14970 NULL MilSurpAnon Is liv 20400 NULL TWAIN is there sound? 24710 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DED 26200 NULL SilentCook DED 26820 NULL Clerish >dat 720p quality 40370 NULL JohnHayabusa LIV 41510 NULL JohnHayabusa Echo? 43080 NULL metagross01 GEGGELS :D 43540 NULL Fapoleono OMG GEGGELS SAY MY NAME 55800 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Liv 58600 NULL DagYouAzido Shit, forgot to give Kekkels opening music 58670 NULL JohnHayabusa KEKKELS :DD 65200 NULL Electroshock3383 chibiHype 67010 NULL Polizpolice we were TSUUU and shiz 71120 NULL MilSurpAnon >0-0 draw 73190 NULL Giddythefuckup KEKKELS :DD 74190 NULL MilSurpAnon >not patrician 2-2 draw 75270 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @Kekkels you are TOO quiet your commentators are good but 106870 NULL SpeghiHaram prepare for massive semen slurping 106910 NULL DagYouAzido Up mic volume pls 114210 NULL Clerish It's gud now 119580 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @Kekkels stop making your commentators louder. 122040 NULL TWAIN >/spint/ manager 122390 NULL SilentCook pls respond 128550 NULL TWAIN not fucking again 139800 NULL NuclearFissionRobot you sound good though 149850 NULL NuclearFissionRobot hamsterling and twain are blowing my ears out 153780 NULL NuclearFissionRobot and when I turn it down I cna't hear much else 160890 NULL Esposito77 OMG GEGGELS SAY MY NAME :rofl: 161110 NULL NuclearFissionRobot whoever it is 163420 NULL Esposito77 :^) 194280 NULL NuclearFissionRobot they are LOUD 195390 NULL DagYouAzido Take out the wallpaper 197430 NULL SilentCook nice conditions 197630 NULL Polizpolice vr is coupled with who? 204810 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @Kekkels you are still on wallpaper 210950 NULL metagross01 vr and m 221230 NULL Polizpolice oh nic 223180 NULL SirPainsalot nice screen kekkels 238500 NULL SirPainsalot >kekkels 239730 NULL Esposito77 Papua New Guinea 244870 NULL ChowderSoup tongo somehting something 248110 NULL Colombianbro Timor 252900 NULL Colombianbro its Timor 255370 NULL Necropenguin Papua New Guinea you shit 261820 NULL metagross01 >orange Albertsu and Messi 270730 NULL Colombianbro Its Timor you fag 271870 NULL Electroshock3383 Will Messi be white today 272570 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ok the commentators are at a good volume now 290950 NULL metagross01 >ORANGE SEGATA 293040 NULL DagYouAzido Blue keepers 298780 NULL Colombianbro Messi is never white 302510 NULL Esposito77 You're wrong or meming Colombian 309010 NULL Esposito77 :^) 310550 NULL Colombianbro nah just meming lel 315900 NULL Colombianbro also 317480 NULL Suule DA SPURDS :DDDD XDDDDDD 319870 NULL metagross01 dabs 324860 NULL Colombianbro >TSU """"""""ALBERTO"""""" BARBOSA 333113 NULL NuclearFissionRobot yeah you can do that /e/ does that. I dunnow HOW they do 334463 NULL Suule SPURDO BALL 339793 NULL Suule SPURDO OR RIOTS 341973 NULL Electroshock3383 *dabs* :DDDDDDDD 345123 NULL metagross01 BENIS :DDDD 349733 NULL Esposito77 BOY I CAN'T WAIT FOR ANOTHER 0-0 DRAW! 351163 NULL ChowderSoup your face when spurdo wins the memeb owl 364753 NULL indistrikable >it's a kekkels says benis episode 367283 NULL Silvex FUG 368593 NULL metagross01 RNGesus 369843 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG 371973 NULL Laserty TIME FOR THE BEST TEAM /vrm/ 380493 NULL Fapoleono GIVE SPINT YOUR ENERGY 383983 NULL JohnHayabusa Lel 385983 NULL Suule SPURD :DDD XDDDD 386783 NULL Silvex tsuuuuuuuuuu 389853 NULL Laserty is hyped 390873 NULL BlueLogic VROOM VROOM MOTHERFUCKER 391143 NULL TWAIN tsu. 393403 NULL Fapoleono Dsuuuu :DDD 395603 NULL Colombianbro da hair 399123 NULL Polizpolice METAL GEAR!? 401233 NULL Colombianbro WE WUZ 402683 NULL Esposito77 BENIS :DDDDDDDDDD 405823 NULL Colombianbro MOORS AND SHIET 407703 NULL SuperAsia >all these 2d blenders 409093 NULL NuclearFissionRobot BEHOLD MY HUMAN LASER! 409353 NULL Electroshock3383 dat Big Zam 409563 NULL metagross01 trixiEbin 414963 NULL ChowderSoup love the sprites as players 415433 NULL Colombianbro I love this osng 416803 NULL JohnHayabusa Mecha Benis :DDDDDD 417093 NULL Colombianbro song 421753 NULL Silvex t. alberto ronaldo 422443 NULL Laserty Ex-Aid's outfit ! YES ! 424513 NULL Fapoleono *dabs* :DDDDD 426233 NULL metagross01 *dabs* 426673 NULL Electroshock3383 *Dabs* 427943 NULL TWAIN da spurs :DDDDD 429093 NULL Esposito77 A 433603 NULL Esposito77 FUCKING 433883 NULL Silvex *DABS* 436353 NULL Suule XD :DDDDD *dab* :DDDDD XDDD 437393 NULL Esposito77 LEAF 438533 NULL Electroshock3383 BEAUTIFUL 440073 NULL indistrikable dabs 440693 NULL BlueLogic *dabs* :DDDDDDDD 441573 NULL SuperAsia I can't wait to listen to the commentators mispronounce Big Zam for 441583 NULL metagross01 PERFECT DAB 444423 NULL autis >messi 446363 NULL autis >white 446413 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING *DABS* 459153 NULL Electroshock3383 trixiEbin 462083 NULL metagross01 >russia 2018 469873 NULL Electroshock3383 A 472673 NULL Silvex ;_;7 474383 NULL SuperAsia FUCKING 475013 NULL JohnHayabusa Lel 477953 NULL Polizpolice A FUCKING METAL GEAR 479303 NULL Giddythefuckup LEAR 483373 NULL Suule :DDDDD XDDD 488803 NULL SuperAsia >lear 489533 NULL Suule FUGGEN PITCH 490903 NULL Esposito77 Tiny Zam <3 491113 NULL Alfonso13 >Ebin Mierdril 492983 NULL Colombianbro FUG 495733 NULL JohnHayabusa >105 viewers 499703 NULL Colombianbro halal benis :DDD 501363 NULL Alfonso13 >This cross 507033 NULL Alfonso13 NOT HALAL. REMOVE IT 507073 NULL JohnHayabusa ./vrm/ for me 510843 NULL Electroshock3383 2-2 I think 516783 NULL SuperAsia dude benis lmao nymnBenis 516823 NULL Colombianbro Hala Madrid :DDD 517843 NULL Polizpolice that manlet zam 524833 NULL MaxPiston CRUSHED in a draw 527273 NULL Laserty 2-1 for /vrm/ 539393 NULL SirPainsalot CRUSHED 539543 NULL JohnHayabusa >>>>>>"""""""""""""""Big""""""""""""""" Zam 539743 NULL BILLYBOB4038 I just got here, are vrm wearing Ex-aid kits? 540943 NULL Silvex ERA 553313 NULL Electroshock3383 POO 554503 NULL Laserty Yes ! Ex-Aid's outfit ! 554663 NULL Necropenguin yes 555633 NULL ChowderSoup DA SPURS :DDD 556573 NULL SpeghiHaram IN 557703 NULL JohnHayabusa Poo 561323 NULL Alfonso13 >IMBLYING that this is Halal :DDDDD 563393 NULL TWAIN poo on pitch 579623 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING LEAF 582043 NULL Suule *DABS SPURDILY* 588983 NULL metagross01 DABENIS 594583 NULL SpeghiHaram Ebin dab Xx---DDDDD 601643 NULL JohnHayabusa >VR Troopers 606503 NULL Silvex >MESSHIT 612753 NULL JohnHayabusa Anyone watching the Power Rangers stream? 614993 NULL metagross01 REX 616083 NULL TWAIN fugg 616173 NULL JohnHayabusa REX 616353 NULL SilentCook NICE 617343 NULL Silvex KEK 617483 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 617883 NULL Electroshock3383 REX 618573 NULL URAMAGET Fun fact: the dab also works as anime naruto running arms and help s 619063 NULL SpeghiHaram Fug :DDDD :DDD 619763 NULL JohnHayabusa NICE 620063 NULL autis OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 620773 NULL SuperAsia VROOM VROOM 621183 NULL BILLYBOB4038 wow 621773 NULL autis NOOO 623223 NULL Electroshock3383 A METAL GEAR? 624323 NULL DagYouAzido REX 624723 NULL Suule HUH, METAL GEAR? 625113 NULL Silvex >that attempt of a block 625943 NULL BlueLogic METAL GEAR!?!?! 627953 NULL Polizpolice METAL GEAR!? 628523 NULL Electroshock3383 ! 629013 NULL Laserty SAIDAIKYUU NO POWERFUL REX 629393 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 630803 NULL Vilip STANDING 631163 NULL URAMAGET ! 632483 NULL metagross01 A WEAPON TO SURPASS METAL GEAR 633393 NULL MrCopout fug :DDDDD 634103 NULL Electroshock3383 ALERT 99.99 634463 NULL JohnHayabusa BASED VRM 635763 NULL MaxPiston !?!?! 637963 NULL SuperAsia >MGS1 >retro 639253 NULL SuperAsia uhhh 641093 NULL JohnHayabusa BoSS THEME 641313 NULL Giddythefuckup FUGG 643493 NULL autis EXPOSED 645243 NULL JohnHayabusa PS1 is /vr/ 646233 NULL DagYouAzido >his neck tattoo 646243 NULL Polizpolice even nineball seraph is considered retro now 646243 NULL metagross01 >Segata's blender 646393 NULL Silvex pay attention to the CB 650163 NULL SirPainsalot BROOOOTHEEEEERRRRR 651443 NULL Giddythefuckup PS1 is /vr/ asia you fugg 654243 NULL Giddythefuckup Aeris is in the team 655783 NULL JohnHayabusa MGS1 boss theme 658863 NULL QDvg PS1 happened before DC you know 663063 NULL Vilip WHAT A THRILL 665573 NULL indistrikable >he does it for free 666203 NULL Silvex >that jumping tackle from hot pockets 667243 NULL JohnHayabusa One of the best boss themes in the world 667713 NULL SuperAsia how long until GBA is retro ;) 670613 NULL Silvex literally spilled his spaghetti 672003 NULL Giddythefuckup PS1 happened before 9/11 673023 NULL Mantis >hot pockets 675563 NULL JohnHayabusa And REX best MG 682253 NULL metagross01 GBA retro maybe when PS5 comes 683123 NULL Laserty SuperAsia please, GBA is already retro 697663 NULL JohnHayabusa How long until PS2 is retro? 703563 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 708173 NULL JohnHayabusa wwwwwwwww 710813 NULL Electroshock3383 Temjin? 711593 NULL akaikem is n-gage retro 712663 NULL Mantis How long until the switch is retro? 716503 NULL FukouDa KEK 717353 NULL ChowderSoup remove more 718953 NULL Suule PS2 will never be retro on /vr/ 721173 NULL JohnHayabusa A card for a floating cardboard 722003 NULL ChowderSoup moor* 722593 NULL Polizpolice temjin 724113 NULL Mantis How long until PC is retro? 724363 NULL Suule To prevent Sonyfag shitposting 726463 NULL MaxPiston [muffled autism in the distance] 730423 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING METAL GEAR 733963 NULL Alfonso13 >Tfw still no working n-gage emulator 737653 NULL SuperAsia :( 739203 NULL Laserty GBA is the lastest entry in the retro universe regarding portable gam 739843 NULL BILLYBOB4038 Tsu needed to GET READY 745833 NULL metagross01 >tfw no good Sega Saturn emulator 747433 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 756783 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw no good PS3 emu 759503 NULL Suule Metagross, they finally managed to crack Saturn last year 763573 NULL akaikem >tfw no good atari jaguar emulator 764723 NULL Silvex >>>>>>>>>>>hotpockets 765023 NULL BILLYBOB4038 that efficiency 767923 NULL indistrikable someone strip that janitor of his wages 771483 NULL Suule By the MPEG-2 port 771963 NULL Electroshock3383 KEK 772033 NULL metagross01 That was for the Saturn discs, right? 772733 NULL Laserty >tfw no good PSVita emolator 776073 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 777823 NULL Clerish My sides 777873 NULL Silvex kek 782613 NULL DagYouAzido KEK 788873 NULL Suule For dumping whole BIOS pretty much 789293 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw no good Switch emu :^) 790473 NULL Laserty TOPKEK 792763 NULL SilentCook RUSED 793063 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 794343 NULL JohnHayabusa NO 796253 NULL Silvex OFFSIDE 797223 NULL Electroshock3383 RUSED 797423 NULL JohnHayabusa NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 797493 NULL DagYouAzido OFFSIDE 797593 NULL metagross01 >A good Wii U emulator was made before a Xbox emulator 797703 NULL Suule THE SPAGHETTI 801643 NULL Alfonso13 AN OFFSIDE TO SURPASS METAL GEAR 803843 NULL QDvg karl where's your flag 804133 NULL ChowderSoup A FLAG TO SURPASS METAL GEAR 804193 NULL BILLYBOB4038 AN OFFSIDE!? 804873 NULL JohnHayabusa Offside Gear 806523 NULL Clerish THE EMPEROR DOES NOT APPROVE 807853 NULL Necropenguin REF BALL 812233 NULL baudneutron RUSED 818923 NULL JohnHayabusa AN OFFSIDE?! IT CAN'T BE! 841303 NULL JohnHayabusa THERE ARE NO CONTINUES, MY FRIEND 864073 NULL metagross01 Segata pls 867653 NULL Silvex ERA 868573 NULL MilSurpAnon kek 869703 NULL Electroshock3383 >MESSI 872653 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 883183 NULL metagross01 is that messi or higuain? Kappa 895133 NULL Giddythefuckup What does Youess says? 896143 NULL Alfonso13 >TSU passing 899533 NULL JohnHayabusa """"""""""Big""""""""""""""" Zam 900793 NULL Electroshock3383 A 902843 NULL TWAIN A 905003 NULL DagYouAzido FUCKING 906613 NULL metagross01 FUCKING 907763 NULL SpeghiHaram LEAF 908203 NULL Silvex LEAF 908653 NULL MrCopout LEAF 908843 NULL metagross01 LEAF 910693 NULL JohnHayabusa >A >FUCKING >LEAF 912413 NULL Polizpolice NINE BALL 918543 NULL JohnHayabusa WHEN WILL THEY LEARN? 923183 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 925433 NULL metagross01 >/spint/ passing 927543 NULL autis A 937633 NULL Silvex NO ERA 939803 NULL DagYouAzido CAREFUL 947083 NULL JohnHayabusa Metal Gear Ded 960833 NULL JohnHayabusa SPURDAB 976483 NULL metagross01 corner kick 984833 NULL metagross01 >REX 988163 NULL Electroshock3383 >REX 989363 NULL Silvex METAL 989893 NULL Silvex GEAR 992733 NULL DagYouAzido WIDE 992863 NULL JohnHayabusa Metal Gear Wide 995573 NULL Electroshock3383 LIQUID PLS 995803 NULL Polizpolice wide gear rex 999723 NULL JohnHayabusa SNEEEEEEEEEEEK 1008603 NULL Alfonso13 SNEB :DDDD 1020873 NULL Electroshock3383 >MEGACHOKE 1022073 NULL Polizpolice MEGACHOKE 1023933 NULL Silvex MEGA CUCK 1025443 NULL metagross01 MEGACHOKE 1027123 NULL Alfonso13 >Megashit 1030563 NULL Mobaloba SUPER CHOKING ROBOT 1031053 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 1031873 NULL Alguien SHOT AND WIDE MAN 1034643 NULL BILLYBOB4038 SUPER WIDEING ROBOT 1035563 NULL JohnHayabusa MEGACHOKE 1040733 NULL Melanny CHOKEMAN 1043853 NULL Alfonso13 Should had picked Zero or Axl 1057023 NULL Polizpolice SLUUUUUUUUUURP 1060443 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 1061153 NULL Electroshock3383 >1(0) 1064723 NULL DagYouAzido >1(0) 1075263 NULL JohnHayabusa >1(0) 1079523 NULL Silvex sack hot pockets 1101643 NULL JohnHayabusa >Second opening looking ded compared to yesterday's 1101723 NULL metagross01 LANG BAAL 1103913 NULL Silvex lang ball 1108983 NULL JohnHayabusa LANG BAAL 1110843 NULL TWAIN >lang 1134993 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING /spint/ 1149663 NULL Electroshock3383 SPAGHETTI FLAVOR 1152153 NULL Silvex fuck hot pockets 1153053 NULL SpeghiHaram FOR FREEEE 1153683 NULL metagross01 PLEASE WATCH OUR POO 1156913 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 1163513 NULL Electroshock3383 MESSI IS WHITE 1163973 NULL Suule > MESSI 1164373 NULL Polizpolice MESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSII 1165323 NULL JohnHayabusa Chokepockets 1165323 NULL metagross01 MESSI IS WHITE 1165483 NULL Suule > WHITE 1165823 NULL TWAIN MESSI ES BLANCO 1166433 NULL SpeghiHaram MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI 1167023 NULL Giddythefuckup ARAB TSUUUUUUUUUUU 1168463 NULL Clerish >WHEN THE LANGBALL WERKS 1168983 NULL DagYouAzido MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI 1169183 NULL Silvex MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESS 1170373 NULL Giddythefuckup oh wait tis messi 1172133 NULL JohnHayabusa MESSI 1173223 NULL Silvex MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESS 1173343 NULL Fapoleono MESSI 1174363 NULL Giddythefuckup >MESSI >WHITE 1175893 NULL JohnHayabusa MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESS 1176223 NULL Suule MESSI NO ES EL BLANCO 1176983 NULL Electroshock3383 >soccer 1177713 NULL Alfonso13 MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI X100 1177913 NULL Clerish MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MES 1179613 NULL TWAIN >soccer 1179973 NULL Giddythefuckup >soccer 1181563 NULL Silvex MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESS 1181713 NULL DagYouAzido >soccer 1182053 NULL JohnHayabusa >MESSI >WHITE >GOAL 1182593 NULL metagross01 FOOTBALL 1183243 NULL Silvex MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESS 1185963 NULL MrCopout SOCCER 1186153 NULL Clerish MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MES 1188283 NULL JohnHayabusa FOOTBALL 1192583 NULL Laserty WAIT FOR /vrm/ to score another one 1194173 NULL TWAIN MANLET HEADER 1196583 NULL URAMAGET Press f to make this the new /sp/ goalhorn 1197723 NULL QDvg messi 1197983 NULL JohnHayabusa FOOTBALL SOCCER FOOTBALL SOCCER FOOTBALL SOCCER FOOTBALL SOCCER 1199803 NULL metagross01 f 1201533 NULL JohnHayabusa F 1204143 NULL Electroshock3383 This should be /sp/'s horn 1205033 NULL Laserty and it'll be 2-1 for /vrm/ like I predicted 1207593 NULL Alfonso13 yeah.rip 1215573 NULL DagYouAzido >replacing Wavin Flag 1221563 NULL Polizpolice nah can't beat waving 1223453 NULL TWAIN waving flag is eternal 1224553 NULL MrCopout never ever 1225193 NULL Alfonso13 >That celebration 1225413 NULL JohnHayabusa FOOTBALL SOCCER 1229863 NULL Electroshock3383 oh yeah forgot about that 1233243 NULL JohnHayabusa GREATEST GAME OF ALL 1233493 NULL indistrikable f 1234653 NULL Laserty FOOTBALL SUCKER 1235833 NULL URAMAGET waving flag could be the victory anthem 1236773 NULL JohnHayabusa F 1240943 NULL 6letters waving flag even works as an int one cause it was for the world cup 1244263 NULL ChowderSoup HEY HEY HEY 1253183 NULL metagross01 world cup 2010 1261993 NULL MrCopout if it were their victory anthem we would never hear it 1273623 NULL Alfonso13 Delet 1283363 NULL Silvex being AB/sp/ is a mental disease 1304083 NULL Polizpolice KKE 1305883 NULL Electroshock3383 WTF LIQUID 1306493 NULL Polizpolice KEKKKKKKKK 1306563 NULL Fapoleono KEK 1307303 NULL TWAIN LEL 1307523 NULL Silvex KEK 1308393 NULL metagross01 KEK 1308663 NULL Suule SPAGHETTI MAXMIMUS 1309483 NULL Polizpolice TOP 1310863 NULL DagYouAzido KEK 1314523 NULL Suule SAVE THAT SHIT 1314703 NULL JohnHayabusa LEL 1316073 NULL indistrikable l m a o 1317113 NULL Laserty TOPKEK 1320793 NULL autis EBIIIIINNNNNNN 1321603 NULL JohnHayabusa METAL GEAR LEL 1325283 NULL Electroshock3383 KAPOW 1334363 NULL Alfonso13 HE DOES IT FOR FREE 1335393 NULL metagross01 fug 1337803 NULL Polizpolice SPURDO ?DDD 1339913 NULL JohnHayabusa LEL 1344503 NULL Suule FUGGGG XDDDD :DDDDD 1347133 NULL JohnHayabusa SPURDAB 1351733 NULL Giddythefuckup SUGGSEFUL :DDD 1353033 NULL JohnHayabusa FUGG :DDDDDDD 1357693 NULL SpeghiHaram A 1358893 NULL metagross01 A 1359123 NULL Electroshock3383 A FUCKING LEAF 1360363 NULL TWAIN FUCKING 1360623 NULL Giddythefuckup >A FUCKING LEAR 1360833 NULL metagross01 FUCKING 1361253 NULL Suule A FUCKING LEAR 1361673 NULL Polizpolice A FUCKING LEAF 1362143 NULL metagross01 LEAF 1362583 NULL Lowroll3r AA 1362743 NULL Alfonso13 >Lear 1363143 NULL Silvex A FUCKING LEAF 1364183 NULL DagYouAzido A FUCKING LEAF 1364363 NULL JohnHayabusa LEAF 1364553 NULL Lowroll3r A 1365273 NULL QDvg a FUCKING leaf 1367673 NULL SuperAsia A 1368713 NULL autis A FUCKING LEAF 1368753 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING WIDE 1368783 NULL Lowroll3r FUCKING 1370353 NULL SuperAsia LEAF 1373473 NULL indistrikable SACK THAT LEAF 1377833 NULL JohnHayabusa Day of the rig 1381903 NULL Laserty >implying a leaf can do shit 1413323 NULL Silvex FUCKING HOT POCKETS 1415813 NULL Clerish >a leaf 1424583 NULL Electroshock3383 HE DOES IT FOR FREE 1427733 NULL ChowderSoup does it for free 1432593 NULL Silvex first you kill /sp/ now you kill /spint/ 1438683 NULL Laserty the pockets are hot 1444173 NULL Electroshock3383 >messi >white 1448513 NULL TWAIN >messi >goal 1457283 NULL JohnHayabusa >MESSHIT >CHOKE 1465153 NULL Silvex sub out el peruANO 1465893 NULL autis huezil 1467513 NULL TSUUUU >messi >not sacked yet 1468283 NULL Silvex he's a weeb plant 1470013 NULL TSUUUU why.jpg 1470993 NULL JohnHayabusa TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1483763 NULL JohnHayabusa Press TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1490273 NULL Silvex TSU 1509043 NULL Alfonso13 Hold your breath and type TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1514503 NULL JohnHayabusa We had a strong opening yesterday 1520703 NULL Necropenguin METAL GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR 1523823 NULL JohnHayabusa And today's looks ded 1560593 NULL metagross01 well, /uv/ always gives good matches... 1573263 NULL Silvex based 1580733 NULL TWAIN >finland 1582163 NULL Silvex AND BINLAND LOSES AGAIN 1582503 NULL metagross01 >strayans in eurovision 1584533 NULL Necropenguin BENCH fkavor 1593603 NULL TWAIN >>96 1597343 NULL QDvg please watch our poor off the sun 1613203 NULL Electroshock3383 SLIDE 1617383 NULL Silvex ERA 1618323 NULL JohnHayabusa "Holy fuck, that face!" - Kekkels, 2017 1622193 NULL JohnHayabusa Yellow 1623903 NULL Electroshock3383 FUGGGGG :DDDDDDDD 1624853 NULL JohnHayabusa Yellow Man 1627523 NULL JohnHayabusa Card man 1635103 NULL BILLYBOB4038 You Got 1635763 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG :DDDDD 1636503 NULL Clerish *dabs into the ground* 1640243 NULL Mobaloba CHARGE KICK 1643093 NULL BILLYBOB4038 CHARGE KICK 1646073 NULL Polizpolice A FUCKING CHOKE 1654963 NULL metagross01 NO ERA PENAL 1656513 NULL Silvex AND FINALD 1657263 NULL Alfonso13 >That 1659223 NULL Alguien ERA PENAL 1662083 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 1662873 NULL Alfonso13 >Not a penal and red 1664753 NULL Silvex NO EAR 1666883 NULL metagross01 wat 1670843 NULL Polizpolice manlet on manlet violence 1737573 NULL JohnHayabusa I knew I was gonna listen to that MGS1 boss theme today :) 1769563 NULL JohnHayabusa It can't be an MG rep without a MG goalhorn 1773663 NULL Silvex :pistol: I have crippling depression and think of commiting suicide ev 1773873 NULL metagross01 SEGATAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1775883 NULL Alfonso13 >Finland defending 1776353 NULL Electroshock3383 SEGATA 1778413 NULL Polizpolice SEGATAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1778473 NULL SilentCook SEGATAAAA 1778503 NULL Suule FINALLY 1778543 NULL JohnHayabusa SEGATA 1779933 NULL QDvg SEGATA SANSHIRO 1781283 NULL autis >filand 1781903 NULL metagross01 SEGA SATURN SHIRO 1782623 NULL BlueLogic SEGATAAAAAAAA 1785643 NULL JohnHayabusa SEGATA SANSHIRO 1786723 NULL Laserty SEGATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1788013 NULL Mobaloba SEGATAAAAAAA 1788053 NULL Alguien SEGATA SANSHIRO 1789593 NULL Necropenguin PLEASE PLAY MY CONSOLE 1790213 NULL URAMAGET >hugs mecha hitler 1790433 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 1790563 NULL Giddythefuckup It's >rape's dad :DD 1790623 NULL metagross01 PLAY UNTIL YOUR FINGERS BREAK 1791473 NULL Silvex and finland loses again 1792293 NULL Laserty I TOLD YOU GUYS 1792443 NULL Fapoleono SEGATA 1796353 NULL Laserty 2-1 FOR /vrm/ 1797333 NULL DagYouAzido SEGATA 1799473 NULL metagross01 PRESS S TO PLAY SEGA SATURN 1802043 NULL JohnHayabusa S 1803843 NULL URAMAGET s 1804143 NULL Mobaloba S 1804193 NULL SuperAsia S 1804453 NULL DagYouAzido S 1805273 NULL drmchsr0 S 1805423 NULL BlueLogic S 1806043 NULL Suule S 1807193 NULL Alguien S 1807983 NULL Fapoleono S 1809063 NULL Clerish S 1809463 NULL Alfonso13 S 1810963 NULL Laserty I FUCKIGN TOLD YOU GUYS IT'LL BE 2-1 FOR /vrm/ 1813383 NULL QDvg S 1813793 NULL Laserty S 1814393 NULL Polizpolice fucking beautiful goal 1819353 NULL polybius S 1823093 NULL metagross01 SEGATA SANSHIRO 1828273 NULL metagross01 SEGA SATURN SHIRO 1837993 NULL Silvex >eurovision gets nutmegged 1840133 NULL JohnHayabusa SEGATA SANSHIRO 1843263 NULL Alguien >Hitler did something right 1847603 NULL JohnHayabusa SEGATA SATURN SHIRO 1850573 NULL polybius Mecha Hitler did nothing wrong 1855093 NULL Suule ;_;7 Segata 1859253 NULL QDvg IT'S MY BOI 1862243 NULL Polizpolice FUCKING BURIKI DAIOH 1867543 NULL BILLYBOB4038 IMA WA 1868363 NULL JohnHayabusa IT'S YA BOI 1886663 NULL Electroshock3383 HUE 1886803 NULL DagYouAzido HUE 1889303 NULL JohnHayabusa HUE 1892363 NULL Colombianbro HUE 1897623 NULL Silvex HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE 1898123 NULL Alguien HUE 1898323 NULL JohnHayabusa HUEZIL HUEZIL HUEZIL HUEZIL HUEZIL HUEZIL HUEZIL 1898473 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 SEVEN WORKING CITIZENS FROM AFRICAN-AMERICAN DESCENT FORWARD! 1905563 NULL Electroshock3383 HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE 1907813 NULL Colombianbro Press H for HUE 1910803 NULL Melanny HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEBRBRBRBRBBR 1911333 NULL JohnHayabusa LEL 1913523 NULL JohnHayabusa HUE 1917193 NULL JohnHayabusa KEKEKEKEK 1924003 NULL Electroshock3383 >TSUUUUUUUU 1927223 NULL Silvex >tsu 1927373 NULL Clerish >penaldo 1927473 NULL SpeghiHaram >Penaldo 1928863 NULL JohnHayabusa Kekkels' keks should be a goalhorn 1928873 NULL DagYouAzido WIDE 1931403 NULL Alfonso13 >tsu. ALBERTO BARBOSA 1932953 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 1932983 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ERA PENAL 1933163 NULL Colombianbro TSU 1936743 NULL JohnHayabusa WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE 1939033 NULL DrBorisG haha oh shit WARMECH 1939543 NULL Laserty WIDE 1941963 NULL polybius WE WERE WIDE AND SHIET 1946293 NULL Colombianbro >Tsu """"""""""ALBERTO"""""" BARBOSA 1946383 NULL JohnHayabusa TSUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE 2004143 NULL Silvex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>messi 2004213 NULL TWAIN >messhit 2011053 NULL Colombianbro fucking messhit 2020593 NULL SpeghiHaram WHAT IS THIS SPAGHETTI 2021393 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 2024173 NULL Laserty kek 2024913 NULL Colombianbro *dabs* 2027583 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 2028433 NULL DrBorisG WARMECH best final fantasy bonus boss 2029483 NULL TWAIN NOOO 2030223 NULL SilentCook YOU GOT BEAT BY /vrm/ 2030783 NULL Necropenguin what a bad pass back 2031183 NULL Fapoleono SAVED 2031663 NULL Silvex KEK 2033173 NULL Clerish riprp 2034173 NULL JohnHayabusa NOOOOOOO 2034383 NULL Alfonso13 >TSHIT 2037383 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP Spint 2038913 NULL Suule IT'S THE CHOKE OF /int/ COMBINED WITH CHOKE OF /sp/ 2040073 NULL indistrikable >portugal 2041443 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 *dabz :DDDD* 2041633 NULL Electroshock3383 A FUCKING LEAF 2041913 NULL MrCopout RAKE 2042443 NULL BlueLogic VROOM VROOM MOTHERFUCKER 2044123 NULL Laserty I TOLD YOU 2044123 NULL QDvg HUG THAT BABYLONIAN ROBOT 2044513 NULL DagYouAzido YOU GOT BEAT BY /vrm/ 2044713 NULL metagross01 YOU GOT BEAT BY /vrm/ 2047763 NULL Laserty 2-1 FOR /vrm/ 2048873 NULL JohnHayabusa A FUCKING LEAFF 2049233 NULL SuperAsia VROOM VROOM :DD 2050173 NULL Colombianbro fuck off messi 2051513 NULL Laserty I WAS RIGHT 2053293 NULL Colombianbro you fucking cuck 2056273 NULL JohnHayabusa YOU GOT BEAT BY /vrm/ 2064193 NULL Polizpolice messi was the only one who scored you cuck 2069483 NULL Laserty BEST TEAM : /vrm/ 2070033 NULL Clerish >fuck off messi >scored the only goal 2090383 NULL Alfonso13 >Tsunaldo trying to combine with Messi with aerial passes only in t 2090603 NULL JohnHayabusa SEGATA 2091183 NULL metagross01 SEGA SATURN SHIRO 2094833 NULL Alfonso13 Beyond retarded 2100473 NULL Prozach >fuck off messi >best rating on /spint/ 2102183 NULL JohnHayabusa Deserving indeed 2104353 NULL Clerish >crossing to a manlet 2193353 NULL Laserty thank you /vrm/ 2200023 NULL Electroshock3383 >lewding Kekkels 2205303 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 fug is for fug :DD 2208253 NULL SuperAsia KEKKELS IS FOR HUG NOT FOR FUG >:( 2210593 NULL Lun- ujelly 2212023 NULL JohnHayabusa ./vrm/ is guaranteed to advance now 2236973 NULL metagross01 LET'S GO /uv/ 2237533 NULL Colombianbro I lose control of my lofe 2241733 NULL Colombianbro life 2243053 NULL JohnHayabusa Lol 2243333 NULL metagross01 >Sakuya in a Nep kit 2244323 NULL Colombianbro AKU 2244943 NULL somerandomanon WENGER IN 2248673 NULL metagross01 MY FUCKING DICK 2250343 NULL JohnHayabusa Nep kit 2252773 NULL Colombianbro IT IS I AKU 2254933 NULL JohnHayabusa Aku 2257913 NULL Electroshock3383 doyNep 2258303 NULL SuperAsia >see aku >realize I missed Jack last night 2259553 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 UV kits best kits 2260103 NULL SuperAsia AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2261833 NULL Colombianbro THE SHAPESHIFTING MASTER OF DARKNESS 2266573 NULL metagross01 doyNep 2267903 NULL autis who is /cotg/ here? 2268213 NULL BlueLogic FOOLISH LESBIAN WARRIORS 2270043 NULL SuperAsia What happened with the daughters? 2270043 NULL QDvg :ok: u_u :wave: 2272643 NULL Colombianbro UNLEASHED AN UNSPEAKABLE EVIL 2273883 NULL JohnHayabusa It's been almost a decade since i watched Samurai Jack 2274653 NULL Electroshock3383 moon2HI 2277973 NULL DagYouAzido AKU 2280713 NULL Electroshock3383 moon2HEY 2282573 NULL Colombianbro I just watched the new episode 2284283 NULL metagross01 cirHonk 2286453 NULL Colombianbro its pretty good m8 2286823 NULL Mantis BUT THEN A FOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR WEILDING A MAGIC SWORD 2286963 NULL QDvg light up the night~ 2291163 NULL SuperAsia link CB? 2305423 NULL Mantis STEPPED FORWARD TO OPPOSE ME 2317513 NULL Alfonso13 Reeee leave my waifu meido Sayaka out of your shitty gay team reeee 2318163 NULL SuperAsia *schwing schwing schwing* 2324253 NULL Colombianbro @SuperAsia Its on youtube, just look up Samurai jack season 5 2328343 NULL metagross01 >sayaka 2331273 NULL SuperAsia oh ok thanks m8 2333203 NULL JohnHayabusa But Sayaka is gay :^) 2338973 NULL Alfonso13 DELET 2340393 NULL metagross01 For Kyoko 2344663 NULL SilentCook >purple moon2HEY 2353003 NULL metagross01 >orange misclicking 2364293 NULL SuperAsia BEFORE THE FINAL BLOW WAS STRUCK I TORE OPEN A PORTAL IN TIME AND F 2368683 NULL JohnHayabusa >Red Power Fisting 2378013 NULL Polizpolice yuri`s revenge kek 2384753 NULL Electroshock3383 > moon2HEY 2388163 NULL dirko when is kickoff niggers 2408193 NULL Colombianbro WHERE MY EVIL IS RAW 2411923 NULL metagross01 >J.T. 2425793 NULL DagYouAzido >4-4-2 rectangle 2426723 NULL Colombianbro NOW THE FOOL SEEKS TO RETURN TO THE PAST AND UNDO THE FUTURE THA 2434253 NULL SuperAsia GOTTA GET BACK 2441523 NULL Colombianbro BACK TO THE PAST 2442013 NULL DagYouAzido Looks like a =) formation 2442963 NULL SuperAsia SAMURAI JACK 2448043 NULL Mantis WACHAH 2448733 NULL polybius Before the final goal was struck, I tore open a portal in time and f 2456923 NULL TwoScoops haha time for Danger/u/ 2461593 NULL Mantis NOW HE MUST UNDO THE RIGGING THAT IS 2462683 NULL Mantis AKU 2471813 NULL Colombianbro WACHAH 2473813 NULL QDvg no play it again 2473833 NULL SuperAsia I want Danger/u/ to stay :> 2479763 NULL Colombianbro play it again Kekkels 2482463 NULL Necropenguin PLAY IT AGAIN 2483263 NULL Colombianbro its a great song 2494869 NULL Mantis play it again 2496479 NULL Mantis my johnny 2502549 NULL Colombianbro johnny guitar 2513399 NULL TwoScoops oh my 2518229 NULL akaikem tomato 2519199 NULL SilentCook TOMATO? 2519299 NULL Alfonso13 PAJAMAS 2523419 NULL Colombianbro nice kit 2525179 NULL DagYouAzido @Kekkels Polterdykes is suspended for this match 2526099 NULL Fapoleono That fucking blender 2526239 NULL Necropenguin too comfy 2536589 NULL metagross01 Polterdykes is suspended, but she's not playing 2546149 NULL Fapoleono Press S to Suck a dick 2548709 NULL metagross01 BAYOOOOOOO 2563479 NULL SuperAsia Bayonetta's not guy though 2565159 NULL JohnHayabusa Lol 2565209 NULL SuperAsia gay* 2571279 NULL SuperAsia She'll clearly fuck anything 2579009 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice TOSHINOU KYOUKO kits /uv/ 2581719 NULL Electroshock3383 she's omnisexual 2583719 NULL Fapoleono Kekkels is for fug 2594979 NULL SuperAsia kekkels is not for fug 2595459 NULL CuriousAnon Kekkels is for friend 2595579 NULL JohnHayabusa >Bayonetta's not guy though 2597249 NULL QDvg >overmeme 2598499 NULL Alfonso13 >Conditions 2602819 NULL JohnHayabusa Wait, Bayo's a guy? :^) 2605469 NULL Alfonso13 >Mattering 2617249 NULL Electroshock3383 *teleports behind u* *throw pulse bomb* 2622729 NULL theinterburger hope nobody minds if /owg/ steals the tracer blender 2627449 NULL SuperAsia I mean she could probably conjure herself a long, thick, feminine b 2627549 NULL metagross01 we should use the /y/ stadium for the final Kappa 2631319 NULL Suule The stadium is a Spook 2631759 NULL JohnHayabusa hmmmmmmmmmmm 2649519 NULL Electroshock3383 yeo 2651899 NULL Electroshock3383 yep 2654869 NULL Alfonso13 >When a Sanic in worst condition scored four goals 2656489 NULL JohnHayabusa yes 2657469 NULL DagYouAzido Yay 2658579 NULL metagross01 yes it is 2661409 NULL DagYouAzido Yes, that's /u/'s stadium 2664479 NULL JohnHayabusa Purest form of stadium 2670489 NULL JohnHayabusa >These dumb commentators 2672799 NULL Suule Or is it /n/ stadium? 2677729 NULL Alfonso13 A BOMB?! 2678959 NULL SpeghiHaram OH MY GOD JC 2679379 NULL metagross01 A BOMB!? 2681379 NULL SilentCook A BOMB?! 2682089 NULL JohnHayabusa A BOMB?! 2683819 NULL 6letters SAKUYA 2683829 NULL Silvex FOOLISH 2684939 NULL DagYouAzido ./n/'s stadium is not in the current stadium pack 2686999 NULL SuperAsia A BOMB? 2688359 NULL polybius OH MY GOD JC 2720912 NULL SuperAsia YET 2721572 NULL Electroshock3383 YET 2722012 NULL dirko OH SHIT 2722632 NULL metagross01 YET 2723472 NULL SpeghiHaram yet 2723792 NULL SilentCook YET 2726582 NULL Colombianbro YET 2727522 NULL akaikem ... 2727622 NULL DagYouAzido Because IIRC /n/'s manager has no interest in having their own ho 2727762 NULL JohnHayabusa YET 2729772 NULL BlueLogic YET 2730822 NULL DagYouAzido YET 2732962 NULL JohnHayabusa :O 2733202 NULL SuperAsia Also we need some new tips this one comes up too much 2735432 NULL Necropenguin YET 2737072 NULL metagross01 I believe in /y/'s stadium for crashing 2737592 NULL Colombianbro wew 2741072 NULL SilentCook RAGE 2741462 NULL JohnHayabusa lol 2753212 NULL Alfonso13 Man those lesbians have some THICC hips 2759412 NULL metagross01 smug 2762432 NULL 6letters RECESS 2762712 NULL Electroshock3383 smug 2763482 NULL Polizpolice man those blenders :ok: 2765352 NULL JohnHayabusa smug 2765852 NULL Mantis smug TJ 2769962 NULL MrCopout man those lesbians have come COMFY uniforms 2780902 NULL SuperAsia thicc 2782942 NULL metagross01 SAKUYA <3 2784632 NULL JohnHayabusa Yui\ 2786912 NULL Polizpolice YURI 2790252 NULL SuperAsia JILL :D 2790512 NULL DagYouAzido Comfy 2794462 NULL URAMAGET >this fucking tracer blender 2795202 NULL JohnHayabusa BAYO 2796472 NULL DagYouAzido BAYONETTA 2797252 NULL MrCopout well some of them do anyway 2797462 NULL DrBorisG IT'S MAGIC, I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT 2797582 NULL TWAIN COMRAD YURI 2798862 NULL Alfonso13 Child bearing lesbian hips 2800532 NULL SilentCook YURI 2803782 NULL Electroshock3383 mggMetal 2806122 NULL SuperAsia Jill is thicc as fuck 2806712 NULL Silvex >only 4 players in their proper kits 2809772 NULL Mantis that tracer blender is some uncanny valley shit 2811002 NULL SuperAsia sweatingman.jpg 2812572 NULL Electroshock3383 HM2 2814042 NULL SilentCook :metal: 2815362 NULL JohnHayabusa HM2 2818132 NULL metagross01 :metal: 2819642 NULL JohnHayabusa :metal: 2819692 NULL MrCopout every day is casual friday at /uv/ 2820502 NULL SuperAsia :metal: 2823332 NULL Mobaloba :metal: 2826952 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 :metal: u_u :ok: 2828962 NULL Colombianbro that tracer blender is hot af 2829162 NULL metagross01 IRIS HEART 2832402 NULL Colombianbro muh dick 2833872 NULL URAMAGET Press i to invade polan 2834312 NULL Silvex LEWD 2836472 NULL Colombianbro I 2836622 NULL metagross01 i 2836732 NULL SilentCook i 2840542 NULL Suule HELL MARCH :ok: u_u 2840542 NULL Electroshock3383 o kurwa 2840882 NULL JohnHayabusa IRIS <3 2841952 NULL MilSurpAnon ded 2842652 NULL Electroshock3383 KEK 2844082 NULL Silvex KEK 2844392 NULL Colombianbro KEK 2844562 NULL dirko xd 2845182 NULL Silvex RED 2845532 NULL DagYouAzido >high heels 2845922 NULL MrCopout lel 2846212 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 2847092 NULL TwoScoops WHAT TIME 2847232 NULL Silvex SEND HIM OFF 2847242 NULL SuperAsia JILL NO BibleThump 2847322 NULL BoulderBro THERE IS A MURDER ON THE DANCE FLOOR 2847902 NULL SpeghiHaram KEK 2847962 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 RED 2848172 NULL NuclearFissionRobot HEAR ME. SONS OF 4CHAN! 2848302 NULL Fapoleono LOL 2848752 NULL 6letters RECORD 2849352 NULL Polizpolice kek 2849572 NULL Electroshock3383 IT'S MAGIC 2850582 NULL JohnHayabusa YELLOW 2850612 NULL autis ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2851472 NULL baudneutron kek 2851632 NULL TwoScoops HOW MANY SECONDS 2852482 NULL JohnHayabusa RECORD 2852682 NULL Alfonso13 ATLETI ATLETI ATLETI 2853042 NULL metagross01 >/cotg/ 2853302 NULL Polizpolice K E K 2853622 NULL BlueLogic DED 2853642 NULL Colombianbro HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 2854522 NULL JohnHayabusa wwwwwwwww 2854702 NULL polybius FUCKING MAGIC 2856372 NULL Mantis IT'S A YELLOW 2856692 NULL JohnHayabusa KEKEKEKKE 2857742 NULL DagYouAzido MAGIC 2858202 NULL autis ITS MAGIC 2858382 NULL Fapoleono LEWD 2859512 NULL Suule MAGICAL 2860772 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 2860862 NULL TwoScoops TWENTY 2861142 NULL Mantis I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT 2861802 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ON THE BALL 2864382 NULL metagross01 NEW WORLD RECORD 2864542 NULL MrCopout CURSED REFEREE MAGIC 2865682 NULL Colombianbro ITS YELLOW I DONT GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT 2866752 NULL Suule FASTEST CARD 2867172 NULL JohnHayabusa NEW RECORD 2868112 NULL DagYouAzido >:20 2871442 NULL Electroshock3383 TWENTY (20) SECONDS 2873512 NULL ChowderSoup NAT 20 2874692 NULL QDvg 20 seconds is the current 4cc record. 2874812 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 Fastest unofficial card 2875642 NULL JohnHayabusa D20 2875912 NULL SpeghiHaram MURDER 2876492 NULL Suule IT'S MAGIC 2877052 NULL metagross01 >ANOTHER 2877072 NULL Electroshock3383 NO BULLY 2877362 NULL SilentCook WEW LAD 2877532 NULL Silvex WOAH 2879452 NULL ChowderSoup another crit 2879692 NULL JohnHayabusa jej 2881302 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 2882352 NULL Polizpolice CHRIST 2882382 NULL Silvex DARE YOU ENTER 2884452 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 2885842 NULL MrCopout IT MATCHES YOUR HAT LAD 2886512 NULL TWAIN ./cotg/ better win this 2887392 NULL Alfonso13 ATLÉTICO DE MADRIIIID 2887532 NULL Colombianbro AKU pls 2888092 NULL Electroshock3383 azoAkarin NO BULLY 2890782 NULL BoulderBro THAT WAS BALL FIRST 2890782 NULL SilentCook >WIZARDS 2891432 NULL Fapoleono MURDERBAČČ 2894392 NULL SpeghiHaram THEY'RE TRYING TO MURDER HER 2894402 NULL BoulderBro FUCKING REFF 2894512 NULL metagross01 >2 cards at the beginning 2895102 NULL 6letters FOOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR 2895102 NULL Alguien that robot hates magic, he is going for the wizards 2896972 NULL Suule > Yellow card 2898252 NULL JohnHayabusa The dykes are being murdered 2898852 NULL DrBorisG >yellow card for the WHIZZard 2898902 NULL Suule > Whizzard 2900232 NULL ChowderSoup girls get out of game store REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2901482 NULL metagross01 INTENSITY Kappa 2902152 NULL SuperAsia wide 2903072 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >2 cards under 3 minutes ingame 2903552 NULL Silvex BLOOT 2904572 NULL DrBorisG kappa 2905632 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 2906752 NULL Colombianbro >this game 2907982 NULL QDvg
missclicking just standing there 3298722 NULL Mantis "This whomps" - J.T. before getting power fisted 3310012 NULL metagross01 IRIS PLS 3314272 NULL Polizpolice REEF 3323802 NULL BetRigtor Whomps is a bad word 3326542 NULL BetRigtor Cease this immediately 3328572 NULL Electroshock3383 >2(0) 3329882 NULL SpeghiHaram he misclicked and thus couldn't move 3330862 NULL Suule WHOMP 3331012 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >not ironically being gay on a zimbabwean animalshelter forum 3331772 NULL TWAIN >61% 3332122 NULL Polizpolice saves(4) 3334432 NULL metagross01 >2(0) 3335112 NULL SpeghiHaram typical vidya mistake 3335612 NULL Suule Speaking of which 3336162 NULL JohnHayabusa >2(0) 3336422 NULL ChowderSoup >positive stat 3337312 NULL autis >61% 3337602 NULL Silvex negative stat 3340962 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DEM HIPS! DAT WAIST! 3342642 NULL Suule Lack of Ronnie on the pitch is good 3342642 NULL Fancyfoley >61% 3353932 NULL URAMAGET Ronnie ball when? 3354862 NULL Suule Or else he would be all about that /u/ 3386832 NULL JohnHayabusa >Magnet formation 3392932 NULL ChowderSoup Does the redemer have a custom goalhorn? 3409912 NULL TWAIN DUNGEON MASTER 3410372 NULL metagross01 WHAT 3414452 NULL Silvex DUNGEON MANSTER 3416202 NULL Mantis IT'S MAGIC 3418052 NULL JohnHayabusa "Can we take a moment to appreciate these hips?" - Kekkels, 2017 3418562 NULL metagross01 SPAGHOOTER 3418972 NULL polybius I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT 3419322 NULL QDvg magic'd 3419592 NULL Alfonso13 DUNGEON HEADER 3419772 NULL Fapoleono SHIT 3423592 NULL Mobaloba MAGIC 3424202 NULL SuperAsia I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT 3424822 NULL trya magic *snort snort* 3426812 NULL Suule OH HO HO IT'S MAGIC 3427172 NULL DagYouAzido DUNGEON MASTER 3428322 NULL Blandgore MAGIC SON 3428872 NULL MrCopout >/co/ >/tg/ >good? 3429612 NULL JohnHayabusa DUNGEON HEADER 3438662 NULL NuclearFissionRobot EXPLOOOOOOOOOODE! 3446152 NULL Necropenguin RIP HOTDOG 3447922 NULL JohnHayabusa >The /co/-ed school of /uv/ 3449752 NULL dirko OH SHIT 3450122 NULL ChowderSoup wew what a goal 3450322 NULL Alfonso13 OMG JC A BOMB 3450602 NULL Polizpolice power fisting trying so hard 3454032 NULL Mantis Has science gone too far? Is this game real or fake. Type R for real a 3455662 NULL BetRigtor I hope he gets a second yellow to complete the memes 3456612 NULL Mobaloba HE CAN CROSS THE STREET NO PROBLEM 3459882 NULL metagross01 Most dangerous lead? 3459882 NULL ChowderSoup R 3460042 NULL Alfonso13 R 3461662 NULL MrCopout F 3463282 NULL URAMAGET F 3465822 NULL JohnHayabusa R 3466182 NULL TWAIN F 3467502 NULL Polizpolice F 3467542 NULL metagross01 GOD DAMMIT BAYO 3470252 NULL Fancyfoley F 3474272 NULL Alfonso13 Has MAGIC gone too far? 3481202 NULL Mantis Bayonetta getting manhandled 3481412 NULL Lazyturd >7(5) 3488122 NULL Lazyturd jeezus 3489142 NULL Blandgore R 3506332 NULL akaikem F 3514802 NULL metagross01 >AUTO ATTACK 3520432 NULL Clerish 4/uv/ 3522612 NULL metagross01 KOREAN MODE 3531792 NULL ChowderSoup wew almost another card there 3531802 NULL Hypnosparkle when does /mlp/ play? ^:) 3532902 NULL SilentCook o boy 3533462 NULL Polizpolice >tracer 3535952 NULL SpeghiHaram >tracer 3540672 NULL Blandgore >Traced 3542662 NULL metagross01 FINALLY BAYO 3544012 NULL Alguien >tracer 3549352 NULL metagross01 >tracer 3558422 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 3559882 NULL dirko BOI 3561742 NULL metagross01 WIDE 3561752 NULL Electroshock3383 FOOLISH 3563052 NULL Polizpolice FOOLISH WIDE WARRIOR 3563802 NULL Silvex KEK 3567772 NULL SuperAsia FOOLISH WIDE WARRIOR 3568622 NULL Mantis FOOLISH GOALKEEPER 3578952 NULL Silvex the dribbling from doom wasted 3584032 NULL Mantis EXTRA WIDE 3598632 NULL DrBorisG Aku just really isn't the same after failing to kill the samurai for 3601262 NULL Shevanel Fuckers 3610592 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 3613042 NULL TWAIN >penal 3614802 NULL JohnHayabusa ERA PENAL? 3615772 NULL metagross01 ERA PENAL 3616412 NULL Electroshock3383 PENAL? 3617062 NULL URAMAGET BENULDIE :DDDD 3617632 NULL Polizpolice PENAL 3618112 NULL Silvex ERA 3618812 NULL ElectricFiasco ERA BENAL 3618812 NULL SilentCook PENAL 3619072 NULL Silvex PENAL 3619192 NULL JohnHayabusa NO 3620312 NULL Fapoleono BENULDY 3621382 NULL Silvex ERA 3622822 NULL DagYouAzido BENULDY 3622822 NULL Alguien PENAL 3622832 NULL QDvg ERA PENAL 3622952 NULL SilentCook BENAL 3623072 NULL SuperAsia REF BLS 3624332 NULL Giddythefuckup ERA PENAAAL 3624582 NULL Shevanel no era penal 3624832 NULL SpeghiHaram BENULDY 3625112 NULL Mantis Aku isn't the same without Makoto 3625352 NULL Alfonso13 IT IS 3625442 NULL metagross01 BENULDY 3625572 NULL ChowderSoup NOT ON TANKERED 3627652 NULL Blandgore ERA PENAL 3627682 NULL JohnHayabusa BENULDIES :DDDD 3628302 NULL Mantis :( 3628572 NULL polybius ERA PENAL 3629562 NULL dirko NOOOO 3629682 NULL JohnHayabusa lewd 3630392 NULL Polizpolice KEK 3630592 NULL Silvex REFBALL 3632082 NULL Mobaloba ERA PENAL 3633062 NULL Alfonso13 OMG JC A PENAL 3633402 NULL BlueLogic ERA PENAL 3634842 NULL Electroshock3383 BENULDY 3635442 NULL Polizpolice HE JUST ROLLED ON HER 3636202 NULL Silvex SHE DOVE 3636552 NULL SuperAsia WHY DOES EVERYONE HURT JILL :( 3640112 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 3640312 NULL Blandgore RAPED 3642742 NULL JohnHayabusa YEEEEEEEEEES 3642802 NULL DagYouAzido MISCLICKING 3644222 NULL TWAIN >tankred 3644432 NULL metagross01 GOAL 3645512 NULL dirko GOD FUCKING DAMN IT 3647932 NULL Shevanel LEL 3648192 NULL JohnHayabusa MISCLICKED 3649912 NULL SilentCook MISCLICKED 3650522 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 P E N A L 3653922 NULL DagYouAzido Of course, always trip the player wearing high heels 3656632 NULL Blandgore MISCLICKED 3659362 NULL MrCopout ref you are my greatest ally 3661112 NULL metagross01 BAYO HORN 3661962 NULL Clerish >this horn 3667772 NULL JohnHayabusa Era Penal Status: Misclicked 3667942 NULL Electroshock3383 I miss the hidamari sketch 3668092 NULL Alguien that tomato is fucking pissed 3674602 NULL Colombianbro ^ 3677292 NULL SpeghiHaram dem hips 3679522 NULL SuperAsia I liked the Bayo 1 song better tbh 3681422 NULL JohnHayabusa MAD 3682162 NULL URAMAGET >:C 3686762 NULL Colombianbro bayonetta<3 3687372 NULL Alfonso13 THOSE 3687852 NULL Alfonso13 HIPS 3689302 NULL metagross01 TOMATO IS FUCKING PISSED 3690052 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 DEM 3690142 NULL JohnHayabusa KYOUKO IS FUCKING PISSED 3691162 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 HIPS 3695242 NULL Electroshock3383 200.00% FUCKING PISSED 3695342 NULL Shevanel TOMATO A SHIT 3698142 NULL Blandgore >Tracer 3703832 NULL SpeghiHaram MOST DANGEROUS LEAD 3706122 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >58:22 3707402 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 checked 3713332 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 3716402 NULL Silvex >that header attempt 3718522 NULL JohnHayabusa YELLOW 3719302 NULL Clerish Yellow 3723252 NULL Blandgore yellow 3724732 NULL SpeghiHaram 3 YELLOWS 3725222 NULL ChowderSoup 3 CARDS 3725602 NULL DonRavioli FOR THE CITY 3726892 NULL Shevanel YELLOW 3727912 NULL Silvex for da land 3727952 NULL BetRigtor WE DEMAND REDS 3729792 NULL metagross01 road to beat the yellow record 3730562 NULL MrCopout all these bullies 3730802 NULL DagYouAzido https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/159692097295745026/2930812 3731812 NULL SpeghiHaram WHERE THE RED 3731972 NULL JohnHayabusa >Three (3) yellows 3733472 NULL metagross01 only 3 left 3734892 NULL Electroshock3383 azoAkarin 3740902 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 that is a straight red tbh fam 3749982 NULL Alfonso13 >Yfw /cotg/ wins a red for da land 3765512 NULL metagross01 >this clearance 3767252 NULL Alguien >the possibility of a GK getting a red exist 3787792 NULL URAMAGET >GK gets red 3800802 NULL URAMAGET >PES derps out and doesnt allowe replacement keeper 3801542 NULL Alfonso13 Not if we're talking about Halal Madrid, though 3804852 NULL Alfonso13 :^) 3808502 NULL Hypnosparkle dime for banic :DDDDDDDD 3820862 NULL ChowderSoup pls cheesecake 3831332 NULL JohnHayabusa Everyone is subbed 3834342 NULL metagross01 CYNTHIA 3837692 NULL metagross01 YES 3840682 NULL JohnHayabusa Cynthia <3 3845502 NULL metagross01 BEST CHAMPION 3849522 NULL BlueLogic Cynthia <3 3850602 NULL Polizpolice >subbing gaston 3854792 NULL metagross01 Cynthia <3 3855042 NULL JohnHayabusa Cynthia belongs to Hikari <3 3860072 NULL Hypnosparkle nobody subs better then gaston 3864102 NULL SuperAsia I want to make Cynthia my cockslave <3 3866672 NULL Electroshock3383 NO ONE GETS BENCHED LIKE GASTON 3890882 NULL TWAIN >danger roo 3911312 NULL Giddythefuckup Will gaston get a redesign after the movie? :^) 3934032 NULL Polizpolice Y U R I 3936532 NULL ChowderSoup Glory Glory the Redeemer 3936592 NULL URAMAGET no, that movie count as /tv/ 3948622 NULL Giddythefuckup oh right 3951122 NULL Mantis live action things of /co/ origin are still /co/ 3952152 NULL Polizpolice should make yuri a medal tbh 3955982 NULL Giddythefuckup (I hope it fails btw) 3962292 NULL DrDtroit lgtss >Tracer 3963822 NULL Mantis it already sounds like it will 3966792 NULL Alguien but is gaston a big guy? 3968332 NULL metagross01 >tracer 3968332 NULL Giddythefuckup :DD 3970732 NULL Mantis people are hating on it 3972102 NULL JohnHayabusa >Tracer 3975452 NULL Electroshock3383 > moon2HEY 3981682 NULL Giddythefuckup >dykecer 3985692 NULL Silvex who is the worst overwatch hero 3986082 NULL SuperAsia ammoTracer 3987042 NULL JohnHayabusa Capitalism HO 3988072 NULL Silvex for me, it's tracer 3988302 NULL metagross01 THARJAAAAA 3992722 NULL Blandgore OY VE 3994002 NULL Giddythefuckup Reminder that Tracer rhymes with Cancer 3995902 NULL PavoolonD http://www.gunes.com/gundem/disi-hitler-ayarlarini-bozdu-772748 3997642 NULL JohnHayabusa Is anyone playing that Bang Dream game? 3999582 NULL PavoolonD BASED TURKISH NEWSPAPER 4000812 NULL metagross01 This one is called Rhajat, guys! Kappa 4001622 NULL DagYouAzido OR SUFFER MY CURSE 4005832 NULL ChowderSoup RETURN THE SLAB CRAIG 4018962 NULL metagross01 @JohnHayabusa I'm trying to tier for Honkers 4023932 NULL Blandgore THE MAN IN THE GUISE, THE MAN IN THE GUISE 4029762 NULL metagross01 CYNTHIA'S HAIR KEK 4032772 NULL McMelanogaster KING RAAAAMSES 4037752 NULL DagYouAzido THE MAN IN GAUZE, THE MAN IN GAUZE 4040202 NULL ChowderSoup REDEMBER PLS 4068782 NULL Alfonso13 Pls member 4073392 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 4082472 NULL ChowderSoup UH oh 4085042 NULL MrCopout he has a reputation to uphold 4087162 NULL Mantis RETURN THE FOUL 4088932 NULL Perlence Fancy foul 4088942 NULL DagYouAzido RETURN THE SLAB 4090712 NULL Mantis OR SUFFER MY CUUUURSE 4094092 NULL DrBorisG RETURN 4094922 NULL DrBorisG THE 4096422 NULL DrBorisG FUCKING 4096612 NULL DrBorisG SLAB 4101862 NULL metagross01 >tracer 4112932 NULL ChowderSoup REF PLS 4123392 NULL SilentCook >Cynth 4126332 NULL metagross01 >cynthia pls 4128312 NULL Alfonso13 Bayonetta is actually holding against Doom this second half 4130252 NULL Polizpolice kek 4140592 NULL metagross01 choketia 4150392 NULL TWAIN come on /cotg/, one goal 4153962 NULL metagross01 UNTIL WE SCORE 4159092 NULL metagross01 >TRACER 4164832 NULL Blandgore RIP 4165942 NULL Lowroll3r CHOKER 4166972 NULL Polizpolice LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE SHOT AT THE GOAL BESIDES PENULTY 4167862 NULL Alfonso13 DUDE I'M A LESBIAN XD 4171802 NULL SuperAsia >tracer fast as fuck 4180212 NULL SuperAsia fitting 4180362 NULL DrDtroit SACK TRACER 4183492 NULL JohnHayabusa It's over 4184202 NULL metagross01 SACK TRACER 4186062 NULL Silvex RETURNED 4189162 NULL Giddythefuckup RIP /u/ 4191682 NULL Blandgore SACK Tracer 4193412 NULL TWAIN >/spint/ and /uv/ all tied 4205672 NULL Mantis It's okay twain it's literally just us 4209272 NULL Shevanel LEL 4209752 NULL metagross01 6-3-1-1 4212982 NULL Polizpolice 7 SAVES 4213102 NULL URAMAGET >tracer is just as useless as she is in ogrewatch 4214432 NULL DagYouAzido >7 saves 4216082 NULL Electroshock3383 3rd can advance 4220712 NULL theinterburger >11(7) 4222622 NULL TwoScoops >7/11 4225732 NULL Electroshock3383 if they're gud enough 4227112 NULL BlueLogic >3(1) 4239632 NULL JohnHayabusa 8 team will advance 4249082 NULL Polizpolice >1 crosses to 10 4255142 NULL Electroshock3383 2/3 of 3rd places will advance 4259802 NULL Polizpolice crosses win games it`s confirmed 4262312 NULL JohnHayabusa ./uv/ will have to stay away from being the bottom 3rd place 4263182 NULL metagross01 best 3rd place team is in 4289702 NULL TWAIN fingers crossed for 6600 in group c 4305802 NULL Alfonso13 BRB guys watching anime 4316032 NULL Alfonso13 At 2.80x speed 4334142 NULL RamenRaisin anime sucks 4335512 NULL metagross01 >anime at 2.80x 4351762 NULL ChowderSoup like nightcore 4352932 NULL BlueLogic this result opens up the group a bit more :D 4407912 NULL JohnHayabusa >The /co/-ed school of /uv/ 4448002 NULL Electroshock3383 dedComfy 4456442 NULL URAMAGET comfy as fug 4462502 NULL Blandgore MAX comfy 4467142 NULL ChowderSoup what 4470062 NULL ChowderSoup woops 4474912 NULL Clerish bing 4479612 NULL ChowderSoup what's this song from 4502022 NULL Clerish >fuck nugga 4515822 NULL CuriousAnon this is from the dungeon and dragons cartoon 4522432 NULL CuriousAnon the closing credits 4536872 NULL Electroshock3383 FNC 4537412 NULL BetRigtor this gagged nugger is making me uncomfortable 4541872 NULL Esposito77 GO /DTOY/! 4543622 NULL ChowderSoup ah, sounded familiar, havent watched that in years 4577292 NULL metagross01 >red futa unopened 4578212 NULL Suule Yesterday /dtoy/ match was good 4578892 NULL Electroshock3383 >woody 4585332 NULL TWAIN i'm seeing double 4588022 NULL ChowderSoup Top condition box 4589912 NULL SuperAsia >kekkels 4590122 NULL Electroshock3383 >Kekkels 4591782 NULL DrDtroit There's a real snake in his boot 4592792 NULL Fapoleono >kekkels 4595012 NULL Clerish >3-4-3 vs 3-almost4-3 4595032 NULL Polizpolice kek 4595522 NULL Giddythefuckup >kekkels 4598552 NULL Alguien IT WONT STOP 4599582 NULL BetRigtor the comfy never ends 4604002 NULL Suule PLZ STOP 4618363 NULL BetRigtor kekkels begging to stop the comfy 4619203 NULL DrDtroit COMFY STREAMING OVER A PES EVENT AGAIN 4621073 NULL DrDtroit BAN 4621703 NULL BetRigtor do you see the irony here 4624053 NULL Polizpolice >no changes to woody 4624923 NULL Polizpolice top kek 4628723 NULL metagross01 >purple woody 4637173 NULL Alfonso13 -"Wait, I want to stop. Let me stop." Kekkels, 2017 4642173 NULL JohnHayabusa Press F to pay respect to /uv/ 4652243 NULL Esposito77 No 4652413 NULL metagross01 but /uv/ still isn't ded 4654463 NULL BetRigtor no 4657123 NULL SilentCook It's not over shut up 4664303 NULL Esposito77 They had it coming 4672963 NULL JohnHayabusa It's hopeless, I'm sorry ;_; 4678003 NULL Esposito77 >losing to co 4715413 NULL Alfonso13 >Yfw it repeats the Who is that pokémon anthem 4746293 NULL Electroshock3383 I'd rather listen to TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""""'HENRY"""" 4747403 NULL DrDtroit Just pick it up from where it stopped yesterday 4759193 NULL Kruzn this is baby cup, right? 4767493 NULL Electroshock3383 tag team cup 4768833 NULL ChowderSoup nay tag team 4775663 NULL JohnHayabusa tag team cup 4775813 NULL SuperAsia I'm sorry, but did /uv/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The game en 4776333 NULL Electroshock3383 it's for >fun 4780653 NULL ChowderSoup babbies in 2 weeks I believe 4786153 NULL Kruzn I see 4789063 NULL Silvex don't leave us /ak/ 4790513 NULL Silvex ;_; 4797313 NULL SuperAsia rip /uv/ you guys were fun F 4799003 NULL Giddythefuckup >/a/ >/k/ 4801213 NULL BetRigtor the babby was yesterday and /fit/ won 4801503 NULL Giddythefuckup >Not choking 4818413 NULL Electroshock3383 they pulled a 90+5 yesterday 4820173 NULL JohnHayabusa >Elites vs Fetus 4827503 NULL JohnHayabusa Funco 4830433 NULL JohnHayabusa <3 4838133 NULL metagross01 well, /k/ is in babby despite not winning a single game in 16 4857593 NULL TWAIN is konami lewd 4863553 NULL Esposito77 >2hy 4869643 NULL Esposito77 >lewd 4871663 NULL Esposito77 no 4873023 NULL Mantis babbies are in may bud 4873323 NULL metagross01 the /y/ stadium pls 4875363 NULL TWAIN >dag 4884933 NULL Electroshock3383 >/y/ stadium 4885803 NULL SilentCook >/y/ 4886823 NULL DrDtroit >wanting to crash the game 4890133 NULL Suule There is no faphouse 4894423 NULL metagross01 game crashing incoming 4894453 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 4896533 NULL JohnHayabusa >/y/ 4897733 NULL Esposito77 TIME TO CRASH 4899383 NULL Suule >/y/ 4900823 NULL Suule YES 4901513 NULL SuperAsia >/y/ 4901933 NULL Suule GO 4903273 NULL Blandgore >/y/ 4903513 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 4903593 NULL SuperAsia DO IT 4904233 NULL ravenire Ramen why did you butchered sora kits you monster 4905443 NULL Suule "YET" 4906283 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP cup 4906493 NULL Blandgore DO EEEEIT 4907183 NULL Electroshock3383 TIME FOR CRASH 4908573 NULL JohnHayabusa YET 4910773 NULL trya :^) 4912323 NULL BlueLogic oh boy I can't for the game to crash 4914123 NULL Suule > "YET" 4915363 NULL ChowderSoup FINALLY 4916093 NULL Suule OH BOY 4918473 NULL Esposito77 MAMI <3 4920023 NULL Electroshock3383 MAMIBALL 4920613 NULL Suule IT'S TIME 4922933 NULL metagross01 MAMIBALL 4924103 NULL BlueLogic MAMI <3 4939366 NULL TWAIN mumi 4952036 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 4952996 NULL Silvex crash 4958616 NULL JohnHayabusa CRAS 4962136 NULL JohnHayabusa YOU ARE LOVED 4963056 NULL ChowderSoup lies 4963656 NULL Electroshock3383 ;_; 4963656 NULL SilentCook YOU ARE LOVED 4963666 NULL Alfonso13 LIES 4965886 NULL Silvex bandicoot 4966576 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 4967006 NULL trya <3 4967766 NULL SuperAsia ;_; no 4967846 NULL metagross01 YOU ARE LOVED <3 4968676 NULL Polizpolice t-thanks 4970896 NULL metagross01 NO CRASH 4972366 NULL Blandgore t-thanks 4974226 NULL Electroshock3383 WE DID IT REDDIT 4974716 NULL metagross01 WE DID IT 4975046 NULL Esposito77 WE DID IT 4975556 NULL Blandgore NO CRASH 4977146 NULL trya we did it leddit 4977686 NULL SilentCook WE DID IT 4978896 NULL JohnHayabusa MADOKA 4979866 NULL Electroshock3383 LEWD 4982066 NULL metagross01 >dat Madoka 4982566 NULL SuperAsia MADOKA 4982856 NULL Polizpolice madoka pls 4985226 NULL Silvex >madoka 4986456 NULL Alfonso13 >Onahole 4989226 NULL Alfonso13 >Needing limbs 4989826 NULL Suule N... NANI? 4992216 NULL DagYouAzido >Madoka 4992266 NULL trya ahegao 4997906 NULL trya cirGasm 5002076 NULL metagross01 :metal: 5009036 NULL ChowderSoup those kit glitches 5010736 NULL JohnHayabusa Lel 5011556 NULL CuriousAnon THATS THE /cotg/ ANTHEM 5012396 NULL QDvg uh 5012876 NULL ChowderSoup trying to go lewd 5014466 NULL Electroshock3383 >Kekkels 5014646 NULL QDvg yeah 5014846 NULL SuperAsia >kekkels 5016156 NULL metagross01 >kekkels 5016766 NULL Blandgore My god they are stripping 5016906 NULL JohnHayabusa Kek 5017496 NULL Polizpolice >KEKKELS 5018106 NULL SilentCook >kekkels 5018316 NULL Giddythefuckup >Kekkels 5020366 NULL JohnHayabusa >kekkels 5022166 NULL Mobaloba >kekkles 5022756 NULL Blandgore >Kekkels 5023566 NULL SuperAsia MIA :D 5024656 NULL Alfonso13 >Gaykels 5025486 NULL Electroshock3383 Snek 5026476 NULL Polizpolice GOOD JOB 5027096 NULL Giddythefuckup >press K to kek at kekkels 5027926 NULL SilentCook >Geggels 5028636 NULL metagross01 SAILOR MOON 5028866 NULL Silvex KEK 5029786 NULL trya geggels pls don't choke :DDD 5030356 NULL JohnHayabusa K 5030536 NULL Blandgore great job 5031156 NULL Polizpolice NICE ANTHEMS WOW 5032066 NULL metagross01 >NO ANTHEMS 5032216 NULL ChowderSoup K 5033526 NULL Giddythefuckup K 5033706 NULL Silvex you had ONE job 5034276 NULL QDvg wow. 5034306 NULL DagYouAzido ...What? 5035706 NULL JohnHayabusa FIRE KEKKELS 5036946 NULL Esposito77 CAN'T GO TO Y WITHOUT A GLITCH 5048526 NULL metagross01 well, /y/ stadium didn't crash, but kekkels did Kappa 5053306 NULL SilentCook Kappa 5057756 NULL JohnHayabusa Kappa 5059626 NULL SuperAsia THREE FUCKIN GEARS 5060486 NULL Electroshock3383 Kappa 5062316 NULL Polizpolice ResidentSleeper 5063596 NULL metagross01 >TRIFORCE 5065686 NULL Esposito77 >Twitch memes 5067546 NULL Mobaloba MY WIFES VIBRATOR 5067586 NULL Esposito77 REEEEEEEEEEEEE 5068776 NULL SuperAsia ./DTOY/ SIZED COCK 5082316 NULL Giddythefuckup >that 3D cock 5083366 NULL Giddythefuckup BANNED 5084676 NULL Electroshock3383 ./d/ sized vibrator 5086916 NULL Mobaloba SPLIT HER IN HALF 5095646 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 5099196 NULL JohnHayabusa ded snek 5099816 NULL ChowderSoup abuse snek 5113486 NULL JohnHayabusa Is this /fit/ stadium? :^) 5120236 NULL metagross01 this is /y/ stadium 5125086 NULL Alfonso13 Is that guy on the field Zelda? 5134566 NULL metagross01 >zelda a guy 5150986 NULL JohnHayabusa HOT GOAL 5153226 NULL metagross01 HOT GOAL 5153406 NULL TWAIN HOTGLUED 5155876 NULL Silvex HOT 5156066 NULL Electroshock3383 LEWD 5156426 NULL Giddythefuckup >>>>>>>/ak/ 5157516 NULL DrDtroit G L U E D 5162216 NULL Silvex uhoh 5162276 NULL JohnHayabusa LEL 5164416 NULL metagross01 >Selfie celebration 5166056 NULL Mobaloba HOT GLUE 5169826 NULL trya >tentacle sends a selfie 5199736 NULL Mobaloba B IS FOR BATTERY 5203306 NULL Silvex outside curler! 5214586 NULL Suule :ok: u_u Good music 5223186 NULL Mobaloba this shit is so damn catchy 5226916 NULL SuperAsia How many times are we going to >kekkels today 5235156 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 one more 5238176 NULL Suule I think it was Macy Gray 5240276 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >Kekkels 5240506 NULL Silvex >SDA 5243966 NULL Alfonso13 >That shot with the outside of the tentacle 5244496 NULL SuperAsia >SDA 5245046 NULL Alfonso13 Nice 5248226 NULL DrDtroit Yeah, it's Macy Gray 5252246 NULL Mobaloba it is Macy Gray 5260286 NULL Suule Good, haven't heard that voice in a while 5274036 NULL Suule P. nice music choice 5292276 NULL Electroshock3383 >YOSHIKA 5305786 NULL metagross01 BOOTLEG SEX DOLLS 5308696 NULL DrDtroit >Sex Dolls doing fucking work 5313396 NULL Polizpolice >部ttウィtちぇs 5321226 NULL Silvex >back heel 5342976 NULL TWAIN GLUED 5344306 NULL JohnHayabusa Brace 5346076 NULL metagross01 GLUED 5347376 NULL Silvex GLUED 5348276 NULL Blandgore GLUED 5348626 NULL DrDtroit TOO GLOOED 5349046 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >tfw no comfy sexdoll to tell she's pretty 5349726 NULL Polizpolice getting glued hard 5349816 NULL JohnHayabusa GLUED 5355846 NULL JohnHayabusa TTC3 status: GLUED 5359756 NULL Mobaloba GLUED 5360746 NULL Alfonso13 IT ALL COMES TUMBLING DOWN 5363996 NULL Shevanel FUCKING GLUED 5364036 NULL Silvex lads, it's only /ak/ 5367676 NULL metagross01 IT'S /dtoy/'s YEAR BABY 5367676 NULL Esposito77 IT'S /DTOY/'S TOURNAMENT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 5369936 NULL TWAIN nice camera 5373696 NULL JohnHayabusa >/ak/ 5374696 NULL Alguien >those espectators 5377766 NULL Mobaloba B IS FOR BATTERY 5381116 NULL Mobaloba O OPERATED 5381296 NULL SilentCook This goalhorn is dildos 5381316 NULL akaikem magical audience 5383906 NULL TWAIN >three 5384776 NULL Polizpolice I guess /ak/ is for hot gluing after all 5385026 NULL Mobaloba B IS FOR BETTER 5385356 NULL TWAIN >four 5388136 NULL TWAIN >three 5388966 NULL getoutofjpagain that audience 5390006 NULL Suule u_u :wave: Comfy as fuck goalhorn 5394236 NULL metagross01 great horn desu 5397966 NULL Silvex >3-4-3 5405726 NULL JohnHayabusa Tbqh, /ak/ looks more like /c/k/ than what it is about 5407866 NULL Silvex exposure inbound 5425546 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >board dedicated to home defense >can't even defend 10m² of g 5425836 NULL SuperAsia There are too many grills 5427826 NULL goldenwingman at least run possession 3-4-3 :^) 5441226 NULL SuperAsia ./ak/ needed some male anime operators to even things out 5441586 NULL Suule > The shitty of /a/ combined with choke of /k/ 5441856 NULL TWAIN >2(0) 5451186 NULL JohnHayabusa Yeah like the guys from GangSta 5452556 NULL Fapoleono 3-1 5455016 NULL metagross01 it was 3-1 and they came back 5460536 NULL JohnHayabusa Or maybe BTOOOM 5468956 NULL SuperAsia Maybe Pip or Alucard? 5469266 NULL metagross01 or even fucking bebop 5471106 NULL Fapoleono John Hayabusa here When JFK was assassinated, his wife Jackie wore 5473576 NULL JohnHayabusa Or PsychoPass :^) 5480806 NULL akaikem coco is loco 5483656 NULL JohnHayabusa YEAH I SAW THAT IN THE VG THREAD 5485006 NULL SuperAsia Batou would've worked 5489016 NULL RamenRaisin uh i didn't test this or anything 5493216 NULL Suule Gunsmith Cats is applicable 5494046 NULL RamenRaisin lel 5497116 NULL Olecei >Testing for invis 5498896 NULL JohnHayabusa Fap, I saw that in the /4ccg/ thread 5503376 NULL Suule City Hunter might've been too 5507046 NULL DrDtroit Gunsmith Cats is god tier tbh 5515696 NULL DrDtroit then again I'm a Sonoda fanboy so 5521636 NULL JohnHayabusa PANZER VOR 5522266 NULL SilentCook PANZER VOR 5523876 NULL Electroshock3383 BLOOT 5524556 NULL JohnHayabusa BULLET 5526336 NULL Silvex BLOOT 5526346 NULL metagross01 PANZER VOT 5527086 NULL BlueLogic BLOOT 5527526 NULL Shevanel GOLAZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5530356 NULL JohnHayabusa BEST GUP 5530626 NULL Blandgore VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR 5530716 NULL metagross01 THAT FUCKING BLOOT 5530796 NULL DrDtroit JESUS CHRIST THAT GOAL 5531036 NULL Alguien AMMO RACKED 5532086 NULL TWAIN PANZER VORE 5535676 NULL Blandgore AMMO RACKED 5537936 NULL DagYouAzido PANZER VOR 5538076 NULL metagross01 JEEEEZUS 5543416 NULL JohnHayabusa LOSLOSLOSLOSLOS 5543736 NULL Electroshock3383 LOS LOS LOS 5546826 NULL Blandgore LOS LOS LOS 5547196 NULL Mobaloba >shamrock 5547726 NULL metagross01 LOS LOS LOS 5551226 NULL DrDtroit LOS LOS LOS 5552386 NULL SuperAsia LOS LOS LOS 5553626 NULL JohnHayabusa LOS LOS LOS LOS 5555436 NULL Silvex OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH 5556926 NULL Clerish Fast as fuck even in the replay 5558946 NULL DrDtroit LOLIS VULT 5559856 NULL JohnHayabusa Based Y.Aoi 5567856 NULL JohnHayabusa >/y/ stadium 5573356 NULL Lun- :ok: u_u 5574126 NULL metagross01 >Y.Aoi 5575426 NULL metagross01 kek 5576356 NULL ChowderSoup pls /ak/ 5578656 NULL metagross01 just got it 5580696 NULL Silvex >that subtle curve to the right mid shot 5586106 NULL JohnHayabusa >Play a goalhorn sung by Y.Aoi 5588916 NULL Fapoleono >go take a picc 5591006 NULL Fapoleono >goal 5591476 NULL JohnHayabusa Top Nep 5592246 NULL RamenRaisin its lucker longball dude 5592676 NULL Fapoleono fzg 5596536 NULL RamenRaisin if we win or lose it's a coinflip 5600636 NULL metagross01 now this match only needs a gold defender 5604446 NULL metagross01 to be full /y/ 5622776 NULL Clerish >almost own goal 5623356 NULL DrDtroit >Fuck Nugga 5630126 NULL ChowderSoup dat ricochet off a defender 5632606 NULL DagYouAzido HAM 5654676 NULL DrDtroit >Beat off by bootleg sex dolls 5655256 NULL DrDtroit kek 5658816 NULL JohnHayabusa Who Kemono Friends hear? 5665456 NULL JohnHayabusa *here 5668036 NULL RamenRaisin me 5672636 NULL Electroshock3383 tanoshii 5672676 NULL RamenRaisin vote for them in the poll thx 5672836 NULL JohnHayabusa Shoebill best Furenzu 5683126 NULL DrDtroit i need to get on to watchign that 5686826 NULL Resolink no 5687206 NULL Electroshock3383 do it 5689326 NULL JohnHayabusa Just let us know when the poll is up Ramen 5690506 NULL RamenRaisin yee dtroit 5692196 NULL TWAIN dtoy holding on to an orange transparent dildo 5695046 NULL JohnHayabusa DO IT DTROIT 5703396 NULL JohnHayabusa YOU WILL LOVE KEMONO FRIENDS 5718366 NULL Kruzn is it that phone game? 5719236 NULL RamenRaisin @JohnHayabusa if you actually go on /a/ you'll see it when it's c 5721826 NULL RamenRaisin *up 5721916 NULL Electroshock3383 worldbuilding is way deeper than it looks 5729966 NULL Silvex lelouch or riot 5731496 NULL Electroshock3383 it was a mobage yes 5734356 NULL metagross01 i already voted on the first part of the poll 5741986 NULL Electroshock3383 A SHIT 5766036 NULL JohnHayabusa SPOILERS: Serval is set to die ;_; 5775636 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 this took way too long 5777016 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 I'm sorry, but did /ak/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The g 5780406 NULL MaxPiston SPOILERS: they're already dead 5797436 NULL Blandgore PENAL 5797466 NULL ChowderSoup ERA PENAL 5803366 NULL Electroshock3383 BENULDY? 5806866 NULL JohnHayabusa lewd 5807366 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 topic when the game is still on? /ak/ are still playing right 5808646 NULL Shevanel PENUTLY 5812056 NULL DagYouAzido Is that Super Sonico? 5812316 NULL ATomato SPOILERS: It's a chemo-infused dream 5812466 NULL JohnHayabusa FOR YOU 5812606 NULL Silvex OOOOOOOOOOOOOH 5815856 NULL Silvex BROKEN NECK 5818286 NULL Electroshock3383 KEK 5819986 NULL DrDtroit It's a half-melted sonico 5822366 NULL Silvex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>revy 5823446 NULL Mobaloba wat the heck? 5827196 NULL Blandgore >REVY 5837476 NULL JohnHayabusa Who's your favorite Furenzu? 5846626 NULL Suule So Dtroit, when did Bad Dragon offered you a sponsorship deal for TTC? 5872056 NULL DagYouAzido OFFSIDE 5874026 NULL Mobaloba >trying to dribble with no legs 5875216 NULL Silvex ERA 5875546 NULL DrDtroit it's done out of love, not out of money 5878416 NULL JohnHayabusa YELLOW 5878586 NULL Suule And a card 5881786 NULL Blandgore YELLOW 5883456 NULL JohnHayabusa AGain 5888526 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGED 5895996 NULL Mobaloba >shamrock 5898666 NULL Electroshock3383 >/y/ stadium 5901906 NULL DrDtroit the foul was too lewd for us 5902346 NULL JohnHayabusa PTSD sure is living up to her name 5904566 NULL TWAIN was it the post offside tackle? 5905846 NULL Electroshock3383 inb4 crash at 90+ 5913916 NULL JohnHayabusa ^ 5916926 NULL Necropenguin suspicious 5939076 NULL Silvex Yeah that tackle came after offside 5957216 NULL JohnHayabusa PTSchoke 5958316 NULL SilentCook It should crash at 70 min for /y/ experience :D 5972906 NULL DrDtroit >tfw you have to make H*m H*nds jump in front of bullets to save /yo 5975016 NULL DrDtroit ;_;7 5977406 NULL Silvex >all these little touches to set up a shot for' PANZER 5978096 NULL JohnHayabusa Inb4 if crashes after this first half time :DD 5985146 NULL JohnHayabusa *it 5992726 NULL ravenire cmon trumpetah kill them all 5998136 NULL JohnHayabusa I want to fug Shoebill 6003806 NULL URAMAGET THAT DOUBLE ILLEGAL 6016326 NULL Silvex the call that saves /ak/ inbound 6018816 NULL JohnHayabusa And maybe Serval too :) 6022046 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Kinder Eggs ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░█░█░▀█▀░█▄░█░█▀▄░ 6026316 NULL Electroshock3383 IONA 6029366 NULL JohnHayabusa What are some guys with guns anime? 6039976 NULL getoutofjpagain >guys with guns 6043586 NULL getoutofjpagain are you fucking gay 6045666 NULL JohnHayabusa Devil May Cry can be counted since it has an anime 6050186 NULL Mobaloba kek 6053016 NULL CuriousAnon >he isn't gay 6054596 NULL CuriousAnon >2017 6057756 NULL HotBeverages Pumpkin Scissors is pretty good 6060216 NULL Silvex yu yu hakusho 6063106 NULL Silvex :^) 6064846 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░█░█░▀█▀░█▄░█░█▀▄░█▀▀░█▀█░ ░█▀ 6067016 NULL getoutofjpagain did you just assume my sexual preferences 6074236 NULL Mantis space dandy 6079206 NULL Mantis :^) 6086206 NULL JohnHayabusa ./ak/ is actually /c/k/ in disguise :^) 6103116 NULL divegrass the overall problem, though, with anime, yet. is that it isn't what 6103646 NULL JohnHayabusa Psycho Pass and Gangsta can be counted 6107646 NULL Blandgore Bring in Duke Togo! 6109676 NULL Olecei Dank meme my friend 6112736 NULL JohnHayabusa ded? 6119346 NULL RamenRaisin revy is trash 6119526 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 6124936 NULL Electroshock3383 INVISIBLE LEGS 6133886 NULL JohnHayabusa Akkarin legs 6150936 NULL Electroshock3383 >ham hands 6154186 NULL DagYouAzido HM HNDS 6161826 NULL Electroshock3383 It was h*ld h*nds 6180966 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw Akkarin corrupted Madoka so bad, she has invisible limbs 6195236 NULL Mantis >6(1) for /ak/ 6197416 NULL Mantis pottery 6198946 NULL Blandgore BRING IN DUKE TOGO 6208496 NULL JohnHayabusa So um who's the best raifu in /ak/? 6212086 NULL Alfonso13 SHOOT AND MISS 6216776 NULL RamenRaisin shigu best 6218866 NULL JohnHayabusa Yoshika for me 6237586 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw I have yet to finish watching SW 6248776 NULL Alfonso13 For me, it's Henrietta 6261516 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw I haven't even reached SW S2 6262406 NULL Silvex For me, it's revy 6289416 NULL SuperAsia I like the Major 6302616 NULL ChowderSoup aww 6324266 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Saved ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░█▀▀░▄▀▄░█░░░█░█▀▀░█▀▄ 6329016 NULL Electroshock3383 are botes /ak/ ? 6332246 NULL Electroshock3383 ;^) 6335536 NULL metagross01 KEK 6337906 NULL JohnHayabusa KEK 6338326 NULL Polizpolice kek 6338816 NULL metagross01 COCKZILLA 6338926 NULL Fapoleono KEK 6338996 NULL Electroshock3383 BENIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDD 6340566 NULL Shevanel KEK 6340906 NULL JohnHayabusa COCKZILLA 6342076 NULL NuclearFissionRobot . 6342076 NULL Blandgore MY SIDES 6342096 NULL Silvex kek 6342566 NULL DagYouAzido KEK 6343176 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Saved ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░█▀▀░▄▀▄░█░░░█░█▀▀░█▀▄ 6344456 NULL SuperAsia CAWKZILLA 6348306 NULL metagross01 Based /dtoy/ 6349196 NULL NuclearFissionRobot COCK ZILLA 6351496 NULL JohnHayabusa GODBENIS :DDDDDD 6360006 NULL Silvex BLOOT ATTEMPT 6369936 NULL Blandgore wot 6372016 NULL Electroshock3383 under the stands cam 6372476 NULL Shevanel BASED COCK ZILLA 6374526 NULL JohnHayabusa Press Kek if you love Kekkels and his keks so much 6376156 NULL Mobaloba wut 6385686 NULL Alfonso13 Nice crowd 6400026 NULL metagross01 +3 6402586 NULL Silvex >hot glue 6406546 NULL Silvex UNTIL WE SCORE 6407186 NULL metagross01 >PTSD 6408416 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice chat room too 6413076 NULL SilentCook >Panzer yore 6413086 NULL JohnHayabusa SAVED 6414236 NULL metagross01 SAVED 6420946 NULL Blandgore SAVED 6421446 NULL RamenRaisin FUCK 6422256 NULL metagross01 GG 6423036 NULL Giddythefuckup NOT THIS TIME /AK/ 6423286 NULL Esposito77 GET FUCKED /AK/ 6423856 NULL Electroshock3383 >iona 6424726 NULL RamenRaisin MY ASS 6424986 NULL Shevanel GG 6425556 NULL Blandgore GG 6428756 NULL JohnHayabusa GG 6430536 NULL Silvex >fuck my ass 6431016 NULL Silvex k 6431856 NULL SuperAsia GG 6435186 NULL Mobaloba wew 6435566 NULL JohnHayabusa Poor /ak/ 6435896 NULL DagYouAzido :gg: 6447846 NULL MaxPiston keeper babbies 6449906 NULL RamenRaisin SIX SAVES KMS 6452996 NULL BlueLogic >6 saves 6457686 NULL JohnHayabusa ./uk/ and /ak/ sucked today 6462506 NULL metagross01 well, /ak/ has lots of chances of being one of the best 3rd place 6464056 NULL JohnHayabusa Oops 6464976 NULL Electroshock3383 >uk 6468326 NULL JohnHayabusa I mean /uv/ 6469146 NULL Mobaloba based H*m H*nds 6472676 NULL JohnHayabusa Stupid me 6481966 NULL DrDtroit >4 on target >makes 6 saves anyway 6483636 NULL DrDtroit neat 6488946 NULL Olecei >/uk/ 6493476 NULL Olecei I prefer /ger/ myself tbh 6504766 NULL TWAIN here's hoping for a patrician draw 6518526 NULL JohnHayabusa What about /phi/? :^) 6526746 NULL Olecei Nuke SEA 6528616 NULL RamenRaisin remove flips 6529226 NULL JohnHayabusa >Flip power 6538936 NULL Olecei Disgusting monkeys need to be destroyed 6539296 NULL JohnHayabusa Sorry Ramen but I'm a flip 6543306 NULL JohnHayabusa And I don't like it 6543406 NULL RamenRaisin yes 6546286 NULL MaxPiston bomb the phillipines 6547776 NULL RamenRaisin remove flips 6549986 NULL BlueLogic I belive /dtoy/ are now guaranteed to go through :D 6555896 NULL ATomato Yeah John you've said that like 100 times 6558136 NULL goldenwingman not until /bol/ lose 6560186 NULL JohnHayabusa It sure sucks to be a Flip ;_; 6560526 NULL ATomato The message finally reached us 6572886 NULL Suule They are 6590586 NULL JohnHayabusa ses and hpo next 6599926 NULL Esposito77 Any countries east of America should be removed :^) 6616426 NULL Electroshock3383 SHIEEEEEEEET 6619706 NULL Electroshock3383 TriHard 6620766 NULL TWAIN WE 6621756 NULL JohnHayabusa Bing 6624536 NULL JohnHayabusa bi bing 6624806 NULL Blandgore SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT 6640946 NULL Silvex >we 6641146 NULL URAMAGET Press d if you dindu nuffin 6643706 NULL JohnHayabusa That blowjob face 6647316 NULL Hypnosparkle d 6648206 NULL Electroshock3383 d 6654766 NULL JohnHayabusa >ses and hpo next 6657646 NULL SilentCook paypuh 6659986 NULL JohnHayabusa Oh stupid me again 6669386 NULL JohnHayabusa I needa drink 6679926 NULL metagross01 oh boy thime for paper benis 6712066 NULL Kekkels FUCKING HIGHLIGHTS 6715606 NULL JohnHayabusa BING 6721666 NULL getoutofjpagain time for papercuts in horrible places 6740946 NULL Blandgore d 6742336 NULL JohnHayabusa >/po/ v /pol/ in a tag team match 6758406 NULL JohnHayabusa Oh boy this is gonna be good 6769346 NULL Electroshock3383 >papercut on your benis 6771096 NULL Electroshock3383 DELET 6787876 NULL JohnHayabusa Press po for /hpo/ or po/ for /bol/ 6791276 NULL Gnoll Vertically right on the end 6799576 NULL metagross01 >those conditions for /hpo/ 6800636 NULL metagross01 JESUS 6813346 NULL Electroshock3383 Also >hitlel 6846209 NULL Fapoleono geggels commentators 6854399 NULL Suule Geggels plz 6857679 NULL Suule No commentator abuse 6874029 NULL metagross01 >red PRAISE KEK 6898989 NULL Hypnosparkle we liv 6907709 NULL Gnoll >those blatant hard cuts 6920589 NULL Gnoll At least try to hide it 6940809 NULL Electroshock3383 mintcat01UMR 6949759 NULL JohnHayabusa Dem red and oranges on /hpo/ 6964419 NULL DrDtroit SPOILER: https://puu.sh/uNYUr/9a787e4337.jpg 6975459 NULL DrDtroit https://puu.sh/uNYUV/8f2af6b31f.jpg 6981989 NULL JohnHayabusa Dtroit pls 6982769 NULL metagross01 kek 6986829 NULL SilentCook o shit 6994519 NULL JohnHayabusa Dtroit are you almost done with the story mode? 7002549 NULL QDvg he finished hitler 7005009 NULL SuperAsia oh fug it's heating up 7006749 NULL QDvg we spurdo smackdown now 7008339 NULL JohnHayabusa Oh 7008659 NULL HotBeverages I miss memewrasslin# 7009109 NULL DrDtroit we finished, hitler won the title 7011909 NULL metagross01 trixiEbin 7015129 NULL DrDtroit now we're doing Spurdo Face run 7021909 NULL JohnHayabusa Wow congrats Dtroit 7038529 NULL DagYouAzido https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/177482967524835347/2930950 7043019 NULL Electroshock3383 horoLewd 7046069 NULL SuperAsia Did Hitler go on to kill the jews involved in the WWE 7056109 NULL JohnHayabusa Just wondering, why are you guys using Here Comes the Pain for t 7063679 NULL QDvg
Kekkels is a cuck 8120327 NULL Silvex NTR is the thinking man's fetish :thinking: 8128967 NULL trya *screeeek* 8129247 NULL SilentCook t. Moot 8134887 NULL JohnHayabusa IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE THE MEXICAN PAPER BENIS :DD DDDD 8144007 NULL Electroshock3383 t. m00t 8147047 NULL JohnHayabusa kekekekek 8152627 NULL MaxPiston t. Who? 8155897 NULL URAMAGET >implying 8156187 NULL SuperAsia >NTR 8156467 NULL Shevanel ;_; 8157047 NULL Crackrobat Cuckels? 8160157 NULL BoulderBro ;_; 8162897 NULL JohnHayabusa "NTR is the thinking man's fetish" - Kekkels, 2017 8168457 NULL URAMAGET NTR is the betacucks fetish 8171297 NULL Electroshock3383 LEWD 8172667 NULL MilSurpAnon lewd 8174807 NULL Electroshock3383 horoLewd 8175457 NULL metagross01 >69% 8176457 NULL trya >3(0) 8176457 NULL JohnHayabusa NTR IS THE BEST! 8177817 NULL Shevanel SUPER LEWD 8178017 NULL LeToucanSam negative stat 8178567 NULL Greycatmon lwed 8179337 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 8180957 NULL trya l-l-lewd! 8181427 NULL Giddythefuckup POSESSION IS A LEWD STAT 8182267 NULL Greycatmon lewd 8182537 NULL SuperAsia LEWD 8183397 NULL Blandgore >69% 8184677 NULL Blandgore LEWD 8187097 NULL JohnHayabusa >69% 8189247 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 8193297 NULL Shevanel >69% 8194747 NULL JohnHayabusa NTR IS THE BEST! 8200117 NULL JohnHayabusa Like a Miata car 8208017 NULL Electroshock3383 >West Coast 8208907 NULL MaxPiston >west coast 8211287 NULL Giddythefuckup >california 8213077 NULL Silvex >west coast 8215307 NULL JohnHayabusa >West Coast 8217887 NULL MaxPiston cuckifornia 8221327 NULL NuclearFissionRobot 8223687 NULL Giddythefuckup At least QD has a wife Kekkels :^) 8224317 NULL Silvex BTFO 8226657 NULL Crackrobat makes you think 8229767 NULL MilSurpAnon FUCKING DESTROYED 8231487 NULL NuclearFissionRobot >< 8234517 NULL metagross01 EXPLOSED 8234827 NULL SpeghiHaram :thinking: 8237497 NULL Silvex E X P O S E D 8238677 NULL JohnHayabusa makes you think 8240357 NULL metagross01 EXPOSED 8242117 NULL JohnHayabusa EXPOSED 8243017 NULL SuperAsia EXPOSED 8247897 NULL metagross01 >sharing waifu 8248237 NULL NuclearFissionRobot trump 8250727 NULL Giddythefuckup KEK 8251417 NULL Electroshock3383 >2017 >Sharing your wife 8253557 NULL TWAIN kek 8259457 NULL Electroshock3383 LEWD 8263117 NULL QDvg i missed getting blown the fuck out because i'm making burgers 8269787 NULL Layrinn your wife is a SAD PANDA 8271537 NULL Crackrobat QD IS A CUCK 8271807 NULL Giddythefuckup >Murrifat 8272157 NULL SuperAsia what did he mean by this 8286827 NULL Crackrobat my waifu is pure, because noone remembers her 8295667 NULL Fapoleono >2017 8301827 NULL Fapoleono >not having a slavfu 8305627 NULL Fapoleono goml 8308277 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @QDvg http://i.4cdn.org/tg/1489937765710.jpg 8312407 NULL QDvg tfw no wife to be fucked by another man :( 8315077 NULL SpeghiHaram F L E X :flex: 8337347 NULL Silvex :pistol: 8337427 NULL SirPainsalot >/uv/ >best blenders 8341807 NULL SilentCook >/ses/ 8360677 NULL MaxPiston ./uv/ sucks lmao 8369407 NULL Electroshock3383 masonIowa 8377867 NULL Electroshock3383 masonNya 8387657 NULL QDvg :) 8404377 NULL SilentCook PAYPUH 8405737 NULL QDvg oh hey we get to hear the /hpo/ horn 8405857 NULL TWAIN PATRICIAN 1-1 8406507 NULL SirPainsalot THIS GOALHORN 8406927 NULL Electroshock3383 > wixBrix 8407607 NULL SirPainsalot IS GREAT 8409307 NULL Silvex PAYPUH 8411837 NULL NuclearFissionRobot because I'm a fucking retarded slav 8411897 NULL Shevanel MICHIKING 8415857 NULL MrCopout >they went over the wall 8416227 NULL NuclearFissionRobot waht? 8416537 NULL HotBeverages IS IT EQUALISED? 8418267 NULL Electroshock3383 LEWD 8418897 NULL Vilip Wall proven ineffective 8419127 NULL Silvex threw him to the floor! 8422477 NULL Giddythefuckup Origami penis 8423087 NULL NuclearFissionRobot KANGS 8424047 NULL MilSurpAnon Oh boy, here we go 8426007 NULL metagross01 PAYPUH 8427237 NULL SirPainsalot HOW TO MAKE AN ORIGAMI PENIS 8431617 NULL trya Kappa :clap: 8433387 NULL Hypnosparkle ORIGAMI BENIS 8435617 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ss 8438277 NULL MaxPiston PRECISELY CALIBRATED PENIS 8439627 NULL Alycornanon ORIGAMI BENIS :D 8442267 NULL QDvg P R E C I S E L Y 8448837 NULL NuclearFissionRobot open it up 8449397 NULL Fapoleono <3 you QD 8452107 NULL Silvex >defender got nut megged 8452267 NULL Layrinn call the police i need an adult 8452817 NULL KingLear Michiking is my favourite state. 8453037 NULL Lun- very educational 8454867 NULL TwoScoops the sound of this paper folding is WAY too lewd 8457997 NULL Alycornanon Dpm 8459057 NULL TwoScoops jesus chirst 8460787 NULL Necropenguin 8 by 8 benis 8461107 NULL TwoScoops delet this 8462377 NULL QDvg i live in michiking 8463017 NULL JohnHayabusa pls 8470777 NULL Alycornanon Don't put your benises on top of one another. 8471547 NULL BlueLogic >through the legs of a defender 8472487 NULL BlueLogic wew 8477037 NULL Mobaloba i have the weirdest boner 8481867 NULL TWAIN >70% 8483067 NULL JohnHayabusa Bottom edge 8494087 NULL MrCopout half the internet lives in michiking apparently 8496837 NULL Electroshock3383 yep it's a youtube vid 8500317 NULL JohnHayabusa BENIS :DDDDD 8504767 NULL MaxPiston meatchicken 8507077 NULL Necropenguin keep scoring more so we can finish our benis! 8521187 NULL Electroshock3383 >/soc/ 8535347 NULL JohnHayabusa >Teams with no blenders 8561267 NULL QDvg cock humor is the easiest humor, just like your mom 8595537 NULL Mobaloba rekt 8600187 NULL Esposito77 Wew 8601977 NULL SirPainsalot destroyed 8603027 NULL QDvg whoms't've 8604887 NULL SpeghiHaram whomst'd've 8637427 NULL JohnHayabusa OUT 8652787 NULL JohnHayabusa "I'm retarded." - Kekkels, 2017 8654927 NULL Vilip whomeveromst'd've't 8655537 NULL TwoScoops Reminder that double contractions are perfectly valid English 8665767 NULL Silvex ooooooh 8666697 NULL Silvex foot save 8676237 NULL SirPainsalot SIEGE HEIL 8678367 NULL SpeghiHaram nibbas whomst'd've set their tactics to let the opposing team win 8702137 NULL Crackrobat womdthse' 8706177 NULL Crackrobat v 8719497 NULL metagross01 WANI DMCA 8722167 NULL JohnHayabusa pls 8723737 NULL Alfonso13 Whomst'd've'D 8728147 NULL metagross01 PAUSE ABUSE 8729397 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 8732347 NULL Electroshock3383 RIGGED 8740037 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGED 8741087 NULL Vilip shiggy riggy doo 8757187 NULL Necropenguin RIGGED've 8777417 NULL Vilip riggn't've 8781447 NULL Electroshock3383 RIGGED've 8782017 NULL Blandgore RIGGED 8784897 NULL TWAIN kek 8785267 NULL Electroshock3383 DELET 8787807 NULL Silvex AHHHHHHHHHHHH 8791687 NULL metagross01 RIGGED 8793747 NULL Fapoleono There you go QD 8796917 NULL Fapoleono you can say it now 8798287 NULL Giddythefuckup POST IT 8799817 NULL Giddythefuckup POST IIIT 8799917 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGGED 8804467 NULL SuperAsia POST IT 8808367 NULL Silvex HOL UP 8810027 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 8812927 NULL SpeghiHaram AYO HOL UP 8813157 NULL Silvex *smacks lips* 8813737 NULL Polizpolice H O L UP 8814807 NULL Layrinn wat 8816877 NULL QDvg :thinking: 8819887 NULL Giddythefuckup POST IIIT :DD 8820477 NULL Vilip POST IT 8824627 NULL JohnHayabusa >Kekkels 8826157 NULL Alfonso13 DO IT 8826657 NULL Electroshock3383 masonHype 8831047 NULL Giddythefuckup Or at least the link 8833387 NULL JohnHayabusa >Kek >kels 8834007 NULL Alfonso13 *Nods toward your direction* 8838657 NULL metagross01 W I D E 8841897 NULL Silvex KEK 8846537 NULL metagross01 tbh it wasn't easy 8850037 NULL JohnHayabusa kekekekkekekek 8875417 NULL SpeghiHaram y'all'd've 8906137 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 I'm sorry, but did /bol/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The 8907627 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 They're playing one of the worst teams in the Tag Team III wh 8945027 NULL metagross01 >memenpress 8946017 NULL Giddythefuckup Who's the guy at #rekt? 8950427 NULL Silvex t. klopp 8953817 NULL goldenwingman mario gomez 8956997 NULL QDvg it has always been a fantasy of mine to slide a piece of paper quickly a 8961257 NULL Electroshock3383 masonNya 8965887 NULL Fapoleono NO DELET 8971317 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 7 NAZIS FORWARD 8972287 NULL Alfonso13 Not like this 8973327 NULL Giddythefuckup oh ok 8975867 NULL Alfonso13 Not like this, boner 8982207 NULL Electroshock3383 TRIGGERED 8989257 NULL Giddythefuckup Kek QD 8992027 NULL Blandgore DELETE THIS 8995927 NULL TwoScoops delete this 8997157 NULL Vilip SHIEET 9002777 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 PHYSICALLY UNPLEASANT 9010917 NULL Electroshock3383 KEK 9015957 NULL QDvg :ok: u_u 9026837 NULL Electroshock3383 :ok: rivenLaugh 9027397 NULL Esposito77 I'm still waiting for you to post it :^) 9033497 NULL Silvex :pistol: 9038397 NULL Alycornanon I'm gonig to go clench my legs in discomfort till I feel better, 9038997 NULL QDvg a man comes into my wife and i's bedroom, with a piece of paper in his h 9047497 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 Don't talk to QD or his wife's son ever again 9048567 NULL Vilip >When you make an absolutely abhorrent post 9050577 NULL Fapoleono *comest 9055247 NULL NuclearFissionRobot QDvg a man comes into my wife and i's bedroom, with a pie 9058337 NULL Layrinn my wife son 9059397 NULL QDvg he forces the piece of paper into my hand and demands i disrobe 9070347 NULL Polizpolice qd pls 9072787 NULL Vilip comst've 9075737 NULL NuclearFissionRobot kek 9078517 NULL Giddythefuckup KEEP GOING 9087817 NULL TwoScoops >i's bedroom 9097107 NULL metagross01 THAT'S THE WALL 9098787 NULL TwoScoops I thought this was a proper English stream chat 9100637 NULL QDvg yeah that's probably wrong whatever 9106987 NULL metagross01 >hitlel 9109987 NULL SirPainsalot TRIED TO USE HIS PENIS HEAD 9110097 NULL Electroshock3383 ROBOCARD 9111857 NULL metagross01 ROBOCARD 9112517 NULL SilentCook AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9115607 NULL TWAIN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9115607 NULL Blandgore AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9117547 NULL SirPainsalot :'( 9118797 NULL SpeghiHaram AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9118987 NULL Electroshock3383 DELET 9119097 NULL DonRavioli "Hitler is dead" that's not new 9119997 NULL Vilip Keklel 9120747 NULL Shevanel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9120807 NULL Layrinn cardinging 9122277 NULL JohnHayabusa Sad Card 9126577 NULL JohnHayabusa OOOOOOOH 9127717 NULL Necropenguin Paper 9128537 NULL QDvg u_u 9131517 NULL Lun- >hitlel 9134087 NULL Electroshock3383 >HITLEL 9135787 NULL SpeghiHaram HITLEL 9136007 NULL Silvex >hitlel 9137147 NULL JohnHayabusa Hitded 9141377 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 9141787 NULL Polizpolice HITLER FUCK 9143297 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDELER 9148907 NULL Vilip >Hitler >misses 9151057 NULL Vilip That's new 9153017 NULL NuclearFissionRobot "This is getting out of hand." - Kekkels, 2017 9154587 NULL TWAIN >shimakaze 9163917 NULL Necropenguin High'll Hitler 9165217 NULL metagross01 >Rigged Radio 9165827 NULL Alfonso13 (male) 9168087 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 IT'S ORADOUR ALL OVER AGAIN 9179017 NULL JohnHayabusa Kek 9180037 NULL Electroshock3383 OY VEY 9186177 NULL Silvex ANODAH SHOAH 9187797 NULL Blandgore GOYIM 9190977 NULL Vilip SHUT IT DOWN 9196867 NULL JohnHayabusa DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU'RE CUMMING WITH ME 9218627 NULL metagross01 moonman 9227587 NULL QDvg oy vey remember the sliced urethra 9234687 NULL Electroshock3383 AAAAA 9234987 NULL SpeghiHaram moonman gets subbed with a nigr 9236457 NULL SpeghiHaram a 9243587 NULL Necropenguin StingrAIDS 9248397 NULL Vilip FUG OFF QDvg 9252717 NULL Electroshock3383 ./b/lackup 9265227 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ./bol/ foreskin status: [cut] 9271887 NULL QDvg o_o 9276877 NULL SpeghiHaram +1 9279957 NULL MrCopout it'll heal 9290697 NULL Vilip does /mu/ play in any team? 9295857 NULL Fapoleono nope 9301167 NULL NuclearFissionRobot qd is on a roll today 9311987 NULL Alfonso13 Nobody wants to tag along with shitty /mu/ 9325027 NULL Alfonso13 Maybe /lit/ would be a fitting partner for them 9335487 NULL 6letters fuuuck 9335947 NULL Electroshock3383 >REKT 9336877 NULL SilentCook >inb4 /mud/ team next year 9341367 NULL JohnHayabusa REKT 9342097 NULL Blandgore >Newfag 9343777 NULL DagYouAzido REKT 9349867 NULL JohnHayabusa #CHOKT 9351367 NULL OldManInternets 'Hitler is gassed'. 9352057 NULL NuclearFissionRobot a draw vabors /ak/ 9352197 NULL Electroshock3383 >Hitler is gassed 9356607 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 REKT IN THE MORNING 9357397 NULL DonRavioli "Hitler is gassed" Kekkels 2017 9359977 NULL DagYouAzido OH THE IRONY 9361927 NULL Clerish "Hitler is gassed." - Kekkels, 2017 9367097 NULL MilSurpAnon wew 9367717 NULL URAMAGET wut 9367937 NULL Giddythefuckup REPLAY 9368017 NULL metagross01 kek 9368727 NULL SpeghiHaram KEK 9371207 NULL Giddythefuckup REPPPLAAAY AND SAVE 9371617 NULL DagYouAzido KEK 9372867 NULL Silvex REPLAY 9374137 NULL SpeghiHaram BENDY NIGRA 9375207 NULL Blandgore TOP KEK 9376467 NULL metagross01 SAVE THAT SHIT 9378567 NULL JohnHayabusa TOP KEK 9380087 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 TOP FUCKING KEK 9384967 NULL OldManInternets 'You can't tell me that F***in' hurt you....well, maybe that 9386607 NULL Vilip My only regret is that I have boneitis 9396637 NULL Electroshock3383 BLACKED 9396937 NULL Giddythefuckup SAAAAAVE 9398007 NULL SilentCook Nice brojob 9398037 NULL metagross01 top kek 9400517 NULL TWAIN HOL UP 9402257 NULL trya S U C C 9406077 NULL metagross01 WHAT A CROSSBODY 9406567 NULL JohnHayabusa KEKEKEKEKKEKEK 9407377 NULL Electroshock3383 RIGHT IN THE BENIS 9410157 NULL QDvg ME BACK 9411457 NULL JohnHayabusa CROSSBODY 9413697 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @Kekkels save it 9415187 NULL Electroshock3383 S U C C 9416037 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SAVE IT 9416377 NULL Shevanel IT DOES NOT FUCLING SLIP 9416847 NULL Blandgore My sides 9417727 NULL JohnHayabusa KEKEKEKEKEKKEKEK 9417847 NULL DrBorisG FITNESS 9421687 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SAVE IT SAVE IT 9422087 NULL Blandgore I'm crying 9424137 NULL Clerish BASED 9426667 NULL Alfonso13 GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY 9428577 NULL trya that's one flexible nigga TriHard 9429837 NULL Necropenguin he got better 9437967 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 SHEEEEEEEEEEEIITTT 9444047 NULL JohnHayabusa I love computer graphics :) 9455097 NULL Clerish >injuries enabled, they said 9459917 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 SOME 9464147 NULL Electroshock3383 xieDesu NOO 9465307 NULL Alfonso13 BODY 9467007 NULL metagross01 this confirms /dtoy/ through 9474887 NULL SpeghiHaram SLURRRRRRP 9475377 NULL TWAIN dtoy has always been through 9476087 NULL metagross01 P A T R I C I A N 9478517 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 9480537 NULL Electroshock3383 shimakaze 9482097 NULL Polizpolice SLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUURP 9482417 NULL trya bad passes all around, truly patrician :ok: u_u 9482747 NULL DagYouAzido >1-1 9483847 NULL Blandgore This match 9488567 NULL JohnHayabusa Lel 9489317 NULL TWAIN shitmakazr 9489517 NULL Giddythefuckup dtoy is through yes 9495477 NULL Electroshock3383 masonHype 9497477 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 i really like the /bol/ shirts 9501967 NULL TWAIN 9611 is possible 9509077 NULL MilSurpAnon So here's the thing 9509617 NULL trya who cares kappaDisco 9532697 NULL DagYouAzido >7(1) 9538287 NULL Electroshock3383 >7(1) 9541147 NULL TWAIN bra71l 9543847 NULL trya l-l-lewd pass completion! 9546077 NULL Vilip ACCURACY A SHIEET 9547877 NULL NuclearFissionRobot 69 pass completedd 9549007 NULL JohnHayabusa >7(1) 9552987 NULL JohnHayabusa 69 lewd 9554377 NULL Blandgore 69% 9571797 NULL DagYouAzido >that one 6.5 9576447 NULL OldManInternets #check 'em! 9577397 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 6 (SIX) shots on target 9581707 NULL Blandgore CHECK EM 9584127 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 9588277 NULL trya = 9590337 NULL Blandgore MEME MAGIC IS STRONG ON THIS MATCH 9593847 NULL ChowderSoup PRAISE HIM 9599207 NULL JohnHayabusa Dem 6s and 7s 9607747 NULL JohnHayabusa 666s and 777s 9613447 NULL JohnHayabusa Satan v Jesus 9648317 NULL Blandgore CHEKEM 9649377 NULL Layrinn benis 9754407 NULL TWAIN >staying hydrated 9757107 NULL Shevanel PEPE 9760897 NULL DonRavioli BUT FIRST, stay hydrated 9761597 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 PATRICIAN MUSIC 9762017 NULL TWAIN remove hydra 9771437 NULL Clerish STAY HYDRATED BASED GOD FOOT 9774897 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 play both anthems you fug 9777057 NULL Shevanel HAIL HYDRA 9802387 NULL JohnHayabusa Silence 9809430 NULL TwoScoops the stream is so silentent the sound icon disappeared from my chrom 9818910 NULL TwoScoops >silentent 9820420 NULL JohnHayabusa [Absolute silence in the background] 9821000 NULL metagross01 kek 9823270 NULL TwoScoops I'm good at this 9831780 NULL Clerish The most patrician anthem 9840430 NULL Shevanel I'm crying 9850960 NULL Alfonso13 [Patrician Silence] 9869590 NULL Alfonso13 *Cringes* 9872460 NULL Esposito77 Tfw googled papercut urethra 9878770 NULL metagross01 CHAIKA 9880660 NULL Shevanel Time to fap lads 9881190 NULL metagross01 doyNep 9881840 NULL Esposito77 I REGRET EVERYTHING 9885140 NULL Suule > Googled it 9889060 NULL Suule YOU SOILED IT 9893440 NULL JohnHayabusa Nepu <3 9915080 NULL Shevanel Todays scores Takumi 9915310 NULL JohnHayabusa Chaik <3 9915900 NULL Shevanel Screencap this 9926910 NULL Alfonso13 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 9934500 NULL JohnHayabusa Yoko's Yokos 9950690 NULL TwoScoops God dammit 9955160 NULL Clerish WEW 9964110 NULL JohnHayabusa >/ses/ 9965730 NULL metagross01 >/ses/'s formation 9968080 NULL SuperAsia >/ses/ 9970080 NULL metagross01 every fucking time 9984810 NULL Alfonso13 ASKING TO BE RIGGED 9985620 NULL Layrinn what 9985820 NULL JohnHayabusa ./ses/ x TwoScoops = SEScoops :^) 9991010 NULL JohnHayabusa Alycorn? 10018660 NULL drinklots Time for NOSES? 10028200 NULL JohnHayabusa NOSES 10035010 NULL SilentCook RUDE 10035660 NULL Clerish WAT 10052750 NULL Megabeastage #rude 10053440 NULL MrCopout no ses 10059130 NULL MrCopout no ses in the champaign room 10060360 NULL NuclearFissionRobot NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█▄░█░█▀▀█░░░░░░░░ 10067700 NULL TWAIN NO MANAGER 10078250 NULL Layrinn load 10084020 NULL NuclearFissionRobot NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█▄░█░█▀▀█░░░░░░░░ ░░ 10091040 NULL MrCopout >/s4s/ and /x/ when 10093080 NULL JohnHayabusa NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█▄░█░█▀▀█░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ 10098830 NULL TwoScoops I sure am glad we're getting a good dose of this meme formation I m 10099010 NULL JohnHayabusa ./sxs/ 10105380 NULL MrCopout s4x 10107370 NULL MrCopout that doesnt work 10122160 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SES ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░ 10123920 NULL JohnHayabusa That sounds ok 10128020 NULL metagross01 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░▀▀█░█▀ 10129740 NULL MrCopout epic s4x guy 10135420 NULL JohnHayabusa SES ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░▀ 10163840 NULL MilSurpAnon Shouldn't be 'A Literal Engine On Wheels' off the pitch for getti 10171980 NULL wasad >not getting a #rare miata 10181040 NULL TWAIN >hating miata 10188270 NULL MrCopout red arrow red card. you can't explain that. 10191510 NULL TWAIN nb best miata 10193830 NULL SuperAsia Everyone loves to see a Miata I mean look at it, it's THE BEST IT'S 10196650 NULL metagross01 WAT RACING 10200440 NULL NuclearFissionRobot NO SES ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█▄░█░█▀▀█░░░░░░░░ ░ 10208660 NULL TwoScoops YES SES 10214650 NULL Electroshock3383 >windows 10 10216600 NULL SuperAsia SES ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░▀▀█░ 10220240 NULL MilSurpAnon >windows 10230930 NULL SuperAsia >wondows 10231060 NULL JohnHayabusa YOU DRIVE A MIATA BECAUSE YOU WANT THE BEST YOU DESERVE THE BEST 10233310 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SES NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░ 10235750 NULL Electroshock3383 put in botes 10238700 NULL Electroshock3383 xieDesu 10240930 NULL SuperAsia ONLY THE BEST WILL DO 10241290 NULL JohnHayabusa ONLY THE BEST WILL DO 10242240 NULL QDvg you drive a miata because you are the gay and you deserve the gay 10250890 NULL JohnHayabusa SES NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ 10255860 NULL Suule The modern definition defines free software by whether or not the recip 10263890 NULL Suule The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0) 10272370 NULL SuperAsia BABY PHOTOS BABY PHOTOS LOTS OF BABY PHOTOTS 10273360 NULL JohnHayabusa QD pls 10275140 NULL Suule The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does yo 10286990 NULL Clerish Good thing he's getting some practice now and not suring the actual c 10291720 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 10295030 NULL Suule The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freed 10300410 NULL JohnHayabusa Why not both 10307710 NULL Suule The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (f 10330210 NULL JohnHayabusa YOU GET SAM ADAMS THAT'S THE BEST BEER 10331200 NULL Necropenguin The Gay've'll 10337100 NULL MilSurpAnon >wanting a gf 10338550 NULL MilSurpAnon GAY 10340380 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█▀░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ 10347000 NULL JohnHayabusa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1kuo6xkbE&t=4m 10349300 NULL MrCopout >freedom 0 10368180 NULL NuclearFissionRobot I SES NO░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█▀░░░░░░░░░░░ ░ 10375050 NULL JohnHayabusa I SES NO░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█▀░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ 10393980 NULL Electroshock3383 frogChamp 10397900 NULL Suule REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10399550 NULL Vilip GIT OUT 10401840 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10402730 NULL SuperAsia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10403230 NULL URAMAGET PRess r to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10404590 NULL Alguien >double Ds will never play 10408120 NULL SuperAsia RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 10413780 NULL JohnHayabusa EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10419700 NULL Resolink Iktf 10434880 NULL NuclearFissionRobot >Not dating a grill you met on /int/ 10460330 NULL Fapoleono >grills on (int/ 10461250 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Twotter 10462080 NULL Fapoleono pls 10480770 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 10480930 NULL Necropenguin mah instagram is just blowin up! 10488460 NULL JohnHayabusa We are all lolis 10491420 NULL Electroshock3383 girl (male) 10496070 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >implying there are no grills on 4chan 10497340 NULL Giddythefuckup There are no girls, only traps who'd like to be a girl but wil 10502940 NULL JohnHayabusa We are all little girls :^) 10509560 NULL MilSurpAnon wew 10510620 NULL Suule > FULL MEME 10511000 NULL wasad CHECKED 10511270 NULL metagross01 >DOUBLE TIKI-TAKA AND MEMENPRESS 10511520 NULL Clerish THE MEMES 10511920 NULL SilentCook I NEED DUBS 10512600 NULL ChowderSoup val karie(male) 10514540 NULL Alguien DUBS 10515210 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 my ex lurked /int/ and /ck/ 10515320 NULL QDvg CHECKED 10517870 NULL Suule JESUS FUCK 10519430 NULL metagross01 THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN 10521370 NULL JohnHayabusa Pls 10521880 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @Alycornanon what if they are guy (female) 10521940 NULL Vilip THE MEMES! 10522420 NULL Necropenguin DOUBLE DUBS 10524530 NULL JohnHayabusa CHECKED 10524730 NULL Electroshock3383 moon2MLADY 10525660 NULL Polizpolice DOUBLE TIKI TAKA 10535840 NULL BlueLogic ACTIVATE ALL THE MEMES 10536780 NULL JohnHayabusa WE ARE ALL LITTLE GIRLS 10549960 NULL URAMAGET Attenwhores dont count 10572670 NULL Electroshock3383 >guy (female) 10576410 NULL Electroshock3383 implying 10582890 NULL MilSurpAnon >Tits 10584990 NULL MilSurpAnon 'no' 10585050 NULL JohnHayabusa Does /u/ even have girls? 10591340 NULL Fapoleono ARE YOU TITS OR ASS 10591840 NULL NuclearFissionRobot yeah /d/ and /soc/ have actual women on them along with a 10593410 NULL Fapoleono ANSWER 10593740 NULL NuclearFissionRobot apparently 10594290 NULL TWAIN ResidentSleeper 10598760 NULL Necropenguin "Traps are gay." -t. Jesus 10609910 NULL BoulderBro thats because women are degenerates 10612470 NULL JohnHayabusa Reverse traps are the best 10613440 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 they hated jesus because he told truth 10627400 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @BoulderBro degenerate women are best women 10631580 NULL JohnHayabusa Boy (girl) is the best 10647330 NULL TWAIN fk taker 2 does literally nothing in couch mode 10657230 NULL Clerish ./ses/ pls 10659230 NULL JohnHayabusa lol 10671340 NULL JohnHayabusa lnol 10676400 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >tfw no cute happy joyful gf♂ 10685880 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG 10703010 NULL JohnHayabusa >Running late 10704570 NULL Esposito77 Tfw no goyfriend 10724580 NULL Layrinn lag is fun wtf is my internet today 10733080 NULL Electroshock3383 xieDesu 10735140 NULL MilSurpAnon >suicide by train 10735660 NULL Megabeastage rip 10742620 NULL MilSurpAnon These people deserve to be shot. 10745030 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP 10746070 NULL TWAIN i don't know that portrait 10747540 NULL Suule > My friend's friend is a train driver 10755950 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ded?? 10758970 NULL JohnHayabusa ded? 10759640 NULL Resolink ded 10759770 NULL TWAIN ded? 10762470 NULL ChowderSoup cant hear 10763280 NULL BlueLogic ded? 10765330 NULL Resolink liv 10765340 NULL TWAIN ded 10765880 NULL Clerish Shit 10766380 NULL Megabeastage ded 10768260 NULL JohnHayabusa liv 10768710 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 LIV 10771120 NULL JohnHayabusa WHAT? 10771810 NULL BlueLogic liv 10772220 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ded 10774860 NULL Necropenguin CRESH 10776060 NULL JohnHayabusa What's going on? 10776060 NULL Necropenguin DED 10776060 NULL Suule > His training was "If someone is trying to kill themselves by train, h 10776120 NULL ChowderSoup liv? 10777100 NULL TWAIN liv 10781030 NULL JohnHayabusa liv 10781230 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 >this kills the cup 10786550 NULL JohnHayabusa >kekkels 10792420 NULL QDvg it's liv again 10796050 NULL Electroshock3383 (((technical problems))) 10825540 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 Degnigal diffiguldies :DDD plz stend by :--DDDD 10831380 NULL Clerish >inb4 meems win 10832780 NULL Alguien oh hey @Kasunagi is indeed here :D 10834330 NULL Shouganaina what ball 10835810 NULL NuclearFissionRobot https://i.gyazo.com/322c3cf00e6a5beddd2580c2e7911d13.png 10843190 NULL JohnHayabusa Kasu and Alycorn :DD 10844408 NULL Suule DENIGAL DIFFIGULDIES FUGGG XDDDD :DDDD 10861218 NULL Resolink remove nep 10865048 NULL MilSurpAnon I came here to Nep at you. 10870708 NULL JohnHayabusa "Fuck, how do I type?" - Kasunagi, 2017 10873648 NULL Electroshock3383 egadKappa 10880158 NULL Megabeastage EYYY 10881748 NULL Electroshock3383 IT KNOWS 10882868 NULL JohnHayabusa NO 10884448 NULL SilentCook >Yoko 10887028 NULL JohnHayabusa lewd 10887448 NULL Clerish IT'S HAPPENING 10889908 NULL TwoScoops Fucking 10892368 NULL TwoScoops god dammit 10893158 NULL QDvg self-aware, as per usual 10897078 NULL JohnHayabusa IT'S HAPPENING 10905138 NULL Suule DORIFTO 10913998 NULL JohnHayabusa >All linesmen 10918568 NULL ChowderSoup Multitrack drifting 10918858 NULL Electroshock3383 I'M AN ASSHOLE 10924538 NULL Fapoleono Press N for nice Girle 10924948 NULL Layrinn im the best 1984 10927208 NULL JohnHayabusa NO WAY 10929748 NULL TwoScoops N 10934548 NULL JohnHayabusa ./no/ WAY 10935708 NULL Polizpolice MULTITRACK BLOATS 10940178 NULL Suule NO WAAAAAAAY 10940608 NULL Electroshock3383 >mfw played this over the school's PA for senior prank 10944218 NULL metagross01 http://i.imgur.com/LLABhHu.jpg 10945118 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 DEM TIDDIES :D 10947588 NULL Electroshock3383 good times 10954068 NULL trya this is nice diddies :DDD 10955738 NULL NuclearFissionRobot NO ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░█▄░█░█▀▀█░░░░░░░░ ░░ 10958348 NULL TwoScoops Nice image 10963328 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SES ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀░░░░░░░ ░░ 10973378 NULL Necropenguin HOE BOUT THIS HEAT 10977478 NULL MilSurpAnon SOME 10980078 NULL Suule > This remix 10980318 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 OEH AH OEH AH 10980458 NULL Electroshock3383 SMOrc 10980678 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 10985688 NULL SuperAsia >this remix 10985688 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 BIL BILL BILL BILL BILL 10996718 NULL QDvg i got grumpy at /ses/ over the music delay but this ended up being reall 11001738 NULL JohnHayabusa Doggo <3 11005508 NULL MrCopout worth 11010058 NULL SuperAsia >choko gets her own pitch 11012178 NULL Clerish >I like trains 11013388 NULL Electroshock3383 dat Diesel 11013998 NULL JohnHayabusa lewd 11016038 NULL SuperAsia Flush pitch when? 11016718 NULL QDvg good 11017178 NULL Hypnosparkle get shr/e/kd 11025118 NULL Electroshock3383 oh it was Toby 11030138 NULL Suule KEK 11030638 NULL Lun- >cucksandra 11037538 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 holy fuck, that goaly blender is sick as fuck 11039568 NULL SuperAsia >chokesandra 11040618 NULL MrCopout a blimp is kind of a plane 11042638 NULL Necropenguin >bicycle 11043718 NULL JohnHayabusa CHOKESANDRA 11044898 NULL Electroshock3383 best GK 11045478 NULL ChowderSoup woah 11045618 NULL Necropenguin GET OUT 11046098 NULL Silvex BEST BLENDER OF TEH CUP 11049008 NULL JohnHayabusa Lel 11049308 NULL Giddythefuckup That blender 11050798 NULL McMelanogaster that is the best blender 11052418 NULL Esposito77 Yup 11056758 NULL trya Press K to applaud Keklel's very reliable stream Kappa :clap: 11061918 NULL SuperAsia K 11062218 NULL JohnHayabusa K 11064848 NULL Esposito77 Fantastic goalie model 11065468 NULL TWAIN >another shimakaze 11065838 NULL AdrianV384 K 11070748 NULL Alguien K 11073778 NULL Electroshock3383 maymay chan 11076578 NULL SuperAsia >maymay 11081618 NULL QDvg i say dagumi 11082868 NULL JohnHayabusa Why are the /ses/ girls all have manly arms? 11084428 NULL SuperAsia KEKKELS COME ON YOU KNOW THIS WORD 11085168 NULL DonRavioli dagumi :DDDDDD 11102498 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 AND THEY DONT STOP COMING 11105438 NULL Alguien @JohnHayabusa gonna lift to check those dubs 11111278 NULL SuperAsia AND THEY DON'T STOP COMING :DD 11113558 NULL trya lewd keksandra > loli keksandra 11115058 NULL Electroshock3383 oh it was Shimakaze 11116838 NULL trya huh 11117068 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 ded 11118038 NULL Polizpolice fug I can't see shit is dagumi winning 11120838 NULL JohnHayabusa Kek 11121588 NULL Giddythefuckup DON'T STOP COMMING KEKKELS! Kreygasm 11122148 NULL trya no the contrary 11126878 NULL SuperAsia Both keksandras are equally cute 11130778 NULL Esposito77 KEKSANDRA IS NOT FOR LEWD 11133508 NULL Electroshock3383 is Shimakaze the sluttiest bote? 11136658 NULL JohnHayabusa Pls 11140038 NULL MilSurpAnon So much to do, so much to see, so much to do, so much to see, so 11140858 NULL Hypnosparkle it's /no/s year baby woooooooooooo 11145678 NULL JohnHayabusa Electro yeah 11151868 NULL Suule > NO 11159228 NULL JohnHayabusa Hell /no/ 11163668 NULL UpdateGuy >/no/ scoring 11164818 NULL Clerish >/n/ 11166168 NULL trya >/n/ here >chokes 11169618 NULL Esposito77 How can it be /no/'s year when it's /dtoy/'s year? 11173148 NULL Esposito77 :^) 11179598 NULL SuperAsia Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you 11185608 NULL trya >tfw /gf/'s year 11188968 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 kaga best bote 11193738 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 11196228 NULL Electroshock3383 masonNya 11198478 NULL TWAIN >oven 11204138 NULL Alguien kaga is good, but yahagi a best 11206318 NULL trya this goalkeeper is roggled 11210788 NULL metagross01 >this keeper blender 11211818 NULL JohnHayabusa kek 11212738 NULL metagross01 every time 11218738 NULL metagross01 >yoko 11220668 NULL Electroshock3383 >CHOKO 11220828 NULL trya off by one 11222858 NULL Polizpolice CHOKO 11224088 NULL JohnHayabusa CHOKO 11224108 NULL Alguien >Choko 11224928 NULL Lun- gonyoko 11229128 NULL DonRavioli CHECK HER CHOKES 11230928 NULL SmokeyTheBear10 how does this blender even work? how come the red bar always 11232178 NULL Silvex All that gliters is gold, only shooting stars break the mooooold 11234228 NULL Polizpolice holy shit that gk blender is amazing 11244338 NULL JohnHayabusa Man I wanna choke Yoko with my dick 11252818 NULL Suule > HE DIDN"T WATCH THOMAS 11253098 NULL Esposito77 >dick 11254078 NULL BetRigtor it's /no/'s year 11259108 NULL QDvg