800 NULL CraigPhillips where am I 2260 NULL NuclearFissionRobot and where did it go? 2450 NULL TheCrimsonMan HYP TIM 3300 NULL silvertear LIV! 4100 NULL Veldt86 wait... 5180 NULL magikarpsalesman DUDE 6550 NULL Melkor86 TURN THE RIG ENGINES ON 7110 NULL CraigPhillips fuck Sou 8790 NULL MrAegis wait... 10380 NULL AirlineFood74 A NOTE? 11830 NULL MrAegis >Sou 13730 NULL Kekkels sew 14630 NULL AirlineFood74 BRB FBI 15240 NULL Vae-00 Activate the rigging. 16420 NULL Veldt86 >Sou 16640 NULL BiggestGuyForYou CUP IS KILL 17190 NULL HltierOnTheLeft ♪ ? 18190 NULL Melkor86 >FBI 18200 NULL MrAegis WAIT A MINUTE, THAT CARD 18900 NULL Kekkels >Sou 19040 NULL MerkaST @dankmaymayqueck You need to whitelist smashcast in GTE if you use th 20130 NULL EternalWojak >sou 22450 NULL 4thReichWithPonies POL WILL WIN SCREEN CAP THIS 23150 NULL Vae-00 >sou 23590 NULL moonawoona fug 24580 NULL Kekkels RIPIP 26350 NULL silvertear got on the party van 26850 NULL Veldt86 Activate the Party Van 26980 NULL OGRO OH MY GOD A BOMB 28520 NULL MrAegis F 29290 NULL Sekaszy >deported 30590 NULL Giddythefuckup BRBFTR 31070 NULL TheCrimsonMan press F for sou 32790 NULL AirlineFood74 >Sou got kidnapped by the FBI 33600 NULL EternalWojak F 33760 NULL Shevanel >BORS 34550 NULL OldManInternets Killed before it even began - fare thee well cup, we hardly k 34680 NULL DrStrangecraft F 34950 NULL MrAegis Press F for Sou 35220 NULL Greycatmon sometimes happens? 35220 NULL clingingmars F 35390 NULL Rytky F 36150 NULL Giddythefuckup >375 VIEWERS 37340 NULL SteakHouse69 F 37500 NULL BiggestGuyForYou WE HAVE DRAIDLE AGAIN 38880 NULL MrAegis F 40750 NULL Giddythefuckup D E D C U P 41190 NULL Fapoleono L I V 44570 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LIV 45670 NULL AirlineFood74 L I V 46690 NULL BiggestGuyForYou HYP LIV 46740 NULL OGRO just wait until the horsefuckers come 48620 NULL Kekkels cute little babbies 48890 NULL AirlineFood74 >UEFA THEME 49870 NULL Kekkels DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 50520 NULL MrAegis SO CUTE 50790 NULL TopLelM8 Press B to bab 52570 NULL HltierOnTheLeft DAY OF RAKE BEGINS 52860 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THE CHAAAAAAAAAAAAMPIOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS 53700 NULL Giddythefuckup >/pol/ 54010 NULL BiggestGuyForYou <3 54240 NULL AirlineFood74 LEL 55750 NULL Vae-00 B 56010 NULL Sleelan >roleplaying 56120 NULL Bl1nky nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 57120 NULL Linkun AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 57430 NULL MrAegis >lel 57580 NULL tom13king NO FOOKIN BULLY LA 57870 NULL Melkor86 AND LITTLE HORSIES 58930 NULL OGRO >pOE 60040 NULL OGRO >LEL 60500 NULL DrStrangecraft :3 61190 NULL Kekkels THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS AWMG 63890 NULL silvertear @OGRO >we're not already here 65720 NULL CraigPhillips who knoew /pol/ was infantile 66220 NULL AirlineFood74 together forever 66390 NULL Giddythefuckup TOGETHER FOREVER? 67370 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LITTLE BABY /asp/ <3 68420 NULL HeavenlyPond where's the hyp 70410 NULL TopLelM8 B 70430 NULL Linkun Todd 73830 NULL MrAegis TOGETHER FOREVER? 75310 NULL Ebnius <33 75330 NULL amis this Sou sounds very white 75460 NULL Veldt86 MUTHAFUCKAS 75480 NULL VtecJumper What a cringe! 75640 NULL thanksdoc1 BabyRage 75930 NULL MrAegis WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 76800 NULL 4thReichWithPonies HYP 77630 NULL Giddythefuckup BabyRage 78230 NULL McMelanogaster you promised there would be HYP 78290 NULL Sprettba11 BabyRage 78340 NULL BoxDweller BabyRage 78600 NULL Kekkels WAKE UP YA LITTLE SHITS 78980 NULL AirlineFood74 WAAAAAAH 78990 NULL OGRO This is mediocre hyp 79170 NULL moonawoona WAKE THE FUCK UP 80170 NULL TopLelM8 BabyRage 80510 NULL epinfrogposter BabyRage 80560 NULL silvertear THE TIME IS NAO 81600 NULL Necropenguin IT'S TIME BROTHERS 83100 NULL Goldomen IDS DIME :DDDDDDDDDD 83750 NULL Kekkels GET UP! 84060 NULL BiggestGuyForYou BabyRage 84230 NULL Giddythefuckup BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage 85200 NULL Phallus GET UP 85600 NULL DragonPussy WHOOOOOOOOO 86110 NULL RoiDadidou GET UP 86260 NULL Greycatmon IT'S TIME MOTHERFUCKERS 86960 NULL CardboardBox WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH 87620 NULL MrAegis GET UP! 88420 NULL OGRO GET UP OR BE ABORTED 88440 NULL AirlineFood74 GET UP 88950 NULL TerribleHeresy BabyRage 89130 NULL EMBRACE1818 GET UP 91150 NULL DonRavioli BABBY NOISES INTENSIFES 92920 NULL Janner1588 GET THE FUCK UP LADS 95340 NULL DragonPussy GET UP 95440 NULL AirlineFood74 CHASED BY THE FBI 96700 NULL Vae-00 GET UP OR GET A POST NATAL ABORTION 97500 NULL Bl1nky GET UP 97830 NULL clingingmars GET UP 99050 NULL amis \ BabyRage / 99480 NULL SteakHouse69 Wow react for /s4s/ win. 101130 NULL moonawoona PUT ON YOUR JERSIES 101280 NULL LeTako GET UP STAND UP 101370 NULL Talf BabyRage 102580 NULL CreamyGoodness FUCK JACK EDWARDS 103270 NULL Vae-00 FAHKEN 104350 NULL JimboDindo GET THE FUCK SHIT UP 105410 NULL Kekkels FAKKIN BOOLSHEET 106720 NULL Veldt86 ;_;7 106730 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FAHKEN BOOLSHEET 107550 NULL Giddythefuckup FAKKIN BULLSHEET 107630 NULL whyhitboxandnothashd BabyRage 109380 NULL DonRavioli FACKIN BOOLSHEET 109630 NULL OGRO FAKKIN BOOLSHEET 109840 NULL MrAegis FOKKEN BOOLSHEET 110700 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon FAKKIN BOOLSHEET 112230 NULL NuclearFissionRobot GAKKIN BOOLSHEET 112340 NULL McMelanogaster FAKKEN BOOLSHEET 113100 NULL Bl1nky FAKKIN BOOLSHEET# 113810 NULL AirlineFood74 JEEZUS 114030 NULL epinfrogposter FAKKIN BULLSHIEET 115080 NULL CraigPhillips I can't believe you've done this 115190 NULL BiggestGuyForYou I BREAK YOUR BACK 115300 NULL OGRO FUCK YOU HULK HOGAN 116840 NULL AldosMora IM HERE 116860 NULL BiggestGuyForYou MAKE YOU HUMBLE 116920 NULL DragonPussy FOOKIN BULLSHIT 116970 NULL donatrog FAKKEN JEEZUS 117930 NULL 4thReichWithPonies FAKKIN BULLSHIT 118230 NULL lesbiansubplot FAKKIN BOOLSHEET 118510 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FEUCK YOUR ASS 119660 NULL ktpnd Sounds like my parents 120830 NULL TopLelM8 Press H to make chat humble 121380 NULL CardboardBox FUCK YOU SISTER 121880 NULL Giovani1906 FAKKEN BOOLSHEET 122490 NULL clingingmars I BREAK YOUR BACK 122580 NULL DrStrangecraft FAKK YOUR SISTER 123240 NULL MrAegis H 123520 NULL clingingmars FUCK YOUR ASS 123620 NULL Prozach FAKK THE HULK HOGAN 125510 NULL Kekkels HAPPY FRIDAY AND GO FUCK YOURSELF 125540 NULL HeavenlyPond the dose? 125730 NULL BoxDweller DOC? 125870 NULL OGRO THANKS DOC 126010 NULL clingingmars MAKE YOU HUMBLE 126420 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat fucking finally 127670 NULL Resolink THE DOSE DOC 127950 NULL moonawoona DAILY 128780 NULL thanksdoc1 DOC I NEED IT 129220 NULL DonRavioli DOC MY DOSE 131380 NULL Kekkels THANKS DOC 132070 NULL DrStrangecraft THANKS DOC 132130 NULL Vae-00 THANKS DO- 132150 NULL polybius THANKS DOC 132380 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THANKS DOC 132760 NULL epinfrogposter THANKS DOC 133610 NULL RoiDadidou THANKS DOC 133980 NULL silvertear THANKS DOC 134050 NULL EMBRACE1818 THANKS DOC 134580 NULL Sprettba11 THANKS DOC 134780 NULL MaxPiston THANKS DOC 135820 NULL thanksdoc1 ARIGATO SENSEI 135900 NULL TopLelM8 Appreciate it medic 136000 NULL Giovani1906 THANKS DOC 136240 NULL CraigPhillips >Paval dosed a baby 136500 NULL McMelanogaster THANKS DOC? 136670 NULL MrCopout TH- 136970 NULL Giddythefuckup BabyRage 137120 NULL hufje THANKS DOC 138040 NULL NuclearFissionRobot months with no dose 138400 NULL moonawoona THANKS DOC 139010 NULL Kekkels YOU WHINY LITTLE FUCKS 139400 NULL MrAegis ARIGATO SENSEI 139500 NULL OGRO THAT WAS ONLY HALF A DOSE 143690 NULL ayy10 THANKS DOC 143790 NULL Zelonod THANKS DOC 144060 NULL AirlineFood74 >PAVLEL DOSED A BABY 144530 NULL DareISay Gracias Medico 145290 NULL TomDanTheRock BabyRage 148140 NULL Giddythefuckup BEAT THE BABY 149340 NULL Kekkels PAVAL CONFIRMED WORST FATHER 149350 NULL AirlineFood74 KICK THE BABY 149720 NULL Talf I MISSED THE DOSE DOC 150780 NULL polybius >tfw can't dose chat anymore 151640 NULL KYMA BabyRage 152950 NULL MrAegis JIGGLE KEYS 153870 NULL Giovani1906 KICK IT 156690 NULL Bl1nky D-DAD? 157500 NULL MrCopout >getting out of bed 157620 NULL ShadowRigger THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY 157940 NULL thanksdoc1 >fun 158320 NULL MrAegis JIGGLING KEYS ALWAYS WORK 158360 NULL BoxDweller >fun 158430 NULL tonyisacuck >fun 158780 NULL TomDanTheRock Paval sold his baby for rigbux 158840 NULL OGRO >FUN 159730 NULL donatrog >fun 160880 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >FUN 161680 NULL OldManInternets T_T T_T T_T 162080 NULL OGRO what the FUCK is that 162090 NULL DragonPussy shake it 162110 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >fun 162180 NULL Kekkels >FUN 162610 NULL BiggestGuyForYou BYE BYE KEYS 162810 NULL MrAegis >fun 162870 NULL Giovani1906 >FUN 163340 NULL hufje >FUN 163530 NULL MaxPiston >FUN 163570 NULL silvertear >FUN 163900 NULL dankmaymayqueck JIGGLE KEYS PLS 164090 NULL moonawoona B& 164170 NULL RoiDadidou FUN? 164530 NULL NotAnArgument >tfw neet 165530 NULL Veldt86 YOU THINK WE DO THIS FOR FUN? 165960 NULL CardboardBox MOVE BITCH 166160 NULL Phallus >FUN 166250 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >fun 167120 NULL TomDanTheRock BabyRage 167610 NULL irrel >FUN 168060 NULL AirlineFood74 JIGGLE KEYS 169980 NULL Bl1nky WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 170630 NULL Sleelan FUN IS DPERECATED 170650 NULL silvertear MONEY MAKING SCHEME 172600 NULL MrCopout CONFIRMED 172630 NULL AirlineFood74 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 173350 NULL MrAegis PLEASE JIGGLE KEYS 173570 NULL CraigPhillips MONEY MAKING SCHEME 175320 NULL OGRO THIS IS WORSE THAN WOOOO 176260 NULL SteakHouse69 No fun allowed/ 176930 NULL DragonPussy >fun 179010 NULL NuclearFissionRobot one once, it was awefui 179350 NULL OctopusChan WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 179420 NULL Sprettba11 BabyRage 179430 NULL TomDanTheRock WAHHH 180620 NULL Ebnius top quality hyp 182070 NULL Vae-00 PLEASE STOP 183590 NULL MrAegis PRESS J TO JIGGLE KEYS 184960 NULL Shevanel WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 185760 NULL moonawoona J 185780 NULL AirlineFood74 >PARAMILITARY ANIME DEATH SQUADS 186180 NULL CraigPhillips never stop 186510 NULL epinfrogposter J 186550 NULL GoonerBear J 186580 NULL LeTako J 187330 NULL Greycatmon J 187990 NULL MrCopout >rigged 188130 NULL KYMA J 188340 NULL OldManInternets j 188350 NULL TopLelM8 J 188610 NULL 4thReichWithPonies J 188890 NULL BiggestGuyForYou J 189220 NULL Shevanel j 189800 NULL Sprettba11 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 190310 NULL Giovani1906 J 191180 NULL Hlaalucaust J 191250 NULL OctopusChan J 191990 NULL brickwall35 j 192430 NULL DragonPussy j 192480 NULL AirlineFood74 J 192490 NULL Kekkels J 192490 NULL CardboardBox FUCK YOUR MARKER 192930 NULL silvertear J 193230 NULL CraigPhillips J 195940 NULL DrStrangecraft J 195960 NULL ManfredTheMemer J 196830 NULL wormy97 j 197240 NULL OctopusChan JJ 197520 NULL Janner1588 J 200590 NULL Sekaszy WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 202230 NULL dankmaymayqueck 2D CATGIRL DEATH SQUADS 202720 NULL 4thReichWithPonies MY EARS 202750 NULL TomDanTheRock BabyRage 205520 NULL Sprettba11 J 207030 NULL MrAegis JIGGLE HARDER 208010 NULL Sekaszy WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 209290 NULL DragonPussy MAKE IT STOP 209310 NULL AirlineFood74 have we reached peak /autism/? 209420 NULL TomDanTheRock J 211030 NULL amis
VED >ON TIME 383200 NULL silvertear WUT 384390 NULL TwoScoops OH SHIT 384580 NULL Giddythefuckup UCS is the US Football team now lel 385450 NULL TomDanTheRock hyp 385660 NULL Sprettba11 VED! 385860 NULL Fapoleono >VED 386010 NULL Giovani1906 VED 386080 NULL BackgroundPony hyp 386490 NULL Kekkels >VED 386580 NULL AirlineFood74 >VED 386780 NULL OGRO D U A N E 386780 NULL silvertear HO SHIT 386830 NULL Sekaszy HYP 386900 NULL TomDanTheRock >Ved 387120 NULL Giddythefuckup VEED 387480 NULL RoiDadidou .VED 387560 NULL dankmaymayqueck VED 387640 NULL magikarpsalesman hyp 387710 NULL HanakoToast OH SHIT 387790 NULL Veldt86 HYP 387830 NULL Lostcau5e fug 387960 NULL amis >ved?! 388250 NULL silvertear VED 388460 NULL ShoahLePoof Culling of weebs starts today 388650 NULL MerkaST >VED 388680 NULL Rytky VED 388910 NULL McMelanogaster VEEEEEED 389080 NULL CraigPhillips IT NEVER STOPS 389420 NULL irrel >VED 389450 NULL Giovani1906 >VED 389600 NULL Jorleif >Ved 389760 NULL 4thReichWithPonies HYP 389800 NULL donatrog HE DID? 389870 NULL GoonerBear VED 389950 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >Ved 389980 NULL AirlineFood74 >ON TIME 390050 NULL buttfield >ved 390530 NULL Shevanel OH SHET 390550 NULL moonawoona >VED 390780 NULL anonimoanonimez Can't be >Ved 390790 NULL OGRO VED!?! 390820 NULL Melkor86 NO FUCKING WAY 391350 NULL DrStrangecraft >VED 391660 NULL Vae-00 >VED 391750 NULL Linearbarrel >VED 391770 NULL BoxDweller >VED 392060 NULL sakex7 >ved 392750 NULL CptCourage >Ved 393670 NULL Suule > Ved 393810 NULL MrAegis V E D 393940 NULL Lostcau5e >VED 394000 NULL Linkun >VED 394150 NULL Shevanel HYP 395410 NULL Ebnius V-ved!? 395780 NULL Kayblis oh shit 395970 NULL HanakoToast PRODUCTION VALUES INCOMING 396100 NULL TSparx >ved 396250 NULL OldManInternets The 4C cup babbys is sponsered by the Universal Choking Symbo 396460 NULL Leviath oh boy 396860 NULL Giovani1906 NO FUCKING WAY 397440 NULL ShoahLePoof >ved 398200 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat MAGICAL 398260 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >V >E >D 398320 NULL EternalWojak NO WAY 398360 NULL Pineconeapple wtg 398900 NULL AitorKarankasci The Summer hype video! 399580 NULL TomDanTheRock kek 400570 NULL surepro v-ved? 401230 NULL AirlineFood74 KEK 402130 NULL BoxDweller comf 402500 NULL irrel TOP COMFY 402600 NULL moonawoona kek 402670 NULL amis REAL ACTORS 403170 NULL Sekaszy KEK 404230 NULL BackgroundPony SUMMER 16 HYPE VIDEO 404360 NULL RoiDadidou GIRL 404760 NULL Linkun VED is love 404780 NULL Veldt86 N-NANI? 405140 NULL JimboDindo >V>E>D 405390 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ded 405450 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon PUPPER 406320 NULL Giddythefuckup DEAD DOGE 407190 NULL Kekkels >PHONEPOSTERS 407200 NULL NuclearFissionRobot lol 408540 NULL Vae-00 Dog <3 409190 NULL BoxDweller Ved is cute 409900 NULL AirlineFood74 GRIL? 411060 NULL NuclearFissionRobot liv 411290 NULL ktpnd >ved 411290 NULL MaxPiston >phoneposting 411330 NULL Shevanel PERRO MUERTO 413010 NULL Melkor86 LONDON?! 414020 NULL thanksdoc1 IM CIA 414220 NULL 4thReichWithPonies LONDON 414700 NULL buttfield L O N D O N 415050 NULL OctopusChan DOg 415070 NULL OGRO GIRL (male) 415310 NULL Vae-00 LAHDAHN? 415350 NULL Fapoleono >RIGSBURG 417670 NULL TomDanTheRock DR PAVAL 418060 NULL BoxDweller L O N D ON 418150 NULL Shevanel LONDON 419010 NULL Deltadutch The spring vid? 419340 NULL AirlineFood74 >RIGSBURG 419630 NULL moonawoona That's a big house 420500 NULL Giddythefuckup COMFY 420590 NULL OldManInternets Paval having a girl at home, please. 420670 NULL MrAegis >RIGSBURG 421100 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB C I A 421660 NULL CraigPhillips Lady, your seal is dead 422100 NULL TwoScoops >Pennsylvannia 422410 NULL Jorleif L O N D O N 422510 NULL TomDanTheRock >Ved 423120 NULL itsacoaster >VED 423890 NULL BiggestGuyForYou L O N D O N 424080 NULL ShadowRigger >PAVLEL 425340 NULL DrDtroit >rIGSBURG 425600 NULL Shevanel PERRO MUERTO 425870 NULL tonyisacuck >v>e>d 426080 NULL BoxDweller >VED 426360 NULL CptCourage >V E D 426630 NULL AirlineFood74 >VED 426750 NULL ayy10 >Ved 427380 NULL OGRO AAAAAAAAAAA 427440 NULL CraigPhillips OH GOD IT MOVED 427880 NULL OctopusChan RIG 428200 NULL CptCourage AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 428770 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DOGGO 429050 NULL Giddythefuckup >TENKO 429310 NULL TomDanTheRock >Tenko 429610 NULL CitrusFresh I-is Paval a cute girl? 429800 NULL clingingmars >VED 430030 NULL AldosMora BORK 430080 NULL buttfield >ved 430880 NULL moonhorseabest Who /giddyup/ here? 430950 NULL DragonPussy >DOGGO 430950 NULL McMelanogaster >tenko 431680 NULL Vae-00 GAY 431950 NULL Sleelan >V >E >D >F >X 432330 NULL Takaim tenko 433150 NULL PAVALDATSACK BORK 433380 NULL Giovani1906 >TENKO 433390 NULL epinfrogposter BORK 434050 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse lmao 434240 NULL TwoScoops BORK 434930 NULL silvertear GIDDY 435540 NULL Kekkels BORK 435580 NULL 4thReichWithPonies DELET THIS 435810 NULL starfighter9 >tenko 435870 NULL Hlaalucaust Jew funded hollywood trash 436770 NULL BackgroundPony dog 437010 NULL BiggestGuyForYou GABE IS BACK BORK 437150 NULL Jorleif >TENKP 437560 NULL BoxDweller bork 437870 NULL Shevanel BORK 437960 NULL amis how uch did this stock footage cost 438030 NULL MechaAnonMkII BORK 438050 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Tenko writes the script now 439010 NULL GiddyupDeusVult BORK 439160 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon BORK 439220 NULL NotAnArgument >female 439330 NULL MaxPiston BORK 440290 NULL DrDtroit BORK 440710 NULL Leviath BORK 440820 NULL JimboDindo bork 440860 NULL HanakoToast BORK 441420 NULL Giovani1906 BORK 442180 NULL AirlineFood74 BORK 442380 NULL ShoahLePoof BORK 442380 NULL DareISay BORK 442470 NULL EternalWojak BORK 443130 NULL buttfield BORK 443250 NULL BiggestGuyForYou BORK 443250 NULL Gandarn that noose 443580 NULL Doublerigger rip geb 443780 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB NICE COCK 444050 NULL Jorleif BORK 444100 NULL Vae-00 BORF 444860 NULL AirlineFood74 LESNAR 445260 NULL AnsisMalins BORK 445330 NULL sakex7 > V > E >D 445540 NULL 4thReichWithPonies BORK 446200 NULL moonawoona BORK 446350 NULL MrAegis BORK 447190 NULL dankmaymayqueck >jew nose 449290 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >that nose 449730 NULL ShoahLePoof BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORK 449850 NULL Giddythefuckup THAT NOSE 450400 NULL FukouDa KEK 450720 NULL ShoahLePoof LASER 450810 NULL TwoScoops LMAO 451450 NULL Kekkels KEKK 451530 NULL Fapoleono KEK 451610 NULL silvertear lol 451670 NULL DrunkTenk PAVAL HAS NO WAIFU 452510 NULL Vae-00 HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA 452590 NULL valenmedia DOG 453410 NULL BiggestGuyForYou KEK 453430 NULL Kekkels NO WAIFU 453550 NULL AnsisMalins LOL 453580 NULL ayy10 KEK 453820 NULL ChowderSoup HA 453900 NULL Ebnius KEK 454560 NULL LeTako sheit 454900 NULL silvertear RUSED 454970 NULL CitrusFresh KEK 454990 NULL MrCopout low blow 455660 NULL AirlineFood74 KEK 455670 NULL polybius KEK 455800 NULL MrAegis LMAO NO WAIFU 455830 NULL beenoos ;_; 456680 NULL Leviath kek 456720 NULL OGRO LEL 456930 NULL EMBRACE1818 KEK 458060 NULL Giddythefuckup HAHAHAHAH 458140 NULL Janner1588 AHAHAHAHAH 458590 NULL McMelanogaster KEK 458770 NULL HanakoToast KEK 459080 NULL epinfrogposter KEK 459220 NULL itsacoaster kek 459530 NULL DareISay KEK 459550 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse kek 460350 NULL tonyisacuck pavlel BTFO 460820 NULL Melkor86 >not having a waifu 460970 NULL AirlineFood74 FUCK 461200 NULL TomDanTheRock REKT 461360 NULL Linearbarrel :D 461510 NULL moonawoona WHAT A FAG 463050 NULL CardboardBox KEK 463400 NULL frascoration TIP TOP KEK 463450 NULL Shevanel BTFO 463810 NULL HeavenlyPond seizure warning 464210 NULL Rytky >no waifu 464410 NULL EternalWojak WEW 464490 NULL Giddythefuckup HAHAAHAHHAA 464550 NULL donatrog REKT 465610 NULL Sleelan PRODUCTION VALUE 465710 NULL Snowmanne show over 465850 NULL brickwall35 kek 466000 NULL Giddythefuckup MY SIDES 468470 NULL Doublerigger wat a gay 468980 NULL MrAegis PRESS L TO LAUGH AT PAVAL 469070 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB AAAAAAA SEIZURE ATTACK 469650 NULL ChowderSoup Better than having 2 waifus 469800 NULL Vae-00 HELP I'M KURT EICHENWALD 470890 NULL Fapoleono MY SIDES 470930 NULL 4thReichWithPonies PAVEL BTFO 471290 NULL lesbiansubplot 3dpd 471980 NULL silvertear >FOOTBALL 472640 NULL AirlineFood74 PAVLEL BTFO 472670 NULL Zelonod L 474350 NULL CraigPhillips GOD IT NEVER STOPS 474990 NULL Vae-00 I'M HAVING A SEIZURE 475080 NULL AirlineFood74 DED 476160 NULL Veldt86 >FOOTBALL 478200 NULL BundtMuncher l 478630 NULL ktpnd noice 478660 NULL NuclearFissionRobot PATRICK STWEART 479390 NULL Giddythefuckup PAVAL IS A FUCKING ROBOT 480010 NULL BiggestGuyForYou HOW WILL PAVAL EVER RECOVER? 480690 NULL Jorleif IT HURTS, AND HUMBLES 480750 NULL DrStrangecraft JEAN-LUC 482220 NULL valenmedia >PAVAL 483130 NULL Snowmanne LITTLE GIRL 483230 NULL clingingmars PICARD 483520 NULL MrCopout >IMPLYING FOOTBALL NEVER WINS 484320 NULL ChowderSoup Little gril 485220 NULL clingingmars ENGAGE 487240 NULL NuclearFissionRobot PATRICK STEWART 487330 NULL TomDanTheRock >/sp/ 487760 NULL Giovani1906 >PAVLEL 487880 NULL CptCourage PATRICK STEWART <3 489300 NULL LeTako based stewart 491620 NULL BackgroundPony hyp 492010 NULL MrAegis A NEW SEASON 492200 NULL Shevanel >/sp/ 494580 NULL AirlineFood74 >V 495380 NULL clingingmars MAKE IT SO /SP/ 495410 NULL buttfield >/sp/ 495830 NULL Linkun HYP 496540 NULL Melkor86 THEY GOT PATRICK STEWART TO DO THIS, HOLY SHIT 497620 NULL Kekkels DARGON 498960 NULL OctopusChan Captain 504850 NULL TomDanTheRock >/mlpol/ 505260 NULL moonawoona F 506240 NULL MrAegis SHOULDAH 506400 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >/mlpol/ 507160 NULL AitorKarankasci press p for perro caca 510000 NULL HTlel Maidragon 510510 NULL EternalWojak p 511030 NULL ChowderSoup GOAL 512830 NULL BasedBrady When does /sp/ play? ! 512970 NULL 4thReichWithPonies HYP 513350 NULL clingingmars THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE 513860 NULL Vae-00 HE'S LARGE 514590 NULL Sekaszy ASSAD 515640 NULL Bonedark Celebrate 515650 NULL TomDanTheRock CANT MOSSAD THE ASSAD 516650 NULL dankmaymayqueck ./u/ best blenders 517630 NULL BiggestGuyForYou HE'S FAT 517760 NULL CraigPhillips FAT 517810 NULL MrAegis HE'S DEAD 518300 NULL clingingmars THIS FAR AND NO FARTHER 523500 NULL sakex7 HE'S FAT 524210 NULL ShoahLePoof >MESSHIT 525390 NULL BackgroundPony \o/ 526890 NULL ChowderSoup >OTC 527720 NULL Fapoleono >MESSHIT 528800 NULL Linkun GIDDY UP 529440 NULL NuclearFissionRobot OTC 530450 NULL BoxDweller >Messhit 531560 NULL DrDtroit NEW DAY WILL ROCK 531890 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse FOOTBALL 531950 NULL AirlineFood74 >MESSHIT 532440 NULL Bonedark PRESS F TO FUUUUUG 532620 NULL Shevanel >MESSHIT 532980 NULL ShadowRigger >football 533030 NULL CptCourage F O O T B A L L 535160 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB REFBALL 536240 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse F 538440 NULL MrAegis FUUTBALL 540070 NULL BiggestGuyForYou CENAWINSLOL 540390 NULL OGRO FUTEBOL 541820 NULL 4thReichWithPonies BURGERS BTFO 542940 NULL ChowderSoup OUR GAME 543050 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat FOOTBALL ALWAYS WINS 543700 NULL Shevanel WHERE'S GONDOLA? 543960 NULL MrAegis >best 545580 NULL NuclearFissionRobot HAMHANDS 547120 NULL silvertear >FUTBOL 547140 NULL Shevanel SANIC 548380 NULL lesbiansubplot FOOTBALL WINS 549230 NULL valenmedia IN THE NAME OF MEMES 549340 NULL MaxPiston IT'S THE BEST 550750 NULL Relicka HYP 550900 NULL EternalWojak OUR GAME 550940 NULL CraigPhillips fuckin hamhands 551350 NULL OGRO Wow that was great 552530 NULL BackgroundPony press A to replay control 552790 NULL ChadThundercock is this, dare i say it, /ourgame/? 553040 NULL Giddythefuckup REMEMBER THAT US FAILED TO QUALIFY TO THE WORLD CUP 553480 NULL BiggestGuyForYou @Shevanel in the elites 554290 NULL ShoahLePoof AMERICANS CAN GO CHOKE ON A BAG OF DICKS 555310 NULL McMelanogaster HYP 555320 NULL NuclearFissionRobot indeed it does 555460 NULL Gandarn Go robot 555800 NULL OGRO A 557300 NULL frascoration IT'S NUMBER ONE 557590 NULL TomDanTheRock :DD 557960 NULL ayy10 HYP 557970 NULL CraigPhillips HOW MANY MORE 558400 NULL MrAegis Klappa 559100 NULL moonawoona GIDDY UP 559530 NULL Linkun Based VED 560800 NULL SteakHouse69 Press F to prevent the horses from getting to Winter. 562780 NULL CraigPhillips 5 MORE VIDEOS 563410 NULL OldManInternets o.o7 HYP 563750 NULL epinfrogposter fokkin beautiful 564540 NULL Giddythefuckup VED HAS NO WAIFU 565160 NULL r4nd0mz F 565160 NULL Shevanel GOOD VED 565210 NULL ChowderSoup >ved 566050 NULL Jorleif F 569190 NULL lesbiansubplot .ved 569800 NULL Linkun GIDDY UP 570070 NULL Hlaalucaust Cool 570610 NULL CptCourage >Ved 572310 NULL Linearbarrel GOOD VEDEO 572680 NULL Sekaszy NO WAIFU !!!! 573260 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >Ved 573590 NULL 4thReichWithPonies GIDDY UP 573680 NULL ShoahLePoof TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 574180 NULL Kekkels YO NICE WAIFU NERD 574580 NULL Vae-00 >not having a waifu 575080 NULL Giddythefuckup GIDDY UP 575790 NULL amis who made the last one 576280 NULL AirlineFood74 NO WAIFU 576880 NULL clingingmars A+ hyp 577890 NULL BoxDweller >wanting a 3D waifu 578670 NULL TopLelM8 Press W to help find Pavel a nice waifu 579280 NULL silvertear >3DPD 579330 NULL Giddythefuckup THE VIRGIN 579390 NULL Fapoleono >the virgin 579600 NULL Shevanel >2017 >no laifu 579830 NULL CraigPhillips it's me 580670 NULL ChowderSoup >3DPD 580740 NULL Gandarn virgin 581110 NULL AirlineFood74 KEK 581800 NULL HTlel moonman moonman can't you see 581850 NULL Necropenguin How did we pay for Patrick Stewart? 581910 NULL Melkor86 ew 582060 NULL moonawoona >3dpd 582300 NULL Kekkels THE VIRGIN STILL 583420 NULL MrAegis >3DPD 583740 NULL CitrusFresh >3DPD 583810 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >3d 584340 NULL Kekkels THE CHAD TENTAQUIL 584350 NULL lesbiansubplot >3DPD 584760 NULL Veldt86 KEK 585150 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ITS /vp/ TIME 586220 NULL Jorleif >3DPD 587940 NULL Sleelan FUCKING KEK 588300 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >3dPD 588440 NULL DrunkTenk The virgin paval 590640 NULL dankmaymayqueck >the virgin player 591530 NULL 4thReichWithPonies KEK 591860 NULL HanakoToast VIRGIN PLAYER 592300 NULL anonimoanonimez The Virgin Full Body Model 595150 NULL tonyisacuck >reddit meme 595630 NULL Hlaalucaust EBIN 596650 NULL Talf >the virgin football player 598400 NULL AirlineFood74 CHAD TENTAQUIL VS VIRGIN 598640 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Now TAYNE I can get used to 599060 NULL epinfrogposter A S S T H E T I C S 599110 NULL buttfield CHADAQUIL 599420 NULL lAlexl7l how will paval even recover? 599930 NULL Giovani1906 >the virgin paval 600120 NULL Gandarn chad vp vs virgin r9k 600170 NULL Vae-00 A E S T H E T I C S 600750 NULL OldManInternets Is this 18 or 17 still? 601200 NULL NuclearFissionRobot WOOOOOO 601860 NULL anonimoanonimez The Chad hair2 swap 602260 NULL Giddythefuckup THE VIRGIN PAVAL 602290 NULL ChowderSoup INB4 crash 603070 NULL dankmaymayqueck THE CHAD ATHLETE 603810 NULL Giddythefuckup THE CHAD BORIS 605280 NULL MrAegis >the virgin player vs THE CHAD ARENA GLADIATON 606080 NULL HTlel oh hey, the 2d poster blenders 606640 NULL Giovani1906 >skype 607000 NULL Jorleif VIRGIN PLAYER - ALPHA MON 607200 NULL AirlineFood74 >SKYPE 607430 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THE CHAD BORIS 610760 NULL NotAnArgument >THE CHADQUIL 611070 NULL TopLelM8 BOOOO 611100 NULL AirlineFood74 DISCORD HAS VIDEO 614460 NULL wormy97 GOOO /r9k 614610 NULL NuclearFissionRobot hello Lear 615120 NULL HTlel >Skoip 615600 NULL Bonedark >the virgin player >the chad Tentaquil 618240 NULL BackgroundPony damn craig you do a really great Patrick Steward impression. 1 620620 NULL Jorleif >SKYPE 621050 NULL CptCourage > L E A R 622130 NULL Gandarn GOO0OOOOO r9k 624580 NULL BackgroundPony stewart* 627300 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >A >FUCKING >LEAF 628280 NULL Kekkels GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR LEAR 629600 NULL AirlineFood74 >meh 631140 NULL Alguien >the virgin commisioner 632720 NULL EternalWojak >LEAR 633900 NULL buttfield >lear 634660 NULL ShoahLePoof >frogs 634700 NULL CraigPhillips thanks. I practiced forever 635400 NULL ChowderSoup >the virgin red 637850 NULL HltierOnTheLeft DAY OF RAKE BEGINS 637990 NULL NuclearFissionRobot "Noone told me I'd have to do stuff" -Lear, 2017 638090 NULL Jorleif FUGGGGGGGGGGG 638470 NULL MrAegis >A FUCKING LEAR 638970 NULL moonawoona >that kid 639330 NULL Hlaalucaust >50%+ pepes 642770 NULL Giddythefuckup RED VIRGIN 644080 NULL Giddythefuckup GREEN CHAD 645670 NULL DragonPussy >the virgin "player" 645710 NULL Suule > Chad 645900 NULL AirlineFood74 ORANGE FUG 647300 NULL dankmaymayqueck smORC\ 647350 NULL MrCopout ALL HAIL THE NEW CHAD 647600 NULL ShoahLePoof DUMB FROGPOSTERS 648000 NULL Giovani1906 >A FUCKING LEAF 649050 NULL You-soro > red 649330 NULL tonyisacuck >frogposters 651400 NULL CitrusFresh AS EXPECTED OF THE /LGBT/ CUP, EVERYONE'S DOING EVERYONE 651960 NULL dankmaymayqueck smORC 652580 NULL donatrog m...m...MANAGERS???? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe 654590 NULL Bl1nky POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOND 654700 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >The virgin red >The chad green 654850 NULL Sleelan >chad next to beta 656560 NULL OctopusChan ELLIOT 657270 NULL dankmaymayqueck dammit still not working 660890 NULL Giddythefuckup >stacked 662270 NULL Alguien so did you hear, /pol/ got a new flag 662460 NULL DragonPussy >frogs 663340 NULL Giddythefuckup >less viewers than fetus 664220 NULL AirlineFood74 STACKED 665620 NULL Veldt86 THE LADS AMITY 666990 NULL Snowmanne holy shit /vp/ confirmed to win 670600 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >/POL/ 672120 NULL AitorKarankasci Does your team have TWO managers? 676260 NULL Melkor86 go /tg/ WOOHOOO 678030 NULL HltierOnTheLeft mum lp 680560 NULL Broke5903 mine has a council 680810 NULL Mugetsu800 >rigged 681080 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Press H for HAPPENINGS 684570 NULL 4CCanes >rating /pol/ 684840 NULL Vae-00 H 685400 NULL Jorleif H 685570 NULL Linkun It's happening 686540 NULL 4thReichWithPonies H 687490 NULL MrAegis H 688270 NULL OGRO H 688520 NULL CraigPhillips Lear goes full force into his babbies 689280 NULL ChowderSoup H 691680 NULL DragonPussy FUCK POKEMON IT'S LAAAAAAMEEEEE 692260 NULL NuclearFissionRobot H 694710 NULL CraigPhillips that's legal in Canada 695020 NULL TomDanTheRock >big teams 695120 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press B for Big Market Babby 695240 NULL Veldt86 Fuck yes /tg/ 4 CBs 695960 NULL TomDanTheRock 4u 698820 NULL Veldt86 B 698930 NULL Gandarn :pol will win 700390 NULL moonhorseabest H 703690 NULL Sleelan *silence* 704660 NULL yuukafu hello /vp/ here 706200 NULL AitorKarankasci Shinichi says hi, /vp/ 715250 NULL MrAegis "Lear thrusts full force into babbies" - Kregg "the egg" Phillips, 20 715900 NULL yuukafu am i the only one 717080 NULL ChowderSoup MEGA BABBY 718540 NULL moonawoona GIDDY UP 718930 NULL yuukafu from /vp/ 721840 NULL Linkun can't wait for /mlp/ to get to the elits 724980 NULL Vae-00 Justice can only be served when /pol/ defeats /lgbt/ in the elites. 729090 NULL TomDanTheRock >1488 viewers 731150 NULL TomDanTheRock get hyp 731760 NULL Gandarn PRESS F IF YOU HAVE NEVER GET A GF 735650 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >1500 viewer fetus match 736680 NULL MrAegis F 737150 NULL DragonPussy F 737720 NULL 4thReichWithPonies F 738830 NULL BiggestGuyForYou HYP FOR /mlpol/ 738910 NULL moonawoona F 741100 NULL PerkulatorBenny F 742150 NULL Veldt86 F 743570 NULL Giovani1906 F 745930 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat F 747310 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DEVILISH 752810 NULL Veldt86 LADS 753710 NULL TomDanTheRock >[r9k] stealing /fit/ memes 753720 NULL Veldt86 AMITY 754320 NULL MrCopout >tfw arranged marriage 755270 NULL 4thReichWithPonies CHAD THUNDERCOCK 756410 NULL TomDanTheRock what else is new 756800 NULL MrAegis THE LADS AMITY 762740 NULL BombAssTea BORIS SAY MY NAME 764040 NULL CraigPhillips he can feel the stare 765020 NULL Linkun WIZARD 765320 NULL OGRO C H A D 765440 NULL Goldomen >Bors on /r9k/ 765520 NULL BoxDweller >virgin looking away 766260 NULL dankmaymayqueck that /r9k/ bench though 767750 NULL OmegaPretzel Was that actually Patrick Stewart in the intro? 769830 NULL Bonedark >the virgin condition >the chad demand 770620 NULL FELOOx RIGGED 771040 NULL MerkaST RIGGED 771210 NULL TomDanTheRock rigged 771730 NULL amis oh ye Streamlink-use was fucked again due to hostmode, should work now 772390 NULL moonawoona RIGGED 772780 NULL donatrog >4 pepes on one team 773120 NULL silvertear >dat wizard 773280 NULL tonyisacuck ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█ ░░▄█░░▄▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▐░░░░█▌ ░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░ 774400 NULL CitrusFresh ROGGED 774680 NULL Giovani1906 RIGGED 774870 NULL CraigPhillips ROGGLE 775470 NULL EternalWojak RIGGED 777100 NULL ChowderSoup 0 seconds since last rigging 777710 NULL Linkun RIGGED 778050 NULL Vae-00 Riggy diggy doo. 779400 NULL NuclearFissionRobot preemptive RIGGING prevention 784740 NULL silvertear is couch mode on? 785430 NULL HltierOnTheLeft 19:10 CET AND IT'S ALREADY RIGGED 785530 NULL MaxPiston muhsoggyknees 785970 NULL DragonPussy > the virgin player > the chad winner 786510 NULL ChadThundercock press C for CHAD 787430 NULL BiggestGuyForYou 0 games since last Rigging 790050 NULL DragonPussy C 790350 NULL TomDanTheRock C 793650 NULL MrCopout chad's never been over purple condition in his life, still wins 794310 NULL ChowderSoup Bors is a wizard 794430 NULL moonawoona >doubting 796030 NULL rananon1 c 796120 NULL Ashshuckle C 796260 NULL Goldomen Need more frogs 798170 NULL GoonerBear next /r9k/ cup is all frogs 798920 NULL TomDanTheRock Press B to become Chad 802570 NULL DragonPussy B 804800 NULL Gandarn B 805370 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB the virgin eyeing the enemy THE CHAD STARING YOUR TEAMMA 805670 NULL CitrusFresh Virgin Frog and Chad Toad when? 806990 NULL Bandvagoner who's rigging 807260 NULL Ashshuckle B 808030 NULL DrStrangecraft >having 2 Borsses in your defence 809970 NULL DragonPussy WE NEED MORE FROGS 811370 NULL Hlaalucaust Elliot Frogder 811500 NULL IncomingNumbers S A L S A 812220 NULL You-soro B 814300 NULL AirlineFood74 >MIROR B NOT A MEDAL 818170 NULL TomDanTheRock F 818430 NULL Bonedark >tfw all OC is now Pepe and Wojack variations 819410 NULL buttfield fug :DDDD 820340 NULL TopLelM8 Kasunagi is still not here. Press K now to look at your framed Kasun 823470 NULL EternalWojak READY FOR ANOTHER 5 GOALS FROM MIROR B 825760 NULL LewisMcLew Press S to ship chad with the virgin 825820 NULL HltierOnTheLeft meddler 825900 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB k 826180 NULL CraigPhillips K 827550 NULL CardboardBox K 830330 NULL DrStrangecraft K 830460 NULL DragonPussy s 831260 NULL AirlineFood74 s 831610 NULL Goldomen S 832920 NULL TomDanTheRock S 833990 NULL IncomingNumbers HA Silver, booooo 835370 NULL TomDanTheRock n-no homo 837170 NULL Jorleif s' 842110 NULL Gandarn SS 849100 NULL DragonPussy CHAD/VIRGIN PORN WHEN? 851700 NULL drinklots Virgin being a better player than Chad 852860 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >3-4-3 853280 NULL SteakHouse69 Elliot Rodger to score a hat trick in the first half. 864060 NULL zocram92 he's not an HA silver 876180 NULL zocram92 FUG is HA gold, Miror is 189 silver 877080 NULL OGRO RED mirror b 878140 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >chat 878440 NULL Linkun HA silver 882420 NULL DragonPussy >tfw you have to watch it on the lowest quality 882550 NULL magikarpsalesman all that blue on r9k bench lul 883170 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon Chat is awsome tyvm 883180 NULL BiggestGuyForYou chat is calling you a nigger 883930 NULL Vae-00 @drinklots >implying chad cares about conditions 883960 NULL silvertear FAGGOT 885430 NULL Giovani1906 > 886060 NULL Sleelan Why would we lie? :3 886780 NULL Bonedark t-thanks 886910 NULL IncomingNumbers don't listen to me I'm gay 890130 NULL SteakHouse69 Fuck you you gay cunt. 890610 NULL moonawoona you too 892210 NULL DrStrangecraft We are very trustworthy 894190 NULL OGRO No homo 897370 NULL Snowmanne Mirror B's Hidden Ability is Silver? 898450 NULL C3K ay 902340 NULL MrAegis WHAT IS THIS 903730 NULL ChowderSoup >not listening to /trash/ managers 903870 NULL LeTako lamo 904000 NULL Linkun This cup is gay 907670 NULL MrAegis A CENTRE FOR ANTS 908420 NULL TomDanTheRock ants will crawl into your mouth when you sleep 910350 NULL Bonedark You are gay 910880 NULL thanksdoc1 monkaS 913660 NULL wormy97 We love you too 915140 NULL BiggestGuyForYou NOT THE ANTS 915180 NULL DragonPussy i hate ants 915590 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >does not comprehend ant colonies 916130 NULL CraigPhillips fucking 916470 NULL RoiDadidou everyone become incomprehensible 917440 NULL Gandarn That feel when /pol/ get 2000 view and /r9k/ 600$ 918570 NULL CraigPhillips leaf 918720 NULL CardboardBox @TomDanTheRock /d/ 918890 NULL MrCopout you're all muted 919970 NULL SteakHouse69 WE ARE CHAT WE DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FAGET 919980 NULL OGRO wew 920260 NULL 2pirad I AM A REAL HUMAN BEING 922180 NULL shinyrei >as a child 922530 NULL RoiDadidou neriwoveneriogi 923010 NULL MrAegis no 923200 NULL ChowderSoup >ant man 923720 NULL IncomingNumbers type "I'M GAY" to jump down and say some gay shit 924200 NULL Sleelan Paval only hates Chad, not chat 927870 NULL Bonedark >being a psychopath 928020 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB Press R to rig the tourney for your favorite board 929830 NULL MrAegis >Paval 931860 NULL athewj >outside 933840 NULL Veldt86 I used to shoot slugs with an air rifle 935590 NULL MrAegis >outside 935990 NULL BoxDweller >outside 936280 NULL HiAnon it's r9k's year BBY 939150 NULL HTlel I stapled tapeworms to my penis as a child 939200 NULL Jorleif >>>>>>>>>>>/out/side 940710 NULL FELOOx ant murder is a universal constant in children 941210 NULL AirlineFood74 POKEMON GO TO THE POLLS 941230 NULL NotAnArgument PRESS N IF NEET 942290 NULL Vae-00 Pokemon GO to the polls. 942340 NULL moonawoona >go 942590 NULL DragonPussy >outside 942900 NULL ChowderSoup THAT 944760 NULL DragonPussy N 945530 NULL Bonedark >Pokemon GO 945810 NULL BiggestGuyForYou POKEMON GO TO THE POLLS 946600 NULL Vae-00 N 948300 NULL dankmaymayqueck pokemon GO to the polls! 948810 NULL MrCopout Press HA if your favorite teams are in the elites 949100 NULL MrAegis >playing Pokemon GO 952800 NULL Jorleif TH-THAT!? 954380 NULL ChowderSoup ./a/ isnt playing yey 956730 NULL thanksdoc1 >pokemon go fuckyourself 958450 NULL CardboardBox GO to the polls 958970 NULL DragonPussy POKEMON GO TO THE POLLS 959360 NULL LewisMcLew >tfw tortured bugs with chemicals I found in my fathers faraway 960810 NULL Bonedark OY VEY 961750 NULL Linearbarrel tfw own 2 3ds's 963740 NULL CraigPhillips THE TEAM ON THE LEFT WENT ON A GLOBAL ADVENTURE AT THE AGE OF 1 964850 NULL MrAegis pokemon GO shove a smartphone up your ass 966920 NULL thanksdoc1 me? 967810 NULL Linearbarrel well 1 is a 2ds but still 969370 NULL Bonedark me 970630 NULL BoxDweller i feel attacked 971610 NULL 4thReichWithPonies Press K for /r9k/ to win 973390 NULL READYTODIEMLP DONT LET YOUR MEMES BE DREAMS 975270 NULL Sleelan I don't know who I am, nor how I got here 977970 NULL CraigPhillips I did it because I had a gameboy and a gameboy color. traded th 979160 NULL DragonPussy MY LITTLE SISTER DID IT 979330 NULL BiggestGuyForYou i did that as a kid 980550 NULL BiggestGuyForYou fuck you 982810 NULL DonRavioli I do have 2 3DS but one is CFW'd 983450 NULL moonawoona >he doesn't buy both games 984640 NULL BiggestGuyForYou i didnt have siblings 984830 NULL Linearbarrel I'M NOT BUYING 2 SWITCHES! 985670 NULL EMBRACE1818 why would you say that 985680 NULL DonRavioli So there 987030 NULL ManfredTheMemer Press M to burn color commentators with a magnifying glass 988600 NULL Veldt86 Emulate then cheat mons in 991050 NULL HTlel Pokémon GO only existed for lewd gyaru slut porn 992530 NULL Broke5903 m 993360 NULL Hlaalucaust Psyduck 994360 NULL Snowmanne M 995080 NULL IncomingNumbers Dunsparse 996180 NULL BackgroundPony he's way older, but in the pokeverse people can't count higher 996510 NULL moonhorseabest M 997200 NULL BiggestGuyForYou quagsire 997560 NULL wormy97 >not buying both 998410 NULL ManfredTheMemer M 998580 NULL HltierOnTheLeft WOBBUFET 999570 NULL HiAnon magic carp 1003240 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat THE GARBAGE POKEMON 1004130 NULL Sleelan Magikarp 1005830 NULL halfblack Alolan Meowth 1006650 NULL DragonPussy magicarp 1006670 NULL HTlel Muk 1007370 NULL OctopusChan Gloom 1007440 NULL AirlineFood74 Dunsparce 1007860 NULL CloverFifz Flygon 1008720 NULL Giovani1906 my ass 1009210 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FUCKING QUAGSIRE 1009780 NULL Ashshuckle not shuckle :^) 1010690 NULL BoxDweller Gloom 1010800 NULL You-soro >not hacking 1012760 NULL SteakHouse69 Blue eyes white dragon 1012990 NULL OldManInternets Snorlaxx. 1013130 NULL TomDanTheRock pikachu 1013420 NULL RoiDadidou wobbuffet 1013800 NULL Snowmanne Alolan Persian 1014890 NULL Bajonius snorlax 1017530 NULL moisttaint ditto 1018220 NULL Shouganaina trubbish 1018260 NULL CardboardBox its Seismitoad 1019840 NULL MrAegis me too 1019860 NULL MrCopout wobbafett 1021230 NULL magikarpsalesman post muk bottles 1022630 NULL AirlineFood74 Trubbish 1024780 NULL AirlineFood74 <3 1025350 NULL Phosisticate Croagunk 1026060 NULL RedRobo bidoof 1030600 NULL yuukafu it's mimikyu 1030800 NULL CraigPhillips bidoof 1032400 NULL Broke5903 REMEMBER LITTLE MAN 1032740 NULL CraigPhillips yes 1032930 NULL HTlel Koffing 1034120 NULL ChadThundercock Nidoqueen because it can't breed 1034360 NULL athewj BIDOOF 1034420 NULL 4thReichWithPonies Weezer 1037010 NULL Bonedark >useless >depressed 1038200 NULL TomDanTheRock ...@ 1038350 NULL NuclearFissionRobot entry level 1038460 NULL McMelanogaster Gloom 1039030 NULL RoiDadidou MIMIKYU 1041020 NULL IncomingNumbers then what's alolan muk 1041640 NULL wormy97 We are trubbish 1043950 NULL TomDanTheRock Press S to start the fucking match already 1044040 NULL Broke5903 DO IT FOR LITTLE MAN CAM 1045390 NULL CardboardBox @CraigPhillips (you) 1046320 NULL halfblack Muk spelled backwords is Kum - COINCIDENCE?! 1046710 NULL NotAnArgument muk can breed though 1047810 NULL DrunkTenk Magicarb if it didn't have an evolution. So like a max level magica 1048600 NULL MrCopout >knowing the names of pokemon after genwun 1048640 NULL buttfield mukjar 1049220 NULL MrAegis THE TRUE >tfwnogf CULMINATION 1050960 NULL Coddlebe >Letting /r9k/ have GIRUGAMESH 1051840 NULL RoiDadidou IT'S AN UGLY SHIT THAT WANTS TO BE POPULAR 1056380 NULL ChowderSoup GET ON WITH IT 1058700 NULL Broke5903 DO IT FOR CAM 1062700 NULL Bonedark How much do you want to bet someone is on bulbapedo right now? 1065310 NULL Jomaca32 LETS FUCKING GO /VP/ 1074310 NULL thanksdoc1 >knowing the names of pokemon past original 151 1074600 NULL Snowmanne Press R to rig 1075580 NULL ky0kayne who here for pokemon diaper erp 1076510 NULL zocram92 it's green paval 1077000 NULL MrAegis R 1078200 NULL Broke5903 DO IT FOR SCOOBY 1078680 NULL TomDanTheRock >spend 15 minutes rigging >lose anways 1080500 NULL zocram92 it's the smug frog kit 1081590 NULL You-soro >hire american >he designs a food pokemon 1086310 NULL CardboardBox is he shittin? 1088490 NULL AirlineFood74 kek 1093810 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >he doesn't play Moemon 1098320 NULL CraigPhillips THAT'S RACIST 1100220 NULL CloverFifz turner is british 1105480 NULL MrCopout aren't plant pokemon all technically food? 1106660 NULL buttfield >owls 1108690 NULL EternalWojak IDIOT 1108990 NULL buttfield >birds 1109200 NULL dankmaymayqueck >hire american >he designs a shooter pokemon 1110070 NULL MrCopout the taurus is a cow dude 1111850 NULL yuukafu fug strong 1112100 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >Pokemon >not Digimon 1112250 NULL ChowderSoup >birbs 1112360 NULL SteakHouse69 The colour of lay deeees 1115630 NULL athewj banti 1118350 NULL Bonedark What is the best pokémon? 1124010 NULL moonawoona >taking a loan of GBP 1125300 NULL ChowderSoup |gbp| 1127440 NULL DragonPussy gardevoir 1127980 NULL Kekkels tentaquil 1131080 NULL CardboardBox it's (you) 1132590 NULL Coddlebe fug 1135130 NULL NuclearFissionRobot choo choo 1138830 NULL OGRO Snorelaxbowl 1139100 NULL Bajonius squirtle 1141660 NULL Veldt86 >1 hp 1144710 NULL RoiDadidou >shedinja 1146020 NULL CardboardBox YES YOU CAN ITS CALLED THE POMEG FLITCH 1146800 NULL OGRO What part of kanto are you from lads? 1149150 NULL buttfield sneaky 1150360 NULL yuukafu shedinja is a dope mon tho 1150470 NULL buttfield pebbles 1150830 NULL MrAegis >shitinja 1152710 NULL buttfield engaged 1153350 NULL Bonedark The pokémon equivalent of /r9k/ is ledian, a fully grown disappointm 1157070 NULL Veldt86 Cekadon here 1157240 NULL 4thReichWithPonies ResidentSleeper 1157500 NULL AirlineFood74 Cerulean 1164990 NULL Greycatmon I think i't Wormadam 1166480 NULL AirlineFood74 KEK 1166990 NULL yuukafu ledian makes sense 1168100 NULL Greycatmon it's* 1168410 NULL BiggestGuyForYou @Bonedark sunflora is worse 1174460 NULL MrCopout man this wait would suck if we couldn't talk about chad and pokemon 1175370 NULL Linearbarrel tfw hacked spiritomb with wonder guard back in the day 1177880 NULL CraigPhillips >hand-holdless 1179540 NULL ChowderSoup >h*nd h*lding 1180320 NULL OGRO Wormadam sucks but at least it gets quiver dash 1180640 NULL Vae-00 Kickoff or riot. 1181810 NULL OGRO dance 1182550 NULL CraigPhillips ah, a good christian 1185360 NULL itsacoaster >the city of john gamefreak 1188440 NULL Linearbarrel >17 bings late 1190480 NULL CuriousAnon rekt 1191770 NULL ItAintMeme pure 1191990 NULL Opoch SAVAGE 1192220 NULL dankmaymayqueck BURN 1192430 NULL donatrog OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1193400 NULL silvertear SHOTS FIRED 1193670 NULL GiddyupDeusVult KEK 1193750 NULL yuukafu isn't it 1193770 NULL moonawoona savage 1194660 NULL McMelanogaster KEK 1194760 NULL Giovani1906 BURN 1195360 NULL MrAegis >h*nd-h*ldless 1196140 NULL HltierOnTheLeft OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1196420 NULL Noteperson SAVAGE 1197060 NULL sakex7 REKT 1197090 NULL TWAIN wew 1197450 NULL MrAegis HE'S PURE 1197460 NULL tonyisacuck >leaf 1197480 NULL Veldt86 KEK 1197550 NULL CraigPhillips OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH 1198840 NULL 4thReichWithPonies BTFO 1198960 NULL EternalWojak OH SHIT 1199410 NULL MrAegis PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE 1200170 NULL Rytky FUCKING CULLED 1200440 NULL OctopusChan KHHV reporting in 1201050 NULL dongerino666 SAVAGE 1202760 NULL Leviath wow 1203180 NULL OGRO Worst is probably slaking 1203250 NULL BoxDweller GB <3 1203330 NULL SilentCook THE VIRGIN LEAR 1203890 NULL yuukafu isn't getting your hand held harder than getting a kiss 1205050 NULL Jomaca32 savage 1205380 NULL HTlel >17 bings of fucking around 1205470 NULL BackgroundPony >eceleb circlejerking 1206380 NULL epinfrogposter kek 1209020 NULL yuukafu tho 1209550 NULL dongerino666 :BOOM: 1209590 NULL Greycatmon OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1209830 NULL JimboDindo DAY OF TEH RAKE 1210320 NULL ky0kayne >yfw 1 hp :s 1210380 NULL AirlineFood74 >Slaking 1210730 NULL CraigPhillips mom doesn't count, Lear 1211570 NULL AirlineFood74 >bad 1211900 NULL mrvdweller >The city of Lear 1212420 NULL Bonedark >being American 1213340 NULL Suule Someone is gonna get culled 1213460 NULL You-soro BURN 1214770 NULL HTlel Chad GBcock 1214910 NULL ShoahLePoof STOP WITH THE CIRCLEJERK 1215020 NULL AirlineFood74 pick one 1215760 NULL telly23 the goes merit again 1216400 NULL buttfield DAY OF THE RAKE 1216430 NULL donatrog oh no 1217070 NULL ChowderSoup Gril ref? 1217610 NULL OGRO 3 evos and it can literally throw games for you if the opponent has a du 1217810 NULL Vae-00 KICKOFF OR RIOT 1218090 NULL Necropenguin Did you just assume their gender!?! 1218440 NULL ManfredTheMemer Looking at woman 1220140 NULL CitrusFresh QUINTESSENTIALLY CANADIAN 1221820 NULL OGRO ANOTHER VIDEO 1223420 NULL AirlineFood74 ANOTHER HYP VID 1224570 NULL MrCopout they have kissing booths. they don't have hand holding booths 1224640 NULL Sleelan Crossdress Bors? 1227120 NULL Veldt86 HYP 1227620 NULL dankmaymayqueck >4cc streamers >e-celebs 1227730 NULL donatrog Gril ref (male) 1228730 NULL sakex7 >VED 1228930 NULL RaduLykan >Ved? 1229450 NULL 4thReichWithPonies BUY WAIT THERES MORE 1229480 NULL CraigPhillips there are SO MANY videos 1229960 NULL McMelanogaster >ved 1231500 NULL silvertear IS COACH MODE ON? 1233030 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >VED 1234820 NULL lAlexl7l PRESS H TO H*AND H*L*IN* 1235150 NULL Necropenguin the virgin kit 1235640 NULL tonyisacuck >V>E>D 1235770 NULL Greycatmon >ved 1236060 NULL ayy10 >late 1236580 NULL Jorleif >>>>>>>>>>>>VEFD 1238340 NULL Jorleif H 1239420 NULL Veldt86 12!! 1239540 NULL yuukafu dat jeb 1240520 NULL OldManInternets They should have hand-holding booths. 1240990 NULL buttfield JEB 1241000 NULL TWAIN please clap 1241110 NULL BoxDweller JEB! 1243210 NULL wormy97 >male(female) 1243690 NULL yuukafu JEB! 1244020 NULL dankmaymayqueck JEB! 1245450 NULL NuclearFissionRobot >JEB 1246570 NULL AirlineFood74 VED DELIVERED ON TIME PLEASE NO BULLY 1247720 NULL moonawoona PLEASE 1247740 NULL HltierOnTheLeft are benuldies on? 1249900 NULL DragonPussy JEB! 1254950 NULL MrAegis WHO SAID THAT 1255150 NULL BiggestGuyForYou EGGSDRA DIME 1255550 NULL 4thReichWithPonies Guacbowl merchant 1255550 NULL Vae-00 Jeb! will win the cup, he just needs to build up momentum. 1256250 NULL Bonedark Which pokegirl would you fug? 1262110 NULL MrAegis Rosa 1264810 NULL TheCrimsonMan all of them 1265960 NULL AirlineFood74 thinking emoji 1266160 NULL DonRavioli No use Nebby dammit 1267990 NULL BiggestGuyForYou may 1269670 NULL ChowderSoup :thinking: 1270130 NULL Leviath may best 1270230 NULL moonawoona raraball 1270330 NULL Sekaszy :thinking: 1272020 NULL lAlexl7l may 1273160 NULL Vae-00 :thinking: 1273190 NULL mrvdweller :thinking: 1273810 NULL epinfrogposter :thinking: 1277160 NULL BlueLogic :thinking: 1278320 NULL BoxDweller :thinking: 1278400 NULL Ilovepol r9kek is gayyyyyyyyyyy 1278740 NULL Giovani1906 kek 1278980 NULL MrAegis :thinking: 1279560 NULL Giovani1906 off 1282060 NULL ayy10 :thinking: 1282080 NULL buttfield :thinking: 1282360 NULL Greycatmon :thinking: 1283030 NULL Sleelan Too much :thinking: IQ throttle active 1284030 NULL dongerino666 :thinking: 1284110 NULL AirlineFood74 BLAST-PROCESSING 1284880 NULL CardboardBox GET IN THE FUCKING BAG 1285320 NULL Jomaca32 :rip: 1286280 NULL bersl2 :thinking; 1287330 NULL AitorKarankasci Trust the process 1288440 NULL dankmaymayqueck owoMEME wixSanic 1288460 NULL EternalWojak :thinking: 1288880 NULL Relicka :thinking: 1290370 NULL dankmaymayqueck fugg 1291820 NULL Giovani1906 :thinking: 1292540 NULL Greycatmon PROCESS, DAMN YOU 1293280 NULL Kekkels RIGGED 1293550 NULL McMelanogaster :thinking: 1294560 NULL HTlel :vampy: 1295260 NULL itsacoaster >Reddit 1295380 NULL DragonPussy :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: 1295510 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LEAKED 1295830 NULL Ebnius :thinking: 1296140 NULL yuukafu nice youtubedownloader 1296420 NULL HiAnon LEAKED 1297220 NULL magikarpsalesman nice tabs nerd 1297270 NULL dankmaymayqueck >REDDIT 1298430 NULL ChowderSoup >no meme tabs 1298670 NULL Sleelan LEAKED 1298770 NULL lyrafag2 >Reddit 1298850 NULL CraigPhillips ALL THE TABS 1299690 NULL Giovani1906 LEEK 1299760 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >reddit 1300110 NULL ManfredTheMemer >Reddit 1300450 NULL epinfrogposter LEAKED 1300950 NULL Chefirchik come on lads 1301640 NULL OGRO NICE REDDIT 1301670 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >BLACKED.com 1301860 NULL Noteperson 'ok' 1302140 NULL AirlineFood74 >REDDIT 1302290 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wuh oh 1302540 NULL telly23 >REDDIT 1303320 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >reddit 1303550 NULL BackgroundPony >reddit 1303880 NULL moonawoona DOX 1304510 NULL EMBRACE1818 >REDDIT 1304610 NULL LouSmorrels >Reddit 1304710 NULL RoiDadidou GET OUT 1304760 NULL ayy10 >reddit 1305660 NULL Gandarn NORMIES GET OUT 1305970 NULL Giovani1906 >REDDIT 1306560 NULL MrAegis >REDDIT 1307700 NULL EternalWojak >reddit 1307730 NULL RaduLykan >REDDIT 1307800 NULL HTlel >REDDIT 1307960 NULL Kekkels >PAVAL IS REDDIT 1309170 NULL OctopusChan >reddit 1310030 NULL Noteperson >REDDIT 1311120 NULL Bonedark EXPOSED 1311320 NULL AldosMora >reddit 1312890 NULL 4thReichWithPonies To be fair, you need a high IQ to understand the 4cc 1312930 NULL wormy97 >reddit 1313460 NULL Sekaszy reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1313680 NULL MrCopout >REDDIT 1314510 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse reee 1314670 NULL Kekkels >PAVLEL 1315510 NULL Greycatmon >ABC 2017 COMMENTATORS 1315620 NULL starfighter9 > R E D D I T 1316140 NULL ManfredTheMemer REEEEE 1316650 NULL Rytky >reddit 1317080 NULL zocram92 > R E D D I T 1317110 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >Reddit 1317490 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat RREEEEEEEEDDIT 1317900 NULL dankmaymayqueck BAN PAVAL 1318310 NULL RoiDadidou GET 1318680 NULL moonawoona >REDDIT 1319620 NULL RoiDadidou OUT 1319810 NULL DragonPussy NORMALFAGS GET OUT REEEEEEEE 1320790 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon ABSOLUTE DISGUSTIN 1321390 NULL CardboardBox >RESSIT 1321860 NULL JohnnyBravofit to be fair, you have to have a very high iq to understand :thi 1322910 NULL MrAegis SACK PAVAL 1322950 NULL ChowderSoup REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT 1323140 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEE 1324020 NULL silvertear >REDDIT 1324700 NULL FELOOx >reddit 1328070 NULL Jomaca32 NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1328330 NULL Sekaszy FUUCKING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDID 1328360 NULL Shevanel WE DID IT REDDIT! 1330150 NULL Bopnan >Reddit 1330340 NULL Linearbarrel >le reddit 1331340 NULL HltierOnTheLeft :O 1331710 NULL Bonedark >I-I was just pretending guys 1331960 NULL 4thReichWithPonies L E D D I T 1332480 NULL 3017Yr >leddit 1333040 NULL Chefirchik THEY ARE AROUND US CHAT 1333490 NULL Kekkels PLAY THE GAME 1333930 NULL kyubeyface >reddit 1334420 NULL wormy97 NOTMALFAGS OUT 1336190 NULL CardboardBox REDDIT GET OUT 1336810 NULL polybius >reddit 1339140 NULL kyubeyface GET 1340000 NULL rananon1 plebit 1341370 NULL kyubeyface OUTTTTTTTTTT 1341390 NULL CardboardBox REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1342350 NULL MrCopout no don't worry guys it's just porn 1344710 NULL GiddyupDeusVult OUT 1345430 NULL Gandarn REEEEEEEEE 1346540 NULL athewj disgusting 1346740 NULL telly23 SACKED IN THE MORNING 1347110 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SHOW US THEN 1347360 NULL Linearbarrel WE REDDIT NAO BOIS 1347610 NULL surepro REEEEEEEEEEEE 1348480 NULL donatrog r......r........ 1348500 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat PLEBIT 1349010 NULL Sekaszy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1350440 NULL Veldt86 Meme tabs are Important. 1351490 NULL Bajonius Did someone screencapped this? 1352270 NULL McMelanogaster absolutely 1352560 NULL donatrog REDDIT?????????????????????? 1352930 NULL AldosMora GET OUT 1354560 NULL HTlel BURN THE WITCH 1354570 NULL Bonedark >Redditor commentators 1354870 NULL RoiDadidou SACKED IN THE MORNING 1355010 NULL kyubeyface REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1356110 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEEEE 1356610 NULL Vae-00 DON'T PLAY THE VID, PLAY THE GAME 1356660 NULL buttfield THE REDDIT CUP 1356840 NULL Bopnan There's a cup subreddit, isn't it? 1357230 NULL Shadowborg >reddit 1357560 NULL ShoahLePoof WHO /reddit/ HERE?! 1359680 NULL dankmaymayqueck we Reddit Cup now 1359740 NULL kyubeyface OOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUT 1362470 NULL Chefirchik Press O to get rid of redditors 1362890 NULL Noteperson >It's called reddit, but it's okay, it only goes to a SUBreddit :D 1363850 NULL BackgroundPony how do i rig 1364200 NULL AitorKarankasci THE REDDIT STREAMER 1364950 NULL RaduLykan Welcome to the 2017 reddit cup 1365210 NULL Kekkels WE DID IT LEDDIT 1365280 NULL Gandarn NOOOOOOOO 1365470 NULL CuriousAnon lads its literally 20 minutes past starting time and we haven't k 1366770 NULL Jomaca32 WHO /vp/ HERE?! 1366820 NULL Shadowborg O 1368440 NULL 4thReichWithPonies REMOVE REDDITORS 1368510 NULL wormy97 BURN THE REDDITOR 1368910 NULL athewj :@ 1369150 NULL EternalWojak O 1370020 NULL magikarpsalesman DED 1370160 NULL Joshjosh2 Defintely NOT /ourguy/ 1370390 NULL ayy10 O 1372260 NULL donatrog #BringBackRedditLeague 1372390 NULL ChowderSoup O 1373770 NULL RoiDadidou YOU'RE GETTING SACKED IN THE MORNING 1374690 NULL tonyisacuck who r/T_D here ? 1375070 NULL OGRO GAS THE REDDITOR 1378000 NULL ShoahLePoof >not being a redditro 1378220 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press + to Upvote the Reddit Autumn Cup 2017 1378420 NULL LewisMcLew FOUR CHAN CUP ON REDDIT 1381410 NULL Gandarn GAS GAS GAS 1382700 NULL ShoahLePoof *tips* 1382810 NULL mrvdweller PRESS S TO SACK 1383780 NULL Vae-00 O... 1383810 NULL Jomaca32 + 1384830 NULL Bonedark r/4chancup when? :D :D :D 1384860 NULL ice8house CATALUNYA 1384970 NULL donatrog >20 bings late 1386460 NULL Jorleif S 1387130 NULL moisttaint + 1387530 NULL athewj S 1388330 NULL ky0kayne iris best girl desu 1388990 NULL Vae-00 @... 1389450 NULL 4thReichWithPonies S 1390110 NULL Chefirchik S 1392710 NULL Relicka S 1393100 NULL Gandarn never 1397000 NULL ShoahLePoof @Bonedark it already exists lul 1399470 NULL Jorleif ??? 1399840 NULL CitrusFresh 4redditcup confirmed, /pol/ will win 1399890 NULL CardboardBox RÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ 1400290 NULL moonawoona >that kid that never plays 1400680 NULL ShoahLePoof made by horsefuckers 1401890 NULL ShoahLePoof or weebs 1403890 NULL dankmaymayqueck >that kid who got kicked off the game 1408040 NULL Ilovepol Who is hyped for /pol tomorrow? 1408460 NULL ChowderSoup needs more frogs 1411600 NULL ChowderSoup put in devilish 1415250 NULL Gandarn me 1423850 NULL Gandarn pol will win 1423960 NULL AirlineFood74 HYP VID 1424980 NULL dankmaymayqueck knees weak 1427170 NULL NuclearFissionRobot where is the poll i want to vote 1428050 NULL Bonedark >/r9k/ playing >Redditor commentator 1428920 NULL Snowmanne spaghettiing 1429210 NULL Greycatmon poll? 1429280 NULL OGRO >That kid who liked shorts because they're comfy and easy to wear 1430270 NULL Bonedark Awfully fitting 1430790 NULL dankmaymayqueck armps spaghetti 1431730 NULL Sekaszy VID 1432640 NULL DragonPussy >that kid that never played because no one ever chose him 1434250 NULL MrAegis >21 bings late 1434370 NULL OctopusChan Looking forward to pol 1435300 NULL ChowderSoup Poll when? 1436120 NULL ShoahLePoof >pol 1437600 NULL EternalWojak 21 bings late 1438740 NULL r4nd0mz Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folks 1445930 NULL Vae-00 Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folks w 1448930 NULL buttfield r/hypevids 1450310 NULL Chefirchik >that kid who was always picked last 1451160 NULL OctopusChan kek 1451850 NULL Giovani1906 PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIICK 1452130 NULL HTlel (waiting) 1452720 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game wi 1454340 NULL ItAintMeme Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with fol 1458720 NULL MrCopout Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folks 1460310 NULL GoonerBear Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with fol 1460800 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >that kid who hosted the 4cc babby cup and browsed reddit 1461330 NULL Kekkels LETS GO 1461760 NULL AldosMora Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folk 1462520 NULL Gandarn get out jew 1462570 NULL CraigPhillips >behind 1463240 NULL Kekkels START THE GAME 1464070 NULL Bopnan Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folks w 1465140 NULL Snowmanne Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folk 1465280 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game wi 1465480 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game 1466240 NULL surepro Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folks 1467260 NULL DragonPussy >that kid that nobody wanted 1467880 NULL CraigPhillips this is standard 1469100 NULL ChowderSoup GET ON WITH IT 1469160 NULL ItAintMeme U U U U 1469170 NULL CitrusFresh Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with fo 1470330 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this gam 1470800 NULL magikarpsalesman BOOM TETRIS FOR JEFF 1471120 NULL Username6 Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with folk 1471210 NULL ShoahLePoof Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with fo 1471860 NULL greatwhitedav Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with 1472380 NULL Greycatmon 14 1472530 NULL Kekkels U U U U 1473190 NULL Prozach For you 1473220 NULL moonawoona HERE WE GO 1473530 NULL DrStrangecraft Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with 1473850 NULL polybius 4 THEE 1474190 NULL RaduLykan uuuu 1474260 NULL kyubeyface Hello fellow redditors! I'm glad to be watching this game with fol 1474420 NULL silvertear 4U 1474460 NULL BiggestGuyForYou 4U 1475680 NULL CitrusFresh UUUU 1475760 NULL HanakoToast four u 1476870 NULL ShoahLePoof 4U 1476910 NULL MrAegis BOOM TETRIS FOR JONAS 1477070 NULL BlueLogic UUUU 1477550 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon 4U 1477970 NULL Snowmanne UU 1478070 NULL Bonedark UUUU 1479190 NULL AirlineFood74 4U 1479450 NULL LeTako FOR YOU 1479630 NULL Giovani1906 4u 1480590 NULL moonawoona 4U 1480600 NULL Shevanel 4U 1480720 NULL starfighter9 U U U U 1480780 NULL sakex7 4U 1481620 NULL wormy97 IVE TURNED MYSELF INTO A CUP MORTY 1481850 NULL Sekaszy 4U 1481850 NULL 4thReichWithPonies U U U U 1482220 NULL Sleelan For yourself good sir 1482690 NULL OGRO UUUUUUUUU 1482910 NULL Mugetsu800 UUUU 1483360 NULL amis good 1483570 NULL NuclearFissionRobot KEK 1484000 NULL GoonerBear 4 THOU 1484030 NULL GiddyupDeusVult DAY 1484590 NULL Leviath here we go 1485080 NULL JohnnyBravofit *kneels* 1485120 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon take a knee lads 1485190 NULL Veldt86 KEK 1485500 NULL GiddyupDeusVult OF 1486170 NULL Bopnan For thee 1486430 NULL silvertear >taking a knee 1486930 NULL Vaughan :kneel: 1487350 NULL GiddyupDeusVult RAKE 1488090 NULL HTlel anta no tame 1488320 NULL BackgroundPony Im pickle Riiiick! XD 1488430 NULL MrAegis for me? 1488510 NULL tonyisacuck *kneels* 1488600 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat FUCKING LEAF 1488770 NULL GiddyupDeusVult WHEN 1489800 NULL moonawoona DAY OF THE RAKE NOW 1490750 NULL CraigPhillips (you)(you)(you)(you) 1490790 NULL DrStrangecraft *kneels* 1491190 NULL NuclearFissionRobot ANTHEMS 1491370 NULL Shadowborg Lear shut the fuck up. 1491460 NULL MrCopout GET THAT UNPATRIOTIC FUCK OFF THE FIELD 1491590 NULL AitorKarankasci *kneels* 1492930 NULL BiggestGuyForYou RAKE THE LEAF 1493160 NULL mrvdweller >A 1493370 NULL epinfrogposter kneels 1493640 NULL ManfredTheMemer Press K to Knee 1494360 NULL ShoahLePoof DONT FORGET TO KNEEL DURING /a/ ANTHEM 1494620 NULL 03Qrency *kneels 1495500 NULL Necropenguin SACK LEER, UNSPORTSMANLIKE FUCK 1495520 NULL telly23 PRESS K TO KNEEL 1495690 NULL HltierOnTheLeft kneels 1495780 NULL AldosMora :KNEEL: 1496570 NULL BoxDweller *kneels* 1496590 NULL bersl2 kneels 1496690 NULL FELOOx #metoo 1496870 NULL mrvdweller >FUCKING 1497720 NULL silvertear >DAT REF 1498110 NULL Jorleif PRESS K TO TAKE A KNEEL 1498170 NULL McMelanogaster FAT 1498330 NULL Sleelan OH GOD 1498720 NULL AirlineFood74 K 1498820 NULL mrvdweller >LEAF 1499080 NULL dongerino666 FAT 1499190 NULL 4thReichWithPonies KEK 1499590 NULL the4chancup >HE 1500240 NULL CraigPhillips SHE'S FAT 1500290 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon *KNEELS* 1500310 NULL ChowderSoup SHE'S FAT 1500400 NULL DragonPussy >A FUCKING LEAF 1501670 NULL amis SHE'S FAT 1501780 NULL Ebnius KEK 1502180 NULL Veldt86 XE'S FAT 1502260 NULL Sekaszy SHES FAT 1502840 NULL lesbiansubplot K 1503330 NULL NotAnArgument kneel 1503490 NULL Jomaca32 SHES FAT 1503690 NULL MrCopout REEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1504030 NULL the4chancup HOW DARE YOU ASSUME HIR GENDER 1504350 NULL TWAIN SHE'S FAT 1504510 NULL MrAegis SHE'S FAT 1504670 NULL Us3rmane SHE'S FAT 1505340 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB FAT 1505360 NULL AirlineFood74 SJE'S FAT 1505590 NULL Vae-00 CRAWLING 1506030 NULL athewj FAAAT 1506620 NULL Rytky SHE'S FAT 1506840 NULL Jorleif HE'S FAT 1506860 NULL magikarpsalesman (S)HE'S FAT 1506890 NULL FELOOx XE'S FAT 1507870 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse CRAWLING 1508430 NULL HTlel FUJOREF 1508460 NULL moonawoona CRAWLING 1508800 NULL Hlaalucaust XER'S FAT 1508930 NULL AldosMora CRAWLING 1509240 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SHE'S FAT 1509360 NULL Kekkels CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL 1509380 NULL AitorKarankasci CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 1510600 NULL Bendeboni CRAWLIN 1510760 NULL HltierOnTheLeft CRAAAAAAWLIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNGG 1510990 NULL Shevanel CRAWWWWWWWWLING MY SKINNNNNN 1511350 NULL dankmaymayqueck ROASTIES GET OUT 1512120 NULL lyrafag2 CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLNG 1512700 NULL Vaughan ;_;7 1512880 NULL DragonPussy fat 1512970 NULL Giovani1906 SHE'S FAT 1513530 NULL Sleelan >3d Chad 1514290 NULL OGRO CRAWWWWLIN 1514520 NULL HanakoToast CRAWLING IN MY SKINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1514590 NULL Talf CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLING 1514660 NULL donatrog >THAT SKIRT PHYSICS THO 1514750 NULL Kekkels THESE CRAWL THEY WILL NOT CRAWLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1515100 NULL tonyisacuck CRAWLING IN MY GRAVE 1515590 NULL MrCopout >virgin 1516610 NULL ItAintMeme FEAR IS HOW I'LL FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL 1516930 NULL BasedPonyfag IT'S FAT 1517420 NULL itsacoaster XE'S FAT 1517970 NULL silvertear FUCKING HELL, I'M DYING HERE 1518250 NULL Janner1588 CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 1518560 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1519110 NULL Kekkels CRAWL IS HOW I CRAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1519300 NULL 03Qrency HES'S FAT 1519970 NULL ChowderSoup Dancing Virgin 1520300 NULL Leviath CRAWWWLIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGG 1520350 NULL MrAegis CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLING IIIIIIIIIIIIIN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1520660 NULL TomDanTheRock OW THE EDGE 1522300 NULL dankmaymayqueck >the virgin hover 1522920 NULL mrvdweller HE'S FAT 1523320 NULL athewj RIP IN PISS 1523600 NULL Shevanel HE'S MAGICAL FAT 1523800 NULL Kekkels CRAWLING WHAT IS CRAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1524620 NULL RedRobo XE'S FAT 1525140 NULL magikarpsalesman THESE LEGS THEY WILL NOT KNEEL 1525330 NULL Vilip IT'S AUSTISM CUP, BABY!!!!! 1525390 NULL DragonPussy CRAWWLING IN MY SKIIIINNNN 1525740 NULL HTlel THESE CRAWLS THEY WILL NOT CRAWL 1526480 NULL Kekkels CRAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1527690 NULL Necropenguin XHE'S FAT 1527750 NULL NotAnArgument HE'S KAWAII 1528960 NULL Jorleif SHE'S FAT 1529660 NULL moonawoona CRAWLING IN MY SKIN 1530580 NULL EMBRACE1818 XIR'S FAT 1532530 NULL CuriousAnon ITS FAT 1532700 NULL frascoration MY WRISTS ARE SLITTING ON THEIR OWN 1533150 NULL valenmedia CRAWLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 1533530 NULL MrAegis RIP 1533890 NULL AitorKarankasci XHE'S FAT 1536780 NULL HiAnon GARY MOTHERFUCKIN OAK BITCH 1536810 NULL DeleteCancer E D G E 1539000 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse ITS YA BOY 1539200 NULL ShadowRigger Rip 1539470 NULL wormy97 CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL 1542910 NULL Shevanel PRESS C FOR CHESTER AND LP 1544090 NULL ChowderSoup ZIR'S FAT 1544290 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >trumpets 1544340 NULL 4thReichWithPonies OW THE EDGE 1545030 NULL ggiddyup CRAWLIIIIIING IN MY CRAWL 1545280 NULL OldManInternets (S)He's Fat! 1545650 NULL GoonerBear MY ARMS ARE BLEEDING ON THEIR OWN 1545740 NULL MrAegis C 1546970 NULL Chefirchik Rip Chester C 1547290 NULL Snowmanne ;_;7 1549640 NULL lAlexl7l PRESS F FOR CHESTER 1551100 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press T for Trumpets 1552290 NULL tonyisacuck *kneels* 1552770 NULL MrAegis F 1553910 NULL Kekkels T 1554180 NULL ShadowRigger f 1554460 NULL EternalWojak T 1554710 NULL OldManInternets T 1554930 NULL MrAegis T 1554930 NULL Us3rmane T 1555110 NULL NuclearFissionRobot T 1555170 NULL mrvdweller F 1556380 NULL ggiddyup F 1556550 NULL Leviath T 1556580 NULL Veldt86 IT'S YA BOI 1556590 NULL Bonedark HOENN TRUMPETS 1557410 NULL RoiDadidou T 1557980 NULL Chefirchik FT 1558110 NULL wormy97 T 1558510 NULL epinfrogposter t 1558910 NULL Giovani1906 T 1559070 NULL Shevanel T 1559850 NULL Jomaca32 YA BOI 1560250 NULL TomDanTheRock FT 1562740 NULL Witchita T 1563220 NULL FELOOx T 1564180 NULL TomDanTheRock ITS YA BOI 1564560 NULL OGRO IT'S YA BOY 1564840 NULL yuukafu nice sun moon music 1565070 NULL AirlineFood74 T 1567150 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Gotta Catch 'EM ALL 1567730 NULL HltierOnTheLeft F, cheetos will never be the same again 1568150 NULL Shevanel IT'S YA BOI 1569330 NULL Veldt86 YA BOI (FEMALE) 1570270 NULL Bonedark Press E for Emerald being the best pokémon game 1570370 NULL AnsisMalins Good anthem. 1571200 NULL AirlineFood74 IT'S YA BOI 1575740 NULL mrvdweller This stadium is so much better than the last one 1577000 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Crank up the Hype 1577570 NULL JohnnyBravofit the chad stare 1577810 NULL Jomaca32 F 1578880 NULL Kekkels ITS YA BOI (GIRL) 1578890 NULL TomDanTheRock CHAD 1578940 NULL Bajonius E 1581240 NULL mrvdweller Last one was eye rap 1581460 NULL Shevanel CHAD 1582030 NULL Sekaszy chad 1582210 NULL RoiDadidou CHAD 1582710 NULL MrAegis B 1582750 NULL Jomaca32 FOR IT FUCKING SUCKS 1585970 NULL ChowderSoup >no lines on the field 1586060 NULL kappa123454321 wow! 1586380 NULL AirlineFood74 >emerald >best. pick one 1589800 NULL MrAegis THE CHAD ATHLETE 1590250 NULL TomDanTheRock He needs the WOW! tshirt 1592160 NULL zocram92 >no pitch lines >/vp/ 1592680 NULL yuukafu dat ball 1593090 NULL Chefirchik The pacing virgin 1593130 NULL NuclearFissionRobot WOO STADIUM 1593770 NULL Sleelan >The 2d virgin >The glorious 3d chad 1595920 NULL dankmaymayqueck CHAD GA DAISKUKI~! 1598790 NULL tonyisacuck >no lines 1600310 NULL CraigPhillips ANTHEM CAN'T STOP 1603360 NULL TWAIN >no pitch markings 1604040 NULL MrCopout >that virgin roll 1604510 NULL TomDanTheRock >this pitch 1606150 NULL Sleelan >first touch >falls over 1606430 NULL TomDanTheRock :@ 1607970 NULL ItAintMeme awful pitch 1608790 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >virgin 1610310 NULL Bopnan The fucking virgin, lel. 1610500 NULL TomDanTheRock :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ 1613040 NULL Noteperson >no lines 1614110 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Press S for stadium 1614560 NULL MrAegis THE VIRGIN DEFENDING 1615100 NULL Vae-00 DED 1616590 NULL yuukafu the virgin kek 1617110 NULL dongerino666 DED 1617920 NULL Noteperson But y tho? 1618380 NULL Fapoleono REPLAY 1618830 NULL VtecJumper God telling when benalties happen is gonna suck 1619480 NULL Bonedark >generic Pokémon Stadium pitch 1619860 NULL TomDanTheRock ITS YA BOI 1620240 NULL Linearbarrel :rip: 1621370 NULL moonawoona F 1622240 NULL AirlineFood74 DED 1622720 NULL HltierOnTheLeft MOIDA 1623980 NULL amis kapow 1624600 NULL MrAegis SWS 1624810 NULL Chefirchik ITS YA BOI 1625400 NULL Jomaca32 ITS YA BOI 1625480 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon its ya boy 1625730 NULL 4thReichWithPonies DED 1626380 NULL MrAegis DED 1626670 NULL BiggestGuyForYou ITS YA CARD 1627450 NULL Ebnius DED 1627530 NULL the4chancup DESTRUCTION IN HUMAN FORM 1627820 NULL Us3rmane OUR BOI 1628320 NULL FELOOx IT'S YA BOI 1628510 NULL Lazyturd KINSASHA 1628530 NULL NotAnArgument DIE NEETS 1628960 NULL HanakoToast IT'S YA BOI 1629090 NULL Vae-00 MURDERED STRAIGHT OFF THE BAT 1629680 NULL anonimoanonimez RIDER KICK 1629740 NULL HiAnon f 1630050 NULL McMelanogaster MOIDA 1630280 NULL Janner1588 HE COULD HAVE DIED 1630310 NULL MrCopout HIIIIYAAAAAA 1631080 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB SADIO MANE 1631090 NULL magikarpsalesman THAT sweep graphic is rad 1633020 NULL DrStrangecraft NIGEL DE JONGD 1634270 NULL HTlel RIDAH KICK 1634460 NULL TomDanTheRock wow 1634500 NULL Shadowborg How is that not a card? 1635710 NULL AirlineFood74 KINSHAAAAASA 1635820 NULL yuukafu ya boy going straight in 1636230 NULL Kekkels fug 1636700 NULL BackgroundPony crossed the non-existent line 1636750 NULL Snowmanne IT'S RED CARD IN HUMAN FORM 1636910 NULL MrAegis Y'ALL ARE STUPID 1637800 NULL Greycatmon DESTRUCTION IN HUMAN FORM 1637970 NULL DragonPussy IT'S YA BOI 1638290 NULL OGRO KINSHASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1640760 NULL buttfield DESTRUCTION IN HUMAN FORM 1641670 NULL Jorleif EMBODYMENT OF DESTRUCYTION 1641700 NULL Leviath DESTRUCTION IN HUMAN FORM 1643270 NULL RoiDadidou >SPAGHETTI 1643790 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat 4 minutes in and we get a spegoot 1643950 NULL NuclearFissionRobot DESTRUCTION in HUMAN FORM 1644050 NULL Us3rmane IS HE, DARE I SAY OUR BOI? 1645480 NULL Necropenguin DAY OF THE RAKE 1645660 NULL magikarpsalesman BLOOT 1646460 NULL Vilip I see we're /ontime/ as always? 1649150 NULL ShoahLePoof PRESS S FOR SHIT STADIUM 1651450 NULL Jorleif :Y: 1653170 NULL OGRO S 1653920 NULL DrStrangecraft S 1654230 NULL Gandarn S 1654580 NULL ItAintMeme S 1655040 NULL ayy10 S 1656490 NULL moisttaint S 1657470 NULL athewj S 1658070 NULL OmegaPretzel S 1658160 NULL HiAnon vp 1658540 NULL AsrielDreemurr S 1658830 NULL Broke5903 S 1659240 NULL 4thReichWithPonies r9k/ 1660380 NULL LouSmorrels S 1660480 NULL Giovani1906 s 1660560 NULL BiggestGuyForYou S 1661300 NULL LeTako >rake 1663560 NULL JohnnyBravofit not even their own parents favorites 1665460 NULL DragonPussy CHAD 1666420 NULL Greycatmon no poll paval? 1666640 NULL Janner1588 REKT 1667270 NULL wasad >testing 1669360 NULL greatwhitedav >ran another rig 1669520 NULL Bonedark They are not even their own favorite 1672740 NULL moonawoona BTFO 1672860 NULL tonyisacuck >PES 1673230 NULL itsacoaster >PES 1675030 NULL Gandarn CHAD 1676510 NULL dankmaymayqueck I'm really loving the virgin 2D blender. 1678070 NULL Sleelan >testing 1678580 NULL Witchita THE CHAD DEFENDER 1678760 NULL Chefirchik CHAD 1678870 NULL buttfield >pes 1680620 NULL TomDanTheRock ded 1681290 NULL HltierOnTheLeft day of the /r9k/e 1683160 NULL MrAegis >PES 1683390 NULL RoiDadidou 0-0 INCOMING 1685840 NULL DragonPussy >RIGGED 1686860 NULL ChowderSoup CHAD 1690230 NULL AirlineFood74 CHAD 1690580 NULL Sleelan >Chad clearance 1693070 NULL MrAegis FOOTBALL IS GONNA WIN TODAY 1694900 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB THE CHAD JUMP 1695300 NULL TotallyNotRigged POSSESSION IS A NEGATIVE STAT 1695700 NULL TomDanTheRock This pitch :@ 1701050 NULL Bopnan Any stadium that doesn't make the box and lines clear is shit. 1703350 NULL Kekkels >toppu lel 1706050 NULL mrvdweller Better than the last pitch 1708790 NULL tonyisacuck this cup is already shit 1712530 NULL buttfield the chad stadium: has no lines, refs can tell anyways 1712940 NULL MrAegis THE VIRGIN PASS 1713050 NULL mrvdweller The last pitch was eye rape 1715890 NULL Vae-00 BLOOT 1716120 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >Possession >Being an important stat PICK ONE 1716750 NULL TomDanTheRock whew 1718320 NULL Jomaca32 WIDE 1718450 NULL ChowderSoup wew 1718960 NULL BoxDweller wew 1722470 NULL MrAegis THE CHAD ASSISTANCE 1722780 NULL BiggestGuyForYou WEW 1723260 NULL EternalWojak holy fuck 1726620 NULL Chefirchik THE VIRGIN PASS COMPLETION 1727870 NULL Linearbarrel >not having a pokemon battle arena as the pitch 1728550 NULL Hlaalucaust gotta be 50 miles 1729710 NULL tonyisacuck >but no by much 1735150 NULL DragonPussy GOD DAMN IT SPAGHETTI 1735270 NULL Witchita wew 1740920 NULL MrAegis KNEES WEAK 1741450 NULL TomDanTheRock god damn it bring back the lines 1741880 NULL TotallyNotRigged It'sAlreadyShit.Moe It'sAlreadyShit.Moe It'sAlreadyShit.Moe 1742680 NULL amis i trust the Spaghetti horn would be used 1744630 NULL Gandarn The CHAD score vs the virgin possesion 1753830 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FUG 1755720 NULL NuclearFissionRobot you steal them, like CHAD 1760940 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB This is boring, you should be playing Super Mario Odysse 1761100 NULL ChowderSoup THE CHAD HEADER 1763140 NULL Linearbarrel ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄ ░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░▐░▀██▌ ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█ 1763390 NULL Jorleif TriHard 1766400 NULL yuukafu oh shit 1771270 NULL RoiDadidou STOP SUPPORTING OTHER TEAMS. 1771290 NULL magikarpsalesman and the crowd goes mild 1771560 NULL TomDanTheRock ITS YA BOI 1771830 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FUG at 38' 1774250 NULL Snowmanne OUR BOY 1777840 NULL Necropenguin selling adboards is how we could afford Patrick Stewart 1778080 NULL DragonPussy the virgin goal vs the chad assist 1778370 NULL MrAegis Klappa 1778870 NULL TotallyNotRigged NOT OUR BOY 1779770 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat the CHAD defender > The POKEWEEB striker 1781570 NULL Veldt86 FUG 1781730 NULL Hlaalucaust Thanks chad 1781760 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse Dominated by Chad 1783670 NULL Bonedark KHEC virgin 1785220 NULL MoonMan88 ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄ ░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░▐░▀██▌ ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█ ░░ 1785870 NULL ItAintMeme >chad 1786960 NULL TomDanTheRock CHAD COLLISION 1787280 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG 1788000 NULL ChowderSoup THE CHAD CLEARANCE 1791080 NULL Witchita THE CHAD CLEARANCE 1791350 NULL BackgroundPony concessionless virgin still has his goalhymen 1791490 NULL TotallyNotRigged FUG DA POGEMON :DDD 1794300 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LANG BALL 1795090 NULL Jomaca32 CAUGHT 1796110 NULL NuclearFissionRobot CAUGHT 1796980 NULL Sleelan >collides with Chad >instantly falls over 1797030 NULL MrAegis THE CHAD CLEARANE 1798990 NULL 4CCanes this pitch gave me eyes cancer 1799960 NULL DragonPussy get CHAD'd 1803780 NULL MrAegis CAUGHT 1808220 NULL JohnHayabusa CAUGHT 1809660 NULL Bonedark ↓ B 1812850 NULL dankmaymayqueck >toppu le le 1812920 NULL ShoahLePoof >muh height abuse 1816910 NULL buttfield THE CHAD PITCH DOESN'T CARE IF YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING 1819130 NULL ShoahLePoof it's about to be exposed tomorrow 1822750 NULL Linearbarrel >height abuse 1823650 NULL Linearbarrel ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▄█▀▀░░░░░░▀▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▄█▀▄██▄░░░░ 1824910 NULL TomDanTheRock :@ 1826260 NULL NuclearFissionRobot decieve leafs 1827130 NULL TheBeardHK RIGGED 1827490 NULL JohnHayabusa OFFSIDE 1828940 NULL Sleelan >tfw offside 1828970 NULL BiggestGuyForYou OVV ZIDE 1829770 NULL ChowderSoup >offside 1829940 NULL HTlel THE CHAD DECEIVER 1830070 NULL bersl2 >no lines 1830760 NULL Vae-00 :thinking: 1830790 NULL magikarpsalesman oy vey my off sides 1832240 NULL EternalWojak nice offside 1834410 NULL JohnHayabusa Fug I'm late 1838510 NULL MrAegis HEY DUCKY HOW BIG ARE YOUR WALLPAPERS 1840300 NULL JujuBean I'm late too 1841580 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat OFFSIDE, NOT LIKE YOU CAN TELL 1843290 NULL TotallyNotRigged :thinking: 1843790 NULL MotorizedRollinghams Has literally never seen a goal line in his life 1844280 NULL Bonedark >tfw there are no lines because Smogon banned them 1844740 NULL bersl2 >laser accurate offsides 1848990 NULL TomDanTheRock ...@ 1850320 NULL BiggestGuyForYou im calling it 1851100 NULL valenmedia >/sp/ 1854050 NULL BiggestGuyForYou fug at 38' 1854540 NULL Gandarn the chad /pol/ 6 gorillion view vs the virgin 600 view stream 1856300 NULL JohnHayabusa >/sp/ 1856640 NULL buttfield THEY SURE AS HELL AREN'T 6'8 ON AVERAGE YOU HEIGHT-ABUSING F UCK 1856710 NULL TotallyNotRigged :tumbleweed: 1858780 NULL JujuBean fuck I might miss /mu/ and /mlp/ today 1861300 NULL ChowderSoup THE CHAD BACKPASS 1862530 NULL KhanKrum what 1862580 NULL Veldt86 The Chad Backpass 1863590 NULL JohnnyBravofit lol what 1863990 NULL epinfrogposter KEK 1865430 NULL TomDanTheRock what 1865490 NULL tonyisacuck LITERALLY DOG SHIT 1866700 NULL MrAegis THE CHAD ASSISTANE 1866760 NULL DareISay wut 1867180 NULL Sekaszy wut 1867240 NULL moonawoona wat 1867730 NULL TWAIN BEBOP 1868140 NULL C3K WUT 1868190 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon WAT 1868610 NULL Brianstorm LE SUPREME BIKE KICK 1869240 NULL magikarpsalesman LOL 1869840 NULL EMBRACE1818 >doing a bebop 1869850 NULL thanksdoc1 >elliot 1869970 NULL Chefirchik WHAT 1870470 NULL ShoahLePoof BEBOP 1870550 NULL Bopnan >Rodger 1870900 NULL drinklots >mfw Chad Tuhdercock scores an own-goal 1871140 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB WAT 1871630 NULL AldosMora beboped 1872000 NULL Shadowborg WAS THAT A BEBOP 1872670 NULL TomDanTheRock BEBOPed 1873000 NULL Sleelan REPLAY 1874430 NULL Jorleif ...What 1874480 NULL Jomaca32 Whats a bebop 1874650 NULL buttfield BEEBOP 1875200 NULL FELOOx >beboop 1877210 NULL MrAegis BEBOP'D 1878380 NULL ItAintMeme >tfw 1878650 NULL ShoahLePoof >tfw no goal 1879000 NULL TomDanTheRock TFW NO GOAL 1879000 NULL wasad >tfw no goal 1880110 NULL 4thReichWithPonies fuck 1880920 NULL BoxDweller >tfw 1881180 NULL Vae-00 >tfw no goalfriend 1881280 NULL TotallyNotRigged :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :gho 1881530 NULL thanksdoc1 tfw wide 1882230 NULL donatrog BICICLE BEBOP 1882410 NULL Witchita wew 1882740 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >TFW No goal 1882820 NULL valenmedia >TFW 1883410 NULL Chefirchik >BEBOP 1883640 NULL epinfrogposter >beep boop 1883710 NULL starfighter9 >tfw no goal 1883770 NULL moonhorseabest JUST 1885440 NULL buttfield tfw no aim 1885630 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon >TFW NO GOAL 1885940 NULL ChowderSoup TFW WIDE 1886080 NULL RoiDadidou MCBEBOP'D 1886630 NULL McMelanogaster W I D E 1886910 NULL Ebnius r9wide 1887650 NULL Giovani1906 Hey Ducky, how big are your wallpapers? 1680x1050? 1920x1080? The 1887970 NULL MrAegis >tfw no goal 1888010 NULL HTlel tfw no goal 1889330 NULL anonimoanonimez >that face 1889820 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw no goal 1890060 NULL halfblack >tfw /a/ fan 1890390 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat lol, /r9k/ can't score 1890470 NULL Chefirchik >The virgin bebop 1894970 NULL MrAegis Hey Ducky, how big are your wallpapers? 1680x1050? 1920x1080? They su 1898030 NULL magikarpsalesman teams cant tell where the box is 1910900 NULL ShoahLePoof Imagine that there are still people that whine about height abuse 1913490 NULL ChowderSoup >the virgin flip 1922520 NULL Hlaalucaust Feeling sleepy 1924730 NULL HltierOnTheLeft >the chad sommersault 1930500 NULL ShoahLePoof Unbelievable, right? 1931880 NULL McMelanogaster ...@ 1936790 NULL Gandarn r9k trying to get a date , recolorized 2017 1937700 NULL Vae-00 ...@ 1940450 NULL ChowderSoup inb4 0-0 1942390 NULL ShoahLePoof how many people watching? 1942690 NULL magikarpsalesman the virgin targeted shot vs the chad bloot 1944070 NULL Linearbarrel ...@ 1946080 NULL Jomaca32 FUG 1946710 NULL ShoahLePoof i'm using livestreamer 1949990 NULL moonawoona 700 1952420 NULL ShoahLePoof merci 1953510 NULL BiggestGuyForYou fug 1957590 NULL Chefirchik +5 GBP! 1958070 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG 1962260 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon Fetus was more entertaining so far 1962820 NULL MrAegis FUG 1965360 NULL AitorKarankasci how many GBP for a goal? 1968620 NULL Jomaca32 FUUG 1970860 NULL Jomaca32 CMON 1972920 NULL TotallyNotRigged WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT BORS IS CREATE 1973640 NULL WeTheBestMemersYMCMB 5 1974750 NULL BiggestGuyForYou is a goal worth more than a blowey joey? 1975460 NULL ItAintMeme giv mommy spaghetti 1976480 NULL SteakHouse69 Press F for nice 0-0 draw. 1976690 NULL FoxfromDiscord fug flop 1977320 NULL tiggles almost enough gbps for some tendies 1977860 NULL Chefirchik 10 tendies for a goal 1981510 NULL Bonedark >this fucking stall game 1983420 NULL Sleelan >This is only the 1st half 1983530 NULL JohnHayabusa 5 1984780 NULL JohnHayabusa F 1985300 NULL Leviath any worthwhile matches to watch in the fetus? completely missed it. 1985350 NULL Sleelan ...@ 1985830 NULL KhanKrum ...@ 1986490 NULL AitorKarankasci >10 tendies 1987740 NULL MrAegis >implying owls are chokes 1988510 NULL AitorKarankasci fuck that 1988520 NULL Jomaca32 STALL META 1989580 NULL JohnHayabusa ...@ 1994070 NULL Linearbarrel ...@ ...@ 1994770 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SHES FAT 1995080 NULL JohnHayabusa ...@ time 1995500 NULL Witchita ITS LIKE GEN 2 ALL OVER AGAIN 1996860 NULL MrCopout ...@ 1997470 NULL Vae-00 Who reckons football will be the winner today? 1997920 NULL HltierOnTheLeft SHE'S FAT 1998780 NULL itsacoaster ...@ 1999030 NULL KhanKrum SLURP SLURP 1999620 NULL moonawoona Patrician 0-0 when 2000830 NULL ShadowRigger IT'S FAT 2000910 NULL MrAegis SHE'S FAT 2001640 NULL Noteperson ...@ 2002130 NULL DareISay ...@ 2002520 NULL JujuBean ...@ 2002850 NULL Gandarn pol vs mlp 2003020 NULL Chefirchik Someone's not getting a blowey joey 2003430 NULL FELOOx ...@ 2004180 NULL dongerino666 >whatever 2005110 NULL mrvdweller SLUUUUUUUUUURP 2005310 NULL Rytky ...@ 2005430 NULL ChowderSoup The virgin interception 2006180 NULL TotallyNotRigged X_X 2007660 NULL GiddyupDeusVult ...@ 2007910 NULL ayy10 ...@ 2008510 NULL TerribleHeresy ...@ 2009360 NULL Sekaszy ...@ ...@ ...@ ...@ 2009580 NULL unLucky13 ...@ 2010670 NULL CitrusFresh whatever, he's not important 2011300 NULL athewj ...@ 2012090 NULL AsrielDreemurr ...@ ...@ 2012190 NULL Witchita ...@ 2013170 NULL yuukafu the virgin interception kek 2013580 NULL telly23 WHATEVER IT IS IT'S FAT 2014030 NULL TheGoatBro Football winning today 2014170 NULL kappa123454321 ...@ 2014440 NULL bersl2 ..@ 2014860 NULL greatwhitedav >1(1) 2015890 NULL Ebnius ...@ 2016480 NULL moonawoona ...@ 2018150 NULL starfighter9 >semen slurping 2018200 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat @Leviath /mlpol/ match 2019050 NULL BackgroundPony ...@ 2019440 NULL ItAintMeme zzzzzzzzzz 2020390 NULL tonyisacuck >4(0) 2020810 NULL dongerino666 ...@ 2022050 NULL JohnHayabusa ...@ 2023590 NULL tiggles ...# 2024370 NULL HTlel fujoref running like she's being chased 2026850 NULL polybius guy I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me 2027150 NULL tiggles ...@ 2032530 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP 2034150 NULL sakex7 ...@ 2034240 NULL Sleelan Truly a /r9k/ match 2034410 NULL MrAegis Press F for football winning 2034440 NULL HTlel no shots on target 2035850 NULL rustledjimmy This is a babby cup alright 2036390 NULL READYTODIEMLP ...@ 2038290 NULL TWAIN good match 2041090 NULL MrCopout F 2041420 NULL mrvdweller F 2041510 NULL CraigPhillips THE MOST EXCITING BABBY 2041540 NULL BlueLogic >no shots on target 2043700 NULL McMelanogaster 0-0 thriller incoming 2043920 NULL athewj >the goaless game 2043940 NULL ChowderSoup :clap: 2045550 NULL CraigPhillips HERE WE GO 2045850 NULL TwoScoops holy shit that KFC ad 2046640 NULL JohnHayabusa >/vp/ 1(0) 2047850 NULL TopLelM8 Press N now if no one's won boys 2048500 NULL CitrusFresh >these are the teams which want to be """Elite""" 2048770 NULL starfighter9 true patrician match 2049120 NULL TwoScoops my sides 2049820 NULL TotallyNotRigged :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :sku 2053780 NULL HiAnon MATCH OF THE BETAS 2054920 NULL GiddyupDeusVult We /footballsins/ 2057050 NULL 4thReichWithPonies nil nil thrill 2057540 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press S to slurp semen 2057610 NULL MrAegis :clap: 2060300 NULL Snowmanne s 2060500 NULL magikarpsalesman the virgin blowout vs the chad semen slurper 2060680 NULL frascoration I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me. 2061620 NULL IncomingNumbers when you have a 0-0 but a goalkeeper doesn't get MotM anyway 2061940 NULL moonhorseabest S 2062020 NULL shinyrei s 2062320 NULL greatwhitedav S 2062670 NULL MrCopout 0-0 Chad wins anyway 2063310 NULL TopLelM8 S 2064950 NULL TotallyNotRigged WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT BORS IS CREATE 2065460 NULL NIPPLE-BAN :rip: 2071830 NULL ShadowRigger That's a special kind of shit 2073100 NULL IncomingNumbers are you ready for random defender MotM 2075220 NULL CraigPhillips Reddit has infiltrated the cup 2077820 NULL HTlel why didn't you stop it 2086720 NULL ChowderSoup oh halloween emotes neet :skullgreen: 2093300 NULL ShoahLePoof DEAD 2094740 NULL Kekkels WHAT'S WRONG BIG BOY 2095800 NULL Noteperson Bring back the Inquisition 2095840 NULL Jomaca32 DED 2097140 NULL Vae-00 SCURFFED 2097190 NULL moonawoona DED 2098990 NULL mrvdweller >not having a gold defnder 2099120 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon REF 2099490 NULL Veldt86 >GOLD DEFENDER 2099620 NULL AirlineFood74 DED 2100180 NULL 4thReichWithPonies ded 2101750 NULL Sleelan KisslessHuglessHandhondlessEyecontactlessShotontargetless Virgin 2101750 NULL wasad >snips 2102540 NULL MrAegis DED 2102680 NULL Hlaalucaust Boo hoo 2103000 NULL JohnHayabusa DED 2103380 NULL itsacoaster RIP LELE 2103570 NULL SilentCook :cauldron: 2103900 NULL dongerino666 :skullgreen: 2104190 NULL magikarpsalesman ERA BENAL 2104440 NULL Fapoleono rip 2104550 NULL ShoahLePoof >gold defender 2105650 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SNIBBIDY CARD 2105890 NULL BackgroundPony FUG :ddd 2105990 NULL McMelanogaster >that virgin 2106280 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse WHY YOU BULLI ME 2106750 NULL buttfield can't snip the snap 2106910 NULL Prozach THE VIRGIN FLOAT 2107610 NULL Shadowborg >the horizontal virgin 2107720 NULL MrAegis CARDED 2108050 NULL TotallyNotRigged git scruffed 2109620 NULL Vae-00 MOIDA 2110450 NULL AirlineFood74 THE VIRGIN HOVER 2110610 NULL ItAintMeme >the virgin float 2111040 NULL AitorKarankasci the virgin hover 2111220 NULL athewj TOPPU DED 2111470 NULL shinyrei not top lel 2111540 NULL Chefirchik THE VIRGIN FLOAT 2114190 NULL amis leelelelelelele 2114830 NULL Necropenguin bring in the wolves 2116270 NULL MrAegis THE VIRGIN FLOAT 2117040 NULL tiggles THE VERTICAL CHAD 2118320 NULL Gandarn the chad simulation 2118520 NULL HTlel :ghostred: :frank: :frank: 2119680 NULL DragonPussy the virgin line 2120050 NULL 4thReichWithPonies VIRGIN FLOAT 2120350 NULL CraigPhillips FAINTED 2120670 NULL HanakoToast steel is super effective against fairy 2132170 NULL IncomingNumbers CITIZEN SNIIIIIIIIPS 2133060 NULL JohnHayabusa Ouch 2133080 NULL Sekaszy boris 2133280 NULL BackgroundPony fug perkins you killed the scissors :DDDD 2139370 NULL TotallyNotRigged Fug :DDD 2139760 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press R to use a Revive on Lele 2142070 NULL Jomaca32 R 2142350 NULL Sekaszy wut? 2142940 NULL MrAegis R 2143030 NULL Noteperson >that face when 2143300 NULL buttfield >face when 2143480 NULL Ebnius too much passing from /vp/ 2143880 NULL greatwhitedav R 2144030 NULL tiggles >that face when 2146330 NULL moonhorseabest >that face 2149860 NULL Vae-00 >tfw no shot on goal 2151260 NULL bersl2 >that face when 2153320 NULL MrAegis >the face when no gf 2154760 NULL amis >that face when 2155080 NULL Leviath no iku z today 2155410 NULL HTlel >face when 2158580 NULL amis must be reddit 2159090 NULL HiAnon >tfw no goal 2160650 NULL AirlineFood74 YA BOI 2162070 NULL Witchita ITS YA BOY 2164150 NULL TWAIN >tfw no shots 2164940 NULL TomDanTheRock ...@ 2166650 NULL MrAegis IT'S YA BOI 2168930 NULL Noteperson >the city of reddit 2169430 NULL ItAintMeme zzzzzzzzzz 2172480 NULL Jomaca32 ...@ 2173630 NULL Sleelan >sees Chad >instantly turns around 2175490 NULL athewj ...@ 2176530 NULL ChowderSoup 1 good boy point 2178490 NULL Jomaca32 CAUGHT 2180970 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat ...@ 2181340 NULL yuukafu good boy 2181370 NULL TomDanTheRock dodged 2182170 NULL MrAegis MIROR BLOCKED 2186370 NULL Chefirchik >The Chad Intimidate 2188120 NULL valenmedia ...@ 2189740 NULL MrAegis CAUGHT 2192950 NULL Witchita ...@ 2195750 NULL BackgroundPony >line 2196630 NULL TomDanTheRock Press ..@ to fall asleep 2200670 NULL MrAegis ...@ 2200840 NULL Jomaca32 ...@ 2202970 NULL moonawoona ...@ 2205230 NULL ShoahLePoof ...@ 2205460 NULL ayy10 ...@ ...@ 2205620 NULL Bopnan ...@ 2205880 NULL AirlineFood74 ...@ 2207480 NULL AsrielDreemurr ...@ 2208520 NULL JohnHayabusa ...@ 2208940 NULL Leviath ...@ 2209140 NULL TotallyNotRigged ...@ ...@ ...@ ...@ ...@ 2209210 NULL BackgroundPony ResidentSleeper 2211300 NULL Gandarn ...@ 2212850 NULL DragonPussy ...@ 2214690 NULL Noteperson ...@ 2214980 NULL KhanKrum ...@ 2215350 NULL tiggles cant snib the snab 2215850 NULL McMelanogaster ...@ 2216650 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SNIBBIDY SNAB 2218220 NULL GiddyupDeusVult ...@ 2219720 NULL Jomaca32 Shnippen Shanppen 2219860 NULL TotallyNotRigged ResidentCREEPER 2221640 NULL sakex7 ...@ ...@ 2221730 NULL ShadowRigger BODYCHECK 2222540 NULL dankmaymayqueck IT'S A DRAW BOTH THE TEAMS ARE EVEN 2224090 NULL NuclearFissionRobot murdreball 2224250 NULL HltierOnTheLeft SNIBETI SNAB, THIS KILLS THE CRAB 2224660 NULL yuukafu snibbedi snab 2225740 NULL indistrikable i don't think this semen slurping sport's for me lads 2229310 NULL rustledjimmy ...@ ...@ ...@ ...@ 2229550 NULL JohnnyBravofit that was maybe on target! 2232750 NULL ChowderSoup >the virgin wall 2232760 NULL buttfield ON TARGET BRO 2235880 NULL FELOOx ...@ ...@ 2237770 NULL Noteperson BEHOLD THE WIZARD 2238730 NULL MrAegis ONE ON TARGET 2239100 NULL SteakHouse69 Comfy 0-0 result. 2239510 NULL trya ..@ = ResidentSpooper :skull: 2240150 NULL wasad muscle wizard 2240600 NULL BackgroundPony >the virgin header 2240710 NULL ShoahLePoof Ya sure we aren't missing subs? 2241680 NULL Giovani1906 SNIBBIDY SNAB, FUGGG :DDDDD 2242280 NULL amis muscle wizards 2243120 NULL HltierOnTheLeft MUSCLE WIZARD 2243980 NULL CraigPhillips I shit on a wizard once. now I'm cursed 2245290 NULL HTlel 3.5 edition 2249840 NULL KhanKrum KAPOW 2249950 NULL JohnHayabusa SNABBED 2250550 NULL itsacoaster KAPOW 2251020 NULL Vae-00 TROLLPOST 2251090 NULL ItAintMeme > 2251410 NULL TotallyNotRigged MUSCLE WIZARD 2251670 NULL EMBRACE1818 KAPOW 2252170 NULL Jomaca32 KAPOW 2252640 NULL READYTODIEMLP KA POW 2252680 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse What 2253630 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >tfw no header 2253840 NULL DragonPussy fit wizards 2253890 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse MUSCLE. WIZARDS. 2253930 NULL ChowderSoup :cauldron: 2254670 NULL Fapoleono LOL 2254710 NULL 03Qrency KAPOW 2254880 NULL MrAegis KAPOW 2255170 NULL BiggestGuyForYou KAPOW 2255780 NULL Noteperson KAPOW 2255910 NULL NuclearFissionRobot KA POW 2255940 NULL FELOOx KAPOW 2256270 NULL Gregdawg KAPOW 2256830 NULL JohnHayabusa KAPOW 2257100 NULL TWAIN >tfw stumbled 2257140 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wow 2257260 NULL valenmedia KAPOW 2257960 NULL TomDanTheRock >TFW NO HEADER 2257990 NULL TotallyNotRigged GA BOW :DDD 2258120 NULL buttfield >r9k 2258150 NULL BackgroundPony KAPOW 2258960 NULL Brianstorm These virgins can't finish lmao 2259130 NULL silvertear KAPOW 2259200 NULL Sekaszy >tfw sagetti 2259400 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon kapow 2259980 NULL HltierOnTheLeft GABOW 2260180 NULL CraigPhillips OOPS 2260230 NULL BoxDweller KAPOW 2260270 NULL surepro KAPOW 2261080 NULL ljansson KAPOW 2261330 NULL Bopnan >tfw no header 2261540 NULL tiggles >robutt 2261780 NULL magikarpsalesman GABOW 2262660 NULL Hlaalucaust :( 2263570 NULL moonawoona STILL 0-0 2263600 NULL TSparx KAPOW 2263870 NULL Linearbarrel TFW TRIPPED 2264510 NULL BasedPonyfag KAPOW 2264640 NULL Witchita KAPOW 2265760 NULL MrCopout ...@ 2265850 NULL AirlineFood74 K E K 2265960 NULL athewj >the virgin shot 2266570 NULL Chefirchik >TFW NO HEADER 2267180 NULL trya i shot a wizard once reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2267550 NULL Gandarn tfw no accurate shot 2268450 NULL HiAnon LITERALLY ROBOTIER SHOT 2268590 NULL Leviath KAPOW 2269410 NULL tonyisacuck >not showing the replay 2269800 NULL HTlel off the post and the keeper 2269850 NULL McMelanogaster trollpost MVP 2270760 NULL indistrikable >tfw no goal 2272300 NULL JohnHayabusa Kek 2272990 NULL TomDanTheRock he dropped his spaghetti 2274050 NULL MrAegis PES WILLS IT 2274360 NULL ItAintMeme >here lies /r9k/ he never scored 2277600 NULL EternalWojak Gamefreak dead 2278150 NULL buttfield >deadfreak 2278990 NULL CraigPhillips fug 2279550 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat TROLLPOST MVP 2280210 NULL polybius THE VIRGIN PES vs THE CHAD FEEFUR 2281070 NULL OGRO WLECOME TO PES'D 2283010 NULL AnsisMalins REPLAY PLZ 2283370 NULL JohnHayabusa FUG 2287610 NULL Noteperson permavirginBowl 2288380 NULL ChowderSoup Mom's spaghetti is cold 2289740 NULL Gandarn fif 18 2290210 NULL drinklots >the condition of Spaghetti 2290440 NULL AldosMora >PES 2290850 NULL NIPPLE-BAN IT IS WRITTEN 2292520 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat WHAT A SAVE 2293080 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >The year of our lord we don't believe in 2017 >Being only a 2295220 NULL MrAegis RIP Gamefreak 2297090 NULL IncomingNumbers time for all the accy bets to die to the tie 2297930 NULL dankmaymayqueck KAPOW 2298250 NULL AldosMora PES IS SHIT 2298910 NULL moonawoona >spaghetti is covering the field 2298950 NULL NIPPLE-BAN THE CUP OF NO GOALS 2301960 NULL dankmaymayqueck dammit still not working 2303220 NULL ggiddyup PES VULT 2307310 NULL Snowmanne IT'S YA BOY, JOE 2310300 NULL ChowderSoup >that kid playing 2310330 NULL TotallyNotRigged Nil-Nil Thriller, send in /d/ because it's time for some Sem 2311980 NULL ShoahLePoof >that kid that only got subbed on 2312960 NULL MrAegis UNTIL NEXT TIME, SEE YA 2313500 NULL EternalWojak >that kid 2316050 NULL CraigPhillips just as you would expevct from Pokemon fans and /r9k/ posters - 2316470 NULL BiggestGuyForYou GIGOFF ABUSE 2321960 NULL BoxDweller ResidentSleeper 2327710 NULL indistrikable slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp 2329100 NULL MrAegis oh kregg 2333160 NULL RaduLykan ...@ 2333160 NULL EternalWojak between tg and vr 2333160 NULL TotallyNotRigged more like kekoff abuse :^) 2333580 NULL ChowderSoup TENDIES 2339860 NULL SteakHouse69 Excellent rigging there, lads. 2341990 NULL JohnnyBravofit you can't get past chad in the middle 2345770 NULL RoiDadidou and /biz/ failed to score a goal 2347950 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Press E to euthanise the cup 2349940 NULL RoiDadidou also /pol/ 2351290 NULL moonawoona KEK 2351620 NULL MrAegis E 2351900 NULL ItAintMeme E 2351980 NULL CraigPhillips E 2352550 NULL Sleelan FIVE (5) FROGS 2354360 NULL NuclearFissionRobot football always wins, its just unusual for ONLY football 2355790 NULL McMelanogaster thematic indeed 2355820 NULL Gandarn E 2356510 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse E 2357170 NULL JohnHayabusa E 2357320 NULL TotallyNotRigged E 2359650 NULL yuukafu remember when /sp/ was a driving forcebehind 4chan memes and now it's 2359960 NULL MrAegis SEVEN FROGS FORWARD 2360170 NULL buttfield >kregg trying to talk shit to virgins 2361880 NULL buttfield :thinking: 2362210 NULL 4thReichWithPonies e 2363060 NULL EternalWojak pol didn't score that cup either 2368360 NULL Vae-00 FIVE FROGS FORWARD 2370180 NULL NuclearFissionRobot 5 frogs on the pitch 2375750 NULL magikarpsalesman FIVE FROGGERS FORWARD 2377270 NULL TotallyNotRigged 7 FROGGERS FORWARD 2377420 NULL RoiDadidou I HAVE EVOLVED 2377640 NULL CraigPhillips Football for first 2378140 NULL Bonedark >replacing everything with frogs 2378640 NULL bersl2 all froge 2379500 NULL tiggles 7 frogs forward 2379520 NULL Mugetsu800 >frogs intensify 2380420 NULL JohnHayabusa +2 Frogs 2383400 NULL Prozach FIVE FROGS FORWARD 2384250 NULL Bonedark Sums up 4chan pretty well 2387740 NULL RoiDadidou ? 2388560 NULL BackgroundPony HAVE YOU SEEN MY FROG WHO TOOK MY FROG ILL FIND MY FROG 2391160 NULL JohnHayabusa SEVEN FROGS FORWARD 2391390 NULL buttfield MUH HEIGHT ABUSE 2395350 NULL DrStrangecraft >Chicken tendies subbed in for good boy points 2397190 NULL moonawoona FROGGY 2399140 NULL Vae-00 >muh height aboose 2400980 NULL BasedPonyfag 5 (FIVE) FROGS ON PITCH 2401760 NULL Chefirchik FROG ABUSE 2403050 NULL IncomingNumbers gassed gamefreak 2406640 NULL TotallyNotRigged WHO IS THIS GREEN FROG, 4cc? 2407120 NULL MrAegis FANTASTICAL FROG FEINT 2410270 NULL BiggestGuyForYou I SUMMON SAD FROG! IN DEFENSE POSITION! 2414000 NULL MrAegis the grinch 2416170 NULL ChowderSoup GET IN THE BAG 2416940 NULL Jomaca32 GET IN THE BAG 2419370 NULL athewj GET 2421620 NULL ChowderSoup IN 2422720 NULL MrAegis IN THE BAG 2423350 NULL yuukafu THE 2423720 NULL Snowmanne GET IN THE NET 2426240 NULL Bonedark Press F to faint the Politoed horde 2426290 NULL Jorleif BAG 2426910 NULL itsacoaster "That's the one shooting blood out of its mouth." -KingLear, 2017 2428300 NULL buttfield frogs are always defensive 2430210 NULL Noteperson Restart incoming 2430710 NULL MrAegis F 2430930 NULL bersl2 donk? 2431440 NULL RoiDadidou donk 2432190 NULL kappa123454321 donk 2435070 NULL yuukafu GET IN THE NET NEBBY 2438410 NULL JohnHayabusa F 2439630 NULL HTlel boink 2441340 NULL itsacoaster BAG ME 2442300 NULL DragonPussy it's a samp for all the frogs that are ther 2445560 NULL JohnHayabusa Press ...@ to ...@ 2448490 NULL Prozach 1 SHOT ON TARGET 2448960 NULL ChowderSoup ...@ 2450040 NULL Jorleif ...@ 2450060 NULL MrAegis ...@ 2450300 NULL Vae-00 ...@ 2452530 NULL ayy10 ...@ 2452580 NULL RaduLykan 8888888 2454290 NULL Hlaalucaust Progress! 2455020 NULL athewj ...@ 2455200 NULL DrStrangecraft ...@ 2456130 NULL HTlel WE HAVE A SHOT ON TARGET 2457060 NULL MrAegis >one shot on target 2457800 NULL TotallyNotRigged 88888888 2457800 NULL AirlineFood74 ...@ 2458020 NULL ChowderSoup :clap: 2458480 NULL drinklots Keeping a purple condition John Gamefreak in 2458480 NULL amis :clap: 2459260 NULL JujuBean :clap: 2459510 NULL RoiDadidou Clappa 2461270 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP 2461440 NULL wasad :clap: 2461700 NULL Shevanel :clap_ 2462320 NULL MrAegis R9K ARE YOU EVEN TRYING 2463920 NULL JohnHayabusa :clap: 2464970 NULL Shevanel :clap: 2466020 NULL Leviath YEAH 2466880 NULL BasedPonyfag :clap: 2468930 NULL BiggestGuyForYou WHITE KNIGHTING THE BALL 2472790 NULL BoxDweller what 2473860 NULL Fapoleono BOOOOOOOOOOORING 2473890 NULL TerribleHeresy Pity save 2474990 NULL itsacoaster WHAT 2475480 NULL ayy10 WAT 2476610 NULL epinfrogposter HAHAHAHAHAHAH 2476750 NULL Gregdawg WHAT 2476970 NULL TotallyNotRigged WHAT THE FUCK 2477130 NULL ItAintMeme WEW 2477870 NULL Fapoleono LOL 2478000 NULL Goldomen WAT 2478190 NULL 4thReichWithPonies KEK 2478250 NULL greatwhitedav AHAHAHAHAHA 2478990 NULL amis A GOAL 2479010 NULL athewj WAT 2479020 NULL LeTako KEK 2479110 NULL Jomaca32 WJAAAY 2480210 NULL Noteperson WOT 2480350 NULL Us3rmane WHAT 2480440 NULL moonawoona WHAT THE FUCK 2481170 NULL Hlaalucaust HAHAHA 2481320 NULL ChowderSoup OWN GOAL 2481460 NULL Kekkels HAHAHA I DON'T KNOW 2481480 NULL NuclearFissionRobot OWN GOAL 2482000 NULL CraigPhillips HAHAHAHAHA 2482520 NULL FELOOx WEW 2482570 NULL Snowmanne WHAT THE FUCK 2482630 NULL Jomaca32 WJAY 2482640 NULL TWAIN WAT 2483620 NULL GiddyupDeusVult HOLY SHIT 2483680 NULL sakex7 KEK 2483710 NULL JohnHayabusa >5(0) for /r9k/ 2483730 NULL HelloYesThisIsHorse FUCK 2484550 NULL Noteperson WOT 2484660 NULL McMelanogaster AHAHAHHAHAHAH WHAT THE FUCK 2484730 NULL Bonedark >it hit itself in confusion 2484900 NULL Sleelan PES WILLS IT 2485670 NULL TwoScoops OWN FUCKING GOAL 2485680 NULL Relicka KEK 2485890 NULL Witchita WHAT THE FUCK 2486580 NULL Kekkels I DON'T FUCKING KNOW 2486760 NULL Jorleif WHAT 2486970 NULL RoiDadidou I DON'T KNOW 2487150 NULL TotallyNotRigged GOD DAMMIT 2487330 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 2487780 NULL epinfrogposter FUCKIN KEK 2488230 NULL starfighter9 S P A G H E T T I 2488330 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse HAHAHAHAHA 2488340 NULL DrStrangecraft AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 2488850 NULL Sekaszy kek 2488860 NULL CuriousAnon maybe now you want to take that defender out 2488880 NULL moonawoona HOLY SHIT 2489060 NULL MaxPiston PURPLE 2489290 NULL CraigPhillips HAHAHAHAHAHA 2489770 NULL Kekkels FUCK YOU MASUDA 2490190 NULL C3K kek 2490320 NULL indistrikable SPAGHETTI 2490400 NULL JohnHayabusa lel 2490420 NULL ljansson HOLY SHIT 2491350 NULL TWAIN is this WC2014 2491490 NULL Kekkels YOU FUCKING NIGGER 2491510 NULL HTlel MANLETS 2491950 NULL Chefirchik HAHHAAHHAAHAHHAAH 2492420 NULL greatwhitedav REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2492470 NULL JohnHayabusa HAHAHAHAHA 2492620 NULL Bl1nky NOT LIKE THIS 2492720 NULL AnsisMalins HOVERBALL 2492950 NULL amis lel 2493620 NULL Bopnan >>>>>>>>>>>>>/vp/ 2493720 NULL Leviath just 2493860 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2494080 NULL ShoahLePoof FUCKING NORMALFAGS 2494660 NULL lyrafag2 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2494760 NULL MrAegis >MASUDA 2495150 NULL Gandarn THE VIRGIN GOAL 2495360 NULL Sekaszy reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2495900 NULL TotallyNotRigged REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2495970 NULL Chefirchik FROM ABUSE 2496390 NULL TomDanTheRock FUCKING NORMALFAGS 2496520 NULL EternalWojak WHAT THE FUCK 2497090 NULL valenmedia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2497260 NULL donatrog NO 2497370 NULL Veldt86 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2497480 NULL BasedPonyfag FIRST GOAL IS AN OWN GOAL 2498140 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION! 2498400 NULL AitorKarankasci REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2498430 NULL tonyisacuck >PES 2498550 NULL athewj REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2499160 NULL trya REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2499330 NULL silvertear >OWN GOAL 2500070 NULL Janner1588 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2500510 NULL HltierOnTheLeft DAY OF THE /r9k/E DAY OF THE /r9k/E DAY OF THE /r9k/E DAY OF 2500650 NULL Gortef WEW 2500890 NULL Prozach HAHAHAHA I DON'T KNOW 2500920 NULL JohnHayabusa OWN GOAL 2501710 NULL magikarpsalesman VIRGIN SCORE VS CHAD OWN GOAL 2501820 NULL sakex7 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2502050 NULL surepro REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2502690 NULL Sekaszy kek 2503110 NULL Giovani1906 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2503990 NULL Witchita REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2504270 NULL 4thReichWithPonies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2504520 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2504780 NULL JohnHayabusa HAHAHAAHAHA 2505310 NULL rustledjimmy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2506180 NULL mrvdweller TOPPPU KEKKU 2506730 NULL wasad PES 18 when 2506830 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2507000 NULL IncomingNumbers THANKS JOHN 2507340 NULL TomDanTheRock OsFrog 2508170 NULL OldManInternets Wohohohohoh! 2508340 NULL Shafoe The first goal of the tournament is an Own Goal.....kehehe 2509190 NULL Chefirchik CHAD GOT TO THEIR HEAD 2509220 NULL DragonPussy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2509240 NULL ItAintMeme >the virgin own goal 2509420 NULL NuclearFissionRobot oh dear 2510430 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION!! 2510590 NULL Talf REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2510800 NULL trya ./vp/ is the new [r9k] 2511480 NULL clingingmars REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2511690 NULL Giddythefuckup KEKKELLLS 2512540 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION!!! 2512680 NULL ChowderSoup >the virgin own goal 2512800 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat WELCOME TO THE LOATHING DERBY 2513080 NULL Jomaca32 OWN FUCKING GOAL 2513610 NULL Kekkels YOU FUCKING YELLOW BASTARD 2514510 NULL EMBRACE1818 REEEEEEEEEEE 2514540 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2514690 NULL epinfrogposter REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2514710 NULL moonawoona ./vp/ BTFO 2515130 NULL TopLelM8 Press R to let out you own special little REEE 2515190 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION!!!!! 2515840 NULL greatwhitedav REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2515850 NULL indistrikable I FEEL JUST FINE WHEN I'M ON MY OWN 2515880 NULL JohnHayabusa WE WINTER 16 NOW :D 2516180 NULL valenmedia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2516940 NULL themerchantofbenis WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 2517060 NULL McMelanogaster PLANTED DEFENSE 2517190 NULL TWAIN quality OG 2517450 NULL itsacoaster REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2517830 NULL amis pls no 2517960 NULL ItAintMeme REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2518430 NULL Gandarn REEEEEE 2518600 NULL Us3rmane REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2518980 NULL lyrafag2 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2519350 NULL Gortef REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2519460 NULL magikarpsalesman FUCKING LEL 2519840 NULL HanakoToast THANKS MASUDA 2520070 NULL 4CCanes HEEL TRICK 2520750 NULL Giovani1906 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2520770 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2520850 NULL Bopnan REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2521030 NULL Noteperson >/r9k/ STILL with no shots on target 2521160 NULL Chefirchik REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2521220 NULL Leviath REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee 2521380 NULL Linkun Reee 2521530 NULL Linearbarrel ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▄█▀▀░░░░░░▀▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▄█▀▄██▄░░░░ 2522850 NULL EternalWojak REEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2522870 NULL Gandarn REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2522880 NULL Noteperson HAHAHAHA 2523430 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2524360 NULL telly23 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2524450 NULL Giddythefuckup SACK 2524870 NULL HTlel fuck both these teams lmaooooo 2525530 NULL wormy97 REEEEEEE 2526440 NULL TomDanTheRock TOPKEK 2526740 NULL amis i used to like this horn >:( 2527250 NULL Janner1588 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2527750 NULL Sekaszy ?NO REPLAY 2527940 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2527950 NULL yuukafu masuda does it again 2528410 NULL Shevanel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2529080 NULL polybius REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2529160 NULL rustledjimmy :thinking: 2529210 NULL ggiddyup REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2529310 NULL Veldt86 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2530330 NULL AirlineFood74 >LEAVE JOHN GAMEFREAK IN >SCORES AN OG 2531120 NULL 3017Yr REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2531820 NULL wormy97 REEEE 2532120 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! 2532120 NULL ChowderSoup SAVE IT 2532250 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION! 2533230 NULL Talf FOREVER OWN GOAL 2535330 NULL BasedPonyfag REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2535490 NULL Leviath the goal was aesthetic as fuck tho 2535670 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2536000 NULL indistrikable REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2536690 NULL Bendeboni based as fuck 2537580 NULL DragonPussy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2538010 NULL ItAintMeme wew to the lad 2538500 NULL Bonedark >/vp/ hitting itself in confusion 2538830 NULL BiggestGuyForYou IT HIT ITSELF IN CONFUSION!! 2539130 NULL Snowmanne Haha, I don't know! 2539380 NULL CraigPhillips oh my god 2542520 NULL Giddythefuckup >PAVAL 2543480 NULL Bajonius VP VIRGIN POKEMON 2543690 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw own goal 2544650 NULL CraigPhillips that was fucking magic 2544720 NULL Vae-00 FUCKING RIP 2544780 NULL NuclearFissionRobot What is it with opening matches and own goals 2545740 NULL tiggles >r9k will win with 0 shots on target 2545770 NULL Bopnan FIRST MATCH. OWN GOAL. 2547090 NULL drmchsr0 BUY METAL GEAR SURVIVE 2548650 NULL TomDanTheRock >tfw own goal 2549100 NULL JohnHayabusa >tfw no own goal 2550210 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEE 2551410 NULL Chefirchik >Replay 2551550 NULL BlueLogic >first goal of the cup an own goal 2551700 NULL EternalWojak WINTER 16 2552090 NULL Giddythefuckup LITERALLY U S A 2554280 NULL donatrog Winter 2016 2554320 NULL TopLelM8 Chat would you please keep the REEEEE's down to a minimum. My cat is 2554400 NULL BlueLogic this bodes well 2554780 NULL 4thReichWithPonies talk shit get scored on 2555780 NULL ShoahLePoof >marcelel 2557210 NULL RoiDadidou WINTER 16 AND WINTER 12 2557220 NULL Shafoe own goal lol 2558300 NULL JohnHayabusa Winter 16 2560960 NULL donatrog They drew tho? 2561800 NULL MrAegis yeah, that was Brazil 2562260 NULL CraigPhillips OKAY, so this cup IS off to an interesting start 2563410 NULL AirlineFood74 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2564510 NULL ItAintMeme REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2564980 NULL themerchantofbenis >chicken tendies exchanged for good boy points 2568830 NULL Jomaca32 THE CHAD GOAL, DIDN'T MAKE ANY GOALS, STILL WIN THE GAME 2572260 NULL athewj :@ 2574560 NULL OctopusChan r9k to win cup 2579390 NULL LewisMcLew >Merzbow 2583310 NULL drmchsr0 THE VIRGIN SHOT ON TARGET 2584240 NULL telly23 WELL FAGS WE'RE OFF TO A GREAT START AREN'T WE 2585750 NULL TomDanTheRock >DONT SHOOT ON GOAL > WIN 2586630 NULL drmchsr0 THE CHAD OWN GOAL 2587620 NULL BiggestGuyForYou YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO TAME THE DEFENDER 2587760 NULL MrAegis >Backthony Stabano 2589170 NULL Hlaalucaust >tfw the other teamwins for you 2593220 NULL JohnHayabusa >/mu/ 2595030 NULL TotallyNotRigged D E L I C I O U S 2595580 NULL TotallyNotRigged T E N D I E S 2595900 NULL TomDanTheRock >that kid 2598250 NULL JohnHayabusa ./jp/ 2598980 NULL MacDub47 It hurts itself in it's confusion 2603550 NULL Giddythefuckup RIP 0 shots 2604910 NULL BasedBrady Who is commentating ? 2606830 NULL Noteperson Commentator curse strikes again. 2607580 NULL NuclearFissionRobot my hands hurt from clapping 2607600 NULL Vae-00 The virgin own goal versus the chad score. 2616500 NULL MrAegis RIP victory with no shots on target 2616670 NULL JohnHayabusa ./jp/ and /mu/ did own goals last cup 2616690 NULL ShoahLePoof I TRIED SO HARD 2617210 NULL JohnnyBravofit that shot was off target 2617760 NULL TotallyNotRigged It hurt itself in its confusion 2618800 NULL ShoahLePoof AND GOT SO FAR 2620000 NULL TotallyNotRigged It hurt itself in its confusion. 2621480 NULL CraigPhillips
the virgin float 2909130 NULL IncomingNumbers I blame the staduim 2910370 NULL MrAegis SAVE REPLAY 2912950 NULL Noteperson Save the replay 2914280 NULL JohnHayabusa Press :clap: for /r9k/ 2916330 NULL moonawoona wew 2918620 NULL BiggestGuyForYou FUCKING CHINK CUNT 2919830 NULL athewj good effort 2922980 NULL MaxPiston >7(0) 2924380 NULL buttfield vp started summer off a 1-0 meme game too 2927650 NULL valenmedia >7(0) 2927800 NULL tonyisacuck >pavlel 2928080 NULL Jorleif PAVEL 2928150 NULL JohnHayabusa >7(0) 2928950 NULL Noteperson >ZERO >SHOTS >ON >TARGET 2929160 NULL AirlineFood74 >7(0) 2930460 NULL HTlel paval pls 2931870 NULL MerkaST >7(0) 2932330 NULL surepro >7(0) 1 2932960 NULL CraigPhillips
fun 3168400 NULL TotallyNotRigged [s4s] is nice board :) 3168830 NULL HiAnon PLAY THE HYPE MACHINE ALT BORIS 3169860 NULL silvertear >A leaf having fun 3170880 NULL ChowderSoup >fun 3171130 NULL BiggestGuyForYou TJ """""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi 3174960 NULL silvertear what is this world coming to 3176000 NULL CraigPhillips GRAB YOUR RAKES, BOYS 3178930 NULL JohnHayabusa Is the result of this match worth noting in the cup's wiki? 3181830 NULL OGRO I'd be suprsie 3183360 NULL Megabeastage GET OUT 3183960 NULL TotallyNotRigged TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""""""""" Yos 3185620 NULL 4thReichWithPonies NORMIE REEEEEEEEE 3187170 NULL Bajabberwabbers ESFOURES 3188660 NULL ChowderSoup REEEEEEEEE 3189560 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3191050 NULL TomDanTheRock Daily reminder that /a/ mods are faggots 3191990 NULL ItAintMeme REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3192010 NULL natsuwide :freaked: 3192060 NULL OGRO REEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3193150 NULL amis AAAAAAA 3193670 NULL RaduLykan MEGAMAN 3193930 NULL Megabeastage REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3195450 NULL TomDanTheRock AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3198890 NULL ChowderSoup Thats a big girl 3199180 NULL DeleteCancer REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3200170 NULL sakex7 GET OUT 3200340 NULL TomDanTheRock RED SES 3200900 NULL JohnHayabusa TJ """""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yoshi 3201000 NULL Sleelan >/////////////s4s/////////////// 3201800 NULL Shevanel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3202270 NULL OGRO BASED MODS VS CUCK MODS 3203290 NULL Leviath GET OUT 3204290 NULL OGRO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3205370 NULL Goldomen It's dime 3206370 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3208380 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3209200 NULL ItAintMeme NORMANS OUT 3209650 NULL surepro REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3209680 NULL moonawoona REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3212290 NULL Megabeastage REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3212670 NULL TomDanTheRock NORMANS OUT REEEEEEEEE 3215250 NULL lesbiansubplot REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3216000 NULL DragonPussy BAKURUTSU BAKURUTSU LA LA LA 3216320 NULL Sekaszy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3216630 NULL NIPPLE-BAN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3216790 NULL Melkor86 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3219520 NULL Giddythefuckup REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3220850 NULL Jorleif >That AWOO~ 3221430 NULL DrStrangecraft REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3224490 NULL JohnHayabusa Megumeme <3 3224870 NULL themerchantofbenis t. Saxon 3225050 NULL Leviath REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3227540 NULL ItAintMeme REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3229050 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3230450 NULL NotAnArgument >wagies at work 3231140 NULL EMBRACE1818 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3231310 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3232160 NULL Melkor86 FUCK OFF MOM 3233670 NULL ChowderSoup REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3235470 NULL butterfingeranon damn I really like this song 3236860 NULL CraigPhillips that distant mom bitching 3238850 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >tfw no explosion gf 3239520 NULL ChowderSoup ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI 3242010 NULL TomDanTheRock NORMIESS 3242310 NULL 3017Yr RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3243930 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEE 3244760 NULL trya REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3245130 NULL Megabeastage REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3245460 NULL Gutsybird OJAMAJO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3246850 NULL HTlel frogcore 3250570 NULL Shevanel RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3254110 NULL Chefirchik REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3254460 NULL BasedPonyfag dat victory anthem :ok: 3254930 NULL HiAnon NORMIES GET OUTTTTTtttttTTT 3257390 NULL ItAintMeme p a t r i c i a n 3258850 NULL Talf GET OOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT 3259980 NULL You-soro PATRICIAN 3263670 NULL ChowderSoup :ok: 3264210 NULL Hlaalucaust REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3268370 NULL trya :metal: ujelly :ok: 3269700 NULL Melkor86 I hate normies so much. 3271480 NULL telly23 >"victory" 3275030 NULL JohnHayabusa REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3277730 NULL ChowderSoup Ree 3279140 NULL TomDanTheRock ree 3281430 NULL Bonedark kek 3281730 NULL moonawoona reeeee 3282110 NULL silvertear GO [S4S]! 3282810 NULL BiggestGuyForYou R E E E E E E E E E 3284530 NULL Sekaszy RE 3284570 NULL BasedPonyfag REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3291990 NULL TomDanTheRock REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3293640 NULL TotallyNotRigged SNEK COURT ISSSSSSS IN SSSSESSION 3298280 NULL trya lol 3298620 NULL IncomingNumbers re 3302370 NULL TomDanTheRock ree. 3302860 NULL ChowderSoup Need to keep that purple Quality on 3302940 NULL IncomingNumbers re: 3303530 NULL Sekaszy :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: 3304260 NULL ShimaShim https://i.imgur.com/M16q3Ne.jpg 3307520 NULL Shevanel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3309980 NULL thanksdoc1 why is sakurafish still on the team? he's dead you know? 3316940 NULL BiggestGuyForYou >I want to fug Keksandra's big tiddies 3319780 NULL ChowderSoup EVERY DAY 3321030 NULL TomDanTheRock Because /a/s mods are faggots 3323360 NULL CitrusFresh he lives on in our hearts 3325290 NULL DrDtroit Because it's the board's team not the mod's team (^: 3325910 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat how long is this "victory" anthem 3326640 NULL CuriousAnon i thought you couldnt move players around on day 1 3327860 NULL butterfingeranon what's the name of this song? 3328690 NULL IncomingNumbers wait isn't changing formations on day 1 not kosher 3334900 NULL AnacondaHamilton this is /a/'s to lose tbh 3335950 NULL thanksdoc1 MODS = BTFO 3337180 NULL ChowderSoup RIGGED 3337710 NULL ShoahLePoof REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3337950 NULL TomDanTheRock REE 3339170 NULL IncomingNumbers ITS. RIGGED. 3339710 NULL McMelanogaster REEEEEEEEE 3340440 NULL BiggestGuyForYou REEE 3340740 NULL butterfingeranon is it just "Normies Ree"? 3341200 NULL TotallyNotRigged >RED AWOO 3342130 NULL RoiDadidou YEE 3342380 NULL OGRO yee 3343690 NULL JejRer jej 3343790 NULL sakex7 YEE 3344460 NULL natsuwide yee 3344660 NULL BiggestGuyForYou YEEE 3344910 NULL ChowderSoup RIGGLED 3345550 NULL trya yee~ 3345970 NULL getoutofjpagain everyone liked it so sakurafish has no reason to exist anymor 3346400 NULL TopLelM8 I heard t h a t Y E E 3347360 NULL TotallyNotRigged RED AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3349200 NULL Chefirchik yee 3354100 NULL shinyrei I unironically like that anthem 3355450 NULL HiAnon PLAY THE HYPE MACHINE 3360030 NULL Veldt86 Press H to headbang 3362340 NULL BiggestGuyForYou It's the most wonderful time 3364660 NULL BiggestGuyForYou of the YEEEEEEEE 3367430 NULL NuclearFissionRobot @PAVALDATSACK @Marqod did that video ever download? 3367450 NULL thanksdoc1 rigged 3370550 NULL moonawoona RIGGED 3371800 NULL Chefirchik H 3371990 NULL ChowderSoup RIGGED 3374260 NULL TopLelM8 RIGGED 3377040 NULL ManfredTheMemer >ROGGELD 3377900 NULL 4thReichWithPonies RIGGED 3382700 NULL BasedPonyfag RIGGED 3386880 NULL mrvdweller MINUTES SINCE LAST RIG: 0 3388190 NULL thanksdoc1 can i move? :DDDD 3388250 NULL ChowderSoup NO 3399380 NULL LewisMcLew :cauldron: UMA DELICIA 3400080 NULL clingingmars FUCKING RIGGED 3403320 NULL JejRer this is a nice game 3403390 NULL ManfredTheMemer The Chad Rig 3403790 NULL ChowderSoup >drinking the handbook 3405840 NULL kyubeyface did he just like.... rig it? 3406730 NULL TotallyNotRigged RIGGITY ROGGITY ROGGLE DOGGLE 3408580 NULL CitrusFresh FUCKING NORMIE DRINKING WITH FRIENDS 3409240 NULL thanksdoc1 LEL 3410190 NULL TomDanTheRock RIGGED 3412310 NULL TomDanTheRock ALREADY RIGGED 3412330 NULL BiggestGuyForYou does keksandra still have massive tits? asking for a friend 3412350 NULL Noteperson >PAVAL 3415520 NULL ice8house rigged game 3423580 NULL 4thReichWithPonies ALL HAIL LELOUCH 3431110 NULL thanksdoc1 big fat doink 3431330 NULL ChowderSoup DOINK 3432190 NULL surepro ROGGLED 3432320 NULL Chefirchik come on Lelouch, carry this lot 3433560 NULL MacDub47 Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? 3439080 NULL BasedPonyfag Nanoseconds since last rigging: 0 3439850 NULL ChowderSoup FINDS A WAY 3440430 NULL tonyisacuck FINDS 3442920 NULL Pooterre NOT THAT 3443450 NULL Veldt86 How bad are /FUCKING SHIT/ gonna lose lads? 3443710 NULL polybius N-NANI?! 3446200 NULL Snowmanne Way status: [x] FOUND 3446270 NULL amis what if bebop was a girl. wait he is 3446630 NULL AnsisMalins It's already rigged! 3450890 NULL IncomingNumbers here comes the throughball 3453960 NULL ChowderSoup O 3454910 NULL tonyisacuck O 3459840 NULL JohnHayabusa O 3462790 NULL lnue if /a/ doesnt win against those shitty memers 3463230 NULL Snowmanne MY 3463840 NULL bersl2 YOU RIGGED IT; YOU CAN'T UN-RIG IT 3465130 NULL thanksdoc1 O 3466030 NULL CraigPhillips THAT?? 3470830 NULL IncomingNumbers NANI? 3472630 NULL BiggestGuyForYou KEIT-AI FINDS A WAY 3474080 NULL trya Wow, I can't fucking wait for /a/ to lose. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those wea 3474730 NULL JohnHayabusa THAT 3480000 NULL Linearbarrel >implying /i/ 3480550 NULL Bonedark You are a happy accident :D 3480840 NULL EternalWojak >/ic/ 3484630 NULL ChowderSoup >/ic/ 3486010 NULL thanksdoc1 inb4 fetus 3491650 NULL Adie are you listening to her song? 3493110 NULL surepro Wow, I can't fucking wait for /a/ to lose. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those 3494420 NULL JohnHayabusa >/ic/ 3494820 NULL EternalWojak i just wanna see baseball's physics again 3496180 NULL 4thReichWithPonies F 3498390 NULL CraigPhillips I need to commentate a game as Skeletor again for Halloween 3500240 NULL IncomingNumbers thin benis 3501330 NULL ChowderSoup I remember a game where the commentators did that 3507130 NULL Veldt86 NYAAAAA 3508430 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Does anyone have any nudes of Yotsuba? I can't seem to find 3509950 NULL TotallyNotRigged PLEASE DO, CRAIG 3511040 NULL Melkor86 yes you do 3514850 NULL You-soro Tako taka 3515980 NULL ChowderSoup BAN THAT MAN 3519780 NULL JohnHayabusa Hi, I am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my 3523970 NULL Chefirchik DISGUSTING 3525400 NULL TotallyNotRigged also Table-Kun pls 3526620 NULL Alfonso13 Hi, I am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my cou 3528940 NULL HiAnon every1 has a waifu 3534540 NULL trya Hi, I am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country 3536240 NULL TotallyNotRigged and yours is shit 3537360 NULL Snowmanne THAT 3537490 NULL TotallyNotRigged :^) 3537810 NULL ChowderSoup THAT?!?! 3539260 NULL EternalWojak that 3541130 NULL KingLear
better than the last one 3885476 NULL Noteperson WE DEMAND A DO OVER 3885676 NULL Chefirchik Come on /a/! 3886026 NULL OGRO HIKARI IS BEST GIRL 3888146 NULL Jorleif OPS 3888236 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGED 3888666 NULL Giddythefuckup KEK 3888796 NULL DragonPussy TRUCK-KUN IS BEST BOY 3889606 NULL ChowderSoup woops 3890486 NULL Shevanel HE'S MAGICAL FAT 3891986 NULL NuclearFissionRobot there is an issue there 3892766 NULL RoiDadidou > 3894246 NULL BiggestGuyForYou SHE'S FAT 3894806 NULL IncomingNumbers update the game tips you ding dong 3894946 NULL ChowderSoup SHE'S FAT 3895076 NULL ShimaShim O MY RIGGED DO OVER 3896146 NULL Gortef KEK 3897776 NULL Jomaca32 this game doesnt have to do much to be better than the last one 3898386 NULL You-soro FAT FUJO 3898616 NULL Shevanel BATEMAN 3898906 NULL CitrusFresh OH MY RIGGED CUP 3900716 NULL Bonedark XE FAT 3901596 NULL ShamefulDisplay Rigglypuff 3901596 NULL Jorleif XE'S FAT 3902446 NULL ShoahLePoof press K to kneel 3903156 NULL telly23 IT'S FAT 3903596 NULL Giddythefuckup SHES FAT 3905226 NULL Jorleif K 3905966 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse ;_;7 3906066 NULL BoxDweller ;_;7 3906586 NULL Snowmanne ;_;7 3906896 NULL Mantis HE'S GAY 3907616 NULL JohnHayabusa RIGGED GUP 3907686 NULL HanakoToast ;_;7 3907776 NULL amis K 3908016 NULL Shevanel ;_;7 3909166 NULL AitorKarankasci *kneels* 3909206 NULL JohnHayabusa ;_;7 3909286 NULL Gortef ;_;7 3909436 NULL Jorleif ;_;7 3910446 NULL Veldt86 XE'S FAT 3910466 NULL Shitwaifu ;_;7 3910756 NULL AirlineFood74 K 3910936 NULL epinfrogposter kneels 3912406 NULL bersl2 K 3912526 NULL starfighter9 ;_;7 3912836 NULL Vae-00 XE'S FAT 3913226 NULL sekmad RIGGED 3913896 NULL Chefirchik ;_;7 3913996 NULL ljansson ;_;7 3915446 NULL Jomaca32 ;_;7 3916786 NULL Alfonso13 THEY ARE FAT 3917336 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat HE/SHE/IT'S FAT 3917466 NULL JejRer Rip akarin ;_;7 3917526 NULL TWAIN kneels 3917956 NULL RoiDadidou I CAN FEEL DUBS CHECKING IN THE AIR TONIGHT 3919666 NULL AsrielDreemurr ;_;7 3919936 NULL Leviath ;_;7 3922516 NULL RoiDadidou OH SWAGLORD 3923066 NULL ShimaShim O MY ;_;7 3923956 NULL ChowderSoup Thats a big truck 3924206 NULL amis GB <3 3924516 NULL Jorleif ARRR HAIR REROUCH 3924686 NULL GoonerBear kneels 3925146 NULL FELOOx XE'S FAT 3925666 NULL Shevanel HE'S MAGICAL FAT 3925856 NULL ashtoneer PRESS K TO KNEEL 3926866 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU *kneels* 3927436 NULL Helbrecht THIS IS NICE BOARD 3928526 NULL dankmaymayqueck IT'S /a/'S YEAR BABY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3929976 NULL NuclearFissionRobot are we sure it's an /lgbt/ reff? it looks a bit /cgl/ to 3930086 NULL Vae-00 GB <3 3930676 NULL wasad K 3930946 NULL AitorKarankasci K 3931026 NULL 2pirad *kneels* 3932176 NULL lAlexl7l k 3932456 NULL FELOOx K 3933366 NULL Us3rmane K 3933446 NULL Username6 K 3934596 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU k 3935116 NULL TWAIN K 3935316 NULL SpicyFruitcake ses 3936406 NULL bersl2 uuuuu 3936756 NULL Bonedark Xir is not fat, xir just has big bones and fuck drumpf and fuck whit 3936816 NULL Shevanel K 3936926 NULL JejRer K 3938086 NULL DrStrangecraft K 3938426 NULL IncomingNumbers all this planted /vp/ 3939226 NULL BiggestGuyForYou KEKSANDRA'S TITS <3 3939476 NULL Jorleif EEEEHHHHHHHH? 3940726 NULL JohnHayabusa Tsubasa <3 3943186 NULL LiruisloveLiruislife AWOO 3943806 NULL BoxDweller awoo~ 3945546 NULL Us3rmane AWOO TITS 3945976 NULL SpicyFruitcake AWOO 3946456 NULL sekmad BOO 3946966 NULL Gortef AWOOO 3947226 NULL butterfingeranon SOME 3947266 NULL TopLelM8 AWOO tbh lads 3947546 NULL dankmaymayqueck AWOO 3948126 NULL sekmad BOOO 3948306 NULL ShoahLePoof SOME BODY 3948406 NULL BoxDweller SMOrc 3948566 NULL BlueLogic AWOO~ 3949136 NULL You-soro AWOOO 3949406 NULL ChowderSoup Nice tits 3949976 NULL Jorleif AWOO 3950256 NULL HanakoToast someBODY 3950286 NULL Shevanel AWOO~ 3950596 NULL Janner1588 AWOOOOOOOOOO 3950666 NULL SpicyFruitcake SOME 3951646 NULL ashtoneer awoo~ 3951906 NULL epinfrogposter someBODY 3951966 NULL magikarpsalesman AW-LEWD 3952116 NULL moonawoona AWOO 3952986 NULL mrvdweller awoo~ 3953446 NULL sekmad BOO 3953796 NULL JohnHayabusa SOMEBODY 3953826 NULL Chefirchik AWOOO= 3956116 NULL r4nd0mz AWOOO 3956846 NULL ItAintMeme ses 3957586 NULL EMBRACE1818 AWOOOO~ 3957666 NULL DragonPussy what a nice grill 3959086 NULL butterfingeranon ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA ROLL ME 3960826 NULL lAlexl7l AWOOOOOOO 3962166 NULL amis 4Head 3964206 NULL SpicyFruitcake WELL 3964646 NULL butterfingeranon I AIN'T THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED. 3965726 NULL GiddyupDeusVult WELL 3967646 NULL ChowderSoup Nice grill has no arms 3968576 NULL Jomaca32 WELL THE YEARS START COMING 3968776 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 3972636 NULL JejRer Kogasa has small rack, rigged 3972896 NULL Alfonso13 SOME 3974396 NULL ChowderSoup DONT STOP COMING 3976176 NULL DragonPussy WELL 3977816 NULL Janner1588 SO MUCH TO DO 3978106 NULL BiggestGuyForYou HEY BANE 3979236 NULL lAlexl7l would you fug an awooo girl? 3979456 NULL moonhorseabest >Rei 3980016 NULL BiggestGuyForYou TAKE THE MASK OFF 3982296 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat SO MUCH TO DO SO MUCH TO SEE 3983486 NULL BiggestGuyForYou YOU'RE A BIG GUIY 3984596 NULL Sekaszy >vanilla all star 3984926 NULL bersl2 yes 3985176 NULL Us3rmane FINDS 3985276 NULL Gortef HEY NOW 3985636 NULL Us3rmane A 3987296 NULL Us3rmane WAY 3987636 NULL Alfonso13 WOULD I? 3988776 NULL Janner1588 HEY NOW 3995266 NULL Shevanel RIGGED 3995386 NULL epinfrogposter RIGGED 3995426 NULL Witchita WOULD YOU? 3995516 NULL Kekkels RIGGED 3997506 NULL ashtoneer Final score 3-1 [s4s], I saw the script 3997986 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat RIGGY DIGGY 3999736 NULL SpicyFruitcake RIGGED 4001166 NULL Fapoleono RIGGED 4001776 NULL 03Qrency ALREADY RIGGED 4002076 NULL valenmedia FUCKING RIGGED 4002096 NULL Shitwaifu EARLY RIGGING 4002216 NULL RoiDadidou PRESS 4 IF YOU REMEMBER THE 4KIDS DUB OF MAGICAL DOREMI 4002256 NULL ShoahLePoof RIGGY DIGGY 4002586 NULL You-soro RIGGING 4002866 NULL ChowderSoup RIGGED 4003676 NULL 4thReichWithPonies REEEEEEEEE 4003716 NULL DrStrangecraft RIGGED 4003766 NULL valenmedia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4005306 NULL EternalWojak rigged 4005556 NULL DrStrangecraft REDO 4006076 NULL AitorKarankasci RIGGED 4006386 NULL tonyisacuck ░░░█▀▀▄░█░▄▀▀▄░▄▀▀▄░█▀▀░█▀▀▄░░░░ ░░░█▀▀▄░█░█░▄▄░█░▄▄░█▀░░█░░█░░░░ 4006656 NULL Jorleif 4 4006676 NULL Alfonso13 Eh, yeah I guess 4007116 NULL Jomaca32 RIGGED 4008536 NULL Prozach NOT RIGGED 4008826 NULL ashtoneer rrreeeeeeeeeee 4009516 NULL mrvdweller PAUSE ABUSE 4009796 NULL BoxDweller rigged 4010086 NULL sekmad rigged 4011016 NULL Helbrecht RIGGINING INTENSIFIES 4011126 NULL mrvdweller RIGGED 4014116 NULL You-soro PAUSE ABUSE 4014296 NULL BasedPonyfag NOT RIGGED 4015046 NULL Giovani1906 RIGGED 4015216 NULL LeTako -0 4015636 NULL DragonPussy RIGGED 4015726 NULL Shevanel MEGUMEME 4016326 NULL wasad rigged because the pause 4017576 NULL epinfrogposter ABSOLUTELY REEEEEGGED 4017626 NULL lnue MEGUMIN 4018276 NULL Giovani1906 ABOOSE 4018416 NULL ChowderSoup MEGAMAN 4020296 NULL valenmedia MEGOOM 4021246 NULL 4thReichWithPonies MEGUMIN 4021906 NULL JohnHayabusa MEGUWIDE 4023306 NULL tonyisacuck alreaady more shots on target than /r9k/ 4024046 NULL magikarpsalesman MEGUM-OUT 4024826 NULL BiggestGuyForYou AWOO 4025366 NULL MrPhuui don't bully 4025476 NULL donatrog Eh? 4026436 NULL SpicyFruitcake SHE'S FLAT 4026726 NULL ChowderSoup ZING 4027666 NULL bersl2 It's still rigged 4028046 NULL 4thReichWithPonies DELET THIS 4032376 NULL natsuwide DFC 4033286 NULL Jorleif HAH 4034856 NULL lnue THICC 4037036 NULL dankmaymayqueck FLAT IS JUSTICE 4037776 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DUBS 4038026 NULL JohnHayabusa THICC 4038596 NULL Helbrecht NEVER SEEN BREASTS BEFORE? 4039456 NULL bersl2 It's just less rigged 4039856 NULL 4thReichWithPonies FLAT IS JUSTICE 4040306 NULL You-soro ROUGHLY 4041216 NULL wasad i want to see yunyun's breasts 4044776 NULL Jorleif >145CM 4049346 NULL Takaim I WANNA EXPLODE INSIDE MEGUMIN 4051086 NULL Snowmanne >lelutch 4051826 NULL thatguynamededd this is nice pitch 4052086 NULL natsuwide >nice 4052636 NULL ChowderSoup SMUG 4053606 NULL DragonPussy FLAT IS TRASH 4054246 NULL KingLear Amazing, breasts punched. 4055076 NULL BoxDweller rip 4057856 NULL Shevanel DED 4058506 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse ded 4058866 NULL JohnHayabusa NICE PTICH 4060166 NULL Veldt86 DED 4060406 NULL bersl2 it has lines 4060536 NULL Noteperson It has LINES 4061176 NULL JohnHayabusa Ded 4061226 NULL Shevanel RAPTOR 4061926 NULL Kekkels KEK 4062986 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon MOIDA 4064756 NULL ChowderSoup >trex 4066846 NULL Knoxie00 >T-REX 4066886 NULL JohnHayabusa ROAR 4067596 NULL ashtoneer >TREX 4068826 NULL BackgroundPony paval pls 4069596 NULL JohnHayabusa TOP KEK 4069606 NULL magikarpsalesman KEKVER GIRL 4070876 NULL You-soro >T REX 4071116 NULL Sekaszy top kek 4071286 NULL ashtoneer ARE YOU RETARDED 4071906 NULL Jorleif >T-REX 4071966 NULL moonawoona velociraptor 4072536 NULL JohnHayabusa TOP REX 4072866 NULL AirlineFood74 STARE-DOWN 4073246 NULL amis NA education :^) 4075626 NULL Veldt86 T-KEX 4079036 NULL BackgroundPony CLEVER GIRL 4080426 NULL TomDanTheRock almost went in 4081716 NULL CraigPhillips >raptor 4082196 NULL butterfingeranon RIGGY DIGGY 4084216 NULL CraigPhillips >no feathers 4084706 NULL You-soro EZ 4095296 NULL ChowderSoup NICE PITCH 4100486 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice classic simple pitch s4s 4111846 NULL Sekaszy >good match 4112156 NULL Noteperson Are you complaining about a nice, normal pitch? 4112156 NULL SpicyFruitcake it's about being nice 4113266 NULL moonawoona >having a good match >ever 4114236 NULL ManfredTheMemer polite 4117196 NULL BackgroundPony we all know it's a deinonychus 4118236 NULL bersl2 well, youd be suprise 4120496 NULL TWAIN nice amputee 4121046 NULL NuclearFissionRobot Nana willed it away 4122376 NULL Alfonso13 Nice 4128016 NULL amis lel ouch 4128786 NULL BoxDweller wew 4128846 NULL TwoScoops what happened to her arms 4129416 NULL TomDanTheRock AWOO~ 4130086 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice grass 4131356 NULL tonyisacuck >LELouch 4131716 NULL valenmedia >RURUSHU 4131996 NULL Shevanel lel ouch 4133836 NULL You-soro >LELOUCH 4134586 NULL Prozach EH? 4134606 NULL JohnHayabusa >Lelouch 4135096 NULL itsacoaster code gayass 4135796 NULL SpicyFruitcake lel ouch 4136156 NULL ChowderSoup NICE BREASTS 4137056 NULL IncomingNumbers the /a/ colusion is starting 4137966 NULL 03Qrency LELOUCH 4138126 NULL TomDanTheRock awoo almost lost them da game 4139286 NULL dankmaymayqueck LELOOTCH 4142056 NULL Veldt86 FUCK 4142366 NULL Giddythefuckup CLOSE 4143276 NULL Alfonso13 ALL HAIL FAILOUCH 4143846 NULL DragonPussy ALL HAIL THE LINES! 4144646 NULL BoxDweller SHIEEET 4145226 NULL moonawoona W I D E 4146636 NULL bersl2 404 4146796 NULL Bonedark >Chokesuba 4147066 NULL Shevanel YOTSUWIDE 4147456 NULL You-soro ERA 4147936 NULL 4thReichWithPonies WEW 4148756 NULL ChowderSoup Almost rare goal 4148976 NULL magikarpsalesman nice kick 4150346 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDE 4150436 NULL sekmad YOTSUBA NO 4150756 NULL BiggestGuyForYou 404 GOAL NOT FOUND 4151156 NULL SpicyFruitcake 404'd 4151186 NULL Noteperson GLORIOUS LINES 4151846 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat all according to keikaku 4151936 NULL TomDanTheRock Daily reminder /a/ mods hate Yotsuba too 4152246 NULL Veldt86 DA HOOTCHED 4152956 NULL CardboardBox NOTSUBA 4154256 NULL JohnHayabusa YOTSUWIDE 4155826 NULL Knoxie00 >BENALDY 4156186 NULL EternalWojak era? 4157506 NULL Noteperson I CAN SEE THE BOX 4158206 NULL Shevanel LE 404 GRILL 4158376 NULL mrvdweller NO ERA? 4159556 NULL natsuwide V& 4160636 NULL TomDanTheRock Daily reminder /a/ mods hate Yotsuba too LUL Daily reminder /a/ 4166636 NULL BasedPonyfag 404: GOAL NOT FOUND 4168996 NULL SpicyFruitcake >/a/ mods 4173146 NULL JohnHayabusa >/a/ mods 4174766 NULL SilentCook >mods 4175786 NULL ManfredTheMemer >Mods 4177256 NULL natsuwide FUCK ABIB 4178026 NULL JohnHayabusa >mods 4178546 NULL Alfonso13 > 4178966 NULL telly23 >12 minutes in >More shots than last match 4179206 NULL ShimaShim Any Katakurifags here? 4179726 NULL Helbrecht KILL ABIB 4180086 NULL Knoxie00 >/a/ MODS 4180236 NULL Chefirchik >/a/ mods 4181376 NULL CardboardBox のつば 4182306 NULL TomDanTheRock ABIB is going to delete /a/ 4183596 NULL DrStrangecraft >For free 4183886 NULL BoxDweller w-wew 4184476 NULL JejRer >upvote 4187326 NULL MaxPiston FOUND A WAY 4187606 NULL SpicyFruitcake DELETE ABIB 4187926 NULL ManfredTheMemer >> 4189686 NULL Alfonso13 >Penis 4191036 NULL dankmaymayqueck finds a way 4194326 NULL You-soro FINDS A WAY 4194406 NULL 4thReichWithPonies k-keep me posted 4196816 NULL mrvdweller ./a/ mods can't be worse than /v/ mods 4198036 NULL JohnHayabusa Looks like /a/ is not being nice today 4201096 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DIVING 4202956 NULL TomDanTheRock ded 4204446 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 4207146 NULL trya l-lewd! 4207196 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DEM TITS 4208406 NULL Bonedark >that scissoring 4208446 NULL ChowderSoup No bully yotsuba 4208966 NULL magikarpsalesman LWED 4210056 NULL CitrusFresh these are the same mods 4214316 NULL BasedPonyfag LEWD 4218186 NULL Jomaca32 Lewd 4218246 NULL JohnHayabusa Yotsuba <3 Keksandra OTP 4218306 NULL noncop >>>/a/ 4218576 NULL trya awoo~ 4222156 NULL moonawoona DOOT 4223266 NULL Noteperson The autism spectrum? 4223526 NULL Alfonso13 Puffy vulva 4224226 NULL GiddyupDeusVult AWOO~~ 4224416 NULL SpicyFruitcake DED 4225826 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 4231386 NULL NuclearFissionRobot swaglord ruses the /a/ offence 4231526 NULL ChowderSoup teh rei 4234026 NULL Alfonso13 Rember to check your #fortune and be nice every day 4235346 NULL Shevanel RIGGED 4238626 NULL moonhorseabest >literal subhuman 4243656 NULL SpicyFruitcake holy shit trashcast control your servers 4244906 NULL anonimoanonimez >wasting a timeout like this 4256166 NULL OldManSou >Trashcast 4259716 NULL ChowderSoup >/a/ 4263966 NULL IncomingNumbers ayy 4264996 NULL JejRer >ses 4267036 NULL trya >shitcast 4268046 NULL ShoahLePoof >needing more than one timeout 4273116 NULL Shevanel AWOO~ 4274496 NULL Knoxie00 AWOO~ 4274856 NULL NuclearFissionRobot AWOOO 4275736 NULL Kekkels AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4278436 NULL ChowderSoup AWOOOOOOOOO 4279596 NULL trya based awoo~ 4279646 NULL JohnHayabusa >Beboop 4281046 NULL moonawoona AWOOO 4281796 NULL JohnHayabusa AWOOOOOOOOOOO 4282316 NULL Alfonso13 Local girl goes GOAT 4282906 NULL OGRO >bebop 4283546 NULL mrvdweller AWOOO~ 4285476 NULL Noteperson >Breasts couldn't control it 4287636 NULL ChowderSoup YOOO 4289496 NULL magikarpsalesman PRESS S TO SPEAR BREASTS 4292596 NULL JohnHayabusa Nana 4293056 NULL Linearbarrel S 4295856 NULL Knoxie00 S 4296466 NULL Shevanel >LELOUCH 4296856 NULL lnue YOTSUBA 4297226 NULL Helbrecht Kogasa suffers from self-esteem problems, as she is easily pushed i 4297556 NULL SpicyFruitcake S 4298676 NULL valenmedia ERA PENAL 4299066 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat S 4299586 NULL lnue YOU SHOULD HAVE SHOT IT 4299636 NULL Veldt86 S 4299816 NULL DragonPussy s 4300876 NULL TWAIN lel 4301686 NULL trya >lel louch 4302236 NULL JohnHayabusa S 4305756 NULL Shevanel 404 4306446 NULL Snowmanne IT'S LELOUSH GOD DAMN IT 4306546 NULL butterfingeranon holy fuck what a match 4306676 NULL Noteperson ebin 4307426 NULL Sleelan EH? 4308176 NULL Linearbarrel ebin 4308636 NULL 4thReichWithPonies EH? 4309266 NULL JohnHayabusa 404 4309716 NULL Bonedark Ebin 4310366 NULL NuclearFissionRobot simply ebin 4311036 NULL JohnHayabusa EH? 4311136 NULL EternalWojak Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW o 4312146 NULL BoxDweller EH? 4312336 NULL ChowderSoup Yotsuba on fire 4314406 NULL Jorleif EEEEEHHHHHHHH? 4319246 NULL DragonPussy GOD DAMN IT LEOULUCH 4319336 NULL Prozach EH? carrying s4s 4319406 NULL telly23 yotsuba's in for bloog 4327546 NULL amis let's just say this was the first match 4334576 NULL ShoahLePoof ...@ 4334906 NULL Helbrecht he attempted this by starting a career in babysitting (which did no 4337506 NULL tiggles >bort 4337956 NULL noncop PENAL 4341456 NULL tonyisacuck >mugi 4341626 NULL dankmaymayqueck >a cute girl will never show you her nubile breasts out of pi 4343306 NULL RoiDadidou bert ;_; 4343716 NULL ChowderSoup >1 hour late 4345346 NULL BoxDweller MUGI DID NOTHING WRONG 4346186 NULL RoiDadidou sup mugi 4351256 NULL CitrusFresh sup mugi 4352726 NULL Veldt86 MY FATHER 4355406 NULL natsuwide gogogo 4356826 NULL JohnHayabusa sup mugi 4359256 NULL NuclearFissionRobot BAVI 4359836 NULL Shevanel >BEBOOP 4360336 NULL SpicyFruitcake TOOK ME INTO THE CITY 4360386 NULL ChowderSoup Go megaman 4362146 NULL ShadowRigger TOOK ME TO THE CITY 4362316 NULL trya bavi 4362546 NULL RoiDadidou BAVI 4363416 NULL Noteperson SO DANGEROUS 4363436 NULL Jorleif Mah Nugi 4363756 NULL butterfingeranon HORI SHETTU! 4364506 NULL TomDanTheRock a will win 4366626 NULL Helbrecht BAVI 4369636 NULL SpicyFruitcake BAVI 4370956 NULL Veldt86 TO SEE A MARCHING BAND 4373386 NULL noncop widesandra 4374586 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LE DUBS MAN 4376806 NULL butterfingeranon ho lee fuk 4377186 NULL itsacoaster CHOKESANDRA 4377356 NULL TomDanTheRock WIDESANDRA xD 4377756 NULL NuclearFissionRobot WIDE 4377846 NULL ayy10 widesandra 4377906 NULL Shevanel WIDESANDRA 4378116 NULL AnsisMalins s4s has a super slow attack 4378456 NULL sekmad 404 4379276 NULL amis kek, sandra 4380236 NULL ChowderSoup CHOKE 4380816 NULL trya wow i can't wait for /a/ to NOT score 4381516 NULL 0677h2esd >nearlly 4381926 NULL magikarpsalesman WEW 4382526 NULL JohnHayabusa WIDESANDRA 4383096 NULL TWAIN AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4383326 NULL You-soro WIDESANDRA 4384346 NULL OGRO CHOKESANDRA 4384736 NULL BackgroundPony wide 4385316 NULL sekmad CHOKE 4387906 NULL SpicyFruitcake KEKSAVE 4390246 NULL azereze ? 4392546 NULL CardboardBox FAKESANDRA 4394906 NULL trya keked and wided 4397356 NULL Alfonso13 KEKWIDANDRA 4398316 NULL dankmaymayqueck those are some nice titties though 4399186 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DEM TITTIES THOUGH 4400036 NULL BackgroundPony t h i c c s a n d r a 4400466 NULL Shevanel RIGGED 4400616 NULL CraigPhillips what a dumdum 4401206 NULL sekmad TRIPS CONFIRM WIN FOR /A/ 4402186 NULL newfig that kick was perfect tho 4403176 NULL TomDanTheRock >2(0) 4403786 NULL Chefirchik NICE TITS 4404296 NULL Melkor86 dem those boobs 4404716 NULL You-soro RIG 4406896 NULL trya big diddies :DD 4408616 NULL MrCopout >losing to the dick 4409906 NULL Alfonso13 Nice tits 4411466 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice tiddies 4412226 NULL IncomingNumbers quality baps 4414826 NULL Bonedark >oppai loli :@ 4417426 NULL noncop >[s4s] 4422706 NULL SpicyFruitcake Eh? You've never seen Keksandra's breasts before? 4424856 NULL Knoxie00 BENIS :DD 4432176 NULL BiggestGuyForYou of course keksandra wanted big dubs on her chest 4433006 NULL ChowderSoup :vampire: 4434126 NULL Alfonso13 PENIS :DD 4439386 NULL DragonPussy >not liking oppai lolis what are you gay? 4440776 NULL CardboardBox >TFW 4-3-1-1-1 IS THE FUTURE 4442626 NULL Tch0wk ayo hol up 4443676 NULL Bonedark >oppai """""""loli""""" :@ 4443776 NULL TomDanTheRock bengis :DD 4446576 NULL JejRer :/_ 4446596 NULL IncomingNumbers tiki taka on a formation like that? 4452416 NULL SpicyFruitcake b e n i s :DD 4453466 NULL JohnHayabusa >2(0) 4456656 NULL JohnHayabusa >for s4s 4461686 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 4466276 NULL JohnHayabusa >6(3) for /a/ 4470136 NULL noncop accel 4471746 NULL ashtoneer BATESHIT 4472206 NULL butterfingeranon wew 4472456 NULL BoxDweller V E C T O R S 4472456 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DUBS MAN 4473126 NULL Shevanel >BATEMAN 4473676 NULL Veldt86 WEW 4474156 NULL TomDanTheRock >BATESHIT 4474786 NULL Knoxie00 VECTORS 4475056 NULL NuclearFissionRobot nice save 4475296 NULL polybius VECTORS 4475686 NULL Bonedark WASTED 4476146 NULL Helbrecht BATEMAN 4476156 NULL Fapoleono >BATEMAN 4476696 NULL trya >b8man 4476806 NULL valenmedia VECTORS 4477276 NULL ChowderSoup VECTORS 4477306 NULL Kayblis based accel 4478266 NULL You-soro NO DUBS 4478836 NULL butterfingeranon >BATEMEM 4479096 NULL noncop V E C TO R S 4479786 NULL itsacoaster dubs unchecked 4480146 NULL RoiDadidou VECTORS 4480256 NULL starfighter9 VECTORED 4480526 NULL JohnHayabusa BATEMAN 4480886 NULL tiggles I HAVE TO RETURN SOME GOALS 4481526 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon VECTORS 4482516 NULL trya off by one 4484846 NULL SpicyFruitcake VECTORS 4484946 NULL JohnHayabusa THAT WAS BATE 4486446 NULL bersl2 Bated 4487656 NULL Leviath VECTORS 4488166 NULL Sleelan >/a/ >fans 4488176 NULL ashtoneer off by one 4489926 NULL TomDanTheRock ded 4490426 NULL trya awoo~ 4490926 NULL epinfrogposter DED 4491276 NULL Shevanel DED 4491836 NULL Giddythefuckup AWOO 4492176 NULL 4thReichWithPonies DED 4493296 NULL BiggestGuyForYou DED 4493386 NULL Tch0wk off by one lel 4494466 NULL moonawoona DED 4494596 NULL ashtoneer DED 4497316 NULL OGRO BATEMEH 4497326 NULL JohnHayabusa >Megu 4497746 NULL lnue THICC 4498026 NULL TomDanTheRock I CAST FOUL 4498446 NULL You-soro EXPLOSION 4498596 NULL Alfonso13 TRY TO SCORE SOME GOAL IN THE /4cc/ NOW, YOU ASSHOLE 4499166 NULL Helbrecht ebin :DDDDDDDD 4500366 NULL ChowderSoup >megaman 4500696 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon wrong exsplosion 4501436 NULL Bonedark hugs 4502026 NULL 2pirad hey that hand 4502856 NULL ShadowRigger crotchgrab 4503056 NULL BackgroundPony fingering raptor 4503176 NULL sekmad suck my [s4s] 4503426 NULL starfighter9 >megumeme 4503976 NULL magikarpsalesman LEWD 4505276 NULL Veldt86 EXPLODED 4506186 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 4506206 NULL 4thReichWithPonies LEWD 4508206 NULL ShoahLePoof EXPLODING KNEE 4508796 NULL telly23 LEWD 4509446 NULL Giddythefuckup NOM 4510146 NULL CraigPhillips making out with dinosaur 4510946 NULL BiggestGuyForYou LEWD AS FUCK 4511306 NULL JejRer Fingering trex 4511796 NULL Witchita LEWD 4512376 NULL Shadowborg don't grab megumin there 4513306 NULL RoiDadidou ebin 4514736 NULL ashtoneer RGKNEE 4515776 NULL DragonPussy lewd 4517936 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP Doggo 4518676 NULL TomDanTheRock 145 CM 40 kb 4519976 NULL ChadThundercock I M A G I N E 4520656 NULL BackgroundPony checking pusspuss for hidden weapons 4520756 NULL SpicyFruitcake lewd 4520976 NULL JejRer TREX 4522086 NULL Alfonso13 IMAGINE 4523766 NULL athewj >t rex 4524016 NULL ChowderSoup IMAGINE 4524746 NULL JohnHayabusa Nice butt, Megumeme 4526916 NULL 4thReichWithPonies BENDING HER OVER 4531366 NULL ShoahLePoof YOU'RE FUCKING SHIT 4532246 NULL ashtoneer CHECK EM 4532306 NULL GiddyupDeusVult CHECK THEM 4533526 NULL Twatenstein YES 4533786 NULL TomDanTheRock >/a/ 4534636 NULL epinfrogposter BATED 4535536 NULL Veldt86 CHECK EM 4535566 NULL NuclearFissionRobot IT'S IN 4535636 NULL butterfingeranon WEW 4535876 NULL Bopnan CHECKED 4535896 NULL noncop >/a/ >defense 4535896 NULL ChowderSoup YES 4536086 NULL Alfonso13 AND MANHANDLING 4536166 NULL Kekkels CHECKED 4536916 NULL sakex7 CHECKED 4537246 NULL Sleelan CHECK MY SINGLES 4537266 NULL BiggestGuyForYou CHECK EM 4537386 NULL Prozach CHECK EM 4537946 NULL ggiddyup CHECKED 4538026 NULL moonawoona GOOOOOOOOOOOOAL 4538216 NULL tiggles H I P 4538546 NULL BackgroundPony >/a/ 4539126 NULL sekmad NO NO NON 4539616 NULL Vae-00 BATEMAN CHECKS IN 4539916 NULL ashtoneer CHECKED 4540106 NULL CitrusFresh >>>>>>>>>/a/ 4540166 NULL Hlaalucaust CHECKD 4540286 NULL AnsisMalins AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4540386 NULL Noteperson ITS HIP 4540806 NULL DareISay CHECKED 4541436 NULL magikarpsalesman BATEMAN 4541556 NULL DrStrangecraft CHECKED 4541816 NULL Gainerich CHECK EM 4542066 NULL 3017Yr CHECKED 4542396 NULL CraigPhillips HIP 4542536 NULL TomDanTheRock CHECK EM 4542796 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon CHECK EM 4542836 NULL Janner1588 CHECK EM 4543266 NULL TWAIN CHECKED 4543616 NULL JohnHayabusa CHECKED 4543696 NULL Jomaca32 CHECKED 4543726 NULL rananon1 checked 4543746 NULL Giovani1906 CHECKED 4544626 NULL trya HEY PAUL 4545406 NULL Helbrecht CHECK EM 4546366 NULL CraigPhillips HIIIIIIIIIIIP 4546376 NULL Knoxie00 CHECKED 4546596 NULL SilentCook CHECKED 4546786 NULL HanakoToast CHECKED 4547586 NULL ShoahLePoof YOU'RE FUCKNIG SHIT 4547626 NULL Shevanel YOU'RE FUCKING SHIT 4547766 NULL JejRer Nice goal 4548076 NULL Fapoleono OOOH YES 4548596 NULL tiggles CHECKED 4548706 NULL EMBRACE1818 CHECK EM 4548786 NULL BlueLogic CHECKED 4549056 NULL Alfonso13 IT'S HIP TO SCORE A GOAL 4549746 NULL Witchita HIP @B 4550036 NULL ShadowRigger >/a/ 4550236 NULL Giovani1906 CHECK EM 4550686 NULL Perlence RENEGADE 4551376 NULL Knoxie00 HYP2B^2 4551826 NULL ChowderSoup CHECKED 4551956 NULL bersl2 CHECKED 4551976 NULL FELOOx CHECKED 4553876 NULL TomDanTheRock EEEEEEEEEE 4554306 NULL SpicyFruitcake CHECKED 4555836 NULL indistrikable I USED TO BE A RENEGADE 4556396 NULL AnsisMalins CHECKED 4557326 NULL GoonerBear NANANANANANANANA NANANANANANANANA BATEMAN 4557496 NULL Noteperson HIP 2 B SQUARE 4557986 NULL Janner1588 HIP TO BE SQUARE 4558036 NULL magikarpsalesman ITS HIP TO FUCK /A/ 4559516 NULL OldManInternets IT'S HYP TO BE SCORED 4559636 NULL MacDub47 CHECKEM 4560986 NULL Jomaca32 HEY PAUL!! 4564026 NULL clingingmars I NEED DUBS 4565186 NULL ashtoneer :DD:pistol: 4565936 NULL Talf HYP 4566176 NULL TomDanTheRock >>>>>>>>/a/ 4567256 NULL READYTODIEMLP TRY GETTING A TABLE AT DORSIA NOW YOU FUCK 4567696 NULL Suule HEY PAVAL 4567816 NULL TomDanTheRock :DD 4569426 NULL Melkor86 I USED TO FOOL AROUND 4570636 NULL HltierOnTheLeft HIP TO BE [] 4570716 NULL DragonPussy IT'S HIP TO FUCK BEES 4573016 NULL butterfingeranon >dubs 4573866 NULL sekmad NO NO 4574706 NULL LeTako IT'S HIP TO FUCK BEES 4574796 NULL EternalWojak HEY PAUL 4574826 NULL BackgroundPony IT'S HIP TO BE HYP 4575356 NULL butterfingeranon Nice! 4577676 NULL SteakHouse69 WE'RE GONNA WIN THE FUCKING CUP LADS 4579736 NULL epinfrogposter HYP TO BE SQUARE 4580496 NULL Alfonso13 This is nice goal 4581076 NULL Janner1588 I CAN TELL WHAT'S GOING ON 4581136 NULL DragonPussy NOICE 4581296 NULL moonawoona HIP TO BUCK FEES 4581306 NULL Veldt86 [=) 4582506 NULL ItAintMeme IT'S HIP TO BE SQUARE 4583046 NULL CardboardBox HIP 2 B ロ 4584356 NULL TWAIN quality play from keksandra there 4585416 NULL Leviath IT'S HIP TO BE SQUARE 4586336 NULL magikarpsalesman THAT FAKE 4587926 NULL tiggles A GOAL ON A FRIDAY AFTERNOON? HOW'D YOU SWING THAT? 4588816 NULL butterfingeranon PRESS D FOR DUBS 4590326 NULL sakex7 HIP TO BE SQUARE 4591816 NULL ashtoneer :DD :pistol: 4592506 NULL EternalWojak D 4593206 NULL SpicyFruitcake >stream a good 20 secs behind JUST 4595226 NULL JejRer D 4595426 NULL ChowderSoup HIP=2B^2 4595926 NULL TomDanTheRock nathanDubs3 4595996 NULL epinfrogposter D 4598826 NULL ShoahLePoof IS IT JUST ME OR /a/ IS FUCKING SHIT 4599056 NULL JohnHayabusa HIP TO BE SQUARE 4599986 NULL Tch0wk holy shit 4600566 NULL Alfonso13 >/a/ 4602326 NULL ShoahLePoof BACK TO FETUS WITH YOU 4602496 NULL Twatenstein :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: 4603576 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU >/a/ 4603636 NULL BiggestGuyForYou PALE RAISED LETTERING 4604606 NULL Brianstorm how the fuck did /s4s/ get Bateman? 4606796 NULL CardboardBox PRESS ロ TO BE SQUARE 4606906 NULL magikarpsalesman wew 4606936 NULL JohnHayabusa D 4607256 NULL Tch0wk >/a/ 4608286 NULL SilentCook Nice one Keksandra lel 4608696 NULL ashtoneer oh that placement 4608736 NULL amis
/a/ >not being shit 5135176 NULL SpicyFruitcake PIGGU 5136266 NULL Bonedark >having a waifu 5136316 NULL BoxDweller >3dpd 5136966 NULL athewj :@ 5137206 NULL HTlel I...I hate it... 5138786 NULL GiddyupDeusVult >3dpd 5139756 NULL moonawoona >3dpd 5139826 NULL NotAnArgument >3D 5140266 NULL ItAintMeme >3D 5140406 NULL dongerino666 >3d 5141536 NULL TomDanTheRock >That 5141766 NULL SirPainsalot "THAT" 5142276 NULL natsuwide EWWWWWWW 5142276 NULL You-soro >3DPD 5144276 NULL ChowderSoup >that 5144686 NULL Knoxie00 >3D 5145396 NULL Helbrecht 230px-Steven_Pinker_2011.jpg 5145716 NULL GiddyupDeusVult """THAT"""" 5145866 NULL Shevanel >THAT 5146116 NULL 03Qrency "THAT" 5146616 NULL ItAintMeme GET OUT 5146626 NULL SpicyFruitcake >3DPD 5146956 NULL Shitwaifu >3dpd 5147126 NULL Sleelan >Reddit >3dpd 5148706 NULL wasad remove paval 5149496 NULL TomDanTheRock >"""""THAT""""" 5149526 NULL rbleader >koreans :puke: 5149676 NULL EternalWojak >3dpd 5149806 NULL You-soro "THAT" 5150046 NULL HTlel >/hr/ waifu 5150166 NULL dankmaymayqueck >わ 5151596 NULL Sleelan Can we remove this hack already? 5152166 NULL Twatenstein >TRYING THAT 5153126 NULL Bonedark >Miss Pauling >waifuing a dyke 5154336 NULL CardboardBox "THIS" 5154766 NULL DeleteCancer >3d 5155266 NULL Suule > 7(3) 5156186 NULL itsacoaster normies REEEEEEEEEE 5157976 NULL JohnHayabusa 'THAT' 5158016 NULL EternalWojak >/hr/ 5164336 NULL TomDanTheRock SHITSOBUA 5167686 NULL BackgroundPony >this desparate longball 5168526 NULL BiggestGuyForYou AWOO 5169056 NULL You-soro YOTSUBA PLS 5171076 NULL bersl2 Pavel's waifu is /hoc/ 5172416 NULL Lun- Yotsuba OUT 5185676 NULL RoiDadidou HEY REMEMBER WHEN /hr/ ALMOST WON AN ELITE CUP 5187196 NULL noncop >>>>>>>>/a/ 5191446 NULL ChowderSoup go +1 /a/ 5193656 NULL TomDanTheRock So this is the end of /a/ 5206076 NULL CardboardBox HEY REMEMBER WHEN /cgl/ ALMOST WON A BABBY CUP? 5206576 NULL BiggestGuyForYou 404: Effort not found 5212336 NULL Bonedark Ayy 5215316 NULL HTlel seeeeeeeeeeeeee 5217486 NULL TomDanTheRock >beboob 5219636 NULL SpicyFruitcake ses 5220876 NULL RoiDadidou oh god yes 5222216 NULL CraigPhillips weak 5222456 NULL starfighter9 >bebop 5222706 NULL Helbrecht ses 5223196 NULL Chefirchik REAL ANIME LOSES FIRST GAME 5224606 NULL SirPainsalot ses 5228636 NULL Noteperson ses 5229326 NULL TWAIN eh? you've never seen a pair of 5230216 NULL TomDanTheRock ses 5230326 NULL Giddythefuckup kek 5231566 NULL HanakoToast ses 5232726 NULL bersl2 wat 5232996 NULL RoiDadidou >roboseagulls 5234576 NULL Helbrecht BREASTS 5234866 NULL Giovani1906 ses 5235366 NULL 4thReichWithPonies Punished /a/: A board denied a win 5235706 NULL Gainerich >ses 5240626 NULL Twatenstein >/a/ winning anything 5242006 NULL epinfrogposter MEGUMIN 5242816 NULL BoxDweller YES 5244876 NULL TomDanTheRock YES 5245006 NULL butterfingeranon O FUG 5245426 NULL Knoxie00 EXPLOSION 5246196 NULL RaduLykan EXPLOSION 5246566 NULL lnue GOAL 5246716 NULL HanakoToast HERE WE GO 5246736 NULL halfblack MEGA MAN 5247366 NULL Twatenstein NO 5247786 NULL TomDanTheRock EXPLOSION! 5248076 NULL SpicyFruitcake >Megameme 5248156 NULL lnue EXPLOSION 5248376 NULL Goldomen MEGUEME YES 5248386 NULL sekmad YES 5248906 NULL ChowderSoup EXPLOSION 5248976 NULL TwoScoops MEGAMAN 5249646 NULL 4thReichWithPonies EXPLOSION 5249716 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat EXPLOOOOOSSION 5249726 NULL polybius MEGAMAN 5249756 NULL KingLear BOOM 5250666 NULL GiddyupDeusVult EXPLOSIONS! 5250716 NULL Tch0wk NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5250756 NULL valenmedia MEGUMIN 5250876 NULL JohnHayabusa YES 5252086 NULL KingofallBirds BAKURETSU 5252146 NULL tonyisacuck IMAGINE 5252196 NULL rbleader BAKUHATSU 5252406 NULL Snowmanne EXPLOSION 5253136 NULL Janner1588 EXPLOSION 5253316 NULL DrStrangecraft MEGAMAN 5253326 NULL frascoration BOOM 5253386 NULL magikarpsalesman MEGUM IN 5254146 NULL TomDanTheRock :boom: 5254456 NULL LouSmorrels KABOOM 5254626 NULL JejRer E 5255036 NULL NuclearFissionRobot IT'S A FIGHT! 5255386 NULL MaxPiston JUST IMAGINE 5255636 NULL SilentCook EXPLOSION 5255876 NULL Pineconeapple BOOM 5255976 NULL PE2 EXPLOSION 5256406 NULL JohnHayabusa MEGUMEME 5256526 NULL wasad Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd walk around 5256646 NULL SpicyFruitcake MEGAMAN 5256826 NULL Gortef MEGUMIN 5257536 NULL Shadowborg EKUSUPUROSYION 5257766 NULL surepro EXPLOSION 5258216 NULL telly23 EXPLOSIONS! 5258236 NULL sekmad MEGUMIN 5258556 NULL You-soro EXPLOSION 5258676 NULL 03Qrency MEGUMEME YES 5258876 NULL Relicka JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5258896 NULL Snowmanne ;_;7 5259566 NULL RaduLykan JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5259706 NULL ChowderSoup :boom: 5260116 NULL HotMemes noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 5260246 NULL dankmaymayqueck JIBUN WOO 5260836 NULL JohnHayabusa :BOOM: 5261026 NULL HanakoToast JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5261436 NULL TomDanTheRock :boom: EXPLOSION :boom: 5261616 NULL Chefirchik YES YES YES 5261896 NULL Doublerigger JIBUN WOOO 5262006 NULL ayy10 = 5262276 NULL Leviath MEGUMIN 5262346 NULL Mugetsu800 >MEGUMEME 5262896 NULL Gainerich MEGUM IN 5262996 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon JIBU WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5263006 NULL surepro WOOOOOOO 5263166 NULL NIPPLE-BAN :BOOM: 5264916 NULL ljansson JIBUN WOOOOOOOOO 5265366 NULL r4nd0mz JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5265676 NULL BoxDweller JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5265836 NULL Helbrecht JIBUN WOOOOOOO 5266096 NULL starfighter9 JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5266106 NULL Chefirchik EXPLOSION 5266226 NULL epinfrogposter JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOO 5266556 NULL Gortef JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5267306 NULL JohnHayabusa JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOO 5267316 NULL 6yper JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5267496 NULL natsuwide JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5267586 NULL Melanny JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5268526 NULL Adie JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5269306 NULL frascoration JIBUUUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5269836 NULL dankmaymayqueck JIBUN wooxWO wooxOO 5270416 NULL GiddyupDeusVult JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5270436 NULL rananon1 :BOOM: :BOOM: :BOOM: :BOOM: :BOOM: 5271076 NULL Bonedark JImbo wow 5271746 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse JIBUN WOOOOOOOO 5271836 NULL DragonPussy EXPLOSIOOOOOOONNNNNN 5271836 NULL Chefirchik JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5272186 NULL Knoxie00 JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOO 5273426 NULL Username6 JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5275176 NULL Lamby457 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5275466 NULL Leviath JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5275486 NULL Tch0wk JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOO 5275696 NULL magikarpsalesman NICE BAKARETSU 5276186 NULL tonyisacuck >go +1 >immediately score 5278236 NULL Shadowborg JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5278466 NULL tonyisacuck hmmmm 5278936 NULL EternalWojak :boom: 5281266 NULL dankmaymayqueck IT'S /a/ YEARS BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOO 5281736 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 5282896 NULL TWAIN >/s4s/ 5283766 NULL Gnoll EKUSUPUROSHION 5284576 NULL bersl2 >parking the bus 5286346 NULL Snowmanne JINBUN WOOOOO 5289576 NULL TWAIN this is why you lost the brackets 5292056 NULL lnue >s4s 5293936 NULL TomDanTheRock never park the bus with shitty defenders 5295386 NULL sekmad >[s4s] 5297196 NULL Snowmanne NAGARA 5297296 NULL moonhorseabest Rei a shit 5297406 NULL DragonPussy BAKARETSU BAKARETSU LA LA LA 5298736 NULL ChowderSoup >/s4s/ 5299106 NULL rbleader THEY FORGOT TO PARK THE BUS HARDER :puke: 5299326 NULL GenericName2 >Code Geass 5300076 NULL EternalWojak P A R K T H E B U S 5305116 NULL magikarpsalesman Only 4chan Pass users can score 5305656 NULL CardboardBox 部分ヲ 5305886 NULL SpicyFruitcake not nice 5308496 NULL rbleader S4S THIS WAS YOUR GAME 5313016 NULL Fapoleono HEY /a/ GO FUCK YOURSELVES YOU ASSHATS 5313526 NULL BiggestGuyForYou s4s conceded that for dubs sake 5314066 NULL IncomingNumbers stank leg 5314086 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THE SKILLZ 5315656 NULL ChowderSoup eh? 5317566 NULL TomDanTheRock You can't really park the bus, your defenders aren't consistent 5321736 NULL Chefirchik BE NICE LADS 5324016 NULL epinfrogposter KILL 5326166 NULL TomDanTheRock THAT KILLs 5326416 NULL BoxDweller wew 5326476 NULL Twatenstein DAMMIT /s4s/ 5327286 NULL ayy10 :rip: 5327446 NULL DeleteCancer ded 5327586 NULL dankmaymayqueck IT'S /a/'s YEAR BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5328306 NULL ChowderSoup >that 5329256 NULL Vae-00 Now it's time for football tow in. 5329326 NULL HanakoToast TOP KILL 5329606 NULL 03Qrency THAT KILLS 5330426 NULL noncop TOPKEK 5330866 NULL You-soro >that 5331036 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 5331756 NULL Shevanel THAT 5332196 NULL Adie DED 5333196 NULL Vae-00 to win * 5334116 NULL Helbrecht DED 5334146 NULL TomDanTheRock THAT KILLED TOP KEK 5335606 NULL tonyisacuck TOP DED 5335626 NULL Gortef DED 5336186 NULL JohnHayabusa THAT 5336466 NULL Knoxie00 DED 5336826 NULL butterfingeranon she DED 5337926 NULL uguudemon TOP DED 5337946 NULL Tch0wk holy shit rest in peace top kek 5338026 NULL SpicyFruitcake RIGGED 5338286 NULL TWAIN top ded 5339026 NULL Janner1588 TOP DED 5339036 NULL SilentCook dead kek 5340376 NULL Bonedark F 5340426 NULL KingLear ded kek 5341316 NULL sakex7 DED KEK 5341336 NULL MaxPiston HAYAI 5342246 NULL BackgroundPony ded kek 5342396 NULL dubbydub topded 5342916 NULL You-soro top ded 5344136 NULL telly23 this kills the lel 5345256 NULL LouSmorrels F 5345496 NULL Prozach THAT 5345936 NULL CraigPhillips bottom kek 5345986 NULL NIPPLE-BAN WEEB UPRISING 5346816 NULL Noteperson top ded 5346856 NULL natsuwide MURDERBALL NOW GAS /s4s/ 5347046 NULL 4thReichWithPonies 140 cm 40 kg Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her 5348856 NULL CraigPhillips don't kick kek 5351246 NULL Bonedark Kekd to death 5353786 NULL KinseyTypeF top ded 5354256 NULL Indel Look at this faker 5355336 NULL noncop KEK 5355346 NULL TomDanTheRock injured 5357516 NULL starfighter9 >12(6) 5358746 NULL Fapoleono WHAT 5359266 NULL Alfonso13 *imagines* 5363126 NULL JohnHayabusa Does "THAT" have cel shaded head? 5364796 NULL rbleader DOUBLE MEMEINPRESS 5368406 NULL rbleader DO IT 5371686 NULL epinfrogposter CHECKED 5371986 NULL Knoxie00 CHECKED 5372996 NULL HanakoToast seven saves 5375446 NULL JohnHayabusa CHECKED 5376616 NULL DrStrangecraft CHECKED 5377086 NULL JohnHayabusa TRIPS 5377356 NULL ChowderSoup CHECKED 5377626 NULL rbleader CHECKED 5378106 NULL GoonerBear TRIPS 5378416 NULL EternalWojak NICE TRIPS 5378576 NULL athewj checked 5378966 NULL dankmaymayqueck >ywn tenderly and roughly love megumin || MY FATHER TOOK ME I 5381156 NULL TWAIN INJURED 5381166 NULL SpicyFruitcake CHECKED 5382136 NULL Twatenstein CHECK EM 5385016 NULL IncomingNumbers KEK IS INJURED 5385316 NULL ChowderSoup WEW 5385516 NULL butterfingeranon SHE GOT NO ARMS 5389576 NULL JohnHayabusa NICE WIDE 5389806 NULL magikarpsalesman NICE KICK 5390106 NULL dubbydub KEK'D 5390686 NULL DrStrangecraft >injured with no subs left 5393466 NULL CraigPhillips that was a nice attempt 5394166 NULL Helbrecht WHY AMPUTEE 5395316 NULL BackgroundPony BAH GAD THEY TOOK HER ARMS 5396416 NULL HTlel armless legless grill 5397356 NULL JohnHayabusa Madoka Onahole 5397506 NULL Helbrecht WHYYYYYY 5399356 NULL MacDub47 NICE ARMS 5400416 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 5403736 NULL Vae-00 No arms abuse. 5409686 NULL Tequila-Time GG 5417216 NULL ShadowRigger Well, dont worry 5418866 NULL ChowderSoup I like it 5420266 NULL ShadowRigger Afterall 5420616 NULL Alfonso13 Rev up your >/a/s 5425836 NULL ShadowRigger There was NO ARM done 5433486 NULL TwoScoops >sa-kura fish 5439736 NULL Twatenstein REVVING UP >/a/ 5440136 NULL Helbrecht >There was NO ARM done 5442596 NULL Helbrecht BRB UPLOAD 5444066 NULL ChowderSoup >le louch 5444796 NULL Tch0wk fucking murderball 5445246 NULL JohnHayabusa ded 5451156 NULL You-soro >lel ouch 5451296 NULL Twatenstein > 5451996 NULL rbleader RAPTOR WHERE IS CARDS 5452486 NULL JohnHayabusa Lelouch pls 5454426 NULL CuriousAnon how has there still been no cards lmao 5454646 NULL tiggles lejerk 5457126 NULL Vae-00 Keksandra bullied. 5457936 NULL Silvex >LELouch 5459656 NULL natsuwide Everyday until you die 5460096 NULL ChowderSoup >lel ouch 5460546 NULL tonyisacuck dead people can't geass anybody 5460806 NULL Knoxie00 I COMMAND YOU TO NOT GIVE ME A CARD 5461776 NULL SpicyFruitcake helo were are the cards :DD 5462176 NULL BiggestGuyForYou Ledouche 5463096 NULL Jomaca32 GENEROUS RAPTOR 5464476 NULL CardboardBox 22 abuse lol 5466116 NULL MacDub47 He ate all his cards 5467476 NULL JohnHayabusa >lel ouch 5467706 NULL TotallyNotRigged PRESS :^) FOR A CHEEKY 90+ 5467726 NULL BlueLogic he can't pull out his cards with his tiny raptor arms 5469376 NULL TerribleHeresy No pockets on raptor to hold the cards 5469546 NULL HTlel Lelouch trying to get in that pussy 5471396 NULL Chefirchik CLOSE YOUR EYES AND THINK OF L O N D O N 5477136 NULL Sleelan :^( 5480646 NULL Helbrecht HEY GUYSE CHECK THIS https://my.mixtape.moe/dkqerq.jpg 5484466 NULL BoxDweller YES 5484566 NULL epinfrogposter BEBOP 5486156 NULL polybius BANG 5486356 NULL Relicka WEHERHERHERHE 5486796 NULL TomDanTheRock YES 5486926 NULL epinfrogposter YES 5487206 NULL butterfingeranon O FUG 5487516 NULL Twatenstein NO 5487706 NULL Giddythefuckup THIS FUCKING DEFENSE 5487846 NULL McMelanogaster BEBOP 5488256 NULL Relicka YES 5488616 NULL Knoxie00 BANG 5488626 NULL lnue BEBOP 5488846 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse HOLY 5489416 NULL Username6 BANG 5489556 NULL ChowderSoup YES 5489586 NULL SpicyFruitcake NO 5489606 NULL Vae-00 BEBOP REDEEMED 5490436 NULL TomDanTheRock ;_;7 5490446 NULL valenmedia BANG 5491146 NULL Shevanel BEBOP 5491176 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 5491676 NULL HanakoToast HOLY SHIT 5491796 NULL DrStrangecraft BANG 5492326 NULL BackgroundPony BEEPBOOP 5492406 NULL You-soro BEBOP 5492846 NULL Shadowborg BANG 5493026 NULL HotMemes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5493176 NULL JohnHayabusa BANG 5493266 NULL Kayblis BEBOP 5494076 NULL ShadowRigger Gotta HAND it to Nice Grill. Nice shot 5494166 NULL Jorleif BANG 5494396 NULL BoxDweller JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5494406 NULL Tch0wk NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5494926 NULL amis BEBOP 5495216 NULL Pineconeapple BEBOP 5495226 NULL ChowderSoup REDEEMED 5495446 NULL magikarpsalesman BEBOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 5495556 NULL DeleteCancer K E K 5496366 NULL donatrog BEBOP REDEPTION 5496466 NULL Relicka JIBUN WOOO 5496496 NULL frascoration B A N G 5496546 NULL HanakoToast BANG 5497676 NULL wasad BANG 5497676 NULL Gainerich FUG :DD 5498086 NULL ljansson BANG 5498756 NULL natsuwide IT'S /a/ YEAR BAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5499016 NULL 03Qrency BANH 5499126 NULL tonyisacuck APOLOGIZE 5499166 NULL Hlaalucaust BEEBOOB 5499856 NULL SilentCook BANG 5499906 NULL RoiDadidou BANG 5499916 NULL suguridesu BANG 5499996 NULL rbleader REDEEMED 5500926 NULL GiddyupDeusVult JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5500996 NULL magikarpsalesman CHECKED 5501006 NULL Megabeastage BANG 5501016 NULL TomDanTheRock NEVER PARK THE BUS 5501946 NULL dubbydub FUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 5502106 NULL OldManInternets Bobop scoring? Inconceivable! 5502146 NULL PE2 BEEBOOP 5502186 NULL Leviath BANG 5503046 NULL CardboardBox BANG 5503306 NULL Chefirchik BANG 5503336 NULL Doublerigger GONNA CARRY THAT TEAM 5503376 NULL Gortef BEBOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5504106 NULL Helbrecht SEE YOU SPACE COWBOY 5504206 NULL lAlexl7l PRESS J TO JAAAAAAAAM 5504546 NULL Zelis JIBUN WOO 5505156 NULL ljansson JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5505176 NULL Bopnan BANG 5505626 NULL CraigPhillips WHAT IS THIS SHIT 5506146 NULL starfighter9 JIBUN WOOOOOOOO 5506176 NULL ChadThundercock BÄNG x--DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 5506506 NULL themerchantofbenis HOLY SHIT 5506576 NULL AdrianV384 BANG 5506626 NULL Takaim BANG 5507486 NULL sekmad YES 5507486 NULL KingLear
The expired kek of /s4s/ 5607166 NULL HanakoToast MEMENPRESS 5607976 NULL NuclearFissionRobot MURDERED a player. No card. 5608226 NULL ChowderSoup He's off pernamentsly 5609616 NULL EternalWojak 90 5610496 NULL rbleader "THAT" HAS KILLED TOPKEK 5611426 NULL TomDanTheRock TOP KEK is :rip: 5611886 NULL Twatenstein BELIEVE IN THE HEART OF THE DUBS LADS 5619766 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon THEY USED THAT 5620226 NULL Shadowborg JUST AS KEIKAKU 5623326 NULL Vae-00 "THAT" kills again. 5624666 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU 5624956 NULL BoxDweller WEW 5625756 NULL Vae-00 Doot. 5628966 NULL epinfrogposter OSIDHGTBOKJIUSDBNGOSIDGBN 5629906 NULL BoxDweller YES 5629976 NULL You-soro CHECKMATE 5631046 NULL Knoxie00 WOW 5631206 NULL 2pirad omg 5631286 NULL ashtoneer BLOOT 5631336 NULL GiddyupDeusVult HOLY SHIT 5632076 NULL butterfingeranon HOLY FUCK 5632116 NULL GenericName2 LELOUCH 5632136 NULL TomDanTheRock efg 5632306 NULL CitizenYongle WHAT THE FUCK 5633106 NULL VincentFM Jesus 5633176 NULL sekmad YES 5633296 NULL Twatenstein NO 5634306 NULL rbleader HOLY SHIT 5634396 NULL valenmedia WOAH 5634446 NULL TomDanTheRock WOHETWIHTIWHET 5635186 NULL 4thReichWithPonies KEKE 5635246 NULL BoxDweller WHAT A BLOOT 5635416 NULL GAMOV LMAO 5635496 NULL polybius HOT DAMN 5636306 NULL TomDanTheRock HOLY SHIT 5636776 NULL JohnHayabusa WOW 5636946 NULL tonyisacuck HLY FUCKING SHIT 5637156 NULL TopLelM8 BLOOTER 5637346 NULL Janner1588 BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 5637436 NULL UniIsMyUNIverse WORLD CLASS 5637456 NULL KingLear WHAT A BLOOT 5637516 NULL moonawoona FUG 5638566 NULL epinfrogposter BLOOT 5638586 NULL Perlence JUST 5638786 NULL HanakoToast HOLY SHIT 5639366 NULL silvertear WHAT THE FUCK 5639566 NULL DrStrangecraft WOAW 5639646 NULL SpicyFruitcake no 5639766 NULL BlueLogic WHAT A GOAL 5640076 NULL Tch0wk WHAT THE FUCK 5640596 NULL Pineconeapple HOLY FUCK 5640826 NULL magikarpsalesman BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 5640916 NULL LouSmorrels HOLY FUCK 5641096 NULL HotMemes nooooooooooooooooo 5641626 NULL sekmad SUCK IT 5641636 NULL Shadowborg HAIL LELOUCH 5641976 NULL Bl1nky LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUC 5642006 NULL dubbydub SLIPPED WORSE THAN LIVERLEL 5642756 NULL anteaterswithsweaters JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5643056 NULL itsacoaster blootah 5643096 NULL NuclearFissionRobot MURDER YOUR WAY TO VICTORY 5643156 NULL JohnHayabusa WHAT THE HECK!? 5643766 NULL Leviath ROUROUSHU 5643956 NULL CraigPhillips HAAAAAAAAAAA 5644186 NULL surepro WHAT A BLOOTAH 5644206 NULL Bl1nky LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUC 5644816 NULL Gainerich HOLY SHIT 5645196 NULL Gortef WHOA 5645736 NULL TomDanTheRock :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :ri 5645906 NULL ashtoneer BLOOT' 5645966 NULL Takaim JIBUUUUUUUN WOOOOOOOOO 5646036 NULL HanakoToast WHAT THE FUCK 5646036 NULL shinyrei 90+++ 5647386 NULL ManfredTheMemer SOUP 5647396 NULL magikarpsalesman FUCKING NICE GOAL 5647576 NULL Snowmanne LELOUCH OF THE REBIRTH 5647596 NULL Helbrecht JIBUN WO 5648596 NULL telly23 BEST TIMELINE 5649036 NULL IncomingNumbers damn this is just mean 5649696 NULL Brianstorm wtf I love anime now 5649826 NULL CitizenYongle HOLY KEIkAKU 5650256 NULL epinfrogposter HOLY SHIT 5650666 NULL ice8house h hawt 5650776 NULL JohnHayabusa LEWD 5651156 NULL BoxDweller JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5651406 NULL TopLelM8 MUM GET THE CAMERA 5651436 NULL Snowmanne R3 CONFIRMED 5652186 NULL AldosMora WE WIN LOL 5652826 NULL GiddyupDeusVult JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5653336 NULL CraigPhillips FUCK EVERYTHING, WOW 5653356 NULL Kekkels LELOUCH WILLED THE TEAM ON HIS BACK 5653376 NULL sakex7 HOLY FUCK 5653446 NULL sekmad HAIL LELOUCH 5654566 NULL 2pirad they started winning after THAT entered 5654616 NULL BasedPonyfag 90++++++++++ 5655566 NULL Knoxie00 JIBUN WOOOOOOOO 5655576 NULL rbleader 90++++++++++++++++++ 5655586 NULL CardboardBox GOAL OF THE CUP ALREADY 5655906 NULL TomDanTheRock All according to Keikaku 5657026 NULL epinfrogposter JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5657586 NULL Zelis JIBUN WOOOO 5657736 NULL PE2 ALL PART OF THE PLAN 5657846 NULL BILLYBOB4038 TOP LEL 5658266 NULL Shevanel JIBUN WOOOOOOO 5658876 NULL You-soro CRUSHED MEGUMIN 5659086 NULL HanakoToast WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK 5659116 NULL JohnHayabusa ORGY 5659696 NULL Veldt86 DAS BLOOT 5660366 NULL halfblack RURUUUUUUUUUUUUU 5660716 NULL zaj69 BLOOLEUCH 5661036 NULL Chefirchik HOLY SHIT 5661426 NULL HltierOnTheLeft dat volley 5662026 NULL kyralz WHAT THE FUCK 5662196 NULL Bl1nky LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUC 5663116 NULL Tch0wk [s4s] should be deleted at this point 5663216 NULL Jorleif NOTU THISU SHITO AGAIN 5663586 NULL Takaim JIBUUUUUUUN WOOOOOOOO 5663706 NULL Bl1nky LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUC 5664736 NULL JohnHayabusa NICE BLOOT 5665306 NULL Bl1nky LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUCH LELOUC 5666126 NULL ChowderSoup JIBUN WEW 5666136 NULL rbleader GOAL OF THE CUP 5668716 NULL Shadowborg ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5669276 NULL dankmaymayqueck IT'S /a/'S YEAR BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5670206 NULL DragonPussy ALL HAIL LEOLUCH 5670556 NULL CraigPhillips JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5670616 NULL Leviath this was just hurtful 5670986 NULL AldosMora ALL ACORDING TO KEIKAKU 5671836 NULL Giovani1906 FUCKING HELL 5671986 NULL rbleader SAVE THAT SHIT 5672576 NULL JohnHayabusa LELOUCH 5677086 NULL GenericName2 ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5677296 NULL butterfingeranon dat strike 5677896 NULL HanakoToast THE FUCKING TOP SHELF 5677906 NULL noncop LEGOAT 5678486 NULL TomDanTheRock B L O O T A H 5678496 NULL BoxDweller :ok: :ok: :ok: 5679846 NULL DeleteCancer wtf i hate /s4s/ now 5680526 NULL Shadowborg LELOUCH-SAMAM 5681556 NULL 4thReichWithPonies I COMMAND YOU ALL: ACKNOWLEDGE ME 5682286 NULL Chefirchik NEVER FUCKING STOP BELIEVING YOU CUNTS /a/ IS HERE TO STAY 5682966 NULL Vae-00 RIP MEGUMIN 5683926 NULL ChowderSoup ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5684016 NULL Bl1nky TEH CHAD LELOUCH, THE VIRGIN BREASTS BEFORE 5684786 NULL TomDanTheRock This cup is going to be amazing 5689686 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat what a bloot 5692386 NULL Jorleif PRESS A TO APOLOGISE 5693776 NULL DragonPussy press H to hail LEOLOUCH 5695636 NULL You-soro A 5696286 NULL McMelanogaster A 5696446 NULL Knoxie00 A 5696896 NULL 4thReichWithPonies H 5697076 NULL JejRer PRESS S TO PISS ON GRAVE 5697356 NULL ShadowRigger A 5697596 NULL Chefirchik H 5697996 NULL magikarpsalesman eh? 5698466 NULL Takaim H 5698756 NULL dankmaymayqueck WE WINTER 2018 BOYS 5699346 NULL zaj69 A 5699986 NULL Jomaca32 A 5699996 NULL Knoxie00 H 5700396 NULL ChowderSoup H 5700406 NULL Shevanel A 5700486 NULL CitrusFresh A 5700806 NULL moisttaint sheeit 5701476 NULL Shadowborg GOALKEEPER, OBEY MY COMMAND 5701506 NULL JohnHayabusa H 5701926 NULL JejRer A 5702186 NULL CardboardBox THAT IS 3 GOALS AFTER PUTTING "THAT" IN 5702626 NULL JohnHayabusa A 5705376 NULL telly23 and you thought last goal was amazing 5705446 NULL GenericName2 ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR 5713206 NULL ChowderSoup Golden Boot 5714306 NULL Tch0wk checkmate 5714986 NULL JohnHayabusa ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚ANIME WAVE!!:„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤KEEP THE ANIME GOING ¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨° 5715346 NULL TomDanTheRock All according to Keikaku 5718456 NULL 6yper just over the defender's leg 5719266 NULL silvertear you know, I don't think I've ever heard this song finish 5719306 NULL butterfingeranon legendary shit rite dere 5720096 NULL GenericName2 ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5721186 NULL Shadowborg ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5721846 NULL trya this is not nice match 5723246 NULL JohnHayabusa BEAUTIFUL 5725506 NULL Knoxie00 JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5725806 NULL BoxDweller #rareloop 5726066 NULL Shevanel JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5726196 NULL wasad >full goalhorn 5726706 NULL You-soro SYNC 5726756 NULL Vae-00 GOLDEN BLOOT. 5727526 NULL noncop JIBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5727916 NULL Takaim JIBUUUUUUUN WOOOOOOOOOo 5727946 NULL KingAetherius All HAIL 5728156 NULL dankmaymayqueck 2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5728606 NULL ChowderSoup ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5729046 NULL You-soro LOOP 5729436 NULL wasad good shit 5729476 NULL Relicka KEK 5729526 NULL Snowmanne ALL HAIL LELOUCH 5730806 NULL rbleader JIBUN WOOOOOOOOO 5733276 NULL ShadowRigger Pin-Point Precision 5733546 NULL butterfingeranon Press F to pay [s4s] respects. 5733556 NULL JohnHayabusa JIB 5733576 NULL TomDanTheRock tbh /a/ hasn't had a goal horn loop in years 5734836 NULL Shadowborg JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOO 5735016 NULL 6yper JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOO 5735946 NULL Janner1588 JIBUN BLOOOOOOOOOT 5736356 NULL butterfingeranon F 5736496 NULL Vae-00 f 5736736 NULL Bonedark Jimbo Woo 5736996 NULL BoxDweller JIB- 5737796 NULL syberg oh shit esfores is dying 5738156 NULL CraigPhillips THERE IS NO STOPPING 5739726 NULL Sekaszy KEK 5739846 NULL syberg F 5739996 NULL JohnHayabusa JIBUN WOOOOOOO 5741566 NULL Leviath JIBUN WOO 5742416 NULL CardboardBox JEB 5744206 NULL Chefirchik JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOO 5744966 NULL frascoration NO BRAKES 5747386 NULL DeleteCancer 1 MINUTE 5749656 NULL You-soro >THAT 5749726 NULL Leviath lol rip 5750836 NULL polybius they used THAT 5751466 NULL ChowderSoup RIP Topkek 5757556 NULL moonawoona F 5757906 NULL TomDanTheRock :clap: 5759336 NULL TomDanTheRock :rip: 5761326 NULL JohnHayabusa :clap; 5763046 NULL Tch0wk wew 5763346 NULL HTlel woosh 5763946 NULL DragonPussy NO BRAKES ON THE /A/ TRAIN 5766456 NULL JohnHayabusa CL/a/P 5767606 NULL KingLear WHAT A COMEBACK 5770206 NULL tonyisacuck is /a/, dare I say, back ? 5770366 NULL Knoxie00 :clap: 5772736 NULL SpicyFruitcake :c 5773006 NULL magikarpsalesman gavi - goals are very important 5775586 NULL Shevanel :clap: 5777356 NULL Chefirchik we back boiz 5779276 NULL HTlel kogasa 5779996 NULL ChowderSoup was TopKek a silver or gold? 5780006 NULL NuclearFissionRobot impressive 5780936 NULL LouSmorrels what a fanny blasting 5781186 NULL BlueLogic >[s4s] in charge of maintaining a lead 5781696 NULL 4thReichWithPonies EH? YOU'VE NEVER WON A GAME BEFORE? 5781986 NULL DragonPussy :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: 5782896 NULL CardboardBox two 90+ers 5783806 NULL 03Qrency EH? YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A 3-1 BEFORE? 5788066 NULL CardboardBox ITS TWO 5789016 NULL JohnHayabusa That's their first non-qualifier win since last autumn 5789776 NULL DrStrangecraft Eh? You've never seen /s4s/ lose before? 5790486 NULL PE2 :thinking: 5791606 NULL IncomingNumbers fug you /a/ you made me lose my accy 5795316 NULL Shevanel >/a/ using THAT 5797796 NULL BlueLogic great comeback, and /a/'s goals were great :DD 5799416 NULL Relicka :thinking: 5805666 NULL JohnHayabusa Man, what a comeb/a/ck 5805686 NULL Jomaca32 who /tg/ here? 5806396 NULL Giddythefuckup S4S didn't deserve it 5810606 NULL Giddythefuckup a had crazy attacks 5813666 NULL HaaYaargh We are like 90% of ciewers here 5814306 NULL rbleader S4S DESERVED IT 5817856 NULL Jorleif SMOrc 5819526 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat lifelong /tg/ here 5820536 NULL PythonGold ES TU VERDADERO PODER /a/ 5831036 NULL tonyisacuck >slip 5832656 NULL ChowderSoup :skullgreen: Orc Skull 5835226 NULL Relicka CHECJED 5835896 NULL EternalWojak ./vp/ is still very much alive 5836156 NULL rbleader forgot to -2 mentality 5836186 NULL SpicyFruitcake What's that on the horizon _____________________SMOrc 5844406 NULL Jomaca32 :skullgreen: :skullgreen: :skullgreen: :skullgreen: 5848446 NULL JohnHayabusa >Bebop and Lelouch redeeming themselves at the last minutes 5849016 NULL Chefirchik come on /tg/, get in here lads 5850056 NULL JohnHayabusa :clap: 5850576 NULL syberg dumb anime posters 5852816 NULL NuclearFissionRobot SMOrc 5854886 NULL DrunkTenk Also first legic injury in a cup match since atleast PES14 5859746 NULL IncomingNumbers good golden glove bait though 5860366 NULL SpicyFruitcake WHO / SMOrc / HERE? 5861356 NULL tonyisacuck >get 7 saves >still lose 5864486 NULL Tch0wk :thinking: 5871656 NULL CardboardBox DARE I SAY IT IS IT TIME FOR ORCS? 5871826 NULL Helbrecht Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old? 5877206 NULL Twatenstein Now onto /tg/ 5879876 NULL EternalWojak Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW o 5886496 NULL Jomaca32 this has been a wild cup already and its only been 2 games 5886996 NULL McMelanogaster SMOrc 5887626 NULL JohnHayabusa Based Beb and Lel :clap: 5889776 NULL moisttaint i wish i saw a pair of breasts 5893146 NULL RoiDadidou :skullgreen: = Orc Face (no space) 5897066 NULL Helbrecht AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, anon 5897126 NULL MaxPiston "THAT" MOTM for killing TopKek 5897286 NULL Fapoleono HOLY FUCK I HATE /a/ 5897546 NULL polybius Lelouch had the master plan 5898246 NULL tonyisacuck TRUCKED 5901136 NULL lyrafag2 >sh 5901196 NULL magikarpsalesman lelouch 5905696 NULL Fapoleono IN HELLž 5906676 NULL GiddyupDeusVult EXPOLOSIONS! 5906816 NULL JejRer :skullgreen: 5907926 NULL Fapoleono FUCK 5908576 NULL JohnHayabusa ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚ANIME WAVE!!:„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤KEEP THE ANIME GOING ¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨° 5909416 NULL dankmaymayqueck MEGAMAN 5909476 NULL Fapoleono OAFSDPOLASGFKI 5911056 NULL KingAetherius EXPLOSION 5912526 NULL EternalAussie who /biz/ here? 5913546 NULL JohnHayabusa Megumeme <3 5913886 NULL Knoxie00 :skullgreen: :skullgreen: :skullgreen: :skullgreen: :skullgreen: 5914616 NULL NuclearFissionRobot wasn't there a legit injury in a game /gd/ was in this ye 5917466 NULL Twatenstein ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ SLAV BOY 5917906 NULL wasad Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd walk around 5918966 NULL Pooterre IMAGINE GETTING WOTM 5921906 NULL 4thReichWithPonies >tfw no explosion gf 5923226 NULL ChowderSoup 6.0 THAT 5925566 NULL Chefirchik there was an injury this year 5928416 NULL Vae-00 Doot. 5930166 NULL telly23 "That" killed topkek and allowed the rest of the team to score 5939726 NULL HTlel super fighting robutt megumeme 5940136 NULL telly23 pro strat right there 5941996 NULL rbleader "THAT" is the true hero of /a/, killing topkek 5951076 NULL rbleader and not getting carded 5952756 NULL dankmaymayqueck >tfw you will never tenderly and roughly love Megumin || I HU 5959686 NULL MaxPiston double 90+ 5961306 NULL Shevanel PRESS T FOR "THAT" 5964606 NULL ChowderSoup T 5968006 NULL DragonPussy T 5968256 NULL JohnHayabusa two 90++++++++++ goals 5969406 NULL DrStrangecraft T 5969626 NULL rbleader T 5969746 NULL syberg Breaking news: Swaglord to ban dumb anime posters for 4cc match | Bird 5970446 NULL Jorleif t 5971696 NULL HTlel >double 90+ 5973216 NULL sekmad REI IS BEST GIRL 5973646 NULL JohnHayabusa T 5976706 NULL doublerainbowtwitch top 10 goal anime 5977596 NULL Tch0wk topkek injury was an inside job 5977766 NULL HTlel wew lads 5981506 NULL ChowderSoup Center must be the new meta 5982456 NULL CraigPhillips I met a bird once 5983856 NULL JejRer Press "THAT" for T 5986666 NULL CraigPhillips it was not very important 5987306 NULL You-soro t 5988546 NULL ashtoneer THAT 5991336 NULL TomDanTheRock "THAT" 5994316 NULL ShadowRigger This 5994956 NULL syberg B A V I 6000406 NULL CitrusFresh maybe the bird thought the same Kregg 6000826 NULL telly23 ... why would I want to t ? 6003376 NULL KingAetherius THOT 6013496 NULL TotallyNotRigged :-( O7 6014136 NULL Bl1nky ;_;7 THIS WAS FOR YOU MIYU ;_;7 6018846 NULL discogambit something happened 6019096 NULL 4thReichWithPonies meg-u-mean 6023096 NULL DragonPussy ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU 6023326 NULL TotallyNotRigged PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS 6026216 NULL Helbrecht F 6026656 NULL ashtoneer Oh boy, can't wait to watch my favorite team /b/ play, they definit 6026816 NULL Bl1nky F 6027076 NULL Tequila-Time F 6027286 NULL Chefirchik F 6027816 NULL JejRer S 6029276 NULL DragonPussy F 6030466 NULL ashtoneer F 6031216 NULL GenericName2 F 6031686 NULL Kayblis F 6031696 NULL rananon1 F 6032166 NULL MagicMuffinx Press F to Press F 6034326 NULL LouSmorrels F 6034336 NULL TomDanTheRock F 6034436 NULL syberg F 6035076 NULL SpicyFruitcake F 6036406 NULL TotallyNotRigged ;~;7 6036466 NULL JohnHayabusa F 6036506 NULL Tequila-Time U 6038016 NULL moonhorseabest F 6038076 NULL KingAetherius F 6038286 NULL discogambit f 6039256 NULL TomDanTheRock SMOrc 6039846 NULL ashtoneer FF 6039896 NULL Knoxie00 F 6040156 NULL JejRer F 6043766 NULL Perlence >/b/ 6044216 NULL GenericName2 A 6044856 NULL TotallyNotRigged fffffffffffffffffffff 6050086 NULL CitrusFresh >/b/ 6053056 NULL MagicMuffinx F 6054506 NULL GiddyupDeusVult F 6054726 NULL Chefirchik Who /tg/ here? 6054846 NULL kaboomonme F? 6055816 NULL BoxDweller F 6055936 NULL TomDanTheRock F 6056136 NULL 4thReichWithPonies F 6056546 NULL Hlaalucaust F 6056716 NULL TwoScoops F 6057106 NULL McMelanogaster f 6057206 NULL silvertear F 6057806 NULL NuclearFissionRobot F 6057836 NULL TopLelM8 F 6058406 NULL pozzoLoaf F 6058466 NULL JohnHayabusa Press A to watch anime 6059046 NULL SpicyFruitcake ;_ 6059056 NULL NotAnArgument F 6059336 NULL butterfingeranon F. 6060146 NULL uguudemon F 6060206 NULL CptCourage F 6060276 NULL sekmad F 6060286 NULL RoiDadidou f 6061366 NULL MaxPiston F 6061416 NULL Vae-00 F 6062196 NULL KingAetherius A 6062266 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon F 6062386 NULL You-soro A 6062416 NULL AnsisMalins F 6063536 NULL BlueLogic F 6063646 NULL SpicyFruitcake F 6063806 NULL Knoxie00 A 6064506 NULL CraigPhillips F 6064556 NULL Tch0wk F 6064616 NULL JohnHayabusa F 6064716 NULL LeTako F 6064806 NULL Veldt86 F 6065696 NULL Pineconeapple F 6066096 NULL mrvdweller F 6066176 NULL wasad F 6066746 NULL chkrr00k F 6066896 NULL Zelis F 6067146 NULL magikarpsalesman A 6067196 NULL anteaterswithsweaters F 6067866 NULL EMBRACE1818 F 6068026 NULL Bopnan F 6068166 NULL ChowderSoup F 6068306 NULL 6yper F 6068916 NULL JejRer D 6068966 NULL PythonGold F 6069096 NULL BasedPonyfag f 6069206 NULL Noteperson F 6070036 NULL C3K F 6070186 NULL Melkor86 F 6070226 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU PRESS K TO KNEEL 6070276 NULL Bl1nky ;_;7 6071106 NULL AsrielDreemurr F 6071326 NULL Wicketiitus F 6071986 NULL Lun- F 6072126 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU K 6072256 NULL frascoration ;_;7 6072486 NULL Jorleif F 6073196 NULL shinyrei F 6073406 NULL Suule F 6073516 NULL Helbrecht NOPE 6073566 NULL Shevanel F 6074406 NULL ashtoneer K 6074866 NULL JohnHayabusa K 6074886 NULL TWAIN K 6075346 NULL ggiddyup F 6075456 NULL Chefirchik F 6075666 NULL You-soro F 6075716 NULL MaxPiston ;_; 6076546 NULL Shafoe ??? 6076706 NULL Adie F 6076816 NULL PE2 ;_;7 6076856 NULL r4nd0mz F 6077646 NULL Talf F 6077736 NULL Giovani1906 no 6078306 NULL magikarpsalesman E 6078816 NULL OldManInternets F 0.07 6079006 NULL butterfingeranon K 6079496 NULL konakon4 F 6080216 NULL suguridesu ;_; 6080216 NULL Twatenstein MY EARS THEY BLEED 6080226 NULL EternalWojak who died? 6080536 NULL ljansson F 6081516 NULL EternalAussie >paying respects to weebs 6081736 NULL moonawoona rip 6082076 NULL 4thReichWithPonies ;_;7 6082146 NULL frascoration Too soon ;_;7 6082826 NULL Helbrecht ;_;7 6083086 NULL Shevanel ;_;7 6083966 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat F 6084336 NULL serukui F 6085466 NULL donatrog F-uck anime 6085836 NULL C3K ;_; 6087156 NULL GoonerBear :@ :@ :@ :@ 6100276 NULL CraigPhillips THE GHOST OF SINGER CHAN LED /a/ TO VICTORY. PLEASE HEAR HER SO 6100386 NULL ChowderSoup SMOrc 6100386 NULL starfighter9 ;_;7 6100386 NULL DragonPussy ;-;7 6100386 NULL AldosMora ;_;7 miyu 6100386 NULL dankmaymayqueck >complaing about weebs on a 4chan stream 6100396 NULL DragonPussy F 6100396 NULL wormy97 F 6100486 NULL Veldt86 RED EMPRAH 6102876 NULL BasedPonyfag A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 6105076 NULL 4thReichWithPonies AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 6108696 NULL JohnHayabusa Cash and Cards 6108716 NULL AldosMora rip miyu 6108896 NULL McMelanogaster >Red Emprah 6110576 NULL TomDanTheRock AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH 6111076 NULL uguudemon what? I thought this was the reddit cup? 6112286 NULL HltierOnTheLeft what is this loud anime music 6112296 NULL TWAIN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 6115046 NULL NuclearFissionRobot here we go 6118126 NULL ExpensiveLuxuryCat blue tankred :( 6118276 NULL Veldt86 >4 CBs 6120426 NULL EternalWojak what's money skeleton's condition? 6121106 NULL ChowderSoup Emprah is back to GK? 6121196 NULL JohnHayabusa RIP Miyu :_;7 6127006 NULL TomDanTheRock :rip: 6127966 NULL RoiDadidou PRESS AAAAAAAAAAA FOR /biz/ 6128486 NULL CitizenYongle Miyu ;_; 6136186 NULL silvertear which Miyu? 6136556 NULL TSUUUUUUUUUUUU *kneels* 6141476 NULL Veldt86 SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc 6143426 NULL discogambit fagoot 6143486 NULL BasedPonyfag AAAAAAAAAAA 6145486 NULL IncomingNumbers Emprah protects 6150136 NULL dankmaymayqueck the seiyuu Miyu 6152436 NULL CitizenYongle Miyu Matsuki, the seiyuu 6153596 NULL dankmaymayqueck forgot her last name 6153786 NULL TotallyNotRigged >yfw stream jumps to 1000 autists after this next match 6156356 NULL silvertear ah 6156496 NULL discogambit tg plz win 6159086 NULL stingle ankhstream is for faggots 6159696 NULL silvertear ;_;7 6160726 NULL TotallyNotRigged :^) 6163116 NULL trya KappaPride 6166176 NULL Jomaca32 THE EMPRAH PROTECTS 6168616 NULL Takaim F 6171116 NULL Twatenstein Neckbeards represent! 6176346 NULL Veldt86 Press SMOrc for a /tg/ win 6180086 NULL trya SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc 6181586 NULL Jorleif SMOrc 6182566 NULL TomDanTheRock I hope /tg/ isn't bad 6182816 NULL BlueLogic can /biz/ pull off the impossible and beat three former elite champ 6183246 NULL Helbrecht enjoying those LINK bags? 6185306 NULL PerkulatorBenny SMOrc 6187456 NULL NuclearFissionRobot VOTE FOR DUNKELZAHN 6189276 NULL HeavenlyPond hi 6190626 NULL TopLelM8 HELLO 6190906 NULL butterfingeranon meme match 6191076 NULL Perlence sup 6193086 NULL ayy10 hello 6194806 NULL Zelonod hello 6194826 NULL KingLear Hiya 6196166 NULL SleepDeprivedAnon HELLO 6197016 NULL Veldt86 >Voting for a dragon 6197516 NULL 4thReichWithPonies go /tg/ WOOOOOO 6198316 NULL SteinZombie Is this the Games Workshop Bowl? 6199066 NULL NIPPLE-BAN hello 6200326 NULL Zelis DELTE THIS 6200386 NULL HltierOnTheLeft why is pajeet on /biz/ 6200796 NULL shinyrei ANTHEM NIGGER SHOW SOME RESPECT 6202756 NULL EternalWojak link song? 6204846 NULL Locaos Howdy 6206696 NULL moonawoona y-you too 6208246 NULL Veldt86 F 6214776 NULL syberg Pajeet is on loan from /int/ 6222676 NULL Bl1nky f 6226106 NULL SpicyFruitcake SMOrc 6226256 NULL NuclearFissionRobot I thoght Pajeet was from /g/ 6231046 NULL HltierOnTheLeft ^ 6232166 NULL dankmaymayqueck wait, isn't this the squid sisters song? 6236946 NULL MagicMuffinx show vagene 6238186 NULL ShadowRigger >all these teams loaning from /int/ 6239806 NULL Veldt86 ./int/ the new Chelsea with all their loans? 6239906 NULL Linearbarrel ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░█░░█░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░ ░░░░░░▄▀ 6244996 NULL 4CCanes quick rundown on this victory anthem? 6255176 NULL PAVALDATSACK