning a Vita 3573459 NULL boxdwellercr For what purpose 3575769 NULL panda_effect wuts domg 3637669 NULL s0cialcommunist DOminion General 3642989 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team! 3646229 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms* 3668489 NULL boxdwellercr >*action* 3670219 NULL boxdwellercr Stop 3671089 NULL s0cialcommunist i've decided im going to flip a coin for the team i will root 3676809 NULL bacon_dick Vita general? More like no games general 3682029 NULL boxdwellercr rekt 3686549 NULL s0cialcommunist because i don't know any of these fuckers besides Civ gen 3689009 NULL rakkyy I think I will root for vita 3693489 NULL masteroffluff Why not both? 3697809 NULL bacon_dick Is there a Fallout General team? 3700519 NULL rakkyy don't even know shit about dominion, while I know vita has no games 3700859 NULL s0cialcommunist heads for Dominion 3702279 NULL boxdwellercr >not supporting Idols 3713179 NULL pwjp Aw shucks 3717359 NULL s0cialcommunist heads it is 3717459 NULL panda_effect where can I see the groups for this shit 3721989 NULL s0cialcommunist GO /domg/ 3733019 NULL farragoshy http://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vg/_League_4 3734049 NULL pwjp The fuck's Dominion anyway? 3739459 NULL s0cialcommunist fuck if i know 3750919 NULL quetzadrake you can change your formation with a time-out at 20 minutes 3755059 NULL s0cialcommunist Dominions 3: The Awakening is a fantasy turn-based strategy g 3765919 NULL s0cialcommunist there you go PWJP 3779039 NULL s0cialcommunist straight of the google 3799209 NULL pwjp I see 3856089 NULL s0cialcommunist >/domg/'s defense 3873639 NULL masteroffluff Woooooo!!! 3874499 NULL quetzadrake sure hope boksi wanted fluid formations since they're on 3878779 NULL s0cialcommunist No String 3884939 NULL quetzadrake NOOOOO STRINGS 3889369 NULL masteroffluff Here we go! *shake shake* Here we go! *shake shake* 3903859 NULL marinosama My beautiful kits ;_; 3911669 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 3915769 NULL pwjp ;_;7 3917779 NULL quetzadrake ;_;7 3917859 NULL s0cialcommunist ;_;7 3921419 NULL electroshock3383 ;_;7 3921929 NULL basedsmugleaf Oh whoops 3931069 NULL axolotlhooves ;_;7 3933079 NULL basedsmugleaf Forgot to get nomo to reset HISV's hair 3936839 NULL roronabest ;___;7 PLEASE RNG BE WITH ME TODAY 3945199 NULL basedsmugleaf Oh no it's there 3946069 NULL farragoshy That ghostly Rorona blender 3947529 NULL basedsmugleaf >me 3952109 NULL s0cialcommunist Rorona stop and manage 3958339 NULL cyclo6xane yo smug are all the blendahs working for /lolg/? 3960539 NULL boxdwellercr ;_;7 3969049 NULL pwjp TURN IT UP 3969079 NULL basedsmugleaf They should be 3970009 NULL quetzadrake quiet anthem 3971199 NULL cyclo6xane nice 3971209 NULL adbcb 2quiet 3972859 NULL axolotlhooves CAN'T HEAR SHIT CAPTAIN 3975129 NULL basedsmugleaf Although two are a little bit broken 3979489 NULL quetzadrake there it goes 3981069 NULL cyclo6xane alright 3981319 NULL electroshock3383 So Snek is a /vg/ meme now? 3981769 NULL funisallowedhere ;_;7 3984009 NULL s0cialcommunist Elves 4110859 NULL mantisofprey I am angry 4113549 NULL masteroffluff Awww!! 4117859 NULL s0cialcommunist Ya blew it 4119499 NULL marinosama I hope you like the kits all ^_^ 4123499 NULL masteroffluff *pom-poms droop* 4126519 NULL drunktenk If they want to be loved, why do they act like unlovable stuckup bi 4129599 NULL thegoldelite *** 4133859 NULL marinosama Shout out to my man Smug getting them working 4135769 NULL s0cialcommunist @marinosama, did you make /domg/'s? 4141069 NULL roronabest Literally shaking 4152999 NULL descendingbears elevs are quick to recognize lewdness 4153939 NULL s0cialcommunist next time get drunk like tenko 4156079 NULL s0cialcommunist its works for him 4164569 NULL cyclo6xane SMOrc 4165619 NULL maxpiston elfs are shit 4166769 NULL s0cialcommunist MOIDA 4168739 NULL s0cialcommunist SMOrc 4170279 NULL funisallowedhere confirmed shit 4172529 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc 4172839 NULL quetzadrake SMOrc 4173679 NULL normlperson SMOrc 4174189 NULL s0cialcommunist MORE MOIDA 4175279 NULL drunktenk brb buying beer 4177719 NULL marinosama I did the the /vitagen/ kit and GK pngs and then smug converted th 4179339 NULL marinosama what a guy 4189029 NULL sorrowrunner There is litterally nothing wrong with being an elf 4194779 NULL pwjp >tfw A-1 will fuck up GATE and we won't even get proper Elf removal 4202389 NULL axolotlhooves There is literally everything wrong with being an elf 4203329 NULL rakkyy shut up elf 4203349 NULL marinosama Elves are fine 4205019 NULL boxdwellercr There is literally nothing wrong with raping elves 4206739 NULL marinosama Please stop this 4207529 NULL indrickboreale When's the last time an elf has done something good? That's ri 4207599 NULL rakkyy get raped by an orc 4210119 NULL masteroffluff Come on, let's goooo!! 4212479 NULL s0cialcommunist oh, i was gonna ask what is the brown on the /domg/'s kit 4212499 NULL descendingbears elves are horsefuckers of fantasy worlds 4217769 NULL cyclo6xane OWN GOAL 4218019 NULL cruxador It's not rape if it's an elf 4218059 NULL pwjp GOAAAAAAAL 4220309 NULL sargbot lmao 4221149 NULL s0cialcommunist >that header 4221429 NULL masteroffluff Wooo!! 4222969 NULL pwjp OWN GOAL 4223809 NULL nkxsqw ayyyy 4223959 NULL marinosama I'm elfkin 4223989 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4225869 NULL dark_mandy HUE 4226789 NULL quetzadrake OWN GOAL 4227469 NULL tunamerchant2 toppest of keks 4232449 NULL adbcb AAAAAAAAA 4234559 NULL pwjp MIKU 4236489 NULL s0cialcommunist >/domg/ in charge of Goalkeeping 4236859 NULL electroshock3383 OWN GOAL 4243939 NULL indrickboreale You know who was responsible for that goal? The fucking elves 4246009 NULL tunamerchant2 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 4250609 NULL lazyturd FUCK ELVES 4252769 NULL roronabest Oh god 4256759 NULL roronabest that happened 4262159 NULL cyclo6xane 2000 goals in a fort 4262619 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 4265359 NULL masteroffluff Go team go!! 4266729 NULL pwjp What even happened? 4267089 NULL adbcb >ryo 4267969 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4281629 NULL lazyturd sapgooter 4285339 NULL pwjp SHOUGANAI 4286869 NULL marinosama That's not an own goal 4293119 NULL cyclo6xane game counted it as one 4293899 NULL marinosama should go the lad whipping in the cross 4299969 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION has started Oppressing the Elves. Press SMOrc to oppr 4303439 NULL spreach how is this an own goal 4306229 NULL marinosama the game is fucking stupid 4307929 NULL lazyturd SMOrc 4309219 NULL quetzadrake SMOrc 4309389 NULL spreach SMOrc 4309419 NULL cruxador SMOrc 4312289 NULL indrickboreale SMOrc 4312919 NULL electroshock3383 It's >PES 4313059 NULL cptcourage SMOrc 4313459 NULL pwjp No shit 4314609 NULL anonymous_goat SMork 4314909 NULL cyclo6xane SMOrc 4315529 NULL descendingbears SMOrc 4315679 NULL electroshock3383 so yeah 4316639 NULL tunamerchant2 SMOrc FUCK ELVES 4317089 NULL thegoldelite SMOrc 4319509 NULL marinosama It was on target 4321959 NULL boxdwellercr If I press SMOrc , can I also rape them? 4329119 NULL lazyturd Of courshe 4331509 NULL s0cialcommunist for you boxdweller, yes 4333249 NULL pwjp SMOrc 4335339 NULL boxdwellercr SMOrc 4335439 NULL cptcourage You can't rape an elf 4335549 NULL marinosama NO FUCK OFF THIS IS BULLYING YOU CIS HUMAN SCUM 4340029 NULL sargbot Elves are for tender loving, not for raping 4344289 NULL s0cialcommunist no :^) 4348349 NULL pwjp REMOVE ELVES remove elves 4350139 NULL funisallowedhere all these amazing passes 4351899 NULL moulesfritz it's not rape if they want it 4353189 NULL masteroffluff Er... 4355949 NULL moulesfritz and ALL elves want it 4358569 NULL masteroffluff *hides under pom-poms* 4360299 NULL tunamerchant2 it's not rape if the elf wants to be raped m8 4363559 NULL boxdwellercr Only Delicious Brown Elves are for tender loving, white Elves ar 4371379 NULL tunamerchant2 ^ 4378709 NULL lazyturd ^ 4382309 NULL moulesfritz V 4382849 NULL s0cialcommunist Ape Elves 4383859 NULL nkxsqw elves deserve equal rights and equal love 4384349 NULL marinosama brb lads my boy Jacky Mao is streaming 4384549 NULL bigshakey77 ^ 4387279 NULL cyclo6xane > 4391879 NULL pwjp It needs to be the right kind of brown tbh 4394419 NULL s0cialcommunist \ 4400699 NULL bigshakey77 ??? 4400939 NULL descendingbears < 4403249 NULL marinosama Elves are masterrace 4414129 NULL indrickboreale Elves are only good for making arrows from their bones. 4419269 NULL boxdwellercr *** brown is a no-no, got-a-tan-on-holiday brown is mater race 4420559 NULL marinosama Who /Jacky Mao/ here? 4429859 NULL bigshakey77 Fuck Elves 4430069 NULL masteroffluff ...Is it safe to come out yet? 4431369 NULL spreach fuck elves 4439449 NULL cyclo6xane fuck *** 4446009 NULL quetzadrake fuck fuck 4456199 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw that own goal is the only goal of the game giving rorona 4456919 NULL boxdwellercr fuck kcuf 4460419 NULL marinosama What was censored there Cyclo 4466099 NULL pwjp GOAAAAAAAL 4466749 NULL bigshakey77 Fuck the Seahawks 4468279 NULL marinosama what did you type after fuck 4468289 NULL moulesfritz Fuck RIG indeed 4468369 NULL boxdwellercr W A I F U 4468479 NULL masteroffluff WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 4469869 NULL s0cialcommunist my prediction. BTFO 4470139 NULL dark_mandy WHOA 4470359 NULL quetzadrake nice 4470439 NULL rakkyy I guess Vita got game now 4471399 NULL cyclo6xane g.ooks 4473489 NULL farragoshy YOUR WAIFU IS TRASH 4474149 NULL roronabest how have /domg/ not scored yet 4475229 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4479899 NULL cyclo6xane surprised that's censored 4481309 NULL marinosama >Gooks 4482349 NULL farragoshy SHE BELONGS IN THE TRASH 4484349 NULL pwjp YOU'RE WAIFU A SHIT 4486679 NULL boxdwellercr YOU'RE WAIFU AS HIT 4488209 NULL pwjp A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT 4491039 NULL boxdwellercr FUG 4494629 NULL roronabest this never worked for me on my game 4494639 NULL indrickboreale The dice determined who I should support in this game. The dic 4495499 NULL s0cialcommunist >waifus 4502109 NULL anonymous_goat >waifus 4505359 NULL slartybarty who is playing? 4509879 NULL thegoldelite Brother I am pinned here 4512879 NULL masteroffluff Yay team yay!!! 4515009 NULL s0cialcommunist its /a/ vs /sp/ 4518669 NULL electroshock3383 Diomedes pls 4520889 NULL masteroffluff Wooooooooooo!!!! 4522129 NULL pwjp >not having a waifu 4522439 NULL farragoshy it's /waifus/ vs /literally who/ 4523779 NULL marqod The dice gods laugh at your misery, BOreale. 4524429 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4526209 NULL s0cialcommunist T O G E T H E R FO R E V E R 4526329 NULL cptcourage NO! 4536849 NULL normlperson it's /vitagen/ - /domg/ right now 4538179 NULL anonymous_goat >having a waifu 4540849 NULL anonymous_goat >ever 4542799 NULL pwjp Love this goalhorn 4548389 NULL thegoldelite Representing aa2g 4549669 NULL s0cialcommunist >not having a human gf 4551319 NULL boxdwellercr You're just upset you're waifu a shit social :^) 4553049 NULL thegoldelite who also have the best goalhorn 4560179 NULL pwjp >#DPD 4563029 NULL masteroffluff Yeah, woohooo!! 4564879 NULL pwjp >3DPD 4567819 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4571369 NULL cptcourage Listen, alright? We're fa/tg/uys. We know elves. We've discuss thi 4573419 NULL tunamerchant2 you're upset because you're waifu sucks at divegrass 4574289 NULL s0cialcommunist >liking any cartoon in a sexual way 4577089 NULL tunamerchant2 :^) 4578559 NULL marinosama Who here has a gf and a Vita? B) 4585649 NULL s0cialcommunist >owning a vita 4587439 NULL anonymous_goat >not liking both 2d and 3d 4590699 NULL marinosama deShade 4591779 NULL sporadicsarcasm >owning a gf 4592569 NULL boxdwellercr ^ 4601359 NULL moulesfritz ^^ 4606489 NULL boxdwellercr >having a vitafriend 4617469 NULL nkxsqw what about a gf who owns a vita? 4618059 NULL pwjp >not having a Vita 4619279 NULL masteroffluff Wooo!! 4620339 NULL axolotlhooves uh, /domg/ is on fluid 4621229 NULL marinosama Mad at the vitas? Keepo 4628479 NULL sporadicsarcasm >girls pleying videogames 4628709 NULL electroshock3383 I'm considering buying one for Nep games 4631349 NULL s0cialcommunist i just perfer not to hump and cum on the same pillow i sleep 4632019 NULL normlperson ,/domg/ requested fluid at the start 4633009 NULL pwjp >not having some of the excellent waifu games it has like Atelier 4650729 NULL cptcourage guys, should I get a vita or a gf? I can't decide. Pls Halp 4652619 NULL axolotlhooves oish 4655329 NULL pwjp Vita 4656289 NULL masteroffluff Let's go! *shake shake* Let's go! *shake shake* Let's go! *shak 4656429 NULL axolotlhooves that's painful 4660259 NULL descendingbears gf has no games 4661039 NULL boxdwellercr I'll buy a Vita once I learn Nip and can play all those VNs I'm 4662959 NULL boxdwellercr So never 4669599 NULL s0cialcommunist tought choice 4674419 NULL pwjp >playing VNs on a Vita 4677949 NULL s0cialcommunist get a rental gf 4681309 NULL electroshock3383 gf has no gaems too so it's a tough choice 4689879 NULL boxdwellercr A bunch of VNs are Vita only 4690719 NULL s0cialcommunist the GF has 2 games 4696859 NULL sporadicsarcasm $200 for hella waifus or $200 for one GF, not a hard choice 4700779 NULL s0cialcommunist sex, and resting bitchiness 4703129 NULL thegoldelite More if you jailbreak it 4714649 NULL rakkyy you can't jailbreak a gf 4721819 NULL cptcourage I heard they were releasing 3rd game for gf, probably just a rumou 4723229 NULL s0cialcommunist you can steal one :^) 4724949 NULL masteroffluff Ooooh!!! 4726969 NULL thegoldelite bitch please 4731339 NULL marinosama HEY /domg/ FANGAYS EleGiggle SoBayed EleGiggle BRB GONNA BUY A NEW 4731959 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 4747539 NULL cptcourage boogadi? 4748899 NULL descendingbears DLCs for gf are always expensive 4752889 NULL electroshock3383 Don't drive it into the water like that guy 4778629 NULL s0cialcommunist CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRYING TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL, CONSTRUCTIVE D 4784289 NULL pwjp Meanwhile, I got over 5000 images of my waifu FOR FREE 4793969 NULL descendingbears CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRYING TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL, CONSTRUCTIVE D 4796719 NULL cptcourage >he does it for free 4799349 NULL cptcourage CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRYING TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL, CONSTRUCTIVE DISCUS 4841759 NULL masteroffluff Fight, team, fight! 4845359 NULL s0cialcommunist Guys, please don't spam. My daughter made a macaroni dinosaur 4845739 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4854829 NULL marinosama Hey /domg/ fangays EleGiggle 4Head where should I send my kids to 4862299 NULL boxdwellercr I into waifu threads on /a/ and fap to them all. No one knows th 4873979 NULL farragoshy ▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ ༽Hello, my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta Indu 4879509 NULL s0cialcommunist we're not mates anymore boxdweller 4880939 NULL pwjp Box what the fuck nigga 4886819 NULL cptcourage >he thinks their not fapping to their waifus 4888809 NULL s0cialcommunist ▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ ༽Hello, my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta 4896149 NULL cptcourage nigga how innocent are you? 4902509 NULL funisallowedhere wat 4902589 NULL boxdwellercr KAPOW 4904569 NULL pelkeme KAPOW 4905039 NULL masteroffluff Wooohoooo!!! 4905779 NULL dark_mandy KAPOW 4905829 NULL s0cialcommunist KAPOW 4906159 NULL cptcourage they're* 4907169 NULL pwjp KAPOW 4907799 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4913619 NULL electroshock3383 GOALPOST ASSIST 4914409 NULL lazyturd ▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ ༽Hello, my name is Juan Pastoroni, CEO of Copy Pasta Indus 4917109 NULL billybob4038 HIGH IMPACt 4919079 NULL roronabest TOTORI 4920299 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 4923579 NULL billybob4038 SEXUAL VIOLENCE 4924029 NULL s0cialcommunist >this goalkeeper 4925589 NULL masteroffluff Yay team!!! 4925649 NULL pwjp BASED TOTORI 4925749 NULL s0cialcommunist >these goals 4926969 NULL nkxsqw HIGH IMPACT SEXUAL VIOLENCE 4928849 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4930269 NULL cptcourage PLZ NO COPY PASTERINO 4934679 NULL electroshock3383 HIGH IMPACT GOAL 4952009 NULL s0cialcommunist who is the GK 4955399 NULL s0cialcommunist he has to be sacked 4956199 NULL cptcourage ded 4959749 NULL marinosama TriHard = EleNiggle 4966739 NULL boxdwellercr TriHard 4969279 NULL marinosama TheKing = KingN ig 4972189 NULL normlperson TriHard 4979359 NULL s0cialcommunist ooooh 4982329 NULL masteroffluff Wooo!!! 4983779 NULL s0cialcommunist deflection 4986449 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 4989929 NULL spreach this vita is more successful than the console 4992099 NULL moulesfritz I want to MARRY /vitagen/! 5016939 NULL marinosama LGTSS 5023849 NULL marinosama >/domg/ FANGAYS 5028779 NULL s0cialcommunist does VGL even get a hyp vid 5031549 NULL marinosama EleGiggle Kreygasm 5044829 NULL s0cialcommunist or can Ved not be bothered 5068939 NULL farragoshy >expecting that much effort expended for the vgl 5074879 NULL boxdwellercr Ved spends all his time not making hyp vids fapping to ponies 5081259 NULL boxdwellercr He's doing it right now 5082369 NULL s0cialcommunist fucking ponies 5084979 NULL normlperson maybe when VGL breaks 500 viewers 5095379 NULL masteroffluff Woo! Let's go! 5098029 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 5104599 NULL auspicioussloth >implying /vg/ memeball is as popular as 4chan memeball 5105629 NULL s0cialcommunist ^normie 5111119 NULL pwjp I still have a hard time believing /@/ got the all-time attendance recor 5119489 NULL moulesfritz "[Team Name] fangays."This needs to stop. 5130029 NULL moulesfritz I know what the response to this will be. "It's Twitch chat, what 5130569 NULL s0cialcommunist why would you say it isn't rigged 5134319 NULL s0cialcommunist now we know its rigged 5157409 NULL vtecjumper >"rekt" has largely replaced "raped" 5162329 NULL vtecjumper wot 5175779 NULL boxdwellercr I do believe that is a ruse 5187639 NULL boxdwellercr You have been coaxedi nto a snafu 5191619 NULL marinosama WHAT NOW /domg/ FANGAYS EleGiggle SoBayed TriHard 4Head 5216439 NULL vtecjumper Keepo 5219849 NULL s0cialcommunist banter only really works when there are people to banter with 5235899 NULL marinosama It's post ironic 5244349 NULL boxdwellercr Y E L L O W 5249209 NULL lazyturd waiwhat 5249499 NULL marinosama The joke is that /domg/ have no fangays EleGiggle 5249939 NULL pelkeme Bully 5251439 NULL pwjp >Rorona 5253209 NULL auspicioussloth ItsBoshyTime 5253279 NULL moisheshekelstein Shalom 5254789 NULL rakkyy >no one from /domg/ is watching their team lose 5255289 NULL electroshock3383 DED 5256899 NULL nkxsqw >divegrass 5256949 NULL vtecjumper SMSkull 5259689 NULL s0cialcommunist >Rorona is a bully 5263319 NULL roronabest Whaaat 5263749 NULL s0cialcommunist Worse then Amis 5264269 NULL cyclo6xane it's called playing on the advantage, Nepgear 5279649 NULL electroshock3383 IT'S WIDE 5280269 NULL masteroffluff Oooohh!! 5285059 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 5288509 NULL pwjp WHEN WILL FEMALE BULLIES EVER BE PURGED FROM THE 4CC?! 5300199 NULL boxdwellercr >females >4cc 5300919 NULL s0cialcommunist >allowing females in 4CC to begin with 5311689 NULL normlperson clean sheet for muh FF please 5320289 NULL amisnaru we can purge this meme if you stop posting it 5320509 NULL marinosama I'm a /vitagen/ fangay and proud 5340509 NULL pwjp You can't ruse me 5343919 NULL boxdwellercr How does one impregnate a Vita? 5344499 NULL marinosama Is it fangay or fandyke? 5344519 NULL axolotlhooves You're also a tremendous *** 5350939 NULL roronabest Carefully 5352229 NULL cyclo6xane CARD 5357019 NULL c806256 RED 5358109 NULL marinosama THIS IS A RECORD 5359989 NULL electroshock3383 RED 5360449 NULL boxdwellercr R E D 5361349 NULL funisallowedhere OH NO 5362169 NULL cyclo6xane RED 5362869 NULL auspicioussloth tbSpicy 5363709 NULL lazyturd RED 5363809 NULL nkxsqw HAHAHA 5363889 NULL farragoshy HIGH IMPACT SEXUAL PENAL 5363919 NULL s0cialcommunist BTFO 5366279 NULL uramaget1 LE RED CARD HAS ARRIVED 5366709 NULL dark_mandy WELP 5367279 NULL pelkeme RED 5368779 NULL axolotlhooves OH NO 5370939 NULL roronabest Oh noooo 5370959 NULL s0cialcommunist BAHAHAHAHHA 5370969 NULL c806256 suspension? 5370999 NULL spreach R O U G E 5371749 NULL axolotlhooves SHE CAN'T PLAY NEXT GAME 5376229 NULL tunamerchant2 IMPREGNAED 5377819 NULL descendingbears BULLIED TO DEATH 5379699 NULL pwjp OH SHIT 5380639 NULL tunamerchant2 IMPREGNATED* 5380809 NULL sargbot >Gold striker sent off 5383129 NULL sargbot ayy lmao 5386809 NULL billybob4038 Thank you based ref 5389619 NULL vtecjumper BloodTrail HumbleLife MrRobot 5390889 NULL tunamerchant2 we /co/ again 5391089 NULL s0cialcommunist Bullied out the next game 5391159 NULL pwjp Well /co/ still won 5393779 NULL electroshock3383 Maybe they'll pull a /co/ 5395539 NULL maxpiston GET THE FUCK OUT 5403269 NULL pelkeme THE JEWS DID DIS 5404289 NULL s0cialcommunist ugh don't remind me of /co/lette 5406519 NULL roronabest Bully ref 5408119 NULL nkxsqw good game good effort 5410619 NULL quetzadrake time for red card abuse next game 5413449 NULL masteroffluff Woooo, yeah!! 5415099 NULL sargbot also, >I have Impregnate on my FF team 5415379 NULL c806256 >2(0) 5418459 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 5419419 NULL sargbot lmaoing at myself 5419729 NULL s0cialcommunist fucking #rekt missed that 1 v 1 chance 5422589 NULL s0cialcommunist end up losing 5428289 NULL s0cialcommunist feels PJSalt y man 5439189 NULL tunamerchant2 I have HISV, feels good 5445069 NULL nkxsqw who /mgqg/ here 5447719 NULL maxpiston >2(0) 5451989 NULL pwjp o/ 5459739 NULL pwjp Ready to be raped 5462929 NULL electroshock3383 >PES 5464689 NULL cyclo6xane told you it was an OG 5471829 NULL boxdwellercr Can't rape the willing 5474119 NULL maxpiston KIBOU 5476199 NULL indrickboreale Who do I support, the Monster Girls or the furries? 5484579 NULL masteroffluff Why not both? 5488449 NULL funisallowedhere monster girl waifus 5488879 NULL cecil_xix I think you can tell based on who the camera focuses on. 5490329 NULL pwjp uuuuuuuuuum 5492499 NULL descendingbears furry girls 5495179 NULL billybob4038 Touch fluffy tail 5495589 NULL s0cialcommunist is the next match an all weeb match? 5496159 NULL boxdwellercr Monster Girls, obviously 5505479 NULL electroshock3383 MGs > Furries 5512599 NULL c806256 can't impregnate next match 5515049 NULL billybob4038 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nyHPIcbn88 5522349 NULL pwjp Condom's on 5527529 NULL moulesfritz >condom 5529719 NULL moulesfritz dude 5529769 NULL cyclo6xane Red from double yellow card means Impregnate can't play next match 5535449 NULL s0cialcommunist yes 5535919 NULL roronabest We won... but at what cost? 5543929 NULL cyclo6xane so /vitagen/'s looking at a game with only 1 gold 5547689 NULL moulesfritz I want to IMPREGNATE /vitagen/! 5553279 NULL boxdwellercr l-lewd 5557879 NULL electroshock3383 LEWD 5563919 NULL quetzadrake >tfw Impregnate is VC on FF team 5564739 NULL bigshakey77 double nonmedal ss hype 5564849 NULL s0cialcommunist DansGame 5570219 NULL quetzadrake kill me 5572249 NULL pwjp What a coincidence, so do I! 5583219 NULL auspicioussloth High Impact Sexual Violence appears to be /vitagen/'s new top 5598939 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 5601739 NULL indrickboreale The dice spoke, in favor of the monster girls, so who /mgqg/ h 5612359 NULL electroshock3383 I keep thinking acg is Ace Combat 5620189 NULL boxdwellercr >tfw stream keeps buffering because people in my house are watch 5622829 NULL s0cialcommunist i thought thats what it was at first 5622889 NULL bigshakey77 3 CF hype! 5631159 NULL pwjp >no Tamamo/Touch Fluffy Tail on the /mgqg/ roster 5633219 NULL funisallowedhere granberry fag here 5634749 NULL s0cialcommunist not lixing prison lesbian sex 5635359 NULL pwjp WHAT HERESY IS THIS?! 5638729 NULL moulesfritz dude 5652029 NULL moulesfritz everyone on /mgqg/ is really tired of that meme 5656199 NULL moulesfritz it's been like 3 years 5676069 NULL s0cialcommunist im rooting for a draw 5676249 NULL sargbot haha I almost forgot about /mgqg/'s full retard formation 5679219 NULL pwjp It's the ONE thing everyone knows about MGQ 5687799 NULL pwjp Without even KNOWING about MGQ 5689339 NULL bigshakey77 So? 5695519 NULL electroshock3383 Almafag here 5696209 NULL moulesfritz and the team is not for those poeple 5700399 NULL moulesfritz it's for the general 5705689 NULL bigshakey77 The team is about the general 5706259 NULL k3nsh1n1589 SDA is managing the /mgqg/? 5708439 NULL pwjp I'm just salty Tamamo is not in it 5708469 NULL descendingbears what kind of formation do you want? 5713689 NULL panda_effect ░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▀█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░▄▀▓▓▄██████▄░░░ ░░░░░▄█▄█▀░░ 5720899 NULL farragoshy It's sort of like Gandhi on /civ4xg/, he's not especially popular 5732129 NULL auspicioussloth >mods 5748509 NULL basedsmugleaf >that ascii 5750189 NULL basedsmugleaf My sides 5752899 NULL s0cialcommunist 5767329 NULL basedsmugleaf Ỏ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘ 5774509 NULL auspicioussloth Ỏ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉ 5774819 NULL s0cialcommunist it just keeps going 5802279 NULL s0cialcommunist Ỏ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉ 5823789 NULL enflamis [X] Touch fluffy tail 5837706 NULL boxdwellercr 4CC is truly the hub of ther latest and greatest memes 5847656 NULL s0cialcommunist only the dankest 5850776 NULL cecil_xix Just say you didn't want to fuck monsters, it's okay. 5852316 NULL tunamerchant2 Ỏ̷͖͈̞̩͎̻̫̫̜͉̠̫͕̭̭̫̫̹̗̹͈̼̠̖͍͚̥͈̮̼͕̠̤̯̻̥̬̗̼̳̤̳̬̪̹͚̞̼̠͕̼̠̦͚̫͔̯̹͉͉̘ 5855126 NULL moisheshekelstein oy vey 5858306 NULL subparchessplayer watching virtual divegrass and World Cup Darts at the same 5863196 NULL funisallowedhere kek 5863786 NULL auspicioussloth >FUCKING CASUALS 5865876 NULL subparchessplayer I enjoy the finer pleasures in life :^) 5872586 NULL s0cialcommunist CASUAL FUCKING 5884916 NULL tunamerchant2 FUCKIN' CASUALS 5888216 NULL electroshock3383 That 5894266 NULL quetzadrake Just call him Bob since that's his catchphrase 5899376 NULL normlperson muh chat experience 5900796 NULL pwjp test 5910476 NULL tunamerchant2 you failed it 5913366 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 5914486 NULL tunamerchant2 :^) 5931326 NULL bigshakey77 Is it fucked yet? 5932266 NULL sargbot Who /acg/ here? 5940976 NULL bigshakey77 yeah it's fucked 5948906 NULL tunamerchant2 Haven't played in like half a year 5949436 NULL pwjp Holy shit it finally stopped 5952406 NULL s0cialcommunist You know what really bothers me? When I walk into a public re 5954546 NULL tunamerchant2 but it's comfy 5957326 NULL quetzadrake i'll root for /acg/ 5969636 NULL normlperson Red Yao is gonna fuck with /acg/ though 5970476 NULL boxdwellercr This chat is awful, literally ass, except ass can bring pleasure 5982596 NULL billybob4038 IIIIIIIIIIIII 5983016 NULL quetzadrake >tfw haven't played AC:NL in a year and a half, don't want to see 5989076 NULL masteroffluff Be right back for a bit. 5991156 NULL cecil_xix Define "underage". 5991696 NULL pwjp Depends, are we talking about 2D here? 5993666 NULL anonyt >not loving underage pussy 5995446 NULL bigshakey77 dude weed lmao 6007716 NULL masteroffluff Anyone want to shake my pom-poms in my absence? 6010816 NULL masteroffluff *offers pom-poms* 6022366 NULL electroshock3383 that works 6030966 NULL bigshakey77 *shakes pom-poms* 6047206 NULL bigshakey77 I don't even know who he wants me to cheer for 6053886 NULL moisheshekelstein dude shekels lmao 6065036 NULL masteroffluff Just cheer for anyone! 6074483 NULL s0cialcommunist ▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DAMN THIS NEW SPAM IS FANCY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ 6075863 NULL jorleif "I want to fuck a duck in the ass~" 6082603 NULL billybob4038 Perfect 6085523 NULL masteroffluff Cheer for either team. 6085903 NULL indrickboreale Perfect 6089343 NULL electroshock3383 Perfect 6089903 NULL masteroffluff Anyway, be right back. 6091983 NULL normlperson Perfect 6095663 NULL s0cialcommunist Perfect 6098683 NULL quetzadrake Perfect 6099763 NULL bigshakey77 pefect 6115363 NULL normlperson They almost did in VGL2 6118963 NULL normlperson rip though 6120423 NULL indrickboreale What would a Senran Kagura general team consist of? 6122043 NULL enflamis I 6125153 NULL s0cialcommunist I 6125173 NULL enflamis WANT TO FUCK A FrankerZ IN THE ASS 6127343 NULL moisheshekelstein HERESY 6129553 NULL normlperson FrankerZ 6134633 NULL electroshock3383 This fucking anthem 6135403 NULL drborisg CorgiDerp 6136883 NULL sargbot RalpherZ 6137383 NULL farragoshy CorgiDerp FrankerZ CorgiDerp 6139423 NULL anonymous_goat Thank you blink 182 6140763 NULL pwjp FrankerZ 6142713 NULL indrickboreale Who doesn't want to fuck a dog? 6144043 NULL uramaget1 >this anthem 6144763 NULL electroshock3383 RalpherZ 6148663 NULL s0cialcommunist >this anthem 6153123 NULL jorleif WutFace 6155723 NULL farragoshy RalpherZ FrankerZ CorgiDerp 6156403 NULL s0cialcommunist >that raddish 6156673 NULL moisheshekelstein PURGE THIS HERESY 6160123 NULL quetzadrake these anthems compliment each other well 6162823 NULL basedsmugleaf >raddish 6168483 NULL farragoshy oh shit 6169183 NULL cyclo6xane in my dreams we're all burning and the only one left is Satan 6169953 NULL cptcourage >jew >talks of heresy 6170123 NULL pwjp Verily 6171533 NULL farragoshy Based neil cic 6172373 NULL maxpiston FrankerZ WE WANNA FUCK A DOG IN THE ASS FrankerZ 6173613 NULL billybob4038 FURRIES 6174483 NULL uramaget1 YIFF IN HELL 6174563 NULL lazyturd OH GOD 6174663 NULL c806256 that fucking raddish 6180073 NULL quetzadrake foxy~ 6180873 NULL lazyturd PURGE 6183503 NULL uramaget1 so, yiffbowl? 6187093 NULL cptcourage awoo~ 6188073 NULL quetzadrake Kappa 6194933 NULL lazyturd PURGE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE 6194933 NULL maxpiston awoo~ 6200433 NULL electroshock3383 awoo~ 6200893 NULL boxdwellercr ACTION Daily reminder to remove furfags 6205133 NULL supertwinky ILLIAS DID NOTHING WRONG 6208763 NULL s0cialcommunist i wasted 2 minutes of my life listening tot hat 6210353 NULL normlperson A W O O ~ 6216423 NULL moisheshekelstein furfags = ABSOLUTE GOYIM 6221553 NULL s0cialcommunist >that shot 6226593 NULL jorleif Remove degenerates from premises. 6237093 NULL drborisg >Chrissy's super optimistic bicycle kick 6237913 NULL cptcourage Jimi Hendrix must be spinning so hard in his grave we could power 6242823 NULL maxpiston SPAGOOT 6262323 NULL pwjp CptCourage wait until you read about that manga where he possesses some 6267703 NULL indrickboreale I started Monster Girl Quest a few months ago. Is it supposed 6272573 NULL cptcourage >reading mango 6276583 NULL electroshock3383 My chicken tendies has arrived 6280203 NULL cptcourage >questfags 6287923 NULL normlperson >that pass 6288173 NULL pwjp wdytya? 6297603 NULL jorleif >playing h-"game"s 6334843 NULL normlperson kek 6337353 NULL spreach >implying arrows on twittch 6340523 NULL cptcourage < 6347983 NULL moisheshekelstein > 6351213 NULL quetzadrake ^ 6354763 NULL pwjp v 6355873 NULL moulesfritz GOOOOOOOOAL 6356363 NULL spreach ^ 6362043 NULL roronabest Oh is that what rig cam is? 6366033 NULL supertwinky GET FUCKED MONSTERS 6367093 NULL indrickboreale GOAAAAAAAAAAAL! 6368973 NULL cptcourage ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ 6369053 NULL billybob4038 fuck 6369993 NULL jorleif ACTION >not using le epic maymay arrows whenever possible. 6370163 NULL pwjp DID EVERYTHING WRONG STILL 6372473 NULL funisallowedhere ILLIAS FOR BEST 6374823 NULL quetzadrake shit i'm behind that was like 20 seconds before that goal happene 6378623 NULL bigshakey77 *shakes pom-poms* 6380623 NULL pwjp ANIME PU$$Y 6381433 NULL nkxsqw ILIAS DID NOTHING WRONG CONFIRMED 6381963 NULL descendingbears ANIME PU$$Y 6388503 NULL cecil_xix ANIME PUSS 6389293 NULL normlperson ANIME PU$$Y 6390553 NULL uramaget1 A N I M A Y P U S S Y 6391513 NULL moisheshekelstein GOYIM PUSS 6396523 NULL electroshock3383 ANIME PU$$Y 6408003 NULL maxpiston ANIMAY PUSSAY 6416463 NULL uramaget1 literally cancer goalhorn 6424643 NULL moisheshekelstein >this goalhorn 6426143 NULL slartybarty ANIME PUSSY 6429403 NULL slartybarty LETS GO MGQ 6430543 NULL pwjp I literally cannot stop laughinad 6432573 NULL cptcourage >this is an actual hip hop song 6438913 NULL farragoshy Why not just make it Touch Fluffy Tail or something 6445243 NULL cecil_xix God damn. 6446343 NULL farragoshy Even if it's an old meme it's an actual hype song 6446483 NULL pwjp Based Blackaboos 6450763 NULL cptcourage >giving ken the time of day 6460443 NULL pwjp >old 6466353 NULL cptcourage >actually encouraging furfaggotry 6466593 NULL pwjp >not just vintage 6468553 NULL vtecjumper I think these anthems/goalhorns weren't chosen by their threads 6468883 NULL farragoshy >hating an extremely top tier 4cc commentator 6485613 NULL pwjp MGQG only had one vote for goalhorns 6487843 NULL pwjp GOAL 6491843 NULL billybob4038 JUST WAKING UP IN TE MORNING 6492403 NULL cptcourage i agree he's got top bantz 6494083 NULL dark_mandy SATURDAY TURNIPS 6494893 NULL c806256 nice trunip 6496753 NULL nkxsqw well that was a short-lived victory 6500583 NULL uramaget1 DAT CHILL 6504323 NULL quetzadrake SATURDAY ABUSE 6505383 NULL amisnaru COMFY 6507733 NULL tunamerchant2 that fucking turnip 6508213 NULL jorleif based turnip 6514033 NULL cptcourage Oh shit this is comfy 6523893 NULL pwjp I like this actually 6529593 NULL normlperson Saturday Turnips is the Woody of VGL 6530753 NULL pwjp Is it a new horn? 6538673 NULL slartybarty FUG 6543093 NULL normlperson No it's a Saturday-only horn 6546093 NULL farragoshy >censored version 6560493 NULL tunamerchant2 this gh is pretty comfy tbh 6570913 NULL cptcourage >ax >basketball americans 6575223 NULL drborisg this goalhorn is comfy as fuck 6583843 NULL electroshock3383 yep 6584923 NULL quetzadrake comfy saturday 6587253 NULL electroshock3383 comfy 6591723 NULL k3nsh1n1589 Animal Crossing is a comfy game 6606283 NULL tunamerchant2 IT'S SATURDAY DUM DUM 6608643 NULL quetzadrake SELL YOUR STOCK TURNIPS 6648363 NULL tunamerchant2 dat save 6686083 NULL pwjp IT HAPPENED 6691343 NULL nkxsqw BASED 6692123 NULL pwjp CAN'T RAPE THE WILLING 6699273 NULL auspicioussloth GOD 6702213 NULL funisallowedhere HAHA, TIME FOR RAPE 6710683 NULL jorleif DU DU DU DU DU DU 6718783 NULL slartybarty oh the memories 6733223 NULL drborisg :| 6733593 NULL polybius321 >you know remember being raped by a bug girl 6746143 NULL slartybarty no im remembering not-bug-girls 6748313 NULL funisallowedhere >this is the song you heard for 90% of the game 6756933 NULL slartybarty iktdf 6758723 NULL pwjp I'm remembering a lot of things actually 6761123 NULL electroshock3383 Yep 6762323 NULL enflamis not if you git gud 6762413 NULL cptcourage this goalhor- ResidentSleeper 6771653 NULL slartybarty >he didnt play the fuck out of MGQ 6774943 NULL pwjp Hooora 6778753 NULL pwjp Hoooooora 6778823 NULL marqod Never played the game, COurage? 6779373 NULL moulesfritz lol 6785283 NULL pwjp HOLY SHIT 6785783 NULL polybius321 she did nothing wrong with that shot 6786283 NULL electroshock3383 lol 6786543 NULL funisallowedhere ILLIAS STILL BEST 6786833 NULL spreach make it double 6787793 NULL cptcourage can't say i have 6793973 NULL normlperson ELITE TEAM PLS 6794223 NULL pwjp ANIME PU$$Y 6795653 NULL nkxsqw ANIME PU$$Y 6815083 NULL maxpiston ANIMAY PUSSAY 6819233 NULL farragoshy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0HUePGwcTg 6820853 NULL tunamerchant2 ANIME MONSTER PU$$Y 6827943 NULL cptcourage >chun li >anime 6834673 NULL supertwinky Illias confirmed for raping all monsters to death 6844223 NULL electroshock3383 She could do that 6846223 NULL maxpiston >real girls 6856743 NULL sargbot damn it /acg/ 6859763 NULL tunamerchant2 from /mgqg/ wiki page >Seriously only one guy recommended a goa 6860563 NULL sargbot get it together 6866593 NULL tunamerchant2 apex kek 6880343 NULL amisnaru wait what, /acg/ is losing 6885583 NULL cptcourage lost 6891213 NULL amisnaru lost 6891533 NULL funisallowedhere I'm a little disappointed none of the boss themes were used 6905523 NULL amisnaru not lost 6912773 NULL cptcourage not ded yet 6917113 NULL electroshock3383 The last Illas theme is based 6945363 NULL moisheshekelstein le ebin pun 6946673 NULL axolotlhooves DID SOMEONE SAY MESSI? 6948713 NULL farragoshy I'm pretty impressed that /mgqg/'s 200% meme formation is working 6954743 NULL mecasheep >powersave fucking sucks, 3 goals man 6955093 NULL nkxsqw ^ 6958073 NULL cptcourage if /acg/ do lose, i'll comfort you amis MVGame 6973373 NULL amisnaru memes 7007843 NULL auspicioussloth >managers 7008093 NULL subparchessplayer ResidentSleeper 7018453 NULL vtecjumper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVqGROfiKmA 7032003 NULL sillius2 reminder that amis a girl in every chat 7033793 NULL cptcourage AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 7035563 NULL vtecjumper http://niceme.me/ 7040143 NULL jorleif Since /mgpg/ has shit taste in MGQ themes, here's a goat final boss t 7053683 NULL moulesfritz >part 3 7055043 NULL moulesfritz >good 7057333 NULL moulesfritz nice mem friend 7066803 NULL electroshock3383 That was a based track 7130483 NULL quetzadrake murder 7193063 NULL mecasheep fuc 7196683 NULL mecasheep fuuuuuuuuck 7200863 NULL sargbot Isabelle pls 7201383 NULL electroshock3383 That PFFTF reminded of DSP 7206553 NULL marqod Is MGQ part 3 actually worh playing? 7209513 NULL moulesfritz no 7212683 NULL moulesfritz it's awful 7217703 NULL pwjp It's boring 7229183 NULL funisallowedhere there's a couple of decent scenes 7231833 NULL pwjp But if you want that completion, go for it 7235353 NULL indrickboreale Is it awful because the sex is boring, or because the story is 7236573 NULL funisallowedhere but 99% of part 3 is shit 7245113 NULL moulesfritz noth 7246463 NULL moulesfritz both 7256783 NULL k3nsh1n1589 She is loose now. Bill is fucking her really hard... 7293323 NULL pwjp Shame because Part 2 is a damn fine game 7317663 NULL electroshock3383 That or fluffy tail 7319703 NULL descendingbears because sex is shit 7353653 NULL moulesfritz the CGs are terrible and mostly vore 7357413 NULL moulesfritz the story is shir 7375283 NULL moulesfritz alice is ruined 7376483 NULL moulesfritz 0/10 7390653 NULL quetzadrake murderball 7395893 NULL normlperson >/acg/ 7397193 NULL pwjp What bugs me the most is how the main vore artist is also the one who pu 7401973 NULL pwjp IIRC 7405143 NULL marqod Well, fuck that game then. 7406553 NULL moulesfritz Delphinus? 7413413 NULL moulesfritz or Xelvy 7417143 NULL pwjp I think so 7426263 NULL pwjp The one who made Sphinx 7434903 NULL moulesfritz Setouchi? 7436363 NULL normlperson Were they out of position this whole time? 7439573 NULL pwjp My memory is fuzzy 7443353 NULL moulesfritz Setouchi wasn't THE worst 7447413 NULL moulesfritz draws great tits 7461473 NULL nkxsqw im pretty sure sphinx was setouchi 7522003 NULL funisallowedhere should have passed 7522133 NULL normlperson ,/acg/ pulling an /sp/ 7537253 NULL pwjp Who was the one responsible for Tamamo & the lolis? 7546003 NULL auspicioussloth /acg/ pls 7565173 NULL moulesfritz Jingai Madoki 7571043 NULL auspicioussloth >rigged 7575523 NULL moulesfritz http://monstergirlquest.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Artist:_Jingai_Mo 7578813 NULL moulesfritz he's GOAT 7580613 NULL pwjp Danke 7585633 NULL pwjp Agreed 7618873 NULL auspicioussloth "This is how you meme" 7643443 NULL drborisg PLEASE SHOOT ON TARGET EVERY DAY 7653513 NULL auspicioussloth PLEASE MISS EVERY DAY 7714093 NULL moulesfritz wew 7714293 NULL funisallowedhere that pity 7716093 NULL dark_mandy CHRISSY 7719503 NULL uramaget1 awoo 7726133 NULL amisnaru FF 7727213 NULL jorleif >Crab walk 7728443 NULL quetzadrake BELLS 7728483 NULL normlperson IS THIS /acg/ FINDS A WAY? 7730313 NULL nkxsqw yfw /acg/ comes back to win 7733853 NULL pwjp A SHIT 7743193 NULL drborisg pfft, /acg/ has like, one minute of stoppage 7749013 NULL likea5ir Muffy is so shit 7750323 NULL drborisg it would be a miracle if they even got a draw at this point 7754113 NULL sargbot #BELIEVE 7757503 NULL 4cc_paval K I C K O F F A B U S E 7758573 NULL masteroffluff Back! 7760673 NULL quetzadrake well this is reminiscent of LCIM scoring that final goal too late 7764973 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms 7775673 NULL tunamerchant2 well there's always a chance of /pol/ tier choke bohrs 7775793 NULL jorleif inb4 /acg/ manages to equalize it before the end. 7787483 NULL funisallowedhere inb4 /mgqg/ counter 7790433 NULL basedsmugleaf Has anyone else here ever fapped to Isabelle from Animal Crossi 7797943 NULL basedsmugleaf She's a qt 7801863 NULL sargbot ;_; 7803733 NULL anonyt everyone has fapped to Isabelle 7807253 NULL 4cc_paval SMOrc 7808813 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc 7812403 NULL normlperson >Elite 7813433 NULL tunamerchant2 SMOrc 7819833 NULL jorleif SMOrc 7820483 NULL masteroffluff What did I miss? 7834783 NULL auspicioussloth SMOrc 7835273 NULL slartybarty WOO MONSTER GIRLS BEST FETISH 7841663 NULL guardontherhine who /kojaklegion/ 7860273 NULL slartybarty LETS SEE /mgq/ TAKE THE CUP 7881073 NULL uramaget1 DEM DORFS MAN 7883963 NULL billybob4038 >custom victory not Touch Fluffy Tail by Ken 7885513 NULL spreach DORF DORF 7886133 NULL uramaget1 DEM FUCKING DORFS 7892283 NULL pwjp ;_;7 7897423 NULL electroshock3383 Empires vs dorfs 7897803 NULL lazyturd GO GSG 7903553 NULL maynravun AUTISM DERBY 7908153 NULL farragoshy How fares your empire, /gsg/? 7911263 NULL pwjp t 7913393 NULL uramaget1 >this not the /dfg/ anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov5pxaIb 7924813 NULL spreach so /tg/ officially supports the dorfs in this cup right? 7926043 NULL uramaget1 i know its minecrafty, but still 7929953 NULL anonyt invaded by ayyliens 7934243 NULL lazyturd And a PSA From the board of correct taste: Victoria 2 Is the best Gr 7935873 NULL descendingbears URAMAGET, pls no 7938973 NULL maynravun tbh there was almost no giving a fuck in /dfg/ about /vg/league 7952673 NULL marqod Spreach, fa/tg/uys can sup[port whoever they want. 7956473 NULL masteroffluff Woo, let's go team!! 7960713 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 7963393 NULL descendingbears 'd get crucified by a few people from general that actually c 7963693 NULL lazyturd I mean, i support gsf 7968563 NULL spreach oh hey marqod 7970933 NULL lazyturd gsg, and im a fa/tg/uy 7977343 NULL marqod Plenty of us like grand strategy as well. 7980193 NULL guardontherhine kojak nation 7983653 NULL normlperson >the coach.bins didn't work 7992743 NULL nkxsqw idk who to root for 8000533 NULL indrickboreale BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8002703 NULL auspicioussloth BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8004943 NULL jorleif BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8005093 NULL basedsmugleaf Did he add them in before starting up PES nomo? 8005213 NULL c806256 BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8005633 NULL rayzapper BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8005783 NULL uramaget1 BZZZZZZZZZZ 8006400 NULL funisallowedhere BZZZZZZZZZZ 8006430 NULL electroshock3383 BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8006600 NULL quetzadrake BZZZZZZZ 8007750 NULL farragoshy BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8011080 NULL polybius321 BZZZZZZZZZZ 8011280 NULL lazyturd BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8013290 NULL c806256 dat dorf 8013770 NULL spreach shit yeah gsg works too 8015820 NULL normlperson BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8016070 NULL billybob4038 PPPPPPTTTTTPPPPPPH 8016290 NULL masteroffluff I'm shaking my own pom-poms. 8017840 NULL slartybarty if any VGL team is directly tied to /tg/ its /mgq/ 8021510 NULL jorleif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpXN8BvGp_o 8025610 NULL maxpiston BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8029910 NULL normlperson Uhh I dunno smug 8033450 NULL slartybarty BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8038690 NULL normlperson I'll just have him check it out after 8040560 NULL quetzadrake oi DB remember to turn off Fluid if you don't want it 8040720 NULL electroshock3383 All those yellows 8042850 NULL jjjdanny Rip /dfg/ ;_;7 8046250 NULL spreach but we straight out use dorf anthems so i dunno 8046770 NULL masteroffluff *SHAKESHAKESHAKESHAKESHAKESHAKESHAKE* 8062320 NULL roronabest lel that red FUCK OFF 8071420 NULL quetzadrake iktf 8073760 NULL basedsmugleaf Actually yeah nomo they aren't working on my PES either 8076500 NULL auspicioussloth >USELESS 8081380 NULL billybob4038 >no midfield 8082290 NULL lazyturd Well, my mainz run to destroy the scourge that is islam is going rat 8082370 NULL basedsmugleaf Maybe he needs to update the save? 8087860 NULL farragoshy We don't have an official steamgroup. If anyone posts in the threa 8092150 NULL normlperson oh yeah that's true 8093560 NULL electroshock3383 >That empty middle 8097510 NULL billybob4038 This is how Chrissy scored a hattric 8103140 NULL normlperson I'll give him another edit.bin for tomorrow 8118760 NULL uramaget1 someone said vuvuzela? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0monj0E7iU 8136200 NULL jorleif Prepare to be annexed by the Big Blue Blob 8166100 NULL basedsmugleaf http://puu.sh/inyUz/39821c19f3.jpg 8214190 NULL auspicioussloth >listening 8232760 NULL supertwinky >Taking the gutter crown 8244580 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team!! 8246830 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 8247360 NULL lazyturd Like the blurple itself, purple is the worst empire and color 8262330 NULL guardontherhine raise your kojaks 8273250 NULL auspicioussloth [microphone eating intensfies] 8275910 NULL lazyturd Byzaboos GET THE FUCK OUT 8292010 NULL guardontherhine ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your kojaks ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 8305110 NULL auspicioussloth ResidentSleeper 8332190 NULL buttsong sick, lil mac made the team 8339500 NULL guardontherhine based lil mac 8351950 NULL auspicioussloth >I'M ON THE TELEPHONE 8354520 NULL moulesfritz ring ring 8354660 NULL masteroffluff *raises pom-poms* 8359050 NULL normlperson t 8364490 NULL guardontherhine ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノraise your kojaksヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 8375460 NULL jorleif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8EkgyBJ6Ig 8389060 NULL jorleif >Ulm 8398770 NULL frankfronk HE HE HE 8408280 NULL guardontherhine epic ulm meme my m8 8434970 NULL basedsmugleaf >these kits 8438430 NULL basedsmugleaf Disgusting 8438610 NULL jjjdanny ALL HAIL BRITANNIA 8440530 NULL c806256 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdfzV4TFDJI 8441430 NULL supertwinky ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノraise your kojaksヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 8444990 NULL frankfronk FrankerZ 8445160 NULL supertwinky t 8451240 NULL farragoshy CorgiDerp 8454970 NULL guardontherhine ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノraise your kojaksヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 8455140 NULL auspicioussloth Chat can't hear that shit yo 8458170 NULL basedsmugleaf SwiftRage 8460860 NULL polybius321 FrankerZ 8465745 NULL quetzadrake FrankerZ 8467225 NULL affisza FrankerZ 8468265 NULL pelkeme FrankerZ 8471685 NULL auspicioussloth FrankerZ 8473335 NULL affisza RalpherZ 8473975 NULL masteroffluff Woo, let's go!! 8476945 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 8486585 NULL frankfronk CorgiDerp 8486915 NULL k3nsh1n1589 FrankerZ 8491955 NULL auspicioussloth Oh fuck Lucas DLC comes out tomorrow 8493305 NULL buttsong that field 8495455 NULL buttsong christ 8500965 NULL guardontherhine based willy 8508075 NULL jorleif CorgiDerp 8511215 NULL lazyturd RULE BRITANNIA 8513105 NULL normlperson FrankerZ 8525195 NULL frankfronk >Worried about black kits 8527925 NULL electroshock3383 ;_;7 8528415 NULL dark_mandy ;__;7 8529325 NULL auspicioussloth CorgiDerp 7 8530895 NULL lazyturd ;__;7 8531105 NULL frankfronk >field is white as fuck 8531475 NULL uramaget1 OI LADS, WOT TYME IS ID? 8534185 NULL guardontherhine ;_;7 8536335 NULL pwjp ;_;7 8536745 NULL normlperson t 8541925 NULL guardontherhine based mosley 8545275 NULL jorleif ;_;7 8545315 NULL pwjp t 8545365 NULL k3nsh1n1589 REYN TIME? 8548585 NULL quetzadrake ;_;7 8551535 NULL ltalguien ;_;7 8553295 NULL affisza ;_;7 8560275 NULL slartybarty LETS GO DORFS 8560615 NULL uramaget1 >sir alex fergeson 8561495 NULL frankfronk How fares your empire /gsg/? 8563115 NULL sillius2 Is this the Hohenfriedberger? 8566635 NULL supertwinky REMOVE DWARF KEBAB 8567295 NULL guardontherhine press f to pay respects for mosley 8568255 NULL basedsmugleaf How fares your empire /gsg/? 8571625 NULL auspicioussloth f 8572605 NULL affisza f 8572715 NULL supertwinky f 8576045 NULL pwjp f 8579895 NULL uramaget1 EVERYONE, GET DRUNK HERE 8581365 NULL pelkeme f 8587555 NULL guardontherhine m o s l e y 8588655 NULL lazyturd How fares you empire /gsg/? 8594205 NULL uramaget1 LMAO 2CAT 8595705 NULL masteroffluff Go team go!! 8598455 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 8599955 NULL normlperson LMAO 2CAT 8602505 NULL frankfronk HEY EVERYONE, GET DWARVEN IN HERE 8608535 NULL affisza >hoi1 8614995 NULL c806256 ARMOK 8618475 NULL uramaget1 DEM DORFS MAN 8619915 NULL masteroffluff WOOOOOO!!! 8620295 NULL frankfronk PRAISE ARMOK 8622115 NULL uramaget1 DEM FUCKING DORFS 8622285 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 8622555 NULL auspicioussloth K I C K O F F A B U S E 8623105 NULL maynravun PRAISE ARMOK 8626945 NULL guardontherhine mistakes were made 8627275 NULL quetzadrake KICKOFF ABUSE 8627505 NULL normlperson what was the time on that 8628455 NULL rayzapper BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD 8629015 NULL polybius321 DORFS 8629895 NULL indrickboreale BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! 8632265 NULL normlperson record? 8632265 NULL billybob4038 HAPPY LittlE 8632985 NULL nkxsqw http://puu.sh/inyUz/39821c19f3.jpg 8633565 NULL amisnaru HAPPY LITTLE BOOZER 8634165 NULL electroshock3383 HAPPYLITTLEBOOZER 8636025 NULL guardontherhine MISTAKES WERE MADE 8638405 NULL uramaget1 HAPPY LITTLE BOOZER 8642055 NULL slartybarty ARMOK 8642965 NULL spreach HAIL ARMOK 8643505 NULL jjjdanny HE WANTS THEIR HEADS On SPIKES 8647575 NULL slartybarty BLOOD FOR ARMOK 8649355 NULL electroshock3383 HAPPY LITTLE BOOZER 8653625 NULL basedsmugleaf How fares your empire /gsg/? 8658595 NULL supertwinky >The failed Maginot Line of /gsg/ 8668795 NULL maxpiston BOOZAH 8678865 NULL electroshock3383 Fastest VGL goal? 8680005 NULL jorleif /gsg/ wasn't prepared for the blitzkreig 8681215 NULL jjjdanny Fastest VGL goal? 8689855 NULL normlperson Nope 8694445 NULL masteroffluff Awww!! 8696175 NULL nkxsqw wide 8698995 NULL supertwinky Goals are DLC 8701385 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 8701825 NULL quetzadrake it was about 15-25 seconds slower than the fastest goal 8702195 NULL jorleif Choke-han 8704865 NULL normlperson Fastest is still Noire of /nepgen/, 2:13 against /drg/ 8705665 NULL pelkeme W I D E 8709095 NULL electroshock3383 kk 8710955 NULL lazyturd >CHOKEHAN 8711855 NULL shadowtester pls buy the finishing DLC 8724355 NULL lazyturd Holy shit Common Sense is shite btw 8742795 NULL lazyturd "Hey wiz. mind if i destroy the whole game" "lolno" 8746205 NULL guardontherhine where do I buy the goals dlc? 8748625 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 8749595 NULL maynravun but without it the game is borked Lazyturd 8750835 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah! 8754005 NULL masteroffluff Go team go! 8759435 NULL lazyturd Yeah, with or without it dawg 8764925 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 8772205 NULL lazyturd And the fucking coring costs 8773795 NULL auspicioussloth HEHEHE 8774925 NULL lazyturd Holy shit 8776445 NULL auspicioussloth JEJEJE 8782625 NULL jjjdanny >HEY HEY HEY 8783395 NULL maynravun >implying atom smasher can destroy everything 8783755 NULL frankfronk HEHEHE 8788165 NULL nkxsqw Holy shit this field 8790185 NULL nkxsqw my eyes 8791525 NULL maynravun >implying it actually helps with FPS issies 8802685 NULL frankfronk ALMOST as bad as the 4ccg field 8826925 NULL electroshock3383 DED 8829615 NULL prussiumsgloriens whyy dont you waggle me willy or just yer own with me mates 8833635 NULL moffe44 ayy these gsg names 8836345 NULL moffe44 fukken epic 8838515 NULL moffe44 epic for the win 8859985 NULL guardontherhine fuck off moffe 8862295 NULL jjjdanny >Not liking the slowdown Kappa 8864925 NULL moffe44 fuck off rob 8866745 NULL prussiumsgloriens woggle my wonkie mates!!heil hitler LOL!!!!!!germany is EP1 8870635 NULL guardontherhine fuck off hpm 8878655 NULL normlperson >mods 8881645 NULL auspicioussloth >mods 8884475 NULL funisallowedhere 8885945 NULL moffe44 thank you mods 8887965 NULL moffe44 love you 8889065 NULL s0cialcommunist 8893755 NULL electroshock3383 >le timeouts has arrived 8893925 NULL auspicioussloth 8894825 NULL guardontherhine fuck off adus 8895465 NULL normlperson 8906075 NULL guardontherhine 8907845 NULL affisza woggle my wonkie mates!!heil hitler LOL!!!!!!germany is EP111KKKsnea 8910365 NULL jorleif rigging 8926305 NULL s0cialcommunist 8928075 NULL auspicioussloth >ugly fingers 8934135 NULL jjjdanny >not fingering your enemies 8941265 NULL electroshock3383 lewd 8951045 NULL lazyturd RIGGED 8953895 NULL subparchessplayer rogged 8957885 NULL guardontherhine rigged 8962165 NULL auspicioussloth RIGGED 8970955 NULL nkxsqw the rigging 8994925 NULL guardontherhine rigging game so hard 8998095 NULL frankfronk Bring the kitty to the butcher's shop 9023105 NULL moffe44 >faysal shitposting willymeme 9025105 NULL moffe44 its like the real gsg 9043065 NULL buttsong the real gsg doesn't have anyone to delete the shitposts 9044895 NULL guardontherhine meta shitposting 9067405 NULL normlperson ResidentSleeper 9076555 NULL auspicioussloth ResidentSleeper 9082365 NULL moffe44 true butt 9086355 NULL moffe44 this is like gsg with moderating 9093505 NULL electroshock3383 ResidentSleeper 9099995 NULL moffe44 tfw no mods on gsg so its a sea of piss 9107825 NULL moffe44 with the occasional island of shit to seek reprieve on 9109685 NULL masteroffluff Go team go!! 9112385 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! 9115055 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9123545 NULL frankfronk HEHEHE 9124475 NULL rayzapper U U U U 9139035 NULL frankfronk HE HE HE 9139565 NULL auspicioussloth HEHEHE 9139915 NULL supertwinky HE HE HE 9141555 NULL indrickboreale HOLY SHIT! 9141645 NULL jjjdanny HEHEHE 9142195 NULL electroshock3383 HEHEHE 9142205 NULL farragoshy HE HE HE 9142275 NULL nkxsqw HEHEHE 9143415 NULL normlperson HE HE HE 9143535 NULL indrickboreale HE HE HE 9145485 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaaaaaaay TEAM!!! 9146455 NULL jorleif HE HE HE 9146585 NULL billybob4038 HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHHE 9147265 NULL c806256 HEHEHE 9148365 NULL frankfronk HE HE HOLY SHIT 9148535 NULL cecil_xix HE HE HE 9150815 NULL 4cc_paval DORFS 9150855 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9151855 NULL quetzadrake HE HE HE 9152945 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 9154915 NULL amisnaru HE 9157275 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah! 9158715 NULL vtecjumper hheheheh 9158845 NULL 4cc_paval HA 9160075 NULL buttsong white peace ruining everything as usual 9166195 NULL polybius321 HE HE HE 9167695 NULL slartybarty FUCKING REKT 9170425 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! 9170685 NULL slartybarty HE HE HE 9171555 NULL auspicioussloth HAPPY LITTLE BOOZER 9176145 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9182895 NULL indrickboreale What happened to /dfg/ being shit? 9183095 NULL vtecjumper hhhehehe 9184235 NULL electroshock3383 Korpiklaani is so based 9192375 NULL guardontherhine what happened to /gsg/ being good 9200765 NULL frankfronk >/gsg/ 9202855 NULL marqod Dorfmode engaged. 9203045 NULL normlperson LGTSS 9206025 NULL teletack what happened to /vgl/ being relevant? 9206705 NULL jorleif >good 9206835 NULL normlperson >elite teams 9229605 NULL supertwinky This is what they get for taking the gutter crown 9231005 NULL masteroffluff Woooo!!! 9236135 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9270805 NULL frankfronk THE BASTARDS THOUGHT THEY COULD TAKE OUR FORTRESS? WELL WE SHOWED 9272655 NULL lazyturd And someone think it was a good idea to engage in mountains, with sa 9311115 NULL jjjdanny >engage in mountains 9325615 NULL jorleif DED 9335305 NULL supertwinky t 9336105 NULL masteroffluff Woooooo!! 9337025 NULL indrickboreale Most dangerous lead? 9338275 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9338895 NULL auspicioussloth KOJAK' 9339265 NULL buttsong HOW CAN ONE MAN BE SO BASED 9342415 NULL normlperson t.kojak 9342875 NULL lazyturd KOJAK 9343885 NULL 4cc_paval wat 9347735 NULL rayzapper BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 9347785 NULL 4cc_paval >dis goalhorn 9349565 NULL indrickboreale BRRRRRRRRRR APPLEDOUGH 9351745 NULL dark_mandy BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 9352905 NULL quetzadrake BRRRRRRRRRRRR APPLEDOUGH 9353615 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!!! 9353695 NULL polybius321 APPLLEDOUGH 9354295 NULL jorleif BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 9358155 NULL farragoshy kek 9358515 NULL 4cc_paval w h y 9361095 NULL auspicioussloth AND HIS NAME IS KOJAK 9362165 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!!! 9364045 NULL lazyturd WERE GETTING THE REINFORCEMENTS 9364165 NULL quetzadrake YOU CAN'T SEE HIM 9364655 NULL farragoshy Why cena tho 9368815 NULL lazyturd WE GOT THIS LADS 9368925 NULL amisnaru why 9369395 NULL maxpiston APPLEDOUGH 9369485 NULL quetzadrake HIS TIME IS NOW 9370265 NULL auspicioussloth KOJAKWINSLOL 9373065 NULL frankfronk *slurp* 9374275 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9375655 NULL electroshock3383 KOJAKWINSLOL 9377665 NULL 4cc_paval why.jpg 9378725 NULL slartybarty APPLEDOUGH 9385335 NULL ltalguien IT IS HAPPENING? 9388005 NULL masteroffluff Kicks out at 2! 9392855 NULL jorleif because.gif 9393435 NULL guardontherhine KOJAK 9395575 NULL guardontherhine K O J A K 9410775 NULL frankfronk I BRUSH YO MOUF 9418745 NULL amisnaru next man's sweater 9421455 NULL amisnaru etc 9421965 NULL k3nsh1n1589 VOD muted brought to you by JOOOOOOOOOOOOHNNNNNNNNNNN CENAAAAAAAA 9423325 NULL quetzadrake APPLEDOUGH 9429735 NULL drunktenk BBBBBRAAAAAAAAAAPLEDOUGH 9429785 NULL guardontherhine MY TIME IS NOWWWWWWWWWWW 9435995 NULL jorleif /dfg/'S TIME'S UP! 9439965 NULL auspicioussloth >yfw someone's been trolling /gsg/ 9440155 NULL buttsong Because he has Cena's face 9447505 NULL masteroffluff Fight team fight! 9450125 NULL normlperson Oh it's still first half kek 9455225 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9467395 NULL frankfronk haerd 9470715 NULL roronabest I see /dfg/ is still a strong team 9481625 NULL masteroffluff Wooooo, alright, yeah!! 9485545 NULL masteroffluff *claps pom-poms* 9489445 NULL frankfronk HOW 9491335 NULL frankfronk FARES 9492895 NULL frankfronk YOUR 9493955 NULL electroshock3383 2(2) 9495025 NULL frankfronk EMPIRE 9499075 NULL basedsmugleaf How fares your empire /gsg/? 9500785 NULL frankfronk /gsg/? 9501205 NULL farragoshy FrankerZ 9512035 NULL quetzadrake dwarven efficiency 9517595 NULL guardontherhine ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノraise your kojaksヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 9523015 NULL ltalguien dworfs > germans 9527075 NULL fraemi t. bobo 9533945 NULL farragoshy We don't have an official steamgroup. If anyone posts in the threa 9535005 NULL guardontherhine t. faysal 9536485 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 9546505 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 9549085 NULL quetzadrake you had a great pass set up there wilhelm 9552435 NULL quetzadrake way to not take it 9579565 NULL lazyturd PRO EVOLUTION OFFSIDES 9582445 NULL auspicioussloth JE JE JE 9587325 NULL zolkify t.rob 9589595 NULL jjjdanny >Yewhan 9607795 NULL jorleif Bane? 9615325 NULL anonyt someone's speaking through a fucking tin can 9615535 NULL fraemi reminder HPM is an acronym for historical prussia mod 9617565 NULL farragoshy At least you can talk 9618855 NULL fraemi t. rob 9619525 NULL lazyturd The masketta man? 9623445 NULL jorleif DED 9624535 NULL electroshock3383 Bane? 9625155 NULL normlperson MOIDA 9630385 NULL auspicioussloth NO ERA PENAL 9636445 NULL quetzadrake COULDN'T SEE HIM 9662805 NULL ltalguien KILL 9673695 NULL jorleif oy vey 9680585 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 9685865 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team!! 9688675 NULL fraemi balkanize the ottomans 9706005 NULL frankfronk HAHA TIME FOR SUBS 9714035 NULL lazyturd But goddamn is albania easy to do in this patch 9719385 NULL lazyturd You dont even start in a war 9728715 NULL jorleif ACTION >balkanize the dorfs 9729975 NULL moffe44 hoi4 is a mobile game now 9730995 NULL moffe44 rip 9737455 NULL nkxsqw >tfw albanian 9739845 NULL nkxsqw feels bad 9744935 NULL fraemi >playing eu4 9745525 NULL lazyturd You can just conquer serbia with skanderberg and his iron balls 9746415 NULL fraemi AYY 9750285 NULL fraemi LMAO 9754375 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms* 9759215 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaay!! 9777595 NULL fraemi epic bird mana my friend, well governed 9784175 NULL anonyt >not making a functioning health industry 9787115 NULL moffe44 furher mana 9789895 NULL lazyturd Yeah, mana system is fucking stupid 9791545 NULL subparchessplayer DED 9792045 NULL anonyt fucking pleb 9794915 NULL dark_mandy MOIDA 9799705 NULL s0cialcommunist what is mana 9805675 NULL frankfronk How fares your empire /gsg/? 9807735 NULL guardontherhine koyak 9810575 NULL fraemi reminder HOI4 will have hitler mana 9817475 NULL lazyturd Most likely 9817995 NULL s0cialcommunist mana is for elves 9825485 NULL guardontherhine *fuhrer mana 9826395 NULL s0cialcommunist are you guys elves? SMOrc 9834485 NULL fraemi for you 9835175 NULL auspicioussloth FUCKING TELEPHONE 9838875 NULL quetzadrake WHO WAS PHONE 9843605 NULL crackrobat YOU ARE PHONE 9847655 NULL pwjp #FREEDUSTY 9848995 NULL farragoshy FrankerZ 9849035 NULL supertwinky I was phone 9856345 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms( 9860645 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw Dusty will never be free 9865825 NULL jorleif >signing the geneva convention 9869135 NULL subparchessplayer NO ERA 9871695 NULL jjjdanny >putting on a purple 9886015 NULL crackrobat Don't worry Joe will save Dusty by destroying all of Bors' furnitu 9894185 NULL fraemi gsg needs anarcho liberals 9894855 NULL pwjp KAPOW 9897145 NULL masteroffluff Ooooh!! 9898315 NULL s0cialcommunist KAPOW er 9898415 NULL electroshock3383 KAPOW 9898495 NULL drborisg KAPOW 9898645 NULL auspicioussloth KAPOW 9898705 NULL fraemi now that would be an epic mene 9898885 NULL indrickboreale KAPOW 9899015 NULL pelkeme KAPOW 9899095 NULL normlperson KAPOW 9900035 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 9901015 NULL cyclo6xane KAPOW 9901905 NULL jorleif KAPOW 9902125 NULL dark_mandy KAPOW 9904705 NULL quetzadrake KAPOW 9909005 NULL frankfronk KAPOW 9917975 NULL supertwinky KAPOW 9921925 NULL lazyturd HOLY SHIT THAT WAS A SHITTY SHOT 9930595 NULL jorleif heeeeeere comes the blitzkreig 9931215 NULL prussiumsgloriens FuCkA yOu GsG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yOu MaY hAvE tRiCkEd Me GoOd,B 9937365 NULL crackrobat if it's spiky 9941385 NULL frankfronk whiff 9956365 NULL crackrobat I'm sorry, I meant "menacing with spikes" 9963905 NULL fraemi epic groB-preuBsens my friend 9966115 NULL fraemi well mened 9966585 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 9969745 NULL prussiumsgloriens Thanks my lad 9981065 NULL jorleif ded 9981325 NULL electroshock3383 DED 9981385 NULL frankfronk DEAD 9983995 NULL fraemi for you my lad tbh 9989515 NULL auspicioussloth ItsBoshyTime 9994755 NULL frankfronk HOW FARES YOUR CARD /gsg/? 10013915 NULL crackrobat double double fouls 10021215 NULL normlperson >VGL Elites 10027245 NULL fraemi tfw you will never make an albanian fuel factoray 10028155 NULL cecil_xix >Wilhelm 10031375 NULL fraemi feels bad mane 10033105 NULL jorleif ded 10045705 NULL masteroffluff Woooooooooo!! 10045725 NULL lazyturd gg 10047155 NULL pelkeme W I D E 10048585 NULL frankfronk that fucking offensive tho 10049925 NULL jorleif ;_;7 10050125 NULL electroshock3383 >/gsg/ 10052965 NULL masteroffluff Yeah team!! 10056515 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10057145 NULL fraemi fuckin manlets 10060045 NULL jjjdanny WOOOOOOOOOOOO 10069555 NULL normlperson 2SHOTS 10069565 NULL electroshock3383 >All those shots 10071005 NULL normlperson 2 GOALS 10071365 NULL jjjdanny NEGATIVE STAT 10084255 NULL anonyt dwarven goal engineering son 10087045 NULL masteroffluff Wooo!! 10091995 NULL auspicioussloth >7.5 KOJAK 10094975 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10101565 NULL electroshock3383 >7.5 Kojak 10101765 NULL auspicioussloth >NOBODY ON /DFG/ WITH 7.5 10108945 NULL nkxsqw lolg hype 10109545 NULL normlperson t kojak 10116445 NULL jorleif Jojak>any dorf 10120405 NULL jorleif *Kojak 10132035 NULL fraemi tfw ur Groß-Prussia gets balkanized FeelsBadMan 10141905 NULL zolkify feck 10145715 NULL frankfronk HE HE HE 10148385 NULL quetzadrake /gsg/ made QFs in VGL1 because there was no Ro16 10149735 NULL electroshock3383 JEJEJE 10150335 NULL jorleif he he he... 10152055 NULL amisnaru HAS HAS HAS 10155195 NULL zolkify eh 10156935 NULL auspicioussloth >bors 10166335 NULL c806256 CHE CHE CHE 10167605 NULL pelkeme >/lolg/ 10168135 NULL frankfronk >lol 10170285 NULL zolkify EH 10172275 NULL anonyt looks like youtube/google is opening a new game streaming service 10173885 NULL frankfronk LOL 10174665 NULL crackrobat prepare for rigging 10176915 NULL drborisg smugleaf what the fuck 10177265 NULL electroshock3383 >Pone 10179595 NULL lazyturd OH GOD 10179955 NULL s0cialcommunist fucking ponies 10180795 NULL c806256 remove pony 10182045 NULL lazyturd NP 10182605 NULL rayzapper KEK 10182645 NULL frankfronk LOLOLOLOLOL 10183005 NULL cyclo6xane excuse me smugleaf what is this 10183805 NULL jorleif uh 10183845 NULL anonyt PONE! 10184185 NULL frankfronk KEK 10184445 NULL indrickboreale AKUR AKIM AKUM 10184605 NULL lazyturd NO 10185155 NULL jjjdanny >PONY 10186975 NULL lazyturd REMOVE 10188025 NULL maynravun HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY 10188035 NULL jjjdanny REMOVE 10188525 NULL frankfronk PONEPONEPONEPONE 10189615 NULL pwjp REMOVE 10190545 NULL crackrobat LOL CONFIRMED FOR PONY 10190555 NULL fraemi ponies are appropriate for /lolg/ 10192245 NULL electroshock3383 PONE 10194185 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION REMOVE PONIES REMOVE PONIES REMOVE PONIES REMOVE PONI 10195495 NULL auspicioussloth REMOVE 10197185 NULL descendingbears #TRIGGERED 10197205 NULL pwjp JUSTICE FOR MCBOB 10197275 NULL maynravun HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY. 10198955 NULL jjjdanny AKUR AKIR AKUM 10199965 NULL quetzadrake oh yeah i forgot about this 10201565 NULL maynravun HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY 10203645 NULL zolkify Rigged 10205175 NULL c806256 ACTION REMOVE PONY REMOVE PONY  10206705 NULL crackrobat PONY CHAMPION CONFIRMED 10207085 NULL basedsmugleaf It's the Unicorns of Love 10207365 NULL masteroffluff Uh-oh... 10207765 NULL maynravun HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY. 10209025 NULL slartybarty AKUR AKIR AKUM 10210875 NULL auspicioussloth HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED 10212565 NULL slartybarty hahahahahaha 10212585 NULL masteroffluff *hides under pom-poms* 10214575 NULL maynravun HORSEFUCKER CONSPIRACY 10223385 NULL uramaget1 OVER_THE_LINE.jpg 10229895 NULL electroshock3383 Punsished by Pone 10233235 NULL anonyt thank you based horsefucker conspiracy 10233375 NULL enflamis REMOVE PONES 10235135 NULL crackrobat Good thing nobody takes LOL seriously 10238545 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION Remove SMugleaf 10240355 NULL normlperson GO /srg/ 10242875 NULL crackrobat Otherwise someone might get mad 10244845 NULL jorleif /lolg/ are secret ponyfags 10246025 NULL electroshock3383 LOL + Pone 10246385 NULL anonymous_goat When does /mlp/ play :^) 10254155 NULL anonyt right now 10254385 NULL basedsmugleaf No one fucked up 10263015 NULL basedsmugleaf I was instructed to add the Unicorns of Love 10264435 NULL frankfronk MUTE YOUR MIC MANAGER HOLY FUCK 10265565 NULL basedsmugleaf :^) 10271575 NULL 4cc_paval YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY MANAGER NAMES D: 10273955 NULL s0cialcommunist i don't need to flip a coin to know im rooting for Speedrun G 10275925 NULL auspicioussloth MULP PLAYS NOW 10278235 NULL 4cc_paval THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ANNONYMOUS 10279415 NULL rayzapper PONYFAG CONSPIRACIES! 10282695 NULL crackrobat BORIS IS JUST TRYING TO MAKE A NAME FOR HIMSELF 10282905 NULL s0cialcommunist go Bors!! 10284095 NULL 4cc_paval xDDDDDD 10284935 NULL lazyturd UOL isnt even in the team smugleaf 10285905 NULL maxpiston REMOVE PONE 10289075 NULL crackrobat HE DOESN'T CREALLY CARE ABOUT/lolg/ 10291815 NULL jorleif /lolg/=/mlp/ 10296775 NULL sorrowrunner Is this where we talk about how big Jinx's dick is? 10301335 NULL pwjp FOR FREE 10302605 NULL masteroffluff Er...anyone want some pom-poms to cheer for the next game? 10303385 NULL crackrobat yes 10315652 NULL frankfronk /lolg/ is actually more cancerous than /mlp/ :^)))))))))) 10319532 NULL backgroundpone mlp plays? 10321372 NULL fraemi tfw ur groß-generaliums gets balkanized 10324622 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION has started the Anti-Pony Revolution. Press OSfrog t 10326612 NULL anonyt yes bgp 10333812 NULL sillius2 this thb thbf 10334782 NULL crackrobat OSfrog 10336382 NULL indrickboreale OSfrog 10337052 NULL fraemi OSfrog 10341402 NULL c806256 >that arrow to their goal 10341622 NULL sillius2 >/lolg/ is actually more cancerous than /mlp/ 10341802 NULL subparchessplayer OSfrog 10346172 NULL masteroffluff *offers pom-poms* 10354522 NULL frankfronk ResidentSleeper 10357062 NULL electroshock3383 The formation looks like a dagger 10359642 NULL backgroundpone which team is /mlp/ and why 10364542 NULL frankfronk /lolg/ 10365332 NULL s0cialcommunist its a benis 10367982 NULL frankfronk they fucked up 10370432 NULL electroshock3383 :DDDD 10379712 NULL masteroffluff Pom-poms, anyone? 10379972 NULL fraemi probably because /lelg/ is literally worse than /scg/ 10382552 NULL frankfronk also cause >bors is a horsefugger 10382802 NULL masteroffluff Someone? 10383202 NULL funisallowedhere /lel/ and speedrunning, we have half of twitch here 10384822 NULL jorleif OSfrog 10390152 NULL crackrobat pom poms are only useful when there's a team worth cheering for 10390632 NULL maynravun I still think it's a horsefucker conspiracy 10391652 NULL farragoshy But /d/ isn't playing :^) 10392652 NULL masteroffluff No one? 10394242 NULL basedsmugleaf http://pastebin.com/v7EEJN83 Check Line 5 10400542 NULL basedsmugleaf Your explaination 10402732 NULL sadpepe that feel when 10405922 NULL basedsmugleaf :^) 10406212 NULL maxpiston PJSalt 10410362 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION Press F if you are rooting for The Comfy Rigger 10410842 NULL frankfronk poniponiponi 10412332 NULL c806256 that ponyhead triggers me 10413532 NULL backgroundpone what the hell, why does /lolg/ have /mlp/ blenders? 10418172 NULL masteroffluff ...Pom-poms? 10419992 NULL maynravun [triggered] 10431602 NULL fraemi ACTION press F if all jews must die 10432402 NULL s0cialcommunist no one likes bors i guess 10434122 NULL frankfronk [Untriggered] 10434972 NULL maynravun F 10438002 NULL frankfronk F 10439312 NULL ltalguien #rude 10442992 NULL masteroffluff Either teams are worth cheering for... 10443892 NULL electroshock3383 F 10449339 NULL masteroffluff I'll cheer for them. 10450099 NULL quetzadrake >all these triggered 10456289 NULL s0cialcommunist look at this shit 10465189 NULL uramaget1 >pone head on /lolg/, pone pokemon on /srg/ kits 10467109 NULL s0cialcommunist >/srg/ has ponies on their kits 10467989 NULL crackrobat i like bors but I'm not a fan of ponies or lol 10475419 NULL uramaget1 ResidentSleeper fest pls 10480609 NULL crackrobat unless they are real ponies 10484329 NULL farragoshy tfw you like bors, ponies, and lol 10485829 NULL amisnaru TriHard 10487499 NULL farragoshy But not especially /lolg/ 10487779 NULL normlperson TriHard 10490829 NULL anonyt no matter who you root for you're rooting for >pone 10492199 NULL pelkeme AYY 10493029 NULL 4cc_paval >shaco captain 10495309 NULL 4cc_paval lel 10496379 NULL electroshock3383 It's one player with a pone head 10498959 NULL polybius321 TriHard 10500359 NULL mcmelanogaster TriHard 10501139 NULL s0cialcommunist this is worse then Dragonfag 10502699 NULL electroshock3383 it's deliberate 10504119 NULL fraemi dam 10506149 NULL normlperson is that blaster 10509859 NULL subparchessplayer for once I'm actually rooting for a 0-0 slurper so neither 10511969 NULL auspicioussloth WEEEEEE 10512219 NULL fraemi these are some hella epik menes my friends 10514199 NULL sadpepe why the ponyfaggotry tho 10515229 NULL crackrobat >implying bors wasn't dragonfag all along 10520449 NULL electroshock3383 no idea 10521219 NULL farragoshy Because UoL is a player 10525099 NULL 4cc_paval gonna be disappointed if Silver Scrapes isn't /lolg/'s anthem 10529199 NULL auspicioussloth FROM DUST 10529819 NULL farragoshy So the blender is literally a Unicorn of Love 10534009 NULL lazyturd SEX KING 10535409 NULL pwjp SEX KING 10536859 NULL uramaget1 IDORT 10538659 NULL farragoshy HE'S COMING 10542339 NULL masteroffluff ...I'm still offering pom-poms. 10544809 NULL maxpiston SEX KING 10547779 NULL fraemi >doturd 10547989 NULL pwjp Oh look it's albino Tomoko 10548419 NULL electroshock3383 dat idort face 10549559 NULL fraemi ayy lmao 10553829 NULL teletack SPEEDY SPEED BOY 10559389 NULL pwjp [EUROBEAT INTENSIFIES] 10561529 NULL crackrobat *takes pom poms* 10563849 NULL s0cialcommunist Speed Boy 10564089 NULL rayzapper GOTTA GO FAST 10565859 NULL s0cialcommunist Gotta go fast 10568849 NULL lazyturd EUROBEAT BABY 10568959 NULL crackrobat I guess I'm cheering for the big rigger after all 10569509 NULL quetzadrake wow, this is nostalgic 10569849 NULL sheep_stick ACTION >failed may may arrows 10571939 NULL fraemi SPEED BOY GOTTA GO FEST 10575559 NULL auspicioussloth Volcania 10575589 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 10578169 NULL s0cialcommunist Volcania 10578789 NULL amisnaru eu best 10579229 NULL normlperson go srg 10581349 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team! 10583309 NULL k3nsh1n1589 [EUROBEAT INTENSIFIES] 10583509 NULL polybius321 DAGUMI DAGE DE WEEL 10584899 NULL enflamis GOTTA GO FAST Volcania 10591599 NULL sorrowrunner INTIARU D! 10591949 NULL pwjp Based Initial D soundtrack 10592249 NULL electroshock3383 No pone here unless /lolg/ sub that player in 10601819 NULL normlperson TriHard Volcania TriHard Volcania TriHard Volcania 10606229 NULL masteroffluff Everyone's welcome to grab some pom-poms at any time. 10612419 NULL nkxsqw I better see some LCS-tier rigging 10614579 NULL maxpiston blaster :( 10620679 NULL crackrobat *fluff pom poms unenthusiastically* 10626979 NULL electroshock3383 Blaster ;( 10630149 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 10633159 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10640999 NULL masteroffluff Ooh!! 10644439 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 10647899 NULL fraemi where are the großgeneraliums? 10651169 NULL funisallowedhere HE'S COMING 10654079 NULL stoneyducky SEX KING 10655239 NULL s0cialcommunist AYYYYY 10655629 NULL auspicioussloth HE'S COMING 10655979 NULL farragoshy HE CAME 10656069 NULL pwjp HE'S COMING 10656209 NULL stoneyducky IS COMING 10656759 NULL electroshock3383 SEXKING 10657159 NULL masteroffluff WOOOO!!! 10657619 NULL quetzadrake SEX KING IS COMING 10659599 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10660429 NULL lazyturd SEX KING 10660729 NULL amisnaru secks 10661279 NULL nkxsqw SEX KING IS COMING 10664229 NULL lazyturd SEX KING IS COMING 10666139 NULL s0cialcommunist HE IS CUMING 10666529 NULL electroshock3383 IS COMING 10667389 NULL normlperson speeddepressed 10669129 NULL masteroffluff RAH RAH RAH!!! 10670369 NULL uramaget1 BORS KING IS CUMMING 10670619 NULL crackrobat *vigerous pom pom shaking* 10670939 NULL maxpiston SEX KING 10672759 NULL masteroffluff SIS BOOM BAH!!! 10676309 NULL fraemi BASED 10676319 NULL jorleif SEX KING IS CUMMING 10677319 NULL mcmelanogaster Sex king is cumming 10678469 NULL masteroffluff YAY TEAM!!!! 10681019 NULL maxpiston COMING 10681319 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10693439 NULL nkxsqw >implying not rigged 10709739 NULL crackrobat >implying you don't want it rigged 10709919 NULL s0cialcommunist >/srg/ in charge of defending 10717619 NULL k3nsh1n1589 that giant motherfucker 10719909 NULL masteroffluff Wooooooo!!! 10723519 NULL masteroffluff Yay!!! 10727819 NULL crackrobat megged 10728489 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10749029 NULL normlperson eric 10754599 NULL teletack 2slow 10756149 NULL subparchessplayer eric, simply eric 10765289 NULL anonyt couldn't speedrun that ball 10794139 NULL crackrobat >blaming the dog 10799309 NULL normlperson FrankerZ 10804139 NULL crackrobat CorgiDerp 10814359 NULL s0cialcommunist Dog hyp when 10815009 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team! 10819069 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 10824999 NULL anonyt doges are life doges are love 10828129 NULL crackrobat who are you even cheering for? 10834749 NULL polybius321 they need to sequence break from defense straight into a goal ani 10835849 NULL masteroffluff Both teams. 10841049 NULL jorleif DED 10842679 NULL polybius321 TriHard 10849599 NULL s0cialcommunist Both teams are pure disappointment 10853949 NULL deathbymattam they need to get the frame perfect input on the sub pixel 10855159 NULL nkxsqw unironically cheering for /lolg/ 10858409 NULL farragoshy [muffled typing in the distance] 10858869 NULL indrickboreale Typing intensifies. 10860219 NULL auspicioussloth CLAKCLACKAKCALCAKLAC 10861769 NULL normlperson >McBob 10864299 NULL fraemi ACTION >that small groß-preußen 10865219 NULL quetzadrake CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK 10871879 NULL fraemi was da fug :-DDDDDD 10884509 NULL dark_mandy wow 10886739 NULL s0cialcommunist fucking nerd 10890639 NULL ltalguien is his keyboard a typewritter? 10892179 NULL crackrobat I have the mechanical daskeyboard 10896339 NULL auspicioussloth WAS LOUD AS FUCK 10897539 NULL nkxsqw damn fine keyboard 10897569 NULL crackrobat I sometimes regret 10898599 NULL lazyturd I got blues 10900859 NULL frankfronk NERRRRRRRRD 10902879 NULL electroshock3383 Buckling spring is loud 10907449 NULL masteroffluff I just want to show my spirit so both teams play at their very 10907859 NULL maxpiston CLACK CLACK CLACK 10910999 NULL funisallowedhere >wide 10911159 NULL crackrobat only sometimes though 10914429 NULL masteroffluff Awww!! 10914969 NULL frankfronk CANCER 10916969 NULL electroshock3383 CANCER 10918969 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 10919799 NULL s0cialcommunist CANCEROUS Shooting 10925119 NULL crackrobat >their very best 10925389 NULL lazyturd >RIVEN MAINS 10930839 NULL maynravun Daily reminder /dfg/'s logo is fucked up http://i.imgur.com/I5hEn9L 10932379 NULL maxpiston >riven mains 10937869 NULL normlperson eric, simply eric 10938409 NULL electroshock3383 >0 shots 10941059 NULL sadpepe my hand when 👌 10946809 NULL fraemi >lel players 10948859 NULL fraemi ayy lmao 10959289 NULL normlperson yashi 👌 10964439 NULL teletack >speedrunning with save states 10970179 NULL teletack how do even 10971279 NULL descendingbears thanks MaynRavun, will fix it Soon 10971389 NULL farragoshy This /srg/ offense is like Bors speedrunning Metroid 10971899 NULL sadpepe 👽 10974059 NULL electroshock3383 DED 10974129 NULL nkxsqw ded 10979889 NULL lazyturd MOIDA 10981119 NULL jorleif aliv 10985539 NULL masteroffluff Plus, shaking pom-poms is fun. 10995389 NULL cecil_xix That's not fair, Bors actually completed a speedrun once. 10997069 NULL crackrobat that time bors actually finished Metroid though 11009229 NULL teletack he completed a let's play, not a speedrun 11015029 NULL farragoshy >timed let's play 11021879 NULL sadpepe pewdiepie is best speedrunner 11023119 NULL sadpepe brofist 11026729 NULL farragoshy WHO WANTS A PIZZA DE CH AM 11028249 NULL sadpepe 👊 11028679 NULL slartybarty no he finished a speedrun 11029559 NULL s0cialcommunist are Speedrunners atheletes? 11030589 NULL masteroffluff Cheering and shaking pom-poms is a lot of fun. 11030779 NULL normlperson 👌 11032529 NULL funisallowedhere it was an above average pace run 11039089 NULL cecil_xix 0(0) 11040889 NULL deltadutch >0(0) 11043539 NULL electroshock3383 0(0) 11043849 NULL teletack remember, it's not officially a speedrun until it's WR 11046049 NULL jorleif >0(0) 11049859 NULL electroshock3383 Checked 11053289 NULL dark_mandy >0(0) 11057589 NULL normlperson back to stepmania TriHard 11061029 NULL crackrobat how can a team be so terrible? 11062489 NULL fraemi 👌 epic mene my gulagite trenchboys 👌 11076569 NULL pwjp GOAL 11079479 NULL funisallowedhere they got sick of your shit 11080089 NULL polybius321 >Bors 11081759 NULL nkxsqw 1(1) 11082369 NULL cecil_xix WELP 11082719 NULL masteroffluff Woo!!!!! 11084769 NULL 4cc_paval BLOWN THE FUCK OUT 11085159 NULL jorleif 1(1) 11086599 NULL normlperson BERTIN BOYS 11087649 NULL normlperson 👌 11088129 NULL dark_mandy hahaha 11089829 NULL electroshock3383 It's Sanae 11092319 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaaaaaay team!!! 11094849 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11094929 NULL pwjp laughingchances.mov 11095849 NULL cecil_xix ONE SHOT ONE GOAL 11097199 NULL polybius321 Bertin scored 11098509 NULL fraemi SIMPLY ERIC 11101349 NULL enflamis CANT STOP THE MHC 11104209 NULL maxpiston HURTING 11105779 NULL auspicioussloth SUPER Volcania RACING 11109429 NULL s0cialcommunist straight cheerin 11109659 NULL pwjp >this horn 11109829 NULL crackrobat *sad pom-poms* 11117199 NULL teletack megrunning general 11120649 NULL polybius321 TriHard 11122739 NULL pwjp STILL DED NIGGA 11126559 NULL masteroffluff Aww, how come your pom-poms are drooped? 11129149 NULL normlperson what's with bertin and that shrine maiden?? 11130649 NULL descendingbears speedgoaling general 11132179 NULL autocrat_ LoL is a dead game 11134809 NULL teletack who made this horn? 11136649 NULL maxpiston STILL DED NIGGA 11137299 NULL s0cialcommunist >old Trafford 11139929 NULL s0cialcommunist shit stadium 11142289 NULL crackrobat I am partial to bors 11154259 NULL masteroffluff Aww, perk up! 11160779 NULL normlperson Stepmania warmups TriHard 11161289 NULL crackrobat tell bors to score first 11164019 NULL pwjp Toppu wwww 11165569 NULL s0cialcommunist Important Poll about /srg/ http://strawpoll.me/4622327 11169209 NULL anonyt damn the GK got his feet on it too 11173599 NULL normlperson check this 2nd half apm 11174819 NULL masteroffluff They still have a chance. 11177499 NULL lazyturd Waiwhat 11178839 NULL masteroffluff Never give up hope! 11179689 NULL lazyturd Gj jzx 11182319 NULL lazyturd jax* 11188349 NULL fraemi Benis :-DDDD 11201089 NULL s0cialcommunist :DDD 11208359 NULL electroshock3383 :DDDD 11208499 NULL fraemi hahaha xD LOL! 11216209 NULL s0cialcommunist HO HO HA HA 11219259 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 11221339 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah! 11222399 NULL fraemi SHRAPNEL 11223299 NULL masteroffluff Go team go! 11225359 NULL jorleif ded 11225979 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11231199 NULL lazyturd DANCE, HAHAH, DANCE 11253559 NULL normlperson TriHard 11265979 NULL fraemi DEY GAME FROM... BEHIND XdDDDDDD 11268749 NULL masteroffluff Oooh! 11271469 NULL electroshock3383 CANCER 11273299 NULL dark_mandy WHOA 11277019 NULL crackrobat *pom pom lash* 11278159 NULL pwjp >XD 11282909 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION Press F to blaze it with Old_Man_Sou 11285469 NULL shadowtester TriHard = White Woman (no spaces) 11286809 NULL electroshock3383 F 11288769 NULL pwjp F 11289119 NULL nkxsqw they wont patch it, they'll release more chromas 11289279 NULL lazyturd F 11289299 NULL crackrobat F 11290339 NULL indrickboreale F 11293689 NULL ltalguien F 11293949 NULL fraemi TriHard 11294119 NULL s0cialcommunist F 11300259 NULL frankfronk Sou doesn't blaze it, he destroys it 11300949 NULL masteroffluff Let's go!! 11303879 NULL descendingbears WhiteWoman(nospaces) 11304069 NULL jorleif F 11306099 NULL maynravun F 11315219 NULL funisallowedhere >caring about professionalism in the /vg/ league 11317559 NULL basedsmugleaf I'm Dragonfag 11319289 NULL masteroffluff Let's go! *shake shake* Let's go! *shake shake* Le'ts go! *shak 11319559 NULL funisallowedhere >caring about professionalism ever 11319659 NULL s0cialcommunist BTFO 11319809 NULL ht_rock shame cube 11322199 NULL jorleif TriHard thanks it works 11324229 NULL masteroffluff *Let's 11326249 NULL lazyturd >hockey memes 11327329 NULL indrickboreale No, I'm Dragonfag! 11335359 NULL farragoshy BENULDY BOGGS :DDDD 11340439 NULL lazyturd 2 MINUTES FOR EXPIRED MEMEING 11345219 NULL fraemi FeelsBadMan >tfw u will never play half life: opposing force FeelsBadM 11348539 NULL anonymous_goat Fuck you! I'm Dragonfag 11350599 NULL s0cialcommunist >not the penalty pyramid 11351349 NULL auspicioussloth >FANG 11352879 NULL frankfronk TriHex 11356689 NULL s0cialcommunist Fang 11358619 NULL normlperson HornedAnime 11359169 NULL s0cialcommunist pls 11361279 NULL electroshock3383 Fang 11363009 NULL frankfronk TriHex is the speed runner 11364599 NULL crackrobat *shakes pom poms* 11371809 NULL masteroffluff Go team go!! 11374339 NULL frankfronk He runs Yoshi's Island 11375469 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaay!! 11378469 NULL basedsmugleaf TriHard 11378869 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11389179 NULL uramaget1 >3 11393779 NULL uramaget1 >T H R E E 11394909 NULL c806256 3 niggas 11397539 NULL s0cialcommunist Black Jews? 11397539 NULL auspicioussloth There's like 3 of them guys 11398509 NULL fraemi ACTION >black man 11400289 NULL s0cialcommunist in my 4cc? 11403059 NULL jorleif THREEEEEEEEEEEEE 11404099 NULL indrickboreale Three whole black guys! 11407269 NULL fraemi ACTION >not TriHard 11407899 NULL polybius321 TriHard 11408079 NULL uramaget1 >yfw 4cc gets overtakebn by blacks and grills 11410329 NULL crackrobat Go bors! 11410959 NULL funisallowedhere CAME 11411339 NULL uramaget1 REEEEE 11411979 NULL masteroffluff Wooooooo!!! 11412659 NULL normlperson your got speedrunned 11412949 NULL k3nsh1n1589 could be jews... 11414009 NULL sheep_stick SEX KING 11414849 NULL pwjp HE'S COMING 11415569 NULL tiael1 COMING 11415789 NULL farragoshy SEX KING CAME 11416359 NULL nkxsqw SEX KING 11416469 NULL electroshock3383 SEX KING IS COMING 11416729 NULL auspicioussloth SEX KING 11417239 NULL s0cialcommunist ITS CUMMING 11419209 NULL c806256 SEX KING IS COMING 11419709 NULL crackrobat *vigerous pom pom shaking* 11419979 NULL lazyturd SEX KING IS COMMING 11421249 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaaaaaaaay TEAM!!! 11422779 NULL pwjp SEX KING 11423629 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11434049 NULL lazyturd SEX KING IS COMING 11434119 NULL maxpiston SEX KING IS CUMMING 11434159 NULL jorleif ACTION just came. Press C to cum along. 11437249 NULL lazyturd C 11437409 NULL auspicioussloth C 11438339 NULL pwjp C 11439409 NULL crackrobat C 11440299 NULL electroshock3383 C 11441889 NULL funisallowedhere C 11442279 NULL amisnaru C 11442469 NULL normlperson C 11443199 NULL fraemi C 11446319 NULL indrickboreale C 11448629 NULL nkxsqw C 11451739 NULL basedsmugleaf C 11452039 NULL roronabest C 11453429 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 11458029 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!! 11460519 NULL electroshock3383 >Snek waifus 11460799 NULL frankfronk seggs ging is gumming :DDDDDD 11465979 NULL masteroffluff Yay team!!! 11468819 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11474299 NULL polybius321 R E S E T 11478109 NULL fraemi EPIG SIMPLY EPIG X-DDDDDDDddd 11483559 NULL mcmelanogaster C 11489959 NULL s0cialcommunist 11499979 NULL basedsmugleaf 11500069 NULL masteroffluff Woo!!! 11502719 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11503349 NULL crackrobat Go bors! 11523799 NULL masteroffluff Woo!!!!!! 11529149 NULL pwjp LEL 11532679 NULL lazyturd >RIVEN MAINS 11535289 NULL farragoshy >RIVEN MAINS 11535969 NULL lazyturd >RIBBON MAINS 11539049 NULL crackrobat *vigerous pom poms* 11539249 NULL masteroffluff YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! 11540099 NULL polybius321 >Bors is a tactical genius 11540709 NULL electroshock3383 >RIVEN MAINS 11543909 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11545829 NULL normlperson >that face inside of sex king 11546359 NULL polybius321 scared.jpg 11548899 NULL amisnaru NICE GAME pls score already 11550579 NULL jorleif ACTION >RIVEN MAINS 11561369 NULL anonyt the tactical genius of rigging 11571859 NULL lazyturd LE WINDY BIG SWORDWAOMAN OF EXTREME BALANCE 11574989 NULL electroshock3383 What is that ball doing there? 11580099 NULL indrickboreale After over two years of seeing managers fuck up, it makes sens 11586179 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!!! 11586349 NULL electroshock3383 BORSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 11589359 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!!! 11593529 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11594229 NULL crackrobat Go bors go! 11599079 NULL funisallowedhere somewhat competent at rigging* FTFY 11610119 NULL anonymous_goat Is this Boris' first win? 11611329 NULL fraemi ACTION press F to commemorate the memory of /srg/s cuckolding 11613419 NULL auspicioussloth COMMISSIONER 11614239 NULL crackrobat >implying all managing isn't rigging 11616489 NULL auspicioussloth YOU FUCK 11618159 NULL masteroffluff Also, again, everyone is welcome to take some pom-poms and shak 11618419 NULL jorleif F 11623869 NULL indrickboreale F 11634719 NULL masteroffluff I have any color, all colors! 11636409 NULL roronabest F 11648469 NULL cptcourage F 11650859 NULL electroshock3383 F 11662899 NULL farragoshy yfw Sex King pulls off the mask to reveal that she was Emma Watson 11676339 NULL cptcourage >this fucking pitch 11679409 NULL cptcourage my eyes 11683809 NULL crackrobat yeah 11691159 NULL electroshock3383 Better than the glitched one last night 11701569 NULL auspicioussloth >that one spic 11703029 NULL electroshock3383 what was that pitch again? 11703669 NULL s0cialcommunist >that one spic 11708179 NULL anonyt classy 11708309 NULL masteroffluff Everyone here is welcome to shake some pom-poms! 11710169 NULL funisallowedhere >/srg/ walking across the pitch 11711339 NULL uramaget1 #racist 11713689 NULL cptcourage >sbic :DDD 11715189 NULL crackrobat he shanked a man in prison 11716229 NULL fraemi reminder that spics are not human 11734039 NULL c806256 overrigging 11746819 NULL nkxsqw overdosed on rigging 11754639 NULL s0cialcommunist HA 11756009 NULL cptcourage slight rigging technical problem 11757509 NULL auspicioussloth ONLY 90S KIDS 11760499 NULL lazyturd HEHHAHAH 11761119 NULL auspicioussloth GET THAT JOKE 11762619 NULL amisnaru radical 11764619 NULL quetzadrake >tfw 90s kids are all like 25+ 11770049 NULL cptcourage ^ 11777569 NULL farragoshy tfw 90's kid 11779419 NULL s0cialcommunist >tfw i have a dare shirt 11779989 NULL cptcourage Just fuck my life up 11780199 NULL k3nsh1n1589 what's the problem? 11781009 NULL farragoshy tfw 26 11781919 NULL electroshock3383 88 here 11783769 NULL polybius321 tfw 90's kid 11785909 NULL polybius321 now I feel old 11791629 NULL lazyturd tfw 22 11792569 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION press F if you are from the 90s 11795739 NULL subparchessplayer >4 11796669 NULL cptcourage >22 11796889 NULL quetzadrake >tfw 27 >tfw remember when Cartoon Network first went on air 11796979 NULL basedsmugleaf F 11800669 NULL s0cialcommunist F 11800849 NULL polybius321 1990 master race 11802859 NULL masteroffluff Wooooooooooo!!! 11803369 NULL cptcourage F 11803629 NULL auspicioussloth HE IS COMING 11804409 NULL c806256 SEX KING IS COMING 11804689 NULL pwjp SEX KING 11805629 NULL crackrobat Wooo! 11806799 NULL funisallowedhere COMING EVERYWHERE 11807519 NULL nkxsqw SEX KING HAT TRICK 11810369 NULL fraemi dam nigga 11810909 NULL rayzapper HAT TRICK IS COMING 11811579 NULL s0cialcommunist @polybius321, my nigga 11812169 NULL electroshock3383 CUMMING INTENSIFIES 11813089 NULL sheep_stick ACTION >sex king in charge of being stoped 11815209 NULL farragoshy HAT TRICK IS COMING 11815349 NULL crackrobat *masturbates with pom poms* 11815359 NULL masteroffluff YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TEAM!!!!! 11823539 NULL maxpiston SEX KING IS COMING 11824879 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 11828649 NULL moulesfritz SHUT THE FUCK UP 11828839 NULL masteroffluff ... 11841739 NULL cptcourage Are you one of those Fan Club wankers? 11851899 NULL masteroffluff ...What are you doing with your pom-poms? 11856119 NULL crackrobat coming 11856849 NULL electroshock3383 @Quetzadrake I remembered What-a-cartoon 11859419 NULL anonyt probably? 11861229 NULL masteroffluff ...Why? 11866369 NULL crackrobat can't help it 11866929 NULL anonyt he seems like the type 11868609 NULL funisallowedhere sex king on /d/ stadium when 11868699 NULL fraemi ACTION >tfw u will never go on a genocide crusade 11873579 NULL frankfronk Dr.BorisG executes cheatengine.exe 11874409 NULL quetzadrake me2 11881319 NULL electroshock3383 good times 11884299 NULL masteroffluff ...How does it feel with the pom-poms? 11884639 NULL cptcourage holy shit, i just remembered that too 11889039 NULL s0cialcommunist you cant boggle the boris 11904269 NULL crackrobat fluffy 11907569 NULL cptcourage can't force the bors 11908849 NULL auspicioussloth SMOrc 11914249 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc 11918389 NULL s0cialcommunist SMOrc 11918819 NULL cptcourage SMOrc 11919009 NULL fraemi nice game dotards 11921029 NULL masteroffluff ...Make sure to clean them for next game. 11928569 NULL cptcourage >assfaggots 11935669 NULL s0cialcommunist Bors Won Post Cats Kippa 11936459 NULL drborisg reminder that dota lost their first match too ;) 11942059 NULL indrickboreale Good job Boris, you finally learned how to rig properly! 11946699 NULL auspicioussloth Dota loses all their matches 11947699 NULL jorleif >8.0 11950239 NULL sorrowrunner Thanks to Boris's masterful rigging 11950539 NULL frankfronk pls bors, lolbabbie 11955099 NULL electroshock3383 /d2g/ lost too 11956729 NULL auspicioussloth Literally every match they have ever played has either lost o 11959459 NULL electroshock3383 >assfaggots 11959569 NULL frankfronk ;^)))))) 11976539 NULL auspicioussloth /d2g/ is confirmed shit by this point 11977359 NULL subparchessplayer incoming /lolg/ and /d2g/ TOGETHER FOREVER a la /a/ and /sp 11985229 NULL cptcourage @MasterofFluff Why do you keep putting fucking ellipses before you 11997989 NULL crackrobat I defiled the pom poms 12006469 NULL masteroffluff What he said. 12011039 NULL s0cialcommunist who cares 12013339 NULL anonyt because he's a moron cpt 12028479 NULL uramaget1 B E N I S 12029629 NULL s0cialcommunist ;_;7 12033029 NULL cptcourage ;_;7 12033399 NULL lazyturd Gj bors 12036599 NULL lazyturd Nice job buddy 12037729 NULL electroshock3383 FUG 12038969 NULL normlperson time for nep bias :~) 12041499 NULL fraemi what the fuck is nepgen 12046319 NULL masteroffluff Anyone else wanna take some pom-poms? 12047429 NULL electroshock3383 I CAN'T CHOOSE WHO TO SUPPORT 12049449 NULL uramaget1 dat kits 12049639 NULL subparchessplayer I want /xcg/ to win just because the board game is breddy g 12052959 NULL cptcourage >dat kit 12053759 NULL lazyturd GO XCG 12055479 NULL s0cialcommunist Neptunia 12056089 NULL vtecjumper >Girl scouts 12058449 NULL crackrobat pls less annoying ptich 12062799 NULL farragoshy tfw nobody to play XCOM board game with 12066819 NULL frankfronk V I G L I O C O N F I D O 12068259 NULL s0cialcommunist its NEptunia vs XCOM 12072189 NULL quetzadrake /xcg/ will win 7-1 cap this 12074699 NULL rayzapper TIME FOR SNEK 12075989 NULL cptcourage I'll play XCOM with you 12077059 NULL masteroffluff My fluff is available for all. 12078629 NULL crackrobat xcom board game? 12078889 NULL vtecjumper Viglio 12079639 NULL lazyturd BEHEAD ALL WHO INSULT BRADFORD 12080899 NULL fraemi get these thin men up in dis 12082759 NULL vtecjumper PORN 12084809 NULL fraemi cuck these weebes 12085969 NULL vtecjumper WHEN 12087899 NULL anonyt I can't stand Nepshit 12088559 NULL roronabest Go /nepgen/! 12090609 NULL farragoshy https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/163602/xcom-board-game 12093209 NULL frankfronk PORN 12093799 NULL frankfronk FUCKING 12094529 NULL sheep_stick take it home bagels Kreygasm 12094869 NULL frankfronk WHEN 12103459 NULL crackrobat is it... good? 12112229 NULL subparchessplayer yes, it requires a smartphone to run the app, and it has al 12115819 NULL frankfronk GET FUCKED NIPJEN 12124039 NULL cptcourage >99% Chance 12124809 NULL masteroffluff Let's go teams! 12129159 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 12134379 NULL rayzapper COMMANDER IS THE ONLY GOD, AND BRADFORD IS HIS PROPHET! VIGILO CONF 12136279 NULL cptcourage Fuck, how I hate that 12145509 NULL electroshock3383 Missed on that twice over a campaign 12146119 NULL fraemi ACTION Press F if you want /nepgen/ to be cucked by alien dicks 12150039 NULL frankfronk F 12151349 NULL sheep_stick F 12151449 NULL cptcourage F 12151529 NULL lazyturd F 12152399 NULL subparchessplayer F 12154896 NULL crackrobat F 12157686 NULL anonyt F 12158596 NULL s0cialcommunist F 12160316 NULL quetzadrake F 12169256 NULL fortknucks F 12169656 NULL cptcourage Ok, so chat is clearly biased 12170566 NULL masteroffluff Pom-poms, anyone? 12173226 NULL tunamerchant2 F 12174426 NULL frankfronk rip in pupperoni nipjen 12176386 NULL masteroffluff *offers pom-poms* 12178816 NULL s0cialcommunist you mean Based, cpt 12180656 NULL s0cialcommunist :^) 12180996 NULL crackrobat >and then /nepgen/ wins 12183186 NULL anonyt go die in a fire masteroffluff 12192286 NULL electroshock3383 >Nepgeardam 12193666 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION you have been visited by the Fluke Goal Queen RoranaB 12197536 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-pom at Anonyt* 12199586 NULL lazyturd whoa anonyt bringing the bants 12201486 NULL electroshock3383 is that gonna trigger /m/? 12217286 NULL tunamerchant2 *tips pom-poms* 12222496 NULL s0cialcommunist and silence. 12223446 NULL lazyturd Get Bors 12223766 NULL masteroffluff @Anonyt No team spirit, that's your problem. 12226496 NULL roronabest Thanks :^) 12228736 NULL lazyturd Bors knows about xcom' 12235686 NULL pwjp Thanks Rorona 12235706 NULL cptcourage If anything, /m/ would love XCOM 12236956 NULL crackrobat bors pls 12246796 NULL cptcourage Enemy Within, at least 12253236 NULL s0cialcommunist Chat does not recognize Fluke Goal Queen 12256876 NULL crackrobat weren't MECs going to be removed in Xcom2 12261266 NULL ltalguien /m/ actually had xcom threads 12266016 NULL electroshock3383 Mechtoids 12270606 NULL lazyturd In canon they didnt reach mec-tech 12275106 NULL masteroffluff I'll be here enjoying my fluff. 12276736 NULL normlperson bazinga 12277416 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 12279146 NULL electroshock3383 Love punching them 12283696 NULL lazyturd They got wrecked early 12287456 NULL cptcourage Well if they're going clandestine, I can see how MECs might be a l 12289156 NULL vtecjumper MECs aren't really compatible with stealth 12300926 NULL electroshock3383 Are there even MECs in XCOM2? 12307223 NULL s0cialcommunist Dogs Unfriendly to People Who Are Mean to Their Owners, Japan 12322553 NULL vtecjumper I think, in canon, Civ Beyond Earth is what follows an XCOM victor 12322803 NULL electroshock3383 considering XCOM is now isiscom 12323023 NULL lazyturd Also bow before the hero of humanity, frag85. 12326013 NULL anonyt is there any talk about the original x-com in /xcg/? 12328493 NULL frankfronk I PLAY STINKY BOAT 12328553 NULL s0cialcommunist I play stinky boat! 12329603 NULL indrickboreale Who here plays stinky boat? 12331773 NULL cptcourage Short answer Electroshock, we don't know yet 12333203 NULL crackrobat sometimes anon 12335773 NULL ht_rock i play stinky boat 12338223 NULL electroshock3383 ic 12338283 NULL pwjp Explain this fgg meme 12341803 NULL c806256 dem boxheads 12344353 NULL masteroffluff Wooo! 12347303 NULL pwjp Dat <3 12348353 NULL rayzapper >boxheads 12349863 NULL masteroffluff Let's go team!! 12350293 NULL electroshock3383 Those boxheads 12352223 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 12354083 NULL normlperson OH NO 12354913 NULL fortknucks well damn 12356483 NULL s0cialcommunist JESUS 12357183 NULL farragoshy BEHOLD! 12357423 NULL tunamerchant2 BEHOLD 12358583 NULL rayzapper BEHOLD 12358823 NULL indrickboreale BEHOLD! 12359503 NULL electroshock3383 OPTIC BLAST 12359533 NULL cptcourage BEHOLD 12359733 NULL crackrobat kek 12359883 NULL polybius321 OPTIC BLAST 12361183 NULL fraemi EPIK 12361363 NULL ht_rock it's a stinky boat @Pwjp 12362573 NULL fraemi MENES 12362673 NULL lazyturd BEHOLD 12363343 NULL deltadutch BEHOLD 12363703 NULL quetzadrake oh god in heaven 12364243 NULL rayzapper OPTIC BLAST" 12365003 NULL cptcourage OPTIC BLAAAAAAAAAAST 12365483 NULL ht_rock OPTIC BLAST 12366143 NULL indrickboreale OPTIC BLAST 12367703 NULL roronabest NEPGEN PLS 12369423 NULL dark_mandy OPTIC BLAST 12370753 NULL s0cialcommunist BILLBOARD HEAD 12371743 NULL uramaget1 dat violin 12374643 NULL lazyturd 3d20 DMG TO A 35m CONE 12378493 NULL electroshock3383 That thinmint suit 12378583 NULL basedsmugleaf Blenderanon's LODs don't optic blast ;) 12389913 NULL uramaget1 [smug violin playing in the distance] 12394793 NULL ltalguien makes sense since is your boxhead :^) 12396963 NULL fraemi based thin mint got dis 12399113 NULL cptcourage kek 12404083 NULL basedsmugleaf That's a Tony LOD 12407223 NULL anonyt I still wish they had made that x-com mystery investigation game 12408103 NULL nkxsqw boxheads a best 12408593 NULL masteroffluff Here we go! *shake shake* Here we go! *shake shake* 12410703 NULL electroshock3383 DING 12411733 NULL cptcourage BASED TUNE 12413383 NULL s0cialcommunist 12421273 NULL roronabest Nepgeardam! 12427123 NULL s0cialcommunist ACTION Press F if you have not had the pleasure of being din 12429553 NULL fraemi 99% chance to hit 12431683 NULL lazyturd VIGILO CONFIDO 12433203 NULL polybius321 F 12433793 NULL frankfronk WE NEED EMERGENCY EVAC! *Hunker down* 12437673 NULL jorleif F 12438403 NULL cptcourage BELLATOR IN MACHINA 12438713 NULL rayzapper VIGILO CONFIDO 12440903 NULL normlperson nice tits 12442023 NULL c806256 titty 12442343 NULL electroshock3383 FUCKING ROOKIES 12443683 NULL sheep_stick G O O D L U C K C O M M A N D E R 12452583 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah! 12455493 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah! 12457973 NULL frankfronk WE WILL BE WATCHING 12458063 NULL cptcourage kill yourself 12460203 NULL uramaget1 this pitch distracts me 12460223 NULL masteroffluff Go team! 12460363 NULL cecil_xix I hope everyone has a giantess fetish! 12466793 NULL basedsmugleaf The optic blast was from the referee dumb dumbs 12471223 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 12472673 NULL subparchessplayer ded 12474153 NULL frankfronk GET FUCKED 12480713 NULL vtecjumper THE COMMANDER IS MY GOD AND BRADFORD HIS MESSENGER 12484983 NULL electroshock3383 DED 12494573 NULL pwjp God I want to do things to the Neps 12496273 NULL fraemi ACTION >tfw ur squad gets wiped by long war's dong 12503003 NULL jorleif >not using run and gun 12506573 NULL crackrobat I fucking hated the talking heads in xcom 12507393 NULL cptcourage >not knowing BASED XCOM 12509403 NULL electroshock3383 Got a miss on 99% twice in my earlier campaign 12514533 NULL crackrobat atleast tell me Chen isn't coming back 12520263 NULL lazyturd >not using ITZ assaults 12525323 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 12526553 NULL anonyt >playing shitty New-Com 12529093 NULL cptcourage >hating on Doktor Vahlen 12529263 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 12529883 NULL electroshock3383 then I killed something on 35% 12532673 NULL roronabest Purple Heart boobies on the field 12538403 NULL crackrobat >not modding OpenXcom 12540673 NULL electroshock3383 So yeah, XCOM in a nutshell 12545963 NULL cptcourage OPTIC BLAST 12546463 NULL funisallowedhere "That's some bullshit" -every 99% miss 12546473 NULL masteroffluff Ooooh!! 12547663 NULL pwjp > BORT 12549493 NULL frankfronk V I G L I O C O N F I D O 12550113 NULL quetzadrake woof 12550833 NULL normlperson >Nepgear 12551023 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 12551113 NULL s0cialcommunist that defense 12551603 NULL supertwinky so useless 12553023 NULL polybius321 BORT 12554503 NULL jorleif VIGILO CONFIDO 12554753 NULL sadpepe who won last game 12562003 NULL pwjp lolg 12562383 NULL lazyturd Who is in the goal? 12562583 NULL crackrobat what gets me is point blank misses 12565613 NULL tunamerchant2 Nothing like missing 99% hit only to be crit'd by a regular ay 12569143 NULL s0cialcommunist there are no cheerleaders in Soccer 12569363 NULL ltalguien isnt the ref also a nep? 12574293 NULL s0cialcommunist unless you are Crystal Palace 12583273 NULL normlperson >nep refs 12585033 NULL crackrobat >soccer 12588063 NULL crackrobat >not divegrass 12590153 NULL masteroffluff I'd consider myself an unofficial cheerleader. 12594213 NULL cptcourage you know what does have cheerleaders? 12594243 NULL tunamerchant2 FOOTBALL 12598163 NULL cptcourage Bloodbowl 12601113 NULL funisallowedhere have you ever gotten that one *** that cannot land an overwa 12601623 NULL masteroffluff I'll try to find some real cheers tomorrow. 12601953 NULL electroshock3383 I loved how someone changed the crit notification to the Nav 12605413 NULL s0cialcommunist strip clubs? 12607853 NULL anonyt I'd consider you the cancer killing football 12611183 NULL rayzapper FUTBOL 12611673 NULL s0cialcommunist porno? 12621083 NULL tunamerchant2 SOCCER 12622383 NULL crackrobat If you want to be any good you have to invent some original ones 12623413 NULL cptcourage also true 12624593 NULL s0cialcommunist >cancer calling others cancer 12633333 NULL masteroffluff I'll try. 12638783 NULL cptcourage look at it this way 12647973 NULL polybius321 Purple Choke 12648193 NULL cptcourage a horsefucker is calling someone cancer 12648473 NULL anonyt well I know what to look for s0cialcommunist 12648673 NULL crackrobat this is memeball after all 12655943 NULL lazyturd BASED EMERGENCY EVAC 12661793 NULL frankfronk Thin Mints will destroy the Nep's smile and optimism 12662573 NULL cptcourage that's when you know shit's fucked 12670983 NULL fraemi based evac 12672303 NULL electroshock3383 >Noire 12673453 NULL s0cialcommunist indeed cpt 12676433 NULL lazyturd HOW GOOD CAN BIG SKY BE? 12676973 NULL masteroffluff Right now, I've only got a cheer for /5N@F/. 12678223 NULL roronabest NOWA 12681173 NULL s0cialcommunist also this GK is fucking on it 12683373 NULL polybius321 come on /xcg/ 12683843 NULL lazyturd BIG SKY BEST PILOT 12687093 NULL subparchessplayer >being a furry 12691163 NULL subparchessplayer consider offing yourself 12698203 NULL cptcourage BIG SKY IS A COOL GUY AND DOESN'T AFRAID OF MUTONS 12705853 NULL quetzadrake Kappa 12709653 NULL frankfronk WE NEED EMERGENCY EVAC 12711203 NULL s0cialcommunist >willinging humping a pillow with a cartoon stitched on it 12714013 NULL masteroffluff They're playing tomorrow, so I'll bring it out then. 12714083 NULL frankfronk H U N K E R 12724383 NULL polybius321 BORT 12726123 NULL fraemi ACTION >tfw u ITZ a bunch of ayy lmaos FeelsGoodMan 12729783 NULL sadpepe #ARIZONATEARS 12733723 NULL lazyturd Goddammit beagle 12733953 NULL masteroffluff Oooooh!! 12735033 NULL frankfronk *miss* 12737613 NULL normlperson >Thin Miss 12738493 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 12738983 NULL electroshock3383 M I S S 12744953 NULL frankfronk *Overwatching* 12747103 NULL fraemi fucking rigged 12749963 NULL fraemi thin mints dont miss 12758343 NULL crackrobat anyone here actually play nuxcom without long war? 12764233 NULL lazyturd Nope 12769453 NULL lazyturd Long dong best xcom 12774643 NULL electroshock3383 Not yet 12775203 NULL roronabest Purple Heart pls 12779463 NULL cptcourage Not yet 12780413 NULL frankfronk I played it to completion, then went balls deep with long dong 12781563 NULL anonyt I play OpenXCom 12782713 NULL s0cialcommunist Emergency Evac saves the day 12783153 NULL normlperson dis keeper 12783403 NULL polybius321 Emergency Evac keeping /xcg/ on this 12785743 NULL nkxsqw boxhead neps are always trying to head it lol\ 12786633 NULL electroshock3383 But it looks really really interesting 12789633 NULL lazyturd BIG SKY 12798833 NULL s0cialcommunist Emergency Evac has 5 saves already 12803583 NULL fraemi long war pretty much renders the base game obsolete 12806073 NULL masteroffluff Then again, I want to remain unbiased 12807713 NULL s0cialcommunist fucking based Goalkeeping 12813483 NULL funisallowedhere lelnope 12813913 NULL frankfronk THIN 12814673 NULL auspicioussloth THIN MINTS 12815703 NULL masteroffluff Wooooo!! 12816783 NULL frankfronk MINTS 12817383 NULL jorleif AYYYYYYYYYYY 12818613 NULL polybius321 MUH OFFSIDES 12819083 NULL pwjp ayyy 12819253 NULL masteroffluff Huh? 12819363 NULL crackrobat >unbiased .memball 12820133 NULL jorleif LMaO 12820543 NULL frankfronk ... 12820863 NULL s0cialcommunist LE TOUCAN HAS ARRIVED 12821043 NULL tunamerchant2 YYYY 12821613 NULL fraemi AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 12821693 NULL quetzadrake RUSED 12822273 NULL auspicioussloth SIDES OFF 12823643 NULL tunamerchant2 AYYYYY 12824723 NULL electroshock3383 RUSED 12825093 NULL pwjp OFFSIDE 12825123 NULL sadpepe FUCK WEEBS 12825203 NULL nkxsqw AYYYYYYY 12825803 NULL frankfronk le touco 12827263 NULL fraemi WHAT THE FUCK 12827523 NULL s0cialcommunist >SackDeMessi 12827643 NULL crackrobat lmao 12827653 NULL normlperson >NEP REFS 12828363 NULL quetzadrake >#SackDeMessi 12830423 NULL normlperson DIS BIAS 12830463 NULL masteroffluff AWWWWWWWWW!!! 12830503 NULL auspicioussloth LE TOUCAN HAS SPOKEN 12830833 NULL pelkeme THANK YOU BASED REF 12831023 NULL concarious AYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 12831973 NULL frankfronk NO ERA PENAL 12833623 NULL tunamerchant2 99% TO SCORE 12833963 NULL supertwinky ResidentSleeper 12834603 NULL masteroffluff *throws pom-poms* 12835243 NULL polybius321 RIGGED REFS 12836963 NULL fraemi GAS THE REFS RACE WAR NOW 12838413 NULL fortknucks lightning reflexes baby 12840783 NULL nkxsqw OFFSIDES 12846833 NULL roronabest Lol /nepgen/ has Neptune refs 12848843 NULL cecil_xix 5 YARD PENALTY 12849243 NULL auspicioussloth GAS THE REFS RIG WAR NOW 12849833 NULL frankfronk FUCKING BIASED REFS 12859093 NULL cptcourage >failout 12864133 NULL masteroffluff *picks up pom-poms and dusts them off* 12876463 NULL drborisg ResidentSleeper 12876623 NULL fraemi *uncocks katana casually* 12878963 NULL crackrobat frankly I consider nucom to be insultingly bad and long war its sa 12880063 NULL s0cialcommunist ResidentSleeper 12881873 NULL subparchessplayer DansGame 12882773 NULL jorleif le Optic Blast 12884423 NULL lazyturd DURAND YOURE A SHIT 12884503 NULL electroshock3383 XCOM BABY 12886403 NULL auspicioussloth ResidentSleeper 12889213 NULL frankfronk FrankerZ 12890573 NULL quetzadrake the refs are a bunch of random old /vg/ league players 12892923 NULL frankfronk Kappa 12893173 NULL s0cialcommunist only 3 saves? 12899073 NULL quetzadrake like Clem, Orteil, etc. 12901413 NULL electroshock3383 I see Dallas as one of the refs 12909573 NULL polybius321 >pes in charge of knowing what's considered a save 12909953 NULL s0cialcommunist swore it was 5 12912443 NULL electroshock3383 too bad pdg isn't playing 12912443 NULL masteroffluff Er, as I was saying, I want to remain unbiased, so I'll just lo 12928193 NULL cptcourage or you could kill yourself 12928903 NULL normlperson Nepgeardam is a ref too 12931883 NULL quetzadrake they said to fuck off when asked if they wanted to play so 12934443 NULL basedsmugleaf I believe the refs for this game are Cheating, 200 Prisms and a 12936833 NULL electroshock3383 ded 12945763 NULL crackrobat makes sure to incorporate some memes at least 12967253 NULL masteroffluff Ah, of course! 12972033 NULL roronabest Yeah Nepgeardam is a ref 12972593 NULL quetzadrake oh hey big zam 12974293 NULL sorrowrunner But the Big Zam was never mas produced 12977503 NULL roronabest and a goalie 12979143 NULL sorrowrunner Make it a GM 12980253 NULL basedsmugleaf TYBBA 12981803 NULL masteroffluff Any suggestions for good memes to include in the cheers? 12986013 NULL funisallowedhere only if it takes up half the pitch like big rigger 12986863 NULL fraemi PARPRE HAART 12991013 NULL roronabest Pretty rigged if you ask me :^) 12993043 NULL dark_mandy WHOA 12994373 NULL nkxsqw BOX HEADER 12994393 NULL s0cialcommunist fug 12994663 NULL masteroffluff WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 12995193 NULL pwjp <3 12995223 NULL pelkeme THIS IS NEPGEAR 12996633 NULL polybius321 RIGGED 12998173 NULL fraemi CUCK THESE WEEBS 12998333 NULL vtecjumper FUCKING NADGERS 12998333 NULL cptcourage RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGED 13000733 NULL quetzadrake rigged 13002603 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13002633 NULL vtecjumper FUCK YOU FLUFF 13002993 NULL crackrobat considering it's the /vg/ league, no 13003913 NULL shadowtester rig raggled 13005533 NULL normlperson REMOVE NEP REF 13006303 NULL subparchessplayer REMOVE WEEB 13006663 NULL quetzadrake R I G G E D 13009343 NULL deathbymattam go nep nep! 13011413 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!!! 13012973 NULL jorleif RIGGED 13015293 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!!! 13015293 NULL fraemi RIGGED 13020423 NULL electroshock3383 One of the refs is nepgear so yeah 13021763 NULL enflamis NEPPED 13022543 NULL masteroffluff Yay team yay!!! 13026033 NULL masteroffluff WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 13029773 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13034523 NULL fraemi ACTION PRESS F IF THIS MATCH IS RIGGED 13038043 NULL crackrobat btw when bors plays xcom is it with or without LW? 13038883 NULL jorleif F 13039003 NULL subparchessplayer F 13040223 NULL sheep_stick F 13040253 NULL normlperson F 13040863 NULL electroshock3383 NEPPED* 13040943 NULL polybius321 F 13042013 NULL deltadutch F 13043643 NULL roronabest F 13043963 NULL electroshock3383 F 13045473 NULL pelkeme E 13047113 NULL fortknucks without 13047243 NULL concarious F 13048743 NULL nkxsqw FAIR GAME 13050833 NULL jorleif with 13050843 NULL crackrobat aww 13052273 NULL cptcourage F 13054263 NULL crackrobat what? 13059773 NULL electroshock3383 I like both teams here though 13060373 NULL k3nsh1n1589 F 13065723 NULL masteroffluff @Vtecjumper I'm cheering for both teams. 13082073 NULL sadpepe fucking biased ref 13082313 NULL cptcourage because you're a *** 13083433 NULL electroshock3383 Probably the first time I'm cheering both 13085673 NULL sadpepe fuck neptunia weebshit 13095883 NULL pwjp PJSalt 13104523 NULL masteroffluff Want some pom-poms? 13120113 NULL jorleif OSfrog REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGED OSfrog 13126573 NULL sadpepe http://www.twitch.tv/the4chancup 13139833 NULL cptcourage we're already there 13145713 NULL normlperson NepGate: Was /nepgen/-/xcg/ a staged match? 13155303 NULL sadpepe its staged 13156393 NULL jorleif yes 13163723 NULL cptcourage it's all pre-recorded 13163733 NULL sadpepe rigged for neptunia weebfaggots 13173193 NULL crackrobat we need to get bors to rerig it 13182013 NULL drborisg no rigging today 13188303 NULL drborisg also who scored the goal was it NEPGEAR? 13194263 NULL electroshock3383 yep 13195323 NULL roronabest Yes 13196793 NULL pelkeme NEPGEAR 13196923 NULL cptcourage pls no riggerino 13198473 NULL crackrobat yup 13200023 NULL electroshock3383 it was nepgear 13201553 NULL supertwinky also Nepgear is the ref 13209493 NULL supertwinky It's R I G G E D 13221373 NULL cecil_xix NepConspiracy 13231943 NULL crackrobat >at night >lights off >insect flies in homes in on the only lights 13232153 NULL crackrobat FUCK 13241653 NULL subparchessplayer YOU SHIT 13242163 NULL normlperson NEPGATE 13244433 NULL electroshock3383 M I S S 13244743 NULL masteroffluff Awwww!!! 13245893 NULL c806256 that despair 13247013 NULL sheep_stick THIN MINTS FailFish 13247063 NULL s0cialcommunist kill yourself 13247403 NULL fraemi RIGGED 13248273 NULL frankfronk thin mint why 13251513 NULL quetzadrake WIDE MINTS 13251903 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 13252693 NULL dark_mandy wow 13259403 NULL subparchessplayer SACK THEM SACK THEM SACK THEM 13267653 NULL pwjp >tfw like both teams 13273423 NULL pwjp >tfw just enjoying the salt 13274013 NULL electroshock3383 iktf 13281183 NULL sadpepe kappa 13281573 NULL cptcourage Good Luck Commander is on the field 13285003 NULL jorleif kill.self 13289303 NULL masteroffluff Fight team fight! 13291933 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13299623 NULL sadpepe who NEET here 13309493 NULL cptcourage who cares? 13310033 NULL electroshock3383 I'm in med school so nope 13331883 NULL crackrobat < 13346603 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 13349163 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms* 13352873 NULL fraemi >going to school 13355123 NULL s0cialcommunist >pom poms 13355523 NULL fraemi check out this goy 13356413 NULL cptcourage Die 13359113 NULL cptcourage In 13360413 NULL cptcourage A 13361573 NULL s0cialcommunist what is this high school 13362513 NULL cptcourage Fire 13382933 NULL masteroffluff Wooooooo!!! 13382973 NULL subparchessplayer SMOrc 13384663 NULL normlperson NEPGATE 13384723 NULL shadowtester RIGGGED 13385163 NULL electroshock3383 NEPPED 13386983 NULL polybius321 well it's SMOrc 13387633 NULL pelkeme THIS IS NEPGEAR 13387803 NULL jorleif RIGGED 13388113 NULL pwjp LEL 13388183 NULL quetzadrake ripip 13388253 NULL masteroffluff Yeaaaaaaaaaah!!! 13389533 NULL s0cialcommunist 2-0 its SMOrc 13390303 NULL nkxsqw GE-GE 13390833 NULL polybius321 and RIGGED 13390903 NULL fraemi RIGGED 13392153 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13393063 NULL roronabest Hahahaha 13393873 NULL cptcourage RIGGLED DIGGLED 13396433 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!!! 13396803 NULL fortknucks THIS IS NOT BY THE NUMBERS! 13397873 NULL pwjp STREAMER ABOOSE 13398073 NULL cecil_xix RIGGED 13400783 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!!! 13401153 NULL crackrobat MAXIMUM ROGGLING 13402193 NULL k3nsh1n1589 RIGGED 13402603 NULL fraemi RIGGGED 13403513 NULL sadpepe R 13405093 NULL sadpepe I 13406073 NULL concarious RIGGED 13408513 NULL jorleif OSfrog REEEEGGED OSfrog 13409773 NULL masteroffluff Go team, go team, yaaaaaaay!!! 13410893 NULL cptcourage WE WEREN'T EXPECTING THIS 13412403 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13412713 NULL polybius321 RIGGY DIGGY 13422433 NULL electroshock3383 Operation is going south quick 13437653 NULL tunamerchant2 UselessNepgear is running a stream where a team based of Nepgea 13438633 NULL normlperson Squad wiped by anime girls. This operation's over. 13440543 NULL polybius321 ayy lmaos critting all the rookies 13442153 NULL masteroffluff Hooraaaaaaah!!! 13445493 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13463963 NULL cptcourage Moonfolk are ayy lmaos right? 13471803 NULL electroshock3383 sort of 13473783 NULL sadpepe 👽 13473873 NULL teletack no 13476453 NULL fortknucks Rookie has panicked 13479473 NULL electroshock3383 I dunno 13481653 NULL sadpepe 👽 yoo rofl 13491723 NULL crackrobat /xcg/ is critically injured, press F to revive 13494603 NULL masteroffluff Woooo! 13495323 NULL cptcourage F 13495633 NULL electroshock3383 F 13497303 NULL subparchessplayer F 13497733 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13501393 NULL sorrowrunner F 13505173 NULL polybius321 it's already dead 13505583 NULL tunamerchant2 The whole squad is panicking, friendly fire everywhere 13517563 NULL subparchessplayer GARBAGE 13546093 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah! 13550183 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13552353 NULL polybius321 99% chance to not get a single shot 13555603 NULL fortknucks rev up that evac 13561863 NULL sadpepe 🎌 13564673 NULL fraemi >/int/ posting 13565743 NULL fraemi nigga 13570423 NULL fraemi these are /tv/ menes 13573613 NULL maxpiston that's the secret: it's always rigged 13576643 NULL electroshock3383 Squad wiped 13577063 NULL cecil_xix Will someone get this hothead out of here? 13580343 NULL masteroffluff Woohoo!! 13584143 NULL fraemi fuck these weebs 13585103 NULL nkxsqw NEP-NEP 13585303 NULL cptcourage It's SMOrc 13586353 NULL fraemi BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 13588413 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13590713 NULL sadpepe 👌 13591053 NULL ht_rock SQUAD WIPED BY NEPS 13591513 NULL jorleif Was being rigged part of your plan? 13592423 NULL cptcourage BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 13596943 NULL sheep_stick riots when? 13602663 NULL electroshock3383 6 more for the memorial wall 13606963 NULL cptcourage CRASHING THIS SKY RANGER 13610263 NULL maxpiston brazil has left the council 13611963 NULL fraemi BEHEAD THE WEEBS MY BROTHERS ALLAH WILLS IT 13614903 NULL roronabest Yay /nepgen/! 13617723 NULL electroshock3383 FUCKING BRs 13626663 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 13637223 NULL fortknucks >Thin mints 13637353 NULL cptcourage FUCKING HUEHUES 13644243 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!! 13646223 NULL crackrobat /xcg/ confirmed for all rookie 13659273 NULL cptcourage WHO THE FUCK SENT A ROOKIE SQUAD? 13663993 NULL electroshock3383 One guy panicked and everything went to shit 13666303 NULL concarious the only way this could have been more rigged was having nepgear a 13668233 NULL polybius321 RIGGED 13678923 NULL sadpepe >nepgear stadium 13681483 NULL sadpepe >nepgear streamer name 13684733 NULL cecil_xix The /m/ council controls all 13686363 NULL sadpepe i wonder who could be behind this 13686743 NULL jorleif >oh wait 13695893 NULL ltalguien you forgot the nepgear ref 13698883 NULL quetzadrake >Nepgear boxhead ref 13699213 NULL uramaget1 [smug anime violin intensifies] 13703173 NULL quetzadrake >Nepgear scores both goals 13706123 NULL quetzadrake >Nepgear MotM 13707693 NULL masteroffluff Last chance to take some pom-poms for today! 13709263 NULL cptcourage fucking smug little grills 13711943 NULL quetzadrake >Cheating ref called /xcg/ offsides 13713843 NULL k3nsh1n1589 CIVIL WAR BEGINS 13719403 NULL k3nsh1n1589 CIVIL WAR BEGINS!!!! 13722683 NULL sadpepe first for tharja best waifu 13726903 NULL uramaget1 >mario cart team 13731163 NULL uramaget1 >no blue shell 13732523 NULL subparchessplayer >Red RNGesus 13733993 NULL uramaget1 wut 13734693 NULL jorleif Nepgear steamer, Nepgear referee, Nepgear stadium, Nepgear Team, Nepg 13746613 NULL jorleif >not rigged 13750603 NULL crackrobat Nepgear chat 13760923 NULL normlperson I'm a Nepgear 13765953 NULL normlperson You're a Nepgear 13766133 NULL masteroffluff My pom-poms are strictly neutral. 13766173 NULL crackrobat chat confirmed for rigged 13770233 NULL normlperson We're all Nepgears 13771013 NULL electroshock3383 Everyone's nepgear 13795473 NULL k3nsh1n1589 >Space Slut 13802863 NULL k3nsh1n1589 poor Rosalina... 13813723 NULL cptcourage Can bors ban someone for excessive faggotry? 13817323 NULL masteroffluff He's Nepgear, she's Nepgear, you're Nepgear, I'm Nepgear! Are t 13818503 NULL electroshock3383 I still cannot go through that one ending in rebirth 2. 13820293 NULL normlperson don't bully rosalina 13825143 NULL sadpepe ban masteroffluff 13829073 NULL electroshock3383 that fucking ending 13829253 NULL sadpepe fuckign weeb fagot 13830893 NULL crackrobat You're nepgear 13835303 NULL k3nsh1n1589 best title screen of mk8 13837753 NULL descendingbears those are weird player names for Mortal Kombat 8 General Kapp 13842783 NULL anonyt there are no rules about posting. 13847973 NULL masteroffluff Again, my fluff is completely unbiased. 13849793 NULL anonyt There are no rules about banning 13855803 NULL cptcourage you're still a *** 13860103 NULL sadpepe eat shit 13860773 NULL normlperson EVERYWHERE I LOOK 13863353 NULL normlperson THERE IS A NEP 13867743 NULL crackrobat at what number is mortal kombat now? 13869833 NULL masteroffluff You can never bring down my spirit. 13873853 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 13874123 NULL k3nsh1n1589 10 13875503 NULL sadpepe i wonder if nepgear was rigging the game 13875593 NULL polybius321 RNGesus on the net 13876643 NULL electroshock3383 As long as you don't spam something like giddy up everywhere 13877963 NULL sadpepe on anonymous board 13879083 NULL sadpepe for free 13893563 NULL crackrobat >implying nepgear isn't dragonfag 13896113 NULL normlperson Hey there everyone 13909163 NULL normlperson This is Ryu 13912593 NULL normlperson from Streets 13913323 NULL uramaget1 spoiler: ryu is in smash too 13919563 NULL k3nsh1n1589 RYU >>>>> ROY 13923943 NULL normlperson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_NpSY1eUmU 13929833 NULL normlperson dropping a hot leak 13934083 NULL polybius321 RYU is on smash therefore smash is a fighting game 13938633 NULL jorleif I'd rather we got Hector or le Incest Spear Prince 13941213 NULL electroshock3383 QED 13942343 NULL polybius321 checkmate 13942983 NULL k3nsh1n1589 FUCKING LEGIT 13971990 NULL masteroffluff Oh no. 13976080 NULL fraemi WHENS /POL/??????? 13976160 NULL masteroffluff *hides under pom-poms* 13997660 NULL electroshock3383 I remembered that 13999140 NULL crackrobat how is the new smash shaping up? 14000060 NULL tunamerchant2 lel 14005400 NULL fraemi a-ayy.... l-lmao.......................................... 14009530 NULL dark_mandy haha 14010270 NULL electroshock3383 He started the mission expecting to get rekt 14010820 NULL k3nsh1n1589 ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy 14016930 NULL electroshock3383 but everyone lived 14017900 NULL sadpepe 👽 14020140 NULL masteroffluff Woo, let's go!! 14021740 NULL sadpepe extraterrestial face 14022050 NULL polybius321 ayy 14022830 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14022870 NULL sadpepe 👽👽👽👽👽 14027690 NULL sadpepe 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽 14029800 NULL subparchessplayer BANE? 14032730 NULL electroshock3383 the name doesn't help either 14033620 NULL fraemi CIA 14038430 NULL fraemi PLEASE CIA 14041640 NULL sadpepe CIA 14042770 NULL normlperson BANE? 14045980 NULL jorleif u u u u 14046320 NULL electroshock3383 UUUU 14047510 NULL crackrobat WAS RIGGING PART OF YOUR PLAN? 14049720 NULL fraemi HE IS A BIG GUY FOR US 14057790 NULL normlperson GET YOUR ResidentSleeper READY 14080264 NULL electroshock3383 >less than 100 14080974 NULL sadpepe play moot 14083334 NULL sadpepe impersonating bane 14094954 NULL tunamerchant2 get royally fucked game tips 14100494 NULL sadpepe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiiSpOXAkY4 14102884 NULL masteroffluff Here we go! *shake shake* Here we go! *shake shake* 14115514 NULL c806256 is that bacon girl 14126624 NULL electroshock3383 That boxhead ref is Nepgear? 14128204 NULL tunamerchant2 Why is bacon playing at /feg/? 14133264 NULL crackrobat fucking moot 14134584 NULL fraemi TriHard 14138484 NULL jorleif >Roy is on the wrong team 14149664 NULL sadpepe >team with less custom models always loses 14155424 NULL basedsmugleaf Bacongirl is a ref 14158684 NULL descendingbears And now here they are! The most daredevil group of daffy driv 14160634 NULL basedsmugleaf For /ksg/ rep 14162604 NULL normlperson >Nepgear ref again 14169814 NULL polybius321 WACKY RACES 14171254 NULL electroshock3383 Fuck yeah wacky races 14172554 NULL ht_rock WAY OUT WACKY RACES 14176084 NULL dark_mandy WACKY RACES 14183704 NULL crackrobat wacky races woo! 14191774 NULL crackrobat can't believe I recognized that 14191804 NULL c806256 >tfw no more wacky races intermission 14196464 NULL tunamerchant2 >tfw no more wacky races because >twitch 14196514 NULL polybius321 ;_; 14198844 NULL uramaget1 >tfw no wacky races during cups anymore 14200694 NULL tunamerchant2 ;_;7 14204824 NULL spreach ;_; 14208464 NULL crackrobat ;_;7 14214004 NULL masteroffluff Woooo, let's go!! 14214894 NULL uramaget1 we all know that feel ;_;7 14217674 NULL c806256 DED 14218214 NULL electroshock3383 DED 14218474 NULL polybius321 moida 14218854 NULL pelkeme DED 14219194 NULL jorleif DED 14219354 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14220264 NULL normlperson ERA PENAL 14220374 NULL crackrobat penal? 14221674 NULL tunamerchant2 DED 14223334 NULL maynravun BENULDY 14224304 NULL quetzadrake CARD 14225034 NULL anonyt ERA PENAL 14226784 NULL polybius321 THAT WAS A BLUE SHELL 14230374 NULL quetzadrake DALLAS 14232414 NULL quetzadrake SALLAD 14233624 NULL maxpiston MURDER 14239494 NULL c806256 KAPOW 14240524 NULL polybius321 KAPOW 14240784 NULL masteroffluff Ohhhhh!! 14241014 NULL normlperson KAPOW 14241024 NULL drborisg KAPOW 14241424 NULL jorleif KAPOW 14241714 NULL electroshock3383 KAPOW 14242544 NULL jjjdanny KAPOW 14242674 NULL maynravun KAPOW 14243144 NULL pelkeme KAPOW 14244844 NULL dark_mandy KAPOW 14244914 NULL crackrobat KAPOW 14245824 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-poms* 14247754 NULL tunamerchant2 GABOW :DDDD 14252134 NULL polybius321 so this is the hero king himself? 14255224 NULL descendingbears >tfw when Wacky Races will never have a game that is half as 14264764 NULL k3nsh1n1589 that's Lucina, poly 14282144 NULL normlperson dat shot 14282154 NULL masteroffluff Er, I know I've said this a bunch of times before, but everyone 14295124 NULL sadpepe >using word me*es 14317084 NULL masteroffluff Wooooo!!! 14317434 NULL electroshock3383 MARTH 14318564 NULL descendingbears MORF 14319414 NULL jorleif THE HERO KING 14321284 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14321994 NULL quetzadrake MARF 14324704 NULL cecil_xix THE PRINCE OF ALTEA 14324754 NULL pwjp MARF 14325774 NULL polybius321 MORTH 14325814 NULL maxpiston MARTH MARTH MARTH 14331344 NULL cecil_xix TOGETHER WE RIDE 14334034 NULL masteroffluff Rah rah rah!! 14338944 NULL jorleif TOGETHER THEY RIDE 14340134 NULL crackrobat incoming goalfest? 14344604 NULL masteroffluff Sis boom bah!!! 14350064 NULL masteroffluff Yay team yay!!! 14353344 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14356424 NULL polybius321 minna miteite kure 14371524 NULL k3nsh1n1589 If Marth touches the ball with conditions, he'll score 14389514 NULL jorleif dat tipper 14392814 NULL crackrobat any particular reason for having the D20 in every game? 14395714 NULL crackrobat not that I mind 14397154 NULL masteroffluff Yaaaaaay!!! 14399694 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14413054 NULL sadpepe cancer 14423684 NULL k3nsh1n1589 what? 14433114 NULL k3nsh1n1589 it's not Smash... 14445924 NULL quetzadrake Marth is in Smash 14451974 NULL pelkeme DED 14452044 NULL jorleif DED 14459554 NULL sadpepe the thought of a fat 28 year old manchild spamming kawaii pompom shit 14461054 NULL sadpepe gives me cancer 14479334 NULL masteroffluff You can't bring down my spirit. 14483264 NULL crushingon and it only has 20 uses 14484044 NULL electroshock3383 inb4 it's a grill 14487634 NULL crushingon so it can break quickly 14488474 NULL jorleif Get well soon 14491974 NULL masteroffluff You can't kill my spirit! 14495024 NULL crackrobat >implying you don't already have cancer 14510294 NULL tunamerchant2 >muh mar mar 14512834 NULL tunamerchant2 fucking tiki 14513834 NULL crushingon The final boss in FE6 is stationary and every crap Roy can one rou 14524504 NULL masteroffluff OH MY GOD. 14534364 NULL masteroffluff I didn't think they read this! 14543054 NULL masteroffluff Oh God, I'm blushing... 14548474 NULL sadpepe jesus gtfo 14548714 NULL polybius321 come on /mk8g/ I want to hear that goalhorn 14549854 NULL crushingon Ephraim come on! 14552214 NULL masteroffluff *covers face with pom-poms* 14554424 NULL crushingon or Sister Fucker is Celice? 14571394 NULL k3nsh1n1589 It's Gracen 14580034 NULL cecil_xix It could be anyone. 14594854 NULL descendingbears I wonder which manager is trying to force pom-poms meme 14600284 NULL tunamerchant2 It's FE, the answer is pretty much everyone 14604094 NULL normlperson it's Chance 14619914 NULL tunamerchant2 dat mouse 14626804 NULL crushingon come on Zigludo 14635494 NULL masteroffluff Uh-oh. 14636934 NULL crushingon President Marth! 14637534 NULL jorleif http://implyingrigged.info/w/images/d/db/Sisterfucker.png 14641344 NULL masteroffluff I don't wanna cause any drama... 14650444 NULL crushingon Good, it's Ephraim 14663894 NULL masteroffluff I'm just here to cheer. 14664614 NULL c806256 who's that sneezing in the background 14676424 NULL jorleif >le sniff 14678744 NULL subparchessplayer >the crumbling necropolis of autopilot teams not named /cgl 14679124 NULL crackrobat murder 14694384 NULL normlperson *raises /rsg/* 14698944 NULL c806256 *sniff* 14706264 NULL descendingbears jokes on you, /aa2g/ is gonna win the league 14712444 NULL electroshock3383 Wasn't /dsg/ on autopilot too? 14719354 NULL fraemi *raises paw* 14722754 NULL electroshock3383 DED 14737384 NULL masteroffluff *raises pom-pom* 14740594 NULL normlperson and banana peels 14745604 NULL polybius321 too busy spamming red shells to actually try to get first place 14752624 NULL masteroffluff Woooo!!! 14754484 NULL crushingon ZIGLUDO! 14756364 NULL k3nsh1n1589 true 14757074 NULL electroshock3383 STEAK 14762474 NULL masteroffluff Yay team!!! 14766404 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14775794 NULL pwjp ;_;7 14782164 NULL fraemi ACTION >tfw no big guy for you 14783254 NULL fraemi no homo 14802594 NULL jorleif Sigurd best Jeigan unit 14804264 NULL crushingon RIP in barbecue 14817114 NULL crushingon wasn't Cuan the Jeigan of the first Gen? 14822574 NULL maynravun wait fuck I never noticed the plane in the background sky on /tv/'s 14825124 NULL electroshock3383 that plane in the skybox 14839124 NULL masteroffluff Wooooo! 14841324 NULL masteroffluff Go team go!! 14844574 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14849524 NULL polybius321 crashing this lobby 14851884 NULL polybius321 with no survivors 14852994 NULL quetzadrake >geist 14859104 NULL jjjdanny Nevar furget CIA ;_;7 14871664 NULL crackrobat goddamnit /mk8/ 14891454 NULL polybius321 >tfw no one getting royally fucked 14906404 NULL electroshock3383 DED 14917704 NULL normlperson Scales = tipped 14917774 NULL crushingon Proc'd Astra on their ass 14918944 NULL electroshock3383 She probably likes it though 14953754 NULL masteroffluff Let's go! Woo! 14956824 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 14957284 NULL sorrowrunner Does 4ccg play in vgl? 14967534 NULL basedsmugleaf We will soon. 14969574 NULL crushingon Manjaw, lol, that's Lucina 14973464 NULL basedsmugleaf We will soon ;_;7 14980014 NULL electroshock3383 as the final boss? 14990864 NULL basedsmugleaf Actually yeah, that too 14995384 NULL electroshock3383 kk 15001874 NULL jorleif Out comes FemJew 15003514 NULL descendingbears when /4ccg/ wins, we all win <3 15027444 NULL jorleif >using subhumans 15053964 NULL jorleif DED 15057794 NULL crackrobat space slut takes revenge 15058044 NULL electroshock3383 DED 15064754 NULL electroshock3383 MARIO CARD 8 15079354 NULL fraemi xD 15080294 NULL jorleif kill.self 15088234 NULL sadpepe when is /wotg/ playing 15090724 NULL polybius321 I give that pun 8/10 it was okay - IGN 15098814 NULL tunamerchant2 >allowing sub-humans to play 15101434 NULL fraemi >not at least 9/10 15105474 NULL fraemi did your paycheck not arrive? 15105954 NULL tunamerchant2 please go 15112344 NULL polybius321 not yet 15146564 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 15157164 NULL masteroffluff Go team! 15159424 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 15172074 NULL crackrobat talk about one sided game though 15175564 NULL crushingon They move on the turn they come 15179474 NULL crushingon we hard mode now 15183594 NULL sorrowrunner Gargoyle reinforcements and evil eye reinforcements a best 15191994 NULL polybius321 switch to 200cc already mk8g 15196634 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc 15204484 NULL crushingon Gargoyles are easy shit when Arthur is a Bishop 15231514 NULL descendingbears mk8g playing mirror and has a hard time distinguishing the si 15234034 NULL polybius321 >no support 15237694 NULL masteroffluff Woooo!! 15239824 NULL quetzadrake sniff 15240874 NULL tunamerchant2 >monster reinforcements HAHA TIME FOR LIGHT 15243324 NULL electroshock3383 SMOrc SMOrc 15243494 NULL masteroffluff Yay team!!! 15246404 NULL masteroffluff *shakes pom-poms* 15261004 NULL crushingon Good thing Lute and Arthur support 15271834 NULL electroshock3383 4 fouls 15298104 NULL crackrobat /mk8/ had a terrible offense 15353961 NULL masteroffluff Well, this was fun! 15369931 NULL masteroffluff I'll be sure to have some proper cheers for tomorrow. 15372711 NULL ltalguien oh hey two yellow cards, thats a record isn't it? 15376651 NULL sadpepe eat shit and die 15376961 NULL fraemi press /y/ to receive an error 15385571 NULL masteroffluff *lashes pom-pom at SadPepe* 15388231 NULL electroshock3383 /y/ 15393681 NULL masteroffluff No team spirit. 15399471 NULL quetzadrake why is that /gsg/ player Midou 15403471 NULL quetzadrake that was weird 15410221 NULL fraemi >2013 15411631 NULL fraemi niqqa 15418441 NULL normlperson >established 2013 15421811 NULL moisheshekelstein >2013 15428901 NULL masteroffluff Woo! 15433611 NULL quetzadrake ohboi 15441341 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms* 15442791 NULL electroshock3383 oh boy 15443051 NULL fraemi >k-knowing how to abberviate 15446571 NULL moisheshekelstein [muffled rigging in the distance] 15447821 NULL fraemi l-lmao check out this nerd.... 15450901 NULL electroshock3383 dota 2 vs wot 15471991 NULL normlperson のヮの 15483141 NULL polybius321 I won't be able to do wrasslin tomorrow 15488721 NULL crackrobat comfy after this? 15501461 NULL masteroffluff I'll be back tomorrow with my pom-poms. 15505381 NULL masteroffluff Bye! 15512291 NULL masteroffluff *waves pom-poms* 15514571 NULL anonyt same bat time same bat channel 15522881 NULL normlperson who /yuusha/ here 15537231 NULL anonyt drborisg you gonna stream some heart of the cards? 15572461 NULL crackrobat yes pls 15581501 NULL moulesfritz CARD GAMES YES