1670 NULL Rytky LIV 2060 NULL silvertear LIV 3940 NULL trya HYP 4090 NULL hufje LIV 4280 NULL LaheCutt Fetus PogChamp 4610 NULL donatrog LIVVVvv 5320 NULL NuclearFissionRobot hi QD 5380 NULL metagross01 can't wait for /mlp/-/pol/ to break attendance records 7090 NULL TwoScoops literally just pickle rick 10800 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Echo 14650 NULL Shevanel NPO 17200 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Echo Echo 20680 NULL silvertear hey /mlpol/ was a fun board 22640 NULL trya quick rundown on the cup? 24280 NULL magicblue spook 24300 NULL shinyrei REEEEEE 25090 NULL SpicyFruitcake EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 25480 NULL trya AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 25670 NULL Seigmann SPOOPED 26270 NULL Keksandra SPOOP 30050 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon SPOOKY 31610 NULL zocram92 WUTFACE 33210 NULL CitrusFresh SPOOPED 35940 NULL treybeard OOP 37780 NULL trya :skull: boo 37960 NULL Vae-00 wut 41970 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz who lifelong /babby/ here 42160 NULL NuclearFissionRobot brass horns and violins 42580 NULL IncomingNumbers :ghost: 43770 NULL Keksandra is this the intro to It 47850 NULL silvertear least there aren't any skelengtons 47900 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon JAASOOOOOON 49620 NULL Shevanel WE /x/ NOW 50410 NULL JohnHayabusa SPOOP 53260 NULL SpicyFruitcake :skull: 56910 NULL trya FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK 57800 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck spoopy 57930 NULL Vae-00 Press /x/ to JAYSSOOOOOOOOOON 60360 NULL Bopnan 2POOPY 61610 NULL Seigmann 3SPOOPY5ME 62090 NULL treybeard x 63580 NULL silvertear >/x/ 65100 NULL JohnHayabusa IT'S TIME BROTHERS! 68120 NULL SpicyFruitcake >>>/x/ 69650 NULL thunderlizard shoutout to x 72530 NULL metagross01 AYYLMAO 74330 NULL RoiDadidou XPOOKY XCARY XKELETONS 75660 NULL Bopnan SHH SHH AHH AHH 75890 NULL thunderlizard it's time to get ~spooky~ 77070 NULL Kushinda It's late at night here and it's raining outside 79560 NULL Kushinda ;-; 80070 NULL CollieBro4cc stream's cutting out, that's spooky 84370 NULL Toffelskater HAHAHA 85040 NULL Shevanel >JASON 88560 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz oh boy i sure hope there arn't any skelis around here, that 95480 NULL NuclearFissionRobot spoo key 96120 NULL Bopnan There's a skeleton inside you. 96330 NULL trya WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE AND THE STREAM IS DYING 97270 NULL Toffelskater oh boy i sure hope there arn't any skelis around here, that woul 98570 NULL magicblue heppy helloween :3 99390 NULL Seigmann SPOOPED 100810 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Hi QD :) 102210 NULL treybeard Happi Haelloween 102320 NULL metagross01 >halloween 102780 NULL Shevanel >HALLOWEEN MEME 103230 NULL thunderlizard wew lad 103320 NULL Keksandra Happy Death Day is better than Friday The 13th 104610 NULL shinyrei woooo fetus 105250 NULL Seigmann wew 109490 NULL Keksandra #hotmeme 110830 NULL RoiDadidou hello qd 111860 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat Hallowmeme 115079 NULL LewisMcLew wooooo 120379 NULL indistrikable >tfw aussies are safely on saturday the 14th 125059 NULL ShadowRigger spooky hyp 127839 NULL RoiDadidou yi 129529 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Lets go /i/! 129949 NULL CollieBro4cc starting with the big teams I see 130509 NULL metagross01 yi 130729 NULL magicblue that /i/ player is cute! 131899 NULL Seigmann GAAAAY 132089 NULL zocram92 I? Why? 132439 NULL Kushinda jesus what happened to their blenders 134439 NULL donatrog yay /why/! 135159 NULL SpicyFruitcake WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 135709 NULL Alguien Why me? 136789 NULL EMBRACE1818 you? 138559 NULL trya l-l-lewd! 140199 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Discord 140579 NULL HotBeverages DISCORD NEVER 141189 NULL JohnHayabusa >Cel shaded 141319 NULL LewisMcLew WHY I? 141469 NULL zocram92 Why not /u/? 143239 NULL RoiDadidou DISCORD 143709 NULL magicblue >that stadium pic 144109 NULL IncomingNumbers the bootleg /u/ blenders begin 144229 NULL Bopnan Oh, so /wsg/ finally got a redesign. 146309 NULL magicblue BANNING THIS STREAM 148929 NULL Hamuko >Electron 150109 NULL Gainerich HOLY SHIT HAPPENING 150389 NULL NuclearFissionRobot fuck skype 151289 NULL Keksandra OFFICIAL BEST HORROR MOVIES THIS YEAR: It > Annabelle Creation > Ha 153229 NULL Laccal it will not go well 154299 NULL Alguien that player on /i/ is fucking pissed 155739 NULL donatrog >tfw skype experience will never be improved again 158879 NULL kogasacute that looks jank 162229 NULL metagross01 Discord video :thinking: 164459 NULL Linearbarrel RIP SKYPE 2003 - 2017, You were pretty shit 165109 NULL trya >dickcord 172859 NULL LewisMcLew KNOCK KNOCK 176679 NULL metagross01 WHO'S THERE 177199 NULL Keksandra wish upon was such a dumb film 180769 NULL LewisMcLew SNEED 180809 NULL Keksandra it made me angery 181399 NULL zocram92 remember to send many dicks to the official 4chan cup discord accoun 186429 NULL zocram92 one isn't enough 190419 NULL Kushinda metagross will /a/ not be complete shit this time 190549 NULL donatrog Holy hell, /i/ has /u/'s cel shading. I love everyone 190869 NULL Shevanel ...@ 191979 NULL Keksandra FLICK 192609 NULL magicblue >this flashing 194609 NULL TwoScoops the fuck 195169 NULL LewisMcLew FORMERLY CHUCKS 195989 NULL treybeard EPILEPSY 197459 NULL shinyrei SEIZURE WARNING 199059 NULL Kushinda >this flashing 201739 NULL JohnHayabusa FLASHING 202479 NULL Gainerich SEIZURE 206569 NULL JohnHayabusa MUH EYES! 206869 NULL kogasacute ataridragon 209609 NULL doublerainbowtwitch wew I hope no one has epilepsy 210309 NULL Shevanel DED INCOMING 212159 NULL magicblue it's done 212989 NULL CollieBro4cc SHAKE IT LIKE A SEIZURE 216649 NULL AldosMora its time 218679 NULL Keksandra Sneed's Feed Seeds and Chuck's Suck Feeds & Formerly's Sormerlys an 220099 NULL zocram92 it's gone 220829 NULL magicblue it stopped when Marqod's screen sharing began i think 229509 NULL Toffelskater It's the ghost of barry lads 231019 NULL TwoScoops yi 232999 NULL metagross01 yi 233239 NULL SpicyFruitcake yi 235369 NULL treybeard y tho 235379 NULL Katorga216 yi 236329 NULL Seigmann y though 236589 NULL CitrusFresh why? 236899 NULL MKogwheel yi 237259 NULL DagYouAzido THE WHY MATCH 238279 NULL Katorga216 but y 243149 NULL DrBorisG yee 244989 NULL RoiDadidou press y to crash this game 245269 NULL silvertear y tho? 246609 NULL Keksandra Y E E 248419 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat WHYBOWL 248499 NULL Seigmann y 251449 NULL doublerainbowtwitch Y E E 253399 NULL SpicyFruitcake Y E E 254859 NULL AldosMora Wow, I can't wait for /y/ to loose, AGAIN 255479 NULL HotBeverages Master Yi PogChamp 256409 NULL Seigmann WITH NO SURVIVORS 257089 NULL RoiDadidou Y E E 257089 NULL IncomingNumbers literally the 13 deivantartist bowl 258079 NULL Katorga216 this should be a go----- 258119 NULL JohnHayabusa Y E E 261609 NULL magicblue >skype 263309 NULL MilSurpAnon >skype 264039 NULL Katorga216 Y E E 264559 NULL TwoScoops >thanks skype 270399 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks >skype 272909 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks literally why 275369 NULL Keksandra F L A S H 277739 NULL donatrog TWO BINGS LATE 277739 NULL Alguien >skype 278429 NULL Seigmann le spinning circle 279809 NULL Linearbarrel >/y/ has 13 number on shorts 284669 NULL treybeard seizing rn 285759 NULL Katorga216 its giving me ptsd 289229 NULL 6letters >feminine dick 297559 NULL LaheCutt This just triggered my epilepsy. 298069 NULL Keksandra ./i/ will win :^) 300479 NULL LewisMcLew Remember when /sci/ lost because it was FUKKEN RIGGED 304029 NULL MilSurpAnon "It's fine" - famous last words. 304489 NULL Seigmann How can a penis be feminine? 307309 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Ere' we go! 312439 NULL Asu-Nyan what is discord? 314019 NULL Keksandra CUM ON /I/RENE 315799 NULL Keksandra oops 322459 NULL Joparvi Let’s go!!!! 322899 NULL metagross01 >orange traps 324349 NULL shinyrei >effay in a match 324529 NULL TwoScoops >midfielder gf 325399 NULL TwoScoops lel 327619 NULL metagross01 >orange /i/rene 328049 NULL shinyrei fucking hell 334929 NULL CloverFifz I want to fug bait-chan 337949 NULL zocram92 as an ""AUTOPILOT"" :^) 345409 NULL Keksandra >bait-chan still not captain and striker 346379 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat fuck, missed the HYPE vid 347279 NULL Linearbarrel all that blue 347419 NULL treybeard >eight blues for I 348209 NULL treybeard wow 348479 NULL metagross01 >three orange medals on /y/ 354579 NULL Toffelskater RIGGED Draw 360249 NULL Bopnan >Midfielder gf <3 363019 NULL Gainerich JUST 371279 NULL NuclearFissionRobot if /i/ had won against /t/ then I think they would have a 372879 NULL Silvex I fucking love this meme sport lads 373819 NULL SpicyFruitcake No hypvid for babbies, dinnae worry 374259 NULL NuclearFissionRobot *advanced 375609 NULL RoiDadidou give yaranaika your energy 379269 NULL CollieBro4cc tfw no midfielder gf to tackle me 381219 NULL CloverFifz >Dio isn't a medal anymore 382129 NULL IncomingNumbers This is kinda the group of life yes 386059 NULL TacticalFail >not cumming back to back 390509 NULL CloverFifz wtf i hate /y/ now 392219 NULL Keksandra post /i/deal gfs chat 392849 NULL metagross01 BENIS FORMATION :DDDD 393389 NULL Keksandra http://i.4cdn.org/i/1506775943472.jpg 402069 NULL IncomingNumbers oh fug 406849 NULL Toffelskater >It's only Group A 407919 NULL Seigmann benis trixiEbin 430559 NULL hufje >/t/ 432429 NULL metagross01 RIP /t/ 435609 NULL Rytky >/t/ 436389 NULL Bopnan >/t/ 438619 NULL CollieBro4cc >/t/ 439479 NULL IncomingNumbers together fornever 444699 NULL Mikes77 >/t/ 452499 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck >babb-i cup 454239 NULL surepro >/t/ 454679 NULL EternalWojak the last team that /y/ beat that wasn't /t/ or/i/ was /diy/ in s 462619 NULL Mako9001 bring back /t/ NOW 464979 NULL DagYouAzido >/i/ used to be very good at the start 466999 NULL JohnHayabusa >/t/ 467869 NULL Katorga216 anybody hyp for KABAN CHAN 468259 NULL metagross01 YAR HAR 468969 NULL Shadowborg >the team that couldn't beat /y/ 470899 NULL RoiDadidou >/diy/ ;_;7 473149 NULL Alguien >you will never have a midfielder gf 474059 NULL Alguien ;_; 476219 NULL CollieBro4cc I want /i/ back 477669 NULL EternalWojak f for macgyvor 478799 NULL RoiDadidou >magcyver ;_;7 481129 NULL CollieBro4cc pls win /i/ 482829 NULL Silvex >you couldn't save /t/ 484529 NULL Bopnan F 487019 NULL misaka10032 >memenpress 487989 NULL IncomingNumbers I saved /t/ 491259 NULL misaka10032 [COUGHS] 491699 NULL Veldt86 Rip in piss Grape-kun :_: 493749 NULL IncomingNumbers well a little piece of /t/ 498879 NULL Kushinda F grape-kun 500979 NULL CollieBro4cc F 501859 NULL IncomingNumbers F 505539 NULL DagYouAzido F 505649 NULL metagross01 Press F to pay respects to Grape-kun 508739 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit F 509419 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat F 511539 NULL misaka10032 >being sad over a meme penguin 511739 NULL Veldt86 F 512249 NULL Silvex F 512279 NULL Vae-00 F 513129 NULL Linearbarrel F 515949 NULL LightMonk F 519019 NULL NuclearFissionRobot F 519559 NULL TwoScoops F;_; 523199 NULL RoiDadidou F 523979 NULL Bopnan d ;_;7 524369 NULL PerkulatorBenny F 530159 NULL Bopnan F :_:7 539739 NULL SpicyFruitcake F 540889 NULL JohnHayabusa F 543139 NULL hufje F 547719 NULL CollieBro4cc petition to ban misaka10032 for being a jerk 551449 NULL AnalProlapse ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░▓▓▀▀██████▓▄▒▒░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▀░░░░ 551589 NULL thunderlizard F 552769 NULL OGRO oh boy its that time again 555389 NULL bersl2 It's been too long 563899 NULL CollieBro4cc not yet anal, it's not your time 564639 NULL Vae-00 Misaka is just an edgy contrarian faggot. 570459 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Ben Schwarmer 574849 NULL 6letters 3-1-6 oh baby 574869 NULL CloverFifz Grape-Kun on /an/ when? 577099 NULL Silvex >still having nikki as starter after she conceded the penalty to /t/ 582469 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP Grape-kun 583539 NULL CollieBro4cc I hope soon clover 587819 NULL RoiDadidou >twitch 590129 NULL Keksandra ricegum needs to kill himself :^) 590969 NULL treybeard >/i/ litterally who? 594289 NULL zocram92 OwO wats this? 598289 NULL JohnHayabusa May Hululu bless you in heaven forever ;_;7 605059 NULL DagYouAzido Will NSFW Drop Thread cause the stream to be banned this time? 609809 NULL OGRO Will we see /a/ and /pol/ get aborted for the second year in a row? 612299 NULL Vae-00 @treybeard Drawings. 623219 NULL Sleelan >baitchan <3 624249 NULL Toffelskater >/a/ >aborted 627939 NULL Keksandra >RiceGum now owns four of the top forty spots in Youtube's most dis 628949 NULL Kushinda pls no 629369 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Bait-Chan 630509 NULL CollieBro4cc actually grape-kun may replace harambe 630779 NULL CloverFifz KONO DIO DA 633599 NULL Djuab If you don't support /i/, the purest team of the cup, you have no soul. 634129 NULL Vae-00 ./a/borted. 635429 NULL IncomingNumbers >Shadman 642309 NULL Kushinda I'd rather have /mlp/ aborted than /pol/ honestly 646779 NULL CollieBro4cc same 657099 NULL CollieBro4cc just for the keks 661379 NULL OGRO Aye Kushinda 666739 NULL Suule I'd rather have /pol/ aborted 669669 NULL OGRO Just to see us get booted off smashcast 671879 NULL OGRO :^) 674869 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat we need /mlp/ to absord some of the hate 675249 NULL zocram92 ./y/ would like 2 balls 676019 NULL Kushinda pol has a legit anthem and legit stadium 676379 NULL Veldt86 Newish viewer here, never seen /i/ 676979 NULL zocram92 to SUCC on 677449 NULL Sleelan I'd rather see /sp/ aborted 678839 NULL Kushinda mlp has neither 679319 NULL bersl2 Why not both? 679829 NULL AnalProlapse Wow, I can't fucking wait for /m/ to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ th 681799 NULL Seigmann >/y/ having ball preferences 682389 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat absorb* 682689 NULL Sleelan Because world cups 684629 NULL Kushinda bersl can't 688589 NULL CollieBro4cc The cup isn't for people like you anymore. It's a sad and sorry 691029 NULL Kushinda they're in the same group 693019 NULL OGRO Also >Lost to trinidad and his friend tobago 697449 NULL Suule > Not memeing 699439 NULL Suule Plz 703779 NULL NuclearFissionRobot selective memeing 704699 NULL Toffelskater The cup isn't for people like you anymore. It's a sad and sorry 706399 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck ^thsis 706769 NULL OGRO who is the USMNT of the fetus? 709059 NULL shinyrei fuck off marqod 710099 NULL IncomingNumbers we get /bol/ today and /mlpol/ on the final day 710999 NULL treybeard max comf 712439 NULL DrunkTenk FUCK THE SAINTS 713339 NULL Seigmann POLL 714169 NULL Kushinda The names of tiny countries are so hilarious 715089 NULL NuclearFissionRobot it is a way to memeing 719269 NULL MilSurpAnon >SAINTS 719889 NULL DagYouAzido SUCK THE FAINTS 719889 NULL Seigmann AYE VS WHY 720739 NULL HotBeverages CRASH INCOMING 720999 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz kill /mlp/ because you don't want them having a chance at a 724969 NULL TripleKeiMafia Sigh, I remember when copypasta was a hobby for tasteful autis 725609 NULL Cube Wait, what, Grape-kun's dead? 728489 NULL OGRO ye 728599 NULL TWAIN yes 729619 NULL metagross01 yes 730029 NULL DagYouAzido Yes ;_; 730239 NULL Sleelan >need a draw to guarantee the cup >agains team nobody >lose 2-1 >with 731599 NULL Suule Yes 732359 NULL Cube aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 732879 NULL RoiDadidou yee 734239 NULL CloverFifz yes 734519 NULL surepro yes ;_; 737729 NULL Sleelan That pretty 4cc tier 746209 NULL CollieBro4cc wow the copypasta options for smashcast are shit 750809 NULL RoiDadidou SHUT UP SLEELAN REEEEEEEEEE 751409 NULL Toffelskater >Losing to Triangle and Toboggan 762659 NULL Keksandra Trinirick and Mortybago 764239 NULL NuclearFissionRobot lipsnoodles 764259 NULL Sleelan :^) 765409 NULL Seigmann wow the copypasta options for smashcast are shit 765769 NULL EternalWojak me? 768199 NULL NuclearFissionRobot lipsnoodle 771279 NULL Keksandra I ELIMINATED MYSELF FROM THE WORLD CUP MORTY 780268 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ohh limbs noodle 780698 NULL Silvex START THE DAMN MATCH 781508 NULL Djuab wow the copypasta options for smashcast are shit 782118 NULL BasedPonyfag [spoiler]/y/ will win, 3-1[/spoiler] 782348 NULL Keksandra I'M >LOSING TO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO RIIIIIIIIIICK 783038 NULL Katorga216 welcome to shitbox i mean memecast 785528 NULL TripleKeiMafia >>>/reddit/ 786168 NULL Suule Time to eat some ramen 788678 NULL Clerish Is Rick Chile? 790058 NULL CollieBro4cc P O L L 790368 NULL Vae-00 Start match or riot. 791848 NULL RoiDadidou wow the copypasta options for smashcast are shit 792038 NULL IncomingNumbers USA obviously threw to T&T so they could get better draft pic 792608 NULL metagross01 ZERO 793168 NULL Electroshock3383 RIGGED 794838 NULL Katorga216 ERE WE GO 794938 NULL OGRO >there still isn't a 4cc version of the rick and morty copypasta 795898 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGED 796628 NULL OGRO 0/10 797648 NULL Seigmann YOU HAD ONE JOB 798268 NULL Gainerich ALREADY RIGGED 798738 NULL BasedPonyfag RIGGED 798948 NULL NuclearFissionRobot rainbow 799258 NULL MilSurpAnon :clap: 800988 NULL Bopnan RIGGED 802908 NULL EMBRACE1818 RIGGED 803158 NULL Suule Self aware 807458 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit This twisted game needs to be reset. 807508 NULL donatrog kappapride 808078 NULL TripleKeiMafia Hi Boris, it's me, Sou. I have to come clean. Nobody is watchi 809198 NULL Mikes77 RIGGED 809298 NULL metagross01 >rainbow corner flag 809528 NULL Sleelan >first match >already rigged 811658 NULL Electroshock3383 Kappa 811998 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Wew 814688 NULL DagYouAzido Comfy 814858 NULL Katorga216 wow it didnt crash on /y/ stadium? 815978 NULL CloverFifz CRASHED 816508 NULL Suule > Latex cat 817628 NULL RoiDadidou ;_; 819438 NULL Suule Oh boy 822418 NULL metagross01 GO MY WAY 823648 NULL Katorga216 GO MY WAY 825928 NULL Veldt86 :heart: 826178 NULL EternalWojak YOU CAN'T SEE IT 826298 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat Its all pre-recorded yet the steam is still shit :thinking 826548 NULL Gainerich GO MY WAY 828318 NULL NuclearFissionRobot I'm just a painter, I do my shitty art. 828368 NULL bersl2 This is nice 828388 NULL CollieBro4cc WutFace 828888 NULL Ebnius nice blender 829668 NULL lyrafag2 GO MY WAY 830318 NULL Suule I'M JUST A PAINTER 833148 NULL Rytky <3 834148 NULL JohnHayabusa GO MY WAY 837078 NULL 6letters bait chan still a cute 837558 NULL Suule I DO MY CRAPPY ART 837888 NULL DrDtroit bait-chan~ 838228 NULL Sleelan This /i/rene is cue 838558 NULL OGRO >stream is pre-recorded 839308 NULL surepro <3 841168 NULL Kushinda oh god these blenders 843558 NULL magicblue nice lookin' /i/ team 844078 NULL Katorga216 HEY IM JUST A PAINTER 844788 NULL CollieBro4cc These blenders are legit scarier than /x/ 847818 NULL DagYouAzido I'M JUST A PAINTER 852698 NULL NuclearFissionRobot I haven't got a license but I've got a lot to say! 855458 NULL Electroshock3383 IT IS ME 858248 NULL WEBMarshmallow <3 /i/ 859188 NULL metagross01 DIOOOOOO 861068 NULL SafeWord CHIAKI 863188 NULL OGRO >thinking the problem was the stream instead of just smashcast being aby 863898 NULL NuclearFissionRobot don't give up on your dreams! 864968 NULL Veldt86 CUPS ARE ON THE WAY 866858 NULL KinseyTypeF Pretty team 867768 NULL Bopnan Is one of those blenders a girl giving a titjob to Twitch? 871408 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice blenders /i/ 876058 NULL Kushinda ye 877478 NULL Electroshock3383 KappaPride 877678 NULL SpicyFruitcake CAN YOU HEAR 880918 NULL OGRO Also holy fuck these aesthetics are amazing 882008 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Press H for HYPE! 882868 NULL metagross01 >faggots on ice 882908 NULL Katorga216 shit i didnt see it 883258 NULL Vae-00 Gay. 884318 NULL shinyrei WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY 884478 NULL JohnHayabusa CAN YOU HEAR 884938 NULL Veldt86 H 886208 NULL JohnHayabusa H 887148 NULL treybeard h 887618 NULL AnonymousGoat Needs to be gayer 888848 NULL Mikes77 H 889798 NULL metagross01 H 889828 NULL silvertear Twitch'll never have us back 890088 NULL Seigmann YAOI ON ICE 890618 NULL NuclearFissionRobot H 890638 NULL LightMonk great OP thought 892018 NULL DagYouAzido H 894938 NULL silvertear H 897538 NULL thewasher19 lol both these teams are gonna lose the europa league to the gunn 899548 NULL shinyrei H 900548 NULL Vilip >>>>fags 901628 NULL Suule H 904008 NULL Katorga216 has boarded the hyp train, spam HYP to board! 908908 NULL thunderlizard H 909238 NULL SpicyFruitcake HYP 909508 NULL SafeWord is that a scapegoat ball? 910358 NULL metagross01 BORN TO MAKE HISTORY 910528 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat HYP 911688 NULL McMelanogaster HYP 912808 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck HYP 912948 NULL Silvex HYP 913218 NULL BasedPonyfag HYP 913298 NULL Lostcau5e HYP 913668 NULL OGRO Born to make HISTO- 915068 NULL TheCrimsonMan HYP 916368 NULL Rytky HYP 916718 NULL thunderlizard HYP 917418 NULL RoiDadidou HYP 919218 NULL SafeWord HYP 920028 NULL CollieBro4cc HYP 922588 NULL Bopnan >Scapegoat ball 924108 NULL Bopnan Nice 934268 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit I think they've had that scapegoat forever, but I'v 934668 NULL Sleelan I fucking love animated 2d players on /i/ 936778 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat dawh, the 2d blenders are cool 939238 NULL thunderlizard GOAL 940418 NULL treybeard YOP 940568 NULL SafeWord WEW LAD 940908 NULL Keksandra >>>>>>>/i/ 941308 NULL silvertear fuck, GOAL 941818 NULL Electroshock3383 >/i/ 942208 NULL thewasher19 ohhh 942218 NULL TwoScoops it already begins 943128 NULL treybeard WEW 943218 NULL Silvex ON ICE 944138 NULL OGRO LEL 944918 NULL Shadowborg >>>>/i/ 945958 NULL JohnHayabusa :o 945988 NULL Katorga216 oh god 946398 NULL RoiDadidou IT BEGINS 946638 NULL Suule WEW 947368 NULL SpicyFruitcake IT BEGHIns 947928 NULL metagross01 YAOI ON ICE 948568 NULL magicblue FUCK YOU 948928 NULL Keksandra S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S E X S 949528 NULL Toffelskater RIP /i/ 949538 NULL TheCrimsonMan IT BEGINS 949638 NULL CollieBro4cc rip shins already 950718 NULL AnonymousGoat FUCK YOU 950858 NULL Fuji4cc IT BEGINS 950968 NULL TWAIN >/i/ 951138 NULL DagYouAzido FUCK YOU 952278 NULL NuclearFissionRobot FUCK YOU! 952358 NULL Silvex FUCK YOU 952668 NULL Electroshock3383 FUCK YOU 953398 NULL Grillll FUCK YOU AAAAAAGGGHH 954738 NULL SpicyFruitcake FUCK YOYU 955068 NULL SafeWord FUCK YOU 955148 NULL Alguien YOU LOST TO /y/ 955488 NULL Shadowborg FUCK YOU~ 955598 NULL geniusakechikokoro FUCK YOU 955968 NULL Talf FUCK YOU 955988 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat AND THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE 956028 NULL Suule FUCK YOU! 956198 NULL metagross01 FUCK YOU 956408 NULL sakex7 FUCK YOU 956778 NULL Toffelskater FUCK YOU 957318 NULL JohnHayabusa FUCK YOU 957418 NULL surepro FUCK YOU 957828 NULL Gainerich FUCK YOU 958358 NULL SirWinn >open up the gays 959598 NULL TSparx FUCK YOU 959768 NULL Keksandra >22 959808 NULL OGRO FUCK YOU 959868 NULL Djuab Not like this ;_; 960118 NULL CollieBro4cc SEXSEXSEX 960148 NULL Shevanel FUCK YOU 960208 NULL EternalWojak FUCK YOU 960838 NULL Keksandra NICE DUBS 961718 NULL EMBRACE1818 FUCK YOU 962658 NULL greatwhitedav ♂FUCK♂YOU♂ 962698 NULL SpicyFruitcake SEX 963498 NULL trya SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 963618 NULL kyralz FUCK YOU 964328 NULL zocram92 brought back PES16! Press L for LOADSAGOALS 964588 NULL surepro SEX SEX 965188 NULL Suule SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 966298 NULL Seigmann SEX 967058 NULL geniusakechikokoro SEX SEX SEX SEX 967218 NULL RoiDadidou NICE TRANSITION 968298 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wow nice transition animation 968358 NULL metagross01 DEEP ♂ DARK ♂ FANTASY 968568 NULL SafeWord l 968858 NULL zocram92 SEX SEX SEX 969838 NULL AnonymousGoat L 970128 NULL treybeard SEX 970178 NULL Talf SEX SEX SEX SEX 970238 NULL Shadowborg GREAT CAMERA ANGLE 970908 NULL Keksandra SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS SEATS S 971248 NULL ShadowRigger donte pls 971328 NULL kyralz SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SE 971388 NULL Shevanel SEX 972008 NULL JohnHayabusa SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 972698 NULL Ebnius lel 973428 NULL Katorga216 WOAH 976818 NULL Bopnan IT'S SO FUCKING DEEP 977978 NULL metagross01 SO FUCKING DEEP 978308 NULL greatwhitedav ♂ DUNGEON ♂ MASTER ♂ 978518 NULL Shevanel OH YEAH 979578 NULL AldosMora FUCK YOU 981768 NULL Talf IT4S A FUCKING D 981818 NULL Keksandra MAKE ME CUM 983208 NULL KinseyTypeF OH YEAH 983298 NULL SafeWord FUCK YOU 984258 NULL surepro IT'S SO FUCKING DEEP 985098 NULL Seigmann Fucking aniki man 986008 NULL AldosMora SEX 987408 NULL trya Kreygasm 988328 NULL kyralz ITS SO FUCKING DEEP 989088 NULL metagross01 SO♂ FUCKING ♂ DEEP 991008 NULL SafeWord MAKE ME CUM 991438 NULL donatrog >That slick video transition 994088 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ded? 994288 NULL shinyrei ded 996358 NULL Toffelskater F 996798 NULL SpicyFruitcake ded 997748 NULL NuclearFissionRobot liv 997808 NULL Keksandra d e d 997848 NULL SafeWord F 998768 NULL DagYouAzido ded 999008 NULL Ebnius F 999328 NULL Veldt86 DED 999518 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 999578 NULL TWAIN liv 999688 NULL SpicyFruitcake liv 999968 NULL zocram92 F 1000408 NULL Talf THAT TURNS ME OFF 1000658 NULL hufje DED 1000868 NULL metagross01 ded 1001028 NULL Baa90 F 1001078 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DED 1001078 NULL Katorga216 ded for 2 seconds 1001178 NULL JohnHayabusa F 1001208 NULL Djuab Quality cup 1001418 NULL doublerainbowtwitch F 1002568 NULL Phallus ded 1002608 NULL SafeWord DAMMIT BORS 1002668 NULL JohnHayabusa liv 1002848 NULL KinseyTypeF DED 1002988 NULL Linearbarrel ded 1003938 NULL MKogwheel DED 1006508 NULL CollieBro4cc ded tbh 1006708 NULL surepro THAT TURNS ME OFF 1007688 NULL Keksandra CHOP CHOP 1007858 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ...uh oh.... 1008258 NULL SirWinn DED 1011778 NULL zocram92 LIV 1012168 NULL Opoch The cup is ded of gay. 1013728 NULL AldosMora NOT DED 1014098 NULL zocram92 PRESS PLAY 1014748 NULL BasedPonyfag FUCK Y♂U 1015008 NULL Lamby457 its a motherfucking crash 1017408 NULL Katorga216 yfw stream is slowly dieing 1018488 NULL Veldt86 LIV 1019338 NULL Sleelan We gacchi'd too hard 1019578 NULL OGRO So THIS is the power of pre-recording...WOAH 1019878 NULL zocram92 PRESS PLAY AND IT'LL WORK 1019978 NULL RoiDadidou IT'S SO FUCKING DED 1020088 NULL metagross01 uhhhhhhhhh discordvideobabs? 1021538 NULL CollieBro4cc DED 1021848 NULL Linearbarrel CRASH THIS STREAM 1022638 NULL NuclearFissionRobot LIV 1023498 NULL doublerainbowtwitch liv 1026268 NULL Joparvi Wa wa wawawawawaaaaaaaa 1026658 NULL OGRO So THIS is the power of pre-recording...WOAH! 1029128 NULL Clerish It's live, pause and play 1031158 NULL Keksandra perun caca 1031908 NULL sakex7 LIV 1033368 NULL Electroshock3383 Kappa 1035808 NULL IncomingNumbers hug the fullbacks 1036748 NULL Sleelan >touch the hugline 1037558 NULL Katorga216 touch the hugline 1038928 NULL TwoScoops TOUCH THE HUGLINE 1040418 NULL surepro WAS CRASHING THIS STREAM PART OF YOUR PLAN? 1041038 NULL zocram92 touches the hugline inappropriately 1042338 NULL Shadowborg KONO DIA DA 1044878 NULL JohnHayabusa TOUCH THE HUGLINE 1044988 NULL SpicyFruitcake >touch the hugline 1046668 NULL LewisMcLew PRESS S TO SEND ISIS TO SMASHCAST 1049128 NULL metagross01 BAIT-CHAN <3 1050038 NULL WEBMarshmallow tug the hutch line 1050838 NULL OGRO S 1052098 NULL Djuab S 1052128 NULL ShadowRigger S 1052868 NULL AnalProlapse S 1053738 NULL SpicyFruitcake S 1056408 NULL Linearbarrel refresh nigs 1056428 NULL BasedPonyfag S 1062088 NULL Katorga216 COME ON IRENE 1066668 NULL OGRO >we can mod this game inside out but can't setup our own stream 1069788 NULL Linearbarrel ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀ 1078958 NULL Giddythefuckup :chug: 1079248 NULL zocram92 ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ ⣾⡏ 1079798 NULL shinyrei gay 1082088 NULL DrDtroit >Bait-chan to I'm Cumming 1083828 NULL Sleelan QD, can you zoom in on the midfielder gf after match? I want to read 1085638 NULL DrDtroit how appropriate 1086598 NULL Clerish It takes lots of money, ogro 1088158 NULL metagross01 ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ 1088338 NULL NuclearFissionRobot #WOKE 1091748 NULL Bopnan I've been watching so much actual football with the qualifiers that th 1092688 NULL Keksandra >midfielder gf 1094548 NULL schimmdog ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ ⣾ 1097058 NULL DagYouAzido >slightly tilted text 1099598 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Use theater mode for text 1101208 NULL JohnHayabusa ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀ 1104458 NULL UnderscoreNorth I did the math on AWS, it's pretty pricy 1107678 NULL OGRO Oh I didn't think about that. 1108098 NULL CollieBro4cc is it time, brothers? 1112548 NULL Katorga216 ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ 1118738 NULL Katorga216 ah 4cc chat, never change 1120078 NULL SpicyFruitcake ⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀ 1132008 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Why is there braile text? 1133088 NULL OGRO Glad that the cup is back 1133718 NULL Katorga216 oo im cuming 1151128 NULL Suule My Husbando~~ 1154288 NULL shinyrei >huz-bawn-doe 1154728 NULL CollieBro4cc midfielder gf is a sloot who gives it up to everyone 1159778 NULL Electroshock3383 Are traps gay 1160108 NULL metagross01 >beatorichu 1160298 NULL Silvex >beatrice 1160318 NULL treybeard SPAGHET 1160848 NULL RoiDadidou >memetrice 1163278 NULL Toffelskater >Beatrice 1163498 NULL Shadowborg CHOKATRICE 1164308 NULL greatwhitedav >beachoke 1165288 NULL sakex7 >beachoke 1165708 NULL TWAIN >/y/ defending 1165738 NULL EternalWojak >BEATRICE 1167838 NULL 6letters Beatrice came 1167958 NULL OGRO wow this is sure is a nice divegrass slideshow 1168128 NULL ShadowRigger >Choketrice 1168918 NULL JohnHayabusa "My Husbando, My Husbando!" - QDvg, 2017 1171918 NULL 6letters 7 years later 1174218 NULL metagross01 >DIO 1176348 NULL Baa90 ⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ ⣾⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1180878 NULL surepro Why are traps playing for /y/? Can you help me answer this chat? 1181308 NULL DagYouAzido BANNED 1181378 NULL Ebnius Beatrice is choking hard 1181588 NULL JohnHayabusa >Dio 1187298 NULL NuclearFissionRobot saved! 1190688 NULL Electroshock3383 cute! 1191048 NULL treybeard SHiet 1191618 NULL JohnHayabusa Traps are gay? 1191698 NULL Bopnan >/y/ 1191848 NULL RoiDadidou :D 1191878 NULL Seigmann kek 1191908 NULL 6letters YESSS 1192518 NULL DrDtroit NICE 1192548 NULL metagross01 <3 /i/RENE <3 1192758 NULL Shadowborg WHAT A BLUNDER 1192968 NULL TWAIN >/y/ 1193018 NULL Katorga216 COME ON IRENE 1193118 NULL Silvex THE ABSOLUTE STATE 1193408 NULL Sleelan NINE OH FIVE 1193508 NULL Keksandra COME ON IRENE 1193748 NULL DagYouAzido COME ON /i/RENE 1193968 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 1194338 NULL McMelanogaster nice defense 1194688 NULL misaka10032 T R A p s a r e g a y . . 1195028 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck lmao 1195568 NULL CollieBro4cc REV UP THOSE 8BITS FAM 1195698 NULL Toffelskater >I'M CUMMING 1195748 NULL Linearbarrel That blender is terrifying 1195918 NULL OGRO COME ON IRENE 1197128 NULL Shadowborg COME ON IRENE 1197698 NULL JohnHayabusa IRENE 1198028 NULL SpicyFruitcake WHAT A BLUNDER 1198038 NULL Veldt86 CUM ON /i/RENE 1198118 NULL MKogwheel COME ON IRENE 1198398 NULL NuclearFissionRobot WOOOOOO 1198598 NULL Gainerich lel 1200538 NULL Katorga216 WIAT WHAT 1200688 NULL silvertear amazing blender there 1200758 NULL Locaos IRENE 1200788 NULL Shevanel COME ON IRENE 1201108 NULL zocram92 brought back PES16! Press L for LOADSAGOALS! 1201478 NULL ShadowRigger :D 1201798 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz because traps are gay 1203868 NULL Bopnan :D 1204148 NULL SpicyFruitcake COME ON /i/RENE 1205068 NULL geniusakechikokoro >PES 1205828 NULL sakex7 COME ON IRENE 1206008 NULL NuclearFissionRobot :) 1206478 NULL Gainerich :D 1206538 NULL Keksandra THIS SHIT AIN'T HER GOALHORN 1207018 NULL Katorga216 :D 1208498 NULL surepro COME ON /i/RENE 1208528 NULL OGRO >NOT COME ON /i/RENE 1208608 NULL TWAIN wrong horn? 1210148 NULL Seigmann :DD 1210358 NULL metagross01 COME ON /i/RENE 1210408 NULL silvertear this song is great too 1212668 NULL BasedPonyfag kek 1212888 NULL QDvg the horn's a hat trick according to the wiki 1213308 NULL MKogwheel WRONG HORN 1213318 NULL SafeWord oh fuck yeah amanaguchi 1213438 NULL zzzack WRONG HORN 1213938 NULL Talf I BELIEVE IN YOU IRENE 1214448 NULL OGRO WRONG HORN 1217208 NULL Suule > No Come on /i/rene 1218028 NULL Keksandra >hat-trick 1219088 NULL Toffelskater Airbrushed is based though 1219228 NULL Keksandra BOO 1219318 NULL UnderscoreNorth Happy blenders make me happy. 1220498 NULL silvertear loved this game 1221228 NULL Electroshock3383 Nice seats 1221398 NULL TWAIN >/i/ >hat trick 1222838 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks A I R B R U S H E D 1223758 NULL Katorga216 QD you triggered me 1224408 NULL OGRO BOOOOOO 1226628 NULL Suule BOO 1228748 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Airbrushed 1229908 NULL Katorga216 BOOOOOOOO 1231718 NULL zzzack RIGGED 1233708 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat this from that scott pilgram game? 1233858 NULL ShadowRigger BOO THIS MAN 1234918 NULL Stupri man that was a hell of a goal 1236848 NULL KinseyTypeF BOOOOO 1238328 NULL MilSurpAnon I love me some airbrushed. 1242498 NULL IncomingNumbers might be "first goal is always x song" rules 1247768 NULL Katorga216 havent heard airbrushed in years 1251308 NULL OGRO Post yfw /i/ wins da 4 chanc up 1253458 NULL Sleelan Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't ev 1260138 NULL SafeWord fuckin loved this game tho 1262388 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, 1267638 NULL Katorga216 ⠀⣴⣶⣶⣶⣤⣤⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⡿⠛⠛⠛⢿⣧⠀⠀⣠⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀⠀⢀⣀ 1268188 NULL Silvex Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't eve 1270388 NULL Clerish KONO RIGDIO DA 1271718 NULL NuclearFissionRobot :Y: 1272328 NULL RedRobo Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't ev 1273128 NULL CollieBro4cc Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can 1274228 NULL surepro Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't ev 1280068 NULL Joparvi Almost perfect timing 1284158 NULL sakex7 V 1285458 NULL SpicyFruitcake Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you c 1287288 NULL Sleelan What? 1288218 NULL sakex7 Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't eve 1294018 NULL DrDtroit >trick horn 1295128 NULL DrDtroit WHY 1295898 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit implyingrigged.info 1296088 NULL Veldt86 So is this PES18? Looks the same. 1297908 NULL IncomingNumbers S T O P M A K I N G H A T T R I C K H O R N S 1299918 NULL WEBMarshmallow >/i/ >hattrick 1300858 NULL BasedPonyfag Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can 1303618 NULL Linearbarrel nah PES 16 1304648 NULL Katorga216 yfw irene will never score a hattrick, like mongolion horse achers 1309238 NULL Clerish It's pes 11 1315638 NULL Sleelan The only time /i/ scored 3 as a team was against /trash/ 1315728 NULL JohnHayabusa Excuse me QD, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can 1316698 NULL CollieBro4cc it's sensible soccer 1318298 NULL OGRO This is madden 07 you idiot 1319358 NULL RoiDadidou >berry my dick never scored 1320998 NULL Alguien This is cleary Winning Eleven 2017 1326718 NULL Katorga216 i thought this was nba 2k11 1326868 NULL WEBMarshmallow It's FIFA 1330578 NULL Linearbarrel BLOOTER 1331278 NULL OGRO DIOO 1331498 NULL SafeWord ReOH SHIT 1332228 NULL NotManticore Wrong, /i/ scored 4 on /sp/. 1332258 NULL JohnHayabusa :o 1333648 NULL Silvex HOLY SHIT 1334458 NULL DrDtroit This is Sonic Adventure 2 1334598 NULL treybeard WOW 1335048 NULL Silvex BLOOOTAH 1335258 NULL geniusakechikokoro BLOOOOOOOOOOT 1336498 NULL metagross01 TRAPS 1336638 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 1337448 NULL MilSurpAnon Nice. 1337538 NULL SpicyFruitcake BLOOTAH 1337578 NULL JohnnyFapelbon >letting that go in 1337828 NULL zocram92 Excuse me /i/, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't 1338078 NULL Katorga216 BLOOOOOOOT 1338148 NULL Shadowborg WHAT A BLOOTER 1338598 NULL treybeard HOLY COW 1338778 NULL Toffelskater BLOOT 1339378 NULL Keksandra BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 1339388 NULL TSparx BLOOT 1339568 NULL JohnHayabusa BLOOT 1340088 NULL MaxPiston NOT GAY 1340238 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat BLLOOOOOTTT 1340688 NULL Electroshock3383 NOT A GIRL 1341368 NULL evilHorse LANGBALL 1341698 NULL Gainerich BLOOTAH 1342138 NULL FELOOx is that record? 1342148 NULL SafeWord CHIAKI IS BEST GIRL 1342368 NULL magicblue TRAPS CONFIRMED GAY 1343258 NULL MKogwheel NOT GAY 1343548 NULL NuclearFissionRobot woah 1343618 NULL metagross01 FUCK ♂ YOU 1343708 NULL Bopnan NOT A GIRL 1343918 NULL treybeard NoIce 1344068 NULL Veldt86 FEMININE PENIS BEST PENIS 1344568 NULL CollieBro4cc FUCK YOU 1345528 NULL OGRO TRAPS 1345588 NULL Seigmann NOT A GIRL 1346028 NULL Fuji4cc THIS SEMEN SLUPRING SPORT ISN'T FOR ME 1346448 NULL Grillll FUCK YOU 1346518 NULL SirPainsalot FUCK YOU 1347838 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks WOT AH BLOOTAH 1348088 NULL Shadowborg STILL GAY THOUGH 1348228 NULL Shevanel TRAPS ARE GAY 1348508 NULL JohnHayabusa TRAPS 1349088 NULL EternalWojak FUCK YOU 1349098 NULL Alguien TRAPS ARE STILL GAY 1350048 NULL Silvex FUCK YOU 1351468 NULL surepro FUCK ♂ YOU 1351878 NULL zocram92 FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU 1352808 NULL SpicyFruitcake FUCK YOU 1352828 NULL 6letters FUCK YOPU 1353558 NULL Rytky BENIS :DD 1354478 NULL greatwhitedav >gay goals 1355618 NULL BasedPonyfag fuck you 1355738 NULL Linearbarrel SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 1355918 NULL ShadowRigger THE DICK ONLY MAKES THE GOAL BETTER 1356078 NULL MilSurpAnon Daily reminder that traps are only 2.19% gay. 1356528 NULL Seigmann AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH 1356948 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz thats lewd 1357468 NULL Electroshock3383 FUCK ♂ YOU 1357808 NULL SafeWord SEX 1358738 NULL surepro SEX SEX SEX 1358848 NULL SirPainsalot sexsexsexsex 1360088 NULL Greyhound32 FUG YOU :DDD 1360508 NULL Seigmann SEX 1360738 NULL JohnHayabusa FUCK YOU AAAAHHHHHHH 1361018 NULL metagross01 SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX S 1361188 NULL sakex7 SEX SEX SEX 1361718 NULL tiggles SIX SIX SIX SIX SIX SIX 1362658 NULL Toffelskater SEX SEX SEX 1363158 NULL treybeard SEX SE X SEX SEX 1365058 NULL Gainerich SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 1367048 NULL Shevanel GAY 1367478 NULL OGRO YOU JUST ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD 1368108 NULL magicblue >those bleachers 1368758 NULL SafeWord I'M FUCKING CUMMING 1369448 NULL Linearbarrel SECHS SECHS SECHS 1369578 NULL 6letters nice pitch cunts 1370268 NULL SirPainsalot IT'S SO FUCKING DEEP 1370328 NULL OGRO FUCK YOU 1370428 NULL surepro IT'S SO FUCKING DEEP 1372138 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat SEATS 1373218 NULL Joparvi SEX SEX SEX 1373378 NULL metagross01 SO ♂ FUCKING ♂ DEEP 1373428 NULL Suule SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 1373488 NULL JohnHayabusa SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 1373688 NULL RoiDadidou MAKE ♂ ME ♂ CUM 1374568 NULL SirPainsalot THAT TURNS ME ON 1378038 NULL KinseyTypeF FUCK YOU 1379688 NULL misaka10032 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1382198 NULL NuclearFissionRobot anons with cloaking device 1384508 NULL metagross01 gachiGASM 1384648 NULL Djuab I DON'T LIKE WHAT I SEE 1386398 NULL OGRO >Gays win in the fetus 1389048 NULL CollieBro4cc >not a girl 1389498 NULL OGRO >gays win in the babby 1390858 NULL CollieBro4cc prove it 1392728 NULL Seigmann Fucking aniki man 1392968 NULL OGRO >gays win in the main 1395348 NULL OGRO WHEN WILL IT END 1400808 NULL Veldt86 Lads, it's /i/ 1402868 NULL TWAIN this cup is gay 1406438 NULL sakex7 2017 is gay year 1411878 NULL IncomingNumbers I gotta say I've noticed midfielder gf is strangely anemic ou 1414438 NULL metagross01 year of the gays 1415268 NULL Seigmann FUCK YOU 1416328 NULL Silvex gay abuse is real in 17 1418288 NULL ALiteralPileOfDicks darkest timeline confirmed once again 1419798 NULL NuclearFissionRobot NSFW thread was too slow 1421458 NULL the4chancup FAHWK YOUH 1423218 NULL GiddyOnUp fuk 1425088 NULL Sleelan Excuse me /i/, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't e 1428258 NULL KinseyTypeF You have caught the gays 1439898 NULL OGRO how long do I have to live? 1443018 NULL SpicyFruitcake Excuse me /i/, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you 1445128 NULL Linearbarrel 5 mins 1446978 NULL OGRO fug 1452928 NULL SafeWord SHIIIIIIIET 1453738 NULL Katorga216 ffs 1453828 NULL Linearbarrel yea ripe 1455078 NULL SpicyFruitcake >My husbando's stolen away 1458028 NULL Shevanel OH FUCK 1458248 NULL tiggles BLEACHED 1458388 NULL OGRO This is nice 1458648 NULL surepro Excuse me /i/, you are a fucking memelord and a disgrace, you can't e 1458848 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat CHOKERENE 1459508 NULL Electroshock3383 underseat cam 1459558 NULL KinseyTypeF Until the end of the match 1462488 NULL treybeard SEATS 1463348 NULL NuclearFissionRobot corner 1463768 NULL JohnHayabusa SAVED 1464078 NULL ShadowRigger N T R 1464238 NULL Katorga216 CHOKE 1466688 NULL JohnHayabusa SEATS pls 1471028 NULL qProw Some /y/ players are already ded 1473148 NULL Shevanel KEK 1475388 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DOWN IN FRONT! 1480008 NULL Electroshock3383 >JEFF 1481068 NULL JohnHayabusa Press S to take a Seat 1481498 NULL RoiDadidou >jeff 1483448 NULL SafeWord >JEFF 1484568 NULL Bopnan >jEFF 1484988 NULL CollieBro4cc S 1485678 NULL Shadowborg >jeff 1486298 NULL BasedPonyfag S 1486678 NULL Silvex >my name is jeff 1486958 NULL Toffelskater >>JEFF 1487068 NULL SpicyFruitcake >JEFF 1488268 NULL Katorga216 >jeff 1490028 NULL JohnHayabusa >JEFF 1490118 NULL Shevanel >JEFF 1490768 NULL IncomingNumbers A 1492438 NULL SpicyFruitcake mnamjef 1497288 NULL the4chancup never get a seat ticket marked 'floating' 1501508 NULL Seigmann PLEASURE STATUS: DENIED 1509078 NULL tiggles :thinking: HMMMM 1510328 NULL NuclearFissionRobot or 'behind' 1516218 NULL Sleelan Still better seats than on /hors/ stadium 1518188 NULL zocram92 M E M E N P R E S S 1518348 NULL IncomingNumbers well they do have geigen on 1521038 NULL magicblue i mean yeah they're running gegen 1534048 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Pounded by the rigging - by Chuck Tingle 1535548 NULL Sleelan Uhh, are /y/ supposed to be -1? 1544858 NULL zocram92 maybe they're on auto attack\defense 1545578 NULL metagross01 >3(3) 1548758 NULL zocram92 it's a legit tactic 1549578 NULL metagross01 check those dubs 1550518 NULL magicblue they're on auto a/d yea 1551528 NULL Katorga216 possesion is a negative stat 1554068 NULL TSparx ./y/ have auto a/d slider on yep 1554948 NULL NuclearFissionRobot they seem to be on auto mentalities @Sleelan 1555348 NULL Sleelan That does sound like /y/ 1562358 NULL IncomingNumbers >halftime subs 1586298 NULL OGRO >Dio half ded 1594328 NULL metagross01 >subbing the Gold DMF 1597138 NULL metagross01 :thinking: 1602168 NULL Fuji4cc :thinking: 1604098 NULL OGRO :thinking: 1607998 NULL zocram92 >gold defender not >gold defendering 1610578 NULL Greyhound32 THE MEMES JACK 1615448 NULL SpicyFruitcake :thinking: 1618828 NULL zocram92 I DEMAND A REFUND 1624148 NULL LewisMcLew >tfw no camp buddy (female) (male) 1626908 NULL NuclearFissionRobot memes 1628088 NULL CuriousAnon is this some bus parking? 1633388 NULL RoiDadidou reminder yaranaika is the highest scoring defender in 4cc history 1650988 NULL qProw >68 and 62 passes completed 1654148 NULL Seigmann So, how can a penis be feminine? 1655268 NULL NotManticore >swapping gold DMF to out of position CMF >improving defense 1655818 NULL SafeWord >68 1655928 NULL zocram92 :-|| 1657108 NULL NotManticore lel 1657898 NULL SafeWord so close 1659988 NULL DrDtroit BOO THIS MAN 1670138 NULL OGRO DENIED PLEASURE 1670158 NULL NuclearFissionRobot hi DrDtroit 1673028 NULL IncomingNumbers teebeeayh make it a brace horn 1677318 NULL Seigmann PLEASURE STATUS: DENIED 1677638 NULL DrDtroit Also a penis is feminine when it lacks trraditional masculine traits 1678708 NULL SafeWord >denied pleasure gonna cum 1680558 NULL Suule > That pass complition 1684048 NULL DrunkTenk But how does Yaranaika compare to other gold players? 1687238 NULL Clerish He should make it a brace horn 1690938 NULL OGRO >/y/rene 1691398 NULL DrDtroit alos also hi NFR 1692758 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit @DrDtroit uh huh, and? 1693868 NULL Seigmann GOOD NIGHT/i/RENE 1695868 NULL JohnHayabusa >Irene 1698468 NULL Sleelan >implying possesion matters >implying conditions matter >implying pla 1707868 NULL LewisMcLew guys I just saw my mother naked and she didn't had a peepee, is so 1722978 NULL OGRO How feminie was it? 1723788 NULL DrDtroit If you can't identify Masculine and Feminine penises you may need to 1726548 NULL DrDtroit most people can do it 1729378 NULL OGRO ^^ 1731148 NULL SafeWord F 1736068 NULL Suule > his mother doesn't have a dick 1739468 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Please provide more penises 1740448 NULL OGRO that's not what I posted smashcast wtf 1740918 NULL treybeard F 1741878 NULL SpicyFruitcake :D 1745878 NULL metagross01 press B to check a benis 1746328 NULL EternalWojak Seats 1747168 NULL SpicyFruitcake :DD 1749648 NULL NuclearFissionRobot those bloots 1751478 NULL OGRO B 1753908 NULL r4nd0mz B 1754748 NULL thunderlizard B 1755398 NULL Djuab B 1756858 NULL BasedPonyfag B 1757018 NULL DrDtroit @LewisMcLew sometimes they lose their penis when they give birth, it 1757048 NULL SafeWord SEATS PLEASE 1761058 NULL DrBorisG those seats are a bitch to get to 1769038 NULL metagross01 >DIO 1770218 NULL Toffelskater >DIO 1770718 NULL DrDtroit dat save 1775558 NULL Electroshock3383 >Dio 1777528 NULL JohnHayabusa >DIO 1778628 NULL ShadowRigger >D'OH 1781718 NULL SpicyFruitcake >DIO 1784788 NULL CuriousAnon oh man I just saw the scene transition for the first time thats a 1786348 NULL LewisMcLew penis (vagina) 1786928 NULL CloverFifz >DIO 1789378 NULL NotManticore WIDE 1790518 NULL JohnHayabusa :o 1791078 NULL Sleelan Bors, are you posting from the 4cc account? 1794578 NULL ShoahLePoof raked 1795748 NULL Shadowborg WIDE SHOT GF 1795868 NULL Bopnan 3 1797228 NULL Electroshock3383 >tfw no goal 1797258 NULL McMelanogaster W I D E 1797848 NULL SpicyFruitcake wide gf 1798558 NULL Stupri W I D E 1801448 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 1801608 NULL Suule Day of the rake 1802338 NULL Katorga216 >tfw midfielder gf doesnt score 1805168 NULL JohnHayabusa W /i/ D E 1806448 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat WideField gf 1809808 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wide 1811958 NULL SafeWord >tfw no trap bf 1823948 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw no equalizer 1837928 NULL trya >traps 1841298 NULL Silvex >that falling shot from traps 1844128 NULL OGRO 7(5) 1844508 NULL metagross01 >the WARUDO of Dio 1846668 NULL OGRO Gay abuse is REAL 1850958 NULL misaka10032 >tfw going to fug my trap bf next week 1851698 NULL misaka10032 :3 1852498 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wew 1870018 NULL Toffelskater RIP DIO 1870898 NULL OGRO >Dio already ded 1878568 NULL CuriousAnon >tfw feel when no midfield gf 1880128 NULL SafeWord gratz misaka 1882988 NULL metagross01 >420 viewers 1885288 NULL NotManticore >Dio >dying 1885398 NULL metagross01 blaze it 1888298 NULL trya bloze it 1889518 NULL Bopnan DUDE 1891168 NULL misaka10032 >Dio 1891648 NULL misaka10032 omae wa mou, shindeiru 1897628 NULL ShoahLePoof nani? 1898858 NULL BlueLogic just got here, what did I miss 1900168 NULL RoiDadidou this is a poopy team 1900708 NULL trya FRIDAY THIRTEEN 1901088 NULL OGRO Is that a motherfucking 1901568 NULL Kushinda ??? 1901748 NULL OGRO J 1902338 NULL treybeard put aco in now? 1903858 NULL OGRO O 1904618 NULL OGRO J 1906448 NULL OGRO O 1909108 NULL Seigmann LEWD 1912738 NULL SafeWord owo 1919108 NULL CaptPlanet i really really really like these bananas 1921628 NULL Djuab I really, really like this player 1937558 NULL ShoahLePoof I really really like stealing spee memes 1943248 NULL CuriousAnon I thinknits funny seeing bananas talk about football 1944138 NULL CollieBro4cc sub off midfielder gf she's too shy 1956348 NULL OGRO >Dio off 1963598 NULL treybeard >Dio leaves 1964458 NULL metagross01 gerudo link 1964558 NULL Seigmann What is better? ASSPEE OR ASSP? 1970388 NULL treybeard >another trap comes on 1972798 NULL OGRO ayy ess pee 1972848 NULL SafeWord ass peeing 1974728 NULL Knoxie00 IT'S NEARLY DAYTIME 1978088 NULL Silvex Is it spee or spuh? 1978128 NULL DagYouAzido >memenpress 1980438 NULL Silvex the great debate 1980988 NULL Veldt86 Two traps in the attack now. 1981878 NULL IncomingNumbers both sides runing memen 1982168 NULL Shadowborg GEGENPRESS 1984928 NULL surepro >memenpress 1985868 NULL IncomingNumbers this is gonna gett dumb 1985988 NULL Fuji4cc Is that a gegenpress? 1987748 NULL Kushinda >memelpress 1987978 NULL CptCourage >gee-genpress 1988408 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz >MEMEPRESS 1989768 NULL SafeWord >memenpress 1991488 NULL WEBMarshmallow >memenpress 1992268 NULL NuclearFissionRobot googenprezz 1994848 NULL metagross01 M E M E N P R E S S 1996398 NULL Veldt86 Gay genpress 1997548 NULL Knoxie00 >MEMENPRESS 1999798 NULL BasedPonyfag memnpress 2001898 NULL SafeWord someoone's desperate 2002758 NULL BobingtonMcj whats the score lads 2004828 NULL Seigmann GAYGENPRESS 2009218 NULL ShoahLePoof >not rating memenpress 2011418 NULL ShoahLePoof lol you're plebs 2012518 NULL SafeWord 2-1 bob 2012758 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat banic tictacs? 2014068 NULL Veldt86 y2-1i 2019018 NULL BobingtonMcj cheers m80s 2019598 NULL donatrog REMOVE MENU SIMULATOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2022488 NULL SafeWord np 2024848 NULL Suule > DDL+Gegen 2026458 NULL IncomingNumbers mindgames 2026938 NULL CollieBro4cc klopp pls 2030618 NULL SirPainsalot >removing gegenpress 2031448 NULL SafeWord lul 2032168 NULL Seigmann REMOVE GAYGENPRESS 2032698 NULL SirPainsalot RIP 2033018 NULL Toffelskater REMOVE MENU SIMULATOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2035248 NULL ShoahLePoof DDL is shit tho 2035428 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat kek 2035578 NULL metagross01 >removing gegenpress 2037668 NULL ShoahLePoof gegen is alright 2040438 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Was that a gunshot? 2044418 NULL CollieBro4cc REMOVE MENU SIMULATOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2050378 NULL ShoahLePoof I mean >implying stamina matters 2050958 NULL JohnHayabusa REMOVE MENU SIMULATOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2051288 NULL buttfield im gay 2051778 NULL Seigmann GET ON THE BALL 2053668 NULL CuriousAnon more menus please 2053708 NULL ShoahLePoof laughable really 2060398 NULL bersl2 banig 2063138 NULL Electroshock3383 birb 2064118 NULL metagross01 birb 2064228 NULL Katorga216 BIRB 2064438 NULL TWAIN HYP BIRB 2064458 NULL Toffelskater BIRB 2065228 NULL OGRO Replace managers with a literal random number generator 2065898 NULL Greyhound32 BRIB 2066258 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat birb! 2066318 NULL Gainerich BIRB 2066338 NULL SafeWord birb 2066358 NULL McMelanogaster birb 2066488 NULL TwoScoops TWEET 2067278 NULL Fuji4cc BIRB 2067688 NULL BlueLogic BIRB 2068378 NULL Knoxie00 HYP BIRB 2070708 NULL Sleelan AWOO BIRB 2071198 NULL JohnHayabusa birb 2071808 NULL surepro BIRB 2073088 NULL EternalWojak BIRB 2073568 NULL metagross01 replace managers with birbs 2074068 NULL Fuji4cc BIRB ON STREAM 2076278 NULL misaka10032 BLOOTAH 2076448 NULL Grillll rip 2076588 NULL bersl2 burd? 2080498 NULL tiggles BLOOTS 2080708 NULL KinseyTypeF HYPE BIRB 2080968 NULL ShoahLePoof still gay 2082118 NULL Silvex AGAIN 2082718 NULL CollieBro4cc HOLY SHIT 2082978 NULL treybeard YEAS 2083278 NULL Silvex HOLY SHIT 2083608 NULL Fuji4cc TRAAAAAAAPS 2084318 NULL treybeard NICE 2084938 NULL metagross01 WOAH 2085058 NULL OGRO TRAPS 2085198 NULL AnonymousGoat GOLASO 2086048 NULL Lamby457 BLOOT 2086898 NULL Shevanel traps 2086968 NULL Electroshock3383 NOT A GIRL 2087088 NULL buttfield TRAPPED 2087198 NULL Veldt86 OH MY SHIT 2087298 NULL treybeard TRAPS 2088078 NULL Shadowborg BLOOTING TRAPS 2088498 NULL OGRO TRAP TRICK INCOMING 2088498 NULL sakex7 TRAPS 2088658 NULL TWAIN THESE BLOOTS 2089368 NULL Sleelan This is his second blooter 2089598 NULL Toffelskater BLOOT 2089738 NULL Shevanel TRAPSS 2089748 NULL JohnHayabusa TRAPS 2089968 NULL BlueLogic TRAPS 2090228 NULL SafeWord TRAPS!!!! 2090618 NULL Seigmann TRAP STATUS: GAY 2090908 NULL Knoxie00 IT'S A TRAP 2091398 NULL JohnnyFapelbon traps are gay 2091558 NULL Grillll SEX SEX SEX 2092968 NULL greatwhitedav they're still gay you fags 2093168 NULL metagross01 TRAPS 2093578 NULL trya SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 2094758 NULL DagYouAzido TRAPS 2094908 NULL Suule SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 2095178 NULL Seigmann SEX 2095328 NULL DrBorisG you thought it was a girl? It was a bloot! 2095558 NULL WEBMarshmallow ripip /i/ 2096258 NULL Shevanel SEX SEX SECX 2096328 NULL ShadowRigger THOSE FUCKING BLOOTS 2096838 NULL surepro SEX SEX SEX 2096918 NULL thewasher19 gg 2097568 NULL OGRO SEX 2097598 NULL CardboardBox ITS A TRAP 2098468 NULL treybeard SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 2098558 NULL BasedPonyfag TRAPS 2098648 NULL SafeWord BEST GIRL 2098998 NULL KinseyTypeF BLOOTS 2099148 NULL metagross01 SEX SEX SEX 2099228 NULL AnonymousGoat SEX SEX SEX 2099768 NULL SirPainsalot SEX SEX SEX 2099958 NULL EternalWojak SEX SEX SEX SEX 2102528 NULL magicblue FUCK ♂ YOU 2102688 NULL IncomingNumbers these bloots 2102758 NULL McMelanogaster good night /i/ 2102788 NULL SafeWord SEX SEX SEX 2102848 NULL JohnHayabusa SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 2103278 NULL Knoxie00 SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX 2103648 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat THE YEAR OF GAY CONTINUES 2106618 NULL LightMonk SEX 2107308 NULL metagross01 THAT TURNS ME ON 2107798 NULL JohnnyFapelbon SEX SEX SEX 2108408 NULL DagYouAzido THAT TURNS ME ON 2109038 NULL KinseyTypeF FUCK YOU 2109638 NULL Seigmann AHAHAHAH 2110188 NULL JohnHayabusa BEST GIRL(BOY) 2110708 NULL Seigmann AH 2112258 NULL RedRobo feminine bloot 2113228 NULL metagross01 IT'S SO FUCKING DEEP 2114218 NULL geniusakechikokoro DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE 2115858 NULL Seigmann AH AH AH AH 2118568 NULL greatwhitedav ♂ I'M FUCKING CUMMING ♂ 2119268 NULL SirPainsalot >QD 2121018 NULL trya let me cum Kreygasm 2122168 NULL kyralz THAT TURNS ME ON 2127448 NULL SafeWord I'M FUCKING CUMMING 2127638 NULL LewisMcLew hey guys whats the 4cc subreddit? :-) 2128168 NULL Kushinda banic 2133858 NULL OGRO >the elites are gonna have 4 gay teams 2143518 NULL Seigmann So are traps gay? 2144048 NULL OGRO >/cm/ /y/ /u/ /lgbt/ 2155138 NULL Sleelan >that reception by /i/rene 2155708 NULL misaka10032 traps.... dominating? 2157698 NULL misaka10032 :thinking: 2160298 NULL metagross01 >autopilot /cm/ to elites 2160788 NULL OGRO :thinking: 2162798 NULL WEBMarshmallow it really isn't that hard to get that last replay 2163858 NULL Rytky :thinking: 2167048 NULL Seigmann Seme traps? 2167138 NULL OGRO I believe metagross 2168058 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit @misaka10032 YES PLEASE 2169278 NULL Knoxie00 :thinking: 2172848 NULL RedRobo my fetish 2175908 NULL TWAIN kowai neko? 2176538 NULL JohnHayabusa >Choke and Uncle 2177668 NULL Grillll death all over 2179228 NULL anonimoanonimez josou seme 2189858 NULL trya this is b8 shot 2190828 NULL DagYouAzido 3 2196438 NULL EternalWojak nice b8 2197738 NULL SirPainsalot TURN ON CENTRING TARGETS + GEGENPRESS TO WIN 2199088 NULL NuclearFissionRobot corner 2199388 NULL JohnHayabusa Bait chan <3 2199508 NULL Seigmann THIS IS BAIT 2203458 NULL JohnHayabusa THIS IS SAVED 2203608 NULL CardboardBox Jebaited 2204488 NULL IncomingNumbers is bait chans ass clipping through her skirt 2208388 NULL kogasacute i wanna fuck that bait 2211218 NULL SpicyFruitcake LEWD 2214628 NULL SafeWord Jebaited 2222348 NULL ShadowRigger thought thw same 2222878 NULL Knoxie00 DENIED GOAL 2224808 NULL Toffelskater >/i/rene 2225078 NULL Seigmann Is wrong of me to say that I'm hooked on Bait-chan? 2231048 NULL ShadowRigger Looked like a asscrack tbh 2231488 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit Can we force both teams into the babbies for such g 2231878 NULL SafeWord PLEASURE STATUS: DENIED 2232478 NULL JohnHayabusa No 2233008 NULL surepro DENIED ⚣ 2234818 NULL trya is lewd 2240508 NULL treybeard >banana 2241308 NULL Silvex that took a deflection 2241308 NULL DagYouAzido That banana blener 2241758 NULL CollieBro4cc banana benis 2243888 NULL CardboardBox Bait-chan on Dealiest Catch 2244068 NULL DagYouAzido blender 2244098 NULL JohnHayabusa Bait chan is love 2244798 NULL IncomingNumbers ooooooh banana 2246248 NULL TWAIN traps saved by the keeper 2247548 NULL metagross01 banana benis :DDD 2251228 NULL Silvex oh nvm 2251698 NULL trya banabenis :DD 2252968 NULL CptCourage benis :DDD 2257278 NULL Knoxie00 LEWD 2263048 NULL Seigmann benenis trixiEbin 2265848 NULL OGRO >traps being really good at handling balls 2267808 NULL OGRO :thinking: 2270398 NULL metagross01 >yaranaika 2272168 NULL geniusakechikokoro >gold defender 2278688 NULL AnalProlapse Benis BANNED 2280748 NULL CptCourage banenis :DDD 2290838 NULL Djuab I'm sorry, but did the /i/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn 2293348 NULL buttfield fould gf 2294968 NULL Mobaloba benis 2295108 NULL Seigmann banenis in anus xDDDD 2297708 NULL trya WOW! 2300428 NULL trya MOIDA 2301758 NULL surepro I'm sorry, but did the /i/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The game i 2305268 NULL CloverFifz ideal foul 2305588 NULL JohnHayabusa I'm sorry, but did the /i/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The g 2312488 NULL SirPainsalot HOLY SHIT 2313488 NULL trya KAPOW GOAL 2313978 NULL Grillll KAPOW 2314258 NULL tiggles WOW 2315078 NULL Silvex WEW 2315428 NULL ShoahLePoof DAD & UNCLE 2315478 NULL metagross01 WOAH 2316088 NULL SpicyFruitcake KAPOW 2316668 NULL treybeard WHAT 2316678 NULL Mobaloba OH DAMN 2316768 NULL Gainerich HOLY FUCK 2317338 NULL Electroshock3383 WEW 2317358 NULL Fuji4cc WEW 2317508 NULL Veldt86 WEW 2317728 NULL treybeard FUCK 2318398 NULL CollieBro4cc THESE FUCKIGN GOALS 2318858 NULL Katorga216 KAPOW 2319088 NULL Knoxie00 KAPOW GOAL 2319108 NULL DagYouAzido DAD&UNCLE 2319218 NULL Shadowborg WEW LAD 2319418 NULL treybeard REE 2319438 NULL buttfield WIIU LAD 2319678 NULL Rytky WEW 2319728 NULL CardboardBox This is the team that sent /mu/ to their first babby? 2319808 NULL FELOOx noice 2320078 NULL Toffelskater YES 2320948 NULL Fuji4cc LOVELY 2321008 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 2321358 NULL Seigmann WEW LAD 2321718 NULL surepro WEW 2321988 NULL TWAIN KAPOW KAPOW GOAL 2322688 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 2322738 NULL metagross01 TYBGLT 2322758 NULL Shevanel KEK 2323098 NULL Baa90 JUST 2323228 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat SHHIIEEETTT 2323248 NULL SafeWord KAPOW 2325248 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck wew 2325348 NULL Fuji4cc WHAT A GOAL 2325818 NULL WEBMarshmallow BASED 2325898 NULL JohnHayabusa KAPOW GOAL 2327498 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DOUBLE KAPOW GOAL 2327798 NULL tiggles "yes" 2328028 NULL ShadowRigger wew LAD 2328798 NULL CollieBro4cc yes 2329378 NULL OGRO What a match 2330558 NULL SpicyFruitcake DOUBLE KAPOW GOAL 2330868 NULL SafeWord OH SHIT NIGGA 2330928 NULL Alguien WEW 2331628 NULL Baa90 yes 2331648 NULL RoiDadidou >CARDBOARDBOX 2332008 NULL bersl2 nice 2332088 NULL 0677h2esd 77 winger 2332728 NULL OGRO We 16 now 2333608 NULL SafeWord WEW 2333798 NULL CptCourage yes 2334018 NULL McMelanogaster oh shit 2336858 NULL JohnHayabusa Most dangerous lead coming? 2339088 NULL 0677h2esd new meta 2342708 NULL Toffelskater SEAT VIEW 2346508 NULL SafeWord MOST DANGEROUS LEAD IS HERE 2347498 NULL NuclearFissionRobot WOOOO 2348698 NULL CardboardBox KAPOW KAPOW 2353698 NULL Mobaloba that goal was not poopy 2355398 NULL trya traps got killed though 2355778 NULL CardboardBox :DDDDD 2359428 NULL trya i think this is rigged 2369488 NULL SafeWord >implying rigged 2371168 NULL Seigmann Is it me or is the sticky raptor blender walking properly now? 2371468 NULL ShadowRigger ur rigged 2377008 NULL Aldimensch Rigged in favor of Gays 2377598 NULL Clerish It is 2377748 NULL CardboardBox >LIVE 2380218 NULL trya >rigged 2384308 NULL JohnHayabusa Score & Goal 2388348 NULL OGRO >ren 2392448 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Let's Go /i/ 2392538 NULL Silvex >centering targets 2394148 NULL metagross01 >CENTRING TARGETS 2396418 NULL Seigmann 7 2397688 NULL Seigmann niggas 2398428 NULL Shouganaina centring 2398608 NULL metagross01 we eSports now 2402268 NULL OGRO Oh boy here comes double gegen 2402528 NULL SafeWord >centring 2402838 NULL Toffelskater +2 When? 2407488 NULL trya >being a dirty centrist 2407988 NULL Seigmann 7 triHard 2411148 NULL Seigmann trihard 2411618 NULL Veldt86 Play Come on Irene if she equalises. 2414608 NULL SafeWord TriHard 2416738 NULL Stupri who's ready for BENULDIES 2418828 NULL 0677h2esd pls win /i/ 2420418 NULL SirPainsalot DAMN 2421348 NULL tiggles kek 2425158 NULL OGRO IRENE 2425478 NULL CollieBro4cc TO THE MOON 2426808 NULL SirPainsalot TFW 77 WINGER 2427498 NULL Katorga216 OMFG 2427558 NULL Silvex MINUS 8 GOALS 2427638 NULL Veldt86 wew 2427988 NULL SilentCook jej 2428368 NULL EternalWojak skies it 2428638 NULL IncomingNumbers 77 wingers 2428848 NULL Electroshock3383 TO THE MOON 2428868 NULL Kushinda what the fuck 2429088 NULL metagross01 FIELD GOAL 2430398 NULL Djuab aaaaaaahhhhh 2430748 NULL buttfield +8 feet up 2431468 NULL McMelanogaster into the stratosphere it goes 2431518 NULL Shevanel WEW LAD 2431838 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz TO SPACE 2432468 NULL OGRO MINUS 8 GOALS 2432718 NULL trya |_ o _| gud 2432908 NULL JohnHayabusa MINUS GOAL 2433348 NULL SafeWord LUL 2433408 NULL Toffelskater >-8 2433518 NULL Shadowborg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>minus8 2433548 NULL TWAIN >/i/ 2433958 NULL Seigmann INTO ORBIT 2434138 NULL SpicyFruitcake DED 2438598 NULL Mobaloba MINUS 8 GOALS 2438788 NULL ShadowRigger minus 8 G 2440608 NULL JohnHayabusa MINUS SIX GOALS 2441158 NULL shinyrei Fly me to the moon 2444918 NULL KinseyTypeF >77 wing forwards 2446768 NULL Veldt86 Ishallah 2447938 NULL metagross01 and let me play along the stars 2449868 NULL JohnnyFapelbon Was she even trying? 2450148 NULL JohnHayabusa FLY AWAY 2485478 NULL 0677h2esd equlized 2486188 NULL OGRO COME ONE IRENE 2486848 NULL ShoahLePoof 90++++ 2490608 NULL LewisMcLew >4 2496058 NULL Fuji4cc I'M CUMMING 2496158 NULL metagross01 no era penal 2500538 NULL Seigmann LEWD 2503508 NULL Giddythefuckup IM CUMMING 2504478 NULL SafeWord LEWD 2508088 NULL trya DENIED 2509388 NULL BasedPonyfag LEWD 2509558 NULL KinseyTypeF HE CAME 2510068 NULL Mobaloba I'M CUMMING 2510438 NULL Silvex that was a good save 2511588 NULL Giddythefuckup rip 2511608 NULL metagross01 DENIED 2512308 NULL CardboardBox "I'M COMING OUT" ~QD, 20177 2512318 NULL OGRO This is a christian livestream please watch your language 2515378 NULL Katorga216 gg 2515668 NULL shinyrei its ogre 2516128 NULL OGRO ogre 2516438 NULL geniusakechikokoro YOU GOT BEAT BY /y/ 2516488 NULL Electroshock3383 rip 2517678 NULL metagross01 gg 2521348 NULL Djuab this is kiling me 2521678 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat DEN/I/RENE 2522078 NULL OGRO ONE MORE 2523078 NULL BlueLogic that was a great bit of goalkeeping :D 2523208 NULL Fuji4cc that last /i/ setup was incredible 2524588 NULL metagross01 YOU GOT BEAT BY /y/ 2525098 NULL treybeard GG 2525938 NULL Clerish Y 2527318 NULL FELOOx good upening game 2527428 NULL Silvex YOU LOST TO /Y/ 2527538 NULL ShoahLePoof 3-2 for WHY 2528408 NULL SafeWord WEW 2529368 NULL trya >MINUS >8 >SHOTS 2530528 NULL Giddythefuckup Christian livestream? on my Hallal divegrass? 2533208 NULL SilentCook Why would something nice ever happen 2534468 NULL JohnHayabusa 3-2 for WHY 2534478 NULL CardboardBox YES 2534848 NULL GoonerBear YOU GOT BEAT BY /y/ 2534928 NULL Kushinda ./i/rene really needs to stop heading 2534938 NULL NuclearFissionRobot GG 2535888 NULL magicblue >twitch 2536078 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat iTS ALL OGRE NOW 2537128 NULL Seigmann breddi gud trixiEbin 2538748 NULL Mobaloba COME ON IRENE 2541428 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit You call these the worst teams? 2542548 NULL GoonerBear YOU SHOULD BE DISAPPOINTED 2543238 NULL JohnHayabusa >Sasuke 2543398 NULL CardboardBox YES FUCK YOU /I/ 2544028 NULL OGRO Make come on irene the victory anthem pls 2544738 NULL RoiDadidou >4 losses to /y/ 2546328 NULL OGRO >worst teams 2547948 NULL OGRO >best matches 2551438 NULL BlueLogic I feel bad for /i/, they put in a lot of effort 2552648 NULL GoonerBear I SHOULD BE DISAPPOINTED 2553238 NULL OGRO really makes you think 2561048 NULL JohnHayabusa Why is Sasuke there when he married Sakura? 2562408 NULL EternalWojak congrats /y/, welcome autumn 17 2568628 NULL GoonerBear EVERYONE IN /i/ SHOULD BE DISAPPOINTED 2569678 NULL Rellem brb hanging meself =D 2572078 NULL Seigmann >sasugay 2576728 NULL metagross01 traps 2579368 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon allways fun games in the fetus 2581618 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz ./i/ attacks were pretty fucking good attacks tbh 2582498 NULL JohnHayabusa TRAPS 2597028 NULL JohnHayabusa Well it's not the end of the world for /i/ yet 2597188 NULL SafeWord Blue /i/ still has two more matches to come back. I think they're go 2599478 NULL MacDub47 3 people are disappointed 2659738 NULL TWAIN you know what /4ccg/? I miss /w/, they shouldn't have been culled. They 2670018 NULL EternalWojak did we break the attendace record yet? 2677788 NULL NuclearFissionRobot those /y/ bloots were impressive 2686798 NULL CollieBro4cc nice try lear 2689348 NULL IncomingNumbers doomsday preppers bowl 2689438 NULL AnonymousGoat Fuck /w/ it's a shit board 2692368 NULL DagYouAzido 4 3 2 1 2692888 NULL Veldt86 BRRRRT DIVISION INCOMING 2696488 NULL metagross01 BRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 2696718 NULL OGRO TWAIN and Lear have almost the same number of letters 2698828 NULL buttfield >/k/ 2699578 NULL OGRO hmmmmm 2700958 NULL Knoxie00 SPOOPED 2704738 NULL metagross01 4, 3, 2, 1... 2706418 NULL DagYouAzido 4... 3... 2... 1... 2707268 NULL EternalWojak BRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT 2707448 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat :thinking: 2708218 NULL IncomingNumbers :ghost: 2708718 NULL OGRO Oh nice we get to see /x/ come back 2710318 NULL KinseyTypeF SPOOKED 2712598 NULL SpicyFruitcake SKINWALKER BOWL 2715448 NULL Toffelskater Can /k/ end their streak? 2715608 NULL SafeWord AAAAAAAAA YOU SPOOKED ME 2716318 NULL DagYouAzido 4 3 2 1 2719858 NULL bersl2 Is /k/ goalhorn still shit? 2724182 NULL RoiDadidou RIGHT NOW /K/ ARE TIED WITH /T/ FOR LONGEST WINLESS STREAK (14 GAM 2724802 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck :ghost: 2725502 NULL CloverFifz ayylmao 2728032 NULL metagross01 time for ayys playing on friday the 13th 2736202 NULL OGRO Its sabbaton mixed with BRRRRTTT now I think 2737682 NULL JohnHayabusa Spooky guns time 2739862 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @bersl2 it's not the same as last cup 2742912 NULL RoiDadidou IF /K/ DON'T WIN THEY WILL HAVE THE NEW RECORD 2743482 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Cheekie Breekie 2744082 NULL metagross01 yeah, BRRRRRRTTTTTTTT Division 2751552 NULL DagYouAzido ./x/-tan! 2752872 NULL IncomingNumbers shame on smashcast for giving us :skull: and :ghost: but not 2752932 NULL Veldt86 BRRRRT vs X Gon' Give It To Ya, who wins? 2753072 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ok I can't be sad now with those teams 2754062 NULL Electroshock3383 CHEEKI BREEKI 2754832 NULL OGRO I haven't heard it but I'm very worried 2758992 NULL SafeWord BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2761122 NULL AnonymousGoat Needs to be gayer 2762582 NULL JohnHayabusa BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2762952 NULL buttfield brrrrrttttt should just be a player horn tbh 2765782 NULL OGRO >That zergface 2765892 NULL KinseyTypeF """"""record""""""" 2767622 NULL OGRO holy shit 2768522 NULL Keksandra Where's the /k/ player? 2768672 NULL Knoxie00 BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2770162 NULL JohnHayabusa X-than is HUEG :o 2771372 NULL RoiDadidou RIP second to none 2773942 NULL MacDub47 A NUU CHEEKI BREEKI 2780162 NULL Keksandra Is there a bug? I can't see the /k/ player guys ;( 2783132 NULL ShoahLePoof AH NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2785042 NULL metagross01 That's a big /x/-tan 2787922 NULL Keksandra 4U 2789452 NULL OGRO CHEEKI BREEKI 2789852 NULL Seigmann AH NUUUUUUU CHEEKI BREEKI 2790352 NULL JohnHayabusa 4U 2791152 NULL Lamby457 bring back second to none 2792562 NULL Silvex for me, it's BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2794952 NULL Fuji4cc A NUUUUUU CHEEKI BREEKI V DAMKE 2795532 NULL Veldt86 Means she has big guts 2797602 NULL Pitaaaa is /k/-kun a manlet?? 2797692 NULL KinseyTypeF UUUU 2798502 NULL OGRO V DAMKE 2798832 NULL Seigmann who /milsurp/ here? 2799192 NULL JohnHayabusa IT'S ALRIGHT 2800202 NULL boombaklops GET OUT OF HERE STALKER 2800612 NULL shinyrei can we make /x/ tan cute now? 2802342 NULL BasedPonyfag BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2805572 NULL CollieBro4cc k to win? 2806752 NULL SafeWord AH NUUUUUUUUUU CHEEEKI BREEKI IV DAMKE 2807452 NULL DagYouAzido 4 3 2 1 2809772 NULL TWAIN operator as fuck 2812112 NULL metagross01 BRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 2814882 NULL Seigmann BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2818172 NULL Electroshock3383 >-12 myopia 2818572 NULL Seigmann 4 2819252 NULL Seigmann 3 2821572 NULL OGRO >that /x/ model 2824912 NULL BasedPonyfag 2 2826452 NULL Stupri BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2828342 NULL BundtMuncher Is there a bug? I can't see the /k/ player guys <|^:) 2828942 NULL Seigmann 1 2829602 NULL Electroshock3383 They probably count me as disabled 2834412 NULL Seigmann BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2835112 NULL Silvex 4 3 2 1 2836562 NULL Electroshock3383 if there's a draft or something 2839632 NULL OGRO After the amazing stuff we've seen from other teams I'm kinda dissapoint 2846302 NULL SpicyFruitcake BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 2848262 NULL Veldt86 Are rainbow socks gay if /x/-tan wears them? 2849762 NULL BlueLogic I think /x/ is the team I would most like to see get through 2855612 NULL Keksandra I want to smell /x/-tan's socks 2856972 NULL KinseyTypeF Do not bully 2015 aesthetics 2871062 NULL treybeard how long is this fucking goalhorn 2877982 NULL SpicyFruitcake IT'S ALRIGHT 2879232 NULL RoiDadidou >goalhorn 2888452 NULL CollieBro4cc >goalhorn 2894952 NULL Seigmann >goalhorn 2896512 NULL OGRO It's a victory anthem you uncultured swine 2900532 NULL Seigmann Newfriend detected 2907412 NULL loukemia is it alright though? 2907452 NULL Vilip I hope /k/ doesn't score just because I don't want to hear their fuckin 2907882 NULL buttfield nrohlaog< 2908252 NULL zocram92 >harngrol 2911312 NULL treybeard :^) mybad 2918782 NULL buttfield merely pretending 2921182 NULL ShoahLePoof >waah i dont like brrrt 2923462 NULL EternalWojak OK 2923812 NULL ShoahLePoof grow up manchild 2929502 NULL IncomingNumbers >de flush 2929692 NULL NuclearFissionRobot hi Suule, hi CardboardBox 2932832 NULL Seigmann SO LADS 2937162 NULL BlueLogic >liking brrrt 2939792 NULL Seigmann MOIST NUGGET OR KAR98K 2940032 NULL clingingmars Suuuuuuule 2940252 NULL OGRO No my problem is that BRRRT doesn't play the enire match 2940772 NULL CollieBro4cc I really miss ghost division 2941202 NULL misaka10032 A NUUUUUUUU 2943932 NULL surepro please tell me BRRRRRRRT is stil /k/'s gaolhorn 2947992 NULL Alguien why is Suule in a cardboard box? 2950032 NULL hufje No they replaced it 2952922 NULL Veldt86 BRRRRT Division is patrician af though 2953352 NULL OGRO It's mixed with sabbaton 2953952 NULL Toffelskater >Nope 2954972 NULL Sprettba11 we gonna be shootin spooks? 2954982 NULL hufje By BRRRRT Division 2958622 NULL SafeWord red slender 2959752 NULL SafeWord wew 2960392 NULL BlueLogic brrt is the worst goalhorn in the 4CC 2963622 NULL Stupri BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT Division 2966082 NULL KinseyTypeF BRRRRRT's grown on me tbh 2969402 NULL Fuji4cc you have to contact the /x/ manager via seance 2970022 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat ghost hunter bowl 2970672 NULL OGRO although >chosing a sabbaton song that isn't resist and bite 2974052 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Ian got re named 2977402 NULL kogasacute oh no not both of these commentators 2977842 NULL metagross01 BRRRRRRTTTTTTT Division is patrician as fuck. 2980132 NULL AssadWillWin k and x 2981212 NULL Stupri by SabA-10 2983762 NULL AssadWillWin literally the same letter 2983912 NULL RoiDadidou [distant foreign man] 2985432 NULL zocram92 :OO :OO :OO :OO 2986422 NULL metagross01 >red zergface and moist nugget 2988922 NULL Keksandra HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN 2990042 NULL Keksandra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTv7g-Gf068#t=14s 2992912 NULL OGRO REG NUGGET 2998322 NULL Fuji4cc nice spot meta 2998592 NULL SafeWord >double foreign commentators 3000462 NULL SafeWord reeeeeeeeeee 3000482 NULL EternalWojak last time /k/ won was Halloween 2015 versus everyone's favourite 3004692 NULL OGRO PURPLE NOPE 3005032 NULL metagross01 >/w/ 3008662 NULL Fuji4cc this man is your FRIEND 3008762 NULL Seigmann MOIST NUGGET STATUS: RED AS ITS ORIGIN COUNTRY 3009342 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat >purple NOPE 3010382 NULL Toffelskater >/w/ 3011942 NULL Fuji4cc he fights for your FREEDOM 3011962 NULL zocram92 >/dubya/ 3012902 NULL DagYouAzido >/w/ 3016312 NULL OGRO >/w/ 3018992 NULL RoiDadidou A LITERAL FUCKING GUN PLAYING SOCCER 3039032 NULL RoiDadidou i miss bert too 3040092 NULL EternalWojak brrrrt division is great 3042232 NULL metagross01 >bort 3043032 NULL SafeWord lel 3043622 NULL IncomingNumbers >/burt/ 3043932 NULL AldosMora >bert 3044762 NULL Fuji4cc A LITERAL FUCKING GUN PLAYING SOCCER 3046772 NULL SpicyFruitcake >bert 3047832 NULL SafeWord >bert 3051652 NULL TWAIN >bert division 3052832 NULL metagross01 >getting less votes than fucking UMR 3053452 NULL OGRO Bert is a goalhorn 3057812 NULL KinseyTypeF >bort 3059142 NULL Seigmann >bort 3060602 NULL Seigmann >a 3061852 NULL NuclearFissionRobot "Well /x/ loves to be a little bit dead so that they can 3069052 NULL AnonymousGoat remember when /x/ got 4th that one time 3073342 NULL AnonymousGoat good times 3074362 NULL Stupri BRRRRT's goalhorn is BRRRRT 3079892 NULL Fuji4cc hicock45 here 3080062 NULL RoiDadidou yeah 3083692 NULL PavoolonD Keep the hood safe, H 3084232 NULL EternalWojak you mean in the greatest cup ever summer 14? 3085732 NULL OGRO 0dmg 3087132 NULL CptCourage 0 fucking dmg 3089462 NULL AldosMora Demiurge on /x/ when? 3093532 NULL RoiDadidou >we could've had /mu/ vs /x/ 3093772 NULL SpicyFruitcake Press L for Life is Good 3095462 NULL NuclearFissionRobot the compound 3097582 NULL NuclearFissionRobot L 3100792 NULL EternalWojak l 3103082 NULL Stupri L 3103482 NULL OGRO F 3107592 NULL Seigmann Can we have a spoopy WWI skeleton thread please? 3108042 NULL Pitaaaa F 3115252 NULL RoiDadidou q 3118392 NULL SafeWord why'd 3121602 NULL metagross01 is klaxa recording this? 3123952 NULL Cube What doth life 3124322 NULL IncomingNumbers booooooo 3135442 NULL Silvex >losing the match 3137132 NULL OGRO I will make a skeleton team if /x/ wins this 3137692 NULL NuclearFissionRobot zona memesta? 3140552 NULL zocram92 HI /toy/ HOW ARE YOU 3141942 NULL Silvex *slaps on centering* 3145222 NULL Silvex nothing personnel kid 3145962 NULL PavoolonD http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1163521787 sp 3149872 NULL KinseyTypeF Dude /toy/ lmao 3153052 NULL metagross01 >centering + rotation 3153672 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @metagross01 I hpe so 3156022 NULL metagross01 :thinking: 3157332 NULL NuclearFissionRobot *i hope so 3159602 NULL Seigmann DUDE 3160632 NULL Seigmann AYY 3162072 NULL Seigmann LMAO 3167332 NULL WEBMarshmallow IT JUST WORKS 3182912 NULL RoiDadidou >solomon demon is basically longcat, wojak, and pepe 3183082 NULL NuclearFissionRobot That shoulded thing that goes up 3184752 NULL DrBorisG I don't think this stream is preserved against the elements yet 3186702 NULL DrBorisG needs more salt 3189962 NULL metagross01 :salt: 3191412 NULL Seigmann COMRADE 3195572 NULL EternalWojak :salt: 3196452 NULL Seigmann KEEP NUGGET 3198532 NULL Seigmann MOIST 3204942 NULL NuclearFissionRobot when did McNiggerator get voted off? 3205482 NULL Pitaaaa >/x/ 3207772 NULL Pitaaaa >>likable 3215552 NULL EternalWojak >/x/ 3216292 NULL Katorga216 :salt: 3217692 NULL Fuji4cc ./k/ is unironically one of the top 5 boards on 4chan 3219772 NULL OGRO Ey copying another team 3220162 NULL EternalWojak >not likeable 3220552 NULL OGRO nice 3221522 NULL IncomingNumbers we're well past peak spook 3223312 NULL WEBMarshmallow >/k/ >good 3223372 NULL Stupri McNig hasn't been around for a minute 3223532 NULL Pitaaaa :DD 3224532 NULL dedaganis >/k/ 3224632 NULL TomDanTheRock Hey guys when does /lgbt/ play? 3226842 NULL Katorga216 PJWsalt 3233222 NULL RoiDadidou F 3233492 NULL dedaganis >not animal fuckers 3233892 NULL misaka10032 [BZZRT 3236872 NULL Knoxie00 F7 3237052 NULL NuclearFissionRobot F 3239812 NULL EternalWojak F 3240502 NULL TomDanTheRock Wow, fetus almost has as many viewers as the elites : ^ ) 3240542 NULL zocram92 F 3243922 NULL Seigmann Muh 2nd Amendment is on fire tonight 3245292 NULL SafeWord f 3246052 NULL KinseyTypeF Last game m8 3247572 NULL metagross01 :thinking: 3247642 NULL WEBMarshmallow :^) 3248452 NULL Katorga216 PJSalt 3253022 NULL treybeard best fetus cup ever 3256502 NULL IncomingNumbers itsa nice wipe 3261922 NULL zocram92 it's good shit isn't it 3262742 NULL Seigmann DAY OF THE RAKE 3263092 NULL Electroshock3383 CANADA BTFO 3266652 NULL metagross01 DAY OF THE RAKE 3268752 NULL SafeWord A FUCKING LEAF 3269432 NULL JohnHayabusa DAY OF THE RAKE 3273032 NULL KinseyTypeF A LEAF 3274362 NULL zocram92 A FUCKING LEAAFF!!! 3275172 NULL Seigmann ET JÆVLA BLAD 3277362 NULL Silvex SACK LEAR 3278498 NULL EternalWojak DAY OF RAKE NOW 3279148 NULL TWAIN DAY OF THE RAKE 3279668 NULL SpicyFruitcake DAY OF THE RAKE 3284868 NULL Knoxie00 DAY OF THE RAKE 3286418 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Ray of the Drake 3292398 NULL shinyrei GIDDY UP 3294178 NULL treybeard kex 3295748 NULL CloverFifz DAY OF THE CAKE 3295898 NULL MacDub47 THE DAY OF THE RAKE SHALL NEVER COME TO PASS. CANADA TOO STRONK 3296498 NULL Electroshock3383 >Fun 3296998 NULL metagross01 >/mlp/ 3300148 NULL Shevanel >FUN 3300618 NULL Knoxie00 >/mlp/ 3301828 NULL Toffelskater >/mulp/ 3302128 NULL JohnHayabusa >/mlp/ 3305078 NULL OGRO >/mlp/ 3308228 NULL BasedPonyfag >FUN 3309608 NULL SpicyFruitcake >/mlp/ 3310218 NULL treybeard i cant see the field wtf 3311748 NULL JohnHayabusa >Fun 3313138 NULL SafeWord giddy up 3313898 NULL RoiDadidou spoopy 3317028 NULL Gainerich SPOOPED 3317368 NULL JohnHayabusa Woah 3317828 NULL metagross01 AYY LMAO 3318168 NULL Silvex spooped tbh 3318678 NULL Seigmann SPOODED 3318748 NULL Toffelskater Spooked 3319768 NULL Electroshock3383 Spoopy 3320408 NULL zocram92 :OO :OO :OO :OO 3321238 NULL SafeWord AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3321838 NULL treybeard SPOOK 3321888 NULL AnonymousGoat I really like that goat 3322038 NULL Katorga216 :thinking: 3322058 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wew 3322528 NULL Rytky SPOOK 3323318 NULL metagross01 ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED 3324198 NULL AldosMora spoop 3324328 NULL TWAIN >floating flag 3324348 NULL MKogwheel 3SPOOPY5ME 3324658 NULL Knoxie00 AYY LMAO 3325038 NULL zocram92 :OO :OO :OO 3325068 NULL OGRO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3325578 NULL Shevanel OH SHIT 3325778 NULL CloverFifz ayy lmao 3326408 NULL TWAIN SPOOPED 3326588 NULL Seigmann ALL THESE MOIST NUGGETS 3328738 NULL Baa90 PRESS S TO BE SPOOPED 3332028 NULL bersl2 This ref is awesome 3332058 NULL metagross01 S 3332408 NULL Shevanel AYYYYYYYYYY LMAO 3332958 NULL AldosMora LIFE IS A SPOOK 3332998 NULL Seigmann S 3332998 NULL MKogwheel S 3333358 NULL Knoxie00 S 3333978 NULL WEBMarshmallow S 3335338 NULL D-Ski S 3335588 NULL Shevanel S 3336578 NULL EternalWojak AAAAAAAAAAAAA 3336978 NULL 1337annon ayyy lmao 3337148 NULL RahGashapon S 3338548 NULL NuclearFissionRobot nose goblins 3338668 NULL SpicyFruitcake S 3339808 NULL BlueLogic S 3339938 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat S 3340188 NULL metagross01 ayy lmao 3340618 NULL EternalWojak S 3341768 NULL thunderlizard i want to believe 3341858 NULL ShadowRigger WHY CAN'T I HOLD ALL THESE NUGGETS 3342298 NULL Pitaaaa :OO 3342978 NULL Katorga216 is there a skeleton inside of you? :thinking: 3351138 NULL EMBRACE1818 S 3352688 NULL BundtMuncher S 3355048 NULL Shevanel DON'T SCARES ME LIKE THAT 3357968 NULL metagross01 A FUCKING GUN 3358158 NULL NuclearFissionRobot stacked hats 3359598 NULL Linearbarrel ANUU 3363268 NULL Toffelskater Where's /k/? 3363678 NULL NuclearFissionRobot is that suppsoed to be Ian? 3366908 NULL ohwoww123 xxxxxx 3368148 NULL JohnHayabusa S 3368358 NULL MaxPiston ;_;7 3369698 NULL JohnHayabusa F 3370128 NULL Opoch ;_;7 3370588 NULL Grillll ;_;7 3370708 NULL MilSurpAnon ;_;7 3370748 NULL TWAIN ;_;7 3371118 NULL Katorga216 :_:7 3371538 NULL Knoxie00 PRESS R TO BE A RHODESIAN 3371538 NULL NuclearFissionRobot its all wrong 3371798 NULL Linearbarrel ;_;7 3372098 NULL JohnHayabusa ;_;7 3372768 NULL Shevanel ;_;7 3373098 NULL surepro ;_;7 3373428 NULL Rytky ;_;7 3373738 NULL Seigmann ;_;7 3374248 NULL DagYouAzido ;_;7 3374808 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit 7 3374998 NULL treybeard ;_;7 3375078 NULL CollieBro4cc ;_;7 3375248 NULL Katorga216 ohnBoss 3375768 NULL Electroshock3383 ;_;7 3375938 NULL RoiDadidou >ywn hear VDV again 3375998 NULL Toffelskater ;_;7 3377078 NULL SafeWord ;_; 7 3377308 NULL metagross01 ;_;7 3377358 NULL AnonymousGoat ;_;7 3377398 NULL WEBMarshmallow ;_;7 3377758 NULL ThinkCat r 3379088 NULL EternalWojak ;_;7 3379128 NULL Knoxie00 ;_;7 3379378 NULL OldManSou ;_;7 3379578 NULL OGRO ;_;7 3379978 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon ;_;7 3380038 NULL Stupri ;_;7 3380298 NULL loukemia r 3380868 NULL EMBRACE1818 ;_;7 3383258 NULL Gainerich ;_;7 3383408 NULL CitrusFresh ;_;7 3383918 NULL Korolyov ;_;7 3384538 NULL Mikes77 7 3387338 NULL SpicyFruitcake ;_;7 3387408 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck ;_;7 3388068 NULL Fuji4cc ;_;7 3392238 NULL Mobaloba ;_;7 3393758 NULL boombaklops ;_;7 3394288 NULL Pitaaaa ;_____;77 3394948 NULL Seigmann PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS TO RODHESIA 3396088 NULL loukemia ;_;7 3396208 NULL Alguien ;_;7 3396618 NULL trya M U G A B E :^) 3397128 NULL Pitaaaa F 3397678 NULL Knoxie00 F 3397778 NULL Katorga216 ohnBoss ohnBoss 3397958 NULL CollieBro4cc F 3398368 NULL metagross01 F 3398708 NULL Stupri F 3398968 NULL DagYouAzido F 3399698 NULL boombaklops eff 3399718 NULL Toffelskater F 3400038 NULL bersl2 I can't even muster my Zimbabwe trolling schtick :( 3400448 NULL SpicyFruitcake F 3401878 NULL CitrusFresh F 3402068 NULL EternalWojak F 3402688 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit L;-; 3403738 NULL Katorga216 F 3405288 NULL dongerino666 F 3405298 NULL SafeWord FFFFFFF 3411018 NULL JohnHayabusa F 3412198 NULL metagross01 A BOMB!? 3413118 NULL surepro F 3413428 NULL treybeard Rhodesia never dies 3424298 NULL DrBorisG what 3425588 NULL metagross01 woah 3429268 NULL DrBorisG artillery fire 3429498 NULL trya WOAH! 3429648 NULL IncomingNumbers supah bloota 3429708 NULL NuclearFissionRobot FIRE FOR EFFECT! 3430478 NULL Katorga216 artilerry shot 3430878 NULL TomDanTheRock ayyy 3432398 NULL Kushinda was that a shot 3433178 NULL SafeWord HOLY SHITY 3434198 NULL OGRO LONG RANGE 3437108 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck wtf the ball is just flying around on its own 3439998 NULL JohnHayabusa Rhodesia?! Isn't that Zimbabwe?! 3441868 NULL EternalWojak welcome back /x/ great to see you back 3448728 NULL Alguien http://www.africanews.com/2017/10/12/botswana-slams-catalonia-for-ill 3449938 NULL RoiDadidou >MIXED RECORD 3450018 NULL Seigmann Who love based Ian here? 3452978 NULL Alguien how can catalans even recover? 3453758 NULL treybeard i cant fucking see shit in this cup K blends into the field too muc 3454908 NULL metagross01 >cucktalonia 3458228 NULL OGRO goal her 3458498 NULL TomDanTheRock Nuke Catalonia 3461958 NULL metagross01 ^ 3462128 NULL misaka10032 <3 Ian <3 3465418 NULL RoiDadidou THEIR LAST WIN WAS WHEN SOU'S COMPUTER EXPLODED TWO YEARS AGO 3468608 NULL TomDanTheRock >moist 3470278 NULL UnderscoreNorth EIGHT (8) SECONDS 3471698 NULL JohnHayabusa Ian 3478268 NULL Toffelskater Crackle 3480068 NULL OGRO SPEAR 3482548 NULL OGRO BAH GAWD A SPEAR 3484398 NULL TomDanTheRock >>>>BRRRRRT 3486578 NULL zocram92 [muffled mic sounds] 3487248 NULL Baa90 CHEEKI BREEKI 3488858 NULL RoiDadidou >brrt 3489168 NULL Katorga216 too cheeki for the breeki 3492268 NULL IncomingNumbers an attempt 3492288 NULL ShadowRigger SPEAR SPEAR 3492928 NULL NuclearFissionRobot bullets are faster than pasta 3493508 NULL Electroshock3383 >Bort 3494148 NULL CollieBro4cc >BRRRRRRRRRT 3497038 NULL SafeWord LUL 3499958 NULL Silvex [angry gattling gun sound] 3501428 NULL Knoxie00 ABRACADABRA 3505058 NULL Katorga216 LUL 3524878 NULL boombaklops nice pass nerd 3525068 NULL metagross01 >flushier 3532078 NULL TomDanTheRock Daily reminder that Grape-kun died the day before /a/ plays 3538308 NULL Korolyov F 3539268 NULL metagross01 :thinking: 3540748 NULL Greyhound32 ripi 3541658 NULL Knoxie00 F 3543348 NULL IncomingNumbers second acrobatic clearance for astral 3550398 NULL TWAIN >the day before 3551348 NULL Silvex >zerg 3552898 NULL Katorga216 OMG 3553928 NULL metagross01 >zerg 3556008 NULL Electroshock3383 >Zerg 3558618 NULL TomDanTheRock ...@ 3561388 NULL TWAIN depends on your timezone 3562378 NULL buttfield >spergface 3566358 NULL OGRO >20 mins without a goal 3569348 NULL RoiDadidou >zerg face (no space) 3575248 NULL TomDanTheRock Boy both of these teams are bad 3575518 NULL Toffelskater ...@ 3575528 NULL AnonymousGoat What man 3577398 NULL OGRO I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me lads 3579168 NULL NuclearFissionRobot W I D E 3583048 NULL dedaganis >wide 3584798 NULL NuclearFissionRobot adjust your sights 3586238 NULL metagross01 W I D E 3586718 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE NOGANT 3586988 NULL Toffelskater WIDE NUGGET 3587728 NULL Knoxie00 ...@ 3587748 NULL Stupri W I D E 3588048 NULL boombaklops THICC SHOTS 3589788 NULL EternalWojak wide nugget 3590358 NULL Seigmann ADJUST YOUR DAMN SIGHT NUGGET 3591808 NULL ShoahLePoof piece of shit gun 3593468 NULL HetzersGonnaHetz inacurate nugget 3594178 NULL MacDub47 Not moist enough 3596868 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE NUGGET 3597528 NULL Electroshock3383 ADJUST YOUR SIGHTS 3598328 NULL Katorga216 ayylMAO 3599248 NULL IncomingNumbers these attacks are scary 3601298 NULL SafeWord >hauntingly 3606028 NULL TomDanTheRock gun control has neutered /k/ 3607138 NULL ShoahLePoof K98 > Nugget, prove me wrong protip you can't 3607918 NULL SpicyFruitcake that one was for zeroing lads 3611328 NULL KinseyTypeF Question lads 3611868 NULL TomDanTheRock >the banned bump stocks of /k/ 3611988 NULL CollieBro4cc that replay animation is (mm) 3612628 NULL JohnHayabusa I love that transition 3612818 NULL Kushinda >firing from the hip 3626368 NULL OGRO only commies use sights 3630148 NULL KinseyTypeF how do you summon succubus? 3631948 NULL AnonymousGoat ...@ 3633218 NULL SafeWord this is a scarily close shootout 3634478 NULL TomDanTheRock ...@ 3637778 NULL Katorga216 ResidentSleeper 3638008 NULL TWAIN HYP 3638298 NULL McMelanogaster birb 3639408 NULL TomDanTheRock Hello yes where is goals 3639588 NULL Electroshock3383 birb 3641538 NULL Knoxie00 HYP BIRB 3641838 NULL metagross01 birb 3641888 NULL Ubie BIRB 3643328 NULL Kushinda you succ 3644748 NULL KinseyTypeF BIRB 3646868 NULL SpicyFruitcake BIRB 3647398 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck :ghost: 3650258 NULL JohnHayabusa BIRB 3654888 NULL PavoolonD @KinseyTypeF call an ukrainian escort (^: 3665418 NULL SafeWord ResidentSleeper 3667888 NULL IncomingNumbers wow nice "clearance" 3668048 NULL D-Ski ..@ 3671658 NULL TomDanTheRock OHHH 3673108 NULL Ilovepol When is /pol/ playing? 3674968 NULL schimmdog SPOOK 3675398 NULL SirPainsalot BES GIRL 3677728 NULL trya I can't believe "I can't believe" is liv 3678328 NULL wheresyourdriveghaddammit boooo 3679188 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat goals or riot 3679758 NULL TomDanTheRock X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3680198 NULL JohnHayabusa OOOOOHHHH 3680688 NULL trya <3 3680888 NULL Katorga216 welp 3681308 NULL metagross01 X TAN 3682128 NULL TWAIN SPOOPED 3683398 NULL Silvex NOTHING PERSONNEL 3684088 NULL Toffelskater >/k/ 3684118 NULL Veldt86 GON GIVE IT TO YA 3684588 NULL Giddythefuckup OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH 3684928 NULL OGRO X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3685128 NULL Shevanel XTAN 3686158 NULL NuclearFissionRobot and /x/terminate the weak 3686208 NULL DagYouAzido <3 3686778 NULL CptCourage <3 3687238 NULL SpicyFruitcake INFRINGED 3687408 NULL JohnHayabusa X-tan 3687468 NULL Silvex YEAH 3688818 NULL PMB X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3689138 NULL McMelanogaster things are about to get SPOOKY 3689518 NULL RoiDadidou X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3690168 NULL trya X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3690568 NULL JohnHayabusa <3 3691238 NULL WEBMarshmallow GAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY 3691358 NULL SafeWord ilovepol: right before /mlp/ and /cm/ 3692048 NULL Mobaloba X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3692118 NULL Toffelskater YEAH 3692798 NULL Knoxie00 X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3693108 NULL OGRO YEAH U 3693228 NULL Gainerich X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3693548 NULL EternalWojak x gon give it to ya 3693698 NULL NuclearFissionRobot MOTHERFUCKER! 3694058 NULL treybeard X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3695088 NULL metagross01 X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3695588 NULL Electroshock3383 X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3696098 NULL Vilip IT'S GONNA GET SPOOKY 3696568 NULL surepro X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3697828 NULL JohnHayabusa X GON GIVE IT TO TA 3699008 NULL OGRO DON'T GET IT TWISTED 3699338 NULL DagYouAzido X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3699518 NULL Shevanel MOTHERFOCKA 3699618 NULL Mobaloba DONT GET IT TWISTED 3700508 NULL CollieBro4cc WHO YOU GONNA CALL 3700708 NULL JohnHayabusa X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3701198 NULL TomDanTheRock ITS WAHTS YOU HEARING 3701588 NULL BlueLogic X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3701948 NULL SafeWord x GON GIVE IT TO YA 3702848 NULL Fuji4cc X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3703098 NULL MaxPiston LISTEN 3703148 NULL EMBRACE1818 X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3703748 NULL Giddythefuckup A FUCKING LEAF 3704368 NULL lyrafag2 x GON GIVE IT TO YA 3704388 NULL ShoahLePoof LISTEN 3704708 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3705138 NULL thunderlizard Press X to give it to ya 3705598 NULL Mobaloba FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD 3706598 NULL OGRO FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD 3707628 NULL zocram92 X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3708358 NULL McMelanogaster X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3708598 NULL Toffelskater X 3708668 NULL OGRO LISTEN 3708738 NULL SafeWord X 3709038 NULL Vilip LISTEN 3709168 NULL thunderlizard X 3709628 NULL Charapaabs X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3710498 NULL Mobaloba LISTEN 3710758 NULL TWAIN CENTRING 3710808 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3710948 NULL Humanleopard SPOOKED 3711108 NULL TomDanTheRock KNOCK KNOCK 3712488 NULL surepro X GON GIVE IT TO YA! 3713148 NULL TWAIN TARGETS 3713538 NULL FELOOx X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3713638 NULL metagross01 AYY LMAO 3714908 NULL OGRO X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3717088 NULL Mobaloba X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA 3717868 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck :GHOST: 3719798 NULL WEBMarshmallow PRESS L TO LISTEN 3723608 NULL TomDanTheRock >Friday the 13th >/x/ playing 3723758 NULL ohwoww123 OHHHHHHHYEAAAAAH 3723968 NULL Vilip L 3724708 NULL JohnHayabusa L 3725268 NULL EternalWojak L 3725348 NULL Toffelskater X GON GIVE IT TO YA 3725418 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat L 3725578 NULL Rytky L 3725968 NULL Silvex L 3727588 NULL SpicyFruitcake L 3727678 NULL CollieBro4cc KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR 3727868 NULL JohnHayabusa What a header 3727968 NULL TomDanTheRock come on guys we all know whats happens 3728648 NULL Shevanel L 3728698 NULL Knoxie00 L 3730588 NULL boombaklops >:/ 3737068 NULL Vilip IT'S /x/'s DAY 3738448 NULL metagross01 >/k/ would beat /t/'s losing streak with this 3739508 NULL TomDanTheRock >Friday the 13th >/x/ losing >2013+4 3743008 NULL Sleelan 15 winless streak 3747828 NULL SeeACuckWishHimLuck :ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost: 3754358 NULL Kushinda gunfags can't defend :< 3758488 NULL Katorga216 wix1 wix2 3760998 NULL CollieBro4cc >I bet on /k/ in my accy 3761188 NULL Katorga216 wix3 wix4 3762518 NULL Shevanel FRIENDLY REMINDER JASON IS A ZOMBIE 3762888 NULL OldManSou